Slavic mantras of protection. Slavic mantras help to overcome difficult situations

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Slavic agmas are a type of mantras that help a person turn to higher forces and forces of nature in order to receive help and protection. Let's talk about the types and rules for reading such texts.

Old Slavic agmas differ from Vedic mantras in that they consist of only one word, in rare cases - of two or three. By listening or reading such words, a person starts processes at the subtle level of the spiritual body.

There is no need to ponder the meaning of the words, it is not necessary to understand them. It is much more important to tune in the right way and enter a state of meditation.

It is believed that the Slavic agmas affect each of the chakras, help the energy move freely throughout the body, which ultimately strengthens health, protects the energy from all negativity coming from outside.

Slavic agmas can be used both as an independent mantra and used in conspiracies. But, unlike ordinary conspiracies, the power of agm is much higher - they help to get deeper closer to spirituality and awareness.

How to read agma correctly?

It is important to listen to the Slavic agmas correctly, then their effectiveness will be high. There are some guidelines to follow:

  1. Don't overuse. Unlike the Vedic mantras, which can be used regularly and daily, the Slavic ones do not tolerate constancy. They have a rather powerful force, are seriously charged energetically, therefore, with frequent use, they stop working.
  2. Before you practice reading, you must understand the purpose for which they will be used. Do not use them for entertainment or out of idle curiosity - you risk harming your soul.

Therefore, clearly formulate your desire or question, and only then start listening to Old Church Slavonic agmas. After completing the ceremony, you can stop using the texts - as soon as the goal is achieved, return to them again, with a new question.

Examples of

There are several common AGMs, each of which is used for a specific purpose. For example, this agma is aimed at receiving help or protection of higher powers in a difficult life situation:

But such a Slavic mantra is used before bedtime. It helps to enter a state of meditation, to calm the mind, to bring positive things into life:

To enhance the effect of the mantra, it is performed on the sign of the vedogon. It must match your gender.

Chakra Agmas

The ancient Slavs also used knowledge about the chakras - the energy centers of the human subtle body, located in certain places. But the names of these chakras are at odds with those used in Vedic knowledge.

From the point of view of the Slavs, there are ten main chakras in the human body, located from the crown to the feet:

  • 10, the upper chakra, located at the crown of the head - Spring. The mantra Ra is used to work out this chakra.
  • 9 chakra Chelo. It corresponds to the mantra Yes.
  • 8 chakra of the Usta with Agma Ba.
  • 7: - Pa Semargl-yaga.
  • 6: Lelya - Ma Kostroma-Yaga.
  • 5: Jarlo - Ka Troyan-Yaga.
  • 4: Belly - Om Ra-degast-yaga.
  • 3: Zagor - About Tanya-Yaga.
  • 1: Root - Or Lelya-Yaga.

Protective Old Church Slavonic Agma

This text helps protect yourself from the negativity that comes from people who are negative towards you. Reading such a text puts an energy barrier between you and your enemies, ill-wishers, envious people, gossips:

Important: read the words of agma as clearly as possible. It is better to memorize the text so as not to get lost at a crucial moment.

Appeal to higher powers

These texts help to call on the forces of light for help in a critical situation. In what cases can such agmas come in handy:

  • You suspect that someone wants to spoil you, the evil eye, or otherwise magically interfere with your life (for example, make a love spell).
  • You are on the verge of an important choice, on which your whole future life will depend. Reading the mantra will help you make the only correct and correct decision.

There are four such texts in total. Choose the one that resonates most in your soul, the sounds of which are pleasing to you.

There is another agma that works great if you are passionate about something and want to get what you want. It helps to turn desire into intention, to increase its power. After reciting the mantra, the Universe itself will make sure that you find opportunities to achieve your cherished goal:

Common Slavic agmas

Let's briefly talk about the main texts of the ancient Slavs, which helped in different areas of human life:

  1. Agma "Radogoy" is truly a family one, it helps to preserve and increase the well-being of the family, to make the union of the spouses happy and harmonious.
  2. Agma "Zrozhden" is healing. It was used for the speedy recovery of patients, helped to protect against ailments, to end the black streak in life.
  3. Agma "Drago" attracts worthy representatives of the opposite sex into your life. It is used when it is necessary to find personal happiness. Indirect action - attracts money to life.
  4. Agma "Urra" is a mantra for those who seek to learn new things. Facilitates the search for vocation, helps in work and study, brings new opportunities for self-development into life.
  5. Agma "Wear" helps a person who finds himself in a difficult situation, at a crossroads, to choose the right direction in which to move through life.

Remember that it is enough to practice Slavic agma only once, you should not repeat it every day. Wait until the goal is fulfilled, and only then return to reading the ancient mantras.

Enlightened people have long considered sound and sound vibrations as a way of influencing the body, adjusting it in the desired way. Also, such vibrations were considered a way of influencing reality. That is why they often used mantras in their practices. Mantra is a sequence of sounds that has a definite effect and is a system of correspondences for influencing the body and reality, as well as their settings.

Many people know that mantras were widespread in religions such as Judaism and Buddhism, but few people know that the Slavs also had their own mantras. In them, they influenced reality in the same way as Buddhists. It is difficult to say which mantras are considered the best, because they all have the same nature and have their own specificity of the nation. So which mantras to use is everyone's business.

How mantras work

Many people who practice reciting mantras in their lives to make changes have noticed the fact that both Tibetan and Indian or mantras from other countries are somewhat similar in sound. We can say that in ancient times there was only one language, which, due to temperament, mentality and other factors, was slightly distorted by each nation. This explains the difference in the sound of certain words of the mantra.

Slavic mantras were created on the basis of the principle that everything in the world is based on sound vibrations, and certain accords formed energetically charged vibrations. Such vibrations, in turn, triggered more global energy mechanisms that influenced the human body, from which these vibrations emanate, or on the surrounding reality as a whole.

Slavic mantras

The mantras used by the Slavs may be somewhat similar to the Tibetan or Indian ones, but many will notice the difference between the mantras of different countries. However, it is worth noting that the Slavic mantras, according to the people who use them, create sound vibrations that are best suited for connecting with the Universe and higher beings, and therefore, can have the best effect on the body or reality as a whole.

Please note that when reading Slavic mantras, you need to clearly understand what kind of result you want to achieve. This is due to the fact that they have a clear specificity and no less clear focus. The most ancient Slavic mantras - agmas - have a special power of influence and interest in people. It is about them that we will talk.

What is agma

If we give a short definition of such a concept as agma, then these are words that, in their consonance and correct pronunciation, have a clear impact on the reality and the body of a person reading a mantra. It is worth taking into account the fact that these ancient Slavic mantras are clearly distinguished from each other. They are distinguished by types and methods of exposure. For example, the Slavic mantra of power acts differently from the mantra Zrozhden, which has a healing effect. The rest of the mantras that the Slavs left us as a legacy are also shared among themselves.

Slavic mantras-agmas: how to read in order to achieve results

When reciting mantras, two things must be taken into account - the mood and the rules of pronunciation. Before reading any Slavic mantras, you must clearly understand what you want to achieve and what you want to feel on yourself. As mentioned above, each mantra of the Slavs has its own clear effect on both the person and the reality that surrounds him.

That is why Slavic mantras are words that trigger energy mechanisms leading to certain changes. Speaking about the mood when reading mantras, it is worth taking into account the fact that they work in the case when a person represents the forces that the mantra gives, on a global scale, without narrowing his perception to one thing. For example, when reading Slavic mantras, in which the word "red" is present, one should imagine that beauty that is global and cannot be described in words. The same goes for other words.

Pronunciation rules

We will show you how to pronounce the words of Slavic mantras correctly using the example of the most universal sound combinations.

When pronouncing the Vyshen mantra, which may also have the name Rod, it is worthwhile to understand that in it we are addressing the highest being, which can be understood only at those moments when our consciousness is as pure as possible. The text of this mantra consists of those words - "Om Vishnave Namah".

The first word is pronounced slightly lingering. In the second, it is important to emphasize the first and third vowels, and in the third to emphasize the second vowel. As a result, we get the following consonance: "Oomm Vyshnave Namaah".

Turning to nature itself with the help of the Veles mantra, it is worth understanding that nature is matter as a whole with all its laws, and not just water, birds and forests. The mantra Velesu also consists of three words. Her text is "Om Velese Namaha". When pronouncing the second and third words, the stress is on the second vowel and the last two vowels, respectively. The result of the correct placement of stress will be the following combination of sounds: "Oomm Veleese Namaahaa".

In Slavic mantras, you can also address other higher beings. For example, to Kupala, Svarog, Perun, Lada, Kryshen and Mokos. When reciting the mantra, the names of these higher powers should be pronounced as follows: Kupaala, Svaroozhe, Peruuni, Laada, Kryshnaya, Makoshvaati.

Other mantras

In addition to the above mantras, the Slavs used many others, which were somewhat less versatile than those in which the appeal went directly to the higher powers of the Slavs. Each of them has its own impact on different areas of your life, changing them for the better.

If you need strength that will help strengthen and maintain the bonds of the family, as well as strengthen the connection with the amulets of the clan, agma Radoga will help you.

You can attract success, climb the career ladder and correct the situation by combining Slavic mantras together. These include Wear, Svyatoche, Varra, Ves.

More than one mantra of the Slavs also helps to protect against the negative effects of both people and higher powers. Mantras, which have a protective effect, not only disperse negativity and dark energy, but also help connect with the spirits and amulets that protect your family. These Agmas include Zrozhden, Daro, Slavo, Svyatoche, Era and Gara.

Drago's Slavic mantra, like the Yasun, Zarga, Varra and Verga mantras, helps to attract wealth, give strength to start a new business, which will be crowned with success and even helps to establish relationships with people of the opposite sex.


Along with the agmas, the Slavs used such mantras, which were called Zhiva. According to legends, the secret of their name lies in the fact that they turned to the goddess Zhiva, who among the Slavs patronized everything that is alive. Like the Slavic mantras-agmas, they are alive, with their sound vibrations, to influence reality and trigger certain mechanisms.

The forces attracted by these mantras will help the reader to restore health, program it for normal work. The Slavic mantra Zhiva, whose words are directed to the power of all living things and life itself, will help restore mental balance, overcome illness and remove the negative effects of stress.

Additional influence Alive

The Zhiva mantras not only have healing and balancing powers. The vibrations emitted when reading them have a much wider spectrum of influence on a person and on his reality. Often, these mantras are able to awaken in a person additional opportunities that he did not know about earlier or could use in those moments when he was on the verge or in a state of danger. A person who chants mantras becomes stronger and more enduring. His sensitivity increases, his reaction improves.

Reading environment

Mantras, like any other appeal to the Universe, should be carried out in a certain setting, which is also important in achieving a complete and desired result. The emotional mood was mentioned above. Now let's discuss the room and appearance when reciting mantras left as a legacy by our ancestors. Clothes and premises must be clean. The room in which you read the mantras of the Slavs is in some way a holy place, where there is no place for chaos. After all, Slavic mantras are the attraction of the good and light forces of the Universe into your life, which will help you overcome all manifestations.

It is also worth considering the time of day. It is best to recite the circles of the Slavic mantra in the early morning or just before going to bed in the late evening. However, if you feel an urgent need, then you can read magic accords throughout the day. You can read them both silently and in a whisper or out loud. The main thing is that your appeal to higher powers is heard. Only then will the energy of the Universe fill your life and help change reality.


Our ancestors saw the essence of things, relying more on their feelings than on rationalistic judgments. It is for this reason that they were able to leave to their descendants, that is to us, such a wide spiritual heritage. No one will argue with the fact that mantras, as part of this heritage, are a powerful tool that, if properly handled, will help not only change a person's life, but make it much better. After all, they can easily reach the very origins of the universe, and touch with their vibrations those forces that are unimaginable and not always available in understanding. The main thing is to come up with the right mood, with a clear understanding of the result that we want to achieve, to clear our consciousness so that we can connect with the Universe and turn to its forces, so that they turn their attention to us and help us achieve new heights, reach harmony and know the true indescribable happiness.


NIGHT NIGHT SILUAMS - summons Mara as the goddess of the Night, shows the essence of the NIGHT ... ..

MILA VEDOGON M (L) A - for self-awareness in a dream, sing with the frontal chakra when falling asleep.
If there is a sign of the Vedogon (Vedogon (Vedogon) - according to Slavic beliefs, one of the components of the human soul, “the body of dreams”), then contemplate it before singing, for men - female, and for women - male.

Male waterfire

Female firefighter
ANAKHAR. The stressed syllables are AN and HA. The letter b at the end is read as a semi-vowel, or as PP. Used to connect with the soul. A person cognizes himself only to the extent that he cognizes the world, all disclosure takes place in the heart.
RA-M-HA - the calling of the radiations of the light of joy. Sing with chakra at the crown.
Agmas for the chakras (among the Slavs they called “stogny” channels or “streets” for the passage of energy)
10. RA
8. BA
5. Spacecraft TROYAN-YAGA

Against the enemy:
Tuse Bune at Ara,
Dumiyada u hae,
Setum hae Duna,
Uhuta press Zhinev.
Force Divii invoke:

To strengthen intention and determination, to restore strength:
OUM HAYE! - to appeal to the Highest Forces.
An example of a pronunciation with two agmas:
NNNNAAAAMMMM - for concentration.
ZZZZUUUUMMMM - for the development of consciousness and its adjustment with the subconscious.
It must be performed at least 1 time every day, for at least 15 minutes. This exercise is best done while sitting on your heels, but you can also stand up. Place your hands together in front of your chest, palms together.
Turn off the world around you and your feelings. AGMU should be recited over and over again. You can close your eyes, but it's best to always work with your eyes open. You need to focus inside your body, inside your nerves.
Then sensations indescribable to words come, vibrations begin to be felt - this is a breakdown by the current of the entire nervous system, after which the Agmas themselves will flow in a stream of energies standing behind them.
Our body is designed in such a way that through the chakras we connect to external energy flows. Chakras are partly a receiver of frequencies. There are chakras that work at low frequencies, and there are those that work at high frequencies.
In order to tune the work of energy vortices, we need to select consonances (similar oscillations of the waves to which the chakras are tuned), using some sounds, syllables and words. They are divided into two types - mantras and agmas.
Mantras are more elongated sounds, they can trigger certain processes and maintain their flow, connecting with your subtle bodies through the chakras.
Hmm there are many. Once upon a time, they were created by strong-willed people in order to help those people who live now to rise to the same level again.
With any pronunciation of a mantra or agma, a person must represent certain mental images and combine them with sound, directing them to the area of ​​a particular chakra.
The sounds Aum, Yam, Ham, Lam, for example, are neutral and can spin the chakras for pumping or idle work, although having put a certain meaning even in these syllables, a person can cope with a certain task if he combines sound with a mental image.
Chakra sounds: RA-M-HA - the sound of the chakra at the crown; AUM - the sound of the frontal chakra; HAM - the sound of the throat chakra; YAM - the sound of the heart chakra; TAM - the sound of the abdominal chakra; HUM - the sound of the stomach chakra; LAM - the sound of the source chakra. The sound "M" is long everywhere.
You should not use AGMAS in an idle mood, because once the summoned power does not leave until it realizes the goal, and in the absence of such, it will take "payment" for an empty challenge.
Treat AGMAMs with a wise approach, however, like everything in life, because sometimes abandoned words lead to unpredictable consequences, not to mention agmas.

Slavic Mantras - Agmas

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Slavic Mantras - Agmas
Old Slavonic mantras have been preserved in the Vedic culture of the Aryans, and I will now list them.
One of the prophetic mantras consists of three words - "Rode-sake-rado", that is, it can be translated as "to make joy for the sake of joy." This mantra must be recited at dawn at least 77 times. In general, a 70-fold pronunciation is a rule for any mantra (Slavic).
Radoga - this mantra gives strength to maintain family ties, and bestows connection with ancestral amulets and mentors.
Zrozhden is useful in healing and healing, is able to end the dark period in life and start a light one. Shifts the processes of being from a dead center.
Drago - helps to get out of need, but not by having money, but by creating situations for a new business. Harmonizes physical relationships between a man and a woman, gives help in love
Urra - gives great power of the primary divine quality. Brings knowledge and shapes intelligence. It embodies the wildness of the primordial creative force. Concentrates will and helps to create new situations.
Wear - helps to understand repeated mistakes, controls the reality of our Reality, gives the energy of prosperity.
Bogosch - helps to establish order, hide secrets, allows you to see unfavorable situations.
Yasun - gives the energy of mutual understanding and
consolidating success and business. Provides protection in healing.
Radoro - gives the energy of justice and punishes the unrighteous. Restores broken ties, weaves the canvas of fate.
Daro - strengthens the balance of the spiritual and physical, contributes to the completion of conflicts. It is a powerful weapon against evil and gives energy that brings good luck.
Glory - cuts off the hassles, smells them and indicates their dark deeds, gives an intuitive ability to adapt to life changes. Gives the energy of harmony in doing business.
Holy - turns darkness into light, indicates a way out of hopeless situations, gives the energy of creation (sometimes used as energy of a love spell), restores a good state of mind.
Chron - stops the whirlwind of failures, removes the energy vampire and nullifies someone else's magic.
Yaruna is the rune of justice. Strengthens karma, can plunge us into a duel with fate. Indicates stagnant situations and brings a person out of inactivity. Strengthens will and mind, quickly removes fresh curses.
Trado - helps to recognize betrayal. This is a rune-teacher, it gives strength for active and good deeds.
Istra - is able to slow down decaying processes. This is a protective rune at all levels, it helps to understand the reasons and take control of the event and not lose it again. Gives the energy of enlightenment.
Yarga is a cleansing rune, it gives reviving powers. Can cause an unexpected miracle, is capable of attracting money. Clears the way for good events.
Ladodeya - gives energy that materializes good. Organizes support for higher powers, resists stupidity and emptiness.
Varra - organizes the transition from trouble to good. A powerful weapon against chaos, it can penetrate the secrets of any world, even if there are no connections. Helps to establish connections and contacts with various possibilities.
Zarroth promises a victorious will and the realization of goals. Gives the necessary push to break out of the vicious circle.
Raga - gives strength in battles, is used as a support wedge. This is a talisman against witchcraft and damage, helps to anticipate the impending danger.
Weight - helps to climb the steps to fame, career or material well-being. It does not allow the one who goes to the goal, neglecting others, to be exalted. Helps to live with honor and dignity.
Zarga - attracts energy to restore health, helps to achieve success and contributes to the magnetic attraction not only of the opposite sex, but also of the situation that you need. In principle, this is a revitalizing force, it supports the one who ennobles the world, and enables others to carry out their plans.
Era is the energy that protects the home and family, gives rapid growth for prosperous goals. Protects from deception and illusion, gives strength to start something anew.
Tarochoro - patronizes enrichment, organizes magical powers, affects situations, can connect two human beings. It is also a love energy. It can be used to get closer to someone.
Gara - calls for the help of guardian spirits, which help a person find opportunities for solving various problems.
Charodoro - helps to penetrate the thresholds and prohibitions. Helps to find a way out of desperate situations. Frees from obsession and illuminates with clairvoyance.
Verga - destroys the energy of laziness and builds up a person's affairs with the most significant benefit for him. Helps a person understand his mistakes and make work fruitful.
NIGHT NIGHT SILUAMS - from Slavic nocturnism, invokes Mara as the goddess of the Night, shows the essence of the NIGHT ... ..
DENE DENE AGAWAY - based on the same principle, the call of the Forces of the Day is built.
MILA VEDOGON M (L) A - to become aware of oneself in a dream, sing with the frontal chakra when falling asleep. If there is a sign of the Vedogon, then contemplate it before singing, for men - for women, and for women - for men.
ANAKHAR. The stressed syllables are AN and HA. The letter b at the end is read as a semi-vowel, or as PP. Used to communicate with ... Well, whoever makes fun of Yngliism is fine))
RA-M-HA - the calling of the radiations of the supreme god of the Inglists. Sing with chakra at the crown. By the way, this is the nama-mantra, i.e. the name of the deity (Ramha) is chanted like a mantra (RA-M-HA). In the same way, you can make a mantra from any name of any god.
One of the prophetic mantras consists of three words - "Rode-sake-rado", that is, it can be translated as "to make joy for the sake of joy."
This mantra must be recited at dawn at least 77 times. In general, a 70-fold pronunciation is a rule for any mantra (Slavic).
For the chakras (among the Slavs they were called “stogny”)
10. RA
8. BA
5. Spacecraft TROYAN-YAGA
OooooRrrrr-OooooDdd-OoooBbbb-OooMmmmm-Kkaaaa-MmmmaAaaaa-PpAaaaa -
BbbAaaaa-DdddAaaaaaa ... ... Rrrrrrraaaa..108 times.
Against the enemy:
Tuse Bune at Ara,
Dumiyada u hae,
Setum hae Duna,
Uhuta press Zhinev.
Force Divii invoke:
To strengthen intention and determination, to restore strength:
OUM HAYE! - for communication with the Highest Forces.
Mantra / Sutra Message Series: I will remove any negative (evil eye, damage, love spell, lapel, curse)
I make talismans, amulets, amulets from 250 rubles. (Without activation)
My store
I'm at the Fair of Masters
Part 1 - Mantras in alphabetical order with translation
Part 2 - Mahamrtyunjaya mantra - the mantra that conquers death!
Part 32 - AUM. The meaning and meaning of AUM
Part 33 - How to recognize the presence of negativity with the help of a mantra
Part 34 - Slavic Mantras - Agmas

Slavic mantras are combinations of sounds that were used by healers and brahmans to attract the forces of nature and gods in requests for protection, help, and healing. The effect is substantiated by the influence of human vibrations on external reality. The ancient spells of the Magi have come down to modern times in the context of the study of Vedic culture and spiritual traditions.

In ancient times, the enlightened noticed the connection between the sound vibrations of the surrounding world with a person. Voice can influence the work of the body. For this, the Slavic priests created mantras and agmas.

Mantra is a series of sounds of a certain frequency, with energy, affecting the body and the environment. By repeating it mentally or by meditating, you can influence reality, discover hidden possibilities in yourself.

Some researchers claim that the Slavic priests founded Eastern practices.

They recite mantras in Old Slavonic or Sanskrit.

Unlike oriental chants, agmas consist of one or more words. Their strength is manifested with repeated repetition of meditation.

Ancient texts were spoken with a pure soul and sincere faith.

Objectives of Slavic spells, mantras:

  • healing of ailments;
  • protection from enemies and evil spirits;
  • victories in wars;
  • prediction of the future;
  • comprehension of the secrets of the universe.

The basic rule of Slavic spells is not to abuse the power of mantras.

Agma cannot be used often. Strong energy stops working if you use it regularly.

The forces called to help will not leave the person until they receive payment and complete the task.

What gods were addressed in sacred texts

The significance of the Slavic mantras of agma was enormous. Performing chants and addressing the gods, the Magi went into a trance, acquired incredible power, which became the basis for epics and fairy tales.

In northern legends it is said that God the Creator Rod created the world of the Slavs from three parts: rule, Reveal and Navi. The rule belongs to the light gods, Yav belongs to the gods of the elements and humanity, Nav belongs to the dark gods. The Slavs treated these entities with the same reverence and respect, pronouncing mantras.

Slavic gods Rule:

  1. Svarog is the personification of strength, justice, the creation of a new and unknown.
  2. Lada is the embodiment of the well-being of family life.
  3. Slavic Belobog - the basis of life, growth, development.
  4. Chur - protects property, jewelry, money, protects from unrighteous deeds, enemies and troubles.
  5. Alive - personifies Life. When addressing her in mantras, they ask for health, healing wounds, returning happiness, procreation.
  6. Lelya is a Slavic keeper, she embodies the flowering of natural forces, the arrival of spring. Helps recovery from winter.
  7. Lel and Polel are the gods of happiness. Lel embodies love, Polel represents a happy family.
  8. Kvasura - joy, moderation. They call in mantras for health, fun, a correct lifestyle, not to use substances that intoxicate the brain.
  9. Kitovras - personifies wisdom.

Slavic gods of Reveal:

  1. Horse is a representative of the day, the solar disk.
  2. Divya - the goddess of the moon, is responsible for the mysterious, changeable, the ability to predict, for female powers. Patronizes fortune-tellers, witches, sorcerers who turn to her in mantras.
  3. Dy is the Slavic embodiment of space, the patron saint of prosperity, well-being.
  4. Svyatogor - keeps the sky, holding it on his shoulders.
  5. Stribog - knows the elements of air, wind, helps to live in harmony with nature.
  6. Semargl - embodies the power of the elements of fire.
  7. Perun is the Slavic patron saint of warriors and defenders.
  8. Diva-Dodola is the cleansing power of the matra.
  9. Yarilo is the sun of spring, the life-giving energy of love, life. Protecting power, protects men and commands wolves.
  10. Dazhdbog is a solar God, the progenitor of the Old Slavic people, an intercessor. Knows the light, the blessings of life and fertility.
  11. Tara is the keeper of roads and forests. Helps travelers choose the right direction.
  12. Dogoda is the keeper of good weather.
  13. Agidel is the Slavic defender of the land from the land. Water goddess.
  14. Avsen - heralds the arrival of autumn, harvest holidays.
  15. Kupala is the lord of the shortest night of the year, the god of the summer sun.

Gods Navi, to whom mantras are recited:

  1. Viy is the keeper of souls, helps to purify, revive the soul of the Slavs.
  2. Chernobog - destroys the old, obsolete, unnecessary.
  3. Morena, Mora - the personification of winter, death.
  4. Koschey is the Slavic god of death, righteous, punishing. It takes the souls of those living unrighteously, gives them the opportunity to be reborn.
  5. Trojan is the patron saint of healers.
  6. Kalyada - winter sun, enlightenment.
  7. Kostroma is the Slavic patroness to whom lovers turn to in mantras.
  8. Devan - personifies wisdom, caution.
  9. Crossover - controls tailwinds, shows sailors the way back. God of travelers.

Special Slavic gods to whom mantras were dedicated:

  1. Veles is the ruler of nature, animals, well-being. Helps the souls of the dead to go to the white Nav, to be reborn in Yavi. Possesses the strength of all three worlds.
  2. Makosh - embodies fate, miracles, controls fate.
  3. The Creator Rod is a Slavic primordial god, the creator of three worlds.

Overview of the strongest mantras

Before reading the sacred Slavic words, you need to clean the room, free your mind from unnecessary thoughts. Sit in a comfortable place in the lotus position or other yoga asana, fold your hands with palms facing each other in front of your chest, concentrate on your breathing and start reading the mantra.

Mantras are recited at dawn, at least 70 times. The exception is agma, which for the result must be pronounced at a certain time.


Drago's Slavic mantra helps to get out of need, organize a new business, creates harmony in romantic relationships, and gives answers in controversial situations.



Slavolyub is a rich man

The mantra combines several Slavic agmas that reinforce each other's action. Embodies justice, protection from conflict, restoration of connections.

It will help change fate, defeat evil, create a balance between spiritual and physical condition, attract good luck.

Slavic text of the mantra:




Listen and repeat the text at least twice a day, observing the reaction of the body. Slavolyub rich Slavic mantra will help the fulfillment of desire.


Mantra Action
Prophetic Develops clairvoyance, the ability to predict the future
On the monument of Prince Bus Serves to protect against enemies
Vyshen or Rod Cleansing the mind from illusions, imparting wisdom.
Veles All living things are subordinate to him
Frets Caring for the female power of the Slavic race for all living things
Roof Protects the human world
Perun Mantra of protecting life from death, destruction
Makoshi Protects fate, motherhood, family happiness, patronizes magic, fortune-telling
Svarog Gives energy to create new things among the Slavs
Are alive Takes care of energy balance, fertility of the universe
Kupala With the help of love, he connects opposite energies, creates inner harmony in a person who has turned to a mantra

There are universal Slavic texts that are used when a practitioner cannot decide which deity to turn to for help in a mantra.

A selection of Slavic agm

In the ancient Slavic religion, agmas were considered words of power and strength, the key to launching the Higher powers that could change a person at a subtle level. You need to read the words of the mantra at least once a day for 15 minutes or more.

Agmas on chakras, or Slavic stogny:



Spacecraft TROYAN-YAGA






OooooRrrrr-OooooDdd-OoooBbbb-OooMmmmm-Kkaaaa-MmmmaAaaaa-PpAaaaa -

BbbAaaaa-DdddAaaaaaa ... ... Rrrrrrraaaa.

Repeat the Slavic text 108 times.

The gods to whom the mantra is directed:

  1. Rainbow - gives the family peace, harmony, acts as a generic amulet.
  2. Wear - helps in correcting mistakes made in the past, controls the events of the reality of Reality.
  3. Godsch - can help to see unfavorable situations in life, to turn them for the better. Shows how best to hide a secret or treasure.
  4. Zrozhden - heals diseases, gets rid of dark thoughts, moves situations to a new level of development.
  5. Urra - promotes the acquisition of knowledge, high intelligence, concentration of willpower.
  6. Radoro is a Slavic word for reconciliation in mantras. Binds broken relationships, restores justice.
  7. Trado is a mentor in doing the right good deeds, identifies traitors in a close environment.
  8. Glory - protects from evil spirits, helps to accept the intuitively correct behavior during changes in life.
  9. Era - protection of the home, family from witchcraft spells, illusions, deception.
  10. Yarga - contributes to the attraction of wealth, positive events to the house, removes obstacles.
  11. Gara - a mantra is used for conspiracy of Slavic amulets for protection, good luck.
  12. Daro - balances the spiritual and physical in a person, gives strength for success, luck, scares off negativity.
  13. Zarga - helps in recovery, achieving success, attracts favorable situations, a life partner.
  14. Chron - relieves of failures, sinful deeds. Protects against negative magical effects.
  15. Holy - gives inspiration in creativity, peace, peace of mind. Mentioned in mantras and Slavic love spells.
  16. Ladodeya - charges with positive energy, relieves mental pain, protects from stupidity.
  17. Yasun - promotes healing, business success.
  18. Weight - accompanies the achievement of goals, fame, prosperity, the preservation of honor, dignity.
  19. Zarroth - gives strength of mind, courage to achieve the goal.
  20. Yaruna - strengthens the spirit, consciousness, removes recent curses.
  21. Charodoro - clears the mind, mantras to it help to find a way to get rid of difficult situations.
  22. Tarochoro - serves to attract wealth, enhance intuition, love spell.
  23. Raga - protects against the effects of black magic.
  24. Valve - helps in new endeavors.

Slavic agmas are a powerful tool for energy impact. Mantras need to be treated with care, wisely, following the rules.

The Vedic culture of the Slavs embodied the wisdom of the ages. With the advent of Christianity, the people lost their spiritual heritage and acquired a new system of values. But the pagan Slavs withstood the unusual test of time and remained in the form of holidays, signs and fairy tales. The ancient spells of the wise magi have also survived: mantras and agmas.

Mantras of the Slavs: what is it

Enlightened people have long considered sound and sound vibrations as a way of influencing the body, adjusting it in the desired way. Also, such vibrations were considered a way of influencing reality. That is why they often used mantras in their practices. Mantra is a sequence of sounds that has a definite effect and is a system of correspondences for influencing the body and reality, as well as their settings.

The wise men of the past knew that the world consists of vibrations. Each sound is associated with an event in the Universe and a part of the brain in the human body. To influence the vibrations, the priests created mantras and words of power - agma.

AGMA is a word of power, when pronounced, an energetic mechanism is triggered, which leads to one or another physical or energetic effect. Basically, agmas consist of one, rarely two or three words. And don't try to understand the meaning of agma. it is simply a key word that activates certain forces that give the desired effect.<

Many people know that mantras were widespread in religions such as Judaism and Buddhism, but few people know that the Slavs also had their own mantras. In them, they influenced reality in the same way as Buddhists:

  • - treated diseases;
  • - predicted the future;
  • - defended themselves from evil spirits;
  • - comprehended world secrets;
  • - won battles.

It is difficult to say which mantras are considered the best, because they all have the same nature and have their own specificity of the nation. So which mantras to use is everyone's business. The power of mantras manifests itself during meditation or repeated meaningful repetition of the text. In a trance state, Slavic priests acquired incredible power, which formed the basis of fairy tales, epics and legends.

Feature of Slavic texts

The mantras used by the Slavs may be somewhat similar to the Tibetan or Indian ones, but many will notice the difference between the mantras of different countries. However, it is worth noting that the Slavic mantras, according to the people who use them, create sound vibrations that are best suited for connecting with the Universe and higher beings, and therefore, can have the best effect on the body or reality as a whole.

Please note that when reading Slavic mantras, you need to clearly understand what kind of result you want to achieve. This is due to the fact that they have a clear specificity and no less clear focus. The most ancient Slavic mantras - agmas - have a special power of influence and interest in people.

It is worth taking into account the fact that these ancient Slavic mantras are clearly distinguished from each other. They differ in the types and methods of exposure. For example, the Slavic mantra of power acts differently from the mantra Zrozhden, which has a healing effect. The rest of the mantras that the Slavs left us as a legacy are also shared among themselves.

List of Slavic mantras

Old Slavic mantras have been preserved in the Vedic culture of the Aryans, they will be listed below. One of the prophetic mantras is represented by three words - "Rode-for-sake-rado", that is, it can be translated as "to make joy for the sake of joy." This mantra must be recited at dawn at least 77 times.

In general, a 70-fold pronunciation is a rule for any mantra (Slavic).

RADOGO - this mantra gives strength to maintain family ties, and bestows connection with ancestral amulets and mentors.

HEALTHY is useful in healing and healing, is able to end the dark period in life and start a light one. Shifts the processes of being from a dead center.

DRAGO - helps to get out of need, but not by having money, but by creating situations for a new business. Harmonizes physical relationships between a man and a woman, gives help in love

URRA - gives great power of the primary divine quality. Brings knowledge and shapes intelligence. It embodies the wildness of the primordial creative force. Concentrates will and helps to create new situations.

VEAR - helps to understand repeated mistakes, controls the reality of our Reality, gives the energy of prosperity.

GOD - helps to establish order, hide secrets, allows you to see unfavorable situations.

ASH - gives the energy of mutual understanding and strengthening of success and business. Provides protection in healing.

RADORO - gives the energy of justice and punishes the unrighteous. Restores broken ties, weaves the canvas of fate.

GIFT - strengthens the balance of spiritual and physical, contributes to the completion of conflicts. It is a powerful weapon against evil and gives energy that brings good luck.

GLORY - cuts off the hassles, senses them and indicates their dark deeds, gives an intuitive ability to adapt to life changes. Gives the energy of harmony in doing business.

HOLY - turns darkness into light, indicates a way out of hopeless situations, gives the energy of creation (sometimes used as energy of a love spell), restores a good state of mind.

CHRON - stops the whirlwind of failures, removes the energy vampire and nullifies someone else's magic.

YARUNA is the rune of justice. Strengthens karma, can plunge us into a duel with fate. Indicates stagnant situations and brings a person out of inactivity. Strengthens will and mind, quickly removes fresh curses.

TRADO - helps to recognize betrayal. This is a rune-teacher, it gives strength for active and good deeds.

ISTRA - is able to slow down decaying processes. This is a protective rune at all levels, it helps to understand the reasons and take control of the event and not lose it again. Gives the energy of enlightenment.

YARGA is a cleansing rune, it gives reviving powers. Can cause an unexpected miracle, is capable of attracting money. Clears the way for good events.

LADODEYA - gives energy that materializes good. Organizes support for higher powers, resists stupidity and emptiness.

VARRA - organizes the transition from trouble to good. A powerful weapon against chaos, it can penetrate the secrets of any world, even if there are no connections. Helps to establish connections and contacts with various possibilities.

ZARROT - promises a victorious will and the realization of goals. Gives the necessary push to break out of the vicious circle.

RAGA - gives strength in battles, used as a support spell. This is a talisman against witchcraft and damage, helps to anticipate the impending danger.

WEIGHT - helps to climb the steps to fame, career or material well-being. It does not allow the one who goes to the goal, neglecting others, to be exalted. Helps to live with honor and dignity.

ZARGA - attracts energy to restore health, helps to achieve success and contributes to the magnetic attraction not only of the opposite sex, but also of the situation that you need. In principle, this is a revitalizing force, it supports the one who ennobles the world, and enables others to carry out their plans.

EPA is the energy that protects the home and family, enables rapid growth for prosperous goals. Protects from deception and illusion, gives strength to start something anew.

TAROCHORO - patronizes enrichment, organizes magical powers, influences situations, can connect two human beings. It is also a love energy. It can be used to get closer to someone.

GARA - calls for the help of guardian spirits, which help a person find opportunities for solving various problems.

CHARODORO - helps to penetrate the thresholds and prohibitions. Helps to find a way out of desperate situations. Frees from obsession and illuminates with clairvoyance.

VERGA - destroys the energy of laziness and builds up a person's affairs with the most significant benefit for him. Helps a person understand his mistakes and make work fruitful.

The main rule of Old Church Slavonic mantras is not to abuse power. Use agma wisely and with sincere faith. You can't read agma for fun or boredom. After all, the forces that call for help will require a payment for assistance. Or they will stay with you until the desire is fulfilled.

Rules for the pronunciation of magic spells

Mantras, like any other appeal to the Universe, should be carried out in a certain setting, which is also important in achieving the full and desired result. Do not read agmas and mantras in an agitated state: calm down and clear your mind of extraneous thoughts. Do the meditation, concentrate on your breathing, and only then start reading. Clothes and premises must be clean. The room in which you read the mantras of the Slavs is in some way a holy place, where there is no place for chaos. After all, Slavic mantras are the attraction of the good and light forces of the Universe into your life, which will help you overcome all manifestations.

The construction of the Slavic mantra consists of three words. The first word is pronounced slightly lingering. In the second, it is important to emphasize the first and third vowels, and in the third to emphasize the second vowel. As a result, we get the following consonance: "Oomm Vyshnave Namaah" or an appeal to nature itself: "Om Velese Namaha".

In addition to the above mantras, the Slavs used many others, which were somewhat less versatile than those in which the appeal went directly to the higher powers of the Slavs. Each of them has its own impact on different areas of your life, changing them for the better.

If you need strength that will help strengthen and maintain the bonds of the family, as well as strengthen the connection with the amulets of the clan, agma Radoga will help you. You can attract success, climb the career ladder and correct the situation by combining Slavic mantras together. These include Wear, Svyatoche, Varra, Ves. More than one mantra of the Slavs also helps to protect against the negative effects of both people and higher powers.

Mantras, which have a protective effect, not only disperse negativity and dark energy, but also help connect with the spirits and amulets that protect your family. These Agmas include Zrozhden, Daro, Slavo, Svyatoche, Era and Gara. Drago's Slavic mantra, like the Yasun, Zarga, Varra and Verga mantras, helps to attract wealth, give strength to start a new business, which will be crowned with success and even helps to establish relationships with people of the opposite sex.

The Prophetic Mantra consists of three words: Rode Radi Rado. Mantra is rightfully called things. The sacred text develops clairvoyance and the ability to predict the future. The mantra should be recited at dawn, repeating at least 70 times.

It is best to recite the circles of the Slavic mantra in the early morning or just before going to bed in the late evening. However, if you feel an urgent need, then you can read magic accords throughout the day. You can read them both silently and in a whisper or out loud. The main thing is that your appeal to higher powers is heard. Only then will the energy of the Universe fill your life and help change reality.

Slavic culture, although it differs from Indian, and even more from Tibetan, includes mantras. Moreover, there is some information confirming the existence of prayer texts long before the emergence of statehood among our ancestors. The religious characteristics of the Slavic peoples imply a narrow focus of the Slavic mantras. That is, one prayer chant cannot solve all problems at once. This "specialization" is only beneficial. The fact is that the narrower the direction of this or that prayer action, the stronger its effect.

Slavic religious culture has always implied a close connection with natural processes. They charge a person with energy and grant him prosperity and success in all undertakings. The nature of the Slavic peoples is an animated entity that has practically unlimited strength and capabilities.

So it turns out that the Slavic mantras, which are correctly called in our culture, can fully work only in conjunction with the awareness of the origins of humanity. In other words, the praying person must exclude from his life everything that alienates him from mother nature. Of course, in modern conditions it is impossible to do this, but some actions are quite accessible:

  • Complete cessation of smoking and alcohol.
  • Reducing the time spent driving a car.
  • Live communication should prevail over the phone.
  • Time spent at the computer should be kept to a minimum.

Regarding the last point, there is no need to harm the work process, but computer games should, if not completely disappear from your life, then take no more than a couple of hours a week.

All this contributes to the normalization of natural rhythms in the human body, which means that the rapprochement with the “mother of all living and being” will be quick and easy. Only when these conditions are met, the reading of mantra-agm will show its effectiveness in all its glory.

Listen to the Slavic mantra "Mother is alive":

Better to read it once than listen to it a thousand times

Unlike other cultures, Slavic mantras-agmas have the maximum effect only when they are read on their own. The principle of operation is simple - in order to receive any benefit, you need to present something to a higher power, that is, nature.

Uttering the words of the mantra is a kind of sacrifice that is willingly accepted by the "mother". In return, it gives a person a kind of "tuning" of internal vibrations. This contributes to the normalization of all processes in life.

What do mantras-agmas help with?

The action of agma is multifaceted, they are aimed at all possible spheres of human activity and his inner vibrations. However, there are no complexes that allow you to simultaneously cure the disease and remove the vice from the soul, and at the same time improve your personal life. All this "gets better" separately.

Remember that before you start reading, you need to clearly imagine what you want to get in the end. For example, if the petition is aimed at normalizing family life, then form a clear picture of the result for yourself, for example, obedient children, a faithful wife, no gossip from the outside.

  • Eliminating health problems- the main task of the Slavic mantras. Since agmas are associated with nature, then the normalization of the processes occurring in a living organism is their primary task.
  • Raising income... It is, as in other cases, about correcting problems in the body. For example, the feeling of fatigue will go away, the ability to work will normalize. Here and not far from the promotion. Increased luck is attached as a bonus.
  • Increased libido and potency- the guarantee of a strong family life. From here comes peace and prosperity, which is reflected in all other areas of life.

In any case, when reading the mantra-agma, you should focus on your inner well-being, and also sincerely wish for a solution to all problems. If this condition is met, the effect will be instant.

Listen to the Slavic mantra Lada:

Where to find the texts of mantra-agm

Such prayer texts are quite rare, because the people tend to the Indian or Tibetan culture, rather than their native Slavic. Nevertheless, there are several decent sites on the Internet that publish the texts of almost all existing agm in open access. The main thing is not to run into a sect.

There are no uniform rules on how to read such prayers. Everything is very very individual: each person should pronounce words in such a way that he was extremely comfortable. There is only one exception - words must be pronounced as clearly as possible.

Listen and watch a large selection of videos of Slavic mantras-agmas:


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