Hydrangea curly climbing liana: planting, reproduction, care Hydrangea Hydrangea curly climbing liana: planting, reproduction, care

Creeping hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris) is an ideal choice for low flowering hedges. The shrub loves shady places, you can ...

How to transplant a lily in the fall: tips from gardeners Lilies How to transplant a lily in the fall: tips from gardeners

Any novice gardeners often ask themselves the question: "How to transplant a lily in the fall?" It must be said right away that the planting time of these plants depends on a large number of different ...

Interesting ideas for a summer cottage and a garden made of wood Landscape design Interesting ideas for a summer cottage and a garden made of wood

Interesting ideas for a summer residence and a garden are still relevant despite the fact that the summer cottage season is ending. On a free day off, when all the autumn work at the dacha will be completed ...

Arrangement of a summer cottage of 6 acres with your own hands: photo Landscape design Arrangement of a summer cottage of 6 acres with your own hands: photo

The main stages of site planning The construction of small and large summer cottages will last in several stages. Each of them is an integral part of the layout, and each ...

Indoor rose: rules of care, transplantation and reproduction at home Roses Indoor rose: rules of care, transplantation and reproduction at home

Among houseplants, the indoor rose deserves special attention. Observing simple instructions for creating optimal growing conditions for this flower, you can achieve ...

Planning a summer cottage 10 acres with your own hands: expert advice Planning Planning a summer cottage 10 acres with your own hands: expert advice

A land plot of 10 acres is the most common option. Such an area allows you to accommodate a spacious country cottage and a bathhouse, a garden and a vegetable garden, a place to relax with a gazebo, ...

Natural elements for an alpine slide: photos and names of plants suitable for stone decor Registration Natural elements for an alpine slide: photos and names of plants suitable for stone decor

A rock garden made of stones and living plants can become the main highlight of the garden, if you correctly approach the selection of flowers and shrubs that will decorate it. If you have no experience in ...

G ›Birdhouse from scrap materials: step by step instructions Crafts G ›Birdhouse from scrap materials: step by step instructions

To attract birds to the site, feeders and birdhouses are successfully used, with their help you can not worry about the safety of the future harvest. Such houses are settled ...

DIY crafts from tires top10 Crafts DIY crafts from tires top10

If you want your summer cottage or courtyard to be beautiful and comfortable, and at the same time do it without buying expensive soda decorations, then you will have to show off new designer ...

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