The 1st house of the horoscope is responsible for... First House of the natal chart

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In order to find out the location of planets in houses, you need to draw up a natal chart. To compile a natal chart, use the side widget (on mobile devices the widget is at the bottom of the page) - enter the date, time and place of birth and click the “Natal Horoscope” button. Detailed meanings of planets in houses are described on the pages of this section.

Second house

hemisphere - eastern
hemisphere - lower
zone - first third of the circle
type - subsequent
axle - 2/8
planet - Venus


  • subjective and personal
  • selfish or self-centered
  • reactive and fixed
  • appreciation, enjoyment and comfort

Traditional interpretation

  • money
  • possessions and property
  • attitude towards possession, wealth and property
  • personal resources
  • personal values

Modern interpretation

self-esteem - psychological judgment about oneself (including basic feelings of like and dislike)

possession - property, personal possessions, property; the meaning of "mine"

money - experience in handling personal wealth; money, especially the way it is spent

self-organization - experience of applying one’s own strength and style of real work

sensuality - a pure, self-absorbed, self-absorbed physical state, a general ability to receive pleasure

Second home research

In almost every traditional astrology textbook, as well as many astrological or New Age movement texts, the interpretation of the 2nd house is always related to money. Issues such as the money you earn are discussed in detail; how you work to acquire money, whether you will have a lot of money or little, what you will do with the money, etc.

We live in a society where money is given great importance. Poverty levels are measured in dollars (the phrase itself comes from census lists). Because we are, after all, the result of the struggle for existence, and our financial affairs greatly influence the levels of comfort and freedom that we achieve in the struggle for existence.

But from a psychological point of view, interpreting the 2nd house on such a purely physical level is unsatisfactory. The traditional text tried to expand the interpretation of the phrase “personal resources”, but this phrase is vague. But, despite the bias towards psychology, interpretations of the 2nd house in many texts almost entirely come down to money.

In fact, the 2nd house contains information that substantiates the self-awareness that manifested itself in the 1st house. It's about self-esteem. Indeed, nothing else can contribute to deep self-understanding other than the assessments and judgments that you make about yourself. These assessments and judgments are your main “possession” - this is your point of view of yourself.

To be yourself means that your baggage of experience is fluid, spontaneous, very mobile and consists of only a few conclusions. Having a self is a completely different experience, and although you cannot actually have yourself, you do become identified with those objects in your world that symbolize the earthiness of your feelings. Everything around you that can be called “yours” invites you to truly define yourself - your car, your house, your toothbrush.

The first house is too spontaneous to really be considered self-centered. Self-actualized or self-centered are more appropriate terms. But the 2nd house is the natural area of ​​manifestation of self-centeredness - me, mine, mine. Self-centeredness occupies a central place in 20th century psychology's self-esteem research. Shame and guilt, the predominant emotional illnesses of our time, are an internal feeling of worthlessness or inadequacy, often not clearly expressed or consciously perceived. This is the area where we need to begin to re-evaluate and re-interpret the 2nd house.

Money is the main criterion in our society, therefore, when interpreting the 2nd house, special attention is paid to it, but we must remember that the reckless, compulsory pursuit of money, replacing emotional self-esteem, indicates the existence of a blockage in the soul, similar to feelings of shame or guilt.

The second house indicates our characteristic attitude towards work. Although it will later be shown that the 6th house demonstrates the mental approach to organizing work, manifested in a person's ability to understand the tasks assigned to him, the 2nd house demonstrates a more fundamental property, our basic style of self-organization (what underlies the organization of our work).

The second house also symbolizes the reward that we expect to receive for our work - these are bodily pleasures and those pleasures that objects outside our body give us. Enjoying food, luxurious clothing or a magnificent interior are all pleasures of the 2nd house. This is not an appreciation of the works of art of the 5th house, these pleasures do not concern the surroundings and originality that we find in the 10th and 11th houses. No, this is pure pleasure, ordinary sensual pleasure of an earthly being.

Fourth house

hemisphere - western
hemisphere - lower
zone - first third of the circle
type - angular
axle - 4/10
planet - Moon


  • subjective and personal
  • selfish or self-centered
  • initiating and founding
  • patronage, education and emotions

Traditional interpretation

  • home and security
  • family, both in childhood and when a person becomes an adult
  • one of the parents
  • ancestors and tradition
  • end of life conditions

Modern interpretation

Microcosm - the experience of being at the center of life, as the Divine source of everything that matters

personal security - home and family, the meaning of the word "rooted" in relation to a place on earth

emotional stamps - the environment in early childhood (also reflected at the end of life), a parent who is “internally connected” to the person - a parent who has a connection with the person’s emotions, most often this is the mother

private intuition - non-rational knowledge about oneself; in occultism - communication with leaders

Fourth House Study

The fourth house is the last of the four personal houses, so this is where self-centeredness reaches its peak. But it is also the first house located in the western hemisphere, the quality of which is orientation towards other people. And since this house is associated with the Moon (and in parallel with the sign Cancer), it is the first truly emotional area of ​​the zodiac, related to the upbringing and fulfillment of human needs.

And finally, this house is the midpoint of the lower hemisphere, that part of individual space that is directly under our feet and directed towards the center of the Earth.

What kinds of life experiences combine self-centeredness and other-orientedness at the same time? In what cases do we have an emotional interest in other people, but the interest is primarily selfish and aimed at fulfilling our own needs?

We might assume that a relationship such as marriage satisfies these conditions, but equal relationships are more "air" (interactive) than "water" (emotional), and ideally, at any rate, these relationships carry within them the experience of a shared consent rather than satisfying needs.

The decisive factor is that the 4th house is the space located directly under our feet. This house contains information about our “roots” or how firmly we are anchored to the earth. Plants need a good root system to grow and bloom. This house is fertile soil, containing the past that has fallen apart and giving us the opportunity to grow and develop.

A family is exactly the case that satisfies all the conditions listed above. The fourth house emphasizes everything that concerns our personal security, our need to educate and be educated. It is our sense of home, both a physical place on Earth and an emotionally safe haven, that is more important to us.

The fourth house reveals essential patterns formed in early childhood. Of course, there are many other stamp-related factors that should also be considered - for example, the position of the Moon or Saturn. But none of the other houses of the zodiac can tell us so much about the unconscious, but deeply personal properties that we acquired in early childhood. None of the other houses can provide so much information about our ideas about safety.

The growing family health movement, the women's movement, Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs have made a surprising discovery: who would have imagined that most of us grew up in families that were more or less influenced by cliches of intra-family relations. Emotional limitations seem to be the general rule rather than the exception, and many millions of people suffer from an emotional disorder that is the source of their problems in life.

Maybe in our actions we proceed from unconscious belief systems and nervous patterns and as a result we find ourselves in an interesting paired situation: security requires suffering, security requires torment, security requires sacrifice, security requires the refusal to satisfy the need for everything (including the need for security itself) etc. Why this happens is gradually becoming clear, but it is not yet entirely clear how to change this situation in someone’s life.

The properties of the 4th house are difficult to change, since they were formed at an early, unconscious age, and besides, they have a huge influence on the decisions we make as adults, because these properties form an important part of our “emotional set”.

Being in the womb, in the center, protected, feeling safe - these are all types of experiences of the 4th house. Many of us really want to change the forms of our security, especially when it is difficult to implement or they cause suffering; but very few people achieve their goal, very few change the basic structure of properties and the fundamental attitude towards safety.

However, a careful study of the 4th house can be a source of understanding how to correct the destructive paradoxes that exist in the home, family, and in the sphere of personal security. Home exploration, by showing how our paired situations relate to our evolution, can teach us how to change patterns, can suggest alternative ways to integrate these paradoxes into our lives, and result in a more graceful and consistent experience of being at the center of the universe.

Sixth house

hemisphere - western
hemisphere - lower
zone - second third of the circle
type - cadent
axle - 6/12
planet - Mercury


  • orientation towards other people and responsiveness
  • subjective and personal
  • interactive and interpersonal
  • teaching and organizing
  • understanding, treatment and help
  • cognition, analysis and categorization

Traditional interpretation

  • service
  • Job
  • employees and servants
  • disease
  • hygiene and diet
  • favorite animals and small animals

Modern interpretation

illness and treatment - physical illness, neurosis or misunderstanding, methods of restoring homeostasis

unequal relationships - relationships such as boss/subordinate, master/servant and other relationships based on unequal status

duty and service - help as a duty, purification through humility, conscious service to another person

technical thinking - insight, organization, analysis; thinking that serves personal development

discipline and patterns - effective patterns that increase labor productivity, regularity of lifestyle

Sixth House Study

The sixth house can be seen primarily as the house of creativity and risky incursion into the social sphere.

The sixth house can best be understood by looking at the houses preceding it. After acquiring self-awareness (1st house), defining the boundaries of personal territory (2nd house), developing means of communication (3rd house), gaining security (4th house), developing personal creativity and risky intrusion into the social sphere ( 5th house) we reach a crossroads.

Now we may find that we have wasted our lives playing in the turbulent play of the 5th house. If we fail to resist the emotional impulse, our health will be undermined; stress or neurosis can lead to illness. Wine, women and song are all wonderful things, but they do not make for a good daily diet. We may find that our ego has become huge, overshadowing other people, and now we must somehow counteract our own arrogance. All these interactions, no matter how negative they may seem, are under the influence of the 6th house.

The sixth house is the last house of the lower hemisphere. Its cadence means transition, change. In the process of complex development of social consciousness, we basically did not change our essence: we were and remained self-centered, despite the fact that we acquired sensitivity to the reactions of other people. Now we feel the time of a major change approaching.

Up to this point, every person in our life was essentially just a symbol of our dream, a simple actor in a film that we write, direct, direct, and star in. We are now starting to realize that there must be more to this film. While we do not fully understand what this something is and what it looks like, we nevertheless begin to understand the essence of this something; we gradually realize that other people have their own lives. This is objective reality. And the realization comes that we are actors in other people's films, just as they are actors in our films.

We are on the verge of a transition from subjectivity to objectivity, but for the transition to take place, a stage of self-purification is necessary. We declare our readiness for the transition through self-improvement, correction of any personal inclinations that should not be transferred from the subjective sphere of life to the objective.

There are many ways of purification and self-improvement, but all methods recognize the need to find a teacher, either a person or a system of personal discipline, whose instructions can be followed.

The student kisses the teacher's feet in the hope that he can achieve the perfection he sees before him. It does not matter whether the teacher is actually a Realized Being, but what is really important is humility and a sincere desire to improve oneself through service, a willingness to shed the old shell, to cleanse oneself of accumulated poisons through devotional service. This is the spiritual essence of the experience gained in the 6th house.

From a pragmatist's point of view, people want to work efficiently. They want to achieve their goals. We see our own waste and inefficiency, and the 6th house gives us the experience necessary to gradually improve ourselves to achieve tangible results.

And again, I don’t understand everything in the traditional interpretation of the house. I understand why sometimes the phrase “pets and small animals” is included in textbooks where the 6th house is discussed. This phrase reflects unequal relationships. It is clear. But, nevertheless, I have questions.

How appropriate is this phrase here? How do you use it in interpretation? Very few of my clients have told me about small animals and how important their pets are to them, so I don't spend much time analyzing these relationships.

Perhaps the social movement “in defense of animal rights” will bring life into this level of interpretation, we’ll wait and see. I understand that it is interesting in terms of the symbolism of the house, but I think that at this stage it is not one of the fundamental levels of interpretation of the 6th house, so the phrase “pets and small animals” can only be considered an interesting observation.

Let your radiance manifest itself in its own time and in the way it sees fit, without your ego claiming to control it. Create something from nothing and share recognition with the Gods.

Eighth house

hemisphere - western
hemisphere - upper
zone - second third of the circle
type - subsequent
axle - 2/8
planet - Pluto


  • orientation towards other people and responsiveness
  • objective and collective
  • interactive and interpersonal
  • reactive and determined
  • values, judgments and pleasures
  • tension, regeneration and rebirth

Traditional interpretation

  • death
  • inheritance
  • other people's resources
  • sex and regeneration
  • occultism

Modern interpretation

union - the experience of living together; power and trust in partnerships

transformation - the secrets of ego death and rebirth through intense interaction with other people

sexual fusion - true sexual union, tantric liberation

focused intuition - non-rational knowledge in a specific context of interpersonal relationships

joint property - a real inheritance created by relationships between people; joint finances, holdings or property

Eighth House Study

As we enter the 8th house, we again reach the end of the zone. The eighth house is the last house of the second group of four houses; this "water" house indicates the culmination of relationships between individuals. In the 7th house, close relationships between people in the sphere of contracts and obligations - promises reach their peak. But it’s one thing to promise, to say “I love, respect, cherish,” and a completely different thing to actually fulfill what is promised.

If the 7th house can be seen as the marriage ceremony, then the 8th house symbolizes the honeymoon and everything that comes to us during a long life together. The eighth house considers the personality's exit beyond its own shell in order to merge with what is beyond it. This especially applies to the experience of concluding an alliance with other people and to all areas of life together with them without exception.

Since the 8th house is the subsequent house and is opposite the 2nd house, the quality of this House is value - value gained in interactions. But the Plutonian nature of the 8th house requires the abandonment of individuality in order to gain new value and significance. If you want to ascend to a new stage of development, to become better than you are, if you want to improve your life through union and merging with other people, then you must sacrifice something, something must die. Thus, in the classical interpretation, the 8th house is associated with death.

This is not a simple departure from life, but a going beyond oneself and returning within oneself, recreating the struggle of birth. It is death and rebirth; a process that is carried out through deep partnerships and searching within oneself for what requires transformation. This process does not always happen literally in the presence of another person, but the aura of his influence is always nearby. When you reach the edge of the symbolic cliff called "Lovers' Leap", will your loved one jump with you? Or will you be tempted, tricked into jumping alone, or worse, pushed off by your partner? The paradox is that you must trust your partner, and yet you must jump alone.

The sexual accents of the 8th house are very powerful. This is not the pure self-centered sensuality of the 2nd house, nor the love spectacle of the 5th house. This is the highest level, the peak of sexual experience, the release that occurs when arousal reaches its highest point - temporary loss of consciousness at the moment of orgasm. This connection between sex and death is neither pathological nor humorous; This is the highest level of sexual creativity - not the generation of children in the physical sense, but the creation in the psychological sense of a new grain of one’s “I”. The fact that most people remain sensitive only to sexual urges does not necessarily mean that these people do not transform. In the 8th house, for transformation, you do not need to be conscious at all, but you just need to follow the path that is given to you.

The eighth house is the area of ​​secrets. What is outside of me? Will I die if I step outside my shell? Will this be the end of me or the beginning of a new journey? This house is an area of ​​experimentation, so it is associated with the realms of the occult and intuition.

As with the 2nd house, when interpreting the 8th house it is appropriate to talk about money, but for this house, as with the 2nd house, there is also a tendency to simplify the interpretation. The 8th house is the second house which is interpreted too literally and this simplistic approach makes it difficult to understand the psychological meaning of the 8th house.

The eighth house is not for the cowardly. To work out this house requires the strength of the oak and the flexibility of the willow, because we are talking about change, and not just a change of form, which happens many times, but a real, undeceitful change - a fundamental modification of the personality.

Each of us is given the opportunity to change ourselves many times during our lives, but not everyone uses it. Those who do not learn to “die while still alive” - and this is the quintessence of the 8th house - can only be assured that they will be given the opportunity to learn at the end of life from their own physical death. But they should know that no one has come out of this mess alive yet.

Tenth house

hemisphere - eastern
hemisphere - upper
zone - third third of the circle
type - angular
axle - 4/10
planet - Saturn


  • self-orientation and expressiveness
  • objective and collective
  • sociocultural or universal
  • initiating and founding
  • security, stability and responsibility
  • ambition, authority and excellence

Traditional interpretation

  • ambition in a career or profession
  • social position and reputation
  • social contribution of the individual
  • one of the parents

Modern interpretation

collective responsibility - the experience of taking on responsibility that goes beyond the boundaries of the “I”; universal dharma

professional ambition - creating and maintaining a niche for an adult in the world; career, position in society

missions and messages - everything that God communicates to all humanity through any specific person

a parent externally associated” with a person - a parent associated with a structure, most often this is the father

Tenth House Study

The tenth house is the corner house of the collective group of houses and is the first region of the eastern hemisphere (hemisphere of self-realization). This house describes building long-term relationships with the world at large. It contains information about how we create a social niche for ourselves, which is the answer to the question “What will I do when I grow up?” This question is as relevant at the age of nine as at the age of ninety, since the state of “adulthood” seems so far into the future that it takes a long time to get there.

In any chart, the Sun symbolizes personal power; this is the channel connecting us to the Space Center. Through it we are fed with energy; indicating the direction of development, the goal, providing the individual with a sense of significance. The house where the Sun is located and the house it rules are the most powerful areas of the chart that determine the purpose of a person's life.

The sector of the 10th house is a part of space located directly above us. In this part of the sky at noon, the Sun is at its highest point. In the 10th house the influence of the Sun culminates, this is the pinnacle of purpose, but since the 10th house is the center of the upper hemisphere, such features manifest themselves through the collective, through the culture to which each of us belongs. So, in the 10th house the extra-personal purpose of a person’s life is revealed.

The fourth house symbolizes personal security in home and family, and the 10th house social security: you know that you have a safe place in society.

Traditional interpretations of the 10th house as the area of ​​ambition, career, social status and reputation continue to be relevant today. But in many books, the interpretation of the 10th house practically comes down to what is listed above. We must recognize that the experience of the 10th house goes beyond mere concern for success on a material or social level, important as it is. Fame is very exciting, but quite often it turns against us. Ambition is like a drug, and the drug does not help you actually get things done.

In addition to power and ordinary success, the 10th house also relates to achieving progress in spiritual life - a person taking full responsibility for his own development, real growth as a person, which ultimately leads to contact with the Divine flowing through us. The state of the 10th house shows what problems need to be solved in order to mature, in order to achieve “true individuation,” to use the terminology of Jung’s followers.

This deeper level of interpretation shows how you make the maximum contribution to the development of the universe and, therefore, gain recognition; recognition not as a consequence of veneration, glory and power, but as a result of the work of your abilities in full force.

Achieving success in this house means that you have found a safe place on Earth - found through the conscious manifestation of your personal divinity, found by becoming a channel for a greater divinity, the universe itself.

Eleventh house

hemisphere - eastern
hemisphere - upper
zone - third third of the circle
type - subsequent
axle - 5/11
planet - Uranus


  • self-orientation and expressiveness
  • objective and collective
  • sociocultural or universal
  • reactive and determined
  • behavior, creativity and love
  • humanitarian, independent and original

Traditional interpretation

  • social activity
  • groups and organizations
  • hopes and wishes

Modern interpretation

participation in the life of groups - involvement in the life of groups, organizations or public institutions

appropriate behavior - a sense of “correct” behavior, the norms of which are established by the group

friendship, social circle - the experience of finding friends belonging to a particular social community

joint creativity - creativity in groups; dedication to a collective goal

acceptance of love - a person in the role of a loved one; qualitative aspects of people’s behavior, perceived as their offer of love

Eleventh House Study

The ninth house began the process of entering the world by introducing it into collective mental systems. The tenth house continued this process by creating a safe niche for the person in the world around him. Here in the 11th house,
- the third house of the last four houses, the final house of open relationships and the last area of ​​the subsequent type in the structure of houses - we gain experience in participating in the life of groups. The eleventh house is associated with our judgments about ourselves and about our world, which we express in terms of our membership in a group and the deep desire each of us has to be accepted into some group.

Therefore, the traditional interpretation of the 11th house is “friends,” or more specifically, the social circle of comrades with whom we maintain relationships in order to secure our position in the matrix of social relationships. In interactions related to the 11th house, emotional attraction and mental kinship between people, which began in the 9th house, are usually fused together. Our friends are eager to reflect on and give form to our philosophical, moral or ethical views.

The eleventh house is associated with Uranus, so participation in the life of organizations and the element of personal will merge in this house. If in the 9th house culture was explored, in the 10th house a safe niche was created in culture, then in the 11th house a person’s judgment of himself is assessed in terms of culture. This is the home where we consider most closely how others treat us, but these others are not individuals, but groups, society as a whole. This is the home where the concept of "socially appropriate behavior" carries maximum weight, where our manners take on their most structured and powerful appearance.

In this house the personality reaches the pinnacle of its development. In the 5th house the development of individuality proper culminated, resulting in the emergence of social sensitivity through which the ego of man could express itself. In the 11th house the struggle to create a social individuality culminates and the result is the rebirth of a newly awakened personality. A refined sense of belonging to something automatically creates a refined craving for solitude.

This is partly due to the fact that the pressure put on a person when he enters society is so great that he longs to feel like an independent and separate being. In the 11th house we want to belong to something and at the same time be real individuals.

In the opposite, 5th house, there is a requirement for the development of personal creativity; creativity as an expression of the ego, creativity centered on the ego.

Here in the 11th house we continue to develop this experience, but through joint creativity, through creativity in groups.
In the opposite, 5th house, there is a requirement for the development of personal creativity, creativity as an expression of the ego; ego-centered creativity. Here in the 11th house we continue to develop this experience, but through joint creativity, through creativity in groups.

The fifth house is the house of passionate romantic love, so it is often believed that
The 11th house is the house of cooler, more detached concern for a person, as in friendships. This approach to viewing a house is correct and often works in interpretations. However, there is a completely different way to analyze romantic love.

The fifth house was the area of ​​conscious manifestation of the ego in dramatic courtship rituals. In this house the ego occupied a central position and his advances were like an actor playing before an audience. As for the 11th house, we can assume that everything changes places in it; we do not give love like an actor, but we receive love like a spectator. And just as the public hopes for a certain amount of entertainment, the 11th house reveals our hopes of being loved; it points to the characteristic features that serve as an indicator to us of another person's proposal of his love (for a more detailed discussion of this issue, see the subsection at the end of this chapter, “Method of Synthesizing the Interpretation of a House”).

This love is not like love in the 4th house in the sense of nurturing and fulfilling our needs; nor is it an emotional union of the 8th house leading to psychological transformation; here love is expressed in the other person appreciating us, being attracted to our unique blend of individuality and social attractiveness. In this house we play the more romantic role of the beloved.

Bill Herbst

10/30/2003 | Visitors: 1328412


  • hemisphere- eastern - self-orientation and expressiveness;
  • hemisphere- lower - subjective and personal;
  • zone- the first third of the circle is selfish and self-centered;
  • type- angular - initiating and founding;
  • axle - 1/7- action, awareness and boundaries;
  • planet- Mars - desire, perseverance and drive.

Traditional interpretation:

  • individuality of a person;
  • the way in which a person manifests himself to the world;
  • physical appearance and vitality of the body;
  • image of "I";
  • potential means of self-expression;
  • birth conditions.

Modern interpretation:

  • self-expression- natural, spontaneous, unconditioned projection of a person’s “I” into the environment;
  • natural personality- a characteristic face shown to the world, a “name-label”;
  • self-awareness- spontaneous awareness of the existence of the “I”, generated through activity;
  • borders- “bridge” between internal and external realities; the lens through which we focus realities;
  • vitality- the general energy of a person related to the state of health as a whole.


The first house is the most basic area of ​​life experience. Traditionally it refers to personality and the body, with particular emphasis on physical characteristics such as facial features. For example, a Leo sign located on the cusp of the 1st house may indicate a "regal" appearance, perhaps indicating a high forehead or tufts of red hair. Of course, our appearance influences how other people perceive us, especially in a society as sensitive to human appearance as ours, but for astropsychologists these interpretations are inappropriate, they lack depth, they lose the essence, they give astrology the status of a superficial discipline.

Infinitely more important is that the 1st house describes the manifestation of individual self-awareness, the fundamental event of awareness of the presence of the “I”, mysteriously associated with the existence of the physical body. The first house talks about the acquisition of personal human individuality.

The location of self-awareness is usually inaccessible to human vision. It is where we feel identity with ourselves, even though the nervous system permeates every cell of our body. We know that our hands are a part of us, but usually the hands or other part of our body are forced to pay attention to them only when they are hurt or subjected to other types of influences. It is only in a critical physical state that we actually part with the previous consciousness, but even at this moment there is a struggle between the momentary state of sublime consciousness and our ordinary center of self-identification. The first house speaks chiefly of that sense of “I,” of that conscious individuality which is beyond visual access; talks about someone who observes, feels, thinks, interacts with life - both with life outside of us and with life emanating from the depths of the “I”. The qualities of the sign on the cusp of the 1st house and the planet in that house indicate the typical way in which we create self-awareness. They reveal an automatic way of identifying the Self.

Yes, this house does bring out many of the characteristics that we spontaneously display under the non-technical banner of "personality," and that's important. But this house performs a more subtle function as a boundary that defines and maintains the integrity of the individual. The first house is a bridge connecting a person's self with everything that is outside of him. It reveals the way we protect our inner world when interacting with the environment.

Since the 1st house indicates the momentary experiences of the individual as a human being, it directly relates to every event in our lives. In some types of experiences related to other houses, the influence of the 1st house can be neglected, but its underlying influence cannot be completely eradicated. Any type of experience in which a person expresses himself or where a person's self-awareness emerges involves the influence of the 1st house. And as a result, this house is the most important when analyzing our attitude towards life.

It is for this reason that the rising sign - the sign located on the cusp of the 1st house - is so important in astrology. It is one of the four most important interpretive factors of the natal chart. Any question related to human life requires comprehension and consideration of the positions of the Sun, Moon and Saturn - sign, house and interplanetary aspects - together with an analysis of the state of the 1st house.

There are many specific pointers that we could (and should) consider when considering specific life situations, but each situation requires an understanding of the interrelated workings of these four fundamental factors.


Self-expression is a natural, spontaneous, unconditioned projection of a person’s “I” into the environment.

Every person has an inner self, a basic essence that governs outer life. This root self is symbolized in astrology by the position of the Sun: the sign and house it is in, the house it rules, and aspects to the other planets in the chart. The inner self is the source of nourishment for the basic direction of life. But this essential "I" is often not visible in the hidden manifestation of the so-called "personality". It exists inside, is not completely separated from the personality, but is often not revealed by it.

There are people for whom the essential self and the outer personality are virtually one and the same (these people are born just before dawn); We all sometimes reveal our inner selves in situations that are important to us or under great stress, but in normal circumstances our overt personality manifestations do not coincide with the essence of our inner self.

The first house describes the experience of personality radiation, the natural way of projection of a person into the world. This process is not conditioned or “conscious”, it is completely spontaneous. The first house also describes true activity; when we respond to influence, then in this case we are least associated with the 1st house, and most of all with the planetary symbolism of the Moon.

The state of the 1st house shows what type of active radiation we strive to present as a visible personality - mental or emotional, cautious or optimistic, earthly or ethereal.

Natural personality- a characteristic face shown to the world; "name-label".

At meetings or similar gatherings of people who do not know each other, we are usually given a name-label. This label serves to identify us to other people; it allows them to communicate with us without embarrassment, making it easier for them to interact despite the fact that they don't really know anything about us or our lives.

Each of us needs to “present ourselves to other people” so that we can define ourselves among our surroundings. This natural presentation, or "face", maintains contact with people in the outer world, but also serves a more subtle purpose - it protects our inner world, allowing us to remain internally whole.

We are all incredibly receptive to other people, much more than we think, and so receptive that we need strong boundaries that protect us from being captured by the opinions and desires of other people, from losing ourselves in the desire for acceptance by others. The first house symbolizes this boundary through the natural creation of the working personality.

Such a personality is indeed a mask, but the need for it is not associated with falsehood or artificiality. Instead, it is a symbolic set of natural characteristics that reveal who we are while maintaining the integrity of our deeper selves.

The state of the first house indicates the characteristics of a natural “label name” worn almost constantly, which allows one to interact with other people while protecting the inner self. This house also indicates the degree of importance of this "superficial essence" and the special talents or difficulties that appear in the process of "presenting" a person to other people.

Self-awareness- spontaneous awareness of the existence of the “I”, generated through activity.

An essential characteristic of consciousness is the spontaneous birth of meanings coming from the depths of the individual being. A considerable part of these semantic patterns concerns one’s own “I”, as if addressed to the individual himself. Self-awareness is the most important aspect of any activity, because the latter implies the creative subject’s awareness of himself: any goal-setting “I want” implies the presence of a goal-setting subject “I am.” This is not about self-control or even self-observation - self-awareness is the act of accepting one’s own existence as a given, an act of spontaneous self-registration and self-acceptance. It is non-judgmental, certainly not associated with either intellectual reservations or emotional states. Self-awareness is the experience of the fundamental fact of one’s own beingness - “I am, and that’s all!”

The position of the cusp of the 1st house allows you to orient yourself regarding the characteristics of your own “I” - the characteristics of the nature of the subject’s registration of himself. A person is largely determined by the clarity of understanding of his presence in the world and the completeness of self-acceptance. Self-awareness is such “self-presence”.

Borders- “bridge” between internal and external realities; the lens through which we focus realities.

The consciousness of modern man (due to the peculiarities of the development of a dichotomous, binary way of perceiving oneself and the world) clearly distinguishes between the external (objective) and internal (subjective) worlds, while consciousness itself is considered by him as being on the dividing ("neutral") line between two realities . The position of the border of the 1st house indicates the nature of the correlation between the external and internal worlds and the interaction that exists between them, which unfolds in the space of individual consciousness. The physical-mental unity of the subject and the effectiveness of his cognitive and operational activities largely depend on the specifics of this connection. How exactly do the external and internal interact? How do they influence each other? What happens on the border separating two realities, i.e. in consciousness itself, when the flow of life immerses the individual in one situation or another? These questions can be answered by carefully analyzing the position of the 1st house. The peculiarities of the state of the border between the external and the internal must be taken into account when a person moves towards individuation - after all, the 1st house symbolizes the most important synthetic point about the subjective space of the individual. It is on the border between external and internal that a balance is established between the different realities of life - semantic and physical, individual and social, subjective and objective.

Vitality is the general energy of a person, relating to the state of health as a whole.

The first house symbolically represents the zone where the individual’s energy potentials enter an actual state and their manifestation in life. This zone is full of forces and energies with which the individual exists externally, with which his entire life is driven. In the 1st house, these deep energies, spilling out, are manifested in their primary, original form; they have not yet been transformed, not “digested” either by social restrictions or by a person’s own craving for autotransformation. Studying the 1st house allows us to establish the type of primary energies, a kind of “fuel”, “fuel” that “feeds” the existence of an individual - both physical and mental. This determines the state of a person’s etheric body, the richness of his somatic experiences of his own identity, and the stock of biological health reserves (“the body’s strength reserve”). Of course, many horoscope factors modify the energy of bodily vitality, but still it is the 1st house that indicates the characteristics of the type of functioning of the psychophysical systems of immunity and adaptation, which determine the level of health and nourish psycho-emotional processes.


Self-expression. The position of the Sun in the first house indicates that your life purpose is centered on the theme of spontaneous self-expression. Everything else is secondary compared to revealing yourself. You are not necessarily selfish, although such trap and exists, but you are a self-creating and self-motivating person. What you express is important, of course, because it determines the response you receive from other people and from the environment. But still, the only decisive factor is the expression itself. Contain or block expression and you disconnect yourself from the source of life energy. Task consists of radiating oneself outward, allowing oneself to flow, to manifest itself through behavior. Fill your spirit with vibrant life.

Natural personality. Usually the 1st house masks the external entity. However, in your life we ​​see that your essence is projected directly through the spontaneous outer personality. When the ascendant and the Sun are in the same sign, then the attitude to life is naive, shaped by the properties of a given zodiac sign. However, much depends on where the planets Mercury and Venus supporting the Sun are located: in the 12th, 1st or 2nd house. When the rising and sun signs are different, the personality still retains a what-you-see-is-what-you-get tone, but it is now much more difficult to express oneself. However, any conflicts are open to everyone's eyes. Trap is to assume that other people are just like you and can be understood directly through their actions. But this is not true - most people are different from us. Task- To be youreself.

Yours label name says: “I am exactly the same as you see, perceive me,” and you believe it, even if in the end it may hardly be true.

Self-awareness. You constantly "generate" self-awareness through activity, but when this activity stops, then your self-awareness gradually begins to wither. The sign in which the Sun is located determines the type of “activity”. For fire signs like Aries or Sagittarius, this type is literal physical movement - you have to do something. For water signs, such as Cancer or Pisces, activity can mean simply radiating emotions - expressing feelings. Task is to awaken the awareness that you exist as a separate person. You live here and now and reveal yourself, more and more and more...

Borders. What is commonly understood as a means to an end is for you an end in itself. The sun symbolizes the inner being and we usually create a bridge to connect to the outer world. For you, the bridge and this entity are one and the same. The "lens" and this entity looking through it are identical. Any self-expression that does not correspond to your deepest self damages the lens, making real interaction impossible, and the purely egoic surge blurs the distinction between the inner world of the self and the outer environment, causing social blindness, defective perceptions and the repeated experience of rejection. Task- express yourself fully, but recognizing that other people have the same rights to express themselves.

Vitality. The condition of the Sun, determined by sign and aspects, is decisive for understanding your health, but overall you are vital and strong, able to recover from encounters with destructive influences, both psychologically and medically. You rush and life encourages you to “achieve rebirth”; you are willing to overcome all obstacles, including personal vulnerability to disease. Your strength is not “conscious”, but rather reflects a fundamental desire for survival in the deepest sense of the word.


Self-expression. Here we are faced with a paradox: when the Moon is in the 1st house, the natural and active projection of the self is inverted, so self-expression becomes “reactive” or reactive, responsive. Your natural personality radiation is emotional, sensitive, maternal; it is the subject of conversation about the reasons for the decline and rise of mood. Needs are projected directly from your surface, they are visible to everyone. When your needs are not met, you may experience angry outbursts, defensive shutdowns, or tantrums—these are common pitfalls. However, in general, such a position of the planet is associated with a “soft” personality. You protect those you love or who attract your attention; You strongly feel their needs and subtly protect them from those strangers who may seem alien or threatening to you. Task- gain confidence in your own safety and then open up.

Natural personality. Your natural face is soft, motherly, “wet,” almost “raw,” either full of compassion, or distressed, or sometimes both. This is especially true when the Moon is in an expressive or emotional sign, and less true when the Moon is in a sign such as Capricorn. In this case, the quality of dampness can be replaced by a solid wall of apparent passivity.

Yours label name says: "I am responsive. Tell me what you need and I will satisfy your needs, because they are the most important thing in the world to me."

Self-awareness. The spontaneous projection of emotional sensitivity generates awareness of the central, root self. Radiating yourself outward either as "mother" or as "child" - defense, protection, nourishment, satisfaction of needs, affection - shows you what your real inner nature is. Consciousness falls and rises simultaneously with feelings. Once you get in touch with your needs and discover your inner self, then your personality follows, affecting what you understand. Responsiveness to the influences of the outside world allows you to become aware of who you really are and what you really want to do.

Borders. You smooth the tension between your inner and outer realities by empathizing with the needs of others. Insensitivity or lack of emotional expression disconnects these realities, creating alienation from the self, while the forced imposition of maternal feelings or the unconscious desire to satisfy needs breaks down the boundary between realities, causing a feeling of incessant hunger and emptiness. Task, however, is to nourish yourself and your environment without creating dependency. The positive result of its implementation is a feeling of satisfaction.

Vitality. Vitality is directly related to emotional well-being. Adequate diet and emotional comforts support your vitality, although there may be increased sensitivity to fluids and vulnerabilities in the digestive or reproductive systems. You must learn the meaning of activity to balance your urge to react. The power of habit has a huge impact on your stamina, either protecting and maintaining it or destroying and depleting it. To heal yourself, examine your habits and change your imprints. Your relationship with your mother is one of the most important factors, regardless of whether it is real or just the result of childhood impressions stored in the depths of your soul for a long time.


Self-expression. The placement of Mercury in the 1st house shows that your spontaneous personality is excitable, mental, able to perceive quickly and also quickly change direction. One can speak of a certain "short-term" orientation; your mental focus is immediate, immediate, immediate, but your attention span is short. You love solving puzzles and are fascinated by any activity that puts your brain into a state of immediate activity. This state of Mercury can be greatly supplemented by information about the position of the planet in the sign and interpretation of the aspects, as well as, more importantly, the position and condition of the Sun. Interpretation is strongly influenced by environmental factors such as education, family and sociocultural background. However, if all this is not taken into account, then only the state of Mercury in the house says that you are a talkative, as well as a fast and dexterous person.

Natural personality. Mercury indicates the mental face with an emphasis on rationality and the desire for knowledge. How talkative you are depends on other factors, but your personality is definitely interested in communication. This mask is excited and quick, perhaps pestering other people with questions and telling something about itself.

Yours label name reads: “I am curious, interested in your mental abilities, quick to change the object of concentration and objective in my perceptions.”

Self-awareness. Activating the thinking, perception and communication functions of the nervous system promotes awareness of your true inner self. The more you think, the more you awaken yourself. It is not at all necessary that you think about yourself; in fact, the more your thoughts reflect an objective perception of the world around you, the more self-awareness you acquire. Curiosity about the world and everything in it wakes you up.

Borders. The bridge between the inner and outer realities is associative, rational and arousal, and mental interaction provides the connection between them. Expression without thought or communication without content may cause the two realities to revolve around each other in a meaningless whirlwind, and very powerful nervous energy or impersonal deliberation will alienate them, destroying the connection. Task- analysis and communication with both types of realities, without falling into cold, mechanical rationality.

Vitality. Clear perceptions and logical thinking support your vitality, but you may be vulnerable to nervous disorders. You live in your mind, but you must learn to trust your body. Explore yourself, find out as much as you can about the physical and mental disciplines that guard your vital.


Self-expression. As with the Moon, the position of Venus in the 1st house indicates "active receptivity." Grace, beauty, aesthetics and respect in social interaction shape the spontaneous emission of your self. This is “femininity”, the desire to project oneself as a woman. This position certainly indicates a tendency towards effeminacy, but overall it contains the hope of true receptivity. However, whether this hope is realized or not, as well as how it is realized, depends on a myriad of other factors. Trap consists in super-ardent submission to external influences; you may lose your balance because of your refusal to have a position at all except as determined by other people. Task- decide who you are without giving up interaction with other people.

Natural personality. The face that sees the world is compliant and focused on images of love and being together. It reflects the promise of acceptance, the lure of romance.

Yours label name reads: "I will love you if you let me, but more importantly, I will let you love me if you want, for I am the embodiment of beauty and grace."

Self-awareness. You can naturally tap into your inner self whenever you project personal love, interpersonal harmony or beauty. The more gentle your behavior, the more conscious you become. The better you maintain social harmony, the more self-aware you become. Finally, the more beautifully you present yourself to others, the wider and deeper your awareness of your true inner nature, whatever that may be.

Borders. Social balance, harmony and the projection of physical grace create maximum interaction between your inner and outer worlds. Disagreement, conflicts or chaos in self-manifestation darken the lens and pull the worlds apart, this is how the release of aggression or unconscious anger works. On the other hand, too much romance, seductive receptivity, or purely sensual pleasure fuses both worlds into a false union, causing a surprising and abrupt break in the relationship. Task- maintain a distinct, warm receptivity to the world without “falling in love with love.”

Vitality. In all areas of life, your vitality is maintained in harmony. Excessive love for sensual pleasures, hypersensitivity to conflicts and aversion to hard work reduce the efficiency of your well-being. You need to learn the value of exercise and continuous work, which is not the result of severe discipline, but part of the process of bringing everything into proper balance, since balance is the basis of maintaining your vitality in a state of tranquility. Remember: moderation in everything.


Self-expression. The position of Mars in the 1st house indicates the urge for spontaneous expression of personality. You are at the forefront of life, you are exposed to a sharp influence that makes you radiate "I", and this influence is natural, not deliberate. Desire is paramount, even when it is not fully realized. You “step” strongly, your personality is characterized by a feeling of greed, gluttony, it has a natural hunger. Trap lies in too militant opposition to life, whereas task- act as spontaneously and directly as you can.

Natural personality. The natural face with which you observe the world is busy with another crisis situation unfolding, well, right here, nearby, around the corner. You tend to be self-confident, razor-sharp, and sometimes downright assertive, although you rarely notice it. You are driven by the edge of personal desire.

Yours label name, which is more of a challenge than a statement, simply says, "Fierce."

Self-awareness. “Masculinity” is the key to the birth of self-awareness. The more spontaneous self-confidence you have, the more natural radiation there is around desire and the more aware you are of the central, root self. You have to go beyond yourself, outside yourself, to become aware of yourself. When you want something, you open the door to your inner self. When you cross the threshold, you become who you really are.

Borders. Competition, confrontation and direct encouragement for self-expression are the bridge between external and internal realities. Inaction or passivity damages the bridge between these worlds, but violent aggression or assertiveness causes misperceptions and embarrassing errors in judgment, because the "arrow and the bull's eye" are deprived of a common vision of perspective. Task- spontaneously throw oneself out, but without causing enormous destruction. Remember: your powerful energy is a bridge of communication, not a destructive missile. If you forget about this, other people may send their own missiles in response.

Vitality. Your vitality is naturally powerful and your restorative powers work wonderfully in any crisis; there may be susceptibility to nervous stimulation and a dangerous tendency to accidental injuries such as cuts, abrasions or broken bones that require surgical intervention. Often you try to "lead with your head", and in the end you will get scars on your face as a reward. The main source of trouble is stress and the artificial but tense feeling of crisis it provokes. You must learn relaxation techniques, but this does not mean inactivity. On the contrary, it implies a relaxed action. Make sure that you give sufficient release to the physical plane of the powerful energy of your personality.


Self-expression. The position of Jupiter in the 1st house indicates breadth, a sense of the “enormousness” of the natural manifestation of the personality. You are sociable and generous in spontaneous expression, holding back almost nothing and magnifying almost everything. The breadth of expression can be combined with depth or be simply extravagant; Often you fall into the trap of exaggeration. You are very social in your orientation and use almost all situations of self-expression in a group. You feel more comfortable when you are close to the audience; they increase the natural vitality of your expression. Often you will find yourself projecting a positive self-image onto others even when your inner world is depressed or when you are in a pessimistic mood. Task- let your personality cultivate optimism.

Natural personality. The position of Jupiter in the 1st house is characterized by ease of expression. The face in this case is intelligent, positive and generally victorious, although defiant posing and calculated opportunism can sometimes cloud the image.

Yours label name says: "I am social and friendly, open and honest and very wise. Trust and believe me, even if I exaggerate my own importance."

Self-awareness. You become aware of your inner self, exuding generosity, a social conscience and a positive, philosophical outlook on the world. You are most aware of yourself in a social or group setting, but even when you are alone, you often "pretend" that you are in the presence of other people. This behavior is like setting up a scene backstage, rehearsing your role, because this process creates your self-awareness. You probably spend a lot of time researching public publications, and as you embrace a diversity of philosophical views, your self-awareness grows. It is not at all necessary that you work almost according to a schedule on wise texts, just let it happen.

Borders. Enthusiasm and a light, iridescent perception of the processes occurring in society connect your inner and outer worlds. Inhibition, limitation or pessimism separates these worlds, and inflated egos and carefree exaggeration blur the boundaries between the worlds, resulting in missed opportunities and unfulfilled promises. Other people tend to trust you; Don't break their trust. Task- radiate cheerfulness and a fantastic social consciousness without pretentiousness. Let your prospects unfold naturally; don't distort them.

Vitality. If Jupiter is in the 1st house, then all vitality indicators are positive; You have a large, regenerative vital force, but there is a marked tendency to seek excessive pleasures and a specific tendency towards obesity, as well as vulnerability of the regulators of bodily growth. An extremely important and sensitive organ is the liver. As with Venus, you must remember to practice moderation in all things, however, what you want most in life is to experience extensive stimulation; so vast that nothing could extinguish it.


Self-expression. The placement of Saturn in the 1st house indicates natural limitation and concentrated self-expression. Conservatism, caution and pragmatism cause spontaneous radiation outward into something more measurable. What is implied is more important than what is expressed, so the tone of personality is often critical. Beware traps cynicism or rudeness towards other people. You may feel a very subtle fear and awkwardness arising from time to time when you are ready to express yourself. It is often very difficult for you to grasp your personality with your hands, as if you cannot lift it up at all. It is heavy, carrying the burden of responsibility located right on the surface of the self, like a boulder blocking the entrance to a cave. Task- may time ease this feeling of heaviness, replacing it with lasting maturity.

Natural personality. Your natural face is calm and solid, often silent and “cold to the touch” - a sculpture made of stone.

Yours label name reads: "I am a rock of responsibility and strength. Don't think you can move me, but know that I have wisdom born of a powerful inner patience. I will deliver it slowly, carefully, and only when I believe you respect me."

Self-awareness. Constraint, conservatism, highly pragmatic responsibility and respect for authority reveal to you the existence and meaning of your fundamental inner self. This arrangement of the planet is paradoxical: the less you radiate, the more conscious you become. Let your self-expression be economical and ascetic; pack as much substance as possible into a negligible expression. Be patient and allow your personality to “fill up” to the top before radiating itself into the environment, and then you will be fully aware of your true inner self.

Borders. You connect your inner and outer environment with a strong wall of caution and self-control. Unreasonable action or emotional risk based solely on trust or hope leads to a painful separation of the two worlds, and self-denial or fear of authority leads to a painful fusion of the two, resulting in paranoia and imprisonment of the self. Task- keep your essence perfectly formed, independent and anchored in real life, without slipping into pessimism, alienation or self-flagellation. Remind yourself often that you are in this world, not outside it. Your inner and outer realities are designed to be separate yet connected; and if you remember this, you will achieve radiant maturity.

Vitality. The topic of health is especially important when Saturn is in the 1st house, as your natural vitality is likely to be limited in some way. You may be plagued by minor illnesses such as colds or other types of infectious diseases, but your worst enemy is psychological depression and a clear tendency towards hypochondria. Life requires you to learn to live with greater comfort, so that you perceive yourself as you are, and not as you imagine yourself to be. You also cannot exist without discipline, for your vitality is released in a measured flow, and not all at once.


Self-expression. The position of Uranus in the 1st house shows that by nature of natural expression you are radical, revolutionary in radiating yourself. Your personality can very quickly move from a state of complete calm to a state of nervous excitement. It contains enormous self-will, which is activated at any moment by a semi-conscious need for complete freedom. There is almost certainly an eccentricity in the expression, an idiosyncratic feeling that will be more noticeable to other people than to you. Even the state of calm is charged and waiting for the right moment to shoot off like fireworks. Trap consists of useless rebellion, whereas task- to be truly unique.

Natural personality. The face you show to the world is unpredictable, marked by sudden, dramatic changes. Nervous energy shapes your personality, even if it does not always actively manifest itself. This is a symbolic mask of paradox and restraint, conveying a sense of being apart, apart from other people, reflecting the state of a cool, impartial observer.

Yours label name is a neon advertising sign whose messages change at the most unexpected times, but the main message is: "I am an unusual person."

Self-awareness. Your central self can be awakened when the radiation of personality is completely individual, unpredictable and invigorating. Consciousness arises in bursts of self-expression. When you are quiet and calm, as is the case most of the time, you are simply watching, on edge, waiting for the moment to turn on. When you are the same as everyone else, then you don’t exist. Only when you suddenly explode in an extraordinary outburst, only then are you truly aware of yourself. You must maintain a strong sense of independence in order to know who you really are.

Borders. You are not so much building bridges as you are jumping back and forth between your inner reality and the outer world. Consistency of behavior or passive obedience breaks contact between the worlds, and destructive behavior for its own sake blurs the much-needed boundary between the two worlds. In the first case, you are ignored, not taken seriously, and in the second case, you are ostracized, expelled. Task is to introduce new and freer, uninhibited forms of self into the world without creating shadow opposition.

Vitality. The placement of Uranus in the 1st house indicates the possibility of sudden and radical shifts in both health and vitality. This placement is particularly prone to nervous disorders and, as in the case of Mercury and Mars, there is a possibility of being more than usual susceptible to stress, since your personality is particularly nervous. You need to learn to deal with the blows of life, accepting them in the same mood with which you yourself present “surprises” to other people. In the event of a crisis, manage your energy and disconnect from the situation to become an observer - separate from your body, separate from the world.


Self-expression. With Neptune in the 1st house, the spontaneous personality is dreamy and perhaps mystical. It contains partly the “softness” of the perception of Venus, but much more of something otherworldly, as if you feel a different world than other people feel. You probably do not project yourself with absolute precision and precision, and indeed you may suffer from falling into the trap of confusion about how to express yourself when precision of expression is required. However, in those situations where certainty of expression is not required, your personality glows with an almost magical understanding that is far removed from the ordinary or rational understanding of the world. You may feel like you don't fully "fit" your personality, like you're wearing someone else's clothes. On the other hand, you are great at pretending, and task is to raise a powerful imagination to the level of deep empathy for other people.

Natural personality. Among the ten planetary symbols, Neptune's symbolism is the most "disguised". Solving it is like studying a photograph taken with a camera with a very blurry focus; the outlines blurred and the photograph became more impressive than expressive.

Yours label name reads: "I am sensual, soft, otherworldly, clairvoyant, slightly confused, emotionally vulnerable and very receptive."

Self-awareness. Compassion, sensitivity and a soft or dreamy personality expression are conducive to realizing your true inner nature. Your way of gaining consciousness is a mystery of inversion: the less you act as yourself, the more you become aware that you exist. The more you go beyond the boundaries of yourself, allow yourself to go outside of yourself, spread beyond the shell of yourself, the more clearly you suddenly discover who you are. When you allow yourself to connect with the universal Unity of Life, then you awaken your individual self. It may be confusing, but you cannot exist without it. Remember that the search requires that you give up yourself - not for our sake, but for the sake of that which is much greater than any of us. Whenever you lose your inner self, let it disappear and it will return.

Borders. Natural sympathy for other people, universality of love and concentration on calm fantasy in the spontaneous manifestation of personality correctly connect internal and external realities. Lack of faith in the universe breaks this connection, alienates you from your true self, and self-deception, flight from the world or fanaticism clouds both realities, and the result is martyrdom or damage to semantic integrity. Task- to reconnect with all that exists, but to do it in a way that does not drown your own individuality.

Vitality. Your receptivity and completeness of fusion are so pronounced that infectious diseases and drug addiction become quite dangerous for you, and all types of psychosomatic diseases are also dangerous. Be careful when handling medications. You need to learn to use your intuitive imagination in an orderly manner to promote your own well-being and to literally escape illness and move beyond it. Decomposition and reintegration are key processes, and you can facilitate the reintegration process through transcendence, gracefully moving beyond any negative psychological process or physical ailment. Disease is released, not conquered. Self-love turns into health. Your strength is not in physical vitality, but in faith.


Self-expression. Pluto's placement in the 1st house indicates a deep intensity of self-expression. It is as if all the power of the unconscious is located right on the surface of the self for all to see, and this power has a great influence. People tend to sympathize with you bluntly, or, conversely, express their dislike, sometimes doing so despite themselves. In some cases, people love and hate you at the same time, experiencing feelings of attraction and rejection towards you at the same time. This is because your natural radiation requires psychological confrontation between you and other people, although this requirement is largely unintentional. The energy you emit is mysterious, promising more than meets the eye, with a hint of danger. The curious thing is that you are often reckless of the compelling nature of your own personality, and then wonder why other people act so strangely towards you.

Natural personality. Your natural face is difficult to read, but impossible to ignore. There is something dark and looming about it, vague, invisible, but felt very clearly.

Yours label name says: “I am not what I seem to you; I differ in one way or another from the image you imagine.”

Self-awareness. The calm intensity of self-expression and the powerful release of subconscious energies promote awareness of the inner self. You own the deep emotions waiting inside you, below the surface, and when they are released, it leads to a deeper awareness of your essence. However, when emotions are in the “preparation” stage, then the awareness of the inner “I” is like a blank slate; you simply exist without knowing anything about your current state. But when these intense feelings erupt through your outer personality, they create such a sublime sense of self that this awareness remains with you long after the eruption has subsided. You use the memory of "I" until the next explosion of the deep volcano. This process is similar to searching for oil. It's very rare that you come across an oil gusher, but when you do find one, it replenishes all your costs of drilling empty wells before you hit the next gusher.

Borders. The magnetism of powerful and purposeful emotions creates contact between your inner reality and the outer world. Superficiality, blocking or frozen expression destroys the lens of communication, and all forms of covert manipulation - such as emotional domination - bind both worlds together in a chaotic bundle and subject them to silent terror. Task- find a way to fuse your inner and outer worlds without destroying either of them.

Vitality. You have remarkable restorative powers, although it should be noted that psychological disorders cause you more trouble than physical ones. You are the object of all sorts of intense and obsessive habits, but the desire for life in this case is much more emphasized compared to the symbolism of the position in this house of any other planet. It is absolutely necessary for you to learn to temper the tendency to burn your body with a love of intense excesses. If you must revolve around anything, then revolve around your positive vitality. Feedback techniques are extremely powerful in this case, so remind yourself often that Life wants to manifest itself through you. If something negative still exists, do the clearing. “If your eye is giving you trouble, pluck it out.” However, remember that such extreme measures should only be used when all other means have been exhausted."

Each house is a field of certain activity. The interpretation of houses changes depending on which planets are located in them. However, it is important to understand that if there is not a single planet in the house, this does not mean that nothing happens in it. Each house has a planet ruling the sign at the cusp of the house.

Houses correspond to circumstances, and signs indicate characteristic features of these circumstances. If we compare astrology with theater, we can say that planets are actors, signs are the roles they play, and houses are scenes or situations in which actors find themselves playing their roles. Mercury is always Mercury, but in Gemini it has one role, and in Libra it has another. When Mercury is in the third house, the scene is different from that which arises when Mercury is in the sixth house. Houses never change their places.

Ascendant(or the vertex of the first house) is always located in the eastern part of the horizon, where the Sun is born every morning. A Descendant(or the cusp of the seventh house) is always located in the western part of the horizon, where the Sun sets each evening.

Zenith, which is designated as MS(the vertex of the tenth house), is always located in the southern point of the horoscope. The opposite point IC(the vertex of the fourth house) is always at the very bottom of the horoscope or, what is the same, at the northern point of the horizon. The designation of the tenth house cusp (MC) comes from the Latin name medium coeli, which means midheaven. The designation for the top of the fourth house (1C) comes from the Latin name imam coeli, which means the lowest point of the sky.

First house

Symbolic sign: Aries
Symbolic ruler: Mars
Keyword: personality
House: life

The vertex of the first house is the Ascendant, or rising sign. This is one of the most important points in the natural horoscope, and it exactly shows the degree and sign in the east at the time of birth. Due to the rotation of the Earth, one degree of the zodiac rises above the horizon in approximately four minutes. This shows how important it is to know the exact time of birth.

The first house, and especially the Ascendant, indicates your personality, your natural inclinations and developmental tendencies, your individuality and way of self-expression. It shows how others see you and how you want to appear from the outside. It represents your body, health and early childhood years. Shows your life principles, worldview, your appearance, all your undertakings and plans.

Second house

Symbolic sign: Taurus
Symbolic ruler: Venus
Keyword: values
House: essence of material goods

The second house indicates finances, property (excluding real estate), investments, earning potential and any gains or losses. It points to your inner talents and resources, your need for satisfaction, your emotions, your sense of self-worth, and your sense of value in general. Since many people believe that freedom depends largely on money, this is the home of personal freedom. And at the same time, a house of material debt.

Third house

Symbolic sign: twins
Symbolic ruler: Mercury
Keyword: consciousness
House: direct relations

The third house indicates your immediate environment, your brothers and sisters, and all types of communication, including public speaking, art, and literary ability. He also indicates the means of communication, including all short journeys. It indicates the adaptability of your mind to understand new ideas, your ability to connect with others, and your qualities and abilities that are liked by everyone. It indicates the conscious or objective part of your mind and your early education.

Fourth house

Symbolic sign: cancer
Symbolic ruler: moon
Keyword: prosperity
House: completion

The fourth house points to your home, your parents, the family you come from (your roots), and the home you are creating. It covers your heritage, ancestors, your psychological roots and your personal life. This house indicates real estate and all private property. This is the house of completion: the last years of life, the end of all affairs, posthumous glory and the place of your burial. It refers to the parent who influenced you most as a child, your subjective self, and the foundation on which your character is built.

Fifth house

Symbolic sign: a lion
Symbolic ruler: Sun
Keyword: creativity
House: life

The fifth house indicates children, love affairs, satisfaction, entertainment, vacations, holidays, financial transactions, hobbies and carefreeness. This is the house of your emotional relationships and love, shows your activities, your originality and the areas in which your creativity shines.

Also indicates abilities for theatrical activities, literature and art. The fifth house shows politics, fine arts, publishing, public affairs, pregnancy and the education of children. All the clubs and societies you go to for fun (tennis club, bridge club, etc.) are reflected in this house.

Sixth house

Symbolic sign: Virgo
Symbolic ruler: Mercury
Keyword: duty
House: essentially

The sixth house indicates your work, health and habits. Indicates your place of work, those to whom you rent an apartment, services, pets and everyone on whom you depend. It shows the services you offer to others, your routine work, your clothing, hygiene, gastronomic tastes, the way you eat, illnesses and all the circumstances that affect your health. This house indicates your relatives such as aunt, uncle, nephews, as well as your adaptability and unconscious self. Work and health are directly related here.

Seventh house

Symbolic sign: scales
Symbolic ruler: Venus
Keyword: cooperation
House: direct relations

The seventh house indicates partners in marriage and work, marriage, divorce, contracts, litigation, deals, agreements, all social activities and how others look at you. It indicates your obvious enemies, your cooperation with other people, or at least your lack of cooperation. Indicates what you lack most, as this house is opposite to the first, which indicates your characteristic features. This house indicates your attitude towards marriage: your partner, the luck of the marriage, and how many times you can get married. It also means your grandparents and all those through whom you can be influenced.

Eighth house

Symbolic sign: scorpion
Symbolic ruler: Pluto
Keyword: spiritual
House: completion

The eighth house indicates support from others, including financial, moral, spiritual and physical. It signifies inheritance, wills, taxes, insurance matters, as well as secrets, sex, spiritual and physical rebirth, psychological transformation and death. The eighth house is the house of the occult, sleep, deep exploration and hidden wealth. It covers the property of your partners and those you support. This is the house of surgery and, together with the sixth house, indicates types of diseases.

Ninth house

Symbolic sign: Sagittarius
Symbolic ruler: Jupiter
Keyword: aspirations
House: life

The ninth house indicates your highest mental level, your superego. Indicates religion, law, science, ideals, higher education, philosophy, psychology, deep thoughts, your dreams and visions. Indicates long journeys, foreigners, business relations with foreigners, trade, large works, import and export. Refers to the church as a spiritual factor, clergy, relatives, grandchildren, intuition, ethics and public opinion. Indicates all life lessons.

Tenth house

Symbolic sign: Capricorn
Symbolic ruler: Saturn
Keyword: honor
House: essences and provisions

The tenth house indicates your profession, reputation and position in society. Indicates your ego, position, authority, promotion, ambition, professional and social activities, your boss, authorities and any other authority to which you are subject. Indicates your achievements, how others view and evaluate you, and your authority in society. We see here the church as an organization, as well as the second parent (the first is shown by the fourth house).

Eleventh house

Symbolic sign: Aquarius
Symbolic ruler: Uranus
Keyword: collective consciousness
House: public relations

The eleventh house indicates your capacity for friendship, relationships with friends and acquaintances and all non-emotional connections. It indicates what you want most in life, indicates your goals, the love you receive, as well as the money you receive from work. This house indicates stepchildren and adopted children, and circumstances that you cannot completely control. Here you can see your humanitarian inclinations, your way of assessing your surroundings, large and small organizations and the social circle to which you belong and which is somehow connected with your career.

Twelfth House

Symbolic sign: fish
Symbolic ruler: Neptune
Keyword: subconscious
House: completion and closed space

The twelfth house indicates your unknown or hidden strengths and weaknesses. Indicates sadness, suffering, grief, secrets, loneliness, disappointment, secret actions. Indicates places of exile, prisons, hospitals, etc., as well as abstinence, suppression, exile, hidden enemies, dangers, harm to yourself and illegal activities. Shows everything that we hide from others. Research, background, subjective supports, inner consciousness, unconscious self, spiritual debts to be paid (karma), but also mercy, compassion and action for the common good. This house is often called the “pantry” or “vault” of the horoscope because here we hide or store the most painful problems or difficulties that we do not want to admit.

Houses relative to houses

Houses in relation to each other form a system of houses. If we take, for example, the fifth house, which indicates, in particular, your children, then the ninth house, which is the fifth in relation to the fifth, indicates the children of your children, that is, your grandchildren. When defining a house relative to a house, the original scrap is considered first. Thus, when the fifth house is mistaken for the first, then the sixth becomes the second, the seventh becomes the third, the eighth becomes the fourth, and the ninth becomes the fifth. The fourth house, as the house of completion, indicates circumstances at the end of life's journey. Therefore, the eighth house indicates the circumstances at the end of your children's life path, since it is the fourth house in relation to the fifth - the house of your children. You can count: fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth. The second house indicates your money; it is the second house to the first house (representing you). Therefore, the eighth house indicates your partner's money, being second to the seventh house (your partner). These are just a few examples of how you can get more information about each home.

Division of houses by elements

Fire: houses of life or personal houses.
People who have many planets in these houses are full of inspiration and dynamic. They have great energy and enthusiasm, they know how to captivate others and are convinced of what they believe in.

First house: body.
Fifth house: soul.
Ninth house: mind.

Land: houses of value or houses of property.
People who have many planets in these houses are usually stable and represent the support and core of (their) family or society. Their views and professional inclinations are specific and practical.

Second house: property, finance.
Sixth house: profession.
Tenth house: recognition, environment.

Air: houses of relationships.
When there are many planets in these houses, people "need others." These houses describe a person's relationship to other people.

Third house: relatives and neighbors; those whom we do not choose.
Seventh house: intimate relationships and partners; those we choose are spouses.
Eleventh house: friendly and intellectual relationships; those we choose based on common interests are kindred spirits.

Water: completion houses or closed houses.
People with many planets in these houses are sensitive, and many of them are psychoanalysts and religious figures. These houses indicate our deeply hidden soul and how we will leave this world. Not when, but how.

Fourth house: the end of the existence of a physical organism.
Eighth house: liberation of the soul, death.
Twelfth house: the philosophy of death, the results of the life path we have chosen.


  • Dividing houses by quality

    The twelve houses can be divided into three groups of four houses each, which correspond to cardinal, fixed and mutable properties. We designate them as corner, subsequent and falling.

    Corner houses(correspond to cardinal signs): first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses. These angles correspond to the east (Ascendant), west (Descendant), north (IC) and south (MC). These are the angles or axes of the horoscope. Planets in angular houses have a greater potential for active activity, the influence of these planets is enhanced. In other words, angular houses have cardinal qualities. Some authors call the position of planets in angular houses “accidental presence in their sign.”

    Subsequent houses(correspond to fixed signs): second, fifth, eighth and eleventh houses. They are called subsequent because they follow the corner houses. They are not very strong, like fixed signs, they indicate stability and determination. These are also financial houses.

    Falling houses(correspond to mutable signs): third, sixth, ninth and twelfth houses. These houses are not as active as corner houses and do not provide as much stability as subsequent houses. They signify the ability to adapt and get along well with others. They are usually spoken of as mental houses.

    Horoscope axes

    The horizontal axis of the horoscope is called the equator or horizon, and the vertical axis is called the meridian. Using them we divide the horoscope into two halves.

    The horizontal axis indicates consciousness, the vertical axis indicates power.
    As shown in Figure 5, the equator divides the horoscope into day and night
    part, since this line runs along the sunrise-sunset axis. Day planets are the planets that are above the horizon in the horoscope, and night planets are those that are below the horizon.

    Thus, the daytime, or light half of the horoscope represents
    manifestation and objectivity, and the night section, or dark half, represents the subjective and instincts. If you have many planets above the horizon, you are objective and want to comprehend more than you are destined to. If you have many planets under the horizon, especially if the Sun and Moon are among them, then you are a somewhat subjective person and prone to behind-the-scenes actions.

    As shown in Figure 6, the meridian divides the horoscope into eastern and western halves. This line runs from noon to midnight and divides the planets into ascending and setting (see Fig. 6). The ascending planets are in the eastern half of the horoscope and cover the time from midnight to noon. Setting planets are in the western half of the horoscope, covering the time from noon to midnight. If there are many ascending planets in the horoscope, this indicates a strong and free will, control over one’s own life. This is the epitome of sowing. If there are many setting planets in the horoscope, this indicates your flexibility and participation in the fate of other people. This is the embodiment of the harvest.

  • Holograms and superpositions in astrology at every step <:-P

    In the narrow sense, the houses of the horoscope are understood as 12 sectors of the ecliptic, which constantly move along the course of the signs of the Zodiac, making a full revolution in 1 sidereal day. The division of the horoscope into houses is done to display the daily rotation of the celestial sphere at a specific geographical point. There are a large number of ways to divide a horoscope into houses; As a result, houses have different sizes in different systems and different locations in the Zodiac. The most sensitive and significant point of the house is the point of its beginning (the so-called cusp or top). The cusps of opposite houses (I – VII, II – VIII, etc.) form an exact opposition in almost all domification systems. Sometimes the concepts of “beginning of a house” and “cusp of a house” are distinguished (as in the “classical system of houses” or in the Indian equi-house system; more on this below). Usually, the Ascendant/ (which in the most popular systems of houses are the cusps of the 1st and 7th houses, respectively) and the Midheaven/ Imum Coeli (in the most popular systems these are the cusps of the 10th and 4th houses, respectively) are used as reference points.

    In a broader sense, houses mean sectors of the celestial sphere that have special astrological significance, the location of which in the chosen coordinate system changes over time. Thus, the houses of the horoscope, understood in a broad sense, do not necessarily reflect the daily cycle (for example, systems of equal houses from the Sun, Moon and other planets), their number is not necessarily 12 (for example, in Octopos systems and Octoscope), they are not necessarily formed and analyzed in the ecliptic plane (in particular, they are used in horizontal SNK).

What are houses in astrology

In addition to the fact that the circle of the Zodiac is divided into 12 signs, each of which occupies exactly 30 degrees, it is also divided into 12 houses, which do not always occupy sectors of the same size.

The size of the house depends on the coordinates of the place where you were born and the time of day when you were born. The result is that everyone has a rather unique house placement in their natal chart. This is where the difference in people's destinies lies.

There were all kinds of house systems in astrology: Placidus, Regiomontanus, Alcabitius, Porphyry, Brahmagupta, and Campano, and the most modern and most effective option in distinguishing the nuances of fate is the Koch house system, which appeared around the middle of the last century.

By the way, if you take astrology seriously, you might come up with your own.

What are the houses responsible for in the horoscope?

Each house is a certain area of ​​a person’s life.

Are there not enough spheres, you say? After all, human life is so diverse. Yes, but no. I mean, yes, life is varied, but no, 12 houses is not enough.

Let's list the responsibilities of houses.

1st house in astrology – self-presentation

The first house is responsible for how a person presents himself to society, what he will demonstrate first, how he will do it, and what impression he will create about himself.

Of course, the 1st house is responsible for appearance to some extent. This is also our “sign”.

If not in full force for the color of hair and eyes, since genetics does its job, and you don’t often see a blond black man, just like a light-eyed Japanese, but at least height, build, and most often, behavior when meeting for the first time first home can describe quite accurately.

2nd house in astrology – savings

The second house is responsible for everything that a person is able to accumulate.

These are not only material resources in the form of income from different types of income, and not only some personal belongings, but also accumulated skills, abilities and talents.

It happens that a very small sector in a horoscope will tell about the very great talent of its owner. Surprisingly, this is true. It’s funny to say, but when mentioning the income that the 2nd house describes, it would not be out of place to note that the 2nd house can, to some extent, even describe the person’s wallet in which he prefers to carry this money.

It is not without reason that in medical astrology the 2nd house is related, among other things, to the joint capsules. Bag is the key word in this sense.

3rd house in astrology – interests

The third house will clearly show what is interesting to a person’s mind, what his thinking and speech are like, how he uses them in communication, in education, what he strives for when trying to expand his horizons, in what direction he wants to expand his knowledge. What is interesting to the mind is that education, in the sense of university, should be chosen in that direction. A very important house.

He will also tell you about a person’s immediate environment, including close relatives, brothers and sisters, neighbors, acquaintances and just those people whom you encounter every day.

What can I say, this house can even describe a person’s car, if he has one, and if he doesn’t, then what kind of car he would like to have.

4th house in astrology - family

What is family? These are not only family members, but also a kind of refuge. When you are in a family, you feel protected.

No wonder in the old days it was important to have many children and honor ancestors. The stronger your family ties, the stronger your roots, the more stable, strong, and confident you are in life, and your family is behind you.

By the way, the 4th house is located at the very bottom of the horoscope, as if being its foundation. Whether it is reliable or not depends on the quality of the 4th house.

But it is he who describes the living conditions of a person from birth to death, even more broadly - from being in the mother’s womb to describing the final refuge, including the area where he was born, the climate, the state of the environment - these are also living conditions and very important in our time. time.

There is also a description of more specific conditions such as real estate, your home, your parents’ family and your own. The 4th house will describe the initial conditions for a person’s start, that is, the upbringing he will receive in his parental family and science, the general family experience that his family will give him, and family traditions.

The same house will also describe the father of the owner of the horoscope. A rich house. And that's not all listed. He can also tell about some of a person’s spiritual qualities, as well as about his memory.


5th house in astrology - hobbies

How are hobbies different from interests? Interest comes from the mind, passion comes from the heart.

Interest comes from the love of thinking about something, passion comes from the desire to play something. From here, the 5th house will describe what very much attracts our attention and irresistibly attracts us, what we want to do in our free time - our hobby or passion for amateur sports.

You can get carried away not only with stamps, computer games, chess or cutting and sewing. You can also get carried away by a person. After all, when we are in love, our attention is focused exclusively on the object of love, we do not notice anything around, just like a black grouse on a lek, does not notice the hunter, take it with your bare hands.

Sometimes this happens in love, and then, having come to their senses, someone may say:

"I was blind when I chose you."

But this depends on the quality of the 5th house.

What I mean is that the 5th house is also responsible for love, as well as for children, the fruits of this love. Everything is logical. Moreover, then it is they who completely capture the attention of the owner of the horoscope. For life.

6th house in astrology – work

This house will describe to the smallest detail your work, any work for which you are paid, as well as the team, specific work colleagues and relationships with them.

From this house you can find out about working conditions, whether there will be a situation in life where work is like a headache, and whether a person will have a job at all.

The 6th house will show the person himself as a worker, his attitude towards work and his business qualities.

At the same time, if he has to hire workers himself, the 6th house will also describe his subordinates, including a tutor, a plumber and an electrician, whom anyone has to hire at least once in their life. But not only that.

The 6th house contains information about how a person relates to his health, and what the results of his lifestyle are - health or illness. And even that's not all.

Information about attitudes towards animals can also be extracted from the 6th house, which means that to some extent it will help to describe a pet, just as the second house describes a wallet, and the third describes a car.

7th house in astrology - personal life

It's all about marriage, including our attitude towards it, as well as about the marriage partner, what kind of character he is. The 7th house will tell you about possible breakups and divorces, whether the marriage will be problem-free or with some surprises, even indicating celibacy.

Sometimes they ask, what kind of house will describe the second marriage partner if the marriage is not the first? The 7th house will describe the second, and the third, and the nth, everything is there.

The 7th house can also describe business partners, people with whom you have to deal in some kind of activity.

Depending on the quality of this house, it will describe both those with whom the owner of the horoscope will cooperate and work productively, and those with whom he will be in opposition, opposition, all competitors, ill-wishers, and the problems that they can bring.

And if a person has to face a crime, then the 7th house will describe the thief or criminal, as well as the marriage partner, quite clearly. Unless the last name will be indicated there.

8th house in astrology – danger

There are different dangers. But the most serious ones will be described by the 8th house, including information about how long a person’s life will be. True, there are no exact dates, but to roughly estimate, you can continue to track dangerous moments according to forecasts with an accuracy of the day or minute in order to avoid them.

We are interested in such things not in order to indicate fatality, but in order to draw conclusions and... move to another place where there will be no such indications.

But in this house there is more fun information, for example, about the income of a marriage partner or about the opportunity to start a business, or about a bank account, about an inheritance, or about whether a person will have to be involved in a large production.

And about health too, in particular about the likelihood of surgical operations.

9th house in astrology – transcendence

That's too strong a word. In fact, the 9th house will indicate whether a person will have the opportunity to go beyond the generally accepted in education (for example, get a higher education or even go into science).

Will he have the opportunity to go beyond amateur sports and engage in professional sports? Will he have the opportunity to travel outside his city or country? Or maybe into space? Will he have the opportunity to go beyond amateur performances and devote himself to some kind of creativity? Will he even gather large audiences and even stadiums, being a scientist, an athlete or an artist, or a writer? The 9th house will describe his attitude to both God and the church.

10th house in astrology - success

The 4th house is the base from which a person starts in this life, and it is at the bottom of the horoscope, and the 10th house is at the top, this is the peak that a person is given the opportunity to reach. This is his calling, this is the recognition of all his deeds and achievements that he is destined to receive in this place.

Recognition comes in different forms, we know that some receive a Nobel Prize, some receive a diploma and a badge on their chest, and others:

“Go boy, thanks.”

If you don’t like what the 10th house promises you for your talent and work, you can find a place where all this will be appreciated. So many things can be fixed, and fate can be controlled if you know how. The 10th house will describe what kind of boss you are, if you are a boss, what kind of manager.

Everyone is a manager, at least in their family or in some area. So the information is useful. This house will also describe your mother, like the 4th house - your father, some features of her fate, your attitude towards her.


The 11th house in astrology is luck. And astrology!

Are you a lucky person? Information about this is in the 11th house. Should you gamble and spend at least on lottery tickets?

The 11th house will answer this with certainty, but we will only talk about this place of residence.

Will you have friends at all, including powerful friends. How freedom-loving and independent you are, and most importantly, selfless. Whether you will be involved with large groups, joint-stock companies, teams, public organizations, the 11th house will tell you about all this. Will you find lost money and things, and not only those lost by you?

Well, information about interest in astrology is also in this house. Since you are reading this article, you have something like that in the 11th house. Take a look at it at your leisure.

12th house in astrology – quiet happiness

The 12th house is no worse than others in terms of covering the topics of life. Everything that is your personal secret is there. Everything that is an unknown mystery to you is also there. Everything that is partially closed, hidden or illusory and uncertain is there.

But this is not always something mystical.

By the way, the 8th house is responsible for mysticism, the 11th is responsible for occult things, and the 12th house is responsible for all kinds of secrets: from the secrets of the Universe to “who took my pen.”

The 12th house will describe how a person relates to faith, compassion, charity and... what kind of affairs he has with the tax office. The 12th house is responsible for all secret, secret and semi-secret organizations, for closed and semi-closed ones, such as orphanages and bathhouses, and hotels.

The 12th house is also responsible for all illusory matters such as photography or television, cinema or insurance.

The 12th house is also responsible for all the elements like the sea or music, and indeed for inspiration. As well as for the deep secrets of the subconscious or, more simply, for psychology, for mental disorders, including stress and related diseases.

Why is quiet happiness mentioned in the title?

Oh, if this house in the horoscope is quite strong, then the person is happy in his solitude.

Agree, not everyone can afford this in modern life. Well, if the house is weak, then, alas, solitude turns into forced, up to confinement within the walls of an orphanage, prison, or another form of unfree, dependent position or commitment to other dependencies, and then the 12th house turns from happy to unhappy.

In a society with strict social conditions, it is the 1st house that indicates how a person will fit into them: whether he will have a happy destiny or not, whether he will receive benefits from a given social structure or will become an outsider. And in a socially free society, the 1st house talks about human nature. This house contains the following information:

1. Behavior, ethics, basic character traits, temperament, key mental characteristics; reaction to the outside world.

2. Talents and abilities, their magnitude and manifestation; giftedness; bright features of nature.

3. External data. Facial features and body structure features: absence or presence of external beauty; body type; physical capabilities of the body; features of muscle training.

4. Solving issues of self-defense and self-realization (ways and methods, their degree, activity, intensity) of oneself as an individual, or complete impersonality, development of one’s own individuality. Manifestation and realization of oneself.

5. All habits and individual characteristics.

6. Fate, as such; life path (difficult or happy), luck.

7 . Level and state of health; reserve of vitality, energy.

Planets in 1st house

Each house of the horoscope has a close associative connection with a certain zodiac sign and its ruling planets. And there is great wisdom in this connection. So, the 1st house is associated with the sign of Aries. Aries personifies the most powerful resource of energy. And the dispositor of the 1st house will be Mars. The energy of Mars is energy and strength, it is the manifestation of oneself as an individual and self-defense. Mars activates a person's energy level, survivability and penetration power. It helps a person not to retreat in the face of difficulties, not to give in, but to fight. Its energy sets a person up to fight for life, to assert himself in society, in the manifestation of his personality and individuality, sometimes with fortitude and sometimes with fists. The brighter and stronger Mars is marked in the birth horoscope, the more active a person will behave, the more masculinity and courage there will be in his behavior, the less he will shy away from fights.

Weak Mars in the birth horoscope warns of the passivity and inactivity of such a person. Thus, the energy of Mars is a unique mechanism for realizing the potential of the tasks of the 1st astrological house. When analyzing the 1st house of the horoscope, it is very important to study the position, power of the position and configuration of Mars: this serves as an indication of whether a person will be able to reveal his potential, express himself, realize his abilities. Strong Mars will allow you to realize yourself to the maximum (full potential of the 1st house).

This house also has an associative connection with Pluto. And this is also obvious, because Pluto is the strength of the individual, its place in society. This is the degree of manifestation of oneself.

Stellarium (several planets) in 1st house directly means extraordinary abilities.

Venus in the 1st house or in a sextile, trine with the Ascendant, emphasizes that beauty is a terrible force! This position of Venus in the birth chart means increased sexual attractiveness as a result of external beauty and great personal charm, and pronounced sexuality.

Mercury located in 1st house or in configuration with the Ascendant, it gives in the most literal sense: at the cellular level it slows down the aging process in the body, as well as in the practical ability to maintain excellent physical shape.

Jupiter in 1st house horoscope or configuration with the Ascendant, literally means happy Fate, luck and luck. Immense physical strength, health and energy.

Saturn in the 1st house or in square with the Ascendant, portends a difficult fate, fatal losses, many difficulties and obstacles. In the signs of Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, it means lingering black streaks in life, hopelessness. In the Retrograde phase - the unenviable fate of the “gray mouse”.


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