Hitler was born in 1889. Fuhrer Adolf Hitler: a short biography of the man who created a real hell factory

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Historian and TV presenter Leonid Mlechin took on the challenge of solving Adolf Hitler's biggest mysteries

On the shelves of even a small bookstore there will probably be several books telling about fascist Germany and Adolf Hitler. Another one was added to them - “The Fuhrer’s Biggest Secret,” written by the famous historian, writer and TV presenter Leonid MLECHIN. Why is interest in this historical figure (by the way, tomorrow is the birthday of Nazi boss number one) so persistent? “Isn’t everything known about Hitler yet?” - we asked the author.

There are individuals in world history whose scale of crimes are so incredible that they will always attract attention. I tried to give answers to many questions, but there are things that still cannot be fully understood. To some extent, this fascinates the researcher, although it often pushes him to a false perception of the scale of the individual.

Actually, as a person, Adolf Hitler was a complete nonentity, but the scope of his atrocities is such that they, like a powerful lens, turned his figure into a gigantic one. Under this optical effect, qualities were often attributed to Hitler that in fact he did not have.

- So, the final understanding of Hitler has not yet taken place?

All German archives relating to the 13-year period of Hitlerism were immediately opened after 1945. A huge number of books have been written, but imagine, to this day, more and more new works are being published in Germany. I just read a thick scientific work about the German economy during the Nazi era. For the first time in 60 years, it contains detailed explanations how the Third Reich, with rather meager resources, managed to create a powerful military machine and threaten almost the entire world. This is an inexhaustible topic.

- And what is “Hitler’s biggest secret”? Have you opened it?

The Fuhrer has a lot of secrets. Starting with the mystery of his origin: who his grandfather was is still completely unclear. Most likely, incest occurred in his family: his father married his own niece. All his life he strenuously hid it and was terrified that the truth would come out. Another secret is Hitler's relationships with men and women, his repressed homosexuality, fear of intimacy with the opposite sex. As a result, there was a complete breakdown with myself and resentment towards the whole world around me. It seems that the only person for whom Hitler had feelings, including sexual ones, was his own niece Geli Raubal, who committed suicide in 1931.

All these particulars would not have had much significance if they had not formed into the character, into the fate of himself and his country. But the biggest mystery is how this man was able to completely subjugate an entire state, to master the mass consciousness of the people so much that these people themselves threw themselves into the furnace.

- Until recently, we were taught history differently: historical materialism, class struggle, movement from system to system. And now, it turns out, individuals and their intimate lives can radically affect world history?

Yes, I think the role of personality in history has turned out to be much more significant than we once imagined. She is simply colossal! I dare to say that if, for example, Adolf Hitler had died at the front in 17 or 18, there would be no National Socialism. There would have been far-right parties and something else, but 50 million people would have remained alive! If he had been born ten years earlier or later, everything would have turned out differently. Hitler coincided with the mood of the people at that very historical point and caught the wave.

- You portrayed young Hitler as an ordinary person, weak and complex. At what point did the metamorphosis happen and the Fuhrer appear?

A whole chain of accidents leads him to this. There is a version that the turning point was an episode at the front of the First World War, when after a gas attack Hitler ended up in the hospital. The doctor who treated him for blindness discovered that the damage to his eyes was not organic, but rather neurotic. And then, with the help of hypnosis, the front-line doctor instilled in Hitler a special faith in himself.

The second moment occurred when Hitler, finding himself at a meeting of a small Bavarian party - and such rallies took place in beer halls - began to speak. Surrounded by completely insignificant outcasts, he suddenly felt the gift of a demagogue in himself. They started clapping for him, and he became filled with self-confidence.

In a word, a mass of random circumstances formed a fatal sequence. He should not have come to power. If the Weimar Republic had held out for at least an extra couple of months, the Nazi wave would have died down. But it turned out that a number of politicians who played their own games, trying to drown each other, opened the way to the top for Hitler.

- Was it really all that accidental? After all, by that time fascism was already in Italy, and similar regimes had taken over in other European countries.

But in Germany there was special situation. After the First World War, the Germans harbored a huge grudge against the whole world. And false grievances and the search for external enemies are extremely dangerous things for any country.

- By the way, in Russia, which suffered the most in the war against fascism, skinheads are walking around today, beating people of other nationalities. Where do we get this infection from?

There is no paradox in this. It took two decades and enormous strain on society, especially on the West German intelligentsia, to heal. She wrote new textbooks and created a new spiritual climate. The country has learned its lessons. Even the current German Chancellor Merkel, who was born after the war and seemingly free from responsibility for the crimes of Hitlerism, speaks of the historical guilt of the German people. It costs a lot.

For Russia, no matter how strange it may sound, the Great Patriotic War was not anti-fascist, it was a war for the Motherland against the occupiers. Fascism and its ideological roots were not exposed: after all, Stalin’s regime was in many ways similar to it. This is clearly seen in the example of the GDR, where, like in the USSR, these “vaccinations” were not done. It is no coincidence that the ultra-right in today's Germany almost all come from its eastern lands. I hope that solving Hitler's biggest secrets will bring us all at least one step closer to learning historical lessons.

The name of Adolf Hitler has been of concern to professional historians, those simply interested, fans of political battles and debates, as well as many others, for several decades now. Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say that this topic has already gone beyond just curious information. Like Adolf Hitler himself, real name This person has long been the object of speculation by a variety of forces. Some are trying to find him Jewish roots, building after this theories about secret cooperation, about a well-thought-out initial conspiracy. For others, Hitler's real surname is a reason to denigrate the entire family of the future Fuhrer for several generations, search for physical and mental abnormalities in relatives, or simply dig into dirty laundry. At the same time, researchers have put an end to this issue quite a long time ago. Hitler's real name is already known, and if you look at it, there is no significant reason for discussion. All existing disputes are largely far-fetched. Let's try to figure it out.

What is it Hitler's real name?

The future leader of the Nazi Party was born on April 20, 1889. His father, Alois Hitler, was first a shoemaker and later a civil servant. By the way, the father’s attempt to force his son to also become a government clerk is not last resort instilled in the latter a dislike for all kinds of conventions and strict service in general. In this regard, it is interesting that Alois lived with the surname Schicklgruber until 1876.

Hence the widespread belief that this is Hitler’s real name. However, it is not. The fact is that the father of the future Fuhrer was an illegitimate child and until the age of 39 was forced to bear his mother’s surname, since she was not married at that time and the father was not legally established. Five years after Alois's birth, his mother Maria Anna Schicklgruber marries poor miller Johann Hitler. Biographers of the Fuhrer believe that his probable grandfather was one of the Hitler brothers.

In 1876, witnesses confirmed that Alois's real father was Johann Hitler, which enabled the man to change his mother's surname to his father's surname.

As for Adolf, this change occurred thirteen years before his birth, so he one day I was never a Schicklgruber in my life. But such a misconception is very widespread; moreover, it even crept into some quite serious sources at one time. There were indeed families in his family with such a surname, but it has completely German roots. So calling Hitler Schicklgruber is as legitimate as giving him any other surname that his distant and close relatives once bore. As far as biographers have been able to trace, Adolf Hitler's ancestors were peasants on both his father's and mother's sides. Another interesting incident with the surname “Hitler” is that for many centuries it was written down by ear by priests. For this reason, they even had slightly different spellings in the documents, and as a result, slightly different soundings of their own surnames: Gidler, Hitler, Gudler, and so on.

The most suspicious thing is that Adolf Aloizyevich visited Austria and the German regions of the Czech Republic without chewing. And he didn’t even make an attempt on Switzerland, which is all German.

Is it true that aliens have settled there?

=))) no. just rich burghers who sponsored Hitler kept their money there

I’m more interested in why the local banks began to give money for safekeeping

because aliens have settled there, obviously

xxx: - I went to Triumphal Square to start a revolution!
- Where are you going, what about lessons?!
- Well maaaaa!
yyy: - Adolf! Adolf, get up, Adolf! The First World War has begun!
- Maaaaaam, I'm going to the second one.

Discussion of an Indian (!!!) film about the life of Adolf Hitler.

xxx: that’s what I imagine! Group dance of the Third Reich! Soviet army enters Berlin singing and dancing! Captured Jews dance into the crematorium! And of course the final dance of Hitler, Stalin and Eva Braun with backup dancers of Soviet and German soldiers and captured burned Jews...

In Moldova, the patronymic is written as a given name, and sometimes there are people who have full name sounds like Anton Andrey Pavel. If you don't know correct order, then the first thing that comes to mind is “Who are all these people?” :)

went to xml.yandex. There is a game there as examples of use: Patronymic.
The idea is simple: you enter your first and last name, and Yandex will select your middle name based on the search results.
So, first of all, I entered myself (but I’m not famous and therefore Yandex could not give out my middle name), then I entered Vladimir Zhirinovsky, after which I saw what I expected: Volfovich.
Next I hit Steve Jobs...
Runet users believe that Steve Jobs has a fucking middle name.

uuu: you’re kind of sad. what happened?
xxx: I went to the library
uuu: mmm, and?
xxx: how TIRED it is to explain that KniGGe is not PendoFF-Albanian jargon, but the surname of the writer, whose full name is Adolf von Knigge. The librarian firmly assured that Adolf von was Hitler, and books were what was on the shelves of this establishment =(((

xxx: You should also quote Hitler. Napoleon is no better than Hitler
yyy: By the way, Hitler also has wise and reasonable sayings.
And Napoleon’s expressions were not taken out of thin air, these are the commandments of the military.
xxx: Their wisdom didn't help them win the war
yyy: And any rational wisdom in general historically breaks down on Russian reality

What's your middle name?


in passport

Fatherland maybe you mean citizenship


I don’t understand. For example, what it could be

last name, first name, fucking, and patronymic.

what's your father's name?

I read this true story somewhere or heard it from someone.
Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich, known as the “Iron Commissar”, after
After retirement I got into the habit of visiting the Lenin Library. And there in front
There was always a small queue at the book issuing desk. Lazar Moiseevich
everyone tried to get through without waiting in line - and, as a rule, they let him through.
And then one day Kaganovich comes to Leninka and sees that at the beginning
A tall, gray-haired man with an aquiline profile is standing in line. Well,
Lazar Moiseevich was delighted and - to him.
“Please let me through,” he says. “I’m Kaganovich!”
“You are Kaganovich, and I am Rabinovich,” the gray-haired man answered him and did not
missed it.

An agreement was found in Berlin that Adolf Hitler concluded with... Satan. The contract is dated April 30, 1932 and signed in blood by both parties. Hitler's political testament.
According to him, the devil gives Hitler virtually unlimited power on the condition that he will use it for evil. In exchange, the Fuhrer promised to give up his soul in exactly 13 years.
Four independent experts examined the document and agreed that Hitler’s signature is indeed authentic, typical of documents signed by him in the 30s and 40s
According to the Creed Portal, the devilish signature also coincides with that on other similar agreements with the lord of hell. And historians know a lot of such documents.

Subject surname first name patronymic
The most common surname Derevyannikov and such an unusual middle name Sirach
When my wife applied for it the second time, she couldn’t stand it, he didn’t pay
I'm probably used to the attention.

At the institute, he and she Borshchev and Pokhlebkina on this topic of love and

The patronymic “Ikhtiandrovna” seems to be clear where it comes from, but where does the patronymic come from?
DURDYKLYCHEVICH!? I seriously asked him five times what his name was,
finally, spelled “Maxim DURDYKLYCHEVICH” (I won’t indicate the last name, in case
will read it :)).

I had an acquaintance, an older hiking comrade, named Adolf.
Russian, but was born during the period of friendship between Stalin’s Russia and Hitler’s
Germany. I suffered from this all my life, but I endured it philosophically. Through life
he traveled to many places, including working for some time at the design bureau
Queen. This was the preamble.
Adolf once said that he was appointed by the Queen to be in charge
for the development of the spacesuit. So, Adolf disliked some shot and
entrusted him with the development of a system for removing feces and urine.
Subsequently, that comrade became the Chief Designer (unfortunately, I
I forgot his last name).
Adolf laughed:
- My school! If I hadn’t put my comrade in jail then, he wouldn’t have been of any use

Adolf's father Alois, being illegitimate, until 1876 bore the surname of his mother Maria Anna Schicklgruber (German: Schicklgruber).

Five years after the birth of Alois, Maria Schicklgruber married miller Johann Georg Hiedler, who spent his entire life in poverty and had no own home.

In 1876, three witnesses certified that Gidler, who died in 1857, was the father of Alois, which allowed the latter to change his surname. The change in the spelling of the surname to “Hitler” was allegedly caused by a mistake by the priest when recording in the “Birth Registration Book”.

Modern researchers consider the probable father of Alois not Gidler, but his brother Johann Nepomuk Güttler, who took Alois into his house and raised him.

Adolf Hitler himself, contrary to the statement widespread since the 1920s and even included in the 3rd edition of the TSB, never bore the surname Schicklgruber.

On January 7, 1885, Alois married his relative (niece - granddaughter of Johann Nepomuk Güttler) Clara Pölzl. This was his third marriage. By this time he had a son, Alois, and a daughter, Angela, who later became the mother of Geli Raubal, Hitler's alleged mistress. Due to family ties, Alois had to obtain permission from the Vatican to marry Clara. Clara gave birth to six children from Alois, of whom Adolf was the third.

Hitler knew about the incest in his family and therefore always spoke very briefly and vaguely about his parents, although he demanded from others documentary evidence of their ancestors. Since the end of 1921, he began to constantly reassess and obscure his origins. He wrote only a few sentences about his father and maternal grandfather. On the contrary, he mentioned his mother very often in conversations. Because of this, he did not tell anyone that he was related (in a direct line from Johann Nepomuk) to the Austrian historian Rudolf Koppensteiner and the Austrian poet Robert Hamerling.

Adolf's direct ancestors, both through the Schicklgruber and Hitler lines, were peasants. Only the father made a career and became a government official.

Hitler's real name was a subject of debate among historians for several decades after the end of World War II. Many versions of the origin of the German bloody tyrant were considered. Disputes regarding Hitler's surname are natural, because any scandalous fact related to Hitler always causes a stir in society. famous person. In order to understand the nature of the different versions, it is necessary to remember the genealogy of Adolf Hitler.

The reasons for the controversy over the name of the German Fuhrer

The father of the Fuhrer of the Third Reich, Hitler, Alois, was born in 1837. It was from this time that the “surname problem” of the future German dictator began. His mother was Maria Anna Schicklgruber. If we talk modern language, this woman had the status of a single mother. At the time of her son's birth, she was not married, so Alois, Adolf's father, was recorded in his mother's surname. Following this logic, Hitler's real name is Schicklgruber. Knowing that the Fuhrer, at least during his active years political life, bore the last name Hitler, we understand that the situation was not so simple.

Who was Adolf Hitler's grandfather?

The question of Hitler's own grandfather is also controversial. To understand the legitimacy of Hitler having this particular surname, it is necessary to establish exactly who Alois’s father was. The versions here are different, because Maria Anna led a rather dissolute lifestyle in her youth, so it is impossible to be 100% sure who is Adolf’s grandfather. The most likely option is that Alois’s father should be recognized as the poor miller Johann Georg Hiedler (by the way, this is the most correct option spelling of this surname). This man did not have his own home and lived in poverty all his life. According to the testimony of some people, during the same period, Maria Anna could also meet with Johann Georg’s brother, Nepomuk Güttler, who was 15 years younger. But this option is unlikely, because even Gidler himself recognized his paternity. If Alois’s father is still not Hidler, but Nepomuk, then Hitler’s real name could be Güttler.

Jewish version of the origin of Adolf Hitler

We all remember very well one of the fundamental moments of the ideology of the fascist party NDASP, which consisted in total hatred and the need to exterminate the Jewish people. The version that Hitler's father was Jewish appeared in the 1950s. It was expressed by the Governor-General of Poland from 1939 to 1945. Hans France. He said in his memoirs that Hitler's mother, some time before his birth, worked on the estate of the Jewish merchant Frankenberg. Of course, there is no evidence of the mother’s love affair with this Jew, but still, according to Hans France, Hitler’s real name should be Frankenberg.

Considering the likelihood of this version through the prism of the ideology of fascism and national socialism, historians almost immediately rejected the possibility of such paternity in principle.

Schicklgruber becomes Hitler

In 1876, the Fuhrer's father Alois decided to change his last name. As we have already emphasized, at birth he was recorded by his mother’s maiden name. He bore this surname until he was 39 years old. According to some sources, in 1876 Johann Hiedler was still alive and officially recognized paternity. Other sources claim that Gidler had already died at that time.

How did the procedure for changing your surname take place? According to German law in force at that time, to confirm paternity, testimony was required from at least three people who knew the father and mother of the person changing the data in the information about the parents. Alois Schicklgruber found three such witnesses. The notary formalized the change of surname. We will not analyze the meaning of changing personal data, because it was a purely personal decision of Alois Hitler.

Adolf Hitler: real name and surname

The bloody German dictator was born on April 20, 1889. 13 years have passed since changes were made to the birth certificates of his father. There is no doubt that he could not bear the surname Schicklgruber, although in the first editions there is a large Soviet encyclopedia this person appears precisely as Adolf Schicklgruber. By the way, the version of Soviet historians regarding Hitler’s surname was based on the fact that in his first drawings he put his grandmother’s maiden name as a signature.

Today there is no longer a dispute, because all historians are sure: Hitler’s real name and surname correspond to the data that has remained forever in the history of the 20th century.


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