2 logistics and technical support. Organization of logistics of the enterprise

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1.1 The essence of logistics

1.2 Functions, forms and tasks of logistics support

1.3 Logistics management structure

1.4 Logistics approach to logistics

1.5 Foreign experience in logistics

2. Analysis of the organization of logistics of MZKT OJSC

2.1 Financial assessment of the organization’s activities

2.2 Analysis of the organization's provision of material resources

2.3 Supply management assessment

2.3.1 Organizational structure of the logistics service of MZKT OJSC

2.3.2 Planning for the provision of material resources to MZKT OJSC

  • 1. Theoretical aspects of logistics

1.1 The essence of logistics

Logistics support is a system for organizing the circulation and use of means of labor, fixed and working capital of an enterprise (materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, machinery and equipment). MTO is also responsible for their distribution among structural divisions and business units and consumption in the production process.

The starting point is to determine the organization’s needs for certain production assets, their volume and range for the current and future periods. In accordance with this, the logistics system must meet certain requirements. Firstly, it is aimed at timely and complete satisfaction of production needs. This ensures the continuity of the production process and affects its scale. Secondly, MTO is designed to create conditions for the effective operation of an enterprise; it aims it at an economic resource. In addition, logistics in themselves can ensure the priority of the consumer in economic terms.

The purpose of logistics support is:

- timely supply of the enterprise with the material resources necessary for the manufacture of products;

- rational use of material resources, including reducing resource losses to a minimum,

- working with suppliers to reduce the risk of supply disruptions.

For domestic enterprises before the transition to market relations, a centralized and stock distribution of material resources was typical.

At foreign enterprises due to the impact of a number of factors (energy crisis, the influence of scientific and technical progress, increased competition), starting in the 70s. increased attention to logistics support (MTS). This was facilitated by an increase in the share of material costs in production costs and an increase in the share of logistics in costs to 15-20%. In the process of improving logistics at foreign enterprises, “logistics” was created. The term is often associated with the French word loger - to arrange.

The essence of logistics is clear consistency in the management of material resources and information flows in order to ensure consumer orders. The enterprises created a system for managing material resources taking into account the requirements (orders) of consumers. Based on the unity of the information base, the two processes of supplying material resources and selling products were combined into one process.

Economic practice has shown that when the issues of supply and sales of products were dealt with separately, these processes were often not coordinated, which reduced the efficiency of the enterprise. Along with this, the requirements for the information system and for the organization of management have the same nature and the same technical base (computers) Therefore It is economically unprofitable to separate information and personnel in two directions: supply and sales.

Currently, the MTO has the following three main areas of activity - planning; management and accounting; material transactions, i.e. activities for the movement of goods. In this case, two flows are distinguished: information and commodity. These flows are interconnected with logistics activities, i.e. with planning, management and material operations.

The starting point of MTO planning activities are consumers, on the basis of whose demand orders for products are formed (“order portfolio”), i.e. volume, nomenclature and terms of production of orders.

Taking into account the nomenclature and volume of products, carrying out a gay analysis of production and technology in order to identify the need for material resources. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the consumption rates of material resources and past experience of their consumption.

Having data on the required resources (volume, type of material, delivery times), they analyze suppliers, those. the process of their ranking In this case, the capabilities of each supplier are clarified, for example, according to the following indicators: volume and delivery time, price, location (remoteness), additional terms of delivery. The analysis of suppliers ends with their distribution according to the degree of profitability and reliability

In addition to the need for material resources for the manufacture of products, the need for resources for stock levels, repairs, spare parts, etc. is determined. Ultimately, a consolidated need for material resources is created. It should be taken into account that the need for material resources, taking into account the factor of time and planning, is divided into three types:

- long-term need - based on strategic planning,

- annual demand;

- operational need - for a quarter, month, week or day After determining the consolidated need, a supply plan is drawn up and agreed with suppliers, the delivery schedule is specified, etc.

Logistics-based logistics management activities include:

- management processing of consumer orders:

- control over the provision of services;

- control of flights with shipped goods; accounting and inventory of finished products; accounting and distribution of skills to production units; accounting of semi-finished products;

- accounting of stocks of raw materials and components; management processing of orders to suppliers.

The activity of moving goods (material flow) includes:

- obtaining material resources from suppliers;

- preparation of material resources;

- inter-shop and inter-factory transportation;

- preparation and packaging of finished products;

- transportation and transshipment from the moment products leave the place of production until they arrive at the central warehouse (warehouses);

- supply of products from central warehouses to regional ones;

- preparing products for sale;

- supply of products.

The sequence of interaction between information and material flows is presented in Fig. 1.1.

Rice. 1.1. Flows in the logistics system

Note. Source: [Elizarov, p. 241]

The selection of information flow is due to the fact that:

- market stability has been constantly declining in recent years, and in this situation, expensive or significant reserve stocks do not ensure efficient use of resources;

- it is optimal to minimize all costs, including costs in supplying the enterprise;

- the information flow serves to regulate material flows, and its content is primarily information about consumer orders, changes in these orders, needs for material resources and their changes, consumption of raw materials, etc. Material flows are planned and carried out usually.

- between the enterprise and the consumer through the sales department;

- between the supplier and the enterprise through the supply (purchasing) department. Coordination of material and information flows within the enterprise is most often carried out by the production planning department or the planning and dispatch department.

Thanks to the interconnection of material and information flows, possible violations in the supply chain will be quickly identified and eliminated.

In addition, the separation of goods flows from information flows creates the possibility of transferring part of material and management operations to subcontractors, provided that the enterprise maintains control over the process and the level of material and technical support as a whole. This transfer of operations will, firstly, free up capital; secondly, the specialization of subcontractors can reduce logistics costs.

1.2 Functions And, forms and tasks logistics

The logistics system has a number of functions:

- planning the need for material resources;

- procurement function;

- storage of prepared raw materials and supplies;

- implementation of accounting and strict control over the issuance of raw materials and materials to production, etc.

Logistics support for production is a fairly broad concept, so it can take several forms.

1. Supply of finished products, semi-finished products and industrial services through direct economic relations.

2. Wholesale trade in means of production, as well as manufactured goods through warehouses, through chain stores and commodity procurement bases.

3. Exchange and borrowing operations in case of a lack of resources or funds in the form of investments.

4. Use of secondary resources, waste recycling.

5. Leasing, which is one of the main financial instruments through which long-term investments in the re-equipment and modernization of production are possible. This makes it possible to create a stable material and technical base and contributes to the growth of the competitiveness of manufactured goods.

6. Purchasing raw materials and supplies through commodity exchanges, as well as making import purchases under relevant partnership agreements with foreign companies.

7. Development of subsidiary farming (extraction of raw materials, production of containers) and implementation of centralized distribution of material resources.

The main task of the logistics service is the timely and uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with raw materials, components and related products, and various means of production using an effective and rational procurement scheme.

Classification of materials. Modern enterprises are in need of a variety of materials of a wide range and range. In order to reduce the cost of production, search for new materials that improve the properties and quality of products, and improve production conditions at the enterprise, it is necessary to classify and index the materials used. This work is also needed to improve the operational and accounting system.

The classification is based on the grouping of materials according to the homogeneity of characteristic features, followed by distribution into sections, subsections, types, etc. Each section is assigned a corresponding index in the decimal system.

Classification is carried out in the form of tables in which each section is assigned an individual classifier index, with reference to technical specifications, standards or certificates, indicating the seller's price and the purchase price.

The seller's price is the price of the supplier and is indicated by him at the conclusion of the supply agreement. The purchase price includes the seller's price, as well as all costs associated with the acquisition and delivery of materials - markup of intermediary organizations, transport tariffs, costs of delivering goods to the warehouses of the enterprise and workshops [source. 2, 226-227].

1. 3 Logistics management structure

Logistics support at most enterprises is traditionally carried out by the purchasing department. This department most often includes the planning and economic group (bureau); material groups (which are specialized by types of materials); dispatch group (bureau); material warehouses or warehousing; transport industry.

The purpose of the planning and economic group of the supply department is as follows: to develop supply plans, determine the possibilities of meeting the needs of specific types of resources; feasibility study for the choice of supply forms (transit or warehouse); setting limits on the supply of resources to workshops and production services; accounting and analysis of activities.

Material group (bureau): draws up orders and specifications for material resources and submits them to supplier companies; maintains records of documents for the supply of products; develops operational supply plans; organizes the delivery of material resources to the enterprise (for example, from railway stations, supply and distribution depots, etc.).

Dispatch group (bureau): controls the supply of production with basic types of resources; regulates the import of material resources to the enterprise; organizes the unloading of incoming cargo; carries out operational control and regulation of the flow of resources into workshops, areas, and services.

Economic practice has identified several typical options for organizing logistics.

For example, in small enterprises that produce a limited range of products and in small quantities, there are usually no independent supply services. Therefore, supply functions are performed either by specially designated employees or groups within the economic department (commercial department) of the enterprise. This department most often reports to the Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs. The function of this economic department is also the sale of products, as well as transport and warehouse operations.

Medium and large ones have independent logistics departments. The structure of such a department, depending on the type and scale of production, is created either on a functional or material principle. The functional organization is most typical for small-scale and single-piece production enterprises that consume a relatively narrow range of material resources.

When organizing supply departments along functional lines, functional units are created in them in the form of bureaus or groups that are designed to solve the main tasks of logistics. For example, a planning and accounting group (bureau) performs the following functions: determining the enterprise's needs for material resources; drawing up supply plans and developing requests for the resources the enterprise needs; setting limits for the release of materials into production; maintaining records and reporting on logistics. Procurement groups carry out operational work on the procurement of materials, control their shipment by suppliers and supply bases to the enterprise, and are responsible for the timeliness and completeness of material support for production.

With such an organization, the enterprise's warehouse management is directly subordinate to the head of the supply department or his deputy. Warehouses accept materials arriving at the enterprise, store them and release them to production departments (workshops, repair services, etc.).

Organization of logistics on a material basis is preferable for enterprises with large-scale and mass production, when there is a wide range of products and a significant volume of products. When organizing logistics activities on a material basis, the mother groups of the supply department are called upon to carry out the entire complex of planned and operational work. At the same time, each material group, according to the nomenclature assigned to it, carries out planning, procurement, and supply of workshops and services with materials. This significantly increases the responsibility of these material groups for providing production with material resources and allows them to quickly solve emerging problems. To carry out planning and accounting work and dispatch logistics processes, consolidated planning and accounting and dispatching units are created in such supply departments. At the same time, the warehouse facility is also separated into an independent structural unit and is subordinate administratively either to the head of the supply department, or directly to the deputy director of the enterprise. and on operational issues - to the heads of the relevant material groups.

The organization of logistics in production associations is distinguished by a certain originality and new opportunities. This is primarily due to the specialization of enterprises, the unification of the range of materials they consume, the possibility of greater concentration of material resources and better maneuvering of them.

When organizing logistics at production associations, it is necessary to take into account the location of the enterprises that are part of this association. For example, if incoming enterprises are geographically dispersed, then usually supply departments remain at the branch enterprises to carry out operational procurement functions and provide production with materials. In this case, the planning function is transferred to the parent enterprise, where, to carry it out, the planning bureau is expanded as part of the logistics department.

If branch enterprises are located close to the head office, then there is no need to maintain independent supply departments there. In this case, the supply service is centralized at the head enterprise and must provide the entire range of planning and operational functions; Warehousing is also centralized, and at branch enterprises only small supply groups and sub-assembly warehouses are retained to provide workshops with resources.

When organizing logistics, it is necessary to take into account two main forms of supply: transit and warehouse.

In the transit form of supply, products are supplied from the manufacturer directly to the consumer. In this case, the process of product delivery is accelerated, economic ties between enterprises and suppliers and consumer enterprises are strengthened, intermediate operations for unloading, storing and loading materials are eliminated, and transportation and procurement costs are reduced. It should be taken into account that the use of transit supply is economically feasible if the delivered resource (material) is constantly consumed in sufficiently large quantities that exceed transit and custom standards.

The warehouse form of supply is used for small volumes of resource consumption. In this case, resources from the manufacturer are first delivered to the warehouses of supply and distribution organizations and from there they are released to consumer enterprises. With this form of supply, consumers' inventories are reduced, the turnover of working capital is accelerated, and consumers have the opportunity to import the necessary resources at a time convenient for them and in quantities that do not exceed the actual need for this type of resource at a given time. Supply and marketing authorities, at the request of the consumer, can pre-prepare materials for industrial consumption (for example, cutting metal sheets into blanks; cutting cable products; packaging, special subsorting, picking, etc.),

It should be borne in mind that with a warehouse form of supply, consumer enterprises incur additional costs for services performed by supply and sales organizations (warehouse margins).

Therefore, in each supply option, an economic justification for the choice of supply forms is required, determining what is more profitable for the enterprise: saving on transportation and procurement costs and increasing the amount of working capital in production inventories with transit supply or reducing production inventories with a warehouse form of supply.

Warehousing plays an important role in the uninterrupted supply of enterprises.

Main functions of warehousing:

- temporary placement and storage of inventories;

inventory accounting;

- planned and uninterrupted supply of workshops and production services with material resources;

- preparation of materials for their immediate consumption;

- shipment of finished products to consumers.

Warehouses vary according to:

- the size of the premises: from several small premises with a total area of ​​several hundred square meters to giant warehouses with an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square meters;

- height of cargo stacking. Thus, in some the cargo is stored at the level of human height, while in others the cargo is placed at a height of several tens of meters;

- designs: semi-closed and closed;

- degrees of mechanization of warehouse operations: non-mechanized, mechanized, complex-mechanized, automated and automatic.

- product range: mixed and universal assortment;

- a sign of the place in the general flow of material flow from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer of the finished product

Let's take a closer look at the classification of warehouses based on location. On this basis, they are usually divided into two main groups:

- in the area of ​​movement of industrial and technical products;

- in the area of ​​movement of consumer goods.

At the same time, warehouses associated with the movement of products for industrial and technical purposes are also divided into warehouses for finished products of manufacturing enterprises, raw materials and starting materials, areas of circulation of products for industrial and technical purposes

Warehouses of the second group are divided into warehouses of wholesale trade enterprises in consumer goods, located in the places of production of these products and in the places of their consumption.

Let us perform a brief analysis of the functions of various warehouses that are located along the route of the material flow from the primary processing of raw materials to the final consumer.

First of all, these are warehouses of raw materials and starting materials that receive resources, unload, sort, store and prepare them for industrial consumption.

Warehouses of finished products of manufacturing enterprises carry out warehousing, storage-sorting or additional processing of products before shipping, labeling, preparation for loading and loading operations.

Warehouses of wholesale intermediary companies in the field of circulation of products for industrial and technical purposes, in addition to the functions listed above, carry out the concentration of goods, sub-assembly, selection of products in the required assortment, organize the delivery of goods in small quantities both to consumers and to the warehouses of other wholesale intermediary companies, and carry out storage reserve parties.

Trade warehouses located in places of concentration of production (output wholesale bases) receive goods from manufacturing enterprises in large quantities, assemble and send large quantities of goods to recipients located in places of consumption. Warehouses located in places of consumption (trade wholesale bases) receive goods of the production range and , forming a wide range of products, supply them to various trading enterprises

1. 4 Logistics approach to logistically mu provision Yu

material technical resource support

When developing a planning strategy for an enterprise, logistics policy should be part of the production functional strategy, which, along with the marketing and organizational strategy, is part of the overall economic strategy of the organization.

When developing a strategy, the logistics system should include: transport operations and costs, capacity, communications (order processing), inventory management, lifting and transport operations, planning and control systems, system organization.

One of the standard techniques for developing a logistics strategy is to analyze the usual logistics equilibrium between services and costs. To this is added a third element - complexity, which includes the following: the number of supply sources and inventory sources, product and packaging nomenclature, the number of sources of orders and points of shipment of goods, seasonality, the number of work centers, the number of levels in the list of materials, etc. .

All this increases the complexity and uncertainty of operations. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the complexity of operations and thereby reduce the element of uncertainty as much as possible, thus making the entire business process simpler and more manageable.

The approach to solving strategic economic problems should be based on the formation of a group of specialists of different profiles in all key functional areas of the logistics system and should be carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the strategic goal and direction of the organization’s economic development in the future are identified and the following issues are studied:

1. Changing market needs. Market analysis can show that the volume of products passing through various distribution channels shifts in favor of one channel.

2. Increasing requirements for logistics. The shift in distribution channels should be reflected in increased requirements for logistics as a system in terms of timing, delivery reliability and order completeness.

3. Product breakdown according to the Pareto principle. It is necessary to take into account the Pareto effect: a limited number of goods account for the main flow.

4. Inventory size and flexible production system. A flexible production system of the organization must be created that would respond to changes in market needs, and the amount of inventory must be optimal.

5. Attention to specific activities. Attention should be paid not only to the production of a range of ordinary and special products, but also to specific types of activities: labeling and packaging of consumer goods or special production and packaging.

6. Flexibility. In such a fast-moving market, the logistics system must be able to adapt in the short term, so flexibility in the final strategic direction is important.

7. Improving logistics performance of suppliers. This part is related to the development of various activities for the delivery of products.

At the first stage, the current state of all economic functional areas, problems and bottlenecks of the organization are identified. On this basis, an action plan is developed: goals, resources, schedules, interdependencies and possible consequences, various business options to ensure the overall strategy of the organization.

At the second stage, a detailed overall business plan for the organization is developed, which confirms the strategic direction of the first stage. The content of the strategic direction includes:

1. Production capacity. The logistics group, using computer models of production volume, product range, markets, production capacity, determines production capacity.

2. National distribution systems. The impact of changes in material resources in the production capacity of the national distribution system is taken into account.

3. Lifting and transport work. An important point is the efficient operation of the lifting and transport system for all parts of the overall chain (supplier-consumer).

4. Types of transport.

5. Control systems. Measuring and monitoring performance results.

6. Suppliers. Financial results.

7. General economic plan. Logistics projects for each functional area are closely linked to a single business plan. It includes a complete financial assessment, resource allocation, logistics system management, etc.

The given logistics scheme for developing an economic strategy is aimed at the efficient operation of production, as well as at achieving significant advantages over competitors. Analysis and evaluation of any proposals related to the promotion of material flow, its forecasting, as well as an alternative selection of the best options can be made using certain indicators.

1. Return on invested capital, or return on capital of UWC:


2. Volume of investment - capital invested in a business and supplemented by a portion of the profit received, which is reinvested in assets to generate income and profit in the future.

Investment projects in the logistics system can be assessed in various ways, but typical for any analysis of the logistics system are determining the level of net income and calculating the amount of additional profit.

In addition, investment projects proposed to improve the efficiency of the logistics system must be analyzed to answer the following questions: what is the purpose of the project? What are the project costs and expected returns? What impact does the project have on the current and projected activities of the organization? How will the organizational structure of the enterprise change? How long will it take for the proposed system to be fully effective? What risks are associated with the project? How can they be reduced? What is the assessment of the project, recommendations? and etc.

After the strategy and tactics of the logistics system have been developed and adopted for execution, an organizational aspect arises that should contribute to the correct and effective coordination of the work of all elements of such a complex mechanism as the logistics system.

The concept of “organization” can be approached from two points of view: structural and behavioral. In the first case, the organization of the logistics system as such is considered, and in the second - from the point of view of a person, his abilities and motivation to work. In this case, only the structural organization of firms that use the logistics system is considered.

When developing an organizational structure, attention is paid to the following problems:

- defining goals and, on their basis, establishing detailed specifications of work to be performed by the logistics system;

- grouping activities by functional areas of the logistics system;

- distribution of powers;

- determination of responsibility and reporting for the implementation of a particular type of activity;

- development of instructions (provisions) for workers so that everyone knows their place in the process of operation of the logistics system.

As a rule, organizational structures taking into account these problems are built on the traditional classical approach. With this approach, vertical integration of management is considered as a combination of line managers with functional ones. However, its main task is to control the progress of material flow.

Speaking about a commercial forecast of a logistics system, we mean an assessment of the expected levels of demand for products over a certain period of time in the future. Since we are talking about future demand, our forecast is essentially a guess. However, when using a certain technique for analyzing the state of sales markets and distribution channels, the forecast may contain more than a guess. It can be argued that a forecast is a guess supported by knowledge. The requirement for a forecast should be to minimize errors in the corresponding estimates. To increase the importance of forecasts in the process of managing the logistics system, it is necessary to form predictive estimates with a focus on their direct use in drawing up long-term calendar plans for the movement of material flow.

In this case, the duration of the period associated with the forecast must be at least sufficient to develop an appropriate decision for managing the logistics system and implement this decision.

Such a task could be forecasting the volume of material flow from wholesale trade enterprises and the number of vehicles when servicing production facilities, as well as anticipating (forecasting) its development in the future. The forecast outlines the possible boundaries within which real tasks and goals can be set, i.e. market zones serving consumers and vehicles that will serve these productions are formulated.

In this regard, the forecast can be considered as a pre-directive stage of planning work; it does not set any specific tasks, but contains the material necessary for developing a strategy.

Conducting strategic forecasts requires reliable information about the likely future of transport developments to which these decisions relate. This information must be obtained within the time frame specified by objective conditions under given specific conditions. The time depth of the forecast is also related to the question of the possible degree of detail of forecast statements.

It is necessary to select in each specific case the optimal forecasting option and scientifically based methods for planning the transportation of industrial and technical products from wholesale trade enterprises.

For a reasonable volume of QP transportation from a wholesale trade organization, the following formula can be proposed:

, (2)


- specific indicator of traffic volume per 1 million rubles. warehouse turnover, t;

T - warehouse turnover, million rubles.

Specific indicator of traffic volume, which accounts for 1 million rubles. trade turnover, () is determined by the following formula:

, (3)


HP - calculated indicator of the volume of transportation, related to 1 million rubles of trade turnover, t;

UP, UR - planned and calculated levels of mechanization of loading and unloading operations;

MP, MR - planned and calculated share of decentralized transportation.

The optimal number of cars that a product supply organization should service can be determined using economic models, and probability theory methods will reveal the distribution of car receipts.

1. 5 Foreign experience in logistics

When analyzing logistics, foreign enterprises primarily paid attention to its costs.

With the traditional approach, the composition of logistics costs included the totality of costs associated with transport, warehousing, loading and unloading operations, accounting and sorting of incoming orders, etc.

Later, when analyzing logistics, a new approach emerged, which was aimed at optimizing logistics costs, taking into account ensuring the appropriate level of service provision to the consumer (user). At the same time, studies of transport costs were carried out when using various modes of transport. Studies have shown that when transporting by air, compared to land or sea transport, high air tariffs are largely offset by savings on other cost elements. For example, on the costs of storing inventory, reloading goods, etc.

Based on these studies, a French project was developed and implemented to supply spare parts and semi-finished products by air transport to the Peugeot assembly plant in Kaduna (Nigeria)

The car parts assembled and placed in Sochaux (France) on special pallets are delivered to the airport and loaded on board a cargo plane servicing this air bridge (the weekly volume of transportation was 1000 tons). Upon landing in Nigeria, the parts were loaded onto trucks of the Nigerian subsidiary company, the Peugeot company and the transport were delivered to the plant, where new cars were assembled from some of the parts brought that day.

Peugeot chose this method of transportation for the following reasons:

- total delivery costs in this case are lower than when transporting by land and sea (for example, lower costs for loading and unloading);

- the cargo is most often not damaged;

- there are practically no accidents;

- air transport is very flexible and easily adapts to changes in production load;

- creates the possibility of speedy delivery of parts in emergency cases.

Along with this, foreign authors also note the difficulty of accounting for logistics costs. Thus, French authors Hervé Mate and Daniel Tixier note that “a fragmented approach to logistics is often encountered. In such a situation, the costs of logistics and the income from this activity are distributed among numerous services that perform other tasks of a commercial, industrial, financial and managerial nature. Although MTO subsystems are isolated and analyzed, the connections existing between them remain outside the field of view of researchers. Moreover, data on the amount of expenses usually does not allow us to correlate specific logistics operations with the market segment in which they operate. It also often happens that in most cases, the costs of circulation of goods are simply unknown.

In addition, often traditional accounting systems, as a rule, do not take into account “income” from logistics, since the share of profit from servicing consumers in the total profit of the enterprise is not identified. In this regard, it is possible to analyze only the costs that occur at various stages of the logistics process, but not the profits received due to this.

Foreign experts note that “there are difficulties in identifying the full costs of logistics due to the practical inadequacy of modern accounting methods. The use of these methods requires conducting a cost analysis separately by service, each of which has an autonomous budget. It would be more useful to apply a functional approach, which involves conducting a comparable analysis of the activities of logistics services.

Problems arise in cost analysis when applying traditional methods of random distribution of costs among cost items. For example, the distribution of transport costs between different distribution channels should in no case be based on relative data on the volume of turnover of each channel.

In European countries, as well as in the USA, studies have been carried out on the problem of accounting for logistics costs. At the same time, the largest number of studies have been devoted to the problem of identifying and optimizing costs associated mainly with the physical distribution of goods. Only in isolated cases has this problem been considered in relation to production supplies. Very rarely were the costs associated with operational planning and launch of goods into production, with reloading and movement of production units across the territory, considered.

The ratio of logistics costs in various areas can vary significantly depending on the type of product.

It should also be noted that there are significant country differences in the magnitude of various elements of logistics costs. The consulting firm Kearney conducted a study to compare logistics costs based on a sample of European, American and Canadian companies1. The results of research into logistics costs are summarized in Table 1.1.

For the uninterrupted functioning of production, well-established logistics support (MTS) is necessary, which at enterprises is carried out through logistics authorities. The main task of the enterprise supply authorities is the timely and optimal provision of production with the necessary material resources of appropriate completeness and quality.

In solving this problem, supply workers must study and take into account supply and demand for all material resources consumed by the enterprise, the level and changes in prices for them and for the services of intermediary organizations, choose the most economical form of product distribution, optimize inventories, reduce transportation, procurement and storage costs.

The supply authorities of the enterprise perform a number of functions:

1) planning, involving:

Study of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, as well as the market for individual goods;

Forecasting and determining the need for all types of material resources, planning optimal economic relations;

Optimization of production inventories;

Planning the need for materials and setting their limit for supply to workshops; operational supply planning;

2) organizational, including:

Collecting information about required products, participating in fairs, sales exhibitions, auctions, etc.;

Analysis of all sources of satisfying the need for material resources in order to select the most optimal one;

Concluding business agreements with suppliers for the supply of products;

Receiving and organizing) the delivery of real resources;

Organization of warehousing, which is part of the supply authorities;

Providing workshops, sites, workplaces with the necessary material resources;

3) controlling and coordinating, which includes:

Monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations of suppliers, their fulfillment of product delivery deadlines;

Control over the consumption of material resources in production;

Incoming control over the quality and completeness of incoming material resources;

Control over production inventories;

Making claims to suppliers and transport organizations;

Analysis of the effectiveness of the supply service, development of measures to coordinate supply activities and improve its efficiency.

In market conditions, enterprises have the right to choose a supplier, and therefore the right to purchase more efficient material resources. This forces the company's supply personnel to carefully study the quality characteristics of products manufactured by various suppliers.

Criteria for choosing a supplier may include reliability of delivery, the ability to choose a delivery method, time to complete an order, the possibility of providing credit, level of service, etc. and the relative importance of individual criteria may change over time.

The organizational structure, nature and methods of operation of supply services at enterprises are marked by diversity. Depending on the volumes, types and specialization of production, the material intensity of products and the territorial location of the enterprise, various conditions arise that require an appropriate delimitation of functions and the choice of the type of structure of supply bodies. In small enterprises that consume small volumes of material resources in a limited range, supply functions are assigned to small groups or individual employees of the enterprise's economic department.

At most medium and large enterprises, this function is performed by special mistletoe logistics units (OMTS), which are built on a functional or material basis. In the first case, each supply function (planning, procurement, storage, release of materials) is performed by a separate group of workers. When building supply bodies on a material basis, certain groups of workers perform all supply functions for a specific type of material.

The typical type of supply service structure is mixed, when product departments, groups, and bureaus are specialized in the supply of specific types of raw materials, supplies, and equipment. However, along with goods, the supply department includes functional units: planning, dispatching;

The mixed type of structure of the supply department is the most rational method of organization, which helps to increase the responsibility of workers and improve the logistics of production.

The planning bureau (group) performs the functions of environmental analysis and market research, determining the need for material resources, optimizing market behavior for the most profitable provision, forming a regulatory framework, developing supply plans and analyzing their implementation, monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations by suppliers.

A commodity bureau (group) performs a set of planning and operational functions to ensure production with specific types of material resources: planning, accounting, delivery, storage and release of material into production, that is, it regulates the operation of material warehouses.

The dispatch bureau (group) carries out operational regulation and control over the implementation of the plan for supplying the enterprise and workshops with raw materials and supplies; eliminates problems that arise during production supply; controls and regulates the supply of materials to the enterprise.

At mechanical engineering enterprises, the supply service, in addition to the MTS department, also includes an external cooperation department (or bureau, group), which may be part of the OMTS.

Departments (bureaus, groups) of external cooperation provide production with semi-finished products (blanks, parts, assemblies). They can also be built on a functional or product basis.

To carry out technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production, the enterprise creates equipment departments, which are usually part of capital construction.

For large enterprises (associations) consisting of a number of branches, the most appropriate type of structure is the peculiarity of which is that the divisions have their own supply services with functions for planning and operational regulation of the supply of production workshops and sites with material resources, as well as for monitoring their execution .

The formation of a regulatory framework, forecasting and development of MTS plans, the establishment of economic relations and coordination of the work of supply services included in the enterprise are concentrated on the basis of the enterprise's supply service. The interaction of the divisions of the supply service of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of functional connections, and not administrative subordination.

One of the links in the MTS organization is warehousing, the main task of which is to receive and store materials, prepare them for production consumption, and directly supply workshops with the necessary material resources. Warehouses, depending on their connection with the production process, are divided into material, production, and sales.

Accepted materials are stored in warehouses according to product groups, grades, and sizes. Racks are numbered indicating material indices.

The delivery of materials and the operation of warehouses are organized on the basis of operational procurement plans.

The development of plans for the logistics of production contributes to a more successful solution to the problems of supplying raw materials, supplies, components, fuel, energy and other resources. The implementation of the enterprise’s production program depends on the high-quality and timely substantiation of the plan.

In the cost structure of industrial production, the share of material costs reaches 70 percent or more. Therefore, reducing the material consumption of products is the most important direction in reducing its cost.

When developing a logistics plan, the greatest possible savings in resources should be considered. It is achieved by replacing expensive and scarce materials with cheaper ones, reducing waste and losses through the introduction of new progressive technological processes, reducing the weight of machines and products without compromising their quality, more accurately calculating structures, choosing optimal safety margins, and choosing the right sizes, grades and profiles materials. Rational use of material resources is the most important factor in increasing production efficiency. Saving material resources helps to accelerate the rate of production growth, since with the same number of objects of labor a larger volume of output can be provided.

Therefore, the task of the logistics plan is to determine the optimal needs of the enterprise for material resources to carry out production, economic and commercial activities. At the same time, a distinction is made between the need for consumption and the need for import.

The consumption requirement establishes the amount of materials that the enterprise needs to fulfill the sales volume plan and other work related to the production and sale of products, for repair and maintenance needs, capital construction, etc.

The import requirement shows how much the company must obtain materials from external sources.

The logistics plan consists of two parts:

1) calculations of the need for material and technical resources;

2) balances of material and technical support.

Calculation of the need for material and technical resources, depending on the nature of the materials used, is carried out in the following tables:

Requirement for raw materials and materials;

Fuel and energy requirements;

Need for equipment.

The need for material resources is determined in the main areas of production and economic activity in accordance with progressive standards for their consumption, taking into account the plan of organizational and technical measures for the use of economical types of materials, production waste, secondary material and fuel and energy resources.

Balances of material and technical support are developed in the form of long-term, annual, quarterly and monthly supply plans that determine the need for material resources and the sources of their receipt.

The initial data for developing a logistics plan are:

Planned volume of product output in assortment and range;

Information on market conditions for goods;

Progressive standards for the consumption of material resources;

Analysis of the consumption of material resources in the reporting period;

Change in work in progress balances at the beginning and end of the planning period;

Plans for technical and organizational development, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the enterprise, capital construction.

The logistics plan is the basis for concluding contracts with suppliers of relevant material resources.

When planning the need for material and technical resources, a number of calculation methods are used. Their choice is determined by the characteristics of the consumption of materials and the availability of relevant information. The most common of these methods are the direct counting method; methods based on taking into account data on the recipe composition of products, standard wear periods, and chemical reaction formulas.

The distinctive features of determining the need for equipment arise from the difference in its participation in the production process compared to materials. The equipment transfers its value to the finished product in parts and practically does not change its physical and chemical properties, and materials, after their consumption, lose their use value, turning into a newly created product, and completely transfer their value to it.

The choice of demand planning methods depends on the purpose of the equipment. The main areas of use of the equipment are:

Equipping production facilities under construction;

Replacement of physically and morally obsolete equipment;

Replenishment of the fleet of existing enterprises.

An integral part of the logistics plan is to determine the enterprise's need for material resources for the formation of production reserves of raw materials and materials. Inventories of raw materials, materials and fuel should be minimal, but their size should ensure the normal course of the production process.

The size of the production inventory depends on:

On the magnitude of the need for various types of raw materials;

From the frequency of production of products by supplier enterprises;

From the frequency of launching raw materials and materials in production;

On the seasonality of supplies of materials;

On the ratio of transit and warehouse forms of supply;

On the size of transit deliveries.

The volume of stock is determined in physical terms, in days of production supply and in monetary terms.

Ensuring the uninterrupted and rhythmic operation of the enterprise requires the creation of a standard value of work in progress, due to the need to have a certain number of semi-finished products at each workplace, during their movement, in case of accidents and other unforeseen circumstances.

Maintaining work in progress at the level of the standard value is achieved by taking into account in the volume of output of the enterprise's workshops its changes at the beginning and end of the planning period. The amount of work in progress at the beginning of the planning period is calculated based on data on its availability at the end of the reporting period. Determining the standard value of work in progress at the end of the planning period requires more careful calculations, since it depends on many factors. The standard value of work in progress is calculated in physical and value terms, taking into account the types of production and methods of its organization.

In mass production, the amount of work in progress is influenced by the following factors: the number of jobs; number of products simultaneously located at one workplace; method of transferring parts (assemblies) from one site to another; production plan and unit cost.

The main sources of covering the planned requirement for materials are the expected balances of materials at the beginning of the planning period, internal resources and the import of materials from outside.

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1. Organization of logistics of the enterprise

1.1 Essence and classification of MTO

1.2 Structure and functions of MTO

2.1 Flow rate regulation

2.2 Stock rationing




For the uninterrupted functioning of production, well-established logistics support (MTS) is necessary, which at enterprises is carried out through logistics authorities.

The main task of the enterprise supply authorities is the timely and optimal provision of production with the necessary material resources of appropriate completeness and quality. In this regard, the topic of economical and timely procurement of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products is relevant.

The purpose of the test is to reveal the essence, structure and functions of the process of organizing material and technical support for both the enterprise as a whole and the divisions (shops and sections) of the enterprise.

To complete this test, textbooks and teaching aids for students of economic specialties at universities were used.

1. Organization of logistics for production

Modern production is a complex process that operates with constant and timely provision of means of production (raw materials, materials, fuel, electricity and heat, machinery and equipment) necessary for the manufacture of products, provision of services or performance of other work.

The enterprise, based on studying market conditions, the capabilities of potential partners, and information on price movements, organizes the logistics of its own production and capital construction based on the acquisition of resources on the market of goods and services.

In market conditions, it is important to purchase the most economical types of raw materials and materials, resource-saving equipment, ensure the safety of material assets, and involve industrial waste and secondary raw materials into circulation. All organizational and technical operations for the acquisition of the necessary material and technical resources represent the commercial activities of the enterprise. Such activities take into account the relationship between supply and demand, the types and level of market prices, and the size of markups on the services of supply and marketing organizations.

Providing an enterprise with material and technical resources includes: determining the current and future needs for all types of material resources; searching for the most profitable suppliers and concluding contracts with them; organizing the delivery of raw materials and materials to the enterprise; incoming quality control; acceptance and storage in warehouses; preparation of materials for production consumption, accounting and control over the economical use of material and technical resources. Non-commercial divisions perform individual functions of calculating the need for materials and purchasing some of them: the tool department, the chief mechanic department, and the transport department.

According to the law “On the supply of goods for state needs,” since 1994, enterprises are required to accept government orders for products for supplies under interstate agreements, safety stocks, government programs, and for industrial restructuring;

commercial wholesale companies;

management of resource saving and cooperation in the structure of State Committees and Ministries;

logistics departments at enterprises;

commodity exchanges, which represent a special type of permanent wholesale market for material and technical resources with free pricing.

The material and technical supply of government orders is carried out by the bodies of the state contract system, which serves as a government intermediary. The enterprise's independence in choosing the form of material and technical supply and concluding contracts with suppliers has expanded. The concept of economic responsibility of the parties to the contract receives a new meaning: the supplier enterprise bears economic responsibility for late deliveries; when a company is supplied with products with a deviation in quality, it has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract with the supplier and demand compensation for losses arising from the termination of the contract; for late payments of obligations, the company pays fines and penalties; the amounts of sanctions levied in an indisputable manner are written off by the bank from the current account of the enterprise.

In market conditions, the logistics of production are carried out primarily on the basis of the free purchase and sale of material resources using the wholesale trade mechanism.

Wholesale trade is a way of selling products (goods) in large quantities (wholesale) to ensure industrial consumption or for the purpose of subsequent resale. Wholesale trade is organized under direct contracts between manufacturers and consumers, as well as under agreements with intermediaries. Its advantages are as follows: the logistics supply scheme is simplified, instead of several links there remains only the “consumer-manufacturer”; the consumer has the opportunity to choose the best products, at lower prices and the most reliable suppliers; The lead time for order fulfillment and receipt of resources is significantly reduced; the size and structure of inventory inventories are optimized; enterprises get rid of excess reserves of resources, which has a beneficial effect on their economic situation; You can get objective information about markets, products, competitors, and pricing policies.

Logistics support through the wholesale trade system has the following organizational forms:

direct contracts between producers and consumers. They are used subject to regular, stable consumption of resources in volumes corresponding to transit supply standards. Typical for products for industrial and technical purposes;

under agreements with intermediaries; are used when a small quantity of products is ordered, below transit delivery standards;

through company stores;

commission trade in raw materials and materials surplus to the enterprise through specially organized commission stores in the regions;

fair trade at wholesale fairs with the participation of interested enterprises.

Carrying out supply functions, the enterprise interacts with numerous enterprises and organizations, which requires financial and legal support. Therefore, commercial activities include the work of the financial and legal services of the enterprise, as well as transport services for supplies.

Supply and sales are carried out in the domestic and foreign markets. Working in the foreign market requires compliance with international standards, which establish a unified approach to contractual terms governing the relationship between buyers of products and their suppliers.

Modern production consumes a large number of different types of material and technical resources. The introduction of automated management of material resources led to the creation of a scientifically based system of their classification and coding, on the basis of which a unified product classifier was developed. Its use facilitates the prompt conclusion of contracts, control over deliveries, acceptance of materials, and their storage [source. 1, 194-198].

1.1 Essence and classification of logistics of an enterprise

The main task of the logistics service is the timely and uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with raw materials, components and related products, and various means of production using an effective and rational procurement scheme.

The logistics service (department) is an organizational and structural unit of the enterprise, whose responsibilities include supplying the enterprise with basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products, tools and technological equipment, equipment, machines, apparatus and units.

The parts of the logistics system include the logistics department and the supply warehouses subordinate to it.

Typical activities of logistics services are: classification and indexing of materials, rationing of costs and inventories of materials, determination of the enterprise's needs for materials, organization of warehousing and systems for providing workshops with means of production.

Classification of materials. Modern enterprises are in need of a variety of materials of a wide range and range. In order to reduce the cost of production, search for new materials that improve the properties and quality of products, and improve production conditions at the enterprise, it is necessary to classify and index the materials used. This work is also needed to improve the operational and accounting system.

The classification is based on the grouping of materials according to the homogeneity of characteristic features, followed by distribution into sections, subsections, types, etc. Each section is assigned a corresponding index in the decimal system.

Classification is carried out in the form of tables in which each section is assigned an individual classifier index, with reference to technical specifications, standards or certificates, indicating the seller's price and the purchase price.

The seller's price is the price of the supplier and is indicated by him at the conclusion of the supply agreement. The purchase price includes the seller's price, as well as all costs associated with the acquisition and delivery of materials - markup of intermediary organizations, transport tariffs, costs of delivering goods to the warehouses of the enterprise and workshops [source. 2, 226-227].

1.2 Structure and functions of logistics support at the enterprise

For the uninterrupted functioning of production, well-established logistics support (MTS) is necessary, which at enterprises is carried out through logistics authorities. The main task of the enterprise supply authorities is the timely and optimal provision of production with the necessary material resources of appropriate completeness and quality.

In solving this problem, supply workers must study and take into account the supply and demand for all material resources consumed by the enterprise, the level and changes in prices for them and for the services of intermediary organizations, choose the most economical form of product distribution, optimize inventories, and reduce transportation, procurement and storage costs.

1. Planning, which involves:

· study of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, as well as the market for individual goods;

· forecasting and determining the need for all types of material resources, planning optimal economic relations;

· optimization of production inventories;

· planning the need for materials and setting their limit for supply to workshops;

· operational supply planning.

2. An organization that includes:

· collection of information about required products, participation in fairs, sales exhibitions, auctions, etc.;

· analysis of all sources of satisfying the need for material resources in order to select the most optimal one;

· concluding business agreements with suppliers for the supply of products;

· obtaining and organizing the delivery of real resources;

· organization of warehousing, which is part of the supply authorities;

· providing workshops, sites, workplaces with the necessary material resources;

3. Control and coordination of work, which includes:

· control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations of suppliers, their fulfillment of product delivery deadlines;

· control over the consumption of material resources in production;

· incoming control over the quality and completeness of incoming material resources;

· control over production inventories;

· making claims to suppliers and transport organizations;

· analysis of the effectiveness of the supply service, development of measures to coordinate supply activities and increase its efficiency [source. 3, 256-257].

In market conditions, enterprises have the right to choose a supplier, and therefore the right to purchase more efficient material resources. This forces the company's supply personnel to carefully study the quality characteristics of products manufactured by various suppliers.

Criteria for choosing a supplier may include reliability of delivery, the ability to choose a delivery method, time to complete an order, the possibility of providing a loan, level of service, etc. Moreover, the ratio of the importance of individual criteria may change over time.

The organizational structure, nature and methods of work of supply services at enterprises are marked by originality. Depending on the volumes, types and specialization of production, the material intensity of products and the territorial location of the enterprise, various conditions arise that require an appropriate delimitation of functions and the choice of the type of structure of supply bodies. In small enterprises that consume small volumes of material resources in a limited range, supply functions are assigned to small groups or individual employees of the enterprise's economic department.

At most medium and large enterprises, this function is performed by special logistics departments (LMTS), which are built on a functional or material basis. In the first case, each supply function (planning, procurement, storage, release of materials) is performed by a separate group of workers. When building supply bodies on a material basis, certain groups of workers perform all supply functions for a specific type of material.

The typical type of supply service structure is mixed, when product departments, groups, and bureaus are specialized in the supply of specific types of raw materials, supplies, and equipment. However, along with goods, the supply department includes functional units: planning, dispatching.

The mixed type of structure of the supply department is the most rational method of structure, which helps to increase the responsibility of workers and improve the logistics of production.

The planning bureau (group) performs the functions of environmental analysis and market research, determining the need for material resources, optimizing market behavior for the most profitable provision, forming a regulatory framework, developing supply plans and analyzing their implementation, monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations by suppliers.

A commodity bureau (group) performs a set of planning and operational functions to ensure production with specific types of material resources: planning, accounting, delivery, storage and release of material into production, i.e. regulates the operation of material warehouses.

The dispatch bureau (group) carries out operational regulation and control over the implementation of the plan for supplying the enterprise and workshops with raw materials and supplies; eliminates problems that arise during production supply; controls and regulates the supply of materials to the enterprise [source. 3, 257-259].

At mechanical engineering enterprises, the supply service, in addition to the MTS department, also includes an external cooperation department (or bureau, group), which may be part of the OMTS.

Departments (bureaus, groups) of external cooperation provide production with semi-finished products (blanks, parts, assemblies). They can also be built on a functional or product basis.

To carry out technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production, the enterprise creates equipment departments, which are usually part of capital construction.

A feature of this type of structure is that the divisions have their own supply services with functions for planning and operational regulation of the supply of production workshops and sites with material resources, as well as for monitoring their implementation.

The formation of a regulatory framework, forecasting and development of MTS plans, the establishment of economic relations and coordination of the work of supply services included in the enterprise are concentrated on the basis of the enterprise's supply service. The interaction of the divisions of the supply service of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of functional connections, and not administrative subordination.

One of the links in the MTS organization is warehousing, the main task of which is to receive and store materials, prepare them for production consumption, and directly supply workshops with the necessary material resources. Warehouses, depending on their connection with the production process, are divided into material, production, and sales.

Accepted materials are stored in warehouses according to product groups, grades, and sizes. Racks are numbered indicating material indices.

The delivery of materials and the operation of warehouses are organized on the basis of operational procurement plans [source. 3, 259-260].

1.3 Organization of supply of departments (shops and sections) of the enterprise

Providing workshops and production sites with material resources is the final stage of logistics. The forms of organization of this process depend on specific production conditions, characteristics of the materials consumed, type of production and other factors. Rational organization comes down to determining the needs of workshops for materials and setting limits, preparing materials for production consumption, dispensing and delivering them to workplaces, and monitoring the consumption of material resources.

The need for basic materials in conditions of mass and large-scale production is calculated by planning groups of the logistics department, in enterprises with small-scale and single production - by planning and production departments; according to auxiliary materials - consumer divisions [source. 1, pp.201-202].

Providing material resources to production workshops, sites and other divisions of the enterprise involves performing the following functions:

· establishment of quantitative and qualitative supply targets (limitation);

· preparation of material resources for production consumption;

· release and delivery of material resources from the warehouse of the supply service to the place of its direct consumption or to the warehouse of a workshop or site;

· operational regulation of supply;

· accounting and control over the use of material resources in the divisions of the enterprise [source. 3, p. 265].

The functions of logistics at the enterprise are performed by two departments: logistics and external cooperation. The first provides supplies of raw materials and materials, the second - components and semi-finished products. Both departments report to the Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs. General plant warehouses are under their control. The structure of enterprise supply services is dominated by commodity (material) departments, groups, and bureaus that specialize in supplying production with certain types of resources. In addition to goods, the department has planning and dispatch groups. The first plans economic indicators and determines the efficiency of deliveries, the second provides transport services [source. 1, 203].

In organizing the logistics of an enterprise, an important role is played by the so-called limits, which represent a kind of rate of consumption of raw materials, material, necessary and sufficient for the production of high-quality products. Limits on all types of raw materials and supplies consumed at the enterprise are set by the relevant technical services of the enterprise together with the department of the chief technologist and representatives of the logistics authorities.

The limit is always set taking into account the size of the enterprise’s production program and the technical condition of production. The developed limits are reflected in the summary statement in accordance with the range of consumed materials and are approved by the management of the enterprise. Based on the above, this document acquires the status of an order, mandatory for execution by all production services.

Based on the limits and norms for the consumption of raw materials and supplies, the enterprise organizes a system for providing workshops and departments with material and technical resources [source 2, 230]. The limit is calculated using the formula:

L = P + Rnz.p + Nz - O,

where L is the limit of a given product range; P is the workshop’s need for materials to complete the production program; Rnz.p -- the workshop's need for materials to change work in progress (+ increase, - decrease); N3 - standard workshop stock of this product; O - the estimated expected balance of this product in the workshop at the beginning of the planning period [source. 3, 266].

The limit must correspond to the actual needs of workshops for materials, be established on the basis of progressive consumption rates, the size of workshop reserves, and be of a strictly targeted nature [source. 2, 230].

Preparing materials for production use includes performing operations such as drying, cutting, sorting and others. Operations can be carried out in the procurement workshops of the enterprise or at wholesale trade enterprises. This makes it possible to use materials more economically, reduce waste, and improve the use of production space and equipment.

The release of materials can be carried out: according to one-time requirements - when issuing auxiliary materials and materials used for repair and maintenance needs; according to limit cards - when materials are consumed continuously during the planning period; according to picking lists - when production conditions require the picking of materials and parts within the limit. Excessive holidays are carried out according to special requirements with the permission of the Deputy Director for Commercial Affairs.

Materials can be delivered to the workshops according to a pre-developed schedule by transport workers from the warehouses of the supply department using ring, pendulum and other delivery systems [source. 1, 202-203].

The established limit is recorded in the plan - card, limit card, limit or intake sheet, which are sent to the warehouse and consumer workshop.

Plan - map is usually used in mass and large-scale production, i.e. in conditions of stable demand and clear regulation of production. It indicates the limit established for the workshop for each type of material, the timing and size of the batch supply. In accordance with the plan charts, the warehouse delivers batches of materials to each workshop with its own vehicles on time. Their release is documented with delivery notes. The plan card form keeps current records of the implementation of the supply plan.

A limit card is used in cases where strict regulation of deliveries within a month in terms of timing and volume is difficult (serial and individual production). The limit card indicates the monthly requirement for the material, the amount of stock and the monthly consumption limit.

In cases where it becomes necessary to make decisions on changing the limit, the supply service issues a one-time requirement or a replacement requirement, which is agreed upon with the technical service and signed by the responsible person (chief engineer, chief designer, chief mechanic, etc.).

The limit list usually includes a group of homogeneous materials or all materials received from a given warehouse.

Intake lists (cards) are introduced to limit the consumption of auxiliary materials, usually in cases where the need for them is uneven and there are no sufficiently accurate consumption rates. The release of materials according to intake cards (statements) is regulated by predetermined deadlines (usually once a month or quarter). The intake card indicates the amount of material that the workshop can consume and the timing of its receipt.

The supply service is responsible for the timely and high-quality preparation of material resources for production consumption, for which it carries out work on unpacking, depreservation, and assembly, which are coordinated with the technological service of the enterprise [source. 3, 267]. material support rationing consumption

In practice, the following schemes for providing workshops are found: based on a standard plan and applications. The first scheme is widespread in mass and large-scale production, and the second - based on applications - in serial and single production.

Since mass production and large-scale production approaching it in its technical and economic indicators are characterized by a stable production process, range of products and range of consumed materials, the supply system based on the standard plan is active in nature. The system for providing small-scale, single, and even more so individual production is characterized by a passive nature. This is explained by the peculiarities of the organization of production and the range of materials consumed. With such an organization of logistics, workshops receive materials by filling out limit cards or one-time invoices and, as a rule, independently deliver them to the workshop storerooms.

With an active supply system, the delivery of materials to the workshops is carried out by the factory transport service according to a developed schedule, which creates the opportunity to significantly reduce the costs of maintaining an extensive network of factory logistics by direct delivery of materials to workplaces, bypassing factory warehouses. At the same time, another way of organizing the logistics system for workshops is also possible. It consists in the fact that the responsibility of material and technical warehouses includes, along with organizing the storage and accounting of inventory items, also preparing them for launching into the production process. This, of course, leads to an increase in the cost of maintaining a warehouse through the creation of areas for the preliminary preparation of materials and raw materials. The choice of one or another system, type, nature of material and technical support depends on the specifics of the functioning of production, its organizational and production type and the location of the enterprise [source. 2, p. 231].

In large enterprises, supply departments are built mainly along functional lines. In this case, the divisions of the department deal with logistics issues for all types of resources necessary for the functioning of the enterprise. The number of employees in supply departments depends on the following factors: production volume, industry sector of the enterprise, and the state of transport services. In their activities, supply services actively interact with the financial department, accounting, economic planning, technical and production departments [source. 1, p. 203].

2. Rationing and management of material resources

2.1 Rationing of material consumption

The classification of materials serves as the starting point for rationing the consumption of materials for each item in the nomenclature. In turn, material consumption standards lay the basis for determining the need for materials for the manufacture of a unit of product with the subsequent drawing up of an enterprise supply plan, calculating the cost of production, and developing a strategy for the economical use of material resources.

The rate of material consumption should be understood as a sufficient and necessary quantity for the manufacture of a unit of product. In other words, the rate of material consumption is a certain measure of costs, which does not reflect the current situation in the production of products, but provides a guideline, gives a targeted character in improving production, equipment, technology, type, style of products. In the practice of rationing the consumption of materials, the following methods for establishing standards have been used: calculation and graph-analytical. The calculation method is based on a detailed calculation of material consumption according to drawings and, in general, according to technological documentation; The graphic-analytical method consists in comparing the actual consumption of materials and protocol data reflecting the amount of material consumed in the manufacture of prototypes, followed by graphical presentation and analysis using special electronic programs [source. 2, 227].

In modern practice, calculating, analytical, experimental and statistical methods are used to substantiate the logistics plan when rationing material resources. The most progressive is calculation and analytical. It is based on the use of advanced technical and economic documentation - drawings, technical maps, organizational and technical action plans. The experimental method involves establishing standards based on measurement data, experience in laboratory and production conditions. With the statistical method, consumption rates are determined based on average statistical data on material consumption for the previous period.

Standards for the consumption of material resources are developed, as a rule, at enterprises in a specialized and enlarged assortment. Responsibility for them rests with chief engineers and chief technologists. When rationing, the structure of the norm is established - its composition and the relationship of individual elements. Most consumption rates Нр include: useful consumption of materials (net weight of the product) Рп; inevitable technological waste (shavings, waste) Otech; losses caused by violation of production and storage technology:

Nr = Rp + Otech + P

Consumption rates are differentiated: by period of validity - into annual and long-term ones; according to the degree of detail of the nomenclature of material resources - into consolidated and specified; in terms of scale of action - individual and group [source. 1, 198].

When developing standards for material consumption, one should take into account not only the so-called useful consumption of material, but also irreversible losses and non-recyclable waste caused by imperfect technology, organizational reasons, and low qualifications of workers.

The quality of the established standards can be assessed by the following indicators: the specific gravity of production waste by comparing the mass of the product before and after processing, the coefficient of material utilization for the part and the product as a whole, the percentage of yield of suitable products.

The developed material consumption standards are recorded in special documents on material consumption: in maps of detailed material consumption rates, in material cutting charts and in statements of consolidated material consumption rates for a product. In addition to these documents, a separate form for notification of changes in material consumption rates and rules for their introduction into the technological process are being developed [source. 2, 227-228].

2.2 Rationing of materials inventories

Based on consumption rates, standards for production reserves are established, which are needed to ensure continuity and rhythm of production. Inventories are determined for each type of material resources in natural (mass, quantity), relative (in days) and monetary terms [source. 1, 199].

The amount of the reserve should provide the enterprise with stable, stable operation for a certain time and at the same time not have a noticeable impact on the turnover of working capital invested in them.

The standard of stock of materials is understood as their minimum quantity necessary to meet the current production needs under the established scheme for the supply of materials, the mode of their consumption and launch into production [source. 2, 228].

Inventories are divided into current, preparatory and warranty (insurance).

The variable part of the entire stock of materials at the enterprise is the current stock of goods, which varies from the maximum size at the time of delivery of materials to almost zero, when the entire batch is used up and a new delivery is in line. The amount of the current stock depends on two indicators: the average daily consumption of materials and the frequency of delivery of materials. When rationing the current stock, its maximum Zmax and average Zsr sizes are calculated:

Zmax = Mdn * T,

where Mdn is the average daily consumption of material resources of this type; T - time between two next deliveries, days;

Zsr = Zmax /2.

Preparatory stock of wages is necessary to ensure warehouse processing and preparation for production of materials and raw materials entering the enterprise. This takes into account the time for unloading, receiving, sorting, warehousing, and processing warehouse documents. The norm of the preparatory stock is taken into account, as a rule, in the amount of the daily need for material resources [source. 1, 199].

The guarantee (insurance) stock performs a different task. It is designed to maintain the production rhythm within the specified parameters in case of interruptions in the supply of materials or when the volume of output increases. The safety stock depends on two values ​​of the average daily consumption of materials and the duration of restoration of the current stock [source. 2, 228]. Safety stock is defined as

Zg = Mdn*Tmax, where Tmax is the maximum deviation from the contractual delivery time, days.

The total stock of Zob materials will be:

Goiter = Zt + Zp + Zg [source. 1, 199].

Thus, logistics, performing the functions of providing the enterprise with production resources, contributes not only to the rational organization of technological processes, but also to economical, prudent housekeeping [source. 2, 228].

Foreign experience shows that many well-known companies do not create inventories of material and technical resources, using such supply systems as “production from wheels” and “just in time”. These systems provide for the supply of materials and components in the required quantity to a given point of their consumption, within a predetermined period. The use of the just-in-time system in conjunction with the Kanban system allowed the Japanese company Toyota to achieve an inventory turnover ratio of 87, that is, the duration of one turnover is only 4 days. This ensures unconditional rhythm of production. The success of foreign systems is explained by high discipline in the implementation of contracts, the use of strict systems of penalties in cases of non-compliance [source. 1, 199-200].

2.3 Materials management

Timely provision of production with material resources depends on the size and completeness of production inventories in the warehouses of the enterprise.

Industrial inventories are means of production that have arrived at the enterprise's warehouses, but have not yet been involved in the production process. The creation of such reserves makes it possible to ensure the supply of materials to workshops and workplaces in accordance with the requirements of the technological process. It should be noted that a significant amount of material resources is diverted to create reserves.

Reducing inventories reduces their maintenance costs, reduces costs, accelerates the turnover of working capital, which ultimately increases profits and profitability of production. Therefore, it is very important to optimize inventory levels.

Inventory management at an enterprise involves performing the following functions:

· development of stock standards for the entire range of materials consumed by the enterprise;

· correct placement of stocks in the warehouses of the enterprise;

· organizing effective operational control over the level of inventories and taking the necessary measures to maintain their normal condition;

· creation of the necessary material base for placing reserves and ensuring their quantitative and qualitative safety [source. 3, 269].

Procurement activities are intertwined with other activities of the enterprise. Its most significant connections are with marketing, production planning and financial services. Often the goals of these services may not coincide with the goals of the rational organization of the total material flow passing through the enterprise. In this regard, it is advisable to allocate a special logistics service that would manage the material flow, starting from the formation of contractual relations with the supplier and ending with the delivery of finished products to the buyer.

Logistics is usually understood as a direction of economic activity, which consists in managing material flows in the sphere of production and circulation.

Logistics is the science of planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other tangible and intangible operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials and supplies to a production enterprise, in-plant processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with the interests and requirements of the latter , as well as the transmission, storage and processing of relevant information.

Thus, a logical approach to managing material flows involves the allocation of a special logistics service based on the integration of individual links of the material supply chain into a single system - a logistics system capable of adequately responding to environmental disturbances.

The goal of the logistics system is the delivery of materials, products and goods to a given place, in the required quantity and assortment, prepared to the greatest possible extent for production or personal consumption at a given level of costs. Activities in the field of logistics are diverse.

The following elements of the logistics system are distinguished:

procurement is a subsystem that ensures the flow of material into the logistics system;

warehouses - buildings, structures, devices for storing inventories;

inventories - stocks of materials that allow the logistics system to quickly respond to changes in demand;

production maintenance - a subsystem engaged in servicing the production process;

transport - the material and technical base and infrastructure with the help of which goods are transported;

information - a subsystem that ensures communication and coordination of all elements of the logistics system;

personnel - personnel engaged in logistics operations;

Sales is a subsystem that ensures the disposal of material flow from the logistics system.

First, means of production are purchased, which enter the logistics system in the form of a material flow, are processed, stored and then leave the logistics system for consumption in exchange for the financial resources entering it.

The material flow is formed as a result of a set of certain actions with material objects. These actions are called logistics operations [source. 3, 271-272].


Supply department workers have the difficult task of studying supply and demand for all material resources consumed by the enterprise, the level and changes in prices for them and for the services of intermediary organizations; choose the most economical form of product distribution, optimize inventories, reduce transportation, procurement and warehouse costs.

For optimal and economical work of supply service employees, standards have been created for the consumption and stock of material resources. Also, to successfully perform its functions, the logistics service uses a logistics approach, which serves to deliver materials, products and goods to a given location, in the required quantity and assortment.

A manager participating in the logistics process should have information about the specification of resources and about concluded business agreements for the supply of products.


1. Economics, organization and planning of industrial production./ Under the general. Ed. Karpei T.V. and Lazuchenkova L.S. - Mn.: Design PRO, 199.- 272 pp.: ill.

2. Enterprise Economics: Textbook / Ed. Prof. N. A. Safronova. - M.: “Yurist”, 1998. - 584 p.

3. Kozhekin G. Ya., Sinitsa L. M. Organization of production: Textbook. Manual - Mn.: IP "Ecoperspective", 1998. - 334 p.

4. Sachko, N. S. Organization and operational management of mechanical engineering production: textbook/N. S. Sachko. - 2nd ed., erased. - Mn.: New edition, 2006. - 636 pp.: ill. - (Technical education).

5. Economics, organization and planning of industrial production: Textbook. A manual for universities / N. A. Lisitsyn, F. P. Visyulin, V. I. Vybornov et al.; Under general Ed. N. A. Lisitsyn. - 2nd ed.; reworked and additional - Mn.: Higher. school, 1990. - 446 p.

6. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Production management: Textbook. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2005. - 472 p.

7. Production management: Textbook / Ed. V. A. Kozlovsky. - M.: FUAinform, 2001. - 528 p.

8. Makarenko M.V., Makhalina O.M. Production management: Textbook. A manual for universities. - M.: PRIOR Publishing House, 1998. - 384 p.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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Lecture No. 8. Logistics support for the organization

1. Concept of MTO: functions, forms

Logistics and technical support - organization system

circulation and use of means of labor, basic and turnover!

assets of the enterprise (materials, raw materials, semi-finished products,

machines and equipment). MTO is also responsible for their distribution!

tion by structural divisions and business!units and consumption!

bleating in the production process.

The starting point is to determine the needs of the organization!

nization in certain production assets, their volume

and assortment for current and future periods. According

with this, the logistics system must meet certain requirements.

Firstly, it is aimed at timely and complete satisfaction!

creation of production needs. This ensures unpretentiousness!

discontinuity of the production process and affects its scale.

Secondly, MTO is designed to create conditions for effective

activities of the enterprise, it aims it at economic!

skiy resource. In addition, logistics and technical support

in itself is capable of ensuring consumer priority in ho!

economic attitude.

Thus, the MTO system has a number of functions, following to!

Therefore, it supports productivity and efficiency!

production rate:

1) planning the need for material resources. This

means that MTO based on available data on such so far!

production plants, such as material intensity and capital productivity,

determines the optimal amount of resources needed!

dims for one production cycle

and release of a certain batch of goods and services;


2) procurement function. MTO conducts operations at the enterprise!

efficiently! procurement work in accordance with plans

needs, controls the process of concluding contracts,

handles all production “errors”;

3) storage of prepared raw materials and materials, i.e. organi!

ation of a warehouse nature. In addition, MTO is developing

guidelines, principles and instructions according to which

storage and use of stocks must be carried out;

4) implementation of accounting and strict control over the issuance

raw materials and materials for production, etc.

Material and technical support for production - up to!

loosely broad concept, so it can take several forms.

1. Supply of finished products, semi-finished products and services about!

of an intellectual nature through direct economic ties.

2. Wholesale trade in means of production, as well as manufacturing!

purchased goods through warehouses, through store chains

and commodity procurement bases.

3. Exchange and borrowing operations in case of insufficient resources!

owls or cash in the form of investments.

4. Use of secondary resources, waste recycling.

5. Leasing, which is one of the main financial

instruments through which long-term

investments in re-equipment and modernization of production!

stva. This allows you to create a sustainable material!technical!

Russian base and contributes to the growth of competitiveness of the issue!

of goods.

6. Purchase of raw materials and materials through commodity exchanges, and so on!

implementation of import purchases according to the relevant agreements!

thieves about partnerships with foreign companies.

7. Development of subsidiary farming (extraction of raw materials, manufacturing!

packaging) and implementation of centralized distribution

material resources.

Therefore, the MTO system is a necessary condition!

development of production, since it carries out a general

control over procurement and production work,

and also allows you to adequately assess real possibilities

and company reserves.


2. Logistics plan

The logistics plan represents

is a set of documents that reflect and evaluate

the need for material resources and suggested options

sources to satisfy this need. In other words!

we, the logistics plan is the most important part of a long-term strategic plan!

planning of the organization and its economic development.

The starting point for planning is to define the structures!

tours of need, i.e. nomenclature of material and natural

resources that need to be acquired to implement

production process. The nomenclature itself looks right!

reference book, which indicates the exact names, standards, sizes,

form and grades of each type of raw material and material. Cost required!

resources available for consumption are determined according to plan! prepare!

prices, consisting of the following elements:

1) prices of wholesale suppliers. They determine the value of pre!

positions of primary sellers - owners of resources and costs!

the power of a unit of raw materials for which a purchase or sale transaction can be carried out!

can be implemented;

2) railway tariffs, which play an important role!

important role in determining the actual price purchased!

th raw materials. They are also reflected in the final prices

and determine the cost of delivery;

3) supply!sales organization that repurchases

wholesalers have resources at wholesale prices, then resells them

at inflated prices. In them it includes the cost of personal expenses!

national mediation services. So her profit

is the difference between the wholesale price of resources and its own!


4) packaging costs, which include all monetary costs!

you related to packaging;

5) costs of delivery to the enterprise - these are monetary

funds that the organization pays for delivery nepo!

directly to the enterprise warehouse or directly to its

departments (shops) for subsequent processing.

Thus, we can say that planned!

prices include all organizational expenses for the purchase and up to!


rate of the planned volume of required resources. In response!

With this in mind, the range of raw materials is also supplemented

data on their planned procurement prices and takes the form

nomenclature! price tag, i.e. it contains not only types of material!

fishing, but also their actual cost. Nomenclature6price tag - on!

the most complete document of upcoming expenses. Thanks to him

availability, the organization correlates what is necessary with what is possible

and determines the amount of raw materials that can

meet production needs and at the same time will

optimal for the price. Conditions for the development of justified plans!

new material and technical support are progress!

high standards of consumption of raw materials and fuel. Consumption rate turnover!

financial means is the highest price, its maximum permissible

the value that is set in accordance with the defined!

new production conditions of material costs for

unit production.

There are several classifications of logistics plans.

1. According to the duration of the planning period:

1) current plans that are being drawn up for the near future;

2) promising ones that the organization plans to do!

to take place in the future depending on the current situation in production!

management of the situation.

2. By stage of development:

1) preliminary plans - developed in accordance

with economic and production expectations;

2) final plans - determined by changing

preliminary, taking into account price dynamics and general economics!

current situation in the country.

3. By scale of action:

1) plans of enterprises;

2) plans of structural divisions, workshops.

3. Methods for determining the need for logistics

Logistics is a way of control

and distribution of resources in the production process. Through

MTO system, the enterprise purchases and consumes raw materials

and materials for production in the most rational way!


bom. For this purpose, records of current consumption data are kept, in co!

according to which plans for the long term are drawn up.

This allows you to wisely spend the organization's budget!

how much production costs are reduced.

In itself, the material and technical support of one of the

its tasks is to purchase the mate necessary for the enterprise!

real resources, as well as their centralized distribution

by production units - workshops where they pass!

allow for further processing. Through this, defining the struk!

tour of its own need for factors of production, organi!

tion draws a conclusion about how necessary the presence of MTO is.

The need and need to create a logistics system for

implementation of economic and production functions mo!

can be determined using the following methods.

1. Regulatory. This method is based on the use of pro!

progressive and technically sound consumption rates. So oh!


R m = N R xV,

where P m - existing need for raw materials and materials;

N R - consumption rate;

V is the volume of production of goods and services.

Thus, the need for resources is in direct

depending on the scale of production. The consumption rate has been set!

is poured by each enterprise separately based on data

about its financial stability and development. Anyway

A company that minimizes costs always strives tirelessly!

determine the minimum amount of resource consumption that is determined!

defines the maximum price that an organization is willing to pay

per unit of production.

2. Statistical method - the method of dynamic coefficients!

Comrade Here, data on material consumption is taken into account, which

was produced in the previous period, according to which

the need for logistics is determined by taking into account actual production!

consumption and its changes in relation to the future period.

R m = P f x K etc x K n ,

where P f - actual consumption of resources in the production process!

management in the current period;


TO etc - coefficient showing the change in plan to boo!

current consumption compared to previous;

TO n - coefficient that characterizes the decrease in standards

expense for the future, i.e. it is calculated for the future


This method for determining the need for logistics is used

only when it is necessary to accurately calculate

the need for materials in mass production and product!

tions of a wide range, and the consumption itself is insignificant.

3. The forecasting method is based on the study of statistics!

Chinese series of consumption of material resources for a certain

period of time (several years or months) and their dynamic!

ness. This allows you to create a practical!mathematical model

changes in the need through which it is compiled

consumption forecast.

Therefore, choosing one of the above methods

depends solely on the direction and structure of the expense!

of raw materials and supplies in the production of a specific set

benefits, as well as on the period for which the planning is carried out!

tion, type of material, its quality, exchange and character.

4. Organization of operational work on logistics

Operational work on material and technical support!

niya includes several elements. First of all, she means it!

enables the receipt and recording of stock notices at the central!

distributed products. This is typical mainly for

state enterprises. Secondly, through the MTO organization!

nization draws up orders to receive materials from suppliers!

kov factors of production, concludes with them the corresponding to!

contracts for delivery and monitors their implementation.

In addition, operational work includes specification

production assets and choice of supply forms. Specifics!

Planning is the determination of the needs of the enterprise!

tia in materials and raw materials according to the nomenclature! price tag, in which

all material resources are distributed by types, profiles,

sizes and other detailed characteristics. Thus,


the optimal structure and volume of supplies are determined precisely

through specification.

There are the following types of supplies of raw materials and supplies:

and other necessary production assets.

1. Transit or direct. With this form of delivery, mate!

rial resources in accordance with the needs for them before!

acceptances come to the consumer directly from the manufacturer or

owner of the factors of production. There are no middlemen here!

kov, therefore the relationship “seller - buyer” is characteristic!

are based on direct economic ties. Positive ace!

The point here is that the delivery process is significantly

is accelerating, economic ties are strengthening, there are no pro!

intermediate (intermediary) operations, and, as a result, co!

transaction costs are reduced. This form of delivery is worth it!

forest-like with large volumes of consumption on a constant basis


2. Warehouse delivery is more convenient when raw materials

and materials are consumed in small quantities. Material!

new resources are initially purchased at wholesale prices at!

middlemen, are delivered to warehouses, and then sold to the final

to the consumer. At the same time, production inventories are reduced,

and the turnover of working capital is growing. Also, pre!

enterprises have the opportunity to import materials to a convenient location

for them time and in the right quantity, which will correspond!

meet the norm of need. In turn, suppliers! mediate!

ki can prepare cargo for transportation in advance,

which allows it to be delivered upon the organization’s first request.

However, consumers themselves bear the additional costs for the mustache!

meadows of intermediary organizations - the so-called warehouses

extra charges. Therefore, with all the advantages of this form of delivery, it

significantly increases overall production costs.

In the operational work of logistics and logistics, in addition to all of the above!

Nogo, includes quantitative and qualitative reception of the necessary ma!

materials, as well as the process of organizing the supply of them to production!

national divisions - workshops. Resource delivery management

in the workshop is based on compliance with limits and plans!schedules.

Limit - strictly limited quantity (minimum or maxi!


mum) materials that can be delivered directly!

but for production over a certain period of time. Corresponding!

Actually, delivery of materials to the workshop can be carried out

two ways:

1) decentralized. In other words, the workshops themselves receive

and remove raw materials from the production warehouse using a workshop trans!

port. This method is usually typical for pre!

acceptances that carry out individual or small batches!

new production;

2) centralized, which is more suitable for the enterprise!

ties aimed at mass production. Warehouses on schedule

supply the workshops with the required quantity of mate!

real resources. This gives you the opportunity to prepare ahead of time!

ready for delivery and allows for more efficient use

worker transport and auxiliary work enterprises,

who are directly involved in the delivery of raw materials throughout

workshops. In addition, through centralized delivery

system of accounting and control over the passage of raw materials!

fishing from the central warehouse to the workplace is significant


Thus, each enterprise chooses the optimal

for yourself ways to purchase and deliver funds to production

and does this on the basis of specialization and scale of production.

To organize transport, veterinary and sanitary support and consumer services for troops (forces).

Logistics and logistics is an integral part of the comprehensive support of the Armed Forces. It is organized and carried out in all types of operations (combat actions) and daily activities of troops (forces).

The goal is to uninterruptedly meet the needs of troops (forces) for the necessary types of materiel and maintain weapons and military equipment in readiness for combat use (use for their intended purpose).

Composition of the unified logistics system of the RF Armed Forces

MTO brigades (according to the number of armies).

Railway troops.

Warehouse infrastructure, integrated logistics bases (branches), arsenals, warehouses, missile and artillery weapons bases, automobile and armored equipment.

Veterinary epizootic units, centers for veterinary and sanitary examination and laboratory diagnostics.

Repair shops, fuel service laboratories.

Bodies of VOSO (military communications).

Other units and logistics organizations designed for comprehensive logistics support of brigades.

The current state of the organization of logistics support for troops and directions for its improvement

Consists of performing the following activities:

-making (clarifying) decisions on logistics and its planning;

-conducting rear and technical reconnaissance;

-preparation, construction and use of all forces and means of logistics

Uninterrupted supply of troops (forces) with weapons, military equipment, missiles, ammunition, military-technical equipment and other material resources;

Integrated use of all types of transport (road, rail, air, sea, inland waterway and pipeline)

-operation and restoration of weapons and military equipment;

Protection, defence, security and camouflage of formations, units and logistics organizations;

Deployment of a command and control system and management of material and technical support for troops (forces) in an operation (combat operations);


in the military district - deputy commander of the military district troops for logistics;

In the army - deputy commander of army troops for logistics

in the brigade - deputy brigade commander for logistics;

In the battalion (division) - deputy battalion commander for logistics

directions for its improvement:

the delivery units should include modern and future modernized equipment with increased payload capacity, advanced sets of technical means for the purpose of mobility and ensuring autonomy;

Creation of our own system of logistics support for troops, included in the composition of units and subunits of the tactical level;

-a fundamental change in material support schemes both in peacetime and in wartime;

-implementation of a completely new fuel supply scheme;

Organization of outsourcing of support functions.

4. Terms, concepts and definitions of military logistics of troops (material logistics, materiel, types of logistics, special types of logistics)

MTO- is a set of activities aimed at:

for the timely and complete satisfaction of the needs of troops (forces) for various types of materiel and the creation (accumulation) of their reserves;

to ensure reliable operation and restoration of weapons and military equipment;

to maintain in good condition and develop the supporting engineering and technical infrastructure of the airfield network;

Types of logistics

material; transport; rocket technology;

artillery-technical; tank technical;

auto technical; engineering and technical;

technical support for RCB protection; technical support for communications and automated control systems;

technical support for material support services;

metrological support;

veterinary and sanitary;



Special types:

Rocket-artillery, rocket-engineering, airfield-engineering, airfield-technical, aviation-engineering, electromechanical, space-engineering, railway-technical, radio-electronic engineering,

Organized and carried out with the aim of timely and complete satisfaction of the needs of troops (forces) in weapons and military equipment, missiles, ammunition, explosives, rocket fuel and fuel, means of protecting personnel and conducting NBC reconnaissance, food, clothing, aviation technical, engineering -airfield, skipper, engineering, armored vehicles, veterinary and sanitary, apartment property and other types of material assets.


determining the need for material resources for an operation (combat operations);

requesting, receiving (receiving) and creating established reserves of material resources in the troops (forces); ensuring the safety of material assets;

organization of accounting and reporting during storage and expenditure of material resources;

organization and control of the legality of spending material resources and bringing them to consumers; planning and ensuring timely replenishment of consumption and loss of inventories;

delivery of material resources to troops (forces);

It is one of the components of the military logistics system, and is a set of measures and activities aimed at solving technical problems of providing troops with transport, weapons, military equipment, missiles, ammunition and military-technical equipment.

Transport support is a set of measures for the preparation, operation, technical support and restoration of transport (railway, road, air, sea, inland waterway and pipeline), intended for organizing all types of military transportation, supply of material resources and evacuation.

Missile technical support - accumulation of reserves of missiles and warheads for them in conventional equipment up to the established standards, ensuring their technical serviceability, maintaining them in the established degrees of combat readiness, carrying out routine maintenance, timely preparing them for combat use and delivery to troops, as well as technical and special training of personnel.

Technical support for material support services is organized and carried out in order to provide standard equipment to material support services, maintain in good condition and constant readiness for use of automobile, road, railway and airfield engineering equipment, airfield technical flight support equipment, refueling equipment, pumping and transporting rocket fuel and fuel, equipment for clothing and veterinary and sanitary services, technical means of cooking, baking bread, and other equipment for material support services, as well as ensuring its reliable operation and restoration.

Bath and laundry points

Mobile bakeries.

Personnel – 1092 people.

Cars – 408 units.

In a defensive battle, the brigade's MTO launcher is located at a distance of up to 20 km from the front edge. In an offensive battle, the brigade's MTO launcher is located at a distance of 15 km from the front edge of our troops. On the march, the MTO PU follows at the head of the column of the main grouping of logistics units.

Guard posts should cover roads and paths leading to the areas where MTO units and subunits are located. The guard post can consist of from 2 to 3 people up to the squad. He is given a position at a distance of up to 1.5 km from the protected object.

Patrols from MTO units are sent when there is a threat of an enemy attack in order to timely detect it and identify intentions. They perform their duties and can operate at a distance of 2 - 3 km from them.

Requirements for protection, defense, security and camouflage of logistics control points for troops.

Reporting and information documents are intended for reporting to higher command (reports, summaries, information, messages, reports and others that are developed to report to a superior commander on the results of completing tasks received, on the position and condition of logistics, as well as for information from subordinate, interacting units (units) ), logistics authorities about the situation)

3. Reference documents are developed as initial and auxiliary (working) documents when planning logistics and carrying out other activities for the management of logistics (various calculations, statements, tables, diagrams, certificates, descriptions and other documents developed as initial and auxiliary documents when planning MTO of combat operations of a formation (unit) and carrying out other activities for the management of MTO.).

Basic combat documents of MTO:

logistics support plan (a logistics solution developed in detail and drawn up on a map with an explanatory note attached);

work cards;

decisions on logistics (on the basis and in development, executive and planning documents are developed; drawn up on a map with the necessary calculations attached);

logistics orders (combat, preliminary);

logistics planning calculations;

To control parts of the MTO connection, wired, radio, radio relay, mobile and signaling means are used, with the help of which telephone, telegraph, courier-postal communications and data transmission are organized.

23.Summary on logistics (reveal content, methodology of compilation)

A unit logistics report is developed by the deputy unit commander for logistics based on reports from units, information from headquarters and logistics services. The summary consists of the following sections:

“Deployment of logistics units (units)”

"Material support"

“Application for submission of material resources”

“The state of supply routes and vehicles”

"Losses from enemy influence"


“Conclusions on the state of logistics”

Materials for the fuel and lubricants service include: fuel (gasoline, gas turbine, diesel fuel, fuel oil), oils, lubricants and special liquids; equipment for transportation, refueling, pumping, storage, fuel quality control, repair equipment and technical equipment, forms and books for accounting and reporting.

For fuel - refueling

In the army for 2 days,

Military reserves are divided into consumables and emergency reserves. The consumables are intended to support combat operations and meet the current needs of the troops. Inviolable is intended to solve unforeseen problems and is spent with the permission of the formation commander.

The dimensions of the emergency reserve are: small arms ammunition - 0.1 bq, kept by personnel, as well as in combat vehicles; fuel - 0.2 refills in car tanks; food –
1 (or 3) daily dacha with personnel (or in combat vehicles).

Depending on the situation and the combat mission being performed, by decision of a higher-ranking commander (commander), additional reserves of materiel may be created. are created by compact loading of tractors and automobile delivery units. additional fuel reserves can be up to 0.2 ref. for gasoline and up to 0.4 ref. for diesel fuel

27. Scheme of echeloning of materiel. Consider the maintenance of materiel using the example of echeloning military reserves of fuel and lubricants.

28. Organization of the supply of material resources (definition, conditions, factors, types of transport, methods of delivery)

It is one of the main tasks of the MTO troops. It is organized and carried out in any situation in the interests of comprehensive, complete, uninterrupted material support for troops for the accumulation, restoration and maintenance in warehouses of established standards of stocks of materiel by all types of vehicles.

The supply of material resources includes a set of measures: for the preparation of material resources, mechanization equipment, vehicles (automobile, pipeline transport); their allocation for all types of transportation; loading and transportation of materials by all types of transport and their unloading.

Other events.

The logistics support of a brigade in preparation for and during an attack on a defending enemy is organized taking into account a number of factors:

- ways for a brigade to go on the offensive;

- combat missions of the brigade;

-building the brigade's battle formation;

- the role and place of the brigade in the operational formation of the army;

-the scale of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy and our troops;

- the procedure for logistics established by the senior manager;

-availability and condition of logistics forces and means, transportation and evacuation routes;

-physical and geographical features of the combat area

Preparation for the deployment and movement of a military battalion on the offensive

An offensive is one of the types of combined arms combat, with the goal of defeating the opposing enemy and capturing designated lines or areas of terrain and creating conditions for subsequent actions. It consists of defeating the enemy by all available means, attacking, advancing troops into the depth of his location, destroying and capturing manpower, capturing weapons and equipment, various objects and designated areas of the terrain

The brigade can advance in the direction of the main attack or in other directions as part of other strike groupings of troops. In this case, the brigade can advance in the first echelon of the army, constitute its second echelon, be in the combined arms reserve, or be part of a front operational maneuver group.

The brigade's attack is carried out from a position of direct contact with it, and when it has hastily switched to defense, it is advanced from the depths. It is usually carried out from the initial area, designated at a distance of 20 - 40 km from the front line of the enemy’s defense and is carried out with the deployment of units into battle formation for an attack on the move. In this case, the starting line and deployment lines are assigned: in battalion columns - at a distance of 12-15 km from the front line of defense; in company columns - at a distance of 4-6 km; platoon columns - at a distance of 2-4 km; the line of transition to attack is up to 600 m from the front edge.

Width of the offensive front: platoon - up to 300 m; company - up to
1 km (at the breakthrough site – 500 m); battalion - up to 2 km (in the breakthrough area up to 1 km) (up to 5 km); brigade - 4-6 km (up to 20 km).

The supply of supplies in conditions of deliberate defense is carried out primarily to the supported units of the first echelon and artillery, intended for operations in the direction of concentration of the main efforts, and during the battle - to the supported units fighting to hold the most important defense areas

The supply of ammunition to the artillery units provided during the battle by the battalion is carried out as necessary and can be carried out in the following ways:

delivery of ammunition to the designated meeting point and subsequently following with a representative of the supported artillery unit directly to the firing positions;

delivery of ammunition to the material transfer point;

Inclusion of battalion vehicles with supplies of materiel into the marching columns of the supported artillery units and their movement during the battle until the transfer of ammunition. Vehicles returning after unloading or transferring material can be used to carry out evacuation transportation, as well as to evacuate the wounded and sick.

Refueling of military equipment of supported units with fuel, as a rule, is carried out in preparation for battle and after completing the assigned task based on the decision of the brigade commander, who establishes the order, time, and routes for advancing the supported military units to refuel military equipment with fuel.

In defense, refueling of military equipment is carried out with strict adherence to camouflage measures and is carried out:

military equipment located in the positions it occupies, as a rule, at night, by the method of approaching refueling equipment to the military equipment being refueled;

military equipment located in the depths of the defense, at the end of the day of battle, in a combined way, depending on the specific situation (by approaching refueling means to the military equipment being refueled or vice versa, as well as using field refueling points).

To repair and evacuate armored vehicles, vehicles, RAVs, weapons, and military equipment of troops, repair companies are allocated from the battalion. Company actions are organized and carried out based on the decision of the battalion commander and the instructions of the deputy brigade commander for logistics.

Evacuation of military equipment and weapons includes:

pulling out stuck, overturned, littered, sunken equipment;

bringing it into a transportable state and transporting damaged (faulty) or without crews, crews or drivers of vehicles from areas of combat operations and from places of failure to evacuation routes, to places of repair;

Training, deployment and movement of a logistics battalion in defense

In defense, the battalion is positioned taking into account the order of battle and the tasks of the brigade; safe removal from supported units when using nuclear weapons; radiation, chemical and biological conditions; nature of the area.

With the beginning of a defensive battle and during its conduct in the support zone (at the forward position), if necessary, part of the vehicles of the battalion’s automobile company with reserves of ammunition and engineering obstacle equipment, as well as a repair company (AV and BT), which are located behind the combat ones, can be allocated units defending a forward position.

When a brigade conducts positional defense to support units fighting for the main line, the main forces and means of the battalion are first used, if necessary, they are maneuvered, and changes are made to the deployment of battalion units.

When preparing a brigade to conduct maneuver defense, the battalion is located behind the final line of defense of the second echelon (combined arms reserve) of the brigade. Battalion deployment areas are determined by the senior commander or selected by the battalion commander and agreed upon with brigade headquarters.

Location area bmto must provide:

convenient placement of battalion units taking into account the tasks performed;

dispersed and secret deployment of military equipment and battalion personnel;

availability of roads;

The battalion is assigned main and backup areas. A reserve area for the battalion's location is selected and, if possible, prepared in engineering terms at a distance of 5 - 7 km from the main area.

The total area of ​​the battalion's location is up to 80 sq. km (without support companies
up to 40 sq. km).

Preparation, deployment and movement of a logistics battalion on the march

When preparing parts (units) of the brigade's logistics support to perform tasks during the march, a number of events:

- additional staffing of logistics departments with personnel, equipment and property;

Maintenance, repair and preparation for the march of equipment of logistics services, service equipment and supplies of material resources is carried out;

-training of personnel in boarding equipment is organized,

Classes and briefings are conducted with drivers on the features of the upcoming march, traffic routes, and safety measures;

A logistics support battalion can move under its own power (march), be transported by rail, sea, inland waterway and air transport, or be moved in a combined way.

Movement bmto carried out in as part of a team or independently and ends with concentration in the specified area.

The order for the movement of the battalion is given by the deputy brigade commander for logistics.

When making a march bmto As part of a brigade and battalion support company, they move in columns of supported units. The remaining units of the battalion follow the same route at a distance of 5-10 km from the main forces of the brigade

The formation of a battalion marching column (without support companies) during a march (as an option) can be as follows: battalion headquarters; automobile company, with supplies of material resources; battalion logistics company; repair company (armored and automotive vehicles); repair company (RAV, weapons, military equipment of the military branches).

Depending on the conditions of the situation, a battalion's marching column may have a different marching order. When making a march in anticipation of entering into battle at the head of the battalion's marching column, as a rule, battalion units with ammunition reserves follow, and when marching over distances of more than one day's march without the threat of collision with the enemy- with fuel reserves.

The distances during the movement of marching columns of a battalion are established: between marching columns of companies and equal units of the battalion - 2-3 km; between marching columns of platoons and equal units - 0.5-1 km; between cars – 25-50 m.

routes of movement and marching columns of the battalion.

The average speed of movement of battalion units is determined as the ratio of the transition distance to the total time allotted for the march, excluding time for rests, and can be: for mixed marching columns of a battalion
20-25 km/h; for automobile marching columns– 25-30 km/h.

For the timely start of the march and regulation of the speed of movement of the battalion's marching columns, a starting line (point) and regulation lines (points) are assigned, indicating the time they will be passed by the heads of the battalion's marching columns. Regulation milestones (points), as a rule, are assigned after 3-4 hours of movement.

MTO of troops, its role, tasks and significance in modern combat

MTO is a set of activities aimed at:

for the timely and complete satisfaction of the needs of troops (forces) for various types of materiel and the creation (accumulation) of their reserves;

to ensure reliable operation and restoration of weapons and military equipment;

to maintain in good condition and develop the supporting engineering and technical infrastructure of the airfield network;


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