April 3 holidays and events. Maxim Aryshev, student

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Published 04/03/18 00:10

Today, April 3, 2018, also celebrates Maundy Tuesday, the birthday of the mobile phone, the birthday of the coffee grinder and other events.

What holiday is today: April 3, 2018 is the church holiday of Kirill Katanik

On April 3, 2018, the national holiday Kirill Katanik is celebrated. On this day the church remembers St. Cyril of Catania (Sicily), bishop.

People call the day “Catanik”, as it “closes” the winter season. In the old days, this holiday was called "The Well". According to popular belief, well water on April 3 is blessed by the Queen of Heaven, the Virgin Mary herself.

According to legend, Cyril lived in the 1st-2nd centuries. He was from the Syrian city of Antioch (modern Türkiye). He was lucky enough to become a disciple of the Apostle Peter, who later appointed him bishop idhumkz in the Sicilian city of Catana.

The Lord awarded Cyril the gift of miracles for his piety, wise management of his flock and all possible help to his parishioners. In one spring, the water had a bitter taste. It was impossible to drink. After Bishop Kirill read a prayer over him, it lost its bitterness and became suitable for consumption. Thanks to this incident, many idolaters accepted Christianity and believed in the Lord.

Bishop Kirill of Katansky lived a long, godly life. He passed away into another world at a very old age. He was buried in Sicily.

According to signs, if thunder strikes today, it means that the year will be very fruitful.

The clouds are colored blue - expect warm but rainy weather.

If the birch tree produces a lot of sap on this day, it means that the summer season will have plenty of rain.

Holy Tuesday in 2018

It is believed that on this day Jesus Christ preached in the Jerusalem Temple. He spoke about His second coming, parables about tribute to Caesar, the resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment, ten virgins, and talents. The Pharisees tried to confuse and expose the Savior with crafty questions. But the wisdom of His answers left them no chance.

The birthday of the mobile phone is celebrated annually on April 3. The first experimental model of this device was assembled in the Soviet Union back in the late 50s of the 20th century. The invention weighed 3 kg. In 1973, the first functional model of a mobile telephone appeared - the Motorola Dyna TAC. The phone had no screen. There were 12 buttons on the front panel: 10 with numbers and 2 for starting and ending a call. On April 3, 1973, its inventor, Martin Cooper, who at that time was on the staff of Motorola, made the first mobile call to a competing company. This day became the birthday of the mobile phone.

Coffee grinder birthday

The coffee grinder's birthday is celebrated annually on April 3. It is not known for certain who and when designed the first manual coffee grinder, which resembled a mini-version of a mill and consisted of two millstones. Her official birthday is April 3, 1928. On this day, an invention called a “mechanical coffee grinder” was patented.

Vladimir, Kirill, Yakov.

  • 1860 - The Pony Express, a regular transcontinental postal service, opened in the United States.
  • 1874 - Ilya Repin informed Pavel Tretyakov that he had begun work on a portrait of Ivan Turgenev.
  • 1879 - Sofia is proclaimed the capital of Bulgaria.
  • 1892 - birthday of Sande ice cream.
  • 1933 - Russian surgeon Yuri Voronoi performed the world's first human kidney transplant.
  • 1973 - barcode birthday.
  • 1976 - the first presentation of the French Cesar film award took place.
  • Leonid Pasternak 1862 - Russian painter and graphic artist.
  • Stanislawa Walasiewicz 1911 - Polish athlete.
  • Yuri Nagibin 1920 - Soviet writer and screenwriter.
  • Marlon Brando 1924 - American film actor.
  • Rosa Shanina 1924 - Soviet sniper.
  • Vladimir Nosik 1948 - Russian film and theater actor.
  • Valentin Dikul 1948 - Russian doctor, weightlifter.
  • Alec Baldwin 1958 - American film and theater actor.
  • Eddie Murphy 1961 - American film actor, director.

Examples of texts for free sending via SMS

I am with you on this day, you are 25 today, we want to say so many words and congratulations to you, Angelica. Let the snowflakes shower you, let your eyelashes turn white! Happy New Year, I congratulate you on the year of the dog and the year of love! I want to congratulate you, Darius. I also want to wish you a lot. And health, and happiness, and true friends. And more girls, always be more fun! Our dear Lada’s birthday is just the blossoming of fate. Be desired and loved, and accept flowers from us. 20 years is awesome! You are the most important today! On this such a beautiful day, invite your friends to visit! I congratulate you on your birthday! And I’m sending you a text message instead of flowers. I wish you all the best, Sema, may there be no enemies on your path. I want to congratulate you, Charlotte, on your birthday. I wish you health and long life. Live and enjoy the moments, because there are so many bright ones on earth. I wish you goodness, a share similar to a full cup, so that in your life tomorrow will be better than yesterday! Happy Emerald Wedding!

It is necessary to distinguish between Hitler before 1939 and Hitler after 1939 and to separate flies from cutlets. The fact is that while Hitler was collecting lands, and if he, as Zubov himself admits, would have been famous only for the fact that without a single drop of blood he united Germany with Austria, the Sudetenland with Germany, Memel with Germany, essentially completing what Bismarck failed, and if Hitler had stopped there, he would have remained in the history of his country as a politician of the highest class.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has declassified documents on the activities of Ukrainian nationalists during the Great Patriotic War. The originals of historical documents, which were previously available only to a narrow circle of specialists, have been published on the website of the military department. Among them are reports from Red Army soldiers and Ukrainian partisan leaders.

The documents describe the tactics of the armed struggle of nationalists against the Red Army and repressions against civilians. Thus, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR Lavrentiy Beria reports on the attempts of the German command to create a “Ukrainian army” on the territory of Ukraine and form punitive detachments from Ukrainians and deserters.

— Lieutenant Silimonov was in the apartment. Hearing the shots, he quickly got dressed and ran out into the street with a machine gun, where he resisted. While firing back, he killed six bandits and managed to escape. In the apartment were his wife and 4-year-old child, whom Bandera’s men brutally killed and cut up their corpses. Bandera’s men conducted a thorough search of the apartment,” says the political report of the head of the political department of the Kyiv military district, Colonel Lukashuk.

The wheels, which employees of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), working in the Russian capital, handed over for seasonal storage, disappeared from the tire shop. The damage is estimated at hundreds of thousands of rubles, Interfax reports, citing a source in Moscow law enforcement agencies.

A representative of the American embassy, ​​under whose auspices NASA specialists work in Russia, reported the loss to the police. According to him, 66 tires on alloy wheels were stolen, which were deposited in one of the tire shops last year.

The son disappeared with his mother's vacuum cleaner in the Babushkinsky district

A 78-year-old pensioner living in one of the houses on Lenskaya Street contacted the duty station of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Babushkinsky district of Moscow. According to her, her son secretly stole a vacuum cleaner from her, after which he left the apartment and disappeared in an unknown direction.

The local police officer of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Babushkinsky district of Moscow found the suspect and detained him. It turned out to be a 42-year-old unemployed Muscovite with no previous convictions.

The Shukhov Tower may be moved to Yekaterinburg, Znak.com reports, citing its own source in the communications market.

If this happens, the Russian cultural heritage site, the fate of which has been decided in recent months, will once again become a working television tower.

In case of relocation, the construction of a new television tower will not be required. Transmitters will be installed on the Shukhov Tower, and the city will receive not only a unique structure, but also a fully functioning communication facility,” the source believes. He claims that if the decision to move is made, the Shukhov Tower will be dismantled in Moscow, all its parts will be transported to Yekaterinburg and reassembled in a new place, replacing some old parts with new and more durable ones.

Russian presenter Dmitry Kiselev, who found himself on the blacklists of the United States and the European Union after Russia’s aggression against Crimea, lost his Lithuanian state award.

This decision was made by Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite.

“President Dalia Grybauskaite, guided by the Constitution and part 1 of Article 18 of the Law on State Awards, signed a decree that removed Dmitry Kiselev from the list of award recipients for discrediting the honor of the award,” the presidential administration reports.
Vice-Speaker of the Seimas, liberal Petras Auštrevičius, addressed the president regarding the deprivation of Kiselev’s award.

The Russian Foreign Ministry made a representation to the German Ambassador in connection with the statements of the head of the German Ministry of Finance.
Moscow considers provocative a statement that draws parallels between the reunification of Crimea with Russia and Hitler’s policies.

The number of abortions in Russia needs to be reduced, says Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

Visiting the Gatchina diocese today, the primate recalled that the church should not only encourage mothers to preserve their future children, but also help them in this. “This is our biggest concern today,” the patriarch emphasized.

“When they tell me that we don’t have enough population and we need to bring some huge number, millions, of people of a different culture from other countries to work here, I say that if we reduced the number of abortions by two or three times, then after a certain time there would be no need for any visiting guest workers in Russia,” Patriarch Kirill said at a meeting with a large family.

Ramzan Kadyrov fulfilled his promise - he opened an account in a bank that was subject to US sanctions.

- Dear friends! I previously wrote that I intend to open an account with Rossiya Bank. As promised, on Monday March 24, 2014, I became a client of this bank. Now my salary will go to the card you see in the picture,” Kadyrov wrote and published a photo of the new plastic card.

He also noted that “Russia” works only with the ruble and this is its strength.

— The bank works only with our domestic currency, services quickly and efficiently. I am sure that “Russia” has a great future. I am also convinced that with its mouse sanctions, the West, on the contrary, provided the bank with an invaluable service. Russian President Vladimir Putin opened an account with it, and thousands and thousands of Russians will become his clients,” the head of the Chechen Republic said.

Archpriest Georgy Polyakov, confessor of the Black Sea Fleet, rector of the St. Nicholas Church-Monument in Sevastopol, believes that there is a spiritual war going on in Crimea.

“Look at the joyful faces of Crimeans and look at those who spew blasphemy! Undoubtedly, in Crimea there is a struggle between the forces of light and darkness. And first of all, this is a spiritual struggle, and prayer to the Lord gives strength in this struggle,” the priest said in an interview with the Orthodox View website.

According to him, what happened in Crimea is “a bright and epoch-making event, thanks to which many people both in Crimea and in Russia united.”

“It’s truly a miracle, because yesterday they could kill each other, but today they unite, forget their differences and shout “Hosanna” together.” This cannot be done through human efforts, so such events greatly change a person’s internal state,” said Father George.

According to him, now everything depends on how people behave.

“Because if we all rush to dance now, then the angels will turn away from us, and if we pray, help each other, call for love, and not for murder and violence, then there will be prosperity for both the family and the state. Because only through love can one create, and without love there will be gnashing of teeth, sadness and ruin,” the priest is convinced.

I was born in 1965, and it was impossible to go outside in the city of Novovolynsk, because everyone was warned: “Be careful, Benderaites!” They killed people, they stole children, that was all. We are not exaggerating, but this is scary: “Be careful, we live in Bendery!”

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation commented on the accusations made on Thursday in Kyiv about the involvement of the Russian special service in the events on the Maidan.

“Let these statements remain on the conscience of the Security Service of Ukraine,” the FSB Public Relations Center told RIA Novosti.

The head of the SBU, Valentin Nalyvaichenko, said at a press conference on Thursday that FSB officers were allegedly involved in the anti-terrorist operation to neutralize activists on the Maidan. According to Nalyvaichenko, in December 2013, there were 26 FSB officers at the SBU training ground near Kiev, and in January 2014, there were six Russian FSB officers. “We have reasonable grounds to believe that it was these groups that were at one of the SBU training grounds that took part in the planning and implementation of measures of the so-called anti-terrorist operation,” Nalyvaichenko said. He also added that on the 20th of January, Russian planes allegedly landed at the Ukrainian airports “Gostomel” and “Zhulyany” with a cargo of weapons and explosives.

In recent days, I have been able to learn a lot about what could have happened to VKontakte after I left. And I clearly saw that my resignation at this difficult moment would be a betrayal of everything that we have defended for the last 7 years. This would be a very easy and very destructive path.

Thanks to everyone who supported me on April 1st. By choosing the date, I tried to hint that the decision to leave was not final and was necessary to gather information. I am not going to leave anywhere - and I remain the General Director of VKontakte.

The United States introduced a social network in Cuba in order to then use it to try to influence public sentiment and ultimately overthrow the communist government. Associated Press reports this with reference to materials from its own investigation.

The social network, called ZunZuneo, was created in 2009 in the likeness of the American Twitter platform. The portal was financed by the US authorities through shell companies. The project was coordinated by representatives of the American Agency for International Development (USAID).

Ukraine is considering the possibility of taking a loan from the Russian Federation in the amount of about $2 billion to pay off the debt for consumed Russian gas, which, according to Russian estimates, currently amounts to $2.2 billion.

Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine Yuriy Prodan stated this at a briefing in Kyiv, UNIAN reports.

“We are ready to take a loan and strictly fulfill our obligations,” the minister said.

Today, March 3, the Slavs celebrate an almost fabulous holiday - Vodopol, it was also called: the name day of Vodyanoy. . And in Guinea today they will celebrate the Day of the Proclamation of the Second Republic.

Holidays April 3, 2019

Holidays of the Slavs - Vodopol - the name day of Vodyanoy.

On April 3, our ancestors, the Slavs, knew what holiday it was today. They celebrated Vodopol - a holiday, or, most likely, a very ancient ritual that originated in Rus' during the times of dual faith.
The Vodopol holiday was sometimes also called Pereplut, Vodyanoy's Day or Vodyanoy's name day, or sometimes Nikita Vodopol. The essence of the holiday remained unchanged and it consisted in the fact that in Rus', on the third day of flowering, they celebrated the awakening of mermaids, Vodyanoy and all aquatic life from hibernation.
There was a popular belief that during the long cold winter, Grandfather the Water One became hungry and weak, so upon waking up, he immediately wanted to profit from something before going to inspect his watery kingdom. At midnight of this day, fishermen came to the water to appease and treat Grandfather Vodyanoy.

Holiday in Guinea - Day of the Proclamation of the Second Republic.

Every year on April 3, the West African state of the Republic of Guinea celebrates the second most important national public holiday after Independence Day - the Day of the Proclamation of the Second Republic. Only the people of Guinea know what holiday it is today and how important it is.
From the second half of the 19th to the first half of the 20th century, Guinea was a French colony, and in 1958, after a referendum, the people of Guinea supported the idea of ​​independence and on October 2, 1958, Guinea became a state independent from France and was proclaimed a republic.
The elected president of the republic was Ahmed Sekou Toure, who established a one-party system in Guinea and backed it up with a powerful repressive apparatus. Ahmed Sekou Touré's policies ultimately led to the mass migration abroad of many Guineans.
In 1984, after the death of Ahmed Sekou Toure, power was seized by the military, led by Diarra Traore and Lansana Conte.
On April 3, 1984, the Second Republic of Guinea was proclaimed and Lansana Conte abandoned the policy of socialism, preferring a pro-Western policy.
The day of the proclamation of the Second Republic is considered to be October 2 in Guinea.

Unusual holidays

On this day, April 3, you can choose for yourself and cheerfully celebrate today's most unusual holiday: the Day of Inventing Good Omens, the Birthday of the Coffee Grinder, the Holiday of Bulgarian Pickles and the Holiday of Family Quarrel.

Day of inventing good omens

What an unusual holiday today! You can come up with your own signs. Let everything that happens to you today be for the better, then good omens will rain down like from a cornucopia. If you stand on your left foot, this will be a good omen. Spilled coffee on the carpet - this is definitely a new thing! And if you dropped your change on the bus, let it be a warm spring rain. Did you get your feet wet today? So this is a sign - for tea with raspberries!
Whatever happens today is all for the better!

Coffee grinder birthday

On this day in 1829, the coffee grinder was invented by James Carrington. And before its invention, people ground coffee by hand; many still have special mills today. They look like something from an antique store, but some foodies trust them more than an electric coffee grinder.
Whatever coffee grinder you choose, its birthday is usually celebrated on March 3rd.
Let's celebrate this holiday with a cup of strong aromatic coffee.

Holiday of Bulgarian pickles

The most famous dish of Bulgarian pickles is bell pepper. Bulgarians, oddly enough, do not really like pickles, but such a holiday exists. And if you know how to cook salted bell peppers, then you will always have something to celebrate this day.

Family Quarrel Holiday

A person, as a bundle of energy, has a certain amount of tension, which, when exposed to many external stimuli, is transformed into emotions. Negative emotions are the main causes of quarrels.
Let the emotions in your life be only positive, but if something happens, then let it always be like this:
Waging a family war
where anger is looking for a worse phrase,
I win because
that I will raise the white flag immediately. (With)

Holiday according to the folk calendar

Kirill Katanik

On this day, Christians celebrate an Orthodox holiday in honor of the memory of Bishop Cyril of Catania, who lived in Sicily in the 1st and 2nd centuries.
Among the people, the name of St. Cyril of Katansky was changed, giving it a different meaning. Our ancestors said that on the day of Katanik there is the last opportunity to ride down the mountain on a sled on the melting snow.
The peasants cleaned the sledges on Kirill and put them away until the next winter, and they told the children: “Roar - don’t cry, Katanik took the sleigh.” And the children had other fun things to do that day.
During Kirill's time, peasants exchanged felt boots for birch bark bast shoes, which were poor protection from cold and dampness, so people suffered from fevers and agues. The best protection against these ailments was considered to be stove ash and coal, which were taken hot from the stove and applied to the sore spot, wrapped in a scarf. Such an improvised heating pad often helped, and the disease subsided.
It was impossible to look at the sky at Kirill Katanik, so as not to see a falling star, foreshadowing a great misfortune.
Name day April 3 from Vladimir, Kirill, Seraphim, Thomas, Jacob
April 3 is also celebrated: the birthday of the mobile phone, the day of inventing good omens, the day of the creation of SOBR State Customs Committee (Special Rapid Response Unit of the State Customs Committee) of Russia, the birthday of the coffee grinder, the birthday of the barcode

On April 3, 2017, in the St. Petersburg metro, terrorist Akbarzhon Jalilov detonated a bomb hidden in his backpack. In addition to the suicide bomber himself, 15 people were killed in the explosion and 102 were injured. A year after the tragedy, “360” learned how people live who lost loved ones and were injured during the terrorist attack.

Maxim Aryshev, student. Killed in a terrorist attack

Twenty-year-old Maxim came to study from Kazakhstan. He was a third-year student at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, majoring in Information Systems and Technologies. On April 3, 2017, I left the fourth pair and went home. He was one of the victims of the April 3 terrorist attack.

His classmate Daniella Ageeva told “360” that she and Maxim had been best friends since school.

I’m unlikely to ever get used to his death, but I somehow managed to accept it quickly and easily enough. What has changed is that I have become more aware of the value, unpredictability and transience of human life. Anything can happen to anyone

Daniella Ageeva.

After the terrorist attack on the subway, the girl began to empathize more deeply with the tragedies with mass deaths. Although she emphasized that she had never reacted particularly strongly to public tragedies and was not particularly impressionable.

“The first two days were scary. Then I just realized that terrorist attacks are rare and getting into the epicenter is a chance in a million, if not more. So I quickly relaxed. Now I can easily use any type of public transport,” Ageeva added.

The girl added that she closely monitored reports of a fire in the Kemerovo Winter Cherry shopping center. She expressed great regret that the safety of visitors to the complex was ensured at such a low level. “I can imagine what people who have lost loved ones feel. After the loss of Maxim. Therefore, in a sense, it has become easier to empathize,” she concluded.

Irina Medyantseva, puppeteer artist. Died in a terrorist attack

Irina Medyantseva was the creator of designer toys. People who saw her work noted the warmth and kindness coming from them. On the day of the terrorist attack, Irina saw off her daughter Alena, who lives in Nizhny Novgorod. At the moment of the explosion, the woman covered her daughter with herself and died in the ambulance. Alena managed to survive. The cousin of the deceased, Maria Levkina, told 360 that April 3 became a “sad memorable date” in their family.

This year has been difficult for the family. Because we had to learn to live again. We, of course, are not as close relatives as Irina’s daughters or husband. [Medyantseva’s daughter] Yulia continues her mother’s doll business, she’s doing great

Maria Levkina.

According to Levkina, since Irina’s death, several exhibitions of her works have been held. All of them were a great success and were well covered by the press, although previously they were held more intimately.

“And the tragedy, unfortunately, attracted interest in such skill. Requests began to come in for the sale of Irina’s dolls. But the children and husband decided that all her work would remain as a keepsake for the family. They will be exhibited, but they will not be sold,” said the relative.

Evelina Antonova, Polytech graduate. Injured in a terrorist attack

Photo: social networks

In the carriage, suicide bomber Akbarzhon Jalilov was sitting opposite Polytech graduate Evelina Antonova. She was returning from an interview. The blast wave burned the girl's face and respiratory tract, and her body was covered with shrapnel. One of them cut off Evelina's nose.

“Handles are bandaged due to burns, there are many stab wounds on the body. She eats through a straw, since she cannot chew food herself yet,” her aunt said in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda website.

Over the course of a year, the girl underwent several difficult operations: fragments were removed, plates and tubes were inserted and changed. Treatment and rehabilitation are still ongoing. And in public, Evelina appears in a mask and gloves.

“The family is slowly trying to rebuild their lives as they were before all these terrible events. Eva and her family go to the movies, cafes, and shopping centers. Of course, people immediately pay attention to the girl with a mask on her face and gloves on her hands. Those who know her story smile, those who don’t know are surprised. But it seems she’s already used to it,” the aunt added.

Natalya Kirillova, journalist, pensioner. Injured in a terrorist attack

At the time of the explosion, Natalya was sitting not far from the terrorist. The blast wave knocked the phone out of her hand and hit her ears. Later, the concussion passed, but the woman almost stopped hearing in one ear. In addition, after the terrorist attack, she began to experience arrhythmia, heart problems, pressure surges, stuttering and panic attacks. The latter, by the way, often begin even in ground transport and even at home.

Recently I thought I was going to die. I was at home, and such a panic attack happened, I was afraid that my heart would not stand it. I had to call an ambulance. There is a constant dull pain and severe stuttering in my head. It's called logoneurosis

Natalya Kirillova.

Anna Selezneva, student. Injured in a terrorist attack

On April 3, Anna went to the cosmetologist. During the explosion, the girl received an open head injury, multiple fractures, shrapnel wounds and fell into a coma for two weeks. The operations went one after another.

“The first four months I was in the hospital. Then they sent me home. I came for an examination or treatment,” the girl said.

A few days ago she visited the hospital again. The arm fracture turned out to be too complicated; the bones took about a year to heal. Plastic surgery awaits Anna ahead - she needs to remove scars from her body. But on September 1, just like a year ago, the girl came to the university.

I don’t dwell on the past and approach everything with humor and positivity, so I cope well. I don't see anything wrong with the subway. I've already traveled many times. The year has passed very quickly and fruitfully. I am graduating from college with a degree in law. And I will definitely get a higher education!

Anna Selezneva.


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