35 years of marriage holiday script. Games and competitions for wedding anniversary

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Thirty-five years spent together after official marriage is marked by a coral or linen wedding. Coral symbolizes the long love of the spouses, which through the days spent together has become more beautiful, happier, and calmer. A coral wedding will give the celebrants the opportunity to take a break from everyday worries, take a fresh look at each other, and an original script will help them in this.

Preparing for the celebration

The heroes of the occasion should not hesitate to organize a large-scale event on a beautiful date - 35 years. Welcome guests should be good friends, close and distant relatives - parents, brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren. By the time of the thirty-fifth anniversary, a large, friendly family has probably formed, which will gladly not only take part in the celebration, but also help organize a big event.

There are also several traditions that spouses can implement in preparation for their anniversary. One of them is the oath ceremony, which is performed at sunrise. The celebrants spend the night separately, deciding whether they are ready to live the rest of their lives together. In the morning, the heroes of the occasion meet, swear their love to each other, let go of old omissions, grievances, and quarrels.

If the couple decides to have a beautiful themed celebration with a dress code, guests should be informed about this in advance so that they have time to prepare. For a themed event, you should definitely call a photographer who will take memorable photos and videos.

Watch the video to help you create original invitations yourself:

Decoration of the celebration venue

The symbol of the thirty-fifth anniversary is coral, which has a bright red hue. To decorate a room according to its symbolism, you need to include details of this color in the interior. Contrasting textiles will look good - red napkins on a white tablecloth; the table can be decorated with flowers of this shade. Red may be present in the menu - these are fruits, berries, salads with tomatoes, soups (for example, borscht). Delicious red wine should be a must-have decoration for the table.

The ideal decoration can be marine details - fish figurines, posters with the seabed, shells, corals themselves, because the symbol of celebration is inextricably linked with the sea.

Musical accompaniment for the anniversary

Coral celebrants can hire a music group that plays calm, meditative melodies in keeping with the spirit of the holiday. If the celebrants of the day do not have the financial opportunity to invite the team, a good solution would be for them to select works together - before the anniversary, this will bring the spouses even closer together.

Scenario for a coral wedding

An interesting scenario will help the coral wedding be unforgettable, and it will be implemented by a professional host or a close friend of the celebrants.

When the guests are seated, the host stands up and takes the microphone:

– Welcome, dear guests, to our wonderful, wonderful coral holiday! A married couple is about to enter this door, which many of us can envy - they have lived together for thirty-five years! The silver wedding has ended, things are moving towards the golden one, and this family is still an example of sincere love, fidelity, and mutual respect. I'll ask you to give the couple a loud round of applause as they walk through these doors! They deserve this honor!

The guests begin to applaud loudly, the celebrants of the coral wedding come in and take the main seats at the table.

– Hello, beautiful (names of spouses)! While you were walking towards us, I was just saying that your love is admirable. Just think - spend so much time together and not lose the tender attitude towards each other! Anything has happened to you over the years - there have been quarrels, small and serious, the birth of a child, whose upbringing is associated with endless worries, nerves, fatigue, but despite this, your wonderful union survived!

The host pauses and raises a glass to the spouses.

- Let's drink to the fact that the ship, steered by our spouses, survives such a long voyage, despite storms, tempests, hurricane winds! May the road continue to be easy and calm, the waves soft and gentle, and this path illuminated by the warm spring sun! Bitterly!

The guests drink to the heroes of the occasion, who kiss. The host pauses so that the guests can taste the festive dishes.

– You have gone through truly difficult trials, but the time has come to relax, enjoy the fact that you have each other. I will give you the opportunity, dear celebrants of the day, to say a beautiful congratulation to your partner.

The spouse starts first.

– My dear, beloved, holy wife! I still can't believe I found you. When we met, did I know that I would stand here in front of you thirty-five years later and love as much as I did then? I thank you for everything that happened between us - joys, misfortunes, for the fact that the two of us are still walking along the road of life. My heart and soul belong to you entirely! Accept this small gift!

The hero of the coral celebration gives his wife a bouquet of thirty-five red roses and a coral necklace.

– Wear it and don’t forget that even in the most difficult moments between us, I love you!

Then the spouse takes the floor.

– My faithful husband, who spent several decades with me, I have no one who is dearer than you! I cannot express in words how joyful it is for me to be around, what a blessing it is that you support me and constantly give me care. Let all the bad things be left behind, it doesn’t matter when you are next to me, so close and beloved! I want to hold your hand tightly for the rest of my life, and may our journey last forever!

The wife takes out her gift.

– I give you a piece of coral for good luck, may it protect your life. I love you!

The guests applaud the heroes of the coral wedding, the host shouts: “Bitter!”, the heroes of the day kiss. Leading:

– The symbol of today’s holiday is coral. It was not for nothing that he was chosen as the main representative of the thirty-fifth anniversary. Let's think about what coral is - it is a material formed by thousands of particles of polyp skeletons; this process can take centuries, even millennia. So your family was formed by the days spent together - thousands of days together! And you continue to shape it to this day.

The presenter pauses.

– It turns out that the thirty-fifth anniversary has a strong connection with water. The water element, in turn, represents cleansing - it absorbs negativity, calms, and helps relieve stress. Like family life, the water can be quiet, calm, or it can erupt into an unprecedented storm! But despite this, life exists only thanks to the water element. I want to give you a gift that will help protect your family from adversity.

The host presents the heroes of the coral celebration with a small picture depicting a river or sea.

– Dear heroes of the day, the guests also wanted to present you with several gifts, so I’ll let them do it!

The celebrants of the coral wedding receive gifts from the guests. These could be other paintings with landscapes, souvenirs symbolizing the water element. A boat in a bottle would be a wonderful gift - you can easily find one in a souvenir shop.

– And now, dear heroes of the day, I would like to ask you to perform a small ceremony. Please write down what you understand about relationships after spending so many years together, give useful advice, leave a message for your grandchildren (if there are none yet, the presenter prefixes them with “future”). When they get married, their parents will give them this note with your invaluable experience gained!

The heroes of the occasion participate in the ceremony, the leader passes a note to the children of the heroes of the day.

– Well, the official part of the event – ​​your coral wedding – is coming to an end! But before I finish, giving the floor to the guests, I would like to ask you to cut the wonderful cake prepared by our pastry chefs!

The presenter's assistants bring out the cake. The heroes of the coral celebration cut it.

– Finally, I want to add something from myself: I wish you, dear spouses, to live in complete harmony, the way you live now. Give each other love, share your joy, don’t be shy to show your feelings and you will easily overcome everything! Bitterly!

The heroes of the coral celebration kiss, the official part of the event ends.

Competitions for 35 years of married life

Several additional original competitions and games will help diversify the coral celebration.

  • Pass it on to someone else. The game is played at the table. The guest pours some wine into a glass, then passes it to the person sitting next to him. The next participant also adds a little wine and passes it on. When the glass is filled to the brim, the person in whose hands it is says a toast to the celebrants, then drinks.
  • Musical competition. This is also done at the table. The guests are divided into two teams, the task of the contestants is to remember and sing love songs for the heroes of the coral celebration. Members of each team do this in turn. The team that manages to remember the most songs wins.
  • Changing clothes. The presenter gives one of the participants a small box filled with various funny items of clothing - it could contain a clown nose, a blue wig, a huge raincoat, shoe covers, etc. To the music, the participants quickly pass the box to each other. The participant on whom the music stopped, without looking, chooses the first thing he comes across and wears it for half an hour.

The 35th wedding anniversary is a beautiful event that is designed to distract the celebrants from everyday affairs and worries. An interesting scenario for a coral wedding will help to make the holiday unforgettable, will delight the celebrants of the coral anniversary, and will give good impressions to all its participants.

Yesterday my husband and I spent this wonderful holiday, and I can safely offer the resulting and already successfully implemented scenario.

Part 1 - treat.
Part 2 - congratulations.
Part 3 - dancing, games and competitions.
Part 4 – tea with cake.

First, the heroes of the day thanked all the guests who wished to share their joy and invited them to a meal.

Then we read the opening toast. And while eating they told us that there was a linen wedding (coral wedding). 35 years of married life! They talked about how corals are formed. We talked about the symbols of a linen wedding.

Again, several toasts (you can choose any on the Internet or compose yourself).

The years we have lived can be compared to a canvas woven from many thin threads, but at the same time very durable. One of the traditions of celebrating a wedding anniversary is making a “canvas of life.” The spouses must weave a piece of fabric using 4 hands. We offered the couple to weave a cloth from wool (ribbons) using 4 hands. We assessed their quality of life. Joking, of course, although they did a great job!

Then we read a poetic toast that ended with the words: “And say more gentle phrases to each other!” And there was a task for “young” and married couples - to say kind words to each other! You can choose any other ending to the toast and the corresponding task.

Then they continued to make toasts between meals.

Then there was a task for everyone. We suggested writing the secrets of family happiness on a piece of paper. We then put these notes in a red box - we will pass them on to the couple’s grandchildren. They will open it after their wedding. The guests wrote and then read out their recipes for family happiness. I liked the recipes: “The secret of family happiness is that there is always soup for lunch; the secret is that we walk together, drink tea together and talk.”

Part 2 - congratulations to the guests. As guests came to the holiday, they drew a heart with a number (under which number they would congratulate, and then receive souvenir gifts from the heroes of the day).

Part 3 - dancing, games and competitions.

Game "Praise to the Bride and Groom." In this game, everyone in turn is asked to name the best qualities of the bride. We gave the couple pens and paper so they could write it down and never forget it.

Wedding anniversary competitions

For married couples. "Two rackets." On one side the husband is blue, on the other the wife is red. The couple sits with their backs to each other and shows answers to questions with the side of the racket.

  1. Who more often asks: “What should I wear today?”
  2. Whose shortcomings are more charming than their advantages?
  3. Who gets interested in something faster?
  4. Who has longer toes?
  5. Who asks for forgiveness first?
  6. Who uses the microwave more often?
  7. Who cares more about the fate of the world?
  8. Who makes coffee more often in the morning?
  9. Who gets more money?
  10. Who can find a way out of any situation?

We came up with 5 questions for each pair.

"Olympian Hero". For those who came without "half". Assignment for participants: they need to depict all the gifts that an imaginary family received during the New Year holidays (given skis - shuffle on the floor, pretending to walk on skis; given an electric razor - move around the cheek in a circular motion; given a talking doll with closing eyes - blink and talk; etc. .d.) Whoever shows everything wins.

"The most famous married couples". A game for everyone present. We need to remember the couples who glorified themselves with their love and fidelity. (Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and Rachel, David and Bathsheba, Isaac and Rebecca, Romeo and Juliet, Odysseus and Penelope, Orpheus and Eurydice, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Aquila and Priscilla...).

For all participants the game is played at the table (a chip is given for the correct answer). Any questions on or off topic.

Auction for the holiday for chips received for correct answers to questions. The winner can be the one who correctly guesses the item.

  1. The item that is most necessary for welcoming guests is being raffled off! Its contents are used to test the strength of friendship! Has something to do with music! A universal thing! Starting price... Who's higher? So, sold! So what is it? Salt shaker! Used to greet guests according to Russian custom! Also, salt is a note. There is even singing salt in the desert! And in order to test friendship, you need to eat a pound of salt together!
  2. An item that is especially respected and in demand is played. They take care of it and use it both on weekdays and on holidays! Features in many proverbs. Starting price... Who's higher? Sales! So what is this item? Spoon! They say about her: “A spoon is dear to dinner!”, “One with a bipod, seven with a spoon!”
  3. This item serves as a unit of measurement for patience. If used in a diminutive form, it can be used to measure the degree of hospitality of the hosts. Material, color and shape can be very different! It is always needed in the house! Starting price... Who's higher? Sales! So what is this item? Cup! If we are talking about patience, then they say “a cup of patience,” and if we are talking about an ordinary cup, then they say: “The mash is good, but the cup is small!” The hospitable hosts will always treat you to a cup of tea!
  4. This subject is extremely versatile. It has something to do with both football and opera. Without it, a person's life becomes gray! It has shape, smell and color! It can be liquid, but not edible! Starting price... Who's higher? Sales! Now name this item! Soap! As they say, “everything is in the hands of man,” so they need to be washed more often! Also remember the “soap operas” and the cries of the fans: “The judge is on the soap!”
  5. This item is a real treat for the ear, the eye, and most importantly, the mind... This is the best gift! Starting price... Who's higher? Sales! Now name this item! Book!

You can come up with any prizes, and rhymes for them.

At the end of the holiday, the heroes of the day handed out gifts to everyone; they packed a lot of prizes in boxes of different sizes and colors, so that it was not visible what was inside, and the guests chose whoever liked what, and they could unwrap it at home!

Personal experience

Comment on the article "Parents' wedding anniversary"

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“Coral wedding... how many years have the parents lived together?” - Grown-up children are often perplexed. 35 years after marriage, the couple celebrates a coral wedding. Coral is formed from small polyps fused into a single whole. Small polyps are intertwined into entire coral islands. So the spouses, who have lived together for 35 years, are woven into a single whole, beautiful and durable, like coral.

The best place to celebrate a coral wedding is, of course, the sea coast and coral reefs.

However, it is not always possible to arrange for the “coral newlyweds” to celebrate such a bright wedding anniversary next to the symbol of the celebration; in this case, a thoughtful coral wedding scenario will help you celebrate the date with dignity.

The organization of “respectable” wedding anniversaries is carried out mainly by the children and grandchildren of the “newlyweds”.

Preparing for such celebrations is just as troublesome as holding the first, “main” wedding. In organizing this event, you need to follow all the stages of preparation for the wedding:

Coral newlyweds do not need to be shy about celebrating their wedding anniversary on a grand scale.

They are quite capable of doing this: their health still allows them, many good friends are nearby, the children are already grown up, the family is large and friendly, and the “round anniversary” of their life together is a good reason to gather everyone together at a big table.

Designing invitation cards for guests

Images of newlyweds at a coral wedding

Various ones for a wedding should also be in coral color.

Coral wedding 35 years scenario

There is a tradition that spouses must repeat if they are celebrating a coral wedding: the spouses must spend the night before the anniversary apart, and in the morning meet and again take vows of fidelity and love to each other.

To do this, before the feast, friends, children and relatives arrange a symbolic registration for the “coral newlyweds.”

The wedding anniversary is dictated by the tastes and musical preferences of the spouses. The spouses should select songs for a coral wedding and musical compositions together - this will bring the spouses even closer together.

For example, “pass to another” is carried out at the table. One of the guests pours some wine into a glass and passes it on to a neighbor, the neighbor also pours wine into a glass and passes it on.

The one of the guests in whose hands the glass is filled to the brim makes a toast to the celebrants. A "music competition" is also held at the table.

Two teams of guests take turns reminiscing and singing love songs for the “coral newlyweds.” The team that remembers the most songs will win.

A good idea is to celebrate the 35th anniversary of marriage by presenting the “newlyweds” with a coral wedding diploma.

In it, the newlyweds are jokingly congratulated on such a “respectable” date of marriage and they are given the new status of “coral newlyweds.”

Menu for a coral wedding

There are no special requirements for the menu for a coral wedding, but the color red should be present in the menu as much as possible:

A coral wedding should also match the theme: its design may include corals, as well as coral-colored details.

Gifts for a coral wedding

The 35th wedding anniversary has two names: a coral wedding and a linen wedding.
The name “coral” gives rise to few ideas for gifting: decorative corals or cute souvenir items with corals for a gift for a coral wedding to parents, etc.

Rida Khasanova

The 35th wedding anniversary is called a coral wedding. Her the symbol is sea corals, which are formed from small polyps, forming islands of durable material. So a real, strong family consists of many hours, days and years spent together.

How to celebrate a coral anniversary at home

It is customary to celebrate the coral anniversary widely, on a grand scale, after all, this is a significant anniversary of family life. But if there is no desire or opportunity for this, you can celebrate it at home without a toastmaster, for your closest and dearest: parents, children and grandchildren.

To make the holiday feel despite the home environment, you need to decorate the room in accordance with the traditions of the anniversary

It is advisable to cover the table with a tablecloth of red or blue linen, since the anniversary has a second name - linen.

Make treats of a similar color. For example, salads with tomatoes, bell peppers, shrimp and red fish. Place vases with red apples, oranges, cherries or strawberries on the table - depending on the time of year. Decorate everything with shells, starfish, homemade corals.

Table decoration for a coral wedding

To spend a coral anniversary with your family without getting bored, you need a script. You can entrust the most active and cheerful relative to compose it. Must be present at the celebration a touch of solemnity, after all, 35 years of family life is no joke. But basically the script should be composed with good humor and fun competitions, tricky questions for spouses.

After so many years of marriage, you can finally allow yourself to relax and have a good rest, arrange a holiday for the soul. Celebrating your 35th wedding anniversary at home can be just as fun as with many guests, but more heartfelt and touching. And no matter what congratulations are heard during the celebration, the main thing is that they come from the heart.

Original ideas for celebrating a coral wedding

Where to celebrate 35 years of marriage after the wedding - a coral wedding is usually celebrated outside the home, noisy and fun. According to tradition, on the eve of the anniversary, the husband and wife must go to spend the night with relatives (separately), taking with them some personal item of their spouse.

The next morning, the spouses should meet, preferably on the banks of a river or lake, and again confess their love to each other and present gifts.

If by this date the spouses have stopped wearing wedding rings, then it is advisable to put them on again.

Can be repeated ritual which takes place on the wedding day. Namely, to carry out a ransom for the wife’s coral wedding. This idea will allow the spouses to start the banquet cheerfully and feel like newlyweds again.

Where to celebrate the holiday? Ideally this should be cafe or restaurant on the river bank. Near the pond you can build an arch entwined with red or coral ribbons, near which you can repeat the ritual of exchanging rings. And then use the arch as a backdrop for a photo shoot.

The most original way to celebrate a coral anniversary- is to go on a trip to the Red Sea. Thus, you can repeat the honeymoon and thereby the honeymoon.

Of course, this method will take a lot of money, but the emotions and impressions that will remain from the trip will remain with the spouses forever. Alternatively, children and relatives can donate the trip by pooling their finances.

You can perfectly celebrate your wedding anniversary in a private house, but preferably not inside, but outside, in the fresh air.

How to Celebrate Parents' Coral Wedding Anniversary - Kids Can Do surprise for parents. Rent a cafe for the celebration and, secretly from mom and dad, invite their witnesses from the wedding day to the celebration. To celebrate the coral wedding anniversary, you can invite your parents and friends whom they have not seen for a long time.

Such an emotional meeting will be the best gift for parents, and the holiday will be exciting and fun.

Competitions and scenarios to celebrate 35 years of marriage

To anniversary the wedding was fun and without any hitches, you can take a fully prepared holiday script as a basis and supplement it with your own ideas, congratulations and surprises.

The course of the holiday can be divided into 4 parts:

  1. Treating guests.
  2. Congratulations.
  3. Competitions, dancing and outdoor games.
  4. Dessert.

In the first part you need to give word to the celebrants so that they thank everyone present for sharing this important event with them. While the guests are being treated, the host should tell what a coral wedding is, what traditions are supposed to be performed on this day, and also about the symbols of a linen wedding.

To diversify the atmosphere, any dance competition can be held at this moment.

Further provide word to the guests, starting from parents and children and ending with friends. In between congratulations, say toasts and you can even shout “Bitter!” anniversary so that they remember their wedding day.

Here you can spend another interesting competition between guests. Divide them into 2 teams on the sides of the table. Tell that in the old days the clinking of glasses was associated with the ringing of bells, which drives away misfortunes from a married couple. And start the relay race:

  • guests fill glasses with drinks;
  • they clink glasses along the chain, and everyone must say a short toast, for example, “happiness!”, “love!”, “more money!” and so on.
  • The winner will be the team that is most likely to “ring their glasses” to the table of the spouses celebrating their anniversary.

The third part of the holiday is the most fun. The guests have already drunk and eaten, it’s time to move around and have fun

Scenario ideas for celebrating a coral wedding with competitions:

  1. Music competition: participants must be able to dance to slow music as well as fast music, and vice versa. The one who completes the task best will win.
  2. Place a large box with different items of clothing on stage and ask participants to get dressed in 1 minute. A man is like a bride, and a woman is like a groom.
  3. Poetry competition. Place leaves with the names of different items into three bags or boxes. Divide the participants into 3 pairs. Each pair takes out one piece of paper and composes a short poem, inserting into it the word that they came across.

Competitions for celebrating the 35th wedding anniversary at the table:

  1. Competition for the best toastmaster. The host asks the guests to name 10-15 words that can describe family life. The participant receives props - a cap, a mustache, a horn with wine - and a task: to make a toast in the Georgian style. While he is speaking, the toastmaster will show him signs with the words mentioned earlier. The participant’s task is to beautifully insert them into his toast. As a rule, it turns out very funny.
  2. Competition called "vocal love". Guests are invited to remember songs in which the word “love” is heard. The one who named the song must perform its excerpt. The best singer is determined by applause and receives a small prize.
  3. Competition while eating. The host names any letter, except for the unpronounceable letters Y, Y, E. Guests must quickly find their bearings and use this letter to name the item they have on their plate. The one who named the word offers the next letter. The player for whose letter no one could come up with a word wins a prize.

A wedding anniversary is an exciting, wonderful event, the purpose of which is distract celebrants from everyday worries and work. A cheerful scenario for a coral wedding will help to make the celebration unforgettable and give good impressions to everyone who will be present at the celebration.

How to traditionally celebrate a coral wedding anniversary, you can find out by watching the video:

February 26, 2018, 11:19

The years fly by and now you are already celebrating 35 years of marriage. This anniversary is called a linen or coral wedding. As celebrants of the day, you should be ready to accept congratulations by greeting guests with dignity. This means that it is worth thoroughly studying the symbolism and traditions of a coral wedding.

Symbolism of the 35th wedding anniversary

35 years after the wedding, an anniversary is celebrated, the symbol of which is coral. This means that all congratulations on this day will be related to the marine theme. This marine organism, grown from many closely intertwined polyps, is a unique sign of strength and unity.

Likewise, spouses, after many years of living together, are almost one whole. Their interests, views, affections are so closely intertwined that only death can separate them. Truly, the husband and wife, who have been faithful to each other for so long, deserve heartfelt congratulations.

Don't forget that the second symbol of this anniversary is canvas. It is desirable that it be red, embroidered with corals.

If finances allow, such a significant event as a coral wedding should be celebrated somewhere near the water. It is best to accept congratulations at sea, near coral reefs. Another option is to rent a banquet hall in a restaurant located near a pond. In extreme cases, a living space decorated with the symbols of a coral wedding will do.

Traditions of celebrating a coral wedding

If you decide to celebrate your 35th anniversary at sea, take note of several rituals related to water.

  1. Like many rituals, it is performed at dawn. It is necessary to sail from the shore on a boat and, in the middle of the sea, repeat the vows of love and fidelity given 35 years ago. You also need to confess to each other, ask for forgiveness, thus letting go of all grievances and omissions at sea. After this, wash your hands, leaving the water for sorrow and illness. You can take a full plunge if you know how to swim and the weather allows it. It would also be appropriate to take coral prepared in advance with you in order to immerse it in the sea, but not drown it, but bring it back.
  2. If your health or financial situation does not allow you to travel far from home, you need to find the nearest body of water. At dawn, holding hands, throw a scarf made of red silk into it. By doing this you will pay tribute to the water element, enlisting its support in your future life together. Then return home and accept congratulations from your family.
  3. For those couples who, after 35 years of marriage, have stopped wearing wedding rings, this tradition can be revived again. If the rings have become too small for you, you should buy new ones and exchange them again as on the first day of the wedding.
  4. This ritual is optional. But it is very useful, especially if the spouses’ relationship has recently deteriorated. On the eve of the anniversary, the husband and wife must go to spend the night with their parents - each separately. At the same time, grab some item associated with your significant other. You are not supposed to sleep at night. We need to rethink the achievements and failures of the past 35 years. In the morning, having realized your mistakes, you should apologize to your spouse. You shouldn’t delve too deeply into this ritual, so as not to fall into depression caused by soul-searching.

Festive table for the 35th wedding anniversary

What wedding anniversary is complete without a treat? Having lived together half of your life, having children and grandchildren, you should expect that there will be many guests at your family’s anniversary. Having accepted congratulations from them, you need to feed the guests deliciously.

After covering the table with a red tablecloth, place red wine and dishes from foods of a similar color on it. These can be salads from tomatoes, pomegranate, bell pepper, meat or fish baked with dogwood or barberry berries, all kinds of red fruits, as well as open pies with cherries or strawberries.

An original dessert for a coral wedding can be puff jelly made from sour cream and red syrup.

Deciding on gifts for a coral wedding

Any woman, after 35 years of family life, will be pleased if her husband presents her with a huge bouquet of scarlet roses - one for each year. You can combine red flowers with white or cream - they will create a magnificent composition and highlight the bright color. If you have the financial opportunity, you should go further and buy your wife as many roses as she is old.

Guests can give the spouses a collection of dry wine - it is both beautiful and healthy. If you manage to find corals, it’s hard to think of a more magnificent gift on this day.

Also, a husband and wife can exchange jewelry made of silver or pearls. They are quite capable of replacing coral, which is almost unavailable in Russia.

Entertainment at a coral wedding

What married couple would give up positive emotions on their 35th wedding anniversary? After so many years lived together, it is simply necessary to arrange a holiday for the soul.

Many “newlyweds” will be pleased to hear congratulations from people who were present at the celebration in honor of the first day of their wedding. The grand 35th anniversary is an excellent occasion to invite your witnesses again. Moreover, you can again play out the wedding ceremony, which will be performed by the children of the heroes of the occasion.

Your closest friends and relatives can write a humorous wedding script. Only this time the questions to the “weds” should be as fun as possible. For example, it is worth finding out whether a husband, after 35 years of marriage, is ready to carry his wife in his arms, go for strawberries at 3 a.m. and serenade her. Similar tricky questions should be addressed to your wife.

No matter what congratulations are heard on this day, the main thing is to show the heroes of the occasion that they are from the bottom of their hearts. Long and happy years of family life to you!

Congratulations on the 35th wedding anniversary in verse

Thirty-five is a long time,
Sweet granddaughter's voice,
The children watch with admiration.
Old friends love.
Happiness to you, love and light,
To always be warm
Charm of inspiration
A real family.

We lived 35 happy years with you,
We raised children and grandchildren together,
And may their love be an even light
It keeps you warm.
Let tenderness not fade over the years,
Let the warmth in your soul not dry up,
May they live with us for many years
Your love, sensitivity and kindness!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
Today the relationship is 35!
On your coral holiday I wish you,
May you plunge into youth again!
Let your hearts still beat tenderly,
Let your home be filled with happiness!
Let each other's eyes always laugh,
May thunder never overtake you!

You have passed the coral reefs,
But how many more there are to know!
Why is the helmsman going broke again?!
Oh right, it's time for your wedding!
Coral. Strung on a thread of fate
Days of happiness with large corals.
May your children also be brilliant
They run the family helms!

A coral wedding is a celebration!
Glory and honor to the wonderful couple!
And even if it’s not a golden wedding yet,
But things are slowly progressing towards her!
I wish you health, joy and happiness,
Fire in the soul, beautiful love in the heart.
You two suit each other so well, young people!
And you won’t find a better pair, believe me!

Two hearts beat for each other
And any blizzard is not scary.
You have not changed your decision to be together,
And the previous promises were not forgotten.
Congratulations on your coral wedding,
We wish your entire family good health.
Before the diamond wedding, live in abundance,
And may your loved ones be okay.

Thirty-five is a lot,
But it's light again:
Sweet start
Bright number.
And the feast lasts
At the long-awaited hour,
And relatives
They surround you.
Good luck to you,
New warmth,
So that with one love
All fate blossomed
So that she doesn’t stop talking
Joy never
And she was shining with all her might
Main star.

Thirty-five, thirty-five!
This is very, very much!
Let's celebrate the wedding together again,
We wish you a bright journey!

Close your hands tighter, friends,
Be the best couple in the world
You can't live without each other,
So take care of your family! Your children!

Known from time immemorial
That there is strength in a woman,
And the husband becomes like this
How his wife blinded him.
Your portrait turned out beautiful.
Here's to 35 years together!


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