Why is the voice female? Breathing and lowering your voice

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It is believed that with a low voice she looks more attractive in the eyes. It seems that there is indeed some truth in this, but the point is not at all in the timbre of the voice itself: low or high, but in the various nuances associated with it. This was proven by the results of a recent study conducted by specialists from the University of Vienna.

Experiment to evaluate female voices

Scientists recruited a team of male volunteers and gave them to listen to recordings of the voices of 42 female students who had previously been photographed. Subjects were then asked to choose the most sexually attractive among the voices. In most cases, participants pointed to girls with good looks, although they did not see their faces.

The authors of the experiment noted that the faces of the students whose voices were more often identified as " " were distinguished by symmetry of features; they tended to have high cheekbones, soft jawlines and full lips. According to experts, such an appearance indicates a good genotype, which also affects the synchronization of the vocal cords, larynx and nasal cavity. On subconscious level a man perceives a woman’s voice as a signal that everything is fine with her sexually, which means she can become a wife and mother.

Yes, pronouncing words with aspiration and special nuances, may seem attractive. But in other cases, on the contrary, it can make a repulsive impression. And not only when it comes to the sphere of personal relationships. For example, statistics show that women with low and hoarse voices are less likely to get a job as a result of interviews. It turns out that many people perceive people with a “squeaky” voice as “unreliable.” Maybe because those with hoarse voices often smoke and have other bad habits.

Female voices and headhunters

A team of American psychologists once invited 800 headhunters to listen to recordings of various female voices and choose which one they would like to invite to. Only a fifth of respondents preferred women with hoarse voices. The rest commented on their choice by saying that a hoarse voice indicates low competence, lack of education and external unattractiveness.

Note that women who work as secretaries or managers and often have to communicate with people on the phone tend to have high-pitched voices. Perhaps such voices on a subconscious level inspire more trust. But at the same time, voices with an overly high timbre, more like a screech, are annoying...

"People prefer voices with vocal characteristics that are typical of the general population," the scientists say. "Although unusual voices may be more memorable, people generally find sounding voices more attractive."

Voice modulation depending on interest in the interlocutor

By the way, a group of experts from the University of Stirling found that our voices can change depending on whether we find the interlocutor of the opposite sex attractive. For the purpose of the experiment, 110 heterosexual volunteers were asked to strike up a conversation with each other. Subsequently, all participants were asked to fill out questionnaires that assessed the degree of attractiveness of their partners. It turned out that if a man liked the woman he was talking to, the tone of his voice decreased, and the modulation also increased, that is, the frequency of the tone became more variable.

The head of the study, Juan David Leongómez, explains this by the fact that although a low timbre of the voice indicates masculinity (masculinity), it is also associated with aggression and promiscuity, therefore, wanting to please a lady, a man unconsciously tries to speak in a low voice to signal his masculinity, and at the same time modulates the tone to show that he is not aggressive and reliable.

So, if during the conversation you notice that the voice of a representative of the stronger sex has become more “singing,” then most likely this indicates his interest in you. At the same time, the researchers conclude, modulations can increase the attractiveness of a given man in the eyes of a woman. So experienced heartthrobs, consciously or unconsciously, actively use this technique.

A feminine voice is soft and melodious, quite even. Unlike men, women rarely use louder voices. Why is the woman's voice sing-song? Because the woman does not speak monotonously, each word sounds at its own height, hence the melody.

Men often mint words, they fly away from them, while women pronounce words smoothly, rounding and smoothing out sharp corners.

When a woman speaks, her whole body is involved in the conversation. These are the eyes, and the hands, and the head.

What to pay attention to:

If you want to be truly feminine, you need to pay attention to your voice, you must sound feminine.

First, listen to your voice and record yourself on a voice recorder. If you lead a fairly active, masculine lifestyle, then your voice may unpleasantly surprise you. He can be harsh, rude, without a hint of femininity. If you are tired, it will be dull and lifeless or stiff and cramped.

Don't be upset or disappointed. Remember the voice is an instrument, it can be tuned and adjusted. You can always add new shades, make it softer, more delicate and of course more feminine.

Try to connect your body, move to the beat of your words, movement helps you relax, and your voice begins to sound natural, this is especially true for talking on the phone. First try to say something motionless, and then use facial expressions and gestures. And you will notice how your voice changes.

Mentally involve your whole body in your speech. After all, in the performance of the melody musical instrument The whole thing is involved, not just the strings.

Of course, remember about intonation and timbre. Use only blissful and kind words, because each word carries its own energy content.

Never prove that you are right, do not argue, then your voice will not rise and your vocal apparatus will not strain.

Singing will help you get rid of stiffness and shyness. Women have always sung. They sang at weddings, sang while doing handicrafts and household chores, and, of course, sang lullabies. You can start singing too. Singing will make your voice more expressive, sonorous and beautiful. And if you don’t know how to sing, you just need to start, you don’t have to sing in public, do it at home alone.

Singing is very good for health. It is believed that only 20% of sound is transmitted into external space, and the remaining 80% is absorbed by the body and internal organs, producing a subtle vibration massage of all organs. Singing improves your mood and charges you with positive emotions. And most importantly, it helps to relax and clear the psyche of negativity.

Be careful what information you convey through your voice to your man– dissatisfaction, irritation, hopelessness, or you convey faith, love and gratitude to him. You can say any words, but the voice will never deceive, but will tell the truth, even the one you hide.

A man, listening to a woman, captures not the meaning of the words, but the sound.

A woman puts pressure on a man not physically, but with her voice. The impact is most often very strong, even more than physical impact. We attack and show aggression with the help of our voice.

And remember, softness, depth, trust is born in a woman’s chest. It is the chest voice that is called velvety. Try connecting visualization. Imagine a beautiful rose or lily in your chest and start speaking from this flower. Or you can imagine a big heart filled with love in your chest, and speak from your heart.

And don’t forget about posture; with correct posture, your voice becomes full and sonorous.

Separately, I would like to say about the mother’s voice.

Before the child is born, he does not see his mother, but only hears. Mom's voice has a hypnotic effect. And mothers need to remember this power that is in the voice. With the help of your voice, you can calm, relax, and support your child at any age.

Scientists have proven that under the influence of the mother’s native voice, the activity of stress hormones in girls’ bodies decreases and the production of oxytocin, the female hormone, increases.

A best language for babies - these are songs and, of course, lullabies.

Every nation has its own lullabies. Songs that soothe and coax your baby to sleep. A lullaby creates a special melody pattern that puts the child into a state of sleep.

Scientists have proven that birth and separation from the mother have a painful and traumatic effect on the child, and it is the mother’s lullabies that can make this period of “separation” from her less painful. After all, what’s interesting is that when a mother sings a lullaby, she adjusts the tempo and rhythm to the tones of her heart. Naturally, this rhythm has a calming and calming effect on the baby, because he is accustomed to them, being in the womb for 9 months.

A woman who sings songs to her child becomes gentle, calm and feminine. All necessary qualities turn on by themselves, and the voice becomes soft and affectionate.

A woman plays many roles in life, she is a wife, a mother, a friend, a worker, and our voice naturally changes in different situations, femininity should remain unchanged.

Remember this!

Tatiana Dzutseva.

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Voice timbre is the brightness of the sound, its individuality conveyed during singing. The sound is determined by the fundamental tone and additional sounds called overtones. The more overtones, the brighter and more colorful the voice will be. The natural number of overtones combined with is the secret of the mesmerizing sound of the voice.

Voice timbre, types

The most pleasant timbre is considered to be a voice that has the correct modulation, both in high and low tones. Virtually any voice the right approach can be delivered. This means giving it a professional sound. To do this, you need to learn to control the frequency of your voice, as well as the emotional coloring. This is easy to do with the help of a vocal specialist. To determine your own timbre, you need to know what voice timbres there are in general. There are several main types:

  • tenor. This is the highest male voice. It can be lyrical or dramatic.
  • baritone;
  • bass. The lowest voice timbre in comparison with the above. It can be central or melodious.
  • soprano. This is a very high pitched voice. There are lyric soprano, dramatic and coloratura.
  • mezzo-soprano;
  • contralto. It's a low voice.

What does timbre depend on?

The fundamental factor in the formation of timbre is vocal cords. It is almost impossible to find several people who can sing equally. It is unlikely that you will be able to change your voice radically. But if you turn to a teacher, it is quite possible to improve its coloring.

How to determine the timbre of a voice?

It is almost impossible to determine the timbre on your own, without certain knowledge and skills. At home, you can only tentatively attribute your voice to one or another type of timbre. The most accurate data can be obtained by using specialized equipment - a spectrometer. He studies the outgoing sound, and then classifies it into in the right direction. You can read more about spectrometers at the end of the article.

How to change your voice tone

The timbre of the voice largely depends on the characteristics of the human body. Great importance have the volume, shape of the trachea and oral resonator, as well as the tightness of the closure of the vocal cords. Therefore, it is not possible to radically change the sound of the voice.

However, you can give the timbre the necessary coloring by adding low or high overtones and achieving their ideal balance. There are various exercises for this, for example, pronouncing the soft fricative “r”.

The shape of the lips and the position of the tongue have a great influence on the timbre. You can experiment, for example, changing the position of the jaw and talking with a fixed lower lip.

At the age of three, a person’s voice pattern changes and he becomes more constrained. We diligently control volume and intonation, strain our ligaments and, as a result, use only a small part of our capabilities. How to restore your natural voice? Exercises and techniques will also help you with this. Detailed information You can learn about them by watching the video:

What affects voice timbre?

  1. First of all, smoking should be noted. The longer the experience of this addiction, the lower the timbre of the voice.
  2. Poor nutrition, chronic lack of sleep. You need to understand that any mood, be it good or bad, affects the timbre of your voice.
  3. Hypothermia, cold. Everything is obvious here. You need to protect yourself from the cold, try not to drink ice-cold drinks and give up ice cream.
  4. The period of growing up. During adolescence, the timbre of the voice becomes rougher. Of course, it is impossible to change this process.

Spectrometer and more

The device that is used to determine the timbre of the voice is called a spectrometer. His device includes a microphone special purpose and sound amplifier. During its operation, sound is divided into components using electroacoustic filters. This entire process is displayed on the device display. Then the device examines the composition of the speech sound in certain formats, since it is the speech format that has a direct impact on the recognition of the voice sound in singing. Most often, the device recognizes the timbre of a voice by the way the first three vowel sounds are pronounced.

How to find out your voice timbre? It is best to sign up for several lessons with a qualified professional who trains the singing voice. To determine timbre, they use parameters such as tessitura endurance and some other characteristics.

In order to determine the timbre of the voice, the vocal teacher selects works that have different tessitura. This allows you to determine which note pitches work best for a particular vocalist. By singing several pieces of music that have different musical octaves, you can determine which of them you can sing easily and comfortably, and which you have to sing with strain on your vocal cords. Each person tends to play notes of a certain pitch. Only an experienced teacher will be able to correctly assess the range and timbre of each vocalist’s voice by the way he sings individual notes in a certain octave, and will name the main differences between falsetto and chest voice or tenor and baritone.

What voices do men like?

Romantic ideas about perfect couple They paint us a tall man with a low, hoarse voice, and a fragile woman with a high, gentle voice. This picture has a real biological basis. According to statistics, men with deep voices have more children than “tenors”: as testosterone levels increase in men, the tone of their voice decreases. In women, during ovulation (that is, at a time favorable for conception), the overall tone of the voice rises (as a result of an increase in the level of estradiol, the female sex hormone). That is, due to ancient natural laws, women subconsciously look for partners with low voices, and men are “drawn” to those with high voices.

And (oh, how often I hear this!) men break their voices, trying to sound lower, “sexier,” and women, in the presence of a potential partner, unconsciously “raise” their voices. But the result, alas, most often does not meet expectations. A man who artificially lowers his natural tone of voice looks ridiculous: such attempts to give himself masculinity are similar to the desire of a frog to swell to the size of an ox, and can only cause a grin in women.

And an artificially high-pitched female voice, as a rule, causes irritation in men: instead of a “cute chirp” it turns out to be a lisp, and hysteria can be heard in the rising intonations. How can you bring your voice closer to the “ideal”, so that it attracts and does not repel your partner?

First of all, allow yourself to speak naturally. What does your voice sound like when you relax, sigh, moan, or yawn? This is your natural voice: get used to it! You may not like it, it seems “rude”, not “meeting the standards”, but when you believe that this is your voice, it will be possible to “agree” with it. Teach him to obey, to sound louder, quieter, higher, lower, louder, more transparent... A natural voice will never cause irritation or ridicule in your interlocutor, because it, the voice, is a reflection of your soul, transmits your openness, sincerity, and readiness for contact.

Is it possible to change your voice? (voice exercises)

Change - no, configure - yes.

How to technically achieve such a sound?

1. Keep your palms in front open mouth and, as in the cold, warm them with your breath: the hotter the breath, the more open your larynx and, accordingly, the closer the access to the lower resonators, which give the voice depth and volume. Don't try to breathe loudly and forcefully, let your breath be light and hot.

2. Then, maintaining the same sensation, add a little sound to your breathing. Gradually turn up the volume as long as the warming breath continues.

4. When you have mastered this exercise, add individual syllables to the vocal flow, starting with the vowels O, A, then E, U, I. Don’t forget about the “hot spring”!

5. Finally, move on to words and phrases. Your speech will be not only gentle, but deep and melodious.

Dedicate at least ten minutes a day to your voice, and the results will immediately appear. A voice filled with breath sounds soulful, echoes in the depths of the consciousness of your interlocutor, awakens feelings and desires, and remains in the memory for a long time, along with the words that he utters.

Of course, in addition to breathing, the timbre, intonation, and rhythm of speech are no less important for the sexual attractiveness of a voice. Having mastered the entire range of voice skills, you will not only increase your “sexual rating”, but will acquire a powerful communication tool - for love, for business, for realizing yourself as a full-fledged individual.

How to please the man of your dreams?

By hearsay. Develop your hearing, and you will be able to hear his speech like a song, “learn” it and sing it to him, but in your own voice!
Hear how he speaks: at what tempo, how often he pauses, what intonations he uses, how smooth his speech is, how and where he places emphasis….
If you were able to hear this, adjust the natural sound of your voice to this tempo, rhythm, intonation….
And the beautiful stranger will in some unknown way feel that he knows you, as if a long time ago, almost like himself, he will feel affection and trust and will certainly want to continue communication!

It is believed that men love low female voices. That's what the statistics say. However, a small survey conducted among my friends suggests that a low voice is different from a low voice. So, despite the obvious advantages of Elizaveta Boyarskaya’s appearance, her voice attracts few people. Moreover, most men would make their choice not in favor of such a woman precisely because of her unattractive voice. So what should a real woman sound like?
Psychologists believe that a woman’s voice can tell a man a lot about her character and personality. This is not always true, but a certain image nevertheless emerges. What can a woman's voice say to a man?
The low female voice comes in different forms. There are women with problems on the vocal cords or simply smoky voices. Men definitely don’t like these guys, simply because they sound just like men. However, if a woman has a velvet voice, then she can consider herself truly fatal. After all, such a voice speaks of the self-sufficiency, strength and self-confidence of its owner. It is difficult to possess such a woman, so a man’s hunter awakens and he begins to actively pursue her.
I like it very much men have so-called “wet” voices. It is impossible to speak loudly and quickly with such a voice; it sounds beautiful only with slow, quiet speech, even in a whisper. This voice is truly feminine, it excites and lulls at the same time.
Also to seduce a representative of the stronger half of humanity maybe a breathy voice. Such a voice tells a man that he is desirable, that the woman is committed to a close relationship, that she is ready for sensual love. This is a voice with sexual overtones that cannot be unpleasant for a man.
Not every woman is blessed with a high-pitched female voice. And not every man is ready to accept such a voice. Indeed, for many, subconsciously high voice associated with youth and immaturity, and therefore unpreparedness for adult relationships. However, if a man is determined to communicate with an infantile girl and is ready to take responsibility for her, then a woman with such a voice will evoke only positive emotions in him.
Loud, harsh, abrupt voice does not evoke positive emotions in anyone. For example, psychologists claim that panic in a crowd can be caused by children's and women's voices, which are loud and harsh. This is exactly how a man perceives a woman with a loud voice. It’s impossible to relax with her, you can’t find peace, she doesn’t evoke passion. sexual desire. So if you're not too lucky with your voice, it's worth working on it.

How to develop a voice that will become your faithful companion in conquering a man?

Speech technique teachers advise doing a few simple exercises in order to develop a beautiful voice.
For starters, it's worth work on your body– after all, it is his stiffness that causes the tightness of the vocal cords. Tense shoulders and neck, poor posture, chronic diseases- all this prevents your voice from breaking out. Don't forget the importance of physical exercise - simple daily stretching exercises will help you relax your thoracic spine and the pressure on your vocal cords. All this will allow your voice to sound softer and more sensual.
Sing! After all, singing not only helps you overcome accent and speech problems (stuttering, for example), but also perfectly releases your true voice. If possible, take a few vocal lessons - an experienced teacher will show you breathing exercises. And don’t forget to start every day with a song - this way you will “cleanse” your speech apparatus, “wake up” your ligaments, and you won’t have to clear your throat before starting a conversation all day long.
Read aloud good books . Voice over the lovers' dialogues, trying to breathe life into them and your understanding of love. Alone with yourself, you will be able to bring into reality your idea of ​​​​the ideal voice, of how, in your opinion, a true declaration of love should sound. And only then, having practiced, it will be much easier for you to reproduce all this in reality - including in your own relationships.
Adjust the volume of your own voice. Do not speak too quietly - this is considered a sign of bad taste and disrespect for the interlocutor. At the same time, speaking too loudly will alienate your counterpart and will not give you the opportunity to create the necessary intimacy and trust. So you should pay attention to the volume at which your interlocutor is speaking and try to adapt to him. However, it is still better for a woman to speak a little more quietly than a man, making the conversation pleasant and smooth.

Each has its own approach

Each man is unique and requires a separate approach. Enchant different men You are unlikely to succeed in one way, so take a closer look at your potential companion.
Like to a strong man a weak woman can- this is logical, because opposites attract. And your voice will help you appear weak - speak quietly, smoothly, making pauses. Do not use obscene language, try not to raise your voice in any situations. Whispers, quiet iridescent laughter, kind words - all this cannot help but be a truly strong man.
A soft and flexible man requires a completely different approach. It makes him feel calmer to feel that he is nearby. a woman you can trust who can take care and provide support. In this case, it is worth acting in contrast - if he speaks softly and smoothly, a woman needs to be able to clearly formulate her thoughts, not be afraid of specific expressions and power in her voice. With all your behavior, show self-confidence, emotional stability and harmony with the world around you. In a word, don’t be afraid to show your maternal instinct, there’s actually nothing special about this, because no one forces you to become his real mother, just be prepared to meet the needs of the man who is dear to you.
In a word, if you don’t want to become a chronic disappointment for your man, or for a man you deeply like, work on your own voice - let it be a powerful weapon in the matter of seduction.


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