Apricot oil for the face against wrinkles. Apricot oil for beauty and youth of facial skin

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It’s hard to refuse a ripe, juicy and aromatic apricot. The fruit is incredibly beneficial for human health. Oil is made from its seeds, which is used in pharmacology, medicine and cosmetology. Apricot oil is rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances for facial skin. At home, this is an effective product for combating wrinkles and aging of the dermis.

The product effectively combats signs of dermal aging. It smooths out wrinkles, evens out the color of the dermis, and relieves acne. This complex effect of the product is due to its unique composition.

effect of the product composition on the skin
  1. Organic acids promote the regeneration of damaged skin cells, protect the dermis from negative external influences.
  2. Vitamin E for wrinkles under the eyes is very effective. It gently affects the deep layers of the skin, restores its elasticity, and makes even deep age folds almost invisible. In addition, tocopherol stimulates collagen production.
  3. Vitamin A soothes the dermis. It maintains moisture in cells, prevents facial dryness, relieves flaking and itching.
  4. Vitamin B“pulls out” toxins that accumulate in the skin over time. Due to this, the general condition of the face improves, acne and pimples disappear, and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  5. Ascorbic acid protects the skin from aggressive ultraviolet radiation, as well as temperature changes.
  6. Potassium and magnesium maintain optimal moisture balance, supply oxygen to the skin, and even out facial tone.

Apricot oil can be used at home to combat unexpected wrinkles. The product has a soft, gentle effect on the epidermis without damaging its protective layer. After just a few masks based on it, your face will become fresher and signs of fading will begin to disappear.

Homemade anti-aging masks based on apricot oil

  1. 1 teaspoon of the product must be beaten until smooth with raw chicken yolk. This recipe moisturizes the dermis and cleanses the pores.
  2. 1 tablespoon of oatmeal ground in a blender is mixed with apricot oil and honey - 1 teaspoon each. You can also add a little warm milk there. This mask will not only smooth out unwanted wrinkles, but also clear your face of unpleasant acne.
  3. Cook some semolina porridge (not in water, but always in milk). Mix 30 grams of the product with raw chicken yolk and apricot oil (10 grams is enough). The mask perfectly nourishes the skin, improves its general condition, smoothes out wrinkles.

Other ways to use apricot oil to combat wrinkles at home


Every day before going to bed, it will be useful to wipe your skin with a cotton pad previously soaked in apricot oil. The product is used instead of a cream. This procedure will smooth out wrinkles, improve complexion, and slow down the process of withering of the dermis.

Apricot oil for the skin around the eyes

Cotton pads are soaked in the product and left on the eyes for 20 minutes before bedtime. It is recommended to do this procedure every other day to smooth out wrinkles under the eyelids and get rid of bags and bruises in this area.

Apricot oil tightens the facial contour, smooths out wrinkles, and refreshes the skin. Regular cosmetic procedures with the addition of this wonderful product will prolong the youth and beauty of women's skin.

It is impossible to imagine the modern beauty industry without natural oils. Obtained from apricot kernels using a cold press method, this valuable product is included in the best decorative cosmetics.

Benefits of apricot oil for skin

Pale yellow, with a subtle aroma, apricot facial oil has a wonderful effect on the skin:

  1. Restoring firmness and elasticity;
  2. Nutrition and hydration;
  3. Protection from aggressive environmental factors;
  4. Activation of regeneration properties;
  5. Decreased secretion of external glands.

Apricot oil contains:

  • Retinol;
  • Poly- and monounsaturated acids;
  • Complex of minerals.

Using apricot oil for the face

In cosmetology, the use of cosmetic oils has a wide range of purposes. In facial care products, apricot kernel oil is used in creams, balms, toners, and micellar liquids. The production of professional decorative cosmetics, in particular lipsticks and liquid eye shadows, is based on base oil.

Facial massage will preserve the beauty and radiance of the skin, the simple technique of which is easy to master on your own. It will prepare and open pores for maximum effect of the apricot oil mask.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

The best recipes for homemade face masks with apricot oil

Anti-wrinkle mask with apricot oil

Result: after 35 years, a procedure based on apricot oil for wrinkles will help improve the structure of the epidermis and speed up blood circulation.


  • 18 drops of apricot kernel oil;
  • banana;
  • apricot;

Preparation and method of application: it is better to use a small green banana and a ripe, very soft apricot. Turn the fruit into puree in a food processor, add cosmetic oil and natural sorbent. Steam the surface of the dermis with a hot towel, apply the composition using a plastic spatula, moving from the chin to the forehead. Leave the mask on for ten minutes, then rinse with warm hibiscus drink and green coffee oil.

Apricot oil mask for acne

Result: homemade face masks can independently cure acne and pustules, reduce the area of ​​inflammation, and deeply cleanse pores.


  • 12 drops of apricot oil;
  • 6 strawberries;
  • 1 tablet of ascorutin.

Preparation and method of application: crush fresh or frozen berries together with tableted vitamin C and pressed algae, add base oil. Pre-scrub with oat bran and only then distribute the composition with a sponge. Finish cleansing and toning manipulations after a quarter of an hour. Treat acne locally with zinc ointment.

Recipe for dry skin

Result: for dehydrated skin prone to flaking and irritation, a mask with apricot oil will be a real panacea. The light structure nourishes and moisturizes, restoring the pH level and cell structure.


  • 22 drops of apricot kernel oil;
  • 15 gr. cream (more than 20%).

Preparation and method of application: boil the root vegetable, remove the peel, and bring until smooth in a food processor. Add nourishing oil and cream and cleanse the surface of the face with a thermal agent. Apply with a spatula or sponge, moving along the lymph flow lines. After 20 minutes, after removing the remaining mass, moisturize the dermis with olive oil.

Recipe for oily skin

Result: reduce the secretions of external glands easily with your own hands by regularly implementing the best mask recipes. Comprehensive facial care for oily dermis at home is the best prevention of acne, redness and inflammation.


  • 10 drops of apricot oil;
  • 20 gr. chickpea flour;

Preparation and method of application: dilute chickpea flour with warm green tea until viscosity, add moisturizing oil and spice. Use micellar liquid to remove makeup, steam the dermis with plantain decoction, and spread the medicinal mass in a continuous layer. Finish after 15 minutes by washing with citrus water.

Mask with apricot oil and yolk


  • 16 drops of apricot kernel oil;
  • half an avocado;
  • 12 gr. fermented milk cheese.

Preparation and method of application: grind the dairy product with the yolk, add avocado puree, mix well and only then add natural oil. Steam the surface of the face with a hot towel for about five minutes; to conveniently apply the moisturizing mass, you should use a cosmetic spatula. Remove the remaining composition after 40 minutes with cotton pads.

Apricot oil and oatmeal mask

Result: effective face masks gently remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis without damaging the structure of newly formed cells. Effective skin recipes easily replace laser peeling without causing irritation or peeling of the dermis.


  • 20 drops of apricot oil;
  • 2 drops of olive oil;
  • 16 gr. oat flour;
  • 5 gr. fennel seeds.

Preparation and method of application: grind fennel seeds in a coffee grinder, combine with flour, stir until smooth. Introduce base oils, clean the surface of the dermis with thermal liquid. Apply the composition along the lymph flow lines in a circular motion for four minutes, then leave for five minutes. Wash off with warm rose hip decoction and treat with a moisturizing emulsion. Do not use the procedure more than four times a week, so as not to cause harm due to hyper-cleaning.

Video: Oil washing - using oils at home

Exists in 80% of people around the world. Girls, as a rule, are more likely to experience age-related changes because their skin is more delicate. On the other hand, it can be quite difficult to determine a woman’s age, especially if she devotes a sufficient amount of time to facial care. In pursuit of beautiful, well-groomed facial skin, girls buy a huge number of different cosmetics: scrubs, oils, masks, creams. But are they all that effective? Today we’ll talk about one of them, namely apricot oil for the face against wrinkles: reviews about it, who it is suitable for and how it is used.

Why does skin age?

Before we find out whether apricot oil copes with the problem of aging, we will find out why this process occurs and is so noticeable on the skin of the face. First of all, it is important to note that wrinkles are divided into several types. Expression wrinkles arise as a result of active facial expressions. This includes laughter and wrinkling of the forehead. Age-related wrinkles appear as a result of the death of elastic fibers. The skin becomes loose and sagging. In order to delay such sad processes, there are many different ways.

It is very important to know that most wrinkles are formed as a result of dry skin. Thus, in women with an oily type, their manifestations are less noticeable than in women with a dry type. In addition, over the years, the skin loses the beneficial microelements and vitamins it needs. They need to be constantly replenished using various means. One of them is apricot oil for the face against wrinkles. Reviews about this product, properties and methods of use will be discussed below.

How is apricot oil produced?

Apricot oil is made from the seeds of this plant by cold pressing. They contain a huge amount of useful vitamins and minerals. It is quite difficult to carry out such a process at home, because it requires a special press. Sometimes cherry plum seeds are also partially used to prepare apricot oil. In order to make apricot oil for the face against wrinkles, reviews of which we will consider later, kernels are used. They are crushed and pressed several times in a cold way. The cake that remains is also used for various cosmetic products.


Almost all vegetable oils have many positive properties. Apricot is no exception. It contains 20% linolenic acid, amygdalin glycoside - 5%, as well as vitamins A, C, B, F, lactase enzymes and emulsin. It contains a significant amount of mineral salts and other useful components. Cold double pressing allows you to preserve all these elements in their natural form. When apricot kernels are heated strongly, most of these beneficial components are broken down, especially amygdalin.

Properties of apricot oil

The benefits of this oil cannot be underestimated. It is used both for facial skin and for hair and nails. Apricot oil, the properties and uses of which we are considering, can be found in many cosmetic products (scrubs, masks, creams, balms). It nourishes, softens and protects hair and skin.

Apricot oil is well absorbed and regulates the water-lipid balance. This explains its anti-wrinkle property. Absorbed into the skin, the oil moisturizes it, dry cells receive the necessary amount of moisture and lipids. Due to this, the facial skin tightens, becomes smoother and more elastic. The properties and uses of apricot oil have been studied by many scientists, and a lot of experiments have been carried out. During the study, it became known that this product regenerates dead cells, promoting the appearance of new ones.

Apricot oil is also very beneficial for sensitive and problem skin. This is due to its antibacterial effect. It heals wounds, dries out pimples, and fights acne.

Beneficial microelements of apricot oil trigger metabolic processes in the body and have an intense rejuvenating effect. In addition, they give the skin a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Hair oil

As mentioned earlier, apricot cosmetic oil is successfully used to treat not only facial skin, but also hair and nails. For dry and brittle curls, it is recommended to add it to shampoo in a proportion of 15 drops per 100 ml of product. The oil is suitable for frequent use. It does not leave a greasy shine on the hair, but at the same time nourishes it, makes it soft and silky. If after using the shampoo your hair still gets a little oily, then you can add it to your hair mask and use it once a week.

This oil is especially effective on hot summer days, when hair is most in need of care and protection. Apricot oil lipids can protect curls from drying out and exposure to high temperatures.

Apricot oil for hand skin

Apricot oil, the properties of which we have reviewed, is also ideal for the skin of hands and nails. After a bath and manicure, it is recommended to rub it into the cuticle. But besides this, the oil can also be applied to the hands with massage movements. It will moisturize the delicate skin of your hands, and your nails will become stronger thanks to regeneration processes. To improve the effect, the product can be slightly warmed up (no more than 37 ° C). Apricot oil also goes well with other vegetable oils.

They can be mixed in different proportions and experimented with. If the nails are too soft and brittle, and the skin of the hands is dry, then it is recommended to use a wrap. Problem areas are generously lubricated with warm apricot and pine oil and wrapped in cling film for a better thermal effect. After one hour, excess oil (if not all of it has been absorbed) can be washed off with warm water.

Apricot oil for eyelashes

Another quite interesting area of ​​its application is eyelashes. They can remove makeup. It does not injure the delicate skin around the eyes, but rather the opposite - it moisturizes and nourishes it. In addition, thanks to its healing properties, apricot oil also affects the eyelashes themselves, accelerating their growth. To use, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it with water and add a few drops of the product. With light movements you can remove any remaining makeup. To strengthen the eyelashes, apply a few drops of oil to a cotton swab and attach to them using cling film or parchment paper.

Apricot kernel oil for face

Of course, it is perfect for the delicate skin of the face and décolleté. This is especially true for dry skin prone to flaking. The oil is very quickly absorbed into damaged areas, nourishes them, and evens out the structure. Useful vitamins and minerals are quickly absorbed in the subcutaneous layer. There are a huge number of different homemade masks and creams that use this particular oil.

The easiest and fastest way to moisturize, nourish and heal your skin is to apply a few drops of oil to a cotton swab and wipe your face with it. For intensive nutrition, you can heat the oil to 37 ° C and soak gauze or bandage with it. Next, it must be carefully applied to the skin of the face, not forgetting the décolleté area. The smeared areas are wrapped in cling film on top; for a better effect, you can also cover them with a terry towel. After 20 minutes, it can be washed off with warm water.

Apricot kernel oil for the face can be purchased at any pharmacy; in addition, they sell other vegetable oils: ylang-ylang, mint, lemon, rose, pine and many others. Each of them has many useful properties. They mix perfectly, complement each other and improve the effect of use. Cosmetic oils for the face against wrinkles have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. Almost all of them have an antibacterial effect. In addition, they nourish the skin and hair with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The use of cosmetic oils is especially important in autumn and spring, when the body is susceptible to vitamin deficiency.

Apricot oil is universal and can be used by owners of any skin type. Its use is possible even with extremely sensitive skin. This oil effectively fights wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, as well as acne and various types of rashes. It contains many useful substances and can improve skin health and make it younger. In this article we will look at the most common ways to use it.

The healing composition of apricot oil

This oil has a beneficial effect on the epidermis due to the presence of vitamins and other beneficial substances in it:

  • Vitamin A soothes sensitive skin, quickly eliminates flaking and dryness.
  • B vitamins prevent inflammation and also help heal microcracks.
  • Vitamin C enhances the protective properties of the skin, helping it resist the adverse effects of the environment.
  • Vitamin E gives the skin greater elasticity and eliminates fine wrinkles.
  • The various acids contained in this oil rejuvenate the epidermis from the inside and regenerate damaged tissue.
  • Potassium regulates moisture levels in the skin.
  • Magnesium normalizes the functioning of blood vessels through which oxygen enters the cells.

Spectrum of action of apricot oil

Of course, this oil will be appropriate in regular facial care, but there are a number of problems for which its use is simply necessary:

  • Excessive skin sensitivity.
  • Flaky dry patches of skin on the face.
  • Deterioration of complexion.
  • Wrinkles.
  • Flabby and tired skin.
  • The presence of “crow’s feet”, bruises and bags under the eyes.
  • Various rashes.

Ways to use apricot oil

There are many different ways to use this oil. Let's look at the most effective and common:

  • Rubbing. Wipe your face every day with a cotton swab soaked in apricot oil to protect against premature aging.
  • Lotions. Apply apricot oil to the area around your eyes at night to avoid swelling and bruising under them.
  • Addition to cosmetics. Pour 3 drops of apricot oil into any cosmetic product. This will enhance the positive effect of its application.
  • Compresses. Dip gauze, folded in 3 layers, into apricot oil and apply it to damaged areas of the skin. This oil has a wound healing effect.
  • Yolk mask. Combine an egg yolk with a teaspoon of apricot oil. This mixture effectively nourishes the skin.
  • Essential mask. Combine a tablespoon of apricot oil with chamomile and patchouli esters, take 2 drops of each. This mixture effectively fights various rashes.
  • Oatmeal mask. Combine a tablespoon of pre-crushed oatmeal with a tablespoon of apricot oil, a teaspoon of heated honey, and a tablespoon of milk. This mixture smooths out wrinkles and nourishes the skin.
  • Multi-component mask. Combine 2 tablespoons of semolina porridge prepared with milk with an egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of apricot oil. This mask has a moisturizing effect, eliminates wrinkles and acne.
  • Massage product. For facial massage, this oil is suitable both in its pure form and in combination with other oils.

Be sure to use apricot oil, choosing the method that is most convenient for you. This natural remedy has a wide spectrum of action and is easy to use. Its regular use guarantees an improvement in the appearance of the skin, as well as its healing from the inside.

Apricot oil, like any other natural product, has a lot of truly unique qualities, thanks to which it becomes an indispensable and effective product in the care of facial skin of any type. The popularity of this aromatic oil is enormous; it is widely used in the cosmetics industry in the care of hair, eyelashes and nails, as it has a strengthening effect on them, stimulating their growth processes.

Composition and benefits of apricot kernel oil for the skin.
Apricot oil is an exclusively natural and environmentally friendly product; it is isolated from the kernels of ordinary apricot kernels using the cold pressing technique. This method of production makes it possible for the finished product to retain almost all the useful and valuable substances and vitamins. It is the composition of apricot kernel oil that makes it possible to use for absolutely any skin of the face and body.

Externally, apricot oil has the appearance of a yellowish liquid with a pleasant and subtle nutty or apricot smell. The composition of the oil is closely similar to the composition of peach and almond oil, and is rich in various polyunsaturated and other types of fatty acids (palmitic, linoleic, etc.), which are so necessary for the health and normal functioning of skin cells. In addition, apricot oil contains many different vitamins (in particular groups B, C, A, F) and beneficial elements, which, when combined, provide the skin with good hydration, increase its level of firmness and elasticity, and help accelerate regenerative processes in cells, which prevents premature aging and prevents skin aging. It should also be said that apricot oil can regulate the production of sebum, thereby preventing the expansion of pores and the development of painful acne. From this we can say that apricot oil is perfect for skin that is deficient in vitamins, moisturizing and nutritional components. Using facial oil will help significantly improve the appearance and quality of your skin and solve many cosmetic problems.

Due to its effective moisturizing, softening and nourishing effect, apricot kernel oil is an excellent care product for dry and flaky skin, and also serves as an excellent preventative against the occurrence of such problems. The restorative properties of the oil, when used systematically, accelerate the process of self-cleansing of the skin from dead particles during peeling, and also stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers by special cells. Apricot oil also has anti-aging properties; its use smooths out wrinkles, gives tone and increases skin elasticity, significantly improving complexion.

It should also be noted the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial qualities of apricot oil, which effectively eliminate any inflammatory processes on the skin, which is especially pleasing to those with problematic and sensitive skin.

Application of apricot oil for facial skin.
The wide spectrum of action and beneficial qualities of apricot kernel oil make it possible to use it for the skin as an independent product, as well as in combination with other plant oils (for example, almond, flaxseed, olive, jojoba, wheat germ, avocado, etc. , in the same percentage). In addition, it is an excellent base for dissolving various essential oils and creating homemade creams and masks. Due to its light structure, apricot oil is absorbed very quickly, does not clog pores and does not leave a shine on the face.

It can be used by those with absolutely any skin, regardless of age; it is especially useful for dry, aging, rough, flabby and dehydrated skin. But the effect of the oil on sensitive, problematic and mixed (combination) skin, which is prone to acne, will be no less beneficial. I note that apricot kernel oil is one of the few that is absolutely harmless to the delicate and sensitive skin of children. Apricot oil is an excellent product for caring for the delicate eyelid area, nourishes and moisturizes this area, smoothing out wrinkles (especially those called “crow’s feet”).

The use of apricot oil for the skin can be absolutely any. You can lubricate your face with it, replacing night cream, and use it as a care product for the area around the eyes instead of special creams and gels. For this purpose, a small amount of oil is driven in with the fingertips (from above - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, from below - from the outer to the inner). For peeling, redness and inflammation, apply oil directly to the affected areas of the skin. You can also enrich nourishing creams with apricot oil. It is better if you prepare such creams at home, because in “store-bought” formulations it is unknown what is present, and all this “chemical component” is unknown how it will affect the skin in combination with oil.

Apricot oil, slightly heated, will be an excellent cleanser (a kind of tonic) and will suit absolutely any skin (except for extremely oily skin).

Apricot oil recipes for facial skin.
Face masks with injection or prepared on the basis of apricot oil have a very good effect. The simplest option for using them for any skin is to slightly heat a little oil and apply to a previously cleansed face, leave for twenty to thirty minutes. There is no need to wash off the oil at the end of the procedure, just blot off the excess with a cosmetic napkin. The oil can also be combined with any other vegetable and cosmetic in equal proportions.

For problem skin, inflammation and acne, this procedure is suitable: dilute two drops of essential oil in a tablespoon of apricot oil (you can use a mixture of vegetable oils, but the total amount is one tablespoon). Tea tree, lemon or lavender oils are perfect for this purpose. Soak a swab pre-moistened in warm water with the composition and lubricate the skin with it.

And here is a recipe for a universal nourishing mask, which is ideal for dry, rough skin, as well as the décolleté area: a tablespoon of apricot oil can be mixed with the essential component (six drops) and heated in a water bath to a temperature of thirty-seven degrees. Make a piece of gauze in advance: fold it in several layers and leave holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Moisten such a napkin in the oil composition and apply it to the face. It is better to apply the mask while lying down; during such a mask it is necessary to create a calm atmosphere. Place cling film on top of the gauze, or you can use parchment paper. You can also wrap your face in a towel, this will additionally create a thermal effect. Keep this mask-compress for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For combination skin, it is ideal to use as a mask a composition of apricot and peach oils, taken in equal proportions, with the addition of a couple of drops of any essential oil, you can combine them (mint, neroli, lemon, ylang-ylang). Apply as usual to cleansed skin, after half an hour, rinse with warm water and apply nourishing cream. The mask restores fat metabolism in the skin, returns freshness to the face, makes the skin uniform and increases elasticity.

To smooth out wrinkles around the eyes, as well as to prevent them, it is effective to apply daily to the eyelid area a mixture of a tablespoon of apricot oil and two drops of rose oil (you can replace neroli, limetta, sandalwood). After twenty minutes, remove the remaining composition with a napkin, gently blotting the skin.

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, it is recommended to make the following mask or apply the composition in the form of an application: combine a tablespoon of our kernel oil with almond oil. Apply for half an hour, then “drive” the remaining composition into the skin with massage movements. Or soak a gauze napkin with slits for the eyes, mouth and nose in the composition and apply to the skin for half an hour. Carry out the procedure once every three days.

And if you combine a tablespoon of apricot oil with two drops of patchouli or chamomile (or a mixture of them, one drop at a time), then the result is an excellent remedy against various spots on the skin, as well as relieving fatigue from tired skin.

In order to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended to apply a mixture of a tablespoon of apricot oil and two drops of cajuput oil to problem areas (can be replaced with tea tree, lavender or lemon oil).

Applications of apricot oil for the body.
This most valuable gift of nature is also great for body care. It is amazingly suitable for massage purposes and can also be added to massage formulations. It is recommended to apply to steamed body skin with massaging movements, leaving until completely absorbed. The product can also be combined with essential oils: for 50 ml of base - 2 drops of any essential component (neroli, chamomile or lavender), or a drop of lavender and bergamot, or two drops of patchouli, or a drop of orange and lavender oils.

Massage with apricot oil helps eliminate inflammation and rashes from the skin, including in children.

Use it effectively in the fight against cellulite. Combine a tablespoon of apricot and avocado oils, or use the former in its pure form, add two drops of orange, juniper, lemon and orange oils, or the same amount of tangerine, pine, juniper and grapefruit oils. Massage problem areas of the body with the composition after taking a bath.

A mixture of apricot and peach oils, taken one tablespoon at a time, will perfectly moisturize and soften the body. You can enrich the mixture with ylang-ylang, sandalwood, and lavender oils (take two drops each). Use daily after water procedures.


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