Isa poured a bucket of slop on Vodonaeva after her daring interview. Isa poured a bucket of slop on Vodonaeva after her daring interview. Athens and Vodonaeva quarreled.

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The TV personalities had a public scandal. Several years ago, Alena Vodonaeva and Aiza Anokhina broke off their long-term friendship, and now they decided to remember past grievances and once again renounced each other. Thus, the star of “HOUSE-2” called Guf’s ex-wife a traitor and promised her loud revenge at the most inopportune moment for her. The answer from the singer did not take long to arrive.

Alena Vodonaeva and Aiza Anokhina
Photo: Instagram

The strong long-term friendship of Alena Vodonaeva and Aiza Anokhina ended in one moment. Isa told the ex-participant of “DOM-2” the secret of the permanent host of the project, Ksenia Borodina, concerning her family. However, this gossip did not stay with Vodonaeva, but went further - she told another friend about it. Then the unpleasant news reached Borodina herself.

“One morning I woke up and realized that I had been severely set up,” admitted Alena. - Ksyusha and I were friends, and I had another friend [Aiza Anokhina]. So, the day before that morning she told me all sorts of unpleasant things about Ksyusha, about her family...

Then another friend of this friend calls and starts complaining about her husband. I say: “Listen, what are you complaining about him? Do you even imagine what our friend told me today about Ksyusha? Therefore, love your husband." These were voice messages. My voice message was sent to Ksyusha in a torn context, and it turned out that I said that her husband was allegedly cheating on her.”

Vodonaeva revealed Borodina’s secret
​Photo: Instagram

Vodonaeva only blames herself for passing on someone else’s words about Borodina to another person. For everything else, in her opinion, only Isa is to blame for spreading Ksenia’s secret, and Alena in this situation remained only a victim who was framed.

“I was so offended that I cried at home for a week when they threw mud at me. Isa blocked me that same day. I wish they would grow up a little. Now, if Bonya and Isa are drowning, I will give Bonya’s hand, because she did not hide her negativity and openly played against me. And I will still take revenge on Aiza,” Vodonaeva said in an interview "To the gentle editor".

Seeing the scandalous statement of the ex-participant of the TV show, Anokhina was furious. The singer decided to contact the offender through social networks and called her to account for all the dirt that again poured out on herself and Borodina.


Alena threatened Aiza with revenge
Photo: Instagram

“I would like to wish Alena Vodonaeva mental health! Real, not invented happiness, brains, talent and wisdom. Expensive! Your tongue is your enemy, your envy is your sin. Solve the problem with your head! I promised your family not to touch you, but after your lies I’m just shaking! You betrayed Ksyukha, you betrayed me, you betray everyone you are friends with! You are a deceitful, preoccupied [girl of easy virtue], driven by illusions! I loved you, you fool, and was the only one who accepted you and your shit. But you shit in my soul and continue to shit. Get out of my life! Better take care of your son, he lacks an adequate mother! You are evil, toxic, and that was the last thing I said to you!

Ex-participant of the show “Dom-2” Alena Vodonaeva and businesswoman Aiza Dolmatova met in the late 2000s at a party in the company of mutual friends. At that moment, Isa was married to rapper Guf, and Alena Vodonaeva was building a career in show business, having “graduated” from a reality show.

The girls got along with each other very quickly. Soon they were already considered friends, and spent a lot of time together. It was Isa who supported Alena in difficult moments when she faced adversity in her personal life. Vodonaeva did not live long in marriage with her first husband Alexei Malakeev and divorced five years after the wedding. The Dom-2 star stopped trusting men, but believed even more strongly in female friendship. After all, with Aiza they became support and support for each other. The girls found common interests and realized that they were always comfortable and fun together.

“Isa and I are the second version of friendship. This is neither good nor bad. It's just like that. And I really appreciate and love what is happening here. We always have fun, we rarely do not understand each other, since we are very similar. From the first letter we know what the second letter will be. We are always in touch, even when we don't see each other for weeks. Isa is the friend for me whom I can call at three in the morning (figuratively speaking, it is clear that we all call each other at this time). I have different friends, real and beloved, and I will do anything for them. For the sake of this woman, I will do a lot and I know that it is mutual,” Alena spoke so touchingly about her friend.

In 2013, Aiza and Guf’s marriage broke up, so the girl sought solace in the company of a friend. Dolmatova and Vodonaeva celebrated 2014 together, and a couple of days later they went on a joint trip to Sri Lanka. It is symbolic that both girls were able to live with their first husbands for approximately the same number of years.

The children of Alena and Isa also began to communicate with each other. Sam Vodonaeva came to the party in honor of the fifth birthday of Dolmatova’s son Sam with her child, Bogdan.

// Photo: The children of Vodonaeva and Dolmatova were friends

The relationship between Aiza and Vodonaeva surprised their fans. Both girls have a rather explosive character, so it was difficult to imagine how they could be together for so long without quarrels and arguments. On Vodonaeva’s birthday last year, Isa allowed herself a prank. She posted a nude photo of her friend on her page.

“Alena, I love you! I'm happy to be your friend and be able to have fun with you even when we're sad! You are an atomic bomb man! And never change!” – Alena Aiza signed the photo.

However, the girls were not destined to become friends forever. Some time ago, a conflict suddenly arose between friends over business, which destroyed their friendship. Guf's ex-wife briefly explained what happened between them.

“We don't communicate anymore. I was very disappointed in the man. I was warned for a long time, but I constantly found excuses for all situations. I was sure that this would not affect me. In the end it touched. I won’t say the reason, but I will say that you won’t see our photos together anymore. I don’t regret anything,” said Isa.

Fans of the stars were saddened by this news, because groups dedicated to the friendship of girls even began to appear on social networks, where fans posted their common photos and quotes.

Just recently, Isa gave a new impetus to the conflict. Dolmatova posted a post on her microblog where she accused Alena of being corrupt. The reason for this was the fact that Vodonaeva began to collaborate with a man whom both girls had previously considered an unpleasant person.

“Now another friend of mine began to work with her “favorite” partner, who simply bought everyone. It would be better to buy yourself a new tracksuit. Yes, I'm a bitch now! But how is it even possible that you are friends with people, and they betray you for your money! Not realizing that if they cheated me, they would cheat them too, just like they cheated many with whom this meter-long friend worked. And this will happen very soon, knowing this character. Even one of those who once loved me so much and couldn’t stand our Caucasian businessman is now dancing to his tune,” Dolmatova said.

36-year-old Alena Vodonaeva and 34-year-old Aiza Anonkhina quarreled four years ago, but today the scandal has entered the open phase. The singer was angered by statements that her ex-girlfriend made on the YouTube show “Tender Editor.”

According to Vodonaeva, Aiza quarreled with Ksenia Borodina. According to the star of “House-2”, Anokhina once complained about family troubles, and Alena told her that it could be worse: for example, Borodina’s husband Kurban Omarov was shamelessly cheating on her. At that time it was still a secret, so Ksenia, having learned from Aiza about Vodonaeva’s words, had a fight with her talkative friend.

Since then, the TV presenter has been dreaming of taking revenge on the “traitor.” “I was so offended that I probably cried for a week when this conspiracy about me happened. And Isa herself spoke badly about Ksyusha... I’ll step on her again. The moment will come when I will do this. Revenge must be served cold. If the opportunity arises, I will not shake hands with her,” Vodonaeva promised.

Isa reacted emotionally to the revelations of her ex-friend. "Expensive! Your tongue is your enemy! Your envy is your sin! Solve the problem with your head! I promised your family not to touch you! But after your lies I’m just shaking! You betrayed Ksyukha, you betrayed me! You betray everyone you are friends with! You are a lying, horny whore, addicted to illusions!” Anokhina wrote on Instagram.

The businesswoman advised her ex-friend to take care of her life and her son, and not interfere with someone else’s. “For God's sake, stop lying. For yourself first, or I’ll spill everything I know about you. And you will have to go to a monastery!” - Isa promised.

She ended her emotional post with the assertion that Vodonaeva is not a sexy woman. “The trash rat knows more about sex than you, Alena! You and sexuality are two incompatible things!” - said Anokhina.

Ex-wife in the comments Gufa said that she was thinking about whether to sue Alena.

Alena Vodonaeva during conversation she made other resonant remarks on the show. She again categorically condemned overweight people, and also stated that Ksenia Borodina is too confused a person.


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