Alla is a powerful and purposeful beauty. Alla: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person?

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What does the name Alla mean?

The name Alla means another, received in exchange (Greek)

The meaning of the name Alla is character and destiny

A woman named Alla early age surrounded by numerous admirers and does not lack them until her old age. She is eccentric, self-confident, ambitious, knows her worth and at the same time knows how to make friends, although she chooses her friends carefully. She values ​​female friendship little and is more friends with men. A woman named Alla keeps her acquaintances who are too annoying and pretentious at a distance. In her youth she is amorous, in adulthood she is practical.

The meaning of the name Alla for sex

A woman named Alla can enter into sexual relations with a partner without heartfelt feelings, for the sake of maintaining health, but even in this case she chooses the most worthy of all applicants. Alla remains faithful as long as she is sure that her friend is not cheating on her. Alla is catchy, beautiful woman, likes to wear bright clothes and wear exquisite perfumes. In addition, she is demanding, capricious and loves herself so much that she has almost no mental strength love someone else. With age, her despotism becomes more and more noticeable. Alla tries to subjugate any person who finds herself in her environment. She is used to doing things first and thinking later, which inevitably leads to many mistakes, although she has both acumen and perseverance. A woman named Alla never changes her confidence in her abilities. Both at home and at work, she strives to command. In her young years she is in good health, energetic, and never wastes time. All her dreams and plans are real, she relies only on her own strength. He cooks deliciously and is known among his friends as a good cook. Capable of achieving great success in business. However, Alla, like any woman, dreams of a family, children, good husband. Unfortunately, the first marriage of a woman named Alla is most often unsuccessful, after which she hesitates for a long time to get married again. The husband cannot stand her character, but remembers her until the end of his days, regretting the separation, believing that she was the best woman in his life. Alla gives birth to children of different sexes, but she rarely has a second child and does not dare to have one. A woman named Alla is a wonderful mother, she is ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of her children, she builds relationships with them on complete trust, and they pay her with great affection. With my husband everything is much more complicated. Alla does not tolerate objections, you cannot argue with her in a raised tone, you should not try to subjugate her to your will. She expects love, attention, and honest relationships from her husband, but finds mutual understanding only in the second or even third marriages. Alla never forgets her parents and treats her mother-in-law well, although she cannot live in the same apartment with her.

Alla has a healthy attitude towards sex. In her opinion, he must be part of courtship; platonic love is not in her nature. Alla's sexual behavior largely depends on her partner. Prejudices are alien to her, she readily responds to erotic caresses, but she herself does not show initiative. The strength of her sexual desire is largely determined by how long her intimate relationship with her partner lasts. Allah gives great importance sex without making a cult out of it. She knows how to use it skillfully, if necessary, for example, to restore a broken relationship with her husband. Alla is more of a consumer than an equal partner. She takes from a man everything she needs, and only a select few can give the same amount. He simply uses the rest, believing that men offend women much more.

The character and fate of the name Alla, taking into account the patronymic

First name Alla and patronymic....

Alla Alekseevna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Yuryevna She is attentive and condescending towards people. Easily excitable, passionate in love. Born in May, she cannot exist without romantic adventures, but she is not selfish and knows how to benefit from every sexual relationship. She prefers to deal with rich and generous lovers; she will definitely calculate how much he spent on her and whether it is worth continuing the relationship. She is difficult to please, capricious and contradictory. However, she has quite a lot of wonderful qualities, including kindness, responsiveness, and sociability. Good hostess, very thrifty, clean. She doesn’t like to cook too much, but everything in the house always sparkles.

First name Alla and patronymic....

Alla Alexandrovna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Maksimovna, Pavlovna, Fedorovna, Eduardovna has good taste and a developed sense of beauty. She will always find a way to attract attention to herself, she can be eccentric, unpredictable, but never unnoticed. Knows how to entertain a company, knows a lot funny stories, will be happy to lie for a catchphrase. Knows his strengths and weaknesses very well. Her weakness is excessive amorousness. Cheerful, generous and energetic, she does not tolerate childish people, being a leader by nature, she strives to impose her rhythm of life on others, especially her husband. She gets married several times until she finds a man who suits her character. Alla gives birth to girls. Relations with daughters are warm and friendly. Meanwhile, for many this woman is unsolved mystery, because one can never predict her actions: she is contradictory, it is difficult for her to find a middle ground between the desire to live a life full of surprises and the desire to find stability.

First name Alla and patronymic....

Alla Andreevna, Arkadyevna, Valentinovna, Vitalievna, Kirillovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Yakovlevna She is distinguished by patience, calmness, endurance, but is self-confident and arrogant. Smart and calculating. Demanding of others, especially of her chosen one. She is quite sociable, but prefers to the right people, profitable acquaintances. He keeps his many friends at a distance. IN family relationships- a leader who responds violently to his spouse’s objections and quickly wins. Independent and independent, she builds her life according to her own discretion. Spouse with strong character it won't be easy. However, she finds it difficult to part with what she believes belongs to her. If it comes to divorce, it is accompanied by a huge scandal, a long showdown, division of property, and so on. And not because she feels sorry for what she has acquired, she just wants to annoy her husband and punish him.

First name Alla and patronymic....

Alla Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna selfish, capricious, capricious. She has too much self-esteem. However, this helps her overcome all obstacles on the way to her goal. This kind of Alla considers herself attractive, even if she does not have striking external characteristics. If nature has endowed her with beauty, then she is a fragrant, refined woman who does not understand platonic relationships. In her opinion, courtship must be accompanied by sex. For the sake of an intimate meeting, she is ready to put everything aside. However, when choosing a partner, she takes into account his external, intellectual and sexual characteristics. It is difficult to achieve her location. Alla does not like large and noisy companies; she does not visit everyone. He invites only a select few. She is a good housewife, very thrifty and economical. Clean to the point of pedantry. She is an excellent cook, she is especially good at first courses. Alla may be married several times - most of her life is spent in search of her ideal. She gives birth to boys more often.

First name Alla and patronymic....

Alla Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna easily excitable and amorous. She's witty, but doesn't advertise it. Laconic and secretive. Because of this, many people underestimate her and consider her stupid. But she is diplomatic, has a flexible mind, and tries not to waste energy on unnecessary proof of her superiority. Very practical. While her friends are thinking and spending time in idle fun, she is purposefully looking for her future husband. For her, physiology plays a decisive role in love. Increased sexuality does not prevent her from making a good choice. The desire to re-educate her spouse in her own way can lead to divorce, but she has enough prudence not to go too far.

First name Alla and patronymic....

Alla Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna treats men with distrust. She does not give in to impulses of feelings, looks closely at her partner for a long time, checks his sincerity. In relations with fans he is guided by sound calculation. With their help, he skillfully builds a career, improves his life, and implements his most daring plans. She attaches great importance to marriage, but living with her is not easy - she is prone to nervous breakdowns and depression. This is a man of mood. If you don’t get enough sleep, then it’s better not to approach her in the first half of the day. Only after noon does she come to her senses and begin to work productively. Alla is a wonderful hostess, knows a lot of ancient culinary recipes. She loves to experiment in the kitchen, but her dishes are never spoiled. She makes no secret of her recipes and willingly tells her friends little culinary tricks.

Numerology of the name Alla

Lady's posture and outfit -

An example of taste, they say.

But she promises us a swarm of joys,

Who do we love the most?

Robert Berne

The meaning of the name Alla is not exactly clear. It may be of Gothic origin.

Personality. Red in the East.

There are several days of remembrance, including 02/05, 04/08.

Characteristics of the name Alla by letter:

A - hard work, diligence, commitment;

L - the need for affection, love, tenderness, sex;

L - repeat;

A - repeat.

Note. If the name is short, you can additionally, according to the same rules, build mandalas of the patronymic and surname.

What does the name Alla mean in numerology:

ALLA = 1441 = 1 (Sun).

The purpose of life of a person with the name Alla is determined by the Sun - a source of energy, activity, the giver of many benefits and good luck, including wealth.

Creativity is guaranteed by the Luminary.

What does the name Alla mean in astrology:

1-4 (Sun - Mercury) - developed intelligence, Creative skills;

4 (Mercury) - the point is deepened: the level and laws of development of mentality and intellectuality are high, but the nervous system may suffer, stress is possible;

1 (Sun) - the point is deepened: problems with the manifestation of the spirit.

Karmic lessons named after Alla:

There are many of them. IN in this case the karmic lesson of Venus (6) is decided by the name itself, since this name has no problem with showing feelings.

Characteristics of the name Alla, taking into account the analysis

Alla is active, enterprising, quickly navigates in any situation, trying to get away from everyday life and boredom. She is a person of independent judgment, feminine, harmonious, attractive, and takes on any new endeavor with enthusiasm. She has a slightly morbid view of things, is somewhat alienated from this world, from its vanity. She is careful in her judgments, follows the principle of “do no harm,” is wise, has abilities in parapsychology, esotericism, can engage in healing, the occult, observes law and order, is lucky, strives for perfection.

However, possessing feminine attractiveness, she is not always pleasant to talk to, and is occasionally malicious, even cruel, vengeful, and deceitful. She is extravagant, successful, and should be surrounded by wealth and splendor.

The most suitable professions are creative ones: entertainer, fashion designer, stylist, designer, inventor. She is all directed upward, loves posing, beautiful outfits, follows fashion, has a perfectly organized life, and a wonderful family. Often she turns into a tyrant, but then analyzes her actions, realizing her mistakes. She always achieves success where needed, relying on her charm, charm, and innate sexuality.

Alla's sexuality is very strong. She loves love dates, arranges them very romantically, but is jealous, quick-tempered, and often unpredictable. Like a mother, she’s more of a “cuckoo.” He often raises his daughters according to his own “pattern,” imposing his values ​​on them. But her marriages are still sometimes unsuccessful or there are several of them. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: Alexey, Arkady, Nikolay, Mark.

Any parent wants to give their child the most beautiful and unique name. It is important to understand its interpretation.

What does the name Alla mean? What is the origin and history of the name Alla?

The meaning of the name Alla

Alla is different, not of this world. The zodiac sign that protects Alla is Aries. He makes the girl capricious, with a complex character. Alla loves to compete with others. She likes to win an argument

The planet that rules her life is the Sun, so Alla grows up cheerful and an open child. The color that suits her best is scarlet. The tree that will become a talisman for Alla is rowan. The stone that will become a talisman for her is a ruby, it will be able to protect her from evil and negativity.

Origin and history of the name Alla

Alla is a Greek name. It has ancient roots and has been modified several times. The meaning of the name Alla is different, it is modern meaning. There was also an ancient interpretation of the name - who came with the sunset.

Alla celebrates her name day on April 8th. There are many signs associated with the day of the angel Alla. Today the name is common on all continents. All are also commonly called Els, Allochkas, Elvirs. But the original name sounds like Alla.

The character and fate of Alla

It is worth noting positive traits Alla's character:



Hard work.

From an early age, Alla gets used to solving all her questions and problems on her own. She rarely complains about life and rarely asks for help. Counts more on own strength. Does not like criticism and cynical remarks.

It is also worth noting Alla’s negative character traits. She is often unable to control her emotions and can be overly categorical and quick-tempered. Her self-esteem is too high, Alla often forgets about those people who have done a lot for her.

Since childhood, Alla has had a complex character. It's hard for her to come to an agreement with herself. She is capricious over trifles. Doesn't sleep well at night. Parents sound the alarm and take the girl to doctors, looking for the reasons for her excessive excitability. In fact, Alla has such a disposition.

She is very restless. He can almost never remain silent and sit in one place for a long time. Often takes part in fights. At school he is ridiculed by his classmates. Alla has a rather unusual appearance. She attracts the attention of others. Always strives to be in first place, always to know more than others.

At Alla's strong feeling self-esteem. She strives to be the first in everything. At the same time, he tries to achieve a lot at the expense of other people. Little Alla often brings her mother to tears - she asks her for more and more new dresses, more and more toys.

Alla takes her studies responsibly, but often gets bored in class. To her teachers, she seems like a spoiled girl who often skips classes. Alla is more interested in walks in nature. She may develop bad habits at an early age because she is in a hurry to grow up.

Alla often catches colds and gets sick. In the fall, she loves to mope, while not giving peace to those around her. When Alla is not in the mood, she becomes unbearable. Relatives try not to react to the girl’s obnoxious character and send her to study in another city as early as possible.

Alla loves herself madly and does not notice any shortcomings in herself. She may even be surprised when people talk to her about her complex character. From an early age, Alla tries to do everything everywhere and in time. She is involved in several sections and clubs. She tries not only to be the best in them, but even to surpass the teacher.

Alla often chooses work related to money. She loves them very much and tries to live in abundance. She also loves attention and success, so she can easily become a public figure. If Alla wants something new, unusual, she will, without hesitation, go on a long trip.

Alla is difficult to please; she has a rather difficult time getting along with her colleagues. It's easier for her to work alone. The girl doesn't know how to obey. Even if the leader is right, Alla will never admit his mistake.

If work does not bring Alla pleasure, she will not stay at it. Alla is a very risky person, so she can even play on the stock exchange. The main thing is her subtle sense of success. She very quickly finds her purpose. Quickly develops connections and contacts. If Alla needs a person, she tries to do everything for him, but when the need disappears, she disappears from sight for a long time.

Alla has few friends. First of all, this is due to her complex character, and only then to her incredible desire to be first always and everywhere. Alla finds it difficult to communicate with women, as she sees them as competitors. Therefore, she has been friends with boys since childhood, and can even wear men’s clothes.

Alla is punctual in her work, always takes responsibility, and does not trust anyone with her work. Can work to achieve goals without vacations or days off. Alla has a lot of envious people at work, but that doesn’t stop her.

Alla's Love

What does the name Alla mean? Different, different, unusual. She attracts men like a magnet with her originality and mystery. Few can cope with her temper. Alla can be harsh even with her beloved man, because she believes that partners are created to complement each other.

Alla has a lot of plans that she easily implements. She can date several men at the same time and this secret will never be revealed. Alla loves huge and expensive gifts. Men give them to her. Alla rarely cares about her chosen one. She is so confident in her uniqueness that she does not worry about her personal life. Alla easily breaks up with men. Almost never alone.

Alla loves children, but devotes little time to them. She is more busy with herself and her career. Alla has a lot of suitors and admirers. She tries to find time for both her personal life and her career. Marries several times. WITH ex-husbands and supports the chosen ones a good relationship. She does not tolerate cheating, but she can change it herself. Men appreciate her strength of character and independence.

The meaning of the name Alla: this name for a girl means “other”, “goddess”, “ pistachio tree", "can do everything."

Origin of the name Alla: Greek

Diminutive form of name: Alya, Alena, Alyunya, Alyusya, Allochka.

What does the name Alla mean: Similar names are found in ancient Greek, Hebrew, German, Chaldean and Gothic. A girl with this name is a perfectionist; she achieves ideal results in any activity. When choosing a partner, Allochka is cold and calculating, only real love can melt her heart.

Angel Day and Patron Saints: The name Alla celebrates her name day once a year: April 8 (March 26) - The Holy Martyr Alla, along with many other Christians of Gothia, was burned by pagans in the temple during a church service (IV century).


  • Zodiac name - Aries
  • Planet – Sun
  • Color - scarlet
  • Auspicious tree- Rowan
  • Treasured plant - burnet
  • Patron - mosquito
  • Alla talisman stone – ruby

Characteristics of the name Alla

Positive traits of the name Alla: The strength of the sound in the meaning of the name corresponds to the strength of the brightness of the color “scarlet”. The girl is characterized by assertiveness, firmness, tangible self-esteem and the ability to stand up for herself. A woman with this name is quite self-confident, quite power-hungry and inclined to solve her problems on her own.

Negative traits of the name Alla: Allochka's strong-willed qualities often go beyond her control and lead to regular conflicts with others. To avoid this, it would not hurt her to smooth out her pride and power a little.

Character of the name Alla: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Alla? This is the embodiment of firmness, even stubbornness. A woman named Alla, from childhood, loves to command those around her, longs to be shown signs of attention. Internally, Allochka is somewhat cold, which does not prevent her from making a strong impression on men. Her fans, and there are many of them, help her achieve the blessings of life. Often her husband’s career, who is under her thumb, also helps her.

This is a charming girl, everyone's favorite. She begins to understand early that she is attractive, and already in childhood she values ​​and loves herself very much. He stands out among children not only because he is always a little aloof from pranks and pranks, but also because he will certainly try to attract attention with a new dress or doll. A child with this name can bring his mother to tears, demanding that she tie her bow in a special way, not like everyone else’s. A girl named Alla is a good student, hardworking, diligent, patient, but she has no particularly outstanding successes or a passion for any particular subject. Allusya is busy with herself, trying to stand out with her clothes, hairstyle, manners, and gait. Her classmates don't like her, the girls consider her arrogant, the boys simply don't pay attention to her, realizing that they too are an empty place for her. This is how she lives at school: as if surrounded by her peers, and at the same time completely alone. She dreams of being an actress and is interested in theater and actors. Everything connected with the theatrical world attracts her; it seems to her that this is her secret.

Already from childhood, you can notice that the owner of this name values ​​​​and loves herself very much. He stands out among children not only because he is always a little aloof from their pranks and antics, but also because he will certainly try to attract attention with a new dress, doll, or manner.

She usually studies well, is diligent and patient, with a good memory, but there are not enough stars in the sky - too much effort is spent on being different from everyone else in everyday life, in small things, to stand out “from the crowd.” Peers do not like the child, girls - because of her arrogance, and boys do not notice her, because they feel that they are an empty place for Alla. In her early youth she was friends with her mother.

Her first admirers appear during her student years, often these are foreigners or young people from the semi-criminal world, in whom the girl is attracted by their dissimilarity from those around them, their extravagant or exotic character. Ali's first marriage is often unsuccessful. Between the first and second marriage there is usually long time, during which Allusya masters all the secrets household, arranges her home brilliantly, takes care of her appearance. At this time, fashion magazines and hair salons are her world. At this age, relationships with parents deteriorate. The despotism that was previously characteristic of Allochka sharply manifests itself, but now the commanding notes no longer leave her voice. She tries to subjugate any person who finds herself around her, to force her to admire her. But we must give Allochka her due - she only blames herself for her failures. Has for her special meaning self improvement.

In her young and mature years, she has good health, is very energetic, never wastes time, all her dreams and plans are real, she relies only on her own strength. She Alla cooks deliciously, among her relatives and friends she has a reputation as a good cook. In some sense of the word, Allochka could become ideal partner in marriage, if only she had more sense of humor and less calculation. But she can achieve good success outside the family, doing business, in particular. I noticed that Allochka, who was the favorite of the whole family in childhood, is less happy in adulthood.

The girl is predisposed to nervous system disorders, pharyngitis.

Allochka loves the male team. The name matches patronymics: Bogdanovna, Adamovna, Natanovna, Filippovna, Rafailovna, Emilievna. The name Alla is also combined with the patronymics Timurovna and Stoyanovna.

The meaning of a name can endow its owner with very expressive character traits, and even the fact that the name occurs quite often slightly reduces the degree of its impact.

Alya is proud and arrogant. Bright, gifted nature. She is endowed with many diverse talents. Intelligent, as a rule, well educated.

Allochka is very oriented toward society and success. Gives great value attention, worship and noisy companies. The life of a gray mouse is not for her; she makes incredible efforts to stand out from the crowd.

She Alla prefers bright clothes and often abuses cosmetics. Strives for leadership and, possessing remarkable energy, is able to achieve high position in society. But the desire to subjugate everyone who comes into her environment makes Alla not a very attractive friend, and besides, she is constantly dissatisfied with both herself and others. And yet this strong nature very often acutely feels the lack of human warmth and participation.

If she believes in sincere sympathy and a willingness to empathize with her problems, she will melt.

Since she is difficult to please, conflicts often arise in the marriage and Alya often marries several times.

A young woman with the name Alla chooses a profession as a musician, singer, journalist, artist or biologist and can achieve great success in her chosen profession.

Alla and her personal life

Compatible with male names: Perhaps a woman will find her happiness with Miron, Gennady, Andrey, Alexander, Evgeny, Victor, Stepan, Kirill or Nikita.

A marriage with Leonid, Yuri, Igor, Maxim, Sergei, Mikhail or Pavel will most likely be unsuccessful. An alliance with Akinfom, Valery, Gennady, Ermil is favorable. Difficult relationships are likely with Akaki, Artamon, Arthur, Varlam, Vilen, Druzhina, Elisha, Istoma, Moses, Trofim, Feodosia, Frol, Eduard.

Love and marriage named Alla: Does the meaning of the name Alla promise happiness in love? She often marries several times, and either becomes even more bitter, or, to the great pleasure of everyone and especially herself, becomes softer.

She has many fans at the institute. She loves to command them, craves to be shown signs of attention. Internally, Allocha is cold, she will only be attracted to an unusual, extravagant person. Sometimes Alya marries him and her first marriage is often unsuccessful.

Catchy, beautiful, always elegantly dressed, Allochka tries to subjugate any person who finds herself in her environment, make her admire herself, but her world is closed from prying eyes. Even after getting married for the second time, she does not seek to open her soul to her husband. He is “under her thumb”; she herself often contributes to his career. But her relationship with her husband is normal and calm. Alla furnishes her apartment exquisitely, knows how to cook desserts wonderfully, and adores her only son. She Alla tenderly takes care of her mother, although in their youth they often quarreled and did not understand each other. A woman could be an ideal wife if she were not so calculating, grumpy, and loving to give “valuable” instructions.

Talents, business, career

Choosing a profession named after Alla: she will be drawn to risk on the stock exchange, in the game and to any business with a quick turnover of money. Success and failure alternate in her life, so she should save money for a “rainy day”, which will come periodically.

“Winter” is ambitious, despotic, and unstable.

“Autumn” is too selfish and calculating. Can work as an assistant, engineer, cashier. The name matches patronymics: Efimovna, Vladimirovna, Sergeevna, Aleksandrovna, Alekseevna, Vadimovna, Petrovna. The name is also combined with patronymics Yuryevna, Fedorovna.

“Summer” is gambling, sexy, charming.

“Spring” is greedy, chaotic, her psyche is disturbed. Can work as a hairdresser or in the service sector.

Business and career named after Alla: The girl will be drawn to risk on the stock exchange, in games and to any business with a quick turnover of money. Success and failure alternate in her life, so she should save money for a “rainy day”, which will come periodically.

Quite a long time passes between the first and second marriage, during which she will become a true professional, no matter what specialty she chooses. She can become an actress, a literature teacher. Allochka is an excellent referent. A girl named Alla can be a seller, merchandiser, or cosmetologist. Can achieve good success in business. She relies only on her own strength. She Alla is energetic, does not waste time, makes only real plans and achieves their implementation. The meaning of the name Alla’s character has firmness, perseverance, she is self-confident. Some harshness of sound and symmetry of her name match her.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Alla: Since early childhood she has been very restless and has trouble falling asleep. When she is brought home, she does not eat her mother's milk well, but over time she gains weight. You should always stand next to her until she falls asleep. Since the age of two, Allusya has been susceptible to lung diseases and bronchitis. She goes into everyone's arms and is not afraid of anyone.

A girl’s health depends on the meaning of her middle name and on what time she was born. If she was born late at night, then she is less sick than one who was born during the day. Such a girl is prone to infectious diseases, chickenpox, scarlet fever. Parents need to ensure that there are no residual effects that lead to complications.

If she was born in February, “February” Allochka sometimes has difficulty getting her teeth out, so she may have a fever. Because of this, Allochka may not eat well. In general, her development is normal, but her nervous system is unstable. Parents should definitely contact a pediatric neurologist with this question. For a girl named Alla, her daily routine is very important; she must sleep after lunch. Since she was six years old, she has been predisposed to kidney disease and has had heart murmurs. All this appears to be related to instability of the nervous system. Therefore, in the summer it is recommended to take Allochka to the sea.

Little Alla's pain point may be her eyes. Also in early childhood You need to pay attention to this; farsightedness may develop. During colds, the most susceptible organ is the ears; otitis media often bothers her. Parents should pay attention to this, because many mothers do not understand the reason for Allochka’s tearfulness and irritability.

IN school years The teenager's relationship with his parents deteriorates. She becomes irritable and intolerable. Allusya is rude to her mother and harsh with her father. Don’t focus on this, patiently build a relationship with her. After a short time, Ali's nervousness will pass, but the relationship may deteriorate forever if you cannot understand her. Rude shouts and punishments will make her angry and turn her away from her parents. In addition, screaming and corporal punishment form psychopathy in her, weaken her nervous system.

During puberty, you need to be very attentive to such a girl. Alla is irritable for no reason; the slightest misunderstanding on the part of adults or forceful influence on her will can lead to stress. Therefore, you should be especially attentive to girls aged 13-15 years. It is useful for the owner of the name Alla to contact a neurologist or gynecologist. She sometimes has a delay in her periods.

Alla's fate in history

What does the name Alla mean for women's destiny?

  1. This is the ancient Arab goddess of sky and rain. In the pantheons of the Arabs of the Syrian Desert, Alla is “the female parallel of Allah, his wife and mother of the gods; in Central Arabia, she is the daughter of Allah. Some ethnic groups revered her as the goddess of the sun, but more often she acted as the goddess of the planet Venus, and was identified with Aphrodite (Urania); Herodotus in his History calls her and Dionysus the only gods worshiped by the Arabs.
  2. Alla Larionova (1931-2000) is one of the most prominent actresses in Russian cinema. After graduating from the institute in 1953, Alla Larionova began working at the Film Actor Studio Theater and simultaneously played in several films. The main role in the film based on the story by A.P. brought her real success. Chekhov's "Anna on the Neck". In 1955, Twelfth Night and The Drummer's Fate were released, and in 1959, The Witch; in the 1960s, she played in the films Three Sisters and Fathers and Sons. The actress was not afraid to appear ugly on screen, with streaks of dirt and dust on her face; here a different beauty was born - the beauty of the soul, the beauty of wise and high feelings. In total, Alla Larionova played in forty films.
  3. Alla Pugacheva is a Russian pop singer, People's Artist of the USSR, and a prima donna of the national stage.
  4. Alla Kazanskaya is an actress, theater teacher.
  5. Alla Surikova - Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, People's Artist of Russia.
  6. Alla Bayanova - singer, performer of romances.
  7. Alla Andreeva is a Russian Soviet artist, the wife of Daniil Andreev.
  8. Alla Tarasova is a great theater and film actress.
  9. Alla Demidova - actress, roles in the films “Two Comrades Served”, “Shield and Sword”, etc.
  10. Alla Mikhalchenko - ballet dancer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.
  11. Alla Osipenko - ballet dancer.
  12. Alla Sigalova - choreographer (b. 1959).
  13. Alla Nazimova (real name Miriam Leventon) is an American film and theater actress originally from Russian Empire, producer and screenwriter
  14. Alla Budnitskaya is a Russian theater and film actress.

What is the meaning of the name Alla? Delicate, melodic, feminine - it has been popular in our country for several centuries. What does a name mean, how does it affect the character and fate of the fair sex who wear it? The answers to these questions are contained in the article.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Alla

First of all, you need to understand where it came from. What is the origin and meaning of the name Alla? Linguists have not yet arrived at unanimous opinion on this score.

  • The most popular version is about the Gothic origin of the name. Based on this theory, its meaning is “one who can do everything”, “a craftswoman”.
  • Another version attributes the name Alla to ancient Greek roots. According to this theory, it came from Greek word“alli”, which is translated into our language as “other”. Consequently, the meaning of the name Alla is “other”, “different”.
  • The third version turns to the history of the Semitic people who once inhabited southern Mesopotamia. Its representatives worshiped Allat, who was considered the goddess of the kingdom of the dead. If you rely on this theory, then the Chaldeans were the first to give the name Alla to their daughters. So they honored the powerful goddess and tried to appease her.

Alla in childhood

What is the meaning of the name Alla for a girl? What do mothers and fathers who intend to name their daughter this need to remember? Demandingness is a quality that the owner of the name begins to demonstrate in early childhood. She wants the people around her to fulfill all her whims instantly. Alla likes to receive gifts; she constantly demands new toys and outfits.

The girl whose name is that loves to attract attention and catch admiring glances. She often achieves this by boasting. But Alla practically does not participate in children's pranks, since she does not need it. The owner of the name loves herself very much, which seems arrogant to others. She does not have good relationships with her peers, and this does not upset her at all. Best friend Little Alla has every chance of becoming a mother.

Alla the teenager

What else can you tell about the meaning of the name Alla for a girl and the fate of its owner? How does she behave during her school years? It is hardly worth expecting that the bearer of this name will achieve significant success in her studies. However, she is able to get good grades thanks to her diligence and perseverance.

Alla has conflicts with teachers quite often. This is due to the girl’s constant attempts to stand out, to attract attention with provocative outfits and behavior. Her relationships with her classmates may also not work out. The pride of the owner of the name - main reason, according to which they are reluctant to communicate with her.

Name Astrology

Planet - Sun.

The stone is ruby.

Zodiac sign - Aries.

The plant is burnet.

The totem animal is the mosquito.

The tree is rowan.

The color of the name is scarlet.

Characteristics of the name

How does the meaning of the name Alla influence the character of its owner in adulthood? The girl whose name is that is full of self-confidence. She is demanding of others, capricious, and a little boastful. The owner of the name can commit this or that act, and then think about the consequences.

The girl who was named that way has many positive traits. Alla is independent and prefers to rely only on herself in everything. Failures do not force her to turn away from her chosen path. Assertiveness, firmness, and the ability to stand up for oneself are qualities that she retains in any situation. However, sometimes Alla can be very naive, which gives her a peculiar charm. This trait of her captivates men and makes them lose their heads. One cannot fail to note her natural charm, which she skillfully uses for her own purposes.

There are also certain disadvantages of a girl named Alla, the meaning of the name, character and fate of which are discussed in the article. Big problems she is bothered by her own temper. A trifle is enough to make Alla lose control of her emotions. The situation is aggravated by the almost complete lack of a sense of humor.

The mystery of the name

Possible meaning The name Alla means “different”, “different”. Is it any wonder that a girl named like that has secrets? One of them is the need to subjugate everyone around you. To achieve this goal, the owner of the name uses charm rather than brute force. However, over the years, her authority can transform into despotism, from which people dear to her will suffer.

Alla has another secret, which lies in her negative attitude towards help. Only when she finds herself in a hopeless situation will she turn to relatives and friends. The girl whose name is that way prefers to solve all her problems on her own. She considers requests for help to be the lot of the weak. Sometimes it may seem like she's deliberately getting into trouble. difficult situations, in order to proudly get out of them without anyone's support.

Interests, hobbies

The possible meaning of the name Alla is “who can do everything.” The girl whose name is that can be safely called a versatile personality. The owner of the name loves art in all its forms. She is often attracted to creative hobbies - drawing, acting, singing, dancing.

Alla can often be found with a book in her hands. The owner of the name is unlikely to waste time on low-quality literature. Her heart belongs to the classics.

Choice of profession

What does the name Alla mean? The meaning of the name is “one who can do everything,” according to the most popular version, which explains its origin. This girl is suitable for many professions, so she has wide choose. Alla will achieve the greatest success if she connects her fate with creative activity. If she has talent, she can become a singer, artist, actress, or writer.

Also, the owner of the name can make a good teacher. She likes to put everything in order, so her students are unlikely to have any difficulties understanding the material. It won't for her challenging task and maintaining discipline, as children will feel it inner strength.


Fighting qualities, energy, perseverance - all this helps Alla quickly climb the career ladder. The owner of the name is often offered a leadership position. As a rule, her subordinates fear and idolize her at the same time.

Despite this, Alla is better off not studying entrepreneurial activity. Self-confidence and temper are qualities that can prevent the owner of the name from achieving success in business. However, if a girl with that name learns to make thoughtful decisions, calculate everything down to the smallest detail and not chase quick profits, then she can become a successful businesswoman.

Love, sex

Is the personal life of a woman named Alla, the meaning of her name and whose fate are discussed in this article, successful? She is like a magnet for members of the opposite sex. Alla easily enters into a love affair, and also easily breaks up with a partner with whom she has become bored. Long-term platonic relationships are not suitable for her; she always wants to get the man she likes. In sexual games, she appreciates the combination of tenderness and passion.

It comes as a surprise to many how jealous Alla is. This woman is a owner by nature. Betrayal by her partner becomes the reason for her to immediately break off the relationship. Anyone who does not want to lose her should not give the owner of the name even the slightest reason to suspect treason.

Marriage, family

Alla is a woman who is theoretically capable of becoming an ideal wife. For this, she lacks altruism, since she is primarily concerned about her own needs. Selfishness and a tendency to whims, as well as a desire for dominance - all this can be the reason why her first marriage will end in divorce.

For the second time, the owner of the name marries for convenience. Unfortunately, this does not guarantee her family happiness. Alla is an excellent housewife who manages to keep the house clean and prepare culinary masterpieces. However, everyday life still does not appeal to her, so if possible, she gets a housekeeper. If her husband is trying to make a career, he can safely count on the support of his other half. Alla does not forgive betrayal, but the presence of common children can keep her from parting with her traitorous spouse. But there is no doubt that the woman will also start an affair on the side in order to take revenge.

Kids are playing important role in Alla's life. She copes well with her maternal responsibilities, tries to pay as much attention as possible to raising her heirs, and supports their desire for independence.


In general, Alla’s health is not a cause for concern. If she takes care of him, she will avoid serious problems. The owner of the name must proper nutrition. She also needs psychological comfort and should avoid nervous shocks And stressful situations. Alcoholic drinks and drugs are strictly contraindicated for her. Weak spots Alla - heart, lungs, spleen and pancreas. Also, the owner of the name needs to protect her eyesight.

According to the main version, Allah means goddess, translated from Arabic.

There are other versions of the meaning of the name:

  • - According to the Greek version, Alla means “other, different.” Perhaps the name appeared due to an error in the translator of the text about the 26 Gothic martyrs.
  • - According to the Scandinavian version of the origin of the name, it comes from the Norwegian word Aila - lucky, worthy of the gods.
  • - According to the Hebrew version, the name Alla means “goddess,” which echoes the Arabic version of its origin. But in modern world Israelis associate this word more with the pistachio tree.

As you can see, there are quite a few versions of the origin of the name, but none of them can accurately explain its distribution. Perhaps there is no single correct version of the meaning of this name, and it was formed and spread due to a confluence of many factors. Perhaps the popularity of this name in Russia is due to its association with the word “scarlet”, which traditionally symbolizes positivity, happiness and hope.

Brief meaning of the name: Alya, Alena, Alyunya, Alyusya, Allochka

Alla means assertiveness, firmness, self-love and the ability to stand up for oneself. This is a self-confident woman, power-hungry and preferring to solve problems on her own.

Alla Pugacheva

Patrons named after Alla

  • Zodiac – Aries
  • Planet – Sun
  • Happy time of year- Spring
  • Color – Scarlet
  • Auspicious tree- Rowan
  • Treasured plant– Burnet
  • Patron – Mosquito
  • Talisman stone – Ruby

Alla's childhood

Little Alla is everyone's favorite, charming girl. She is always a little aloof from other children, always trying to attract attention to herself - mainly with some detail of clothing or image. She vitally needs the attention of others. At school she is quite diligent and patient, but she has no particular interest in studying, she is more preoccupied with herself and her own image, she always strives to stand out - with her gait, manners, hairstyle. He keeps himself a little aloof and is rarely in the thick of things. Many consider her to be arrogant, and not without some reason.


Alla’s firmness, perseverance, and energy will allow her to achieve success in almost any field - it doesn’t matter if it’s trade, own business or creative profession. Alla relies only on herself, does not waste time, realistically assesses the situation and acts quickly and decisively. As a rule, black and white stripes regularly occur in her career, especially if it is related to business, so she always needs to be prepared for changes, having backup options, action plans and material resources for a rainy day. The main thing is to remember that with her hard work, perseverance and constant self-improvement, she will still achieve success. For her colleagues, Alla is a person who devotes all her strength to her work and demands the same from others, so it is not easy to work with her.

Character of the name Alla

Alla is the very embodiment of firmness and stubbornness. She loves to command and manipulate people, and if she really wants something, she will get her way at any cost. She needs attention and admiration, but as a person she is very closed and will never open her soul to anyone. She does not accept any concessions or indulgences and does not need gratitude. She always relies only on herself, acts purposefully and harshly. Her credo is to be an independent woman, but since a person cannot completely isolate himself from society, her life is not without problems in professional and personal communication.


Love, family and marriage

Internally, Alla is quite cold, but this does not prevent her from having fans. She is attracted to unusual, outstanding men. She will accept even an extravagant option rather than an ordinary one. Her relationship with her husband is usually calm and reliable, but even before him she does not reveal her soul, and of course, she strives in every possible way to subjugate him. In her husband’s career, she is an irreplaceable assistant, an excellent adviser, and reliable support.

As a housewife, she is almost impeccable - everything in the house is always tasteful and cozy, and she is just great at preparing all kinds of original delicacies. In general, Alla could be just an ideal wife - there would be less grumbling and nagging, coldness, calculation and endless valuable instructions.


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