Analysis of science curricula for primary grades. Comparative analysis of the teaching materials of the course “The world around us. Educational and methodological set on the world around us”

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Concept of the curriculum. UP- a document in which the purpose of the educational process, thematic plan and curricula, methods and methods of their implementation, criteria for assessing results in the conditions of a particular educational institution are recorded and logically, reasonably presented. UP- normative document, cat. approved by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation. It is compiled for each academic subject in accordance with the State Standards. It presents the content of education for each academic subject. There are standard, working and author's software. Any UE includes 3 sections: 1. Explanatory note. Defining the goal, setting tasks, revealing the features of the content (including by grade), describes the features of using specific teaching methods, organizational forms and the most general approaches . 2. The actual content of the programs indicates the content of the academic subject by grade and section, indicating the teaching time. The content of the subject is presented in the form of theses; each element of the content (thesis) must be implemented by the teacher. In relation to the textbook, the program is primary; it is a document for the teacher. 3. Requirements of the student's educational qualifications at the end of each year of study. Provides information to the teacher (and parent) about what the student should know and be able to do in accordance with the minimum required image standard.

Curriculum Value: Not one program, not one textbook can be written without relying on the State Education Standard. Only after checking the program for compliance with the requirements of the standard can it be approved by the Ministry of Education. The requirements of the standard are reflected in the program in the form of requirements for the knowledge and skills of students. But each author retains the right to introduce nuances (his or her own view) on a specific issue (N.R. social scientist, the question of economics in Pleshakov is presented in the form of 3 pillars of economics: labor resources, natural resources, capital)

Variety of programs. More than 10 curriculums are recommended for use in elementary schools. The most popular and widespread programs are: Pleshakova, Klepinena, Vakhrushev, Vinogradova and Poglazova. They take into account the provisions of the classical methods of teaching natural science. 3 systems training: 1 .Traditional (authors listed above). 2. system of general development of junior schoolchildren (Zankov). 3. developmental education system (Elkonin-Davydov). The meaning of diversity. This variety of programs is due to the humanization of education (taking into account the conditions of choice) The most characteristic features of the programs. Zoya Aleksandrovna Klepinina “Nature and people.” A significant place in the program is given to environmental issues. The content of the subject is aimed at creating conditions for the direct participation of junior schoolchildren in environmental activities. The basis for the selection of natural history content was local history, environmental, practical principles, and an activity-based approach to the learning and development of students. Particular attention is paid to excursions into nature. Andry Anatolyevich Pleshakov “Green House”. The program is a system of training courses with an environmental focus. Its ecological orientation is determined by the ideas of diversity and ecological integrity of nature, the unity of nature and man. The main courses are supplemented by electives (Ecology for junior schoolchildren, Planet of Mysteries). The most characteristic feature is the cultivation of a caring attitude towards nature.

A.A. Vakhrushev, O.V. Bursky, A.S. Rautian "The World and Man" The main goal of this course is to educate a person who is aware of his place and the place of humanity in the world around him. In this case, the means of upbringing and education is familiarity with an elementary holistic scientific picture of the world. A humane attitude towards nature as the human habitat and the source of life on Earth is being formed. “The world around us” UMK “Harmony” (authors: O.T. Poglazova and others.) The conditions conducive to the development of a child are the joint work of his mind, heart and hands. It is this triad that forms the basis of the textbook for this course. Aesthetic education (use of artistic texts, reproductions) occupies an important place in this program. The world around N.Ya. Dmitrieva, A.N. Kazakov Program L.V. Zankova The principle of selecting the content of the subject is carried out on the basis of a combination of world studies and local history. The world studies approach makes it possible to reveal the wide diversity of the modern world, its unity and integrity, while local history, based on a comparison of distant and close, concretizes this distant, imaginary, bringing it closer to the experience of children. Elena.V.Chudinova, E.N.Bukvareva The world around us. (Elkonin-Davydov) The main task of textbooks is to form the foundations of a child’s scientific thinking in the field of the nature of the surrounding world. The textbooks contain creative tasks for students and reading texts that allow children to receive additional information to complete them, reflect on the problems posed, and consolidate acquired knowledge.

Program “The World around us” by N.F. Vinogradov The program is written within the federal framework. project "school of the 21st century". This is an integrated course that includes information from biology, geography and history. The author tried to build a differentiated program and approaches depending on the age of the children. 1st grade: the main principle is the principle of egocentrism: kids consider the material of 1st grade from the perspective of their own “I”. 2 classes Ch. the principle of anthropocentrism, i.e. at this age, the child is able to perceive himself not as a separate individual, but as a part of humanity, with a definition. views and principles. (topics “person and health”). 3 grades : biocentrism - nature is put at the forefront. Methodical Lesson features: 1) 1-2 grades. lesson in traditional sense of the word is not carried out. Classes are held outside the classroom and are games. 2. In 3-4 grades. The structure of the lesson is close to traditional. The author talks about a humane attitude towards living beings, which should be based on the principle of identification (put yourself in the place of animals and plants in certain situations). method. structure:1. DB is fractional, i.e. lesson d. consist of different parts, interconnections, cat. differ in the nature of children's activities. 2. Obligation of structures. elements - game, logical. exercises, creative tasks, elements of productivity. activity (constructor), “manual activity”.

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Completed by: 2nd year student

PPI Western Federal District, specialty

"Elementary education"

Nutrikhina Nadezhda Mikhailovna


Saigadachnaya Victoria Vladimirovna,


Explanatory note

Main goals and objectives

General characteristics of the subject

Methods of form and teaching aids

Explanatory note

The subject of the analysis is the program of primary general education on the surrounding world by A. A. Pleshakova. The program on the surrounding world includes three sections: an explanatory note, the main content with the distribution of training hours by sections of the course, the sequence of studying topics and sections; requirements for the level of training of graduates.

The course “The World around us” is an integrated course for a four-year general education primary school. Educational areas such as “Natural Science” and “Social Science” are integrated into a single course. The special significance of this integrated course is in forming in schoolchildren a holistic picture of the natural and social environment around them and their place in this environment as an individual.

The choice of this program was justified by the fact that it presents children with a wide panorama of natural and social phenomena as components of a single world. Thanks to the integration of natural and humanities knowledge, the tasks of environmental education and upbringing, the formation of a system of positive national values, the ideals of mutual respect, patriotism, based on ethnocultural diversity and general cultural unity of Russian society as the most important national asset, can be successfully solved, in full accordance with the age characteristics of a junior schoolchild. Russia. Thus, the subject creates a solid foundation for the study of a significant part of the basic school subjects and for further personal development.

Main goals and objectives

The training course “The World around us” is designed to solve the following problems:

preserving and supporting the child’s individuality based on taking into account his life experience: the experience of rural life - with the natural rhythm of life and the experience of city life with developed infrastructure, with various sources of information;

consistent formation in schoolchildren of universal educational actions based on the child’s ability to observe and analyze, identify essential features and make generalizations based on them; special skills - working with popular science and reference literature;

conducting phenological observations, physical experiments, simple measurement methods;

schoolchildren study the interrelationships of human life and nature, man and society (at the level of familiarization, gaining knowledge about objects, phenomena, patterns of the world around the child and methods of knowing it for the purpose of further study in the basic school of natural sciences and social science disciplines;

instilling in schoolchildren a caring attitude towards objects of nature and the results of people’s labor, a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, the formation of an elementary ecological culture, the formation of skills of moral behavior in nature, everyday life, and society;

protection and strengthening of mental and physical health of children.

General characteristics of the educational subject.

The program of the first years of study is structured in such a way that the knowledge of the second year of study is based on previously acquired knowledge, complementing and deepening it.

In the first grade, several meaningful lines stand out.

The first of these is familiarization with nature (nature, inanimate nature, living nature, plants, animals, etc.). Children learn to recognize the plants and animals of their area. Another content line of the course is familiarization with changes in nature, starting with the nature of Russia and ending with the nature of the region where students live.

Due to the fact that the child is familiar with the seasonal cyclical nature of nature even before school, seasonal changes are a through line of the first two years of schooling. The study of educational material for each season follows a single plan: inanimate nature - plants - animals (insects, fish, birds, beasts) human labor - patterns of behavior in nature.

However, in the second grade, students already realize that the differences in natural objects and the peculiarities of seasonal changes are caused by the rotation of the Earth and its movement around the Sun.

The priority objectives of the first grade course are to form a unified image of the world around them in the minds of students, systematize and expand children’s ideas about natural objects, and develop interest in knowledge. The main ways of learning in the first year of study are observation and conducting experiments designed to include all senses.

In the second grade, all knowledge acquired in the first is systematized and deepened on the basis of familiarity with sources of information about the world around us. Children already know how to read and communicate with adults. The method of cognition can be expanded by working with adapted scientific sources, reference books, visual aids, as well as the primary skills of “collecting” information independently orally (in conversations with informed adults - parents, school teachers, etc.).

The most important role in the development of a child during all four years of studying the subject is given to socialization - his assimilation of moral norms and rules, patterns of behavior in nature and society, which are so necessary for the development of positive personality traits. A necessary part of development is the cultivation of love and respect for the native country, its laws and symbols.

The task of the first two years of study is to arouse children’s interest in studying their native land, to give initial ideas about the Motherland, to introduce them to the terms “state”, “citizen”, “laws of the country”, “Red Book of the Russian Federation”, “Red Book of the Territory”, “state symbols: flag, coat of arms, anthem”, “rights and responsibilities of a citizen”.

Where we live? (2 hours)

Where we live. Our “address” in the world: planet - Earth, country - Russia, the name of our city (village), what we call our native land (district, region, etc.). Flag, coat of arms, anthem of Russia. What surrounds us. The sun, air, water, plants, animals - all this is the nature that surrounds us. Various things, cars, houses - these are things that are made and built by the hands of people. Our attitude towards the environment.

Nature (21h)

Inanimate and living nature, the connection between them. The sun is a source of heat and light for all living things. Natural phenomena. Temperature and thermometer. What is weather?

Starry sky. Constellations: Cassiopeia, Orion, Cygnus. Concept of the zodiac constellations.

Rocks and minerals. Granite and its composition. How people use the riches of the earth's storehouses.

Air and water, their significance for plants, animals, humans. Air and water pollution. Protecting air and water from pollution.

What types of plants are there: trees, shrubs, herbs; their essential features. Wild and cultivated plants. Houseplants and their care.

What kinds of animals are there: insects, fish, birds, animals; their essential features. Wild and domestic animals. Animals of the living corner. Cats and dogs of various breeds. Pet care.

Seasonal changes in nature: autumn phenomena.

Ecological connections between plants and animals: plants are food and shelter for animals; animals are distributors of fruits and plant seeds.

Negative influence of people on plants and animals (picking bouquets, breaking off branches, deforestation, catching beautiful insects, excessive hunting and fishing, destruction of bird nests and anthills, etc.). Protection of plants and animals of our region. Rules of behavior in nature.

Red Book of Russia: acquaintance with individual plants and animals and their measures. Excursion: observing autumn changes in nature.

Practical work: familiarization with the design of a thermometer, measuring the temperature of air, water, and the human body; acquaintance with rocks and minerals; recognition of trees, shrubs and grasses; acquaintance with representatives of wild and cultivated plants;

City and village life (12 hours)

The village where we live: main features, available information from history.

Our home (urban, rural). Maintaining cleanliness and order on the landing, in the entrance, and in the yard. Home address.

What is economics? Industry, agriculture, construction, transport, trade - components of the economy, their interrelation. Money. Initial understanding of individual manufacturing processes, such as clay quarrying to pottery, sheep shearing to wool knitwear, etc. (at teacher's discretion).

Industrial enterprises in your area. Construction in the city (village).

What types of transport are there: land, water, air, underground; passenger, cargo, special. Passenger transport of the city.

Shops in the city and village (to be studied at the discretion of the teacher).

Culture and education in our region: museums, theaters, schools, universities, etc.

Professions of people involved in production. The work of a writer, scientist, artist, teacher, other cultural and educational figures (at the discretion of the teacher).

Seasonal changes in nature: winter phenomena. Ecological connections in the winter forest.

Excursions: observation of winter phenomena in nature; getting to know the sights of your native village.

Health and Safety (10 hours)

The structure of the human body. Human health is his most important wealth. Daily regime. Rules of personal hygiene. The most common diseases, their prevention and treatment; clinic, hospital and other healthcare institutions; specialties of doctors: therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist, etc. (studied at the discretion of the teacher).

Rules for safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Safety measures at home (when handling household appliances, sharp objects, etc.). Fire safety.

Rules for safe behavior on the water. Environmental safety rule: do not swim in polluted waters.

Edible and inedible berries and mushrooms. Stinging insects. Orientation in dangerous situations when contacting people: a stranger offers to go for a ride in a car, open the door to an apartment in the absence of adults, etc.

Practical work: practicing the rules for crossing the street.

Work and rest in the family. Attentive and caring relationships between family members. Parents' names and patronymics.

Schoolmates, friends, studying together, games, relaxation. Relationships between boys and girls.

Rules of politeness (at home, at school, on the street). Telephone etiquette. Reception of guests and behavior when visiting. How to behave at the table. Culture of behavior in public places (cinema, transport, etc.).

Practical work: practicing the basic rules of etiquette.


Horizon. Skyline. The main sides of the horizon, their determination by compass.

Shapes of the earth's surface: plains and mountains, hills, ravines. Variety of reservoirs: river, lake, sea, etc. Parts of the river (source, mouth, bed); tributaries

Seasonal changes in nature: spring and summer phenomena. Respect for nature in spring and summer.

Getting to know other cities in our country.

World map. Continents and oceans. Countries of the world.

Excursions: familiarization with the forms of the earth's surface and reservoirs of the native land; observing spring changes in nature.

Practical work: determining the sides of the horizon using a compass; mastering the basic techniques of map reading. Creative report.

Basic requirements for mastering

world around elementary school

The personal results of studying the course “The World Around us” in 2nd grade are the formation of the following skills:

Evaluate life situations (people’s actions) from the point of view of generally accepted norms and values: in the proposed situations, note specific actions that can be assessed as good or bad.

Explain from the perspective of universal human moral values ​​why specific simple actions can be assessed as good or bad.

Independently determine and express the simplest rules of behavior common to all people (the foundations of universal moral values).

In the proposed situations, based on simple rules of behavior common to everyone, make a choice about what action to take.

Regulatory UUD:

Determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher and independently.

Learn to discover and formulate an educational problem together with the teacher (for this purpose, the textbook specifically provides a number of lessons).

Learn to plan learning activities in the classroom.

Express your version, try to suggest a way to check it (based on productive tasks in the textbook).

Working according to the proposed plan, use the necessary tools (textbook, simple devices and tools).

Cognitive UUD:

Navigate your knowledge system: understand that additional information (knowledge) is needed to solve a learning task in one step.

Make a preliminary selection of information sources to solve a learning task.

Acquire new knowledge: find the necessary information both in the textbook and in dictionaries and encyclopedias proposed by the teacher (in the 2nd grade textbook there is a special “encyclopedia inside the textbook” for this purpose).

Obtain new knowledge: extract information presented in different forms (text, table, diagram, illustration, etc.).

Process the information received: observe and draw your own conclusions.

Communication UUD:

Convey your position to others: express your thoughts in oral and written speech (at the level of one sentence or a short text).

Listen and understand the speech of others.

Engage in conversation in class and in life.

The substantive results of studying the course “The World Around us” in 2nd grade are the formation of the following skills.

1st line of development - to be able to explain the world:

explain the differences between solids, liquids and gases;

explain the influence of the Earth's gravity;

relate events on Earth to the location and movement of the Sun and Earth;

observe the weather and describe it;

be able to determine the cardinal directions by the sun and compass;

use a globe and maps, find and show parts of the world, continents and oceans on them;

name the main natural areas and their features.

2nd line of development - to be able to determine your attitude to the world:

evaluate the correctness of people’s behavior in nature;

treat other peoples living on Earth with respect.

Methods, forms and means of teaching

Verbal method

Lesson topic “Nature and the man-made world”, pp. 14-17.

The teacher's story about nature, plants, animals, and man-made objects created by man.

Lesson topic: “What kinds of plants are there?”, pp. 56-59.

Conversation with students about what plants they know and where they saw them.


Lesson topic: “Living and non-living nature”, pp. 24-27.

The relationship between living and non-living nature, an explanation of the differences between them.


Lesson topic: “Let's look into the storehouses of the earth” pp. 47-44

Instruction on working with the atlas.


Lesson topic: “Invisible threads”, pp. 64-67.

Discussion on the topic: “Can a forest exist without bushes?”

Visual method


Lesson topic: “Wild and cultivated plants”

Demonstration of a herbarium of various flowers, grouped into groups (Wild, cultivated)

Video method

Lesson topic: “Wild and domestic animals”, pp. 72-75.

Watch a short video showing the diversity of different animal species on Earth.


Lesson topic: “The Red Book”, pp. 88-91;96-97.

Study illustrations in a textbook on this topic.

Practical method


Lesson topic: “Visiting autumn,” pp. 36-37.

Observing what seasonal changes are occurring with plants at the moment.

Experiment (or experience)

Lesson topic: “Natural Phenomena”, pp. 28-31.

Conducting an experiment with a thermometer to observe changes in the temperature of water, air, and body.

Introductory lesson

Lesson topic “Nature”, page 23.

The first lesson of a new big topic. Introduction to the chapters to be studied. Initial presentation of the material.

Summary lesson

“City and Country Life”, p. 104.

Summarizing the knowledge gained from studying the section “All professions are important.” Conversation about the diversity of professions. What would children like to become, what profession do they like?

Object lesson

Lesson topic “Starry sky”, page 40.

Working with the textbook. Make an applique of any favorite constellation.


Lesson topic: “What types of plants are there?”, page 56.

Excursion to the forest, park. Conversation about trees, shrubs, flowers.


Lesson topic “Pets”, page 22.

Draw a pet on a piece of album paper and write a story about it.

Test lesson

Test on the topic “Where do we live?”, after studying the relevant section.

The teaching materials for the 2nd grade of a general education institution, on the basis of which the subject is taught, contains:

The world around us: textbook for 2nd grade beginning. schools: at 2 o'clock / A. A. Pleshakov. - M.: Education, 2009.

workbooks No. 1, No. 2 for the textbook for grade 2 “The World Around Us” / A. A. Pleshakov. - M.: Education, 2011.

Pleshakov, A. A. notebook for test work “Let's test ourselves” / A. A Pleshakov. - M.: Education, 2011.

Methodological guide to the textbook “The World Around Us. 2nd grade” / O.V. Kazakova, N.A. Failure. - M.: Vako, 2008.

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Comparative analysis of teaching materials of the course “The World around us”

Direction of analysis

Programs (textbooks)

Vinogradova N.F.

UMK: 21st century primary school

UMK: Harmony

Pleshakov A.A.

UMK: School of Russia


Formation of the schoolchild’s social experience, awareness of elementary interaction in the “man – nature – society” system, nurturing the correct attitude towards the environment and rules of behavior in it; understanding your individuality, abilities and capabilities.

The multilateral development of the child, comfortable learning, prepares the child’s thinking apparatus for further learning. Overcoming the differences between traditional and developmental training schemes.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of man’s place in it based on the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and the child’s emotional and value-based understanding of personal experience of communicating with people and nature; spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen in the context of the cultural and religious diversity of Russian society.

Leading (conceptual) idea of ​​the course

The leading idea of ​​the educational complex “Primary School of the XXI Century” is the implementation of one of the possible ways to modernize primary education, the discovery of new approaches to the goals, content and methods of teaching junior schoolchildren in mass primary schools.

The world around us is multifaceted, interesting and changes all the time - observe and get to know it; the experience of humanity and your ancestors is rich and will be useful to you in life - respect and study it; nature is vital to you, but it is vulnerable - know this and take care of its beauty and harmony.

1) the idea of ​​the diversity of the world;

2) the idea of ​​the integrity of the world;

3) the idea of ​​respect for the world.

Objectives (educational, educational, developmental)

Educational The function is to create conditions for the formation of schoolchildren’s concepts about nature, society, and man, the development of the ability to navigate in a changing world, and the development of terms and concepts that are understandable to younger students.

Developmental the function ensures the formation of the student’s scientific views on the world around him, the mental and personal development of the student, the formation of his general culture and erudition.

Educating the function of the object is associated with solving the problems of socialization of the child, his acceptance of humanistic standards of life in the natural and social environment.

Development of cognitive activity and independence in acquiring knowledge about the world around us;

Familiarization with the relationships between man and nature, man and society;

Students mastering knowledge about objects, phenomena, patterns and relationships of the surrounding world;

Mastering general scientific and specific methods of understanding the world around us and various types of educational activities;

Fostering in students a love for nature and their Fatherland, a caring attitude towards all life on Earth, a conscious attitude towards their health and the health of other people, respect for the past of their ancestors;

Formation of their skills in safe, cultural, environmentally literate, moral behavior in nature, in everyday life, in society.

Formation of a respectful attitude towards the family, the locality, the region in which children live, towards Russia, its nature and culture, history and modern life;

The child’s awareness of the value, integrity and diversity of the world around him, his place in it;

Formation of a model of safe behavior in everyday life and in various dangerous and emergency situations;

Formation of psychological culture and competence to ensure effective and safe interaction in society.

Principles of selection and structured educational material

The structure, content of educational publications and their didactic content in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education (textbooks, workbooks, notebooks for independent and test work, atlases, electronic materials and other teaching aids for organizing the educational activities of students). A methodological analysis of the content and didactic apparatus of these materials from the standpoint of compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education for the development of students’ ability to learn, carry out information search, independent educational work using methods corresponding to the given subject area: observations, experiments, etc.

When selecting the course content, the following conceptual ideas were based: the diversity and beauty of objects in the surrounding world, their variability and its patterns, relationships and interdependencies in nature and society. Educational material, thematically repeated in different years of study, serves as the basis for integrating subsequent knowledge and skills into it in the development system, enriching it with new information, connections and dependencies, and changing the level of complexity.

The selection of the content of educational material was carried out with a focus on the formation of basic national values.

Native and local history knowledge, the content, didactic and methodological support of which makes up a significant part of the textbooks.

The multicultural content of the textbook system is ensured in each subject line, taking into account subject specifics and reflects the diversity and unity of the national cultures of the peoples of Russia.

The structure and content of the textbooks contain a system of tasks aimed at including younger schoolchildren in the activity-based mastery of educational material in order to master universal learning activities (ULA) and develop the ability to independently successfully acquire new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the leading educational competence - the ability to learn.

Basic methods and forms in teaching the course

Forms of organizing classes:

    Non-traditional forms of organizing classes: classes outside the classroom (in a corner of nature, in a school plot, in a park, museum, physical education or games room, etc.);

    Excursion classes to a museum, to a park, seasonal excursions, to people’s places of work, etc.;

    Practical work: caring for indoor plants and living areas;

    The program provides for generalization lessons. Their goal: to revive the student’s knowledge, systematize it, and create a coherent picture of a certain period in the development of our state.

Forms of organizing the educational process:

didactic games, lessons in museums, in the school grounds,

in a park, on the streets of a city or town, etc.; research lessons and

experimental testing of some hypotheses; travel lessons,

lessons-meetings of the environmental council, lessons-conferences.

Problem-search approach. Observations, experiments, creative tasks, didactic and role-playing games, educational dialogues, modeling. Visual methods, verbal, practical.

Lesson, excursion, extracurricular activities, laboratory.

The structure of the program and its compliance with the typology and standard. Reflection of this structure in the textbook.

Russian language program edited by S. V. Ivanov (Collection of programs for the set

textbooks “Primary School of the XXI Century” was created on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of primary general education. The program provides a conditional distribution of training hours across major sections

course. This program serves as a guide for developers of original educational programs, but not

The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard when studying the course “The World around us” by junior schoolchildren is ensured by the logic of content development and its structure presented in textbooks; a system-activity approach to the organization of students’ cognitive activity (it is presented in textbooks using various methodological techniques); a system of educational situations, educational-cognitive and educational-practical tasks proposed in textbooks, workbooks, and test notebooks; methodological recommendations for teachers, which provide advice on the formation of subject-specific and universal educational skills when organizing the cognitive activity of students.

The educational complex “School of Russia” is structured in such a way that its subject content, didactic support, methodological support and artistic and printing execution are aimed at achieving the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard

Content of the standard not reflected in the program (textbook).

The content of the program (textbook) exceeds the standard. Feasibility of exceeding

The kit not only meets the mandatory minimum content

education, but is also designed for students who can work on a program that exceeds the mandatory minimum, makes it possible to take into account cognitive

needs of advanced learners.This way, each child has the opportunity to take as much as he can.

The principle of variability is implemented through the inclusion in the course content of not only basic material that corresponds to the educational minimum, but also additional material that broadens the student’s horizons, giving him the opportunity to choose his own learning path. The system of tasks is differentiated by degree of complexity and volume, which provides the opportunity to actively participate in the learning process at different levels (reproductive, productive, creative), and to apply knowledge in a non-standard situation.

Of particular importance in the implementation of the program are types of student activities that are new to the practice of elementary schools, which include: 1) recognition of natural objects using an atlas-identifier specially developed for elementary schools; 2) modeling of environmental connections using graphical and dynamic diagrams (models); 3) environmental and ethical activity, including analysis of one’s own attitude to the natural world and behavior in it, assessment of the actions of other people, development of appropriate norms and rules, which is carried out with the help of a specially designed book for reading on environmental ethics.

The practical part of the program, its structure, compliance with the standard and content of the program.

1. Seasonal excursions to get acquainted with the signs of different seasons: to a greenhouse, hotbed, flower growing farm.

2. - Excursions into nature at different times of the year; observation of seasonal labor of people (factory, farm, plant); excursions to local history and art museums, the writer’s house. 3. - Excursion to a local reservoir to familiarize students with its features, use and protection; observation of rock outcrops in a quarry (ravine, river bank)

1 - Excursion to the school grounds, to the school animal corner, to the zoological museum, to the zoo, to the circus, to the pet store.

2 - Excursions to nature (to the bank of a river, pond, to a hill).
- Excursion to the sights of the city, to a historical or local history museum, to a museum of the history of technology (architecture), to an art museum.

3 - Excursions to the forest (to a park, to a pond) to observe autumn changes in nature and collect natural material for crafts.
- Excursion to the winter forest (to the park at the school site) to observe the bark of different trees, collect seeds of different trees, study tree cuts.
- Excursion to the school site (and park, to the forest) to observe the flowering of grasses and pollination of trees, to the zoological museum.

4 - Excursion to the biology classroom (paleontological museum), to the geography classroom (mineralogical museum), to the zoo, to the biological museum, to the local history museum.

Diversity of nature (the route is chosen taking into account the possibility of showing various objects of animate and inanimate nature).
- Changes in nature under human influence.
- Nature conservation (can be carried out in a tree nursery, in a botanical garden, on an ecological trail).

1-2. Surface, minerals, soils of the native land.

3-5. Natural communities of the native land.

Other structural components of the program

Distinctive feature of course design"The world"- its integrated and cultural nature, which makes it possible to take into account the peculiarities of junior schoolchildren’s perception of the world around them, to develop their general culture, erudition, and creative abilities. The basis for the integration of natural history and social science knowledge was the consideration of the place and role of man in nature and in society, and the leading idea of ​​updating the content was the selection of the most relevant knowledge for the child, allowing him to form his readiness for various interactions with the outside world. The teaching methodology is dominated by search and creative activity: children are placed in conditions where they can independently obtain knowledge, apply it in non-standard situations, think, fantasize, and play. For this purpose, workbooks “Learning to think and fantasize” and “Learning to understand the world around us” have been specially developed.

Textbooks have a certain structure: announcement of the section; a system of questions before textual information (in a special frame with the symbol “Remembering what we have learned, learning new things”), updating the knowledge and observations of students, and in addition to them, questions of a problematic nature are given that motivate the acquisition of new knowledge and help determine the educational and cognitive task . The system of tasks after studying each semantic block of educational information serves to provide feedback to students (determining the degree of assimilation of knowledge and skills for correcting the teacher’s actions).

At the end of the section, a system of questions is given for repeating the educational material of the entire topic and instructions for working with a notebook of test tasks (thematic control at the end of studying the topic). This will help the teacher model the learning process, determine the stages of the lesson, and also carry out step-by-step control (within each lesson).

The specifics of the content of the subject of the training course in question -certainty, vitality, reality of all perceived phenomena, while in other educational subjects, mainly artificial ones are created - educational situations that, “in their pure form” do not occur in life. This feature of the subject dictated two technological positions presented in teaching aids: organization of purposeful perceptual activity (observations, experiments, etc.); increased attention to the search and research activities of students.

Methods of cognitive activity

Distinction between practical, non-educational (what to do) and educational (how to do) tasks. Planning actions to solve them. Learning operations that match the learning task.

Sequence of training operations (knowledge of the corresponding algorithm of actions). Selecting a solution from several proposed ones and justifying it.

Development of cognitive interests, positive attitude towards learning

knowledge, awareness of one’s abilities and the desire to develop them is formed through the inclusion of additional materials in the content of textbooks.

fishing that is not included in the educational minimum; through tasks of different levelscomplexity - reproductive, productive and creative (tasks of a more complex level in textbooks are marked with a special icon); through providing the opportunity for junior schoolchildren to choose their learning trajectory, which is reflected in the wording of tasks in textbooks (“Can you explain...”, “If you want, do creative work...”, “Choose three tasks from the test work...”, “Come up with a task for classmates ...”, “Choose an object for observation, research, an option for presenting your message to classmates, a scientist on whose behalf ...”, etc.).

Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities: verbal (story, educational lecture, conversation), visual (illustrative and demonstrative), practical, problem-search under the guidance of a teacher and independent work of students;
- methods of stimulation and motivation of educational activities: educational games.
methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of educational activities: individual survey, frontal survey, sample control, written work;

The degree of activity and independence of students increases with the use of explanatory-illustrative, partially search (heuristic), problem-based presentation, and research teaching methods.

Overall course rating

Implements the principles of the activity approach: children make discoveries themselves, a system of tasks allows them to express different points of view; but it is not always the student himself who discovers new knowledge.

It has a problematic nature of presenting the content, requiring an activity-based approach.

Provides a combination of results (subject, meta-subject and personal) of mastering the program.

Reflects the interests and needs of the modern child. This is expressed in the content of the educational material, in its diversity and fascination.

In the printed notebooks included in the kit, a mechanism has been developed for evaluating one’s activities, i.e., the student himself evaluates his work using a certain color.

Cooperation between student and teacher when using the kit helps to hear and understand each other. Constant dialogue gives rise to cooperation. The textbooks of the set are allies and collaborators of both the teacher and the student.

By studying this integrated course, junior schoolchildren receive scientific knowledge of natural history, history and ecology, and they develop

worldview on the world around us. This course solves one of the important problems - the socialization of the individual. This program also reflects an environmental focus, which is associated with the need to increase information about the multifaceted significance of nature for humans, about its positive and negative impact on nature, and about the interrelations in nature.

The Work Program presents the goals, objectives, specifics and significance of the course, the place of the course in

curriculum, value guidelines of the course content, course study results (personal, meta-subject, subject), course content, thematic planning, logistical, educational, methodological and information support, lesson planning on the subject, planned course study results.

The general characteristics of the contents of the kit are as follows:
- Personal developmental nature of education with priority to the spiritual and moral development of the child.
- The civic-oriented nature of education, which provides for raising a child as a citizen of his country, developing feelings of citizenship and patriotism.
- Globally oriented nature of education, meeting the new challenges of education in the era of globalization.
- Eco-adequate nature of education with priority attention to the problems of environmental ethics, education of love and respect for nature.

Modern education » The effectiveness of the use of information computer technologies in the process of developing knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature among younger schoolchildren » Analysis of natural science curricula for primary grades

Page 1

A distinctive feature of science education in primary school is the variability of programs. The uniqueness of each program provides the teacher with the opportunity to choose the most appropriate curriculum options for him. To date, more than 11 variable courses have been developed on the subject “The World around us”.

In this work, five courses are analyzed for the presence of educational material on the topic “Phenomena of Inanimate Nature”: “Green House”, author A.A. Pleshakov (M.: Prosveshchenie); “Nature and People”, author Z.A. Klepinina (Smolensk: Association “XXI Century”); “The world around us”, authors N.F. Vinogradova, G.G. Ivchenkova, I.V. Potapov (M.: Prosveshchenie); “The World and Man”, authors A.A. Vakhrushev, A.S. Rautian (M.: Bustard); “The world around us”, authors O.T. Poglazova, V.D. Shilin (M.: Inpro-Res). These courses are presented with proprietary programs and are provided with textbooks, teaching aids and methodological developments for teachers.

The purpose of this course is to educate a humane, creative, socially active personality who carefully and responsibly treats the riches of nature and society. The main distinguishing feature of this course is its clearly expressed environmental focus.

The World Around Us course uses a variety of teaching methods and forms. To successfully solve the course problems, excursions and study walks are expected. Classes can be held not only in the classroom, but also on the street, in the forest, park, museum, etc. An important place in the educational process is occupied by role-playing games, educational discussions, independent reading of additional natural history literature and searching for the necessary information in it.

System of teaching aids A.A. Pleshakova provides the teacher with a real opportunity to differentiate teaching based on the formation of students’ cognitive interests and the achieved level of ability to read and understand what they read (38).

Phenomena of inanimate nature are studied in grades 1 and 2. In grade 1, phenomena such as cloudiness (What kind of clouds are there?), snow (Where does snow come from?), rain (Why does it rain? What types of rains are there?), wind (What is wind? Why does the wind blow? What kind of wind does it happen?) are considered. ), rainbow (How is a rainbow formed? Why is a rainbow multi-colored?). In grade 2, phenomena are considered within the framework of the following topics: “Natural phenomena” (definition of natural phenomena, seasonal phenomena); “What is the weather” (temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, wind, thunderstorm, blizzard, snowfall); inanimate nature in autumn (winter, spring, summer). The volume of material studied is small.

Implemented within the framework of the educational program “School of the 21st Century”. This course largely reflects the integration of natural history and social components. The study of natural science and social science issues is carried out in a single course throughout all four years of study. The main goal of the subject is the formation of the schoolchild’s social experience, awareness of elementary interaction in the “man - nature - society” system, education of the correct attitude towards the environment and correct behavior in it.

The course is based on the principle of selecting the most relevant knowledge for a child of this age, taking maximum account of his psychological dominants, removing authoritarianism and establishing a democratic dialogue between the teacher and students. Therefore, the content of the course is built “from the child”, tracing his relationship with the world of nature, things, his own world and society.

The author proposes the use of non-traditional forms of organization of training, strengthening the role of classes that take place outside the classroom. The role of lessons in the classroom is also changing: from a form of organizing teaching “according to a template”, verbal accumulation of knowledge from books and from the words of the teacher, they become a means of generalization and systematization of knowledge acquired through sensory means. At the same time, the author proposes to change the structure of the lesson in the classroom. It consists of parts that are interrelated in topic, but different in type of activity. Game (role play) and productive activity become a mandatory structural unit of the lesson. The study of program topics is carried out in accordance with the characteristics of natural and social phenomena, the level of development and awareness of students, and the specific conditions of the school. The sequence of studying topics is determined by the teacher at his own discretion (10).

Municipal educational institution

"St. George's Gymnasium"



Director of the Municipal Educational Institution "St. George's Gymnasium"

Zhidenkova V.Yu.

Work program on the environment

(a basic level of)

4 B class

Compiled by: Davydova Svetlana Vitalievna,

primary school teacher

This work program on the surrounding world for grade 4 is developed in accordance with:

With the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, taking into account inter- and intra-subject connections, the logic of the educational process, the task of developing the ability to learn in a primary school student;

With the requirements of the basic educational program of primary general education of the Municipal Educational Institution “St. George’s Gymnasium”;

With the capabilities of the teaching and learning complex “Prospective Primary School”.

The program of the educational complex “Prospective Primary School” was selected in accordance with the goals and objectives of the gymnasium, the solution of which is carried out using the means of the educational complex “Prospective Primary School”:

    development of the student’s personality and creative abilities;

    nurturing moral and aesthetic feelings, an emotional and value-based positive attitude towards oneself and others, interest in learning;

    developing the desire and ability to learn,

    mastering the fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlie the modern scientific picture of the world, and the experience of its application and transformation in the context of solving educational and life problems,

    development of independence and creative abilities of students by including them in project and research activities,

intellectual and moral development of the individual.


Subject results of studying the course “The world around us” » , necessary for further education in the field of natural sciences and social disciplines, are:

    explain the role of the main organs and organ systems in the human body;

    apply knowledge about your body in life (to create a daily routine, rules of behavior, etc.);

    name the basic properties of air as a gas, water as a liquid and minerals as solids;

    explain how a person uses the properties of air, water, and important minerals;

    explain the main difference between humans and animals;

    find contradictions between nature and human economy, propose ways to eliminate them.

    evaluate what is healthy and what is harmful;

    prove the need for careful treatment of living organisms.

    by the behavior of people, find out what emotions (experiences) they experience, what character traits they have;

    distinguish different eras (times) in human history from each other;

    explain the differences between people of modern humanity: distinguish between citizens of different states; a person's nationality from his race; believers of different religions and atheists.

    explain what interests unite you with your relatives, friends, fellow countrymen, citizens of your country, what unites all people on Earth into one humanity;

    notice and explain what people’s actions are contrary to human conscience, rules of behavior (morality and law), human rights and children’s rights. Suggest what you yourself can do to correct visible violations.

Planned resultsstudying the course “The World around us”

- find on the map the natural zones of Russia, your region, the main city of your region;

Use ready-made models and textbook illustrations to explain the reasons for the change of day and night, the change of seasons;

Find common and distinctive features of natural zones of Russia (climate, vegetation, wildlife);

Understand the need to comply with the rules of environmental behavior in nature;

Understand the need to participate within your means in protecting the nature of your native land;

Characterize the main functions of human organ systems;

Measure a person’s temperature, weight, height;

Understand the need to use knowledge about the structure and functioning of the human body to maintain and strengthen one’s health;

Extract the necessary information from the textbook and its illustrations.


Topics according to the sample program


Characteristics of the main types of educational activities of students

History of the Patronymic

Ancient Slavs

Ancient Rus'

Baptism of Rus'

Belief in one God and preservation of traditional rituals.

Sources for studying history: chronicles, birch bark letters, contracts, epics, archaeological finds of everyday life and economic activity, other sources. Ancient Slavs (territory of settlement, dwellings, hunting, agriculture, beliefs of the ancient Slavs). Times of Ancient Rus' (economic activities of the ancient Slavs, the emergence of ancient Russian cities, the first Russian princes, epic heroes of Ancient Rus'). Baptism of Rus'. Faith in God and the preservation of traditional rituals among different peoples inhabiting Russia. Yaroslav the Wise. The struggle of Rus' with Western conquerors. Alexander Nevskiy.

Know: names of ancient cities; founder of Moscow; how many centuries separate the time of construction of the first walls of the Moscow Kremlin from our century.

Be able to work with dictionaries; work with the map;

Analyze drawings of objects of labor and everyday life.

Know when and where the unification of the Novgorod and Kyiv principalities took place.

Be able to: work with a map; use dictionaries, years of reign of the Kyiv princes.

Know what the ancient Slavs believed in; Why is Slavic writing called Cyrillic?

Be able to name the names of gods, explain

Know the military victories of Alexander Nevsky

Know how to work with a map.

Know when Moscow was founded;

Be able to: place on a timeline the period of reign of the Moscow princes;

solar system

Natural areas of our country

The rotation of the Earth around its axis and the movement of the Earth around the Sun. The change of night and day. Uneven distribution of heat and light on Earth. Change of seasons on our planet.

Know: the names of the planets of the solar system.

Be able to name cosmic bodies;

Talk about the emergence of the solar system.

Know the reasons for the change of day and night, the change of seasons

Be able to: carry out simple experiments. Draw conclusions; explain the change of seasons, the change of day and night on earth.

Tundra and man.

Steppe zone.

Steppe and man.

Natural conditions of the subtropics. Plants and fauna of the Caucasus. Holidays for people on the Black Sea coast

General ideas about natural areas of Russia. Map of natural zones of Russia. Arctic desert zone, tundra zone, forest zone, steppe zone, desert zone, subtropical zone. Position on the map, state of inanimate nature, flora and fauna, human activities in each natural zone. Protection of natural areas. The Red Book and its purpose.

Know: the concept of “natural areas”

Reasons for the change from north to south of several natural zones.

Be able to: work with a map; explain the symbols on the map.

Have an idea of ​​the characteristics of inanimate nature and human activities in the Arctic desert zone.

Know about the role of forests in nature and human life.

Have an idea of ​​the characteristics of inanimate nature and human activities in forest areas.

Be able to: work with a map. Show natural areas on a map, work with a dictionary, draw up food chains, talk about nature reserves.

Have an idea of ​​the characteristics of inanimate nature and human activity in the steppe zone.

Be able to: work with a map. Show natural areas on a map, work with a dictionary, draw up food chains, talk about nature reserves and human conservation activities in the steppe zone.

Native land - part of great Russia (12 hours)

Your native land

Moscow time

Map of your region

Plants of your region

Folk crafts of your region

Protected places of your region

The Native Land is part of great Russia: position on the map, state of inanimate nature, flora and fauna, human activities. Protection of Nature. The Red Book and its purpose.

Peoples inhabiting Russia: culture, national customs, features of life and art (interdisciplinary connections with the course of literary reading). Respectful attitude towards one's own people and other peoples.

Know the name of your region.

Be able to: work with dictionaries, analyze the map of Russia; explain the conventions.

Have an understanding of time zones.

Be able to: determine what time zones cities are in, work with a map of time zones.

Be able to work with a physical map of Russia and a map of your native land.

Know how to work with a map.

Know the concepts of “mineral resources”, “basin”, “deposit”

Know how to work with a map.

Determine the location of your native land on the map.

Know the livestock industry.

Be able to: work with a map; name the animals of your region; conduct observations of living and inanimate nature; name the livestock industries.

Be able to work with the “Folk Crafts” map; name folk crafts; describe folk crafts.

Human body (11 h)

Journey into the world of cells

Journey into the world of cells

How a person moves

Digestive system

Circulatory system

It's all about inhalation and exhalation.

Take care of your lungs.

Nervous system

Man is part of nature: the dependence of human life on nature and its condition. General ideas about the structure of the human body. Organ systems: musculoskeletal, digestive, respiratory, circulatory system, excretory system, nervous system. Their role in human life.

Know the concept of "fabric"

Be able to compare the appearance of tissue from different organs under a microscope

Know the term “Skin” (epidermis, melanin, dermis,)

Know the concepts of “digestion” “digestive system”

Be able to follow nutritional rules

Talk about the process of digestion; name nutrients

Know that in the human body there are organs occupied by organs.

Be able to name the circulatory organs;

Talk about the work of the heart, name the composition of blood.

Have an idea that lungs are also needed to speak.

Know that smoking is harmful to every part of the body

Have an idea that lungs are also needed to speak

Know the structure of the nervous system; what information we receive through the senses.

Have an idea of ​​the body's protective reflexes

Be able to name the sense organs

Studying the senses

Stick out your tongue and say "Ah"

"Look" at the eye.

The ear is not only an organ of hearing

Recognizing objects by touching them

Sense organs. General understanding of the structure and basic functions of the human body

Have an idea of ​​the structure of language.

Be able to talk about the meaning of language; carry out simple experiments and observations.

Know the rules of eye care.

Have an idea of ​​the structure of the eye.

Be able to talk about the meaning of language; carry out simple experiments and observations

Know the rules of hearing care

Have an idea of ​​the structure of the ear

Be able to talk about the importance of the hearing organ; carry out simple experiments and observations

Know the rules for caring for the organ of touch

Have an understanding of the structure of skin

Be able to talk about the meaning of skin; carry out simple experiments and observations

Traveling around the world

Borders of Russia


Great Britain

A general idea of ​​the diversity of countries on Earth. Name of countries. Location of the USA, Great Britain, France on the map, their capitals, main attractions.

Know the borders of Russia; Which states does Russia border with?

Be able to work with a physical map of Russia; name neighboring states and their capitals; talk about states neighboring Russia.

Be able to work with a map; name US historical monuments; name the main cities and attractions.

Be able to work with a map; name historical monuments of Great Britain; name the main cities and attractions.

Be able to work with a map; name historical monuments of France; name the main cities and attractions.

National Unity Day

Moscow: memory of the war of 1812

Moscow's memory of the heroes of WWII

The emergence of Moscow. The first Moscow princes.

Moscow as a chronicle of Russian history. National Unity Day (K. Minin and D. Pozharsky). Patriotic War of 1812. Great Patriotic War. Space exploration. The most important events taking place in modern times

Know the public holidays of Russia;

The history of the creation of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky;

Be able to talk about the history of Moscow; about Moscow princes; about exploits

Know: public holidays; the history of the creation of the Arc de Triomphe monument

Have an idea about the War of 1812

Know about the beginning and end of the war;

Be able to tell

About the heroes of WWII

Know the state Holidays; name of the first cosmonaut.

Be able to talk about the history of space; name monuments; talk about Russia's achievements in space exploration.

We are citizens of Russia (3 hours)

The name of our country is Russia or Russian Federation

The basic law of the country is the Constitution of Russia. President of Russia.

Russia is our Motherland. State symbols of Russia. Russia on the map. Moscow - hundred-

faces of Russia. Cities

Russia (2-3): name, attractions, location on the map. Basic techniques for reading a map

Know all the names of our state:

Rus', Old Russian State, Russia.

Be able to tell

About the coat of arms, describe the flag of Russia

Know the historical significance and main attractions of your native city, native land.

Be able to show cities on a map; talk about the main attractions of the city.

Have an understanding of the time line.

Know the main events associated with changes in the appearance of the Kremlin from the 12th to the 15th centuries; cities of Russia

Be able to navigate the timeline;

show the city on the map; talk about the main attractions of the city

Educational and thematic planning

around the world

Class 4 B

Teacher Davydova Svetlana Vitalievna

Number of hours

Only 68 hours; per week 2 hours

Planning is based on programs: O. N. Fedotova, G. V. Trafimova “The world around us”

Textbook Fedotova O.N., Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A. The world around us: 4th grade: notebook for independent work No. 1, 2 / T. – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2013.

additional literature

Fedotova O.N., Trafimova G.V., Trafimov S.A. The world around us: 4th grade: method. manual for teachers - M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2013.

Fedotova O.K., Trofimova G.V., Trofimov S.A., Tsareva L.A. The world around us: 4th grade: notebook for independent work No. 1, 2. - M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2016.


Name of sections and topics

Total hours

Including on:


laboratory and practical work

test papers

The history of homeland

Earth - planet of the solar system

Traveling through the native regions of Russia

Our native land is part of great Russia

Human body

Studying the senses

Traveling around the world

Moscow as a chronicle of Russian history

We are citizens of Russia



Calendar week

Lesson number in the quarter

Lesson number in the year

Control parameters for assessing educational achievements

Adjusted timing

Occupational safety briefing. Ancient Slavs

Ancient Rus'

Baptism of Rus'

The struggle of Rus' with Western conquerors

The emergence of Moscow. The first Moscow princes.

Belief in one God and preservation of traditional rituals. First meeting of the club.

Generalization on the topic “Ancient Slavs”

solar system

The rotation of the earth around its axis and its movement around the Sun

Natural areas of our country

Generalization on the topic

“Earth is a planet of the solar system

Second meeting of the club. Features of the inanimate nature of the ice zone. The Arctic and man.

Tundra and man.

Tundra and man.

Forest zone. Plants and animals of the forest zone. The role of forests in nature and human life.

Forest zone. Plants and animals of the forest zone. The role of forests in nature and human life.

Steppe zone.

Steppe and man.

Steppe zone.

Steppe and man.

Desert zone Human life in the desert.

Desert zone Human life in the desert.

Third meeting of the club “Subtropical zone. Natural conditions of the subtropics. Plants and fauna of the Caucasus. Holidays for people on the Black Sea coast

Generalization on the topic “Travel through natural areas of Russia”

Getting ready for the school olympiad

Your native land

Moscow time

Map of your region

The surface and bodies of water of your region

What can you do?

Minerals of your region

Plants of your region

Livestock sectors of your region and domestic animals.

Livestock sectors of your region and domestic animals.

Folk crafts of your region

Protected places of your region

Generalization on the topic “Native land is part of great Russia” Preparing for the Olympics

Letter from club leaders to schoolchildren.

How the human body works.

Journey into the world of cells

Largest sensory organ

How a person moves

Digestive system

Circulatory system

Let's get acquainted with the respiratory system

It's all about inhalation and exhalation.

Take care of your lungs.

How the kidneys remove harmful substances from the body

Nervous system

Generalization on the topic “Human body” Preparing for the school Olympiad

Fourth meeting of the club “How we all perceive the world around us” Ask your nose what smell is.

Stick out your tongue and say "Ah"

"Look" at the eye.

"Look" at the eye.

The ear is not only an organ of hearing

The ear is an organ of balance

Recognizing objects by touching them

Doctor's advice

Generalization on the topic “Studying the senses”

Getting ready for the school olympiad

Borders of Russia


Great Britain

Getting ready for the school olympiad

National Unity Day

Moscow: memory of the war of 1812

Memory of Moscow about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Moscow monuments to space explorers

The name of our country Russia, or Russian Federation

Basic law of the country

Constitution of Russia

President of Russia


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