English abbreviations and abbreviations. Correct and incorrect foreign abbreviations

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IN modern century saturated with information, there is less and less time for communication and correspondence. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the more information a person has, the more ways he seeks to reduce it and convey it in a more condensed form. One of the best ways to shorten words and expressions is to use abbreviations.

Today they are found everywhere in general English, in business correspondence, in SMS messages and chats, in international terms. Many of them are used quite often, so not only for students of English, but also for ordinary to modern man It’s worth mastering a couple of the most common ones.

Abbreviation(Italian abbreviatura from Latin brevis - short) - a word formed by an abbreviation of a word or phrase and read by alphabetical name initial letters or by the initial sounds of the words included in it.

Abbreviations are found in every language in the world and play a huge role. Sometimes ignorance or incorrect use of a particular abbreviation in English can lead to a rather awkward situation or misunderstanding of what the interlocutor wants to express with a particular phrase.

Let's look at an example misuse a fairly well-known abbreviation LOL(laughing out loud - laugh loudly, out loud).

Mom: Your beloved aunt just passed away. LOL
I: Why is that funny?
Mom: It’s not funny, David!
I: Mom, LOL means “laughing out loud”.
Mom: Oh my goodness! I thought it means “lots of love”...I sent it to everyone! I need to call everyone…
Mom: Your favorite aunt just passed away. LOL
Me: What's so funny about that?
Mom: This is not funny, David!
Me: Mom, LOL means "laugh out loud".
Mom: Oh God! I thought it meant lots of love...
I sent this to everyone! We need to call everyone back...

Most popular abbreviations

This list of abbreviations can be found everywhere and, for sure, you are well familiar with most of them visually, but let’s pay attention to them correct translation and consumption.

  • V.I.P. (very important person)- very important person;
  • P.S.(from Latin “post scriptum”) - after what is written;
  • A.D.(from Latin “Anno Domini”) - our era;
  • B.C. / B.C.E. -before Christ- before Christ / before Common Era- BC;
  • ASAP (as soon as possible)- As soon as possible;
  • UNO (United Nations Organization)- UN;
  • UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)- UNESCO;
  • a.m.(ante meridiem, in the morning)- in the morning;
  • p.m.(postmeridiem, in the afternoon)- In the evening;
  • i.e. ( id est , that is)- it means;
  • e.g. ( exemplary gratia , for example)- For example;
  • u (you)- You;
  • etc.(from Latin et cetera) - and so on;
  • 2G2BT (too good to be true)- too good to be true;
  • 2moro (tomorrow)- Tomorrow;
  • 2day (today)- Today;
  • BD or BDAY (birthday)- birthday;
  • 2nite (tonight)- In the evening;
  • 4ever (forever)- forever;
  • AFAIK (as far as I know)- as far as I know;
  • BTW (by the way)- by the way;
  • RLY (really)- really, really;
  • BRB (be right back)- I'll be back soon;
  • TTYL (talk to you later)- we’ll talk later, “before we get in touch”;
  • IMHO (in my honest opinion)- in my opinion, in my opinion;
  • AKA (also known as)- also known as;
  • TIA (thanks in advance)- thanks in advance.

Let's look at the use of the abbreviations given above in examples:

  • According to my work schedule I need to come to work at 8 a.m.-According to my work schedule, I need to come to work at 8 am.
  • AFAIK this concert will be held 2day.-As far as I know, the concert will be held today.
  • All these events happened in 455 B.C.- All these events took place in 455 BC.
  • I invite u to my BD 2nite.- I invite you to my birthday tonight.
  • BTW she was RLY good at Math at school. - By the way (by the way) she was really good at mathematics when she was in school.
  • I"m sorry. I"m in hurry. TTYL.-I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. Let's talk later.

The abbreviations in English are described quite interestingly general purpose in this video:

Business letters and abbreviations

Writing business letters and compiling business correspondence today requires high-quality study and a careful approach. When faced for the first time with the design and decoding of abbreviations in business English, a beginner sometimes experiences confusion and bewilderment as to what it all means. The difficulty lies in using this or that abbreviation correctly, as well as in the specifics of business vocabulary. However, as in any area of ​​language learning, knowledge and a little practice will help you overcome any difficulties.

A number of abbreviations are used only in writing, but in oral speech are pronounced full forms words:

  • Mr. (mister)- Mister;
  • Mrs. (mistress)- Mrs.
  • Dr. (Doctor)- doctor;
  • St. (Saint/Street)- saint or street;
  • Blvd. (boulevard)- boulevard;
  • Ave. (avenue)- avenue;
  • Sq. (square)- square;
  • Rd. (road)- road;
  • Bldg. (building)- building;
  • B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science)- Bachelor of Science;
  • M.A. (Master of Arts)- Master of Arts;
  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)- PhD;
  • M.D. (Doctor of Medicine)- Doctor of Medical Sciences.

The most popular business abbreviations of English words are given below:

  • Co (company)- company;
  • PA (personal assistant)- personal assistant;
  • Appx. (appendix)- application;
  • Re. (reply)- answer;
  • p. (page)- page;
  • smth. (something)- something;
  • smb. (somebody)- somebody;
  • vs ( lat. versus)- against;
  • etc. ( lat. et cetera)- And so on.

Popular three-letter acronyms ( TLA or Three-Letter Acronyms) in the business sphere:

  • CAO (Chief Administrative Officer)- Administration Manager;
  • CEO (Chief Executive Officer)- chief executive officer (CEO);
  • exp. (export)- export - removal of goods beyond the borders of the country;
  • HR (human resources)- HR service of the enterprise;
  • HQ (Headquarters)- main department of the company;
  • LLC (limited liability company)- limited liability company (LLC);
  • R&D ( research and development)- Research and development;
  • IT (information technology)- information Technology.

Examples of business correspondence using abbreviations :

  • Dear Mr. Braun, our Co will be glad to offer you the position of CAO.- Dear Mr. Brown, our company will be glad to offer you the position of chief accountant of the company.
  • Dear Ms. Stone, my PA will definitely contact you about changes in exp. process - Dear Miss Stone, my personal secretary will contact you regarding changes in the export process.

Chats and SMS

As stated above, in English there are Three Letter Acronyms ( TLA or Three-Letter Acronyms), which help shorten and condense fairly large phrases into 3 letters. Today, this is a fairly popular way to save time when corresponding on social networks.

  • BFN (bye for now)- see you later, bye
  • BTW (by the way)- By the way
  • FYI (for your information)- for your information
  • JIT (just in time)- during
  • IOW (in other words)- in other words, in other words
  • NRN (no reply is necessary)- no answer required
  • OTOH (on the other hand)- on the other side

As for SMS abbreviations, there are a huge number of them.
The specificity of such abbreviations is that it can be almost impossible to decipher without a detailed analysis.

  • GL (good luck)- Good luck!
  • GB (good bye)- Bye
  • DNO (don't know)- Don't know
  • ASAYGT (as soon as you get this)- as soon as you receive it
  • B4 (before)- before
  • BC (because)- because
  • BON (believe it or not)- believe it or not
  • BW (best wishes)- best wishes
  • BZ (busy)- busy
  • CYT (see you tomorrow)- see you tomorrow
  • Wish you G.L. on your exam. Mom. - I wish you good luck in the exam. Mother.
  • Sorry. BZ. C.Y.T.- I am sorry. Busy. See you tomorrow.
  • I will be JIT. G.B.- I'll be on time. Bye.

For detailed information with English abbreviations of words in SMS, we recommend visiting, which contains 2000+ abbreviations.

As we can see, the topic is quite extensive, but don’t be scared! After encountering acronyms and abbreviations in English several times, you just can't help but fall in love with them for their originality and help in saving you time. And once you love something, you will definitely and easily remember it!

We suggest you choose a couple of abbreviations for yourself right now and surprise your loved ones with improved communication! BFN and watch your step while texting!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Foreign brands are flooding the media space, so each of us has at least once encountered such a meaning as Ltd. In this article, we will find out what the abbreviation LLC means, and we will also find out where these abbreviations are used.

How is it deciphered?

There are three identical concepts: LLC, Ltd and LLC. The decoding of each meaning means a limited liability company, however, these symbols have differences. Firstly, LLC (short for Limited Liability Company) applies in the US. Secondly, Ltd (an abbreviation for limited) is used in the UK. Thirdly, LLC is an abbreviation used in the CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan). These three designations should not be confused, because in Russia it is prohibited to indicate Ltd or LLC instead of the usual LLC.

A little about the meaning

Ltd decryption is actively used in all English-speaking countries, which includes many European countries, the USA, and Australia. The abbreviated meaning can also be seen on documents of international companies. It is most often used in Ireland, Portugal, the Czech Republic and England, especially alongside the widely used acronym PLC. Often other meanings are put on documents, such as Inc., Corp., LDC, iBC, & Co, SA, LP and other abbreviations. Ltd decryption in English accurately indicates traditional look entrepreneurship. In the United States of America, the abbreviation is used as part of the company name and cannot be crossed out or omitted. Just like in Russia, every registered entrepreneur is required to indicate abbreviations and meanings, such as LLC, LLP or individual entrepreneur.

What does it mean

Explanation of Ltd in Russian: limited (from the word Limited). The phrase Limited Company is commonly used, which is a company with limited rights. It is an important definition of legal and organizational form. Each country has a number of rules and regulations that are spelled out in the charter or legislation.

An LLC, or Ltd, is a company that is divided into several shares. As a rule, all capital is distributed among the legal owners of the company. At the same time, all LLC participants have limited liability, but are representatives legal entity based on the state organizational and legal form.

Detailed description

Firstly, a limited liability company in its structure resembles Joint-Stock Company. Secondly, anyone, whether an individual or a legal entity, can join Ltd.

Transcript Ltd is a multi-member enterprise. They are not responsible for the founders themselves, and vice versa. LLC is an organization that can have several founders, but the number of participants should not exceed 50 people. For example, IP - individual enterprise- opens only for one owner - the founder, and if the number of participants exceeds the norm, then according to the law this type of legal activity is considered a joint-stock company.

Since several persons can participate in a limited liability company, the main documents are the charter and the agreement. As a rule, the conditions of the latter may change depending on the wishes of the founders. The law does not prohibit anyone who wishes to change the status of their activity. Thus, any individual entrepreneur can invite several participants and rename themselves to Ltd.

Where is it used?

Same as LLC Ltd (meaning above) in mandatory must be used on all organizational documents. This is because this value is a sign of both organizational unity and property isolation. The three-letter document allows members to use their organization to reach out to other societies and organizations.

Where is it used? symbol without decoding Ltd:

  • When contacting an organization or vice versa, if the founders write a letter. Then it is used which fits together with the link Ltd (LLC).
  • When specifying the address and other contact information. As a rule, the legal address at which the organization with the specified value is registered, or the current address where the company is located, is used.
  • Ltd fits into authorized capital, and when indicating the company's activities.
  • When specifying the founders and representatives. For example, if you need to enter details general director, then the designation is also indicated.

Features and nuances

  • A limited liability company must be registered with the tax authority settlement or areas.
  • According to the law of any country where there are concepts of LLC or Ltd, the company must have its own authorized capital. For example, the minimum amount of such capital should not be lower than 100 minimum wages or minimum wages.
  • If laws are violated, the company may be liquidated. This happens for several reasons. The most common problem of LLCs is ignoring the payment of the balance of the authorized capital.
  • There are certain risks for society participants. For example, if a company is liquidated, participants may lose their deposits. They are notified of this when signing the constituent agreement.
  • Each participant has the right to dispose of his share at his own discretion. He can sell it or transfer it to a third party.

The main feature of Ltd is that each participant can leave the company at any time, and the organization will be obliged to pay each exiting person his earned share.

A person will not walk much without good and high-quality shoes if it is a cold season. And in the summer it’s uncomfortable to walk barefoot on hot sun-baked asphalt. It’s the same with a car – without properly selected tires it won’t go far.

However, choosing them correctly is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. From the abundance of tires presented in the store, you need to clearly determine the category, size, and be able to decipher permissible load index And tire speed index, adhesion and wear indicators. The good news is that you don’t have to be an expert, because tire markings, which can be deciphered even by a novice car enthusiast, contain all the necessary information.

Of course, first you need to choose the right “shoes” for the car - the tire size is one of the most visible details of the marking:

To decrypt, let's take last example from photo: 175/70 R13 82T:

  • 175 is an indicator of the tire width in millimeters, that is, the width of this tire is 175 mm.
  • 70 – its proportionality (a similar value is also called a profile), that is, the height of the profile in relation to the width in in this case is 70%. The higher the proportionality index, the taller the tire, regardless of its width.
  • R – radial tire cord. This is a feature of the tire design when the rubberized threads on the carcass cord run parallel to each other without overlapping. Now mainly produced radial type, but sometimes you can also find a diagonal cord (D), when the rubberized threads on the frame are located at an angle to the radius of the wheel. Or diagonally belted type (B).
  • 13 – the value is indicated in inches and indicates the diameter of the wheel.
  • T is the letter designation of the speed at which you can drive without problems with this tire. This tire speed index can be easily calculated by looking at the table below. In this case, we see the speed index T, which means that the maximum permissible speed is 190 km/h. This is a common type, as is the speed index q (up to 160 km/h).
  • 82 – this number indicates the maximum permissible load on the wheel. In this case, this tire index means that the maximum permissible load is 475 kg. Just below you will see a table where all the tire load index values ​​will be indicated.

Tire speed index

Tire load (carrying capacity) index

50 190 71 345 92 630 113 1150
51 195 72 355 93 650 114 1180
52 200 73 365 94 670 115 1215
53 206 74 375 95 690 116 1250
54 212 75 387 96 710 117 1285
55 218 76 400 97 730 118 1320
56 224 77 412 98 750 119 1360
57 230 78 425 99 775 120 1400
58 236 79 437 100 800 121 1450
59 243 80 450 101 825 122 1500
60 250 81 462 102 850 123 1550
61 257 82 475 103 875 124 1600
62 265 83 487 104 900 125 1650
63 272 84 500 105 925 126 1700
64 280 85 515 106 950 127 1750
65 290 86 530 107 975 128 1800
66 300 87 545 108 1000 129 1840
67 307 88 560 109 1030 130 1900
68 315 89 580 110 1060
69 325 90 600 111 1090
70 335 91 615 112 1120


Also, tire labeling necessarily includes an indication of seasonality:

W+SWith such tires it is possible to drive on roads with mud and snow.
Snow or M+SWinter tires that allow you to drive on snow and ice.
As All Seasonall-season
Any Weatherall-weather
Rain, Water, Aqua, Aquatred, AquacontactPerhaps the tire may have an “umbrella” in its markings. This marking indicates that the tire has aquaplaning effect, that is, it was created specifically for rainy weather.
HIGHWAYRoad - designed for paved roads, but only when wet or dry. Due to the low grip on the surface, driving on snow or ice in such car “shoes” is undesirable.
PERFORMANCEExpress - for high-class cars. They withstand high temperature loads, have excellent adhesion properties and provide impeccable vehicle handling.
ALL SEASON PERFORMANCEHigh-speed all-season.


For those who prefer studded tires in the cold season, it is important to know the following:

Additional designations

In addition, there are a lot of additional designations that are not always indicated:

RotationDirectional, where the direction is indicated by an arrow.
Outside and Inside(possibly Side Facing Out and Side Facing Inwards) Asymmetrical, therefore, with this designation, be sure to follow the instructions for installing the tire on the rim: Outside (outside of the car), Inside (inside).
Left/RightDepending on the designation, install the tire on the side of the car that is indicated in the marking: left or right.
Tube TypeUse only with a camera.
MAX PRESSURE (kPa)Maximum permissible pressure in the tire.
VmaxThe speed that the tires can withstand can be more than 360 km/h.
SSRIf there is a loss of pressure, the emergency protection system is activated.
M3Developed specifically for BMW.
N1, N2, N3Developed specifically for Porsche.
M.O.Developed specifically for Mercedes-Benz.
M.L.Designed specifically for Mercedes-Benz or Audi, with rim protection.
MFSMaximum protection for the edge of the car wheel.
RF, Reinf, C, LT, XLReinforced tires.
E17Fully comply with European standards.
DOTFully compliant with US standards.
PLIES: TREADThe tread layer consists of...
SIDEWALLThe side layer consists of...
MAX LOADTire load index (kg or English feet).
D.A.Minor manufacturing defects that do not interfere with normal operation.
MADE IN...Produced in...

- Everything is fine, thank you!

- Please.

Example: MYOB = mind your own business (mind your own business)

Below you will find a whole list of English abbreviations (in SMS, in social networks, forums). Study it thoroughly to understand what English-speaking interlocutors want from you.

As a preface: colloquial abbreviations in English

Of course, it is advisable to use abbreviations of English words only in informal correspondence (personal messages, chats). At the same time, there is a known case when a 13-year-old girl wrote a school essay, almost entirely based on English abbreviations. Here is an excerpt from it, try to read and understand the meaning of what is written:

My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we used 2go2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & thr 3:- kids FTF. ILNY, it's a gr8 plc.

Happened? Now read the “translation”:

My summer hols (abbreviated as holidays) were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to NY (New York) to see my brother, his girlfriend and their 3 kids face to face. I love New York, it’s a great place.

As you see, English abbreviations built on the letter:

  • on the use of numbers (4, 8)
  • on letter names (R = are, C = see)
  • on vowel ejection (smmr = summer)
  • on acronyms - a type of abbreviation formed by initial letters (ILNY = I love New York).

So, let's move on to our dictionary of English abbreviations.

His Majesty Slang: deciphering English abbreviations

The article will indicate the translation of abbreviations from English into Russian. But where additional clarification is required, we will provide that too. Enjoy!

0 = nothing

2 = two, to, too (two, preposition to, too)

2DAY = today (today)

2MORO / 2MROW = tomorrow (tomorrow)

2NITE / 2NYT = tonight (tonight, tonight)

2U = to you (to you)

4U = for you (for you)

4E = forever

AFAIK= as far as I know (as far as I know)

ASAP = as soon as possible (at the first opportunity, as soon as possible)

ATB = all the best (all the best)

B = to be

B4 = before (before)

B4N = bye for now (bye, see you)

BAU = business as usual (idiom meaning that things continue as usual despite the difficult situation)

BBL = to be back later (come back later, be later)

BC = because (because)

BF = boyfriend (young man, guy, boyfriend)

BK = back (back, back)

BRB = to be right back (back soon). For example, you are “chatting” with someone, but forced to leave for a while. BRB (back soon), - you write, and go about your business.

BRO = brother

BTW = by the way (by the way, by the way)

BYOB / BYO = to bring your own booze, to bring your own bottle (“with your own alcohol”). Indicated on the invitation when the party host will not provide drinks for guests. By the way, the band System Of A Down has a song B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bombs instead of Bottle).

C = to see

CIAO = goodbye (goodbye, bye). This is an abbreviation for correspondence in English language derived from Italian Ciao(and it is pronounced exactly like this - ciao).

COS / CUZ = because (because)

CUL8R = call you later / see you later (I'll call you later / see you later)

CUL = see you later (see you later)

CWOT = complete waste of time

D8 = date (date, date)

DNR = dinner

EOD = end of debate. Used during an argument when you want to stop it: That's it, EOD! (That's it, let's stop arguing!)

EZ = easy (easy, simple, convenient)

F2F / FTF = face to face (face to face)

F8 = fate

FYI = for your information

GF = girlfriend (girlfriend)

GMTA = great minds think alike (the saying “Great minds think alike”). Something like ours “fools think alike” just the other way around :)

GR8 = great (wonderful, excellent, etc.)

GTG = got to go (got to go)

HAND = have a nice day (have a nice day)

HB2U = happy birthday to you (happy birthday)

HOLS = holidays (vacation, vacation)

HRU = how are you (how are you? How are you?)

HV = to have

ICBW = it could be worse (could be worse)

IDK = I dont know (I don’t know)

IDTS = I don’t think so (I don’t think so, I don’t think so, I don’t agree)

ILU / Luv U = I love you (I love you)

IMHO = in my humble opinion (in my humble opinion). Expression has long migrated to our Internet in the form of transliteration IMHO.

IYKWIM = if you know what I mean (if you know what I mean)

JK = just kidding (just kidding, it's a joke)

KDS = kids

KIT = to keep in touch (stay in touch)

KOTC = kiss on the cheek (kiss on the cheek)

L8 = late (late, recently, recently)

L8R = later

LMAO = laughing my ass out (so funny that I laughed off my ass).

LOL = laughing out loud (the meaning is identical to the previous one). This popular English abbreviation is also borrowed from our Internet slang in the form of transliteration LOL.

LSKOL = long slow kiss on the lips (French kiss)

LTNS = long time no see (long time no see)

Example from stickers for Viber

Luv U2 = I love you too (I love you too)

M8 = mate (buddy, friend, dude). Slang word mate- about the same as dude (dude, boy, etc.): Hey, mate, what’s up? (Hey man, how's it going?)

MON = the middle of nowhere (idiom meaning “very far away, in the middle of nowhere”)

MSG = message (message, message)

MTE = my thoughts exactly (you read my thoughts, I think exactly the same)

MU = I miss you (I miss you)

MUSM = I miss you so much (I miss you very much)

MYOB = mind your own business (mind your own business, don’t meddle in other people’s business)

N2S = needless to say (it goes without saying, it’s obvious that...)

NE1 = anyone (anyone, anyone)

NO1 = no one (no one)

NP = no problem (no problem, no problem)

OIC = oh, I see (I see; that's it). Used in a situation when you want to show your interlocutor that you understand the subject of the conversation.

PC&QT – peace and quiet (peace and quiet). An idiom that is most often used in the context of wanting more peaceful life: All I want is a little peace and quiet (All I want is a little peace and quiet).

PCM = please call me (please call me)

PLS = please (please)

PS = parents

QT = cutie

R = are (form of verbs to be)

ROFL / ROTFL = rolling of the floor laughing (rolling on the floor laughing)

RUOK = are you ok? (Are you okay? Is everything okay?)

SIS = sister

SKOOL = school (school)

SMMR = summer

SOB = stressed out bad (feel very stressed)

This video has subtitles.

SOM1 = someone

TGIF = thank God it’s Friday (Thank God, today is Friday)

THX = thanks

THNQ = thank you (thank you)

TTYL = talk to you later (let's talk later)

WAN2 = to want to (want)

WKND = weekend

WR = were (form of the verb to be)

WUCIWUG = what you see is what you get (what you see is what you get)

The phrase was used for creative posters for Heinz ketchup

The expression has several meanings:

  1. Property application programs or web interfaces in which content is displayed as it is edited and looks as close as possible to the final product (more details).
  2. A definition that is used when the speaker wants to show that there is nothing hidden, there are no secrets or pitfalls.

Can be used as a definition an honest and open person:

He is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of person. (He is a “what you see is what you get” type of person)

The idiom can also be used, for example, by salespeople in a store when they assure us that the product we are buying is looks the same as on the display:

The product you are looking at is exactly what you get if you buy it. What you see is what you get. The ones in the box are just like this one. (If you buy this product, you will receive exactly what you see now. The items in the boxes are exactly the same as this one).

X = kiss

XLNT = excellent (excellent, excellent)

XOXO = hugs and kisses (hugs and kisses). More precisely, “hugs and kisses”, if you follow Internet trends :)

YR = your / you’re (your / you + form of the verb to be)

ZZZ.. = to sleep (sleep) The abbreviation is used when a person wants to show the interlocutor that he is already asleep / falling asleep.

Finally: how to understand modern abbreviations in English

As you can see, all English abbreviations on the Internet follow a certain logic, the principles of which we discussed at the beginning of the article. Therefore, it is enough to “scan through them with your eyes” several times, and you will easily be able to use and, most importantly, understand them. CUL8R, M8 :)

Are you planning to go shopping? Shopping, buying new things, changing your style and image is certainly an exciting and interesting activity. However, the unclear letters that indicate sizes S M and L, xl, xxl can cause some confusion in the process of buying something you like if you don’t know what they mean.

How to determine clothing size

We are accustomed to thinking that the main indicator for determining size is half the chest circumference. It is important to take measurements correctly. The measuring tape should be positioned exactly horizontally, adhere tightly to the body without much tension or sagging, and pass through the most prominent points of the chest.

The person being measured must be wearing underwear or light summer clothing. In order to make the decoding of sizes S M L as accurate as possible, we recommend taking additional measurements:

    chest girth;

    waist circumference;

    hip girth.

We measure the waist on a naked body, without retracting or protruding the stomach; the body position should be relaxed and natural. We measure the hips at their widest point.

Keep in mind that if your body type, for example, fits T-shirt sizes S M L, this does not mean that skirts or trousers will have the same size.

Correspondence of letter designations with numbers

There are several generally accepted size markings: Russian, European and American. The international letter designation system is usually used.

In order to decide what sizes S M L are, let’s say right away that the letter designation represents the first letter of the corresponding English word:

    S – Small (small);

    M – Middle;

    L- Large (large).

The letter X (extra) can mean very small (XS) or, on the contrary, very large (HL).

For women




To determine S M L what sizes these are in the Russian manner of designating the size range, it is better to use a special table. Standard European size chart women's clothing translated into Russian size S M L looks like this:

    S – corresponds to 44;

    M – for PoH value 46 cm;

    L – means Russian 48.

For men

The table of clothing sizes S M L for men has a similar appearance. The principle for determining men's metric values ​​is the same as for women's clothing:

    S – corresponds to the 46th;

    L – means 50.

The size of men's clothing S M L, unlike women's, includes such an indicator as neck circumference. It is important when choosing and purchasing dress shirts.

For those who find it easier to navigate the usual size grid, using tables they can easily convert European designations into women's Russian sizes S M L.

How not to make a mistake when choosing clothes

Despite the fact that there is a generally accepted table of sizes S M L, the size of clothing from different manufacturers can vary significantly. Sometimes it happens that the winter collection will be more complete than the summer collection from the same brand. Please note that a product may be manufactured for a specific country's market, which may use a different metric system.

To be sure, it is better to use not average data, but size tables of the brand whose clothes you are going to buy. This information can usually be found on the manufacturer's website.

The most the right way The only way to avoid mistakes when buying clothes is to try on the item in a company store trademark. If you plan to purchase clothes in an online store, then the right thing to do is to visit a real retail outlet and try on several items of the chosen brand.

If we summarize the data, we get pivot table matching the size range of women's and men's clothing.


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