English language mode of the day for a schoolboy. Daily routine in English: replenish vocabulary

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My Daily Program

one). My every day activities are quite routine. 2). On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up and my working day begins. 3). I usually get up at 7 o "clock. 4). If it is spring or summer I jump out of bed, run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh morning air in. 5). I do my physical jerks, wash, clean my teeth and comb my hair. 6). Then I have breakfast. 7). For breakfast I usually have toasted bread, bacon and eggs, tea or coffee and some jam. 8). While I am having breakfast, I switch on the radio and listen to the news.

9). It takes me 10 minutes to get to school. ten). School starts at 8 sharp and I have lessons till half past 12. 11). I usually have six or seven lessons a day. 12). I return home at 2 o "clock and take a short rest and I have lunch at 3.

13). After doing my homework I go for a walk with my friends. fourteen). I often play chess with them. fifteen). I am a member of a chess club. 16). Sometimes we go to the pictures or the theater but not very often. 17). In summer I like to get out more, so in the evenings I go to the tennis court for a few sets of tennis, or take out my bike for a run in the country.

eighteen). My parents usually return home at 19 o "clock. 19). We have dinner at 19.30. 20). As usual dinner consists of soup, fish or roast chicken, potatoes, vegetables and dessert. 21). After dinner we go to the 22) There we read books, newspapers and magazines, watch TV, chat with the friends on the phone.

23). On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I attend preparatory courses at the University. 24). I leave home at 4.30 pm and come back at 8.30 am.

25). At 10 o "clock I take a shower, brush my teeth and go to bed. 26). I fall asleep fast and have no dreams.

My schedule

one). My daily routine is normal. 2). On weekdays, I wake up to the alarm and my work day begins. 3). I usually get up at 7 o'clock. four). In spring and summer, I get up, run to the window, open it wide to breathe in the fresh morning air. 5). I do morning exercises, wash my face, brush my teeth and comb my hair. 6). Then I have breakfast. 7). For breakfast I usually eat ham with eggs, toast, tea or coffee and jam. eight). I turn on the radio, listen to the news and have breakfast.

9). It takes me 10 minutes to get to school. ten). Classes start promptly at 8, lessons last until 12.30. eleven). I usually have 6, 7 lessons a day. 12). I return home at 2 pm, rest a bit and eat.

13). After preparing my homework, I go out with my friends. fourteen). I often play chess with them. fifteen). I am a member of the chess club. 16). Sometimes we go to the cinema or the theatre, but not very often. 17). In the summer I like to be outdoors more often, so in the evenings I play tennis on the tennis court or take a bike and ride out of town.

eighteen). My parents usually come home at 7 pm. 19). We all have dinner together at 7:30 pm. twenty). Usually for dinner we have soup, fish or fried chicken, potatoes, vegetables and dessert. 21). After dinner we gather in the living room. 22). We read books, newspapers, magazines, watch TV, talk on the phone with friends.

23). On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I attend preparatory courses at the university. 24). I leave home at 4:30 pm and return at 8:30 am.

25). At 10 pm I take a shower, brush my teeth and go to bed. 26). I fall asleep quickly and never dream.

1. Is it difficult for you to get up early?
2. Does your mother get up earlier than you? Why?
3. What do you do when you get up?
4. How much time does it take you to get to school?
5. When does your school begin?
6. How long does it last?
7. What do you usually do in the evenings?

1. Do you find it difficult to get up early in the morning?
2. Your mother gets up before everyone else. Why?
3. What do you do when you get out of bed?
4. How long does it take you to get to school?
5. When does school start?
6. How long are the lessons?
7. What do you usually do in the evening?

Topic: My daily routine

Subject: My daily routine

Our life changes all the time. Next year I will finish school and I don't know how I will spend time in the future. There are so many opportunities to use, so many spheres of science to study, people to get acquainted with, places to visit. I am interesting and happy future. But at the present moment I am just a schoolgirl. Now I will tell you.

Our life is changing all the time. AT next year I will finish school and I can't imagine how I will spend my days in the future. There are so many opportunities to explore, so many fields to explore, so many people to meet, so many places to visit. I look forward to an interesting and happy future. But at the moment I'm just a schoolgirl. I will tell you what my daily life looks like.

I wake up at seven o'clock in the morning. , which plays my favorite song for the day. Sometimes it is difficult to break away from the pillow, especially in winter period, when days are so short and it is completely. Three times a week I begin my day with physical exercises – with running. I put on my sneakers and a sports suit, stick headphones into my ears and run to the park. There I make the pond and turn back home. Then I have breakfast. I make breakfast by myself. It always consists of toasts, eggs and coffee, and when my mom is at home I eat porridge. After breakfast I have a contrast shower, put on my school uniform, comb hair, brush teeth and go to school.

I usually wake up at seven o'clock. I use alarm clocks that play my favorite song to start the day well. Sometimes it's not easy to tear yourself away from the pillow, especially in winter when the days are so short and it's completely dark outside the window. Three times a week I start my day with exercise- running. I put on my running shoes and tracksuit, plug my earphones into my ears, and run to the park. There I make three circles around the pond and turn back home. Then I have breakfast. I cook breakfast myself. It always consists of toast, eggs and coffee, when my mom is at home I have porridge. After breakfast, I take a shower, put on school uniform I comb my hair, brush my teeth and go to school.

At 8 o'clock I meet my friend who lives in the neighboring house and we continue our trip together. On the way we discuss current events, laugh and tell stories to each other. Meeting my friend in the morning cheers me up and makes my school routine better. The route to our school is not very long but we like morning.

At 8 o'clock I meet my friend who lives next door and we will continue our journey together. On the way we discuss current events, laugh and tell stories to each other. Meeting my girlfriend in the morning lifts my spirits and makes my school routine better. The route to our school is not very long, but we like to take our time and enjoy the morning.

My classes at school start at half past eight. As a rule, my class has six or seven lessons. Each lesson. There is a big break after the fourth lesson when we are able to visit and have a quick snack. I study so I have a great number of biology and chemistry lessons. I have to strain my brains, so at the end of the school day I feel very tired. I go home at half past three. There I have dinner. I usually eat food that for me the day before. I eat soup and meat with vegetables. After dinner I feel energetic again. I do my homework as quickly as possible and finally I am free. The most exciting part of the day begins.

My school starts at half past eight. As a rule, I have six or seven lessons. Each lesson lasts forty-five minutes. There is a big break after the fourth period when we can visit our school cafeteria and have a bite to eat. I am in a medical class and therefore I have a lot of biology and chemistry lessons. I strain my brain during my studies, so at the end of school I feel very tired. I go home at two o'clock. I have lunch there. I usually eat the food my mom made for me the previous evening. Usually my lunch consists of soup and meat with vegetables. After dinner I feel energetic again. I do my homework as fast as possible and finally I am free. The most interesting part of the day begins.

There are several options of my further day activities. The thing that never changes is that everything I do, I do with my friends. When it is warm we like to ride bicycles or go to the park. When it is cloudy or rainy we go to the cinema, or to the entertainment center, where we play bowling and pool. Sometimes we visit each other's homes. In winter we too. There is a huge skating rink in our block with music and lights. We enjoy skating and boys are fond of playing hockey. On the hills near the park we ride snow skates and ski. Also we like to play snowballs.

There are several options for my further activities for spending time. The only thing that never changes is that everything I do, I do with my friends. In warm weather, we like to ride bikes or go to the park. When it's raining we go to the cinema, or to Entertainment Center where we play bowling and pool. Sometimes we visit each other. In winter we have many interesting activities too. We have a big ice rink on our block with music and lights. We enjoy skating and the boys love to play hockey. On the hills near the park we go snowboarding and skiing. Also, we love to play snowballs.

At 5 o clock I go to the dancing school. I've been attending dances since my childhood and I do it very well. I can dance using several styles and my trainer sometimes little children. This activity doesn't take me more than an hour and a half.

At 5 o'clock I go to the dance school. I have been attending dances since childhood and I do it very well. I can practice several styles of dance and my trainer sometimes allows me to teach small children. This activity does not take more than an hour and a half.

Once a week I with my private teacher. She works in the university that I am going to enter, but I meet with her at her flat. She lives far from me, so I go there by trolleybus or by bus. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to my teacher's house. During the lesson she gives me various tests, and when I make mistakes, which is my weak point.

Once a week I have a chemistry lesson with my private teacher. She works at the university I'm going to attend, but I meet her at her apartment. She lives far away from me, so I go there by bus. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to my teacher's house. During the lesson, she gives me various tests and when I make a mistake, we go through the topic that I was wrong about.

On Friday, when I have no homework, I like to visit my granny. She always gives me something tasty. We drink tea and eat pancakes or donuts. I can spend a lot of time at my granny's. She has a dog, so after the tea we go for a walk with it. The dog's name is Grey. It is very clever and executes various commands.

On Friday, when I don't have homework, I like to visit my grandmother. She always gives me something tasty. We drink tea and eat pancakes or donuts. I can spend a lot of time with my grandmother. She has a dog, so after tea we go for a walk with her. The dog's name is Grey. He is very smart and follows various commands.

Want to top up quickly? vocabulary on this topic? The good news is that you don't have to reread the list of daily routine words on English language with the translation. Forget about cramming and boring repetition of monotonous phrases. Everything is much easier.

Imagine your typical day

Let it be a weekday filled with your daily activities. Imagine opening your eyes in the morning and getting out of bed ("wake up"). This moment can be described by the word "wakening", or "awakening". Maybe you have already drawn up your daily routine (most often called the "daily routine") in advance and are determined to stick to it right from the moment you wake up. Or maybe in the first minutes of the morning you desperately resist the schedule, not even wanting to think about self-discipline.

In any case, you get out of bed and go to put yourself in order. You go to the bathroom and brush your teeth ("brush teeth"), wash your face ("wash up"), take a shower ("take a shower"). If you care about your health, then you will probably do morning exercises ("do morning exercises"). And, of course, have breakfast ("have breakfast").

At home, of course, it is cozy and good, but sooner or later you will have to get ready for work (study) - "get prepared to go to the job (institute / school)". If we are talking about in English about the beginning of the lessons, you can say with the help of the phrase "my lessons start at 8 am/9 am/etc". For those who work, the phrase "my working day", which translates as "working day", is suitable.

After you get out of work or school, you enjoy thinking about how to spend the evening. Most likely, you already have specific plans. For example, go shopping ("go shopping"), meet friends ("meet friends"). In general, you will surely give yourself some rest ("rest"). And, of course, sooner or later you will come home ("go/come back home"). But, of course, the day doesn't end there.

You can relax and watch TV ("watch TV"), listen to music ("listen to the music"). It will be great if you have the opportunity to spend time with your family ("spend time with family"). Or maybe you will do household chores ("do household chores"): tidy up the apartment ("tidy up a flat"), do laundry ("do laundry"), cook something for dinner/lunch ("cook something for dinner"). Students prepare for the next day of school and do their homework ("do homework").

At the end of the day you can take a bath or shower ("have a bath / a shower"). And finally, it's time to go to bed ("go to bed").

Remind yourself of the words throughout the day

So, you imagined your day, spoke the key points of the daily routine in English. To better remember words and phrases, replay them in your memory when you do this or that action during the day. For example, when opening your eyes in the morning and struggling with sleep, say to yourself: "Come on, wake up!" When taking a shower, remind yourself that in English it would be "take a shower", and so on. You can even stick stickers around the apartment with phrases and words that you want to learn. Then, approaching the refrigerator, you will immediately see the phrase "have breakfast", and it will remain in your memory.

Tell me about your day

There are other ways. For example, you can take a piece of paper or your diary and describe your usual daily routine in English: "I wake up at 7 o'clock every day. Then I go to the bathroom...". You can also describe how your day went by taking a few minutes before bed. And, of course, it would be useful to describe your tomorrow. Speak or write down in English your plans for tomorrow - what time are you going to get up, where to go, who to meet and so on. This will not only motivate you to stick to your planned routine, but also expand your vocabulary - because you will have to find a lot of new words to express your idea. You can place the sheet with your notes in a conspicuous place so that the next day it will be in front of your eyes.

Learn about other people's daily routines

By the way, you can easily memorize words on this topic with the help of a variety of videos about the daily routine in English. Many vloggers like to discuss this topic. At the same time, they talk about their day in a very exciting way and can inspire you to create a similar "schedule" for yourself.

Read articles about daily routine famous people in English. Agree, it will be interesting to know how your favorite actor or athlete usually spends his day? Stories about the daily routine of successful people, such as Benjamin Franklin, will be very inspiring.

As you can see, the daily routine in English is very simple and interesting topic. So don't worry that you won't be able to master it. Start right now!

So, if you already know how to read English, then your next step is to learn English words and learn how to make sentences with them.
Imagine that English words are bricks, and the rules of English grammar are the composition with which you will gradually build your building, rather, his knowledge of English language:))

So let's continue. And we go to daily routine. This is what we do every day and often do not like to do and therefore we call "routine".

By the way, routine- in English and there will be a daily routine.

daily routine- schedule

Check if you read these words correctly. To do this, double-click on the word with the mouse, and then use electronic dictionary that is connected to the site.

English for beginners. Lesson 2

I. Vocabulary

List English words for beginners on the topic "Daily routine" (level 1.1 - for self-learners of English)

1. to get up early / late - get up early / late

Particle to indicates that the verb is in the initial form, in sentences it is usually not needed.

2. (to) go to bed early / late - go to bed early / late

3. (to) take a shower - take a shower
4. (to) work - work
5. (to) have English lessons
6. (to) read English books - read books
7. (to) watch TV - watch TV

II. Grammar / Grammar

Now we will learn how to write questions with these expressions. And let's start from the very simple questionseparating.

How to ask questions in English

1. Construction of a disjunctive question in the present simple tense.

To ask a disjunctive question in English, you need to add a "tail" to the affirmative sentence. In the case of the simple present tense, which you study in the topic "Daily routine" - this tail will be - don't you?

You…., don't you? “You….., right?


You get up late, don't you? You get up late, don't you?

ADVICE. Learn some questions with these expressions. They will help you start speaking English right now.


Exercise 1. Make up some questions with these expressions 1-7.

Exercise 2. Practice sentences - shifters. In the case of a negative sentence, the "tail" in the question will be affirmative.


You get up late, don't you? You don't get up early So?

You get up late, don't you? –You don't get up early, do you?

List of English words on the topic "Daily routine" (continued)

8. have breakfast (lunch) - have breakfast; have for lunch - have (eat) for breakfast
9. have dinner - have dinner
10. go to work - go to work
11. cook (breakfast, dinner, supper) - cook breakfast, lunch and dinner
12. wash up - wash dishes
13. do housework - do something around the house
14. do shopping - make purchases
15. go out - go somewhere, spend time outside the home
16. go shopping - go shopping
17. go to the cinema (the theater, the circus, an exhibition, a concert, a library) - go to the cinema (theatre, exhibitions, concerts, circus, library)
18. go to see smb - visit someone

The second type of question that will be very useful to you in colloquial speech is intonation question.

2. The construction of a general (intonation question) question in the simple present tense

Do you get up early? — Do you get up early?
Do you get up late? — Do you get up late?


Exercise 3 Make up some questions with expressions 8-18.


Do you have breakfast?

And finally, we will get acquainted with the special question. This question begins with a question word. Here .

3. Construction of a special question in the simple present tense.

When (when) do you ....? - the question is almost similar to the intonational question (Do you ...?), only it begins with an interrogative word.

When do you get up? - When do you wake up?
When do you have breakfast? - When do you have breakfast?

Questions of this type are asked present simple tense pattern.


Exercise 4 Ask questions with expressions 1-18. They will help you start speaking English right now. Use question words (Wh-words):

What…? - What … ?

Where...? - Where … ?

When…? - When … ?

Why...? - Why … ? Why … ?

How…? - How … ?

How to ask for help in English?

If you want to ask your interlocutor to help you, then use the verb help and a simple expression:

Can you help me, please? (colloquial) /Could you help me, please? (polite)

or more advanced expressions in a similar construction:

  • give me a hand with... (colloquial) - help with ...
  • do me a favor(form.) - to show a courtesy


Can you give me a hand with cooking dinner, please? “Could you help me prepare dinner?”

Could you do me a favour, please, and wash the dishes? Could you do me a favor and wash the dishes?

Let's sum up the second lesson of English for beginners. If you have done the items listed below, then check the boxes :)

1. You copied into the dictionary and learned the 18 most common words on the topic “Daily routine”, which you will definitely need.

2. You have memorized how to ask three types of questions in the present tense, namely:

  • You like …, don't you? (separated question)
  • Do you like...? (intonation or general question)
  • What do you like…? (special issue)

3. You have activated 18 expressions and are able to ask questions of these types in the present tense.

For verification, write your questions and send them to the teacher for verification through the form below. The service is paid 1 question - 1 rub.

4. You know how to ask for help in English, namely:

  • Can you help me?
  • Can you give me a hand?
  • Could you do me a favour?

5. Have you understood the difference between the expressions: Can you ...? and Could you…?

[ ]

one). My every day activities are quite routine. 2). On weekdays the alarm clock wakes me up and my working day begins. 3). I usually get up at 7 o "clock. 4). If it is spring or summer I jump out of bed, run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh morning air in. 5). I do my physical jerks, wash, clean my teeth and comb my hair. 6). Then I have breakfast. 7). For breakfast I usually have toasted bread, bacon and eggs, tea or coffee and some jam. 8). While I am having breakfast, I switch on the radio and listen to the news.

9). It takes me 10 minutes to get to school. ten). School starts at 8 sharp and I have lessons till half past 12. 11). I usually have six or seven lessons a day. 12). I return home at 2 o "clock and take a short rest and I have lunch at 3.

13). After doing my homework I go for a walk with my friends. fourteen). I often play chess with them. fifteen). I am a member of a chess club. 16). Sometimes we go to the pictures or the theater but not very often. 17). In summer I like to get out more, so in the evenings I go to the tennis court for a few sets of tennis, or take out my bike for a run in the country.

eighteen). My parents usually return home at 19 o "clock. 19). We have dinner at 19.30. 20). As usual dinner consists of soup, fish or roast chicken, potatoes, vegetables and dessert. 21). After dinner we go to the 22) There we read books, newspapers and magazines, watch TV, chat with the friends on the phone.

23). On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I attend preparatory courses at the University. 24). I leave home at 4.30 pm and come back at 8.30 am.

25). At 10 o "clock I take a shower, brush my teeth and go to bed. 26). I fall asleep fast and have no dreams.

Translation of the text: My Daily Program - My daily routine

one). My daily routine is normal. 2). On weekdays, I wake up to the alarm and my work day begins. 3). I usually get up at 7 o'clock. four). In spring and summer, I get up, run to the window, open it wide to breathe in the fresh morning air. 5). I do morning exercises, wash my face, brush my teeth and comb my hair. 6). Then I have breakfast. 7). For breakfast I usually eat ham with eggs, toast, tea or coffee and jam. eight). I turn on the radio, listen to the news and have breakfast.

9). It takes me 10 minutes to get to school. ten). Classes start promptly at 8, lessons last until 12.30. eleven). I usually have 6, 7 lessons a day. 12). I return home at 2 pm, rest a bit and eat.

13). After preparing my homework, I go out with my friends. fourteen). I often play chess with them. fifteen). I am a member of the chess club. 16). Sometimes we go to the cinema or the theatre, but not very often. 17). In the summer I like to be outdoors more often, so in the evenings I play tennis on the tennis court or take a bike and ride out of town.

eighteen). My parents usually come home at 7 pm. 19). We all have dinner together at 7:30 pm. twenty). Usually for dinner we have soup, fish or fried chicken, potatoes, vegetables and dessert. 21). After dinner we gather in the living room. 22). We read books, newspapers, magazines, watch TV, talk on the phone with friends.

23). On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I attend preparatory courses at the university. 24). I leave home at 4:30 pm and return at 8:30 am.

25). At 10 pm I take a shower, brush my teeth and go to bed. 26). I fall asleep quickly and never dream.

1. 100 topics of oral English (V. Kaverina, V. Boyko, N. Zhidkih) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and applicants to universities. Oral exam. Topics. Reading texts. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)


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