Application on the theme of Easter egg in the middle. Paper Easter egg applique

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Lyubov Borisova
Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the middle group “Let's decorate an Easter egg”

Lesson summary on application in the middle group

« Let's decorate the Easter egg» .

Educator: Borisova L. A.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about folk art, its history, and folk and Orthodox holidays.

2. Continue to introduce children to the elements appliqués.

3. Repeat the technique.

4. Develop a sense of composition, the ability to find a successful combination of colors.

5. Foster love for the culture of your people.

Preliminary work: picture album easter eggs, sample elements appliqués.

Material: dummies easter eggs, colored cardboard blanks, blanks stripes: straight, wavy; geometric figures: ovals, circles, triangles of different colors; PVC glue, brushes, oilcloth, brush stands, handout trays, audio recording of Russian traditional bell ringings (Easter bell) .

Educator: Hello guys! Look what's on the table in front of you? Right: kits for appliqués. This means we will work with our hands, let’s use them let's prepare:

Finger gymnastics Wizard:

If I get the scissors, ("scissors")

Then I will become a wizard:

(raise your arms and hands up)

I cut it out of paper (depict)

Birds, cars, towers, flags

(“bird”, rudder movements, “tower”, “flag”)

I'll paint them, dry them, (depict)

I'll show it to everyone I know!

(spread your arms from your chest to the sides)

Educator: Guys, please tell me what time of year it is now? (spring, month? (April,

What holiday will we celebrate on Sunday?

Right: holiday Easter.


A bright holiday comes to earth Easter

More magical than any fairy tale

More wonderful than any earthly miracles:

Easter clink and eggs with Easter cakes.

The birch trees stood up like white candles.

And rushes over the ground blagovest:

Christ is risen! Truly Risen!

And willow in honor of the Holy Resurrection

Spring clothes decorations.

And, like a temple, filled with singing forest:

Christ is risen! Truly Risen!

Andrey Usachev.

And now I want to tell you why we celebrate it. " Easter is considered the most important holiday. On this day the son of God Jesus resurrected. A long time ago, God sent his son Jesus to earth. He grew up among people and died for it to help them get rid of their sins. Jesus was crucified on the cross on Friday, and on Sunday there was an earthquake on the earth. Jesus rose from the dead, thereby conquering death.

After his ascension, Jesus ordered his disciples to go around the world and preach his teachings to the people. Mary and Mary went to preach the teachings of Christ (mother of Christ). She came to Rome, to the imperial palace. In those distant times, everyone who came to the emperor was sure to bring some kind of present: the rich - jewelry, and the poor - what they can. Mary had nothing with her except her faith in Christ. She handed the emperor a simple chicken egg and immediately said loudly the main thing news: "Christ is risen!". The emperor was surprised and said: “It’s hard to believe, as well as the fact that it’s white the egg may turn red! While he was saying these words, egg began to change his color: It turned pink and then darkened and finally turned bright red. So the first one was given Easter Egg.

Give to each other Easter Egg- the main custom of this bright holiday.

Many years have passed, but all people remember and love Jesus, because he carried in his heart love for all living things and taught this to all people. Since then people have been celebrating the holiday Easter. We go to church for services, bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. Egg- the most important and important symbol Easter.

Easter eggs – colorful or decorated with patterns and designs

Physical education minute

Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together,

They stomped their feet.

Hands patted.

Spun around, twirled around

They sat back down at the tables

We close our eyes tightly.

We count to five together.

Open, blink

And we begin to work.

And you and I Let's decorate our Easter eggs with applique, which will consist of small parts. You can use various strips as details - simple or cut with teeth or waves. Such strips can be glued in pairs -

from one end of the egg and from the other so that the pattern on it looks symmetrical. Everything is allowed egg cover it with stripes of the same color so that it resembles a naval vest. Or you can put stripes only on the top and bottom, and in the middle between them put some flower with petals.

(Invite the children to look at the blanks, you can offer geometric figures: triangles, circles, ovals)

Invite children to look at the base easter egg, pre-cut from colored cardboard (it should resemble the shape of a real egg).

Now try it decorate them yourself, come up with your own drawings. You have a lot of imagination, they can turn out to be more colorful, funny, and individual. (Children get to work)

After egg decorated, you need to let it dry so that all the parts stick to the egg shape.

Here are ours Easter eggs are ready!

Examine all the eggs with your children, mark the most beautiful ones, and you can also offer to exchange Easter eggs with each other with words "Christ is risen!".


What holiday were we talking about today?

What is customary to give each other on this holiday?

Publications on the topic:

Goal: To introduce children to the Christian holiday of Easter. Objectives: to cultivate a love for the culture of one’s people. Develop in children.

materials: soft plasticine, plasticine board, egg template, cereals: peas, beans. tasks: to develop imagination and interest in the process.

I always show a desire not only to teach children how to make cute crafts, but also to carry them out with interest, desire, and imagination.

Very soon we will celebrate the holiday of Easter. It is no secret that for this holiday in Rus' there was a tradition of painting Easter cards.

Summary of direct educational activities (applications) for children of the senior group “Easter egg”. Goal: 1. Strengthen skills.

Let's congratulate our family, friends and acquaintances on the bright holiday of Easter with the help of a cute handmade card! Such a postcard can be placed in. offers ideas for Easter cards that you can make together with your child.

Postcards with mosaic style applique

You can introduce your child to the basics of weaving and at the same time create a bright, original card using strips of colored paper. Cut strips of the same width or use ready-made quilling kits. A diagram of the simplest weaving of paper of two colors is shown in the figure below.

In a sheet of contrasting colored paper, make a slit in the silhouette of an egg. To make the egg symmetrical, fold the sheet in half when cutting. Then glue the braided fabric onto the bottom side of the sheet and decorate the card with additional details: braid, glitter, paper flowers.

An Easter card can be decorated with a bright egg in a mosaic design. Fresh, colorful and original!

If you have colored adhesive tape, you can use it to make a colored striped egg on a card. To do this, outline the shape of the egg on tracing paper; glue the tape to the base with a slight overlap of 1-2 mm; then cut along the contour; remove the tracing paper and glue the egg onto the front side of the postcard.

Postcard using silhouette cutting technique

Similarly, you can make a gentle card for Easter. To do this, using a template, we cut out the base and several chicks from white and yellow eggs, and make flowers. And glue everything onto a green base.

Application from napkin balls

Interesting works can be made using balls rolled from napkins. They are glued to the base and the necessary parts are painted, or multi-colored napkins are used. You can complement the work with flowers using the quilling technique.

Image of the temple on an Easter card

If you cut out the silhouette of a temple from white paper, paste it onto an oval-shaped sky background, decorate it with colored eggs and willow branches from colored paper, you will get an excellent thematic card for Easter.

A three-dimensional multilayer card is made by cutting out each layer separately and fastening it with an accordion. As a result of painstaking work, a very impressive Easter card is obtained.

Chicks and hens

You can glue funny colored chickens onto the white background of your Easter card. Even the youngest preschooler can cope with this task. For a small child, you can prepare cut out parts and offer to glue them.

Easy to make and quirky, this card is sure to put a smile on your grandma or grandpa's face.

For the next card you will need eyes for toys. This composition symbolizes the tender relationship between the mother hen and the chick.

Cute baby chicks just hatching from their shell - a cute children's theme for a card.

For older children, you can choose a postcard using corrugated paper and interesting protruding details of the composition.

You can make a card-book tied with a satin bow. A note of congratulations is included inside such a postcard.

Bright, spring applications with many flowers and cheerful chickens perfectly convey the joyful atmosphere of the holiday!

Craftsmen and lovers of appliqué need to take up the task of making double-sided postcards. Often the picture inside is even more interesting.

To make such a postcard you will need multi-colored paper and a template.

Another version of the postcard: with the sun, chicken, Easter eggs and a willow twig.

Easter is a great bright holiday. Surely many, from childhood, have had a feeling associated with it of something extraordinary, purity and prosperity. And multi-colored eggs - an indispensable attribute - were perceived not quite as food, but rather as a trifle toy. At all times, giving and exchanging eggs is a wish for good and prosperity. There are dozens of ways to make an Easter egg. Many of them are so easy and fun that your child will love them. The result of joint leisure time during a creative activity - a unique souvenir - will delight loved ones, and the Easter mood will be passed on to the child.

IMPORTANT: only natural dyes and adhesives are used to color and decorate boiled chicken eggs. If you need to use glue or paints, then you cannot eat such an egg. In order for it to retain its attractiveness as a souvenir longer and not spoil, it is recommended to use only eggshells. You need to poke two holes in the egg (top and bottom) and pour out (blow out) the contents. To prevent the fragile shell from breaking during manipulations, it is filled with plaster, polyurethane foam, or simply covered with cereal. You can also use ready-made wooden, plaster, or foam eggs.

Papier-mâché Easter egg

Everyone is familiar with the papier-mâché technique from school labor lessons. With its help, a variety of crafts are created, including decorations for Easter.

You will need:
White paper;
colored crepe or corrugated paper;
flour or starch;

Operating procedure:
1. Inflate a small balloon. You can hang it by a thread or use a stand for ease of use.
2. All paper must be cut into squares.
3. Make a paste from flour or starch.
4. Dip each square into the paste and glue it onto the ball, smoothing out the wrinkles. The first layer is of crepe paper, then several of white and the final layer of crepe paper again.
5. Let the craft dry.
6. Deflate the balloon and remove it.
7. Draw an oval window and cut it out.
8. Decorate the edges of the window with pieces of paper rolled into balls and soaked in paste.
9. Attach a ribbon tied in a bow on top.
10. Inside you can put green corrugated paper cut into strips - it’s like grass - and plant a souvenir chicken or a chicken made from thread there.

Delicate, airy, very cute and easy to make

Another great option for a surprise gift: carefully cut the finished shell and place sweets or a souvenir inside. Seal by inserting a thread to open the surprise.

Pull the string - surprise!

Easter souvenirs made of threads

Using a similar technique, you can make an egg from threads. For this you will need: a ball, threads, glue and small details for decoration. Threads soaked in glue should be wrapped around the ball, allowed to dry, remove the ball and decorate the finished frame with beads, ribbons, and buttons.

Adorable Easter bunnies will decorate the nursery

But this method of decorating with threads is far from the only one. Using foam plastic as a base (it allows you to stick pins), you can create an egg from threads with a ready-made openwork window.

You will need:
foam egg;
film (so that the threads do not stick to the base);
ribbon and decor.

You need to assemble such a craft from two halves - make the front and back separately, since it will be impossible to pull out the base. The halves are glued together and decorated with matching ribbon at the joint.

Another interesting technique of weaving threads

Crafts made from threads - decorating any corner of the house

Easter egg made of beads

A very popular way of decoration. This egg looks very rich, resembling something like a piece of jewelry like the famous Faberge. But making such an Easter egg with your own hands is quite difficult without mastering at least the basic beading technique. Special weaving patterns allow you to paint pictures with beads.

Stunning bead paintings - almost a work of art

However, there are simple options for making such eggs.

  • Option 1. Coat the workpiece with glue and carefully roll it in beads. By the way, the same method can be used to prepare edible Easter eggs, using protein instead of glue and sprinkles for confectionery products.

Food sprinkles as egg decoration

  • Option 2. If you have a lot of patience, reproduce the pattern by gluing beads of the desired colors with tweezers. It is better to use Moment glue

Beads as sprinkles and bead designs

  • Option 3. String beads onto a long thin wire, fishing line or thread. Moving in a spiral, glue the strung beads onto the workpiece. If you use beads of different colors, you can get interesting patterns.

Very original colors

  • Option 4. Another original and simple method, for which you will need:

narrow ribbons;
tailor's pins;
actually, an egg made of polystyrene foam.

The essence of the work: string a bead onto each nail pin, then a sequin and pin it to the egg. It’s also more convenient to move in a spiral, alternating rows of beads and sequins with rows of ribbons.

A lot of pins and hard work, but the result is worth it

Easter eggs with applications

Appliques do not require any special effort or skill, and they can be made from anything, creating an endless number of bright decorative souvenirs. For appliqués, use whatever comes to hand: fabric, napkins, colored paper, floss threads, and also pasta, cereals and the shells of already painted eggs.

Bright appliques made of threads and paper

Cereals and pasta are in use

You can decorate the shell... with shells!

Select the decor you like, glue it onto the blank at random or lay out a pattern, decorate it with sparkles, rhinestones, foil - voila, quickly and easily!

You can use the decoupage technique. Additionally, you will need acrylic primer, paint and varnish. Operating procedure:
1. Degrease and prime the workpiece.
2. Paint with acrylic paint in two or three layers using a sponge.
3. Cut out parts of the design from a decorative napkin.
4. Glue using diluted PVA glue.
5. Let dry.
6. Apply varnish in several layers.

Delicate romantic decoupage

Easter crafts in vintage style

Dull, but tasteful, but very unusual Easter eggs: a master class on them is presented below.

You will need:
PVA glue and “Moment”;
buttons, decor;
coffee and cinnamon as dyes.

Operating procedure:
1. Finely tear the newspaper.
2. Glue the overlap using PVA and smooth the pieces of newspaper onto the workpiece.
3. Let dry.
4. Prepare a solution for tinting from water, PVA glue, coffee and cinnamon.
5. Apply the tinting solution with a brush.
6. Cover with a layer of varnish or PVA glue.
7. Decorate with lace and decorative elements.

Old newspapers sometimes come in handy in the most unusual ways

Easter ribbon decorations

Such stylish, elegant eggs will be a worthy decoration of the interior - a chest of drawers or a mantelpiece. Satin ribbons add special chic and extravagance to such decorative elements. They are simple to perform and do not require special preparation: you need a blank, ribbons, double-sided tape and rhinestones (optional).

Operating procedure:
1. Apply tape on top and bottom.
2. Attach the ends of the ribbons to the tape.
3. Gently pulling the tapes, wrap the workpiece.
4. Secure the ends with a hairpin.
5. Make a decoration from a separate ribbon: fold it in half, secure the corner and shift the tails one by one until an accordion is formed. Secure the other end.
6. Sew on the decoration in a spiral.
7. Fix the tails with rhinestones or stones.

You can also make bows, flowers from ribbons, and decorate a souvenir stand with them.

A job that seems difficult at first glance is not so difficult

Impressive and stylish result

Extraordinarily beautiful, bright, festive crafts using the quilling technique delight the eye, delight and touch. But you shouldn’t envy those who have this technique - it’s better to take quilling paper, a special tool (at first, an awl, a toothpick, or a large needle will do) and try paper rolling yourself. All complex patterns in quilling consist of many small standard elements, which are not so difficult to create - just a little skill.

Thin strips of paper are rolled into rolls. The rolls are loosened and the tip is secured with glue. For leaves and petals, the rolls are compressed at the edges. Each part must be coated with glue in the places of greatest contact between the curls, and excess glue must be removed.

The finished parts are dipped in glue and laid out in a pattern on the base.

For such a craft, two simple quilling elements are enough.

The result is excellent!

Crafts and decorations for Easter are an excellent option for family leisure, and ready-made gifts, made with your own hands, with soul and imagination, are a wonderful tribute to Easter traditions and related values. Everyone can try the beauty of creating their own little masterpiece!

Master class: Combined application “Easter composition with decor” for older preschoolers and junior schoolchildren with disabilities.

Vlasevich Ekaterina 8 years old, student at the Center for Correction and Development, Krasnodar.
Teacher: Statsenko Larisa Viktorovna, speech therapist-defectologist, special psychologist, Center for Correction and Development, Krasnodar.

Description: The material may be useful to additional education teachers, parents, teachers in the preparatory group of kindergartens, educators and primary school teachers working with children with disabilities.
Purpose: gift composition for Easter.
Target: making a gift craft for Easter Sunday to please mom and dad.
- teach how to make an Easter composition from cereals, paper and viscose napkins;
- learn to observe the sequence and spatial arrangement of craft parts on the work surface when performing a composition;
- teach decorative elements of crafts;
- enrich the child’s understanding of the holiday of Easter;
- cultivate a desire to do work accurately and aesthetically;
- develop fine motor skills, imagination, visual and figurative thinking and the child’s creative potential in the process of practical activities.

Materials and tools:
- templates for Easter applique

- thick colored blue cardboard
- millet
- buckwheat
- peas
- yellow viscose napkins
- cotton buds

Household tow
- colored double-sided green and white paper
- braid for decoration
- gouache
- brush
- glass of water
- PVA glue
- regular scissors and decorative scissors
- picture of the sun.
Safety precautions when working with scissors:
- Before work, scissors must be well adjusted and sharpened.
- Scissors should be stored in a specially designated place (box or stand).
- When working with scissors, you need to be careful and disciplined.
- When passing scissors, you should hold them by the closed blades.
- Place the scissors on the right with the blades closed, pointing away from you.
- When cutting, the narrow blade of the scissors should be at the bottom.

Progress of the master class:
So, we begin work on making an Easter composition from cereals, paper and viscose napkins.
1. Cut out a template of white paper products along the contour: egg, shell, chicken body.

2. Place the template of the chicken body parts on a yellow viscose napkin, trace it and cut it out along the contour.

3. Glue the egg template on blue cardboard closer to the middle.

4. Cover the base of the egg template with PVA glue and fill it successively with millet, removing the excess grain into an empty container.

5. Glue the parts of the chicken’s body to the right of the egg.

6. Glue a white paper shell to the top and bottom of the chicken, creating the effect of a chick hatching from an egg. Let's make a nest: cut a small piece of industrial tow and glue it to the bottom shell.

7. Glue an eye from peas, and make a beak from pink colored paper.

8. Color the Easter egg with yellow gouache, and the chicken’s eye with black gouache. Let the parts of the product dry thoroughly.

9. Decorate the Easter egg using glue with colored braid and draw red peas in gouache.

10. Next, let's start making willow branches from buckwheat and cotton swabs. Draw three lines with glue to the left of the egg - these will be willow branches. Fill the adhesive base with buckwheat, shake off the excess cereal into a free container. Let the product dry and then paint the cereal with brown gouache.

11. Cut out four willow leaves and a rectangle from double-sided green colored paper with decorative scissors. Fold the rectangle in an opposite fold and secure it with glue in the middle.

12. Cut the heads of cotton swabs and glue them along each branch on both sides.

13. We bend the cut out curly leaves in half, coat them with glue only in the middle and glue one leaf above the egg, and the other three on the side under the willow branches. We will place the paper bow decor under the Easter egg.

14. So that our craft gives loved ones not only the warmth of the Easter holiday, but also joy, we will cut out a picture of a smiling sun and glue it to the upper right corner. The craft is ready. May the day of Easter be joyful and memorable for your loved ones!

Paper Easter egg applique is an interesting craft that you can do with your children in preparation for Easter.


Application is a wonderful version of a developmental task that children really like. While performing the application, children develop imagination, attention, thinking, perseverance and much more.

In preparation for the Easter holidays, you can conduct a number of applique-related activities with your children in order to effectively decorate the interior of your home for the holiday, as well as make small souvenirs for family and friends.

To create an application, you can take any Easter symbol. For the first lesson on an Easter theme, as well as for playing with small children, the best option for creating an application is an egg. It's no secret that pysanky - colored eggs - are one of the most recognizable and important symbols of Easter.


To conduct an applique class, you must have certain materials prepared.

  • A blank in the form of an egg made of paper or cardboard. Cardboard is the most convenient material, as it has a number of undeniable advantages compared to paper: dense structure, holds its shape well, and is more difficult to get wet under the influence of liquid glue.
  • Materials to be used for applique. These can be scraps of colored paper, specially cut pieces of colored paper of different shapes and sizes, pictures from magazines or old postcards.
  • Depending on what materials are used for the application, an adhesive is selected that can effectively hold them on the workpiece. For paper you can use pencil glue, PVA glue, stationery glue.
  • In addition, if you have foreseen in advance what you will use the completed application for, then prepare the appropriate additional materials. For example, you may need a card base, a hole punch (awl) and a satin ribbon if you want to make an applique egg into a beautiful pendant. In addition, such a craft can become a beautiful magnet for the refrigerator.

Easter egg with paper applique

For application on a cardboard blank in the form of an Easter egg, colored paper can be prepared in several ways:

  • Cut with scissors into pieces of different sizes and shapes. As a result, you will get a wonderful applique in which you can alternate colors and shapes of pieces of colored paper. You can use them to lay out certain ornaments or designs, and so on.
  • You can also tear colored paper into pieces without resorting to scissors. This method of preparing material for appliqué perfectly stimulates fine motor skills when performing certain “tearing” movements. The application turns out to be unusual and original.
  • To create paper elements, you can use shaped hole punches. With their help, identical and even details are created in the form of flowers, hearts, stars, and so on.
  • In addition to colored paper, you can use colored pictures from magazines or old postcards to create a beautiful collage.
  • Applications from newspapers look very original, using strips of text with a certain meaning as the material. Additionally, such an application can be “aged”, that is, the finished product can be coated with a strong solution of tea leaves or coffee.

Work process

So, let's get to work. We prepare the workpiece and materials (tear, cut, sort and lay out). We are trying to determine how to arrange the sequence of laying out the pieces of paper. Apply glue to the workpiece and place the design on the workpiece. If you have thick corrugated cardboard as a blank, then the paper that will be located on the edge can be folded to the wrong side. This will make the end side of the testicle look neater. You can glue another similar piece of colored paper to the back side to hide all the flaws. And if you plan to use such an applique to create a postcard, then you can immediately place it on the base for the postcard.

If your eggs with applique will become beautiful pendants, which can be used to decorate the walls of the house in the form of a garland or hang on a decorative tree made from branches brought from the street. In this case, the application must be done both on the front and back sides of the workpiece.


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