Arabic dictionary with translation into Russian. Dictionary

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This is incredible necessary thing, if you are planning to travel to resorts and cities Arab countries. Of course, in many resorts in the world, you just need to know English, and sometimes only Russian, but this does not apply to the resorts we are talking about. In many Arab resorts, the only common and common practice is Arabic, because this phrasebook will be an indispensable assistant for you.

Here are the most common topics of conversation and all kinds of frequently asked questions.


Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Yesنعم naam(quince)
Noلا la
Thank youشكرا shukran
Pleaseمن فضلك Athos
Sorryآسف Athos
I don't understand لا افهم ana ma befham
What is your name? ما اسمك shu ismak?
Very nice يسعدني ezaiac
Where is the toilet here? أين التواليت؟ fain al hamam
Where do you live? أين تعيش؟ aesh fein
What time is it now? ما هو الوقت؟ spruce saa kam
I'm in hurry. Ana mustaajil.
Do you know English? Taarif inglisi?
Who? Min?
Which one? Ay/aya
Where? Vine?
Where? Ilya Vine?
How? Keefe?
How many? Kaddesch?
When? Mata?
Why? Bream?
What? Shu?

At customs

At the station

Walk around the city

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
guide gaveIl
driver SAEK
Taxi Taxi
bus bass
car saiyara
airplane TayYara
ship, boat kareb
camel dzhemal
donkey hmAr
airport matar
port minAa
station mahAtta
ticket bitaka, tazkara
registration Taszhil
stop here! stana ghena
there henAk
Here ghEna
change (money) mAbljak baakyn
Where is the? as-suk al ghUra duty free fen tugad?
directly alatUl
back uAra
go slower beshuIsh
hurry up Asraa
how much does it cost to get to...? bekam tausIlya lel...?
I want to go to the market. Ana Aiz arUkh e'sU


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 sipher
1 wahid (wahad)
2 itnan (itnin)
3 talata
4 arba-a
5 hamiza
6 sitta
7 saba-a
8 Tamania
9 tizaa (tes-a)
10 ashara
11 hidashar
12 itnaashar
13 talattashar
14 arba tashar
15 Hamas Ta'ashar
16 sittatashar
17 sabataashar
18 taman tashar
19 Tiza Tashar
20 isrin
21 Wahid wa Ashrin
22 itnan va ashrim
30 talatine
40 arbaain
50 khamsin
60 sitin
70 sabba-in
80 tamanin
90 tiza-in
100 mia (meya)
200 mithein
300 talatmeya
400 arbameya
500 hamsameya
600 sittameya
700 sabameya
800 tamanimeya
900 tisameya
1 000 alpha
2 000 alfen
3 000 talattalaf
100 000 mit alf
1 000 000 million-an

At the hotel

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
What is the priceكم يكلف bikam hut?
Cashالنقدية fulus; nukud
Cashlessلغير النقدية andy kart
Breadخبز hubz
Waterماء water
Fresh squeezed juiceتقلص عصير جديدة asyr fresh
Sugar/saltالسكر / الملح sukkar/melech
Milkحليب khalib
Fishسمك female
Meatلحمة lyakhm
Chickenدجاجة sales
Muttonلحم الضأن lahm kharuf
Beefلحوم البقر lyakhm bakar
Pepper/seasoningsالفلفل / التوابل fylfil / bharat
Potatoالبطاطس sweet potato
Riceالأرز Ruz
Lentilsنبات العدس adas
Onionالبصل basal
Garlicثوم tum
Sweetsملبس freebies
Fruitsثمرة fawakia
Applesالتفاح tuffah
Grapeالعنب anab
Strawberryالفراولة frez
Orangesالبرتقال burtukal
Mandarinالأفندي kelemantina
Lemonالليمون limun
Pomegranateالعقيق rumman
Bananasالموز muses
Peachesالخوخ xox
Apricotمشمش mish-mish
Mangoمانجو manga

In a cafe, restaurant

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Check please (bill)يرجى التحقق من (حساب) hysab
Tea coffeeالشاي / القهوة shai/qahwa
Instant coffeeقهوة فورية Nescafe
Soupحساء shuraba
Olivesزيتون zeytun
Saladسلطة salad
Grilledمشوي Mashvi
Friedمشوي Mackley
Boiledمسلوق Maslyuk
I do not eat meat!أنا لا أكل اللحوم! ana ma bakul lyakhma!
Vermicelliشعر الملاك shaaria
Pastaمعكرونة macaroni
Stuffed pepperمحشو الفلفل fylfil mekhshi
Sandwichسندويتش sandwish
Cheese / sour cream (sour)الجبن / يفسد كريم)خمر) jubna/laban
Beerجعة bira
Wineالنبيذ nabid


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Policeالشرطة shurta
Ambulanceسيارة إسعاف isaaf
Hospitalالمستشفى mostashifa
Pharmacyصيدلية sidelia
Doctorطبيب tabib
I'm sick / I'm sick Ana marId / Ana marIda
injury, wound jArah
blood I'll give
temperature harAra
sunstroke dArbat shYams
diabetes sUkkari
allergy Khasasiya
asthma Azma
pressure dAgat

Dates and times

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
night Leil
day nHar
afternoon baad doOhor
yesterday mbArech
day before yesterday Avval mbAreh
Today al-Youm
Tomorrow Bukra
day after tomorrow baad bukra
What time is it now? kam essAa?
Hour ElvAchida
Two hours assAnie
Noon mountAsaf ennagAr
Midnight mountAsaf ellEil
A quarter to ten el Ashra Ilya rubie
quarter past six assAdisi varUbie
half past five elkhAmisi valnUsf
five minutes past ten ettisie va khamsu dakAik
twenty minutes to three esAlisi Ilya sUlsi
Sunday elAhad
Monday elesnEn
Tuesday ElsulasAe
Wednesday alArbie
Thursday eyakhamIs
Friday eljUmue
Saturday essEbit
January eve of EssAni
February Shbat
March ezAr
April Nissan
May iAr
June KhazirAn
July TamUz
August ab
September sibteEmbar
October Tyshrin el Awwal
November Tyshrin EssAni
December kanUnal Avval
Winter shitAa
Spring rAbie
Summer safe
Autumn kharif
On Tuesday fi yom essulyasAe
this week fi gasa lusbua
Last month fi shagr elmazi
Next year FiseIni Elkadimi

Greetings – This topic includes a list of phrases needed to greet and start a conversation.

Standard phrases - a list containing the most common words and questions that are most often used in conversation.

Train station – so that you don’t feel discomfort while being at a train station in a foreign country, which is associated with a language barrier, use this phrasebook topic.

Passport control - when going through control at the airport, you need to know a number of phrases and answers to questions translated into Arabic, these phrases are presented here.

Orientation in the city - in Arab cities there are a lot of people and intersecting streets, in order not to get lost you will need to clarify the route to your destination from passers-by. This topic will help you with this.

Transport – so that you don’t have problems with public transport and taxis, use this topic.

Hotel – when checking into a hotel, be prepared for the fact that you will have to answer some questions; their translation and translation of other necessary phrases can be found in this section.

Emergency situations - anything can happen in a foreign country, to be on the safe side, use this topic from the Russian-Arabic phrasebook. Using words and phrases from this topic, you can call for help, call the police, or ask passers-by to report to the ambulance that you are feeling unwell.

Dates and times – translation of words denoting date and time.

Shopping – using this section, you can make any purchases anywhere, be it a market or an expensive jewelry store. All the questions and phrases necessary for this are collected here.

Restaurant - to call a waiter, place an order, find out what a particular dish includes, you need to know Arabic or simply use words from this topic.

Numbers and figures - every tourist should know how to pronounce this or that number in the language of the country in which he is vacationing. It is the translation of these figures and numbers that is collected in this section.

DICTIONARY, dictionary, husband. 1. A book containing a list of words arranged according to one principle or another (for example, alphabetically), with one or another explanation. English-Russian dictionary (containing translations of English words into Russian). Latin dictionary... ... Dictionary Ushakova

DICTIONARY- Two things are especially difficult: writing a dictionary and grammar. Gottfried Hermann Dictionary is the universe in alphabetical order. Voltaire's Dictionary tells you a lot more about words than you need, but not what you need. Andrew Rooney All others... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

DICTIONARY- 1) vocabulary, vocabulary language, dialect of any kind social group, an individual writer, etc. 2) A reference book containing a collection of words (or morphemes, phrases, idioms, etc.), arranged according to a certain principle, and giving ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

DICTIONARY- DICTIONARY, me, husband. 1. A collection of words (usually in alphabetical order), set expressions with explanations, interpretations or translation into another language. Tolovy s. Encyclopedic p. Phraseological p. Bilingual s. Terminological p. Dictionaries... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

DICTIONARY- DICTIONARY, 1) vocabulary, vocabulary of a language, dialect of a social group, an individual writer, etc. 2) A reference book containing a collection of words, phrases, idioms, etc., providing information about their meanings, use, translation into ... Modern encyclopedia

Dictionary- a dictionary containing, on the one hand, recommendations on the correct use of words and forms, on the other hand, warnings against violating the relevant norms... Explanatory translation dictionary

Dictionary- Multi-volume Latin dictionary This term has other meanings, see Dictionary (programming). Dictionary book ... Wikipedia

Dictionary- a collection of words (sometimes also morphemes or phrases) arranged in in a certain order, used as a reference book that explains the meanings of the units described, gives various information about them or their translation into another... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Dictionary- (Greek λεξικόν, Latin dictionarium, glossarium, vocabularium, German Wörterbuch) a collection of words belonging to a language, arranged for more convenient use in one or another systematic order, most often in a purely external, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

dictionary- 1) The same as vocabulary in the 1st meaning. 2) The same as vocabulary in the 5th meaning. 3) A collection of words arranged in alphabetical order, with explanations, interpretations or translation into another language. Academic dictionary. Dictionary normative. Dictionary… … Dictionary of linguistic terms


  • Dictionary of Russian phraseology. Historical and etymological reference book, A.K. Birikh, V.M. Mokienko, L.I. Stepanova. The dictionary is the first attempt in Russian lexicography to give the maximum full information about the history and etymology of Russian phraseological units. Revealing the original image of each sustainable... Buy for 1,500 rubles
  • Terminological dictionary for ore dressing. 2nd ed. , Dictionary. The dictionary contains terms (with translation into English language) and their significance for ore disintegration, flotation, gravity, radiometric enrichment methods, agglomeration,...

The official language of the United United Arab Emirates is Arabic. As in everything modern world English is also widely spoken in tourist and business areas. It is not uncommon to meet people who understand French. Because people came to the country to work a large number of expatriates who are not native speakers of Arabic, you can hear the languages ​​spoken in Hindi (the state language of India), Urdu (Pakistan), Bengali (Bangladesh), Farsi (Iran), Tagalog (Philippines), Malayalam (India) and Punjabi (India ).

But the increasing flow of Russian tourists is also doing a good deed - in many self-respecting hotels, shopping centers and some small shops (mainly in Nasser Square) understand Russian speech, which cannot but please lazy or difficult-to-learn English tourists from the post-Soviet space. Signs are also beginning to adapt to Russian-speaking travelers - savvy merchants are happy to try in any way to express themselves and attract buyers, although the signs still mainly broadcast in two languages ​​- Arabic and English.

There are no problems with numbers either. Along with the official Emirati Indo-Arabic numerals

very vaguely reminiscent of signs familiar to us, traditional Arabic numerals, understandable to every European.

As for the purity of speech, this is the case in the UAE big problems. Literary Arabic - fuskh - is spoken only in the mass media. It may very well be that the cream of Emirati society also speaks this language, but does not use it every day. Basically, all communication takes place in Dinglish - the so-called Dubai English, which contains a lot of things.

If, nevertheless, there is a great desire to show off at least a superficial knowledge of Arabic, then below is a list of words and phrases often used in the tourist zone.

Russian-Arabic phrasebook

Common phrases






ma assalaam

Good morning

sabah al-kheir

Good evening

masaa al-kheir

Good night

tesbah ala keir

I don't understand

ana ma befham

My name is...

What is your name?

shu ismak?

I'm from Russia

ana man Russia

Very nice

How are you?

kif al-hal?

I want juice /eat/sleep

ayz/ayza asyr/akl/enem

I don't want...

mish eye/aiza...

Where is the toilet here?

fain al hamam

How much does the ticket cost?

bikam al ograa

One ticket to takhar

vakhda love samakht

Where do you live?

What time is it now?

spruce saa kam

no entry

duhul mamnua

One ticket to... please

Vahad Bitaka..., Athos

Ommy, mom, om

Abby, baba, ab

Girl, girl


What is the price

Room with bath

gavaya safar

Do you have a pen?

andak alam?

Shop (shopping)


What is the price

bikam hut?


fulus; nukud


andy kart

Do you have water?

Andak Maya?

Enough is enough

Fresh squeezed juice

asyr fresh




lahm kharuf


lyakhm bakar


fylfil / bharat













Emergency cases


Check please (bill)

Tea coffee


Instant coffee


I do not eat meat!

ana ma bakul lyakhma!




Stuffed pepper

fylfil mekhshi


Cheese / sour cream (sour)








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