DIY aroma lamp from a Pepsi can. How to quickly and easily assemble an aroma lamp from scrap materials

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Aromatherapy originated in ancient times. The principles of scent healing were used in Egypt, Greece, India, China and other Asian countries. Gradually this trend spread to Europe and America. Essential oils are known to have a relaxing, soothing, and anti-inflammatory effect. You can choose a suitable scent for yourself and enjoy it, while it is quite possible to make a device for supplying oil (called an “aroma lamp”) with your own hands.


A simple design made from a container with essential oil and that’s what an aroma lamp is. They made this device with their own hands (as mentioned earlier) back in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. It was an ordinary lamp, above which a small container (made of ceramics, glass and other) was installed. natural materials) - oil dripped into it from various herbs with the addition of water.

It can be noted that at the moment the principle of the device has practically not changed, but at the same time the device is also used as an addition to the interior, as a lighting fixture or flash drive.

Types of fixture

Aroma lamp (you can make a simpler version with your own hands) comes in the following types:

  • A classic device. The most common device consists of a bowl of water and oil, which is heated by a burning candle.
  • This device differs from the prototype in that, as heating element A regular lighting bulb powered by the mains is used. Moreover, this device is also used for soft lighting of the room.
  • Aroma lamp with ultrasonic device. The operating principle of this device is significantly different from previous types. Here the oil is fed into a diffuser, where it evaporates under the influence of ultrasound. This aroma lamp (it would be difficult to make such a device with your own hands) does not produce side odors, such as from burning a candle, it is safe, since it does not use water, which, if handled carelessly, can lead to an electrical leak. In addition, this device is economical, since the oil is not diluted, but immediately enters the diffuser.

How to make an aroma lamp with your own hands?

In order to make such a device yourself, you may need the following materials and tools:

  • oblong tin can;
  • small candle;
  • metal scissors;
  • bowl or other suitable utensils;
  • glue and decoration stones and other materials).

This is a very simple way to make an accessory such as an aroma lamp with your own hands. The master class is presented below.

When choosing a jar, pay attention to the fact that the top should be smooth. Below, in the side surface, you need to make a small hole through which the candle will be installed. The bowl or other utensil must be suitable in size to the top hole in the jar so that the position of the bowl is stable. The surface of the jar can be decorated using various materials and glue at your discretion. After this, you can place the bowl on the jar, fill it with water and add a few drops of oil.

This device has a good calming and healing effect. In addition, some essential oils (for example, pine) disinfect the air. This device can be installed anywhere in the house and enjoy pleasant aromas.

The appearance of aroma lamps in human life dates back to centuries BC. Our ancestors used these simple devices to fill their homes with incense; people believed and continue to believe in their healing properties. Today, the role of aroma lamps has changed somewhat. They are used as decorative elements, since products of a wide variety of designs are available for sale.

The operating principle of the aroma lamp is simple. Pour some water into a small bowl and add a few drops of essential oil. Since the density of the oil allows it to remain on the surface of the water with the thinnest film, when the bowl is heated with a candle located under it, the liquid begins to evaporate, and the room is filled with an amazing subtle aroma.

There is no need to buy such a device. In our master class we will tell you how to make an aroma lamp using improvised materials with your own hands.

We will need:

  • can volume 500-750 ml;
  • cocotte maker or other container, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the jar;
  • marker;
  • awl;

Such an aroma lamp cannot be called beautiful, but if you need it “here and now,” then the option is quite suitable.

Aesthetic enjoyment

The next version of a homemade aroma lamp is suitable for those who appreciate beauty. You can’t get by with improvised means, but all materials are available and inexpensive. Before you make an original aroma lamp for your home, prepare dry twigs aromatic plants, cones, dry berries, nuts, as well as a transparent container with a lid and a wick.

Carefully place spices, cones, herbs and nuts at the bottom of the jar. Fill them with paraffin oil. Then make a hole in the lid and pull the wick through. It should be so long that two-thirds of it is immersed in the oil. Screw on the lid and the aroma lamp is ready. When burning, the wick, soaked in oil infused with herbs and spices, will emit a subtle aroma, and the flickering light will fill the house with warmth and comfort.

It’s a little more difficult to make an aroma lamp from clay with your own hands. To do this, you need to mold an oval bowl, and narrow one of its sides by folding the edges to create a hole for the wick. Using a knife, an awl or a regular toothpick, you can make notches and patterns on the aroma lamp. Let the aroma lamp dry well, and then the clay product must be fired in the oven. Please note that clay does not like sudden temperature changes, so first open the door oven do not cover for 10 minutes. Gradually bring it to 200 degrees and dry for another two hours.

When the product is ready, you can insert the wick into a special hole and pour aromatic oil or a mixture of oils into the bowl. The aroma lamp is ready for use! The fire will heat the walls of the bowl, so the oil will slowly evaporate.

An aroma lamp for essential oils is not only a beautiful piece of furniture, but also a useful accessory with which you can create a unique atmosphere in your home and even improve your health a little. Today their choice is very wide, and they differ in material and “coverage area”. We will tell you how to quickly make an aroma lamp with your own hands.

We have prepared several for you step by step instructions with photos that will help you learn how to make this accessory from scrap materials. Some things will be very simple, but with other master classes you will have to tinker a little. We advise you to choose one or another method of creating a lamp depending on how often you plan to use it and how often you are willing to change aroma lamps.

The operating principle of aroma lamps is always the same. The accessory should have a bowl into which you can pour water and add a few drops of essential oil to it. There will always be a candle at the bottom of a homemade aroma lamp. Its function is to slowly heat the liquid. The water will gradually evaporate. Due to its density, the oil will always remain above the water, and the steam will carry the aroma into the surrounding space.

Remember that oil is poured at the rate of 1 drop per 5 square meters room, but you should not add more than 15 drops to the aroma lamp. An aromatherapy session should last no more than an hour.

Option number 1: from a tin can

This method of making an aroma lamp with your own hands is quite simple. It is especially good if you are not entirely sure that you really want to use such an accessory. It happens that not everyone likes aromatherapy: some people get headaches from essential oils. So the aroma lamp is from tin can is a great budget find to check it out.

We will need:

The manufacturing process is very simple. You need to make a “window” in the jar. Take a look at this helpful video tutorial that explains this process in detail.

Be careful both when working with the jar and when using your express aroma lamp. It is advisable not to turn this accessory into a reusable one. However, it is so easy to make that you can make a new candlestick for each new aromatherapy session.

Option number 2: from a glass jar

And this aroma lamp will appeal to those who primarily value aesthetics. The aroma from it will not be as strong as when using standard accessories for heating essential oils. And yet, with the help of this aroma lamp you can fill your room with subtle pleasant smells.

We will need:

  • transparent jar with a metal lid;
  • coniferous branches, cones, nuts, etc.;
  • wick;
  • paraffin oil.

Place at the bottom of the jar decorative material. It needs to be filled with paraffin oil.

We make a small hole in the lid. The wick should fit into it, but so that it does not roll into the jar.

That's all - our aroma lamp is ready! When you screw on the lid, the wick will be immersed in the oil and soaked in it. Set it on fire - from heating the oil, infused in the pine-herbal mass with nuts and cones, will fill the room with a very thin pleasant aroma.

The decor described above can be replaced with any other (even non-natural). In this case, you will need to drop about 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil into the paraffin oil. The effect will be the same.

Option number 3: made of clay

If you like labor-intensive master classes and want to make an aroma lamp with your own hands that will serve you for many years, choose this lesson. You will have to tinker a little to make the craft really beautiful, but you can sculpt it into any shape and paint it in your favorite color.

We will need:

  • modeling clay;
  • clay knife;
  • candle.

You need to work on foil so as not to stain the surfaces. Fill a bowl with water first to wet your hands from time to time. Modeling an aroma lamp from clay will be reminiscent of working with plasticine, so even children can cope with this task.

The first step is to sculpt the bowl. Its height should be approximately 10 centimeters. You need to cut a hole on the side into which we will insert the candle.

You can sculpt from a single solid piece or roll the clay into flagella and stack them on top of each other. If you choose the second method, dip your hand in water from time to time to fasten the parts together.

Using a knife for working with clay, we make several patterns in the form of carvings on the lamp or apply additional decorations cut from small pieces of clay. That is, at this stage we decorate our future aroma lamp.

The product is dried in several stages. Leave it to “set” for about an hour and a half. Then place in the oven at 30 degrees. Every 15 minutes, increase the temperature by another 30°. When the future aroma lamp is baked, turn off the oven, but leave the craft inside for another 15 minutes.

Let the aroma lamp cool. After 3-4 hours you can paint it, but do not add paint to the bowl, which will be filled with the fragrant mixture.

The dried lamp will be ready for use. All that remains is to insert a flat-bottomed candle into it and light it so that your room smells fragrant and you get a relaxation session or beneficial inhalations with essential oils.

Choose any of the described methods to create your own aroma lamp at home and enjoy your favorite scents at any time. The first lamp is an express option for beginners and those who are a little lazy to create something complex. Well, the other two will help you make aroma lamps with your own hands that you won’t even be ashamed to give to your loved ones and would be a pleasure to place at home.

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Sometimes you want to create a romantic atmosphere in your home. An aroma lamp is ideal for this purpose. It not only burns, but also fills the room with a light, pleasant smell. Unfortunately, aroma lamps cost a lot. It’s understandable: 90% of the cost you pay for the design. It’s better to make an aroma lamp with your own hands, and use the money you save to buy the oil itself.

First, watch the video on how to make an aroma lamp:

Materials and tools for manufacturing
● Two tin cans;
● Small flat candle;
● Paper;
● Nylon threads;
● Silicate glue;
● Aromatic oil.


Roll out three identical thick rolls from paper. Their length should be approximately 10 cm.

Tape the paper rolls with string to the sides of the jars to secure them together.

Carefully coat the threads with silicate glue.

Light a candle and place it in the bottom tin can.

Fill the top jar halfway with water. In order not to wait for the water to heat up from the candle flame, you can use boiling water.

Pour a teaspoon of salt onto the paper and drop five drops of aromatic oil into it. Salt is necessary to help the oil evaporate better.

Pour salt into the top of the tin can and enjoy the pleasant smell emitted by the aroma lamp.

Aroma lamps have become widespread relatively recently. Experts in the field of aromatherapy assure that with the help of smells you can control a person’s mood and well-being. For example, some fragrances effectively remove nervous tension, others have an invigorating effect. Using an aroma lamp is the most affordable and popular method of aromatherapy today. The stores offer lamps for every taste, but often unreasonably high prices. But it is not at all necessary to buy such a device. An original aroma lamp made by yourself will be a unique piece of furniture and an excellent assistant for aromatherapy.

The principle of operation of the aroma lamp

Almost all aroma lamps, in which the liquid is heated with a candle, operate on the same principle. Typically, such a lamp consists of two parts, located one above the other. The top one - the bowl - should be solid, but not flat, with a small depression into which the aromatic mixture is poured. This part must be made of fire-resistant material (glass, ceramics, metal).

The upper part of the aroma lamp must be made of fire-resistant material

In the bottom (the so-called “arch”) there is a candle, usually small, in the form of a tablet. This part can be made of any material. The main thing is to avoid contact with fire and ensure a stable position of the bowl and candle. The liquid heated by the flame will slowly evaporate and fill the room with aroma.

For the aroma lamp you need small tablet candles

The composition and number of drops in the mixture are calculated based on the size of the room. As a rule, 1–2 drops of oil are enough to aromatize 5 m2 of room area. The effect can last for several hours, after which the aromatherapy session can be repeated many times.

Photo gallery: types of modern aroma lamps

A clay aroma lamp with shaped slits resembles a gazebo
A metal aroma lamp with a glass bowl looks elegant
Tablet candles are inserted into the aroma lamp stand with a metal bowl. Aroma lamp made of colored glass with a square bowl made of clear glass- a bright spot in the interior. A purple wire aroma lamp is made in the form of a ball with a glass round bowl with wavy edges
Ceramic aroma lamp Green colour depicts a frog supporting a leaf-shaped bowl
An aroma lamp with a metal base and a glass candle stand is suitable for a high-tech interior
The black ceramic aroma lamp with a red bowl has holes in the shape geometric shapes On the sides

How to make an aromatherapy lamp

Today there is a huge assortment of lamps on sale, but it is quite possible that you will not find exactly the aroma lamp that will suit you in all respects. In this case the right decision will make this attribute at home from scrap materials.

The material for making an aroma lamp may be the most unexpected

From a tin can

You will need a small tin can for any drink and a small tablet-shaped candle. Turn the jar upside down. The recess in the bottom will serve as a bowl into which the aromatic mixture is added. Cut two holes in the sides in the form of windows to make it convenient to place a candle and provide air flow to the fire. Place the candle inside and light it. A homemade aroma lamp may not be very beautiful, but its effectiveness will be maximum!

An ordinary tin can is great for making an aroma lamp

From clay

It’s a little more difficult to make a clay aroma lamp with your own hands. For this:

  1. Make a round or oval bowl, and leave a hole for a candle in one of its sides.
  2. After this, roll a small piece of clay into a ball, flatten it into a plate and attach it to the top of the bowl.
  3. Using a regular toothpick, you can decorate your future aroma lamp with various patterns.
  4. Dry the workpiece thoroughly, after which the product must be fired in an oven. Consider the characteristics of clay - it does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. To comply with this rule, it is recommended to keep the oven door open for the first 10–15 minutes. After closing the door, slowly bring the temperature up to 200°C and continue drying for 2 hours.
  5. When the product has cooled, insert the candle into the special hole and pour aromatic oil into the plate on top.

Your aroma lamp is ready! The fire will heat the walls of the lamp and the bottom of the plate located on top, the oil will begin to slowly evaporate and fill the room with aroma.

If desired, you can make an aroma lamp from clay

Aroma lamp “Elven gazebo”: step-by-step instructions

Particularly diligent craftsmen make real works of art from clay. However, if you really want to, you can make such a masterpiece with your own hands. Everything you need can be purchased in stores that sell goods and tools for making ceramic things.

To do this you will need:

  • plastic white clay;
  • stacks - ceramic sticks for modeling;
  • a stationery knife with a small sharp blade;
  • slip - special glue for polymer clay;
  • ready-made glaze mixture;
  • latex gloves to protect hands.

Step-by-step production of the Elven Gazebo aroma lamp:

  1. First you need to make a candlestick. It consists of a base (the gazebo is attached to it), a figured leg and a flower on which the candle will be placed. The base is a flat clay circle about 1 cm thick. The stem of the flower is attached to it - three clay sticks are twisted into a spiral. The flower is assembled from 14 figured petals as follows:
  2. Attach the flower candle holder to curly leg. Leave the structure for a while so that it hardens a little, but does not dry out completely.

    After connecting the parts, they need to be left to dry.

  3. Make stands for the gazebo. To do this, roll out the clay into a thin sausage 10–15 cm long and twist a spiral consisting of two such sausages. Keep in mind that twisting will reduce the length of the post. Try not to make very long spirals, since the stability of the gazebo will depend only on them. Ideally, you need such a length that a candle can be placed between the candlestick and the bowl and there will be a small space for the fire to burn. After you have made 6 posts, secure them with slip to the base of the gazebo. Coat the joint with clay. To prevent the racks from sagging during drying, prop them up with sticks or pencils. Leave the structure to dry a little.

    Gazebo stands should not be very high

  4. Make a bowl for the aromatic mixture. The diameter of the workpiece should be the same as the base of the gazebo. The thickness is no more than 0.5–1 cm, otherwise the structure will look bulky and the racks will bend under its weight. Make sure that the depth of the bowl is not too deep. Attach it to the posts, coat the joints with slip and clay. To prevent the racks from crumpling under the weight of the bowl before drying, you can substitute a wad of newspaper.

    A wad of newspaper will support the bowl on the stands

  5. When the workpiece has dried, you can remove the newspaper. Cut it with small scissors or just set it on fire. Carefully, using ceramic stacks and stationery knife, clean up all the unevenness and roughness on the workpiece.

    The newspaper needs to be removed, the unevenness must be cleaned up using stacks

  6. Decorate the top of the structure with decor. To do this, you can use small curls and clay sticks.

    You can decorate the top of the aroma lamp with clay curls and sticks

  7. Decorate the bottom of the gazebo with decor in the form of ivy shoots and leaves different sizes. Leaves can be cut out using stacks or using culinary stamps.

    You can use culinary stamps for decorative leaves.

  8. Leave the gazebo to dry room temperature, then slowly bring the oven temperature to 200°C and continue drying for 2 hours. The exact temperature and firing time will depend on the type of clay (this should be checked with the seller when purchasing materials). After the time has elapsed, turn off the oven, but do not open the door - let the product cool completely.
  9. Cover the lamp with the prepared glaze mixture. To fix, dry at required temperature in the oven (drying temperature is determined by the type of glaze mixture). If the glaze is fired at the wrong temperature, the product may crack. Don't forget to use protective latex gloves.

    At the end of the work, the lamp is covered with a glaze mixture

  10. Enjoy your new aroma lamp!

Aroma lamps from improvised means

Making an aroma lamp with your own hands is not difficult. Even if you don't feel like going to the effort of making a special lamp, there are ways to enjoy your favorite scents using materials found around the home. For example, a glass with a candle, decorated with cinnamon sticks, can create a festive mood not only with its appearance, but also serve as an excellent aroma lamp.


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