Bath tank on a pipe - advantages of use. How to connect the tank to the heat exchanger of a sauna stove Tank with hot water in the washing room

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Bath procedures have a very positive effect on human health. They perfectly warm up muscles and joints, prevent the occurrence of colds, and improve blood circulation. But for a comfortable and healthy stay, the bathhouse must be properly equipped.

Typically, a standard model of a Russian bath has two water tanks. One of them is intended for cold, and the other, respectively, for hot. Comfortable stay in the bathhouse directly depends on which hot water tank is chosen, how it is installed and what its volume is. These issues should be approached carefully and with the utmost responsibility.


Although today there are a variety of water heating devices, a regular tank for hot water in a bathhouse remains relevant. A rather significant advantage of this device is the significant savings on heating water from gas or from electrical appliances. Also, one of the positive aspects of a hot water tank in a steam room is that it increases the level of humidity in the air.

The main thing before buying a tank is not to miscalculate its volume. Some advice will help you choose the right tank for its subsequent reliable and long-term operation. important rules. In particular, it is worth considering that per person in the bathhouse you will need from 20 to 25 liters of hot water. Therefore, if the steam room of the bath is small and designed for two people, then a standard fifty-liter container will be enough. And in the case when the area of ​​​​the bathhouse allows a whole company to relax in it, then a hundred-liter tank is indispensable.


Hot water tanks are presented various models. The most common types of structures include a built-in tank, a remote tank and a tank on a pipe. Each of the presented models has both its positive and negative sides.


Previously, built-in structures were made in bathhouses immediately during their construction. The lower part of the water tank was connected to the firebox, and then the liquid was heated by the fire in the stove. This is common and standard design, which has been in use for a long time. Its big advantage is that the water in the tank heats up quite quickly and there is no big hassle with the option of heating the water. Liquid is taken from such a reservoir using a ladle, lifting the lid or installing a tap in the barrel. However, such a tank may have a small capacity. Volume in in this case directly depends on the dimensions of the heater or boiler. And also, most of the heat from the stove goes precisely to heating the container with liquid, which reduces the level of heat transfer in the steam room.


The main convenience of this type of design is that the tank can be installed anywhere, depending on convenience. Such a container is most often placed in washrooms or in the shower near the steam room. The heating device used here is a heat exchanger located in the stove, which is connected to the reservoir using pipes made of copper and brass. The principle of operation is that the heat exchanger supplies cold water, but it rises back already hot.

On the pipe

These models are advisable to use when the steam room is used for quite a long time. In this case, the container with water is located above the pipe. Installation of this design is more difficult than others, but has more advantages. The water tank is usually installed in the attic. Heated water for a long time maintains its high temperature even after the furnace has stopped firing. The structure itself does not clutter up the space in the bathhouse, as it is located in the attic. This design is good for use in a bathhouse with a large number of people., because the tank holds a large volume of water, and its heating is carried out to the utmost a short time.

It is also common to call a hot water tank on a pipe a samovar because of its operating principle. Typically, stainless steel is used for the production of samovar systems. Thanks to this material, the water in the container warms up very quickly. But it is extremely important to prevent the liquid from boiling in the tank. This rule applies to all types of systems.

Also quite a popular model are mounted tanks. This is a very convenient design that is installed directly above the stove, which allows you to heat the water. This tank is very convenient to use in small sauna, since the water container takes up little space. But their most typical drawback is that people in the steam room can accidentally touch the hot walls of the tank and receive serious burns. In addition, the volume of such tanks is not always large and the water in them can boil quickly. To do this, it is recommended to periodically drain the water and fill it with cold water. Moreover, such tanks are equipped with taps for draining water.

A corner water tank is installed in the corner of the steam room. This is a plus, since this design does not clutter up the space in the bathhouse.

Horizontal water tanks have oval shape and rather resemble a barrel.

There are also tanks with the so-called heating element. Heating elements are heating elements, providing water heating from electricity. heating elements in Lately also gained particular popularity. Even many sauna stoves now operate not with wood, but with the help of these devices. Their leading manufacturers are companies "Harvia" "Helo", and from domestic producers the campaign is popular "Ermak". In addition, there are complex devices in which water can be heated both from the electrical network and from the heat of the stove.

It is also worth mentioning such a model as expansion tanks. The main function of such a device is to compensate overpressure V heating system. This always happens when the water temperature increases. That is, the point is that such storage tank helps maintain optimal pressure in the system. Often expansion tanks are used for large systems heating, for example, for public baths.

An attached hot water tank is also considered one of the most popular. To heat water, the tank is simply placed against the partition of the furnace, and the water in it is heated.


When choosing a tank for a bathhouse or when making it yourself, an unmistakable choice of the material for its manufacture is extremely important. The heating time of the liquid, the period of its cooling and the duration of operation of the device itself will depend on this. Among the most widely used materials, cast iron, stainless steel and enameled steel are widely used.

Previously, only cast iron tanks were used for hot water tanks. Cast iron containers time-tested and have a number of positive aspects. In particular, a cast iron tank will long time keep the water hot. There is no corrosion on them and the water in this tank will always be clean. This material is very resistant to temperature changes. And finally, the shelf life of a cast iron tank is very long, since this material is not susceptible to corrosion. Currently, not many manufacturers are engaged in the manufacture of cast iron tanks. But it is quite possible to buy a used tank at a lower price. In this case, you will need to process it and give it a pleasant appearance.

One of the disadvantages is the rather long time it takes to heat the water in the tank. Cast iron tanks are heavy and sometimes need to be installed on a special foundation. If the tank is located above the stove, its fastening requires additional reinforcement. Making such a tank yourself will also be a very problematic undertaking.

Containers from of stainless steel are now used quite often. This material replaced cast iron tanks. The owners of the baths rated them highly positive traits. Such tanks do not require additional protection from high humidity. The water in a stainless steel tank is heated in an extremely short period of time. Stainless steel has good resistance to sudden temperature changes and, accordingly, does not rust, as its name already implies. The only downside that can be noted is that the water in it cools down quickly.

Enameled steel tanks- also a popular version of this design. A special enamel coating on such tanks reliably protects them from corrosion. The main thing is to prevent damage to the enamel, otherwise the tank may begin to rust. Although it is quite problematic to damage the enamel layer, since such a coating is resistant to various kinds damage. If necessary, a tank made of this material can be very easily cleaned. Enamel of various colors is available on the market.

For cold water, separate tanks are now rarely used, since it most often enters the room through the water supply. But if there is a need to put a container for cold water, then there are problems with it. less hassle than with a hot water tank, since there are no particularly strict requirements for it. You can even use wooden tanks, such as, oak barrel. They are also popular plastic containers for cold water. But such containers cannot be placed in a steam room, much less near a stove, because plastic is sensitive to high temperatures and can become deformed when heated. You can also make such a tank yourself.

A homemade container can be welded from several sheets of aluminum. You can also use galvanized surfaces, which will further protect the tank from corrosion.

DIY making

Quite a few experienced bath attendants recommend making containers from stainless steel. Most of its advantages were listed above and all of them indicate great convenience in using such material. But it’s worth considering that there are different grades of stainless steel, and not all of them are suitable for making a container with water in a bathhouse. Some of the best options are brand 08 X 17 (430) and 812 X 18N10 (304). These are very reliable surfaces that do not require special care and will last a long time.

Typically, purchased tanks have a wall thickness of 1 mm. But when making containers, it is best to use metal sheets of slightly thicker thickness. The dimensions of the sheets are selected according to the tank capacity.

Craftsmen often use a stainless steel pipe. In this case, the container looks like a barrel. And that's pretty convenient option, because you don’t have to spend a lot of time calculating the size and connecting the sheets. To make such an iron barrel, you must complete the following steps:

  • First you need to cut the required piece of pipe with a grinder.
  • The cut areas of the pipe must be carefully processed. You can use a regular file for this. A drill with special attachments will help make the task easier and save a lot of time.
  • Then you need to start installing the bottom and top lid of the container. Actually, for this you need to find a sheet of stainless steel. Typically the thickness of the top and bottom parts is greater than the walls of the tank itself. On the sheet you need to draw an even circle in accordance with the diameter of the pipe. The necessary circles are cut out and processed again. If a stove pipe will pass through the container, then additional holes are made in the lower and upper parts in accordance with the diameter of the pipe from the stove.

  • Next stage work is the connection of the cut out parts with the main part of the future container. For this purpose it is used welding machine or the soldering method (which is much more difficult and time-consuming). After connection, again you need to process it well welding seams. By the way, if necessary, and for convenience, it is not at all necessary to weld the upper part. It can be secured to the body with bolts or made in the form of a cover so that it can be removed. This is done when the container is not connected to the water supply and water is filled in manually.
  • The next stage of work is the most painstaking. A tap and pipes must be installed on the container. To do this, the stainless steel needs to be drilled from the bottom and top in the places where the taps will be located. Sometimes the pipes are simply welded to the container so as not to make a special thread.
  • Then work is carried out to install the container. They are described in more detail below.

How to install and connect correctly?

During the process of installing and connecting a tank in a bathhouse, one of the main priorities is deciding how the water in the tank will be heated. The water in the tank can be heated either from the heat of the stove in the steam room, or using a heating element. The main factor here is the number of people visiting the steam room and their need for hot water. The thickness of the tank will also affect the rate at which the water heats up.

Connection diagrams for the water tank may vary. If there is running water in the premises, it is necessary to use a closed water supply system. For this purpose, it is most advisable to use a stove that has a coil, which, in turn, will be connected to a water reservoir and heat the liquid. The container itself can be mounted on the wall. Sometimes tanks are mounted directly above the furnaces, but with this installation option it is best to use lighter and smaller structures. For containers that have a water circuit, stainless steel or galvanized sheet is often used.

You need to connect according to the following instructions:

  • The tank itself should be installed in the steam room and connected to the pipes using a coil.
  • To achieve good circulation, it is worth connecting the upper part of the tank with the upper outlet of the coil, and the lower part of the tank, respectively, with the lower one. For this reason, cold water will enter from below, and hot water will be discharged from above.

  • At the point where cold water will enter the tank, a safety and check valve.
  • Then you need to set the threshold pressure for the valves at which they will operate. The drawings are presented below.

Thanks to this principle of operation, the liquid in the container will be heated using a coil. And after it is used, the tank will be filled with cold water again.

If hot water remains in the tank for a long time, the pressure in it increases. But in this case, a so-called “exploder” is installed on the tanks, which releases the pressure automatically.

Many bathhouse owners need to paint their water tank. Moreover, if this is a handmade product, then you definitely need to give it a beautiful and presentable look. To begin with, before painting, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the surface of the container, both inside and outside. To do this, you can use various abrasives. The surface must also be degreased to ensure good adhesion of the surface and paint during subsequent painting. If used old container, then there will probably be rust residues in it. This can be dealt with using a metal brush or an electric drill with a special attachment. A drill will help save time, effort and remove rust more thoroughly.

When building a bathhouse, it is worth thinking about the question of where the hot water for washing will come from. You can install a container with heating elements inside and heat the water with electricity. But why waste electricity if the bathhouse will still be heated in another way. In order to save money, it is advisable to install the tank on a bath pipe. Such a container will heat up as hot air passes through the pipe.

Tank selection

To choose a water tank for a bath pipe, you need to:

  1. decide on the material from which it will be made;
  2. select the dimensions and capacity of the heat exchanger based on the dimensions of the furnace.

What are tanks made of?

The heat exchanger for the pipe in the bath can be made from:

  • cast iron This device is resistant to corrosion and high temperatures, but the water in it will heat up slowly. To warm up you will need a large number of firewood However, the liquid will also cool slowly. The disadvantage of a cast iron tank is its large mass, which greatly complicates the installation of equipment;

  • enameled steel. Such a tank will heat up quickly, but the enamel coating of the tank is not durable. It reacts strongly to high temperatures;

  • stainless steel A stainless steel sauna tank on a pipe is the most popular. Stainless steel is resistant to high temperatures. It is not subject to deformation. It is light in weight. Easy to install and does not require careful maintenance.

Selection of tank capacity

The tank volume must be selected according to two parameters:

  • the number of people who take a steam bath at the same time. In order to wash, one person on average needs 10 liters of hot water. By increasing this figure by the number of washables and adding another 8–10 liters required to park a broom, you can obtain the required tank volume;
  • the size of the steam room and installed stove. If you install a small tank on a large stove in a small section of the steam room, the water will quickly heat up and boil away. With the opposite ratio (small stove, large steam room area and large tank), the water will heat up very slowly, which will lead to prolonged combustion and the consumption of a large amount of firewood.

Tanks that are heated by removing combustion products can be used in large sizes. The height of such a tank can be equal to the distance from the stove to the ceiling; in this case, the water will warm up quickly and evenly.

Installing a tank on a chimney

The finished tank for the sauna stove is a separate elbow of the main chimney. Therefore, all work on its installation can be carried out independently.

There are two options for installing the tank:

  • near the stove;
  • on a pipe passing through the attic of the bathhouse.

Both options have the same installation scheme, however, in the latter case, the process of filling the tank with water is greatly simplified. Since the heat exchanger is not located in the steam compartment, it can be connected to water tap, connected to the pump. Therefore, it will be possible to supply water to the tank automatically.

Let us examine in more detail all the stages of installing the tank, when it is located directly above the exit of the chimney pipe from the stove.

First of all (if the bathhouse is not new) it is necessary to dismantle the old section of the chimney connecting the stove and passing through the ceiling.

  1. Install a piece of pipe at a height of 8 - 10 cm to the outlet from the stove. Thus, the tank will be hung on the pipe, and not installed on the stove. This piece of chimney is also necessary to form the most durable and airtight fastening of the tank. Pipe connections are made using special crimp clamps;

  1. if the tank pipe does not correspond, then an adapter is mounted on the installed section;

  1. the tank is installed so that it does not reach the top of the chimney by 20 - 25 cm;
  2. if necessary, an adapter to the main chimney pipe is installed at the top in the same way. If an adapter is not needed, then the top of the tank pipe is connected to the rest of the chimney with a piece of pipe of suitable size;
  3. The tank is additionally attached to the walls or ceiling of the steam room of the bathhouse.

All joints must be secure. For best connection heat-resistant sealant can be used between pipe sections. If the pipe joints are not sealed, then the bathhouse will receive carbon monoxide, harmful to human health.

Operating rules

In order for the tank to serve for a long time, it is required:

  • install the tank following the recommendations described above;
  • Fill the heat exchanger until the stove is fired. An empty tank may become deformed when exposed to high temperatures, which will lead to the need to replace it;
  • during the cold season, do not leave water in the tank. This can also lead to its deformation;
  • Rinse the container with water several times a year. To completely clean the tank, you can use specialized products that remove scale and other harmful substances. Topper 3031 descaler is ideal;

  • enjoy drain tap must be extremely careful. It is not recommended to allow children into this process, as they may suffer injuries and burns.

Tanks installed on a pipe that removes combustion products are optimal solutions for baths used in country houses. No electricity is required to heat water. This process occurs automatically when flooding sauna stove. You can purchase a heat exchanger ready-made (the average cost of a product is 5,000 rubles) or make it yourself from any container (the process is lengthy, but all problems can be solved). However, such a heat exchanger requires constant monitoring of compliance with operating rules and timely cleaning.

The issue of heating water for washing in a bathhouse can be solved in various ways, including by installing an electric boiler. But when you plan to install a good wood-burning stove in the bathhouse, then no additional equipment is required for this purpose. It is enough to select and purchase a ready-made heater with a heat exchanger or make the latter yourself. This article is intended to help you understand why you need a heat exchanger for a bath and how to install it correctly.

Why do you need a heat exchanger?

The vast majority of sauna stove designs do not contribute to saving wood fuel. This is due to the specific requirements for them, namely:

  • the steam room should be heated in the shortest possible time to a high temperature;
  • the stove cannot take up much space;
  • the presence of a heater is mandatory;
  • The heater operating mode is periodic.

Based on the listed requirements, sauna stoves are designed in such a way as to quickly reach a high temperature in the firebox and maintain it for a certain period of time. In this case, a lot of unused heat simply escapes into the atmosphere through the chimney. It would be a sin not to use this thermal energy to heat water for washing or even heating the rooms adjacent to the steam room.

Note. An exception is Kuznetsov's brick bell-type stoves intended for baths. A well-thought-out design allows you to significantly save firewood, the stove retains heat for a long time and also heats neighboring rooms. There are also modifications using a water heat exchanger.

The device is connected to the tank through a pipe system that can withstand elevated temperatures. It is recommended to install copper or stainless steel pipes for the heat exchanger of the sauna stove near the firebox. Using fittings, you can connect them to a metal-plastic pipeline through which hot water will be supplied. It is necessary to seal the pipes at the joints with winding, for example, TANGIT thread.

Traditionally, pipes with a diameter of ¾ inches are used, which will ensure the circulation of coolant with the necessary dynamics.

Important! When connecting the heat exchanger of a sauna stove, it is necessary to create a slight slope in the horizontal sections of the pipeline installation, which will ensure improved circulation.

If a remote tank is installed, it should be fixed above the furnace in order to create the required height difference to ensure a pressure difference that increases the speed of the water flow. The device is installed in the combustion chamber. The chimney outlet is carried out through a hole in the roof, covered metal sheet having cutouts. Correct installation of the heat exchanger on a sauna stove will allow you to install a water tank in an adjacent room, expanding the area of ​​the steam room. However, it must be taken into account that the distance between the firebox and the tank should not exceed 3 meters.

Products of the main manufacturers on the Russian market

There are several manufacturers producing furnaces with heat exchange devices:

  • "Vesuvius" Scythian;
  • Tornado.

Universal sauna stoves with a Vesuvius Skif heat exchanger have a power sufficient for efficient heating of a large steam room (15 - 20 cubic meters). The body of the device is built into a side pocket, which allows you to quickly heat up a hinged tank located in the next room. It is characteristic that the use of such a system allows you to achieve an effect identical to brick structures. The result is achieved by placing stones in the casing. Such sauna stoves with a heat exchanger receive positive reviews, since the firebox is made of steel up to 8 mm thick, which maintains its proportions under the influence of elevated temperatures.

Tornado brand products are equipped with cast iron doors and a capacious casing located on the side and used for laying stones (up to 240 kg). The product is equipped with a cast iron firebox, which, together with the casing, prevents overheating of the air, while intensively heating the stones. There is a built-in heat exchanger for the sauna stove, the weight of which, due to the use of cast iron parts, reaches 125 kg.

TERMOFOR sauna stoves with a heat exchanger are extremely in demand on the market, especially for the Tunguska model. Due to the fact that the converter casing is made without holes, it is able to protect people from harmful infrared radiation. It is characteristic that the heat exchange device is located in the firebox and this significantly speeds up the process of heating water. Such furnaces with heat exchangers receive only positive reviews, as they are of high quality.

You can choose a good sauna stove with a heat exchanger from the photo, the main thing is to familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the product.

It’s nice to visit a well-appointed bathhouse, which not only has a well-built heater that provides light steam, but also has well-thought-out heating and water supply systems. If a heat exchanger is installed in the stove, then there will always be warm water in the washing room, and if a radiator is connected to the heat exchanger, even in the winter cold the bathhouse will be as warm and comfortable as possible.

Structurally, the heat exchanger can be a coil or a tank with a maximum volume of 5 liters and two pipes for connecting a water tank/radiator.

According to the mounting method, heat exchangers are divided into two types:

On a note! None of the types of structures under consideration have direct contact with an open flame in the furnace.

Internal type heat exchangers have the best heat saving indicators. The water in them will heat up until the stove cools down completely down to its last brick or stone.

The fastest heating of water is provided by internal heat exchangers and external ones installed on chimney. At the same time, the first products often require the need to make design changes/additions to the sauna stove, while the second cannot be called a decoration for the steam room (a wide tank does not fit well into the interior).

If we compare products in terms of ease of installation, the palm is occupied by heat exchangers that are hung on outer walls ovens. Such products have a long service life and do not spoil the appearance of the stove, but the water in them takes longer to heat up and cools much faster.

Note! The heat exchanger can be purchased separately, you can make it yourself, and there is also the option of purchasing a sauna stove with a built-in water circuit.

Operating principle of a furnace with a heat exchanger

Heat exchangers or water circuits, regardless of their location, operate on the same principle. Thermal energy is transferred directly from the furnace to the water jacket or register. The coolant poured into the heat exchanger begins to heat up; in the tank or the water is at room temperature or below.

Due to this temperature difference, pressure is created in the circuit, which promotes gravity circulation of the coolant. That is, water heated in the heat exchanger enters the remote tank. Hot water from the tank is used for hygiene procedures, after which a cold portion of the coolant is poured into the container. Cold water, in turn, is transferred through pipes to a heat exchanger, where it is heated.

If the system is a closed type (that is, the remote tank works as a heating device), water is added strictly before the stove is ignited, otherwise, due to the temperature difference, the metal of the heat exchanger may deform and burst.

The circulation continues as long as the oven temperature is maintained high.

Thus, if there is a heat exchanger in the furnace, there is no need to install a water heater for the shower, as well as to install additional heat sources in the premises.

Note! In some cases, the gravity movement of water is difficult or impossible, then the circuit is supplemented with a circulation pump. The system becomes efficient, but energy dependent.

Heat exchanger power calculations

The volume of the heat exchanger is selected based on the volume of the furnace itself, as well as taking into account its power.

When choosing a heat exchanger and other components, be guided by the following rules:

Now about the heat exchanger area. The heat exchanger must have a power reserve so that after the furnace stops firing, there is enough thermal energy to maintain the temperature of the water in the system. Naturally, during the cooling process, the power of the sauna stove drops very quickly, this necessitates the need for a reserve power of the heat exchanger.

Let's look at an example. First you need to find out how many kilowatts of energy are required to heat your bath. Let's assume that this figure will be 5-6 kW. Then, taking into account the reserve, you should choose a heat exchanger with an area of ​​1 square meter, providing power up to 10 kW.

Explanation. When calculating, the proportion of 1 sq. m heat exchanger area = 10 kW. But in order to provide for heat loss, this ratio is adjusted to provide an energy reserve:

1 sq. m = 10 kW – 3…4 kW.

In this way, you can maintain the desired temperature in the bath by heating the stove once or twice.

Heat exchanger manufacturing

You can make a heat exchanger from sheet steel, pipes bent in the form of a coil or horseshoe, old cast iron radiator and even a heated towel rail.

In the case of using sheet steel (thickness more than 2.5 mm), cutting is carried out, preliminary “grabbing” of the joined elements by welding, checking the geometry, and then final welding. The tank can be made either rectangular or cylindrical; in the latter case, you will need a metal bending machine.

Example of a heat exchanger for a brick sauna stove

You should not use galvanized steel, because... At temperatures above 200 degrees, zinc begins to evaporate.

Nozzles are welded to the heat exchanger at the top and bottom to connect the coolant circulation pipes. It is desirable that the pipes have threads at their free ends, this will simplify installation.

IN brick oven a heat exchanger in the form of a register can be used. It is made from copper or steel pipes, collecting them into a single “skeleton” through which water will circulate.

Heat exchanger - register

Video - Construction of a sauna stove with a heat exchanger

Ready-made internal type heat exchangers usually consist of a housing to which elongated leads are connected. The tank is hung on the front or any other wall of the furnace, and waste streams are discharged through holes in the wall. Fixation is carried out with spacer sleeves and clamping nuts.

Heat exchanger "Ermak"

Heat exchanger "Ermak"

When making a heat exchanger, it is important to know that pipes with a diameter of more than one inch must be connected to it, otherwise the movement of water to the “consumer” and back will be difficult.

The best pipes for making a heat exchanger and circuit are copper or stainless steel. Moreover, it will be much easier to bend a copper tube than a steel one, and the thermal conductivity of the former is 7.5 times higher.

Important! Before installation, test your heat exchanger for leaks by filling it with water under pressure.

Securing the remote tank and installing the heat exchanger

For a sauna stove, a tank with a volume of 80-120 liters is sufficient. This container must be hung on the wall of the bathhouse so that the level of the tank is higher than the stove.

Scheme for connecting the tank and installing the furnace with heat exchanger

Step 1. We choose a place to mount the tank. This can be either a steam room or a shower room behind an adjacent wall. We determine the mounting height using recommendations for the slope of inlet/outlet pipes.

Step 2. Most experienced craftsmen do not recommend hanging the remote tank directly on the wooden wall of the bathhouse. Therefore, we measure the width of the tank, saw the rail into several sections of the appropriate size, and fasten the sections to the wall of the bathhouse with nails.

Step 3. The tank must have technological holes for attaching it to the wall. We secure the tank with self-tapping screws or dowels, checking horizontal and vertical. The structure can be further strengthened with brackets, fixing them under the bottom of the tank.

Step 4. The remote water tank has three or four pipes. Two of them are intended for connection to the heat exchanger, the third is for filling the tank with water (it may not be there), through the fourth hot water is supplied to consumers. A check valve is connected to the pipe through which the tank will be filled with water. If the system is open (water is added manually through an open tank lid), then a non-return safety valve is not needed.

A faucet with or without a shower hose is connected to the pipe from which heated water will flow.

Step 5. There are two pipes left to which corrugated steel pipes should be connected or a copper network should be installed. Connections are made using fittings. It is permissible to use metal-plastic pipes, connecting them with adapters to the pipes of the tank and heat exchanger. All threaded connections are sealed with thread sealant.

Step 6. A tap is connected to the pipeline that leads from the tank to the heat exchanger to drain water from the system. The operation of draining the liquid will need to be performed every time after completing bath procedures, otherwise during cold weather the water may freeze in the pipes.

Step 7 A heat exchanger is hung on the wall of the furnace (or its fittings are brought out through the technological openings of the furnace, and the coil is located inside so that in the future there is no contact of the body metal with an open flame). The fasteners are tightened. Flexible corrugated hoses or pipes are supplied and connected to the heat exchanger with fittings. If necessary, holes are drilled in the wall with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the pipes.

On a note. The installation of the heat exchanger can be carried out before installing the mounted external water tank.

Step 8. The system must be tested for leaks by supplying water under pressure.

An example of connecting a remote tank to the heat exchanger of a sauna stove

Step 9 If you have a metal stove, then you can put it into operation. The brick kiln will have to be completed, finishing, testing and other preparatory work must be done. However, metal stoves they can also be lined with bricks (they are placed on edge) on two or three sides. Such a screen additionally accumulates heat, increasing the efficiency of the furnace.

Heat exchanger on pipe

The temperature of the gas leaving the sauna stove is quite high, so it is advisable to use it. Accordingly, the heat exchangers, which will be discussed further, are attached only to the single-wall metal pipe of the furnace.

External heat exchanger- the so-called samovar type. Its design is simple: a pipe, a chimney module, connected at the top and bottom using two fittings. This option is easier to maintain and easy to descale. It is easier to dismantle the container if repairs are necessary (for example, in case of a leak).

Experts believe that the second option is the most preferable in terms of heat savings. Since it reduces fuel consumption, because heating occurs due to the heat of the chimney, which removes combustion products. And the built-in heat exchanger will require heating from the firebox, drawing away energy that could have been used to heat the stones and the entire room. In addition, the dimensions of the pipe heat exchanger are always larger than the built-in one, which speeds up the water heating process.

It is better to choose open (that is, without pressure) heating systems. Also pay attention to the total length of all pipes in the system. With a length of less than 3 meters, the system is considered the most productive. For an average bathhouse, this length is quite enough. Another leading indicator is the thickness of the pipe. When moving through a pipe smaller than 1 inch in diameter, hot water will encounter significant resistance. And then you cannot do without a transfer pump.

Main advantages

The undoubted advantages of using a heat exchanger in the furnace design are:

  • Simultaneous implementation of several functions: heating water, air in several rooms, as well as steam generation;
  • Options for installing the tank at a considerable distance from the stove (even in another room);
  • Durability. When using modern materials and following installation technology, the service life reaches 20 years.
  • Aesthetic appearance
  • Availability of care;
  • Easy installation;
  • High efficiency;
  • Possibility of installation both in a Russian traditional bathhouse and in a modern one Finnish sauna;
  • Space saving due to compact dimensions;
  • High power and as a result, rapid heating to the required temperature;
  • Absence (or insignificance) of deformation during heating

Average prices on the market

Principles and rules for calculating the heat exchanger area

Let’s make a reservation right away: any calculations of the required dimensions of a heat exchanger for a sauna stove will always be approximate. For example, heating a standard sauna room will require approximately 5 kW of electricity. This means that this is exactly the amount of energy we should get from a furnace with a heat exchanger. During the combustion process square meter The heat exchanger area produces about 9 kW of heat. The final figure is influenced by many various factors: location and shape of the boiler, type and quality of fuel (intensity of its combustion) and others.

That is, the calculation itself is quite complicated. But in any case, closer to the end of the firebox, the power rapidly decreases by up to 10 times. Therefore, the working area of ​​the heat exchanger must be taken with a significant margin. And then at the end you will receive a system ready to maintain the required temperature in all sections of the bath.

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How to make it yourself

On the question of the shape of the heat exchanger for a sauna stove - it all depends on your imagination. The simplest, cheapest and therefore most common option is a stainless steel pipe system. An equivalent replacement can be considered units welded from several channels.

Here is an example of the simplest design of a heat exchanger for a brick kiln:

Let's take sheet metal as a basis, the thickness of which is at least 2 mm. From it you will need to build a cylindrical (later upper) and rectangular (lower) tank, and connect them with pipes. The size (or rather the area) should be calculated in accordance with the dimensions of the intended room.

Before final installation, it would be a good idea to evaluate the accuracy of the calculations made. To do this, the cut parts are secured by welding. After checking, you can begin assembly. Next is the strength assessment: we weld the lower pipe, and fill the heat exchanger itself with water, while connecting the outlet hole to the main tank. Filling the unit compressed air. Thus, we will identify high-quality processed seams. Any holes found will have to be sealed again after draining the water from the system.

Of course, we will try to minimize the total length of the pipes. This requirement is due to the impressive amount of thermal energy generated when heating the furnace, and the need to transfer it to the coolant as soon as possible. The inlet and outlet pipes are threaded for subsequent installation of the device to the general system. Severe demands are placed on the pipe material and the quality of the work performed. welds. Gaps in all mating seams should be minimized.

If a pump is not provided in the system, then the following device and relative arrangement of pipes is recommended: cold water from the tank flows by gravity through the pipe to the stove, and hot water returns to the tank. The main condition: the pipes must be installed at an angle of 2-5 degrees.

The need for thermal insulation of the tank is determined by the possibility of its multi-purpose use, including for heating adjacent rooms.

Regardless of the form or method, weak point The operation of any heat exchanger is metal corrosion. Metal surfaces, by definition, have low resistance to exposure to aggressive environments, including water. This is why the need arises internal protection surfaces. The use of synthetic compounds in this embodiment is undesirable, since they all have low thermal conductivity, which will negatively affect the performance of the entire system. The optimal solution is steel and copper pipes with internal coating of various metals, which significantly increases their durability.

Safety precautions

  1. The main property of pipes when heating a heat exchanger is expansion. As a result, there is a possibility of their length increasing. Therefore, it is prohibited to use fixed connections when attaching pipes to walls.
  2. Choose the heat exchanger wisely in terms of power (size). This should not negatively affect the performance of the oven. Ten percent heat extraction is the limit. And if the already designed sauna stove is not powerful enough, opt for a more modest heat exchanger.
  3. The external water tank should be selected based on next condition: the water in the system should heat up only two hours after the start of the fire. Not before! Otherwise, boiling water will quickly fill the steam room with wet steam. I don't think this is of any use to you.
  4. It is better to fill the tank with water in advance. It is not recommended to do this when the sauna stove is already at a high temperature.
  5. It is recommended to use a material that can withstand high temperatures as a sealant for threaded connections. It seems to be an obvious fact, but it is often forgotten.

Nowadays, the construction market is flooded with offers of all kinds of bathhouse units. Starting from a massive cast iron stove, and ending with simple and cheap options for wood stoves with a heat exchanger, where the price of the latter has little effect on the overall cost of the system. The choice is yours! Let us give ourselves a little advice: the heat exchanger must be made of high-quality steel with good level heat resistance and heat resistance.

Since ancient times, the bathhouse in Rus' was valued much more than just a special place for cleansing the body. It was a whole ritual that was associated with the complete liberation of a person from excess spiritually and physically. It was largely thanks to the bathhouse with a birch broom that Rus' was famous for its red maidens and heroes. Tank with hot water, bath heat and steam helped the Slavs to be healthy and strong, protected them from many diseases, and invigorated their body and spirit.

The popularity of bath procedures is not falling, it is only increasing every year. And this applies to the whole world. After all, the person who visited the bathhouse absorbs all the healing and healing power of the steam, and leaves from there with great mood and rejuvenated.

What is a bathhouse without a normal one? And to heat it, you don’t need a boiler at all, since there is a stove and a full-fledged fire in the stove. Well, the water will be heated through a special heat exchanger.

However, first you need to determine which tank for the bath will be better: remote, built-in or on a pipe, and what material it will be made of. In general, what exactly should it be so that at the time of using the bathhouse it definitely does not have to be changed to another tank.

You can, of course, find it already with a tank, but what to do when there is a stove, but no special container for heating? In this case, you can find special tanks for baths on the market or make them yourself, using a completely ordinary welding machine.

There are sauna tanks various types. The most famous are built-in, remote and on a pipe. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Compare and evaluate which one is right for your bath.

Advantages of a tank that is built into the oven

Once upon a time, water tanks for the bath were always built into the stove - so that the entire lower part of the boiler was in the upper part of the firebox - the hottest. In this case, the bottom of the tank is in direct contact with the stove fire. Water from this container can either be drawn directly or removed through a special built-in tap.

Remote sauna tank: main advantages and disadvantages

Thanks to great opportunity install a special heat exchanger in the oven; the tank does not need to be tied to a specific place - it can even be installed in a washing room. According to all known laws of physics, cold water will fall into the heat exchanger, and hot water will rise back.

Of course, it also happens that the sauna is used not for a couple of hours at all, but for the whole day - for example, when washing, but time has already passed since the fire. Then the most best option– a sauna tank on a pipe, where the water will be constantly heated to the required temperature. This is on the pipe through which smoke comes out of the furnace - and its temperature can reach 500 degrees. Such tanks can be quite large, since the heating area of ​​the pipe is very large, and the water will heat up evenly and quickly.

There is also another advantage similar design– in this bathhouse, smoke leakage through a crack in the pipe is absolutely impossible, since the tank in this case serves as a full-fledged fuse.

Steel, cast iron or stainless steel?

From building material The material from which the tank was made depends on a lot - both the durability of the tank itself and the rate of heating and cooling of the water in it.

Cast iron: hot water all day

For a long time, the tank in the bathhouse was made exclusively of heavy cast iron - the water in it took a long time to heat up, and quite a lot of firewood was consumed, but the hot water was available until the evening and the whole family could wash all day. In addition, cast iron is not afraid of either high temperatures or corrosion. And here it is big drawback, of course, explicit.

Stainless steel sauna tanks: durable and lightweight

However, today stainless steel sauna tanks are becoming increasingly popular. There is no need to isolate moisture from it, its thermal conductivity is simply excellent, and the deformation rate due to very sharp temperature fluctuations is extremely small and cannot be compared with the qualities of ferrous metals.

The most best brands for these tanks - 08X17 (430) and 8-12X18H10 (304), which are also used to create dishes. They are absolutely resistant to extreme temperatures, completely hygienic and cannot be deformed or corroded.

Such tanks are made for a bath from thin and durable stainless steel sheets, where special water supply is installed Ball Valves. Caring for these tanks is extremely easy. Therefore, if you definitely do not want to spend your time on caring for water tanks in the bathhouse, feel free to choose this variety.

Enameled tanks - suitable if handled correctly

Enameled tanks will completely save you from unpleasant rust. Their only drawback is possible chips, which can lead to corrosion. True, they can always be treated with special heat-resistant paint - if the tank itself is not inserted into the oven.

Heating circuit: from a stove or heating element?

Whether it is more profitable to heat a stove in order to heat the water or whether a heating element is much more effective in this regard depends only on exactly how many people in the future will simultaneously steam in the bathhouse and how quickly they will need hot water for washing. For example, a capacity of approximately 50 liters is sufficient for one person, and at least 70 liters for the whole company.

The ability of the tank to warm up quickly enough also depends on its walls - the thicker they are, the longer it will take to warm up and the more it will weigh. For a sauna tank with a volume of up to 50 liters this is 0.8-1 mm, for a larger one the walls are definitely not thinner than 1.5 mm.

How to install a water tank correctly?

So, how to properly install a tank in a bathhouse? If the water in the washing room comes from a tap, under pressure, you need closed system water supply The most ideal option For this purpose, a stove with a coil inside is considered, a tank will be connected to it. However, the following method can be implemented: the tank will be suspended on the stove itself. The simplest design of approximately 50-120 liters, which is not difficult to weld yourself, is suitable for this. Most the best option- this is a tank of about 80 liters made of special non-galvanized iron, which can be purchased at any specialized hardware store whether on the market.

A properly connected sauna tank will look like this in a sauna: the water in the register heats up and rises into the tank, where it gradually cools down and soon drops down into the register. This is how circulation occurs, and in order to improve it somewhat, it is better to take water from the return line - although this is not very convenient, since in this case you will have to wait a long time until the tank heats up normally. But you can use water as soon as the stove is heated. However, it is more thoughtful and effective if a full-fledged ability to switch water intake from direct to return is thought out - this is much more convenient. If the entrance and exit to the tank is made from below, then the circulation will be somewhat slower.

Sequence of operations performed

  1. The tank is mounted in the steam room, precisely under the shelves, and is connected by pipes to the stove coil.
  2. In the tank, for stable circulation, the upper outlet is connected to the upper outlet of the coil, and the lower one is connected to the bottom. Hot water will be discharged from above, and cold water will be discharged from below.
  3. A safety and check valve is installed at the cold water inlet - it is also called a blast valve.
  4. The automatic firing pressure of the explosive is set.

Work all this design will be like this: the filled tank will be heated through the coil, when consumed warm water it will automatically fill through the cold water supply. As the cold water heats up, if it is not used yet, this pressure will constantly increase, and when it reaches its critical point, an explosive will automatically go off, releasing all the pressure.

If you do everything correctly, then the hot water in the bathhouse will be in the amount needed - and at a pressure that will be convenient for washing after the steam room.

Any bathhouse is simply unthinkable without hot water. But in order to heat it, it is absolutely not necessary to have a boiler, because there is a stove and fire. However, it is necessary to decide which water tank for a bath will be better so that it does not have to be changed soon.

Types of tanks

There are three types of design:

  • Built-in
  • Remote;
  • On the pipe.

Each type has certain advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.


At one time, bathhouse containers were made exclusively built-in, which were installed during the construction of the stove. The lower part of the boiler in this case is located in the upper part of the firebox. Accordingly, its bottom is in direct contact with the fire in the oven.

The main advantage of such containers is fast heating. Therefore, sauna boilers with a water tank are very popular.

The disadvantages of this design include the fact that the size of the container is limited by the size of the furnace or boiler. In addition, a sauna heater with a water tank has less heat transfer, since the heat is largely used to heat the boiler.


Remote water tanks for bathhouses are distinguished by the fact that they can be placed anywhere, usually in a washing room. This is due to the fact that heating is carried out using a heat exchanger located in the furnace, which communicates with the container using a system of copper and brass pipes.

According to the laws of physics, cold water falls into the heat exchanger, and hot water rises up and enters the remote water tank in the bathhouse.

The disadvantage of the design is that the container can cause burns. This is especially dangerous if there are small children in the family.

On the pipe

If the sauna is used not for an hour or two, but, for example, all day, then it is more advisable to use a water tank for the sauna on the pipe through which the smoke comes out of the stove. Such a structure is usually mounted in the attic, less often - above the stove. The water in it will be hot for a long time even after the fire stops.

Typically, such containers are quite large due to the large area of ​​the pipe itself. Thanks to this, the water in them heats up quickly and evenly, and the heat transfer of the stove does not decrease.

There is another advantage of this design - smoke leakage through the pipe is prevented, since the water tank into the bathhouse acts as a fuse. The container itself will not spoil the interior of the room with its appearance, since it will be hidden in the attic.

Advice! , designed for a large number of people, since you can install a large container, and at the same time the water will heat up quite quickly.

Selecting material for the container

The type of material from which the container is made determines such characteristics as the rate of heating and cooling of water, as well as the durability of the tank itself.

Cast iron

At one time, only cast iron products were used for hot water, and tanks for cold water in the bathhouse were ordinary wooden barrels.

U cast iron construction there are a number of advantages below:

  • The ability to retain heat for a long time, as a result of which the water in it remains hot for a long time after heating.
  • The material is resistant to sudden changes in temperature conditions.
  • Doesn't rust.

However, along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • It takes a lot of time and wood to heat up.
  • Significant weight of the structure.
  • It is almost impossible to make a tank with your own hands;
  • Special protection from damp environments is required.

Stainless steel

Very popular at present, which have a number of advantages:

  • No protection from moisture or negative environmental influences is needed.
  • Stainless steel has excellent thermal conductivity, thanks to which the water in containers heats up very quickly.
  • Stainless steel containers practically do not deform under the influence of large temperature changes.
  • The material is resistant to corrosion.

One of the disadvantages is rapid cooling, which is associated with the high thermal conductivity of the material.

Enameled steel

Enameled containers have good corrosion resistance. Their main disadvantage is the increased possibility of chips and cracks in the enamel, which lead to corrosion. But, if the structure will not be mounted in a furnace, then it can be treated with heat-resistant paint.

For cold water

A Russian bath implies the presence of two tanks - for hot and cold water. However, recently the cold water tank in the bathhouse has been replaced by a centralized water supply.

If centralized water supply no, for example, when the bathhouse is located in the country, you can install another container. The requirements for it are minimal, since thermal conductivity, heat resistance, etc. do not matter. The main thing is resistance to corrosion, therefore excellent option is a plastic product.

How to properly install and connect the tank

Depending on the conditions in the bathhouse, the connection diagrams for the container may be different. For example, if water supply is installed in the washing room, i.e. water will be supplied under constant pressure, then a closed water supply system is needed.

In this case, the ideal option is a stove with a coil inside, which is connected to the tank. You can, of course, implement another method - hang the container on the stove itself. The most suitable for this simple design a tank of 50-120 liters, which you can weld yourself, in which case the price of the product will be determined solely by the cost of the material.

If the connection was made correctly, then the water heating circuit looks like this - the water is heated in the register and, according to the law of physics, rises. There it gradually cools down and goes back into the register. Thus, natural circulation is obtained.

Advice! To improve circulation, the intake should be made from the return line, although in this case you will have to wait until the container heats up. Therefore, you can switch from direct intake to return.

Connection instructions are as follows:

  • The container is installed in and connected to the coil using pipes.
  • For normal circulation, the upper outlet of the tank must be connected to the upper outlet of the coil, and the lower outlet must be connected to the outlet from below. Thus, hot water is discharged from above, and cold water will flow from below.
  • At the entrance of cold water, check valves and safety valves are installed, the latter is also called a blast valve.
  • Then the threshold pressure is set according to the instructions of the storage tank, at which the safety valve is activated.

This system will work as follows:

  • A filled tank is heated through a coil and when hot water is drained, it will automatically begin to be filled through the cold inlet.
  • If hot water is not used, the pressure in the tank will increase as it heats up. When the critical point is reached, the explosive will go off and release the pressure.

If the system is implemented correctly, then the hot water in the bathhouse will be in the quantity required, and at the same time the pressure will be sufficient to wash comfortably.


We've looked at all the main types of tanks out there, as well as their pros and cons. At the same time, it is difficult to give an answer - which tank is better. Everyone decides for himself, in accordance with the assigned tasks, which this container should cope with.

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