Bank of ideas for a soft toy project. Creative project on technology on the topic “Making a soft toy “Bear”

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Gilenko Anna Sergeevna

Participation in the Technology Olympiad.



Municipal State Educational Institution

"Smagleyevskaya Secondary School"

Creative project for


"Soft toy"

Completed by: 7th grade student

Gilenko Anna

Project Manager:

Gilenko Natalya Yurievna


I. Organizational and preparatory stage.

Basic framework for thinking.

1. Justification of the problem………………………………………………………4

2. Formulation of tasks………………………………………………………..4

3. Historical background (research)……………………………………………………….5

4. Development of various options…………………………….……………..6

5. Identification of basic requirements for the product……………………………… 7

6. Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option…………………………………… 7

II. Technological stage.

7. Materials and tools……………………………………………………..8

8. Design part……………………………………………………….9

9.Organization of the workplace, safety at work…………………………………10

10. Product manufacturing technology……………………………………………..11

11.Calculation of the cost of materials……………………………………………………………12

12.Environmental justification…………………………………………………...13

III. Evaluation stage.


14. Used literature……………………………………..………...15

Basic framework for thinking.

Justification of the problem that has arisen

While studying at school, in technology lessons, my skills in arts and crafts improved. During technology lessons we did handicrafts: we embroidered with woolen threads, beads, and sewed soft toys.

I decided to make a soft toy because I like to do this type of needlework.

Having reviewed several encyclopedias and Internet sites on handicrafts, I was attracted to many of them by toys - dolls, flowers, fairy-tale characters. However, I decided to make a chicken toy, since 2017 is the year of the rooster. I wanted to know the history of the development of the toy and show my skills in a new work for me.

The purpose of my work: to make a soft toy with my own hands.

Statement of objectives

I want my toy to be interesting, pleasing to the eye and

It lifted my spirits.


1. Study the development of toy days.

2. The finished toy must correspond to the size


3. Self-realization when doing work with your own hands.

History of the development of the toy

The art of making toys is one of the oldest types of folk art. Everyone loves the toy: children and adults. For children it is fun, a game: adults look with joy at beautiful, funny toys that bring them true joy, transport them to the world of childhood, and cause a kind smile.

A toy has always accompanied a person. Various kinds of toys were found in burial places in Egypt, Greece, and the Roman Empire. In ancient times, when there were no special workshops producing toys, they were created by folk craftsmen - artisans who worked alone or as family members. These were the first folk artists - toy makers, who passed on their skills from generation to generation. The uniqueness of making toys is determined by living and working conditions, customs of the people, national character, climatic conditions and the material used. So in areas rich in forests, toys,

As a rule, they were made of wood; in places rich in clay deposits, they were made of clay.

Wooden and clay toys have been known in Rus' since ancient times. The oldest toys found in our country date back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. These are miniature hunting tools - bows, arrows, hatchets, household items, rattles.

Various toys were found in burials of Ancient Egypt, Greece, and China. These are dolls made of wood and fabric, leather balls, animal figurines carved from soft stone, and mammoth tusks. From the depths of centuries, the traditions of sewing toys have come to us - dolls sewn from scraps of fabric and fur.

Sometimes toys were given magical significance. For example, various whistles and rattles, according to the pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs, drove away evil spirits with their whistle and noise. For the same reasons, the image of a doll’s face was prohibited, so in homemade rag dolls of different nations, instead of an image of a face, you can see a pattern in the form of a cross, a rhombus, or a square.

The earliest toys of Ancient Rus', found on the territory of ancient Russian cities - Kyiv, Novgorod, Moscow, Kolomna, Radonezh - date back to approximately the X-XV centuries. Scientists have established handicraft production of toys in Kyiv and Novgorod already in the 10th-13th centuries. about the high skill of Moscow potters and toy makers of the XIV-XVII centuries. This is evidenced by finds in Zaryadye, on the territory of the former Goncharnaya Sloboda. The subjects of toys of this time: horses, bears, birds - whistles, as well as funny figures of horsemen, buffoons - gudoshniks.

The traditions of true art continue to live and develop today.

Development of various options

Before sewing my toy, I looked through many books and

magazines on the production of soft toys. The world of toys is huge and

diverse. I liked many toy models:

Donkey Ladybug

Picture 1

Little Bear Figure 2


Figure 3 Figure 4

And I decided to choose a bright colorful option. It is he who will allow me to fantasize and is able to develop my imagination.

I chose chicken.

Identifying basic product requirements

My toy should be:

Beautifully and qualitatively made;

Small size;

Made from soft fabric;

Natural color;

Safe for children yonka;

Made from environmentally friendly materials;

With low cost.

Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option

Cute charming donkey (Fig. 1) will bring joy to anyone,

who will take them in hand.

A charming ladybug (Fig. 2) will easily improve your mood.

A small, modest, but very cute bear cub (Fig. 3) will give warmth and comfort.

A cute cockerel (Fig. 4) that will improve everyone's mood.

Materials and tools

The following materials are required to complete the work:

tools and accessories:

  • Hand needles
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape and ruler
  • Iron
  • Templates
  • Textile
  • Threads
  • Tailor's pins
  • Chalk, pencil
  • Pattern paper-cardboard
  • Sintepon
  • Colored ribbons, sequins

Fabrics, . It is advisable to select fabrics of different colors, textures, and types. Smooth and printed chintz, corduroy, flannel, knitwear, flannel and other materials are suitable for sewing souvenirs and various costumes for toys, as well as for decoration. Drape, cloth, felt and other dense fabrics are suitable for making decorative wall toys and objects.ѐ many combined.

To perform volumeѐ For many stuffed toys, it is recommended to use short-pile synthetic fur; it is easy to process and retains the shape of the toy well, as well as the plush.

Long-pile synthetic and natural fur are more suitable for finishing toys and combining with short-pile fur, any type of fabric and non-woven materials.

Threads. To sew toys you need spool threads No. 30, 40 in different colors. When making decorative seams on the front side of toys, floss, iris, darning, and wool yarn are used.

Colored ribbons, beads.These materials are needed to design the product.

Cardboard. Necessary for making patterns.

Sintepon. Stitched toy shapes are stuffed with padding polyester.

Scissors, needles, etc. yo rstki. For cutting fur, small scissors with sharp closed ends are most convenient, and for cutting fabric, large ones with straight blades. Needles of different sizes are needed. Napѐ The sprout should correspond to the thickness of the middle finger.

Chalk, glue, pencils.Chalk is used to draw patterns on fabric and fur. PVA glue is used to glue parts.

Before starting work, you must wear special clothing - an apron.

or a work coat to protect clothes from getting dirty

fur pile, glue, paints. The apron must be neat


Design part

Workplace organization

For operations performed manually, a work table is required, on which only the parts, tools and fixtures to be processed should be located. During manual work, you need to ensure proper fit. Incorrect position of the body (torso) causes fatigue, reduces performance, and also leads to stooping, curvature of the spine, and impairs vision.

A workplace for performing machine work is a table on which a sewing machine is installed and the necessary tools and accessories are laid out.

When working on a sewing machine, the workplace should be well lit. When operating a sewing machine, it is very important to sit with your body slightly tilted and head forward

TB at work

Safety rules for manual work:

Be attentive;

Put it on pour onto the middle finger of the right hand so as not to

Prick him;

Inject needles and pins only into the needle bed,

Do not sew with a bent needle;

Do not stick needles into clothing;

Place the scissors to your right with the blades closed;

Pass scissors only with closed blades and rings


Safety rules for sewing work:

Do not lean close to moving parts of the sewing machine;

Do not keep your fingers near the moving needle;

Do not place foreign objects on the platform.

Safety rules when performing wet-heat


Do not leave the iron on;

Set the thermostat dial in accordance with the selected


Place the iron on a special stand;

Make sure that the cord does not touch the soleplate of the iron; Turn the iron on and off with dry hands, while holding it

body of the plug, not the cord;

WTO products or parts should be made from the wrong side

The direction of the lobe thread.

Product technology

To make a soft puppy toy with your own hands, there is a drawing, drawing, sketch, pattern diagrams and manufacturing sequence. You can make the toy using hand stitches or use a sewing machine. I chose the first option.

Sequence of making a soft toy:

1. Prepare patterns for the body, wings, beard, beak, and crest. The pieces consist of green fleece and different colors of felt.

2.According to the pattern of the torso and abdomen, cut out two parts of the torso and abdomen from fleece and sew them together, leaving a slot for stuffing with padding polyester.

3. Cut out 4 wing parts, 2 beak parts, 2 scallop parts, 2 beard parts from felt.

4. We sew the wings to the body, leaving a slot for stuffing with padding polyester.

5. We sew the comb and beak, turn them inside out, stuff them and sew them to the product.

6. I decided to decorate my toy with a bright apron and sequins.

Calculation of the cost of materials



Price, rub.)



Cost, rub.)


Green fabric


285 rub.

0.4 m.

114 rub.

114 rub.



135 rub. per set

5 sheets

135 rub.

135 rub.



30 rub.

0.2 m.

6 rub.

Available in



10 rub.

A pair of eyes

10 rub.

10 rub.


5 rub.

1 PC.

5 rub.

Available in



259 rub.

259 rub.

Ecological justification

The problem of ecology has now become of great importance. To lead a healthy lifestyle, it is very important that the objects that surround a person, that a person uses in everyday life, are environmentally friendly and safe.

The production of the toy did not cause any harm to the environment. All the materials that I used to create the toy are environmentally friendly. Remaining fabrics and trims are stored in a designatedѐ in this place and can be used to make other things.


As a result of working on the project, I can proudly say that I completed the task assigned to me. The toy turned out exactly the way I wanted it oh see.

Used Books.

1M. Ventana. Textbook on technology. M. “Count” 2012.

2.N. V. Vinogradova. DIY soft toy. S-P. “Nedra” 2014.

3. Material by O. N. Andreevskaya, Volzhsky, 2008.




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Municipal State Educational Institution “Smagleevskaya Secondary School” Creative project using the “Soft Toy” technology Completed by: 7th grade student Anna Gilenko Project leader: Natalya Yuryevna Gilenko

Justification for the problem that arose During my time at school, in technology lessons, my skills in arts and crafts improved. During technology lessons we did handicrafts: we embroidered with woolen threads, beads, and sewed soft toys. I decided to make a soft toy because I like to do this type of needlework. Having reviewed several encyclopedias and Internet sites on handicrafts, I was attracted to many of them by toys - dolls, flowers, fairy-tale characters. However, I decided to make a chicken toy, since 2017 is the year of the rooster. I wanted to know the history of the development of the toy and show my skills in a new work for me. The purpose of my work: to make a soft toy with my own hands.

Formulation of tasks I want my toy to be interesting, pleasing to the eye and uplifting. Objectives: 1. Study the development of the toy. 2. The finished toy must correspond to the dimensions of the pattern. 3. Self-realization when doing work with your own hands.

History of the development of toys The art of making toys is one of the oldest types of folk art. Various kinds of toys were found in burial places in Egypt, Greece, and the Roman Empire. In ancient times, when there were no special workshops producing toys, they were created by folk craftsmen - artisans who worked alone or as family members. These were the first folk artists - toy makers, who passed on their skills from generation to generation. The uniqueness of making toys is determined by living and working conditions, customs of the people, national character, climatic conditions and the material used. So in areas rich in forests, toys, as a rule, were made of wood, in areas rich in clay deposits - from clay.

The history of the development of toys and toys of the past: horses, bears, birds - whistles, rag dolls.

History of the development of toys Toys found in the North Caucasus

Developing different options Before sewing my toy, I looked through many books and magazines on making soft toys. The world of toys is huge and diverse. I liked many models of toys: Donkey Ladybug Bear Cock And I decided to choose a bright colorful option. It is he who will allow me to fantasize and is able to develop my imagination. I chose chicken.

Materials and tools To carry out the work, the following materials, tools and equipment are required: Hand needles Scissors Measuring tape and ruler Iron Templates Fabric Threads Tailor's pins Chalk, pencil Pattern paper-cardboard Synthetic winterizer Colored ribbons, sequins

Design part

Product technology To make a soft cockerel toy with your own hands, there is a drawing, drawing, sketch, pattern diagrams and manufacturing sequence. You can make the toy using hand stitches or use a sewing machine. I chose the first option.

The sequence of making a soft toy: 1. Prepare patterns for the body, wings, beard, beak, and crest. The parts consist of green fleece and different colors of felt. 2. Using the pattern of the torso and abdomen, cut out two parts of the torso and abdomen from fleece and sew them together, leaving a slot for stuffing with padding polyester. 3. Cut out 4 wing parts, 2 beak parts, 2 scallop parts, 2 beard parts from felt. A beard.

We sew the wings to the body, leaving a slot for stuffing with padding polyester. We sew the comb and beak, turn them inside out, stuff them and sew them to the product. I decided to decorate my toy with a bright apron and sequins

Calculation of the cost of materials for a toy product. Name of material Price (rub.) Consumption, costs Cost (rub.) Real Green fabric (meter) 285 rub. 0.4 m. 114 rub. 114 rub. Felt (meter) 135 rub. for a set of 5 sheets 135 rub. 135 rub. Sintepon (meter) 30 rub. 0.2 m. 6 rub. Available. Eyes 10 rub. Pair of eyes 10 rub. 10 rub. Threads 5 rub. 1 PC. 5 rub. Available. Total: 259 rub. 259 rub.

Ecological justification The problem of ecology has now acquired enormous importance. To lead a healthy lifestyle, it is very important that the objects that surround a person, that a person uses in everyday life, are environmentally friendly and safe. The production of the toy did not cause any harm to the environment. All the materials that I used to create the toy are environmentally friendly. Remaining fabrics and trims are stored in a specific place and can be used to make other things.

My work is the best, its success is guaranteed! Buy it, don’t yawn, buy the chicken! The New Year is coming. The symbol of the rooster is coming!

Self-analysis As a result of working on the project, I can proudly say that I completed the task assigned to me. The toy turned out exactly the way I wanted it to be.

Used Books. 1M. Ventana. Textbook on technology. M. “Count” 2012. 2.N. V. Vinogradova. DIY soft toy. S-P. “Nedra” 2014. 3. Material by Andreevskaya O. N. Volzhsky, 2008. 4. 5.

Thank you for your attention!

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary School No. 3"

Creative project

by technology

"Soft toy"

Completed by: 8th grade student

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 3"

Voroshnina Victoria

Head: Tishaninova LN, technology teacher


Justification of the problem that has arisen

At school, during technology lessons, my skills in arts and crafts improved. During technology lessons, we did handicrafts: cross-stitched, knitted and crocheted, and made various fabric compositions. It was necessary to choose topics for a creative project, and I decided to make a soft toy, since I went to a soft toy club, and I really liked it, I decided not to give up what I loved. Having reviewed several books on needlework, I was attracted to toys in many of them - dolls, flowers, fairy-tale characters. However, I decided to make a baby penguin. I wanted to know the history of the development of the toy and show off my skills.

The purpose of my work: make a soft toy with your own hands.


I want my toy to be interesting, pleasing to the eye and uplifting.

    Explore the development of toy days.

    The finished toy must correspond to the dimensions of the pattern.

    Self-realization when doing work with your own hands.

History of the development of the toy

The art of making toys is one of the oldest types of folk art. Everyone loves toys: children and adults. It is a fun game for children; adults look with joy at beautiful, funny toys that bring them true joy, transport them to the world of childhood, and cause a kind smile.

A toy has always accompanied a person. Various kinds of toys were found in burial places in Egypt, Greece, and the Roman Empire. In distant times. When there were no special workshops producing toys, they were created by folk craftsmen - handicraftsmen who worked alone or as family members. These were the first folk artists - toy makers, who passed on their skills from generation to generation. The uniqueness of making toys is determined by living and working conditions, customs of the people, national character, climatic conditions and the material used. So, in areas rich in forests, toys, as a rule, were made of wood, in areas rich in clay deposits - from clay. Wooden and clay toys have been known in Rus' since ancient times. The oldest toys found in our country date back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. These are miniature hunting tools - bows, arrows, hatchets, household items, rattles.

Various toys found in burials of Ancient Egypt, Greece, China. These are dolls made of wood and fabric, leather balls, animal figurines carved from soft stone, and mammoth tusks. From the depths of centuries, the traditions of sewing toys have come to us - dolls sewn from scraps of fabric and fur.

Sometimes the toy was given magical meaning. For example, various whistles and rattles, according to the pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs, drove away evil spirits with their whistle and noise. For the same reasons, the image of a doll’s face was prohibited, so in homemade rag dolls of different nations, instead of an image of a face, you can see a pattern in the form of a cross, a rhombus, or a square.

The earliest toys of Ancient Rus', found on the territory of ancient Russian cities - Kyiv, Novgorod, Moscow, Kolomna, Radonezh - date back approximately to the 10th-15th centuries. Scientists have established handicraft production of toys in Kyiv and Novgorod already in the 10th-13th centuries. About the high skill of Moscow potters and toy makers of the XIV-XVII centuries. evidenced by finds in Zaryadye, on the territory of the former Goncharnaya Sloboda. The subjects of toys of this time: horses, bears, birds - whistles, as well as funny figures of horsemen, buffoons and horn players.

The traditions of true art continue to live and develop today.

Development of various options

Before sewing my toy, I looked through many books and magazines on making soft toys. The world of toys is huge and diverse. I liked many of the toy models.

Model No. 1 Model No. 2

Model No. 3 Model No. 4

Identifying basic product requirements

My toy should be:

    Beautifully and qualitatively made;

    Small size;

    Made from soft fabric

    Natural color;

    Safe for children;

    Made from environmentally friendly materials;

    With low cost.

Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option

Model No. 1. Difficult to do, but quite beautiful.

Model No. 2. It will easily improve your mood, but is quite easy to do.

Model No. 3. Quite easy to do.

Model No. 4. Beautiful and not entirely difficult to do.

I settled on model No. 4.

Materials and tools

    Needles with heads

    Needle for handwork

    Threads: white, red, black – 3 spools

  • Fabric brown, white (30x30cm), red, padding polyester (25x20cm)

Product technology

    We select the material and prepare it for work (washing, steaming the fabric).

    We make a pattern from cardboard, since solid patterns fit more tightly to the material, are easier to trace, and are more durable.

    We lay out the resulting pattern on the wrong side of the material, press it tightly and outline it with chalk.

    We sew up the toy.

    Attach the beak and eyes.

Economic justification

I spent __ rubles on work. I sewed the toy in 3 hours.

The toy does not pose any environmental hazard.

Sketches of toy parts


I really like my toy. It adds its beauty to my small collection of soft toys and the interior of the house.


1 Municipal Educational Institution Secondary General education school with in-depth study of individual subjects24. Creative project using technology Soft toy Completed by 11b grade student Olga Zotova Supervisor Andreevskaya O. N. Volzhsky 2008

2 Contents of the project. I. Organizational and preparatory stage. Basic framework for thinking. 1. Justification of the problem that has arisen.3 2. Formulation of tasks Historical background (research) Development of various options Identification of basic requirements for the product Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option..13 II. Technological stage. 7. Materials and tools Design part Organization of the workplace, safety during work Technology of the product Economic justification Environmental justification...22 III. Evaluation stage. 13.Self-esteem 22 Literature used.. 23 Appendix. 1. Double bias stitch over the edge Stitch stitch Loop stitch Regular stitch forward with the needle..26

3 Basic framework for reflection. Cost price. Problem. Traditions, fashion. Safety. Manufacturing technology. Soft toy. Shape and size. Construction. Equipment and materials. Story. 1.I have been doing handicrafts since childhood. I love to embroider, sew clothes for dolls, make souvenirs and gifts, and decorate the house with my products. While studying at school, in technology lessons, my skills in arts and crafts improved. Recently my mother asked me to sew a soft toy for my younger sister. I agreed to fulfill her request, because until now I had not had to sew soft toys. I wanted to know the history of the development of the toy and show my skills in a new work for me. The purpose of my work: to make a soft toy with my own hands. 2. I want my toy to be interesting, pleasing to the eye and uplifting. Objectives: 1. Study the development of toys from ancient times to the present day. 2. The finished toy must correspond to the dimensions of the pattern. 3. Self-realization when doing work with your own hands.

4 3. The art of making toys is one of the oldest types of folk art. The uniqueness of making toys is determined by living and working conditions, customs of the people, national character, climatic conditions and the material used. So, in areas rich in forests, toys, as a rule, were made of wood; in areas rich in clay deposits, toys were made from clay. Wooden and clay toys have been known in Rus' since ancient times. The oldest toys found on the territory of our country date back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. These are miniature hunting tools - bows, arrows, hatchets, household items, rattles. Various toys were found in burials of Ancient Egypt, Greece, and China. These are dolls made of wood and fabric, leather balls, animal figurines carved from soft stone, and mammoth tusks. From the depths of centuries, the traditions of sewing toys - dolls, sewn from scraps of fabric and fur - have come to us. Sometimes toys were given magical significance. For example, various whistles and rattles, according to the pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs, drove away evil spirits with their whistle and noise. For the same reasons, the image of a doll’s face was prohibited, so in homemade rag dolls of different nations, instead of an image of a face, you can see a pattern in the form of a cross, a rhombus, or a square. The earliest toys of Ancient Rus', found on the territory of ancient Russian cities - Kyiv, Novgorod, Moscow, Kolomna, Radonezh - date back to approximately the X-XV centuries. Scientists have established handicraft production of toys in Kyiv and Novgorod already in the 10th-13th centuries. about the high skill of Moscow toy potters of the 14th-17th centuries. This is evidenced by finds in Zaryadye, on the territory of the former Goncharnaya Sloboda. The subjects of toys of this time: horses, bears, birds - whistles, as well as funny figures of horsemen, buffoons - Gudoshnikov. The traditions of true art continue to live and develop today.

5 Trinity - Sergius toys. The oldest fishing center in the Moscow region was Trinity Sergiev Pasad, now the city of Zagorsk, Moscow region. In the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century, the toy business in Trinity Sergius Pasade reached unprecedented prosperity. This area has become a leading region in the production of handicraft toys. The production of the earliest trinity of Sergius toys was based on the use of a triangular wooden block and was associated with the art of three-dimensional carving. The craftsman made the shape of the toy, designed for painting, using large sections of planes, preserving the corners and edges. The same feature served to create different images, which was achieved by conditional painting, differences in costume, and additional details. Bogorodskaya toy. The craft of carved toys simultaneously developed in the village of Bogorodskaya (now the village of Bogorodskoye, Zagorsk district, Moscow region), belonging to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Over time, under the influence of local talented carvers, the village of Bogorodskoye formed its own artistic traditions and developed a unique carving style. Keen observation, closeness to nature, rich imagination, and humor are characteristic of Bogorodsk masters. When depicting humans, birds, animals, and domestic animals, the masters conveyed their characteristic features with great accuracy, while maintaining some convention. The main material for the toys was linden wood, which has a uniform and soft texture. Shallow, notched cuts of various shapes conveyed the fur of animals, the manes of horses, the plumage of birds, and the expressiveness of figures.

6 Russian matryoshka. The brightly painted wooden nesting doll is famous all over the world; when you open it, there is another smaller one, in that one even smaller, and so on until the smallest one. Some craftsmen's skill in making multi-place insert toys reached the point of virtuosity. The State Toy Museum (city of Zagorsk) exhibits a 100-seat egg made at the beginning of the 20th century. And nesting dolls were made containing up to 60 inserts. The first matryoshka consisted of eight dolls. They were hand-carved by toy maker V. Zvezdochkin, and painted by artist S. Malyutin. The first dolls are dressed up in a Russian sundress and headscarf. Everyone liked the cheerful Russian nesting doll. The labor-intensive work of turning blanks was subsequently replaced by a lathe, and the toy began to be produced quickly and simply. Similar dolls have been tried in France, Germany and other countries, but the cute Russian nesting doll is the most popular. Her fame spread throughout the world. In 1958, at the World Exhibition in Brussels, she was awarded a gold medal.

7 Dymkovo toy. This fishery originated in the settlement of Dymkovo, near the city of Vyatka. There is excellent clay and sand there. Craftsmen have long lived in the settlement, who, in addition to jars and pots, make funny bright toys for their own amusement and for the amusement of children. Only women and children sculpted and painted toys. Craftswomen also make a toy from red clay, whiten it with chalk diluted in milk, and paint it with paints mixed with eggs, vinegar and kvass. The pattern is strictly geometric, consisting of cells, stripes, circles, and large spots. In addition to the bright and original painting, the Dymkovo toy is trimmed with gold. Decorating with gold is a complex and painstaking job. The leaves of gold are so thin that they are lighter than fluff, and when gold is placed on the toy, the windows are closed from drafts. The Dymkovo toy has always been loved by the people.

8 Filimonovskaya toy. According to local legend, the founder of the village (back in the time of Ivan the Terrible) was the potter Filimon (hence Filimonovo). Various dishes and toys were made from Filimonov clay, but not just any kind, but only whistles for the holidays of animals, birds, horses, young ladies, and soldiers. The young ladies have bouquets of flowers or jugs in their hands, and whistles are hidden in them. And the soldiers keep geese under their arms, which you can also whistle at. The elongated proportions are explained by the properties of local clay. Filimonovites call it blueberry because of its oily black color and fat content. When drying, Filimonov clay quickly becomes covered with cracks; it has to be constantly smoothed with a damp hand, involuntarily narrowing and stretching the body of the figure. While the clay dries, the toy has to be stroked many times to level its surface. And it takes five days to smooth and tighten it. The toy is still painted not with a brush, but with a quill pen. Paint from a brush will not stick to clean clay, but paint from a goose feather will. Masters also make huge toys the size of large dolls. For home decoration.

9 Tver toy. These are products of craftsmen from the Tver region, or more precisely from Torzhok. You will immediately recognize these toys as birds, cockerels, firebirds, king fish, siren birds, bears and other toys, whistles, and are covered with scales, which are then brightly painted and look very elegant on the red-brown background of baked clay. A distinctive feature of Tver toys is their relief decoration in the form of small scales and frills. Yaroslavl toy. And in the Yaroslavl region they made whistles in the form of horses or birds with spindle-shaped bodies, two tiny legs and curved backs. The toy was covered with glaze or white oil paint with blue and red stripes and spots.

10 Gorodets toy. In the 19th century, in the villages around the city, craftsmen who made spinning wheels also made a painted wooden toy, which today has become one of the symbols of the region. Using simple tools of a knife and an ax, horse harnesses with a cart and with a proud bend of the neck, wheel-turntables, dolls from logs split in half, flat on the front side and voluminous on the back, were cut out. The horse was loved by the people. Common types of skates are one on wheels, two in harness, three with a cart and riders. A strong, alert horse turned out to be alive. And the color is fabulous red, with yellow or golden apples. The image of a horse is quite ancient and is associated with the cult of the sun. An ancient man believed that if he depicted the sun in the form of some kind of talisman and decorated his house with it, then such a talisman would protect him from troubles and misfortunes, and would bring prosperity and happiness to the house. Today Gorodets painting is the only enterprise in Russia that produces art products with traditional Gorodets painting on wood.

11 Kargopol toy. In the Russian North, not far from the small town of Kargopol, in the almost deserted village of Grinevo, lived the toymaker Ulyana Babkina. The village of Grinevo became empty, there were no toy makers left in it, and the industry would have died completely if Ulyana Babkina had not continued to sculpt her toys with the same tenacity. Grandma Ulyana willingly taught her skills to everyone who wanted, and managed to prepare a replacement for herself. Craftsmen settled in neighboring villages and throughout Kargopol itself. Thanks to them, the Kargopol folk toy lives. For modeling, take red clay. The figures are sculpted a little rough, stocky, the shoulders merge with the back of the head, short legs. The masters humanize the animals, they are busy doing the same thing as people - bears, goats and rams play musical instruments, carry dishes, smoke. The products were dried, and after a few weeks they were fired, then whitened. The painting is quite simple: stripes, strokes, diamonds, specks. A set of paints: blue, brick red, green, black, ocher. Sometimes gold and silver paints are added. The traditions of folk art continue to live and develop today. The most valuable features of folk toys are bright imagery, good-natured humor, (feeling). The modern folk toy no longer meets its original functions - it has disappeared from children's play. Today, the folk toy enters our lives as one of the brightest phenomena of decorative and applied art, as a generally recognized souvenir, and decoration of a modern interior.

12 4. Before sewing my toy, I looked through many books and magazines on making soft toys. The world of toys is huge and diverse. I liked many models of toys: Hippos (Fig. 1) Mouse (Fig. 2) Bear (Fig. 3) Cat (Fig. 4) Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4

13 5. My toy should be: beautifully and efficiently made; big size; made of soft fabric; light color; safe for the child; made from environmentally friendly materials; with low cost. 6. Cute charming hippos (Fig. 1) will bring joy to anyone who picks them up. A charming, cheerful mouse (Fig. 2) will easily improve your mood. A small, modest, but very cute bear cub (Fig. 3). A cute, cozy cat Vasily with soft hanging paws (Fig. 4), who will improve the mood of everyone who falls into his arms. After considering all the toy options I liked, I decided that I would sew a cat, since a cat is my favorite childhood toy. 7. To perform the work, the following materials, tools and equipment are required: Fabrics, fur. It is advisable to select fabrics of different colors, textures, and types. Smooth and printed chintz, corduroy, flannel, knitwear, flannel and other materials are suitable for sewing souvenirs and various costumes for toys, as well as for decoration. Drape, cloth, felt and other dense fabrics are suitable for making decorative wall toys and volumetric combined ones. To make voluminous stuffed toys, it is recommended to use short-pile synthetic fur; it is easy to process and retains the shape of the toy well, as well as the plush. Long-pile synthetic and natural fur are more suitable for finishing toys and combining with short-pile fur, any type of fabric and non-woven materials. Threads. To sew toys you need bobbin threads of 30, 40 different colors. When making decorative seams on the front side of toys, floss, iris, darning, and wool yarn are used.

14 Braid, soutache, colored ribbons, buttons. These materials are needed to connect parts of toys and design products. Cardboard. Necessary for making patterns and frames of some types of toys. Parolon, wire, cotton wool. Frames for flat toys are made from foam rubber. For the frames of three-dimensional toys, soft wire with a cross section of 1-3 mm is used. Stitched toy shapes are stuffed with cotton wool. Scissors, needles, thimbles. For cutting fur, small scissors with sharp closed ends are most convenient, and for cutting fabric, large ones with straight blades. Needles of different sizes are needed. The thimble should correspond to the thickness of the middle finger. Chalk, glue, paints, brushes, pencils. Chalk is used to draw patterns on fabric and fur. PVA glue is used for gluing fabric parts. Plain and colored pencils, paints, and brushes are necessary for performing graphic work in an album and for painting toys. When working, you may need pliers (or pliers) for splitting and biting off metal wire, as well as a wire brush for combing fur. An electric iron is required to smooth the fabric. Before starting work, you must wear special clothing, an apron or a work coat to protect your clothing from contamination by fur lint, glue, and paints. The apron should have a neat appearance.

15 Figure 5

16 Figure 6

17 9. Organization of the workplace. For operations performed manually, a work table is required, on which only the parts, tools and fixtures to be processed should be located. During manual work, you need to ensure proper fit. Incorrect position of the body (torso) causes fatigue, reduces performance, and also leads to stooping, curvature of the spine, and impairs vision. A workplace for performing machine work is a table on which a sewing machine is installed and the necessary tools and accessories are laid out. When working on a sewing machine, the workplace should be well lit. When operating a sewing machine, it is very important to sit with your body and head slightly tilted forward. Safety rules when performing manual work: be careful; put a thimble on the middle finger of your right hand so as not to prick it; stick needles and pins only into the needle bar, do not sew with a bent needle; do not stick needles into clothing; place the scissors to your right with the blades closed; pass scissors only with closed blades and rings forward. Safety rules for sewing: Do not lean close to moving parts of the sewing machine; Do not keep your fingers near the moving needle; Do not place foreign objects on the platform. Safety rules when performing wet-heat work: Do not leave the iron on; Set the thermostat dial in accordance with the selected fabric; Place the iron on a special stand; Make sure that the cord does not touch the soleplate of the iron; Turn the iron on and off with dry hands, while grasping the body of the plug, not the cord; WTO of a product or part should be done from the wrong side in the direction of the grain thread.

18 10. Prepare patterns for the back, back of the head, front of the head, underbelly, upper and lower paws, ear, foot and tail. The parts are combined from fur of different colors, so it is more convenient to cut and join their individual parts at the same time. Using the pattern of the upper paw, cut out two parts of the outer paws from the main fur. After this, cut the pattern along the indicated line and cut out two parts of the inner sides of the paws from the main fur and two palms of the paws from light fur. Sew the palms to the parts of the inner sides of the paws, sew the resulting combined parts with the outer sides of the paws, turn the blanks inside out, stuff them with synthetic padding and sew up the stuffing holes. Cut out four parts of the feet from dark fur, sew them in pairs, turn them inside out, fill them with stuffing material and sew up the stuffing holes. Sew the cutting details of the lower paws into tubes along their length and turn them inside out. Loosely fill the tubes with loose synthetic padding and sweep the upper cuts on each of them with an oblique seam over the edge (see appendix). Place each of the resulting paws on your foot along the indicated line and sew them on the front side. Using the back pattern, cut out one back piece. After this, cut the pattern along the indicated line into two parts and cut out the abdominal part from the main fur and the chest part from light fur. Sew together the parts of the chest and abdomen to create a combined front part of the body. The lower legs are sewn into the seam along which the front part of the body and the back are connected. Place the front of the body face up on the table. Place the basted upper sections of the paws in the places indicated on the bottom line of the abdomen, so that the feet of the paws are directed upward, and baste them with an oblique seam over the edge. Place the back piece on top, face down, aligning the side and bottom lines of the back with the corresponding lines of the abdomen. Baste and sew the body parts. Turn out the torso blank, the legs are already secured in place. Fill the workpiece with stuffing material and gather the neck with a strong thread.

19 Place the ear pieces made of fur and fabric with their right sides facing each other, with the fabric protruding 3-5 mm beyond the edges of the fur. Fasten with several stitches on the sharp tip and in the lower corners of the ear and sew both parts with a stitch, retreating 2-3 mm from the edge of the fur (Fig. 7). Turn out the blanks and straighten the pile; There is no need to fill the ears with stuffing material. An important point is sewing the ears into the head. Sew the ears into the seam connecting the front and back of the head. In Figure 7, these places are indicated by straight corners. Place the ears on the front side of the front of the head, placing them with the fabric side down, and with the unsewn sections facing the sewing points indicated on the head, and baste them with a simple oblique seam over the edge (Fig. 8). After this, place the occipital part of the head on top, face down, baste it at three points (at the top center and at the two extreme points of the seam at the bottom) and sew everything along the contour with a double oblique seam over the edge, simultaneously fastening the front and occipital parts of the head and the sewn-in ears ( Fig.9). Figure 8 Figure 9

20 Turn the head blank through the hole left; the ears will already be sewn into place. Fill the head blank with stuffing material, install it on the body and sew the needle forward with a connecting seam. Go to the design of the toy. It consists of two stages: designing the face and decorating the entire toy, if necessary. Start with the muzzle. Prepare the overlay. To do this, sew an oval made of padding polyester along the contour with pink threads using a simple oblique seam across the edge with a stitch length of 5 mm (Fig. 10). Lightly tighten the thread to create an oval bag. Place a lump of loose padding polyester into it and tighten the thread, you will get an elastic lump that resembles a silkworm cocoon. Using the same thread that you worked with, make a constriction in the middle of the cocoon, wrapping it with several turns, the lining turns into small cheeks (Fig. 11). Fasten the thread, but do not cut it. Using the same thread, then sew the finished overlay onto the muzzle. Figure 10 Figure 11 Now make the lip. Fold a small piece of thick padding in half, attach a pattern to its fold and, without tracing, so as not to stain the padding, cut out the lip, pressing the pattern with your finger. Use a white thread to sew a loop stitch along the edge of the double cut (Fig. 12) and sew the lip from below to the overlay. First, you can sew or glue a red tongue made of oilcloth or drape onto the lip.

21 Sew a nose to the overlay using the left thread. To do this, use a pink button or bead. Prepare the eyes and attach them and the cap with the lip and nose to the front of the head. Figure 12 Cut out a tail piece from fur, fold it along the center line, sew it, turn it right side out and sew the tail to the body. Connect the head to the body, secure the upper legs, design and decorate the toy. 11. Name of material Price (rub.) Consumption Cost (rub.) Real costs Corduroy 245 rub. 0.4 m. 98 rub. 98 rub. (meter) Knitted 175 rub. 0.2 35 rub. 35 rub. canvas (meter) synthetic winterizer 30 rub. (meter) 0.2 m. 6 rub. Available. Eyes 10 rub. Pair 10 rub. 10 rub. eye Nose button 3 rub. 1 PC. 3 rub. Available. Threads 5 rub. 1 PC. 5 rub. Available. Total: 157 rub. 143 rub. From the compiled table it can be seen that the cost of a toy made by yourself is less than the cost of a toy purchased on the market or in a store from similar materials.

22 12. The problem of ecology has now acquired great importance. To lead a healthy lifestyle, it is very important that the objects that surround a person, that a person uses in everyday life, are environmentally friendly and safe. The production of the toy did not cause any harm to the environment. All the materials that I used to create the toy are environmentally friendly. Remaining fabrics and trims are stored in a specific place and can be used to make other things. 13. As a result of working on the project, I can proudly say that I completed the task assigned to me. The toy turned out exactly the way I wanted it to be. My sister will be delighted. Thanks to the project, I learned how the toy came about, and now I have an idea about its creation and evolution. After the work I have done, I can say with confidence that a toy made with my own hands is pleasing to the eye, uplifting and economically beneficial.

23 Literature used. M. Ventana. Textbook on technology. M. Graf N.V. Vinogradova. DIY soft toy. S-P. Nedra N.V. Dokuchaeva. Kapitoshka gives lessons. M. Education 1996.

24 Appendix. 1. You need to sew the fur from the wrong side with a double oblique seam across the edge (Fig. 13): fold the pieces with the fur inward, take them in your left hand, pointing the stitched sections upward, and pierce both layers with a needle towards you at a distance of 2-3 mm from the cut (Fig. 13 a), stretch the thread, throw it over the edge of the material back and make another injection with a needle at the same point (Fig. 13 b). make the next couple of injections with a needle 2-3 mm to the left, etc. (Fig. 14a, 14b). The result will be a stitch similar to a zig-zag machine stitch. Its main advantage is that once cut it will not unravel. a) b) Figure 13 a) b) Figure 14

25 2. Fold two layers of material, pierce them with a needle, leaving a fastening knot on the back side, and pull the thread towards you. Make an injection with a needle on the back side, stepping back to the right from the point where the thread exits the fabric by 3 mm and again bring the needle to the front side, also by 3 mm. Having pulled out the thread, the needle is inserted into the extreme point of the first stitch (3 mm to the right), and withdrawn 3 mm to the left of the thread exiting the fabric (Fig. 15). The result is a continuous series of stitches, reminiscent of a machine stitch, which is why this seam is called a stitch. 3. A loop stitch (Fig. 16) is performed from right to left, piercing the stitched layers 2-3 mm from the cut and laying the thread so that the needle passes into the loop. When tightening the thread, point the needle upward so that the needle weaves the threads along the edge of the material. It is better to make this seam with HL 44 threads or floss folded into 2-4 threads, then it will be both fastening and decorative. Figure 15 Figure 16

26 4. Regular seam forward with the needle (Fig. 17). When making this seam, use the tip of a needle to pierce all the layers being stitched and after 3-5 mm, make a puncture on the same side from which you started. Stretch the needle and thread and, stepping 3-5 mm to the left from where the thread exits the fabric, make the next stitch. A stitch is a thread stretched between two successive needle punctures. A regular needle-forward stitch is used to baste several folded materials together or to gather one layer of material.

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Creative project

Soft toys cats.

Kalinicheva Nadezhda 7c.

1. Problem situation………………….....3

2.Purpose of the project. Project objectives…………4


4.Choosing the shape of the cat. Solution. Selection of materials…………………………………….6

5. Calculation of cash costs………………….7

6. Manufacturing technology……………8-9

7. What happened……………………………10

8. Self-esteem, assessment……………………11

Problem situation

In the summer at camp I went to a soft toy making class. They taught me how to knit in the round there and I really enjoyed it! Of course, I knew how to knit and sew before, but I wanted to sew some kind of toy. For example, a cat.

Objective of the project

  • Make a soft toy cat.

Project objectives

  • Explore various options for making soft toys online.
  • Choose the best manufacturing option.
  • Execute it and submit it.


  • I searched the search engine for many options for cats. And I received many interesting products. Here are the options that I liked the most.

Choosing a cat shape

I really liked both options and couldn’t choose which one.

Solution: I decided to combine both layouts and I got my own cat design.

Selection of materials

I found the necessary fabrics at home. threads and needles. So I only had to go to the store to buy padding polyester.

Calculation of cash costs



Price per unit, rub.

Cost, rub.

Stuffing (sintepon)

1 PC. (100 g/m2)

It turned out almost free.

Manufacturing technology

  • Creating a layout.
  • We cut out the model in parts: the body separately, the tail separately.
  • We trace the shape on the fabric according to the layout.
  • Cut out a cat from fabric.
  • Take a needle and thread and sew it together.
  • Leave a hole of about 3 cm and fill it with padding polyester.
  • Sew up the hole.

8. Now we take the tail and also sew it up, leaving a hole, and stuff it with padding polyester.

9.Now we sew the tail to the back of the cat.

10. Take and cut out two circles from white fabric.

11. Sew them to the muzzle.

12. Take two black beads and sew them into the center of the white circles.

13.Now we take pink floss threads and embroider his nose and mouth.

14. The cat is ready!

Self-esteem and evaluation

  • Well, I got a beautiful and cute cat. It will complement the cozy atmosphere in my room. Now I have a soft toy that I can give to my little brother. Thanks to this work, I learned how to make soft toys and now I can make more of them.


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