Bankruptcy of the insurance company consent. Reviews about the insurance company Soglasie IC Soglasie: “We do not sell or give our portfolio to Rosgosstrakh”

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MOSCOW, February 15 - RAPSI. Otkritie Financial Corporation Bank filed a claim with the Moscow Arbitration Court to recover 839.9 million rubles from Soglasie LLC, according to the court materials.

The court registered the claim on February 10, it has not yet been accepted for proceedings, and the grounds for the claims have not been reported.

OJSC Aviation Company Transaero, temporary manager of the airline Mikhail Kotov and CJSC Gazpromneft-Aero are listed as third parties.

On February 3, the Moscow Arbitration Court upheld the claim of Otkritie Financial Corporation Bank and ordered it to recover 1.39 billion rubles from Transaero Airlines.

Insurance company Soglasie paid 139.9 million rubles

Soglasie Insurance Company paid compensation to a bank included in the top 5 under a non-recourse factoring insurance agreement within the framework of commercial loan insurance due to the failure of a large electronics retailer to fulfill its obligations to pay debts for goods supplied, the press service of the insurer reported.

the incident occurred in January 2015.


Description: Insurance company "Soglasie". Insurance in Russia.

Insurance company Soglasie has been a reliable partner in the insurance market in Russia for more than 15 years. Show in full…

Insurance company Soglasie provides a complete, profitable and reliable range of insurance services for individuals and legal entities.

Insurance company Soglasie provides insurance throughout Russia, thanks to a wide network of branches.

"Soglasie" produces traditional types of insurance - such as motor insurance CASCO, OSAGO, Green Card, property insurance, life insurance, accident insurance, medical insurance, etc.

IC "Soglasie": "We do not sell or give our portfolio to Rosgosstrakh"

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The Soglasie insurance company does not plan to sell its business to Rosgosstrakh. The general director of the company, Maya Tikhonova, announced this on Friday at a meeting with journalists, reports correspondent.

“There are no negotiations about a merger, sale or anything else related to Rosgosstrakh.

Bankruptcy of an insurance company consent

The Moscow office of the insurance company Soglasie (part of Mikhail Prokhorov's ONEXIM group) is undergoing searches. “Searchs are being carried out at the Soglasie insurance company on Gilyarovsky Street,” RIA Novosti quotes a source in law enforcement agencies. The company's office is located at: Gilyarovskogo Street, building 42.

Earlier it became known that searches were taking place in the main building of the ONEXIM group of companies on Tverskoy Boulevard.

Insurance company bankruptcy

The main feature of a court case on declaring bankruptcy of an organization is the mandatory participation of representatives of the Federal Insurance Supervision Service. It is worth noting that notifying representatives of this body about the introduction of such a procedure is the responsibility of the debtor or bankruptcy trustee.

Insurance company reliability rating - A

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The insurance company Soglasie may be laying off employees and reducing business, sources tell According to the portal’s interlocutors, the insurer may be sold to Rosgosstrakh.

One of the sources said that about 900 out of 1 thousand brokers and counterparties of Soglasiya stopped working with the company. A spokesman for the insurer confirmed that the company has revised the terms of work with brokers.

In addition, the interlocutor of reported that the management of the insurance organization, according to some information, has begun dismissing employees involved in retail sales and serving corporate clients. The insurer also stopped expanding its corporate business. According to the source, in recent years Mikhail Prokhorov (his Onexim group owns Soglasie) has not been able to engage in the insurance business, so the only option is to sell the company with an additional payment to the buyer.

President of the Association for the Protection of Policyholders Nikolai Tyurnikov notes that Soglasie Insurance Company is “engaged in furious dumping on the market,” which causes great concern. The insurer's rates, he says, are two times lower than those of other insurance companies. “This raises suspicions that money is being collected, or there is not enough money, or the business plan is being adjusted. Adjusting a business plan is not designed to pay clients,” he argues.

A source in the insurance market reported that the Bank of Russia could already approve the deal to sell Soglasiya to Rosgosstrakh. He could not disclose the amount of the transaction. According to a representative of one of the federal insurers, some of the Soglasiya offices are moving to the offices of Rosgosstrakh.

The source believes that the Central Bank is not interested in Soglasiya leaving the market, since this would be a high-profile event and would cause discontent among citizens. “It’s easier for Mikhail Prokhorov to give the money and get rid of this company than to continue to incur losses. The Soglasie company is nothing normal at the moment,” he believes.

According to one of the sources, Soglasie may repeat the fate of the St. Petersburg insurance company Russkiy Mir, which was integrated into Rosgosstrakh, and after a while lost its license. “Danil Khachaturov, who owns Rosgosstrakh, already has experience in taking over the Russkiy Mir company. The situation there was as follows: assets and clients were taken away, and the company quietly left the market. The same thing will happen with the Soglasie company so that there is no resonance. Offers to purchase “Consent” are unlikely to come to other players, because only Khachaturov has experience. No one needs a major fall of an insurer on the market today; everything should go quietly, civilly and politely,” the expert notes. According to another source in the insurance market, the Soglasiya shareholder poured about 4 billion rubles into the insurance organization.

IC Soglasie did not confirm the information about the deal; an official representative of the Onexim group said: “We know nothing about this.”

Information about a possible deal between IC Soglasie and Rosgosstrakh appeared last year, but the parties did not confirm it then.

Let us recall that Soglasiya’s collections last year decreased by 19.6%, to 34.5 billion rubles. Payments decreased from 27.2 billion rubles to 26.1 billion. The company’s key types of insurance were motor hull insurance (the volume of collected premiums amounted to more than 17.8 billion rubles, or 51.8% of the total volume of premiums), OSAGO (6.4 billion, or 18.6%), VHI (2.85 billion, or 8.3%), property insurance for individuals and legal entities (2.6 billion, or 7.5%). The company concluded 3.6 million insurance contracts; a year earlier, the number of concluded contracts exceeded 4 million. At the end of the year, the company took ninth place in the ranking of insurers (in 2013 - fifth place).

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Sberbank excluded from the list of accredited insurance companies admitted to insuring collaterals IC Soglasie, AIG and SO Surgutneftegaz. The last one returned to the list yesterday.

The companies were accredited under property insurance programs. In addition to the housing of mortgage borrowers, the companies insured property and corporate clients, which the bank accepted as collateral. Excluded insurers also cooperated with borrowers' life and health insurance programs.

Sberbank did not comment on the reasons why the bank terminated the cooperation agreement with the insurers. According to the DP source, the bank stopped accepting policies from their clients using a simplified procedure from May 16, 2019.

Due to legal requirements, including consumer protection and antitrust laws, banks cannot refuse clients to accept policies from licensed insurers. Officially, instead of the so-called list of accredited banks, they publish lists of recommended companies or a list of organizations with which a cooperation agreement has been concluded.

Sberbank's list currently includes 20 insurers. The bank indicates that when accepting a policy from a non-accredited company, it must meet the requirements expressed in 20 points. It may take up to 30 business days for such a policy to be approved or rejected.

Sberbank has a subsidiary company - Sberbank Insurance. Its representative found it difficult to estimate how much the company’s share would increase after Sberbank reduced the list of accredited competing companies.

According to Sberbank Insurance, in 2018, residents of St. Petersburg concluded 1.1 million property insurance contracts. The volume of collected premiums exceeded 2.97 billion rubles. At the end of 2019, fees for this type are expected to increase by another 14%, to 3.4 billion rubles.

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By a ruling dated October 20, 2014, by a judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court
Markov P.A. proceedings have been initiated for the recognition of SK Soglasie LLC
bankrupt due to long-term non-fulfillment of requirements based on
a court decision that has entered into legal force. Court hearing scheduled
as of November 19, 2014. The issue of introducing in relation to
insurer supervision procedures.
Thus, the insurance company Soglasie can follow the path
countless number of insurers who have sunk into oblivion and left without
payments to millions of people who hoped to receive what was due to them
insurance compensation.
Rumors about the unstable position of the insurance company Consent circulated and
before, but it hasn’t come to fruition yet. According to those knowledgeable
sources of information from the insurance company Consent is available
arrears in payment of wages to employees for several
months, a number of employees were laid off due to staff reductions in the organization.
The insurer has accumulated a multi-million dollar payment debt
insurance claims, the situation has become critical. Despite
another change of leadership and appointment in March 2014 of May
Tikhonova (former executive director of the Onexim group,
owned by oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov) for the position of general
director and the measures she took to reduce the company’s costs,
the insurer is inexorably going down. For questions regarding prospects
employees of the insurance company refused to comment on the case,
citing a ban on disclosing proprietary information.
It is possible to assume that SK Soglasie LLC will soon leave
ranks of insurers, and millions of clients will be left broke.
This circumstance does not confuse insurance agents at all;
selling CASCO and OSAGO policies, as well as other types of insurance,
including voluntary health insurance and insurance for those traveling abroad and talking about bright
the future of the insurer and the absence of problems with financing.
Indeed, as long as the insurance license is valid, agents are ready
to any tricks just to sell the policies, because from each policy there is an agent
receives a reward, and not a small one at that. In some cases it
the value can reach up to half the insurance premium! With this
In any case, any insurance agent will invent anything, just to
persuade a potential client to make a deal.
But, as the Roman proverb “Tempus nemini” says, time waits for no one. U
those who suffered from SK Soglasie LLC still have a chance to get their money back,
which the insurer owes them but has not paid. The obvious solution is
going to court as soon as possible; delay in filing a claim may result in
further impossibility of executing the court decision simply due to
that the insurer will have no money left at all, and will be responsible for
bankrupt companies to their founders according to our current
there will be no need for legislation at all. That is, sharing the profit is yes,
this is for the founders, but losses - no, we don’t know...


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