Viktor Maslov's bathhouse: how to get treatment. Russian bath Maslova: features, pros, cons

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Exists interesting option Russian bathhouse, which was invented by physicist Viktor Maslov. Let's find out the differences between such a bath, its advantages and disadvantages.

Let's talk about this option for creating a bath complex, like Maslov's Russian bathhouse. Let’s evaluate what exactly is different about such a bathhouse, and how you can create it on your site with your own hands. Of course, let’s not forget to find out the benefits and possible disadvantages Maslov's personal bathhouse.

Russian bathhouse Maslova

Traditionally, baths are divided according to national differences. Finnish sauna, Japanese furaco, Turkish hammam... There are few named baths, they began to appear only in Lately, already in our century.

A special version of the Russian bath was invented by physicist Viktor Maslov. He managed to combine Russian steam room traditions with the latest scientific achievements and developments.

Maslov's Russian bathhouse is, in fact, a fairly spacious cabin, which is equipped with special infrared heating elements; the system includes temperature and humidity sensors. The cabin frame is made of stainless metal, followed by thermal insulation and vapor-proof materials.

The inside of the cabin is lined with two layers of moisture-resistant plaster. It is to these panels that the heating cable, already assembled in sections, is attached. On top is a layer of galvanized steel mesh, plaster and then fine finishing.

Other options are also possible; as a separate building, the Maslova bathhouse can be built traditionally, like a log house, but infrared heating elements- a required detail.

What is the difference

The result is a bathhouse with the following distinctive features:

  • The steam room in the Maslova bathhouse is immediately equipped with mixers and drain ladder. That is, the steam room simultaneously becomes a washing room, and hygiene procedures can be carried out here. This approach allows you to save a lot of space, so Maslov’s bathhouse can, in principle, be installed even in an apartment;
  • Interior decoration resembles a non-traditional steam room with wooden shelves, and hamam. Finish - ceramic tile, mosaic, a natural stone, including marble, jadeite, basalt, goldite, shungite;
  • The Maslova bathhouse is equipped with an infrared steam-heat generator. It is closed from convection in the thermos housing. It turns out to be a special thermos heater that allows you to add steam if desired. Moreover, heating is arranged according to the zones of the shelves - for the legs, body and head;
  • Ventilation in such a bathhouse is always forced, “volley”.


Controlling the microclimate in the Maslov bathhouse is very simple - there are sensors and a panel with which you can select the desired mode. Moreover, there are quite a lot of modes:

Mode Description
Children's The temperature inside the steam-washing room is not higher than 35 °C, there is poor ventilation
IR bath Under the ceiling the temperature reaches 65 °C, below - up to 45 °C. Ventilation is on moderately
Aroma bath average temperature 50 °C, steam generator set to 400 °C, healing, aromatic herbs are used, ventilation is blocked
Dry hammam In the bathhouse 50 °C, ceiling heating is turned off, ventilation is poor
Wet hammam The temperature is the same, but the heat generator turns on at 300 °C, humidity reaches 90%, ventilation is poor
Soft Russian bath The seats are heated to 42 °C, under the ceiling - up to 60 °C, the steam generator is turned on at 500 °C, the ventilation is closed
Hot Russian bath The seats are heated to 45 °C, the temperature under the ceiling reaches 80 °C, the steam generator is turned on at 700 °C, the ventilation is turned off.

Advantages of the Maslova bathhouse

The Maslova bathhouse has many advantages:

  • Heats up quickly, no firewood needed, simple controls and big choice modes;
  • Fire safety, because there is simply no stove, just like wood finishing;
  • It’s easy to keep clean - the steam room already has a shower mixer, and it’s easy to wash tiles or stone;
  • Superheated steam is light, clean, comfortable;
  • Need a little space compact version combining a steam room and a washing room;
  • Maslova's bathhouse gives a healing effect; soft infrared radiation allows you to get rid of colds, back pain, and rejuvenates the skin.

Disadvantages of Maslov's bathhouse

However, Maslov’s bathhouse is also subject to criticism. Connoisseurs note that IR radiation used to heat a steam room is no longer a real Russian bathhouse. Where is the fragrant firewood, where is the process of kindling and monitoring the stove?

In addition, equipment for heating a Maslov bath will cost more than building or purchasing a conventional stove. Yes, and arrange everything yourself, without having the proper skills to work with the system infrared radiation, difficult.

Experts believe that Maslov’s bathhouse has more advantages. She got rid of the disadvantages of a dry sauna and a wet hammam, taking the best from the traditional Russian bath. Is this so - see for yourself by arranging such a bathhouse at home. published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project.

Maslova's bathhouse is a modern development that includes the main advantages of a Russian steam room, a Finnish sauna, a Turkish hammam and even an infrared cabin. Among its advantages are not only fire safety and energy saving, but also positive influence to your health.


This type of steam room was developed by Viktor Maslov and presented to the public in 2000. He invented special electric heating panels to heat the steam room. Russian Baths of Maslova (RBM) have successfully passed all inspections and received international certificates. The inventor managed to combine all the advantages of the Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam and Russian bath, while getting rid of their disadvantages.

Construction of Maslov's bathhouse

The steam room is one room that resembles a shower stall. This steam room is lined entirely with ceramics, under which special heating devices are placed. The use of such a heating system allows you to significantly save energy, compared to other heat sources, by almost 30%.

Devices for heating the steam room were invented by Maslov himself. These are infrared long-wave panels EINT, which are installed under finishing material. It is their heat waves that help improve the well-being of visitors. This has been proven by numerous medical tests. The heating system does not burn out air - this is its main advantage.

Near the sun lounger there is also a shower for contrast procedures. A heat generator is placed on the wall at a height of one and a half meters. It is used when it is necessary to increase humidity.

The steam generator, which is present in Maslov’s bathhouse, is a kind of rectangular, heat-insulated box, lined in the same style. It is filled with stones that accumulate heat. A steel heating element is built inside the device, which heats the contents.

The steam room resembles a kind of oven into which a person gets inside. Soft warmth in the room comes from the walls, floor, loungers and ceiling. It shares many spectral characteristics with human heat. The air is heated evenly.

Steam room dimensions: for one person - 0.8 * 1.2 m, for two - 1.2 * 1.2 m, for three - 1.65 * 1.9 m, for six - 2.5 * 2 m. The height of the room can be arbitrary.

This type of steam room has a relatively low energy intensity. In a steam room with a heating area of ​​10 m2, the power consumption of the panels is 8 kW. In a room the size of a standard shower stall (1.5 m2) - up to three kW. This is several times less than the consumption of a standard electric heater, which is equipped with saunas and baths.

Temperature and humidity conditions in the Maslov bathhouse

The bathhouse warms up in an hour and a half. It is very easy to breathe in the room. This is the main difference between the steam room. The microclimate is very mild. The vacationer does not feel the heat, only comfortable warmth. The temperature in the steam room is maintained up to +40-50 degrees, humidity is 10-50%. At the same time, the visitor sweats profusely.

It has been experimentally proven that optimal temperature in the steam room is preserved when heated to the following limits:

  • Floor - +35-40 degrees
  • Sunbeds - +42-50 degrees;
  • Walls - +45-50 degrees;
  • Ceiling - +55-60 degrees.
If desired, the room can be heated to +80 degrees, and the humidity level can be increased up to 100%. Therefore, RBM is considered a universal steam room.

In Maslov's Russian bath you can take procedures not only with the steam generator on, but also with it off. Then the microclimate of the room will be similar to a Finnish sauna. If you like wet steam, then the device can be turned on at any stage of the session. To increase the humidity level, simply splash water from a ladle onto the stones.

Features of visiting the Maslova bathhouse

First of all, Maslov’s bathhouse has a positive effect on the human body:
  1. Improves the immune system;
  2. Stabilizes metabolism;
  3. Normalizes blood pressure;
  4. Removes cholesterol plaques and salt deposits;
  5. Strengthens blood vessels;
  6. Restores flexibility of joints and spine;
  7. Helps get rid of depression and arthritis;
  8. It prevents tonsillitis, sinusitis and cholecystitis;
  9. Has a beneficial effect on the respiratory and genitourinary systems.
There are no contraindications to visiting. The procedures can be performed even on pregnant women, children and the elderly. Overheating in such a steam room is impossible. The temperature and humidity conditions here are fully adjustable.

In the Maslov bathhouse, the visitor warms up in 20-25 minutes, and bathing procedures in the steam room are taken in two stages:

  • In dry air mode. This process takes longer because it is in such conditions that the maximum healing effect. The vacationer’s body is completely warmed up at a temperature of +45-50 degrees. Bioresonant radiant heat penetrates inside, opening pores and freeing the body of waste and toxins through sweating.
  • At high humidity . At the second stage, the steam generator is turned on. Its intensity and temperature can be adjusted by the amount of water supplied.
Can be used in a steam room first essential oils to cleanse the respiratory tract and lungs, and then with wet steam - a broom to stimulate blood and lymph circulation.

This bathhouse is very easy to clean. The interior finishing materials are durable and easy to clean.

Maslov bathhouse construction technology

Equipping a bathhouse according to Maslov will cost several times less than building traditional steam rooms. Also, this room, unlike other types of baths, is completely fireproof.

For the construction you will need: galvanized sheet metal, gypsum wall panels, heat-resistant cable, temperature sensor, galvanized mesh, waterproofing material, natural stone for finishing the room, fire-resistant tiles and a special heating element in a double stainless steel shell for RBM.

We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  • We assemble the frame from metal sheets. They must be galvanized to resist corrosion.
  • We fix the insulation to the base and the waterproofing material.
  • We cover the structure with two layers of heat- and moisture-resistant gypsum wall panels.
  • We lay out sun loungers made of red brick.
  • We fix temperature sensors and heating elements of a heat-resistant cable inside the structure.
  • We cover the structure with a mesh of galvanized metal wire.
  • Prepare a heat-resistant solution and apply it to the mesh.
  • We wait for the plaster to dry completely and apply a liquid waterproofing agent.
  • We equip ventilation ducts using plastic boxes with a diameter of 12-13 cm.
  • On the hood we fix the throttle valve on the electric drive and the condensate collector.
  • We finish the inside of the steam room with natural stone - marble, soapstone, jadeite, shungite, zlatite.
  • We install separate temperature sensors on each sun lounger.
  • Install door frame made of metal or wood. Optimal material for the door - tinted tempered glass.
  • We fix the heating element at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor opposite the sun loungers to heat the thermal storage stones.
  • We thermally insulate the container with heating element.
  • We line the steam generator using fireproof tiles. The dimensions of the device are 0.5*0.4*0.3 meters.
  • We place flat, solid volcanic stones inside.

The steam generator is also equipped with a temperature sensor. With its help, the temperature of the stones is adjusted from +250 to +320 degrees.

Maslova's bathhouse is a bit like a Turkish hammam from the inside, and to finish all surfaces inside they use:
  1. Ceramic tiles. A universal option in terms of price and quality ratio.
  2. A natural stone. It will cost significantly more, but the effect will be better.
  3. Glass mosaic. Has good performance properties. With its help, various stylistic solutions are embodied.
A special removable drain is equipped on the floor of the steam room to ensure water drainage.

Watch a video about the arrangement of the Maslov bathhouse:

The operating principle of the Maslov bathhouse differs from other types of hygienic buildings. There are no contraindications to visiting this steam room. On the contrary, the adoption of such procedures has a positive effect on the health and well-being of vacationers. It is possible to build a Maslov bathhouse with your own hands. However, special heating panels must be used for industrial purposes. The use of other devices may result in increased wiring stress and short circuits.

Official website of Banya Maslova (quality guarantee):

Table of contents:

Along with traditional types There are now many innovative analogues of baths. For example, you can build Maslov’s bathhouse with your own hands. It was designed and first built by Russian engineer Viktor Maslov. This one, including the advantages of the Russian, Turkish and Finnish analogues, is completely devoid of their disadvantages. Due to this, it is unique in its healing qualities.

Benefits of Maslova bath

In Maslov's bathhouse, a person warms up differently than in a traditional steam room. The soft bioresonance heat that comes from the sun loungers, as well as the stone wall decoration, is similar in spectrum characteristics to human warmth.

Due to the special design of such a steam room, the body is evenly heated from all sides. This is the main advantage and healing quality of Viktor Maslov’s bath - uniform and gentle heating.

As a rule, the temperature in such a steam room is approximately +50°C, humidity is 10-50%. However, lovers of humid heat have the opportunity to warm up the room to +80°C or more, increasing the relative humidity to 90-100%.

In addition to the heat generator, Maslov's Russian bath (RBM) must be equipped with a shower for conducting contrast procedures. You can warm up completely in the RBM in 20 minutes. In a classic steam room, the time of one session is 5-7 minutes; most people find it difficult to stay in it longer.

Another difference between the Maslov bathhouse is that you cannot overheat in it, because... The temperature and amount of steam can be adjusted.

Features of use

To completely warm up the RBM, it only takes 1-1.5 hours. In this case, no more than 3 kW is consumed electrical energy. Warming up a small steam room (2.5 m²) will require approximately 4 kW, which is 2 times less than what is needed to warm up the same sauna with a conventional electric stove.

Heating in the Maslov steam room can be turned on via cell phone or its duration can be set using a timer. Another distinctive quality of such a bath is the ability to regulate the temperature.

That is why the RBM is comfortable for lovers of intense heat, fans of average temperatures up to +60°C, and people who should not overheat - the elderly, children, pregnant women, etc. Baths Maslova in mandatory are equipped with a water drain, as well as forced “volley” ventilation.

How to build a BSR?

Now brief instructions how to build such a bathhouse.

  • First you need to assemble an insulated and vapor-insulated bath frame from sheet metal resistant to corrosion
  • Next, the base frame is sewn up in 2 layers with special wall panels from plaster. The most important qualities of this material are moisture and heat resistance
  • Then the heating parts of the heat-resistant cable, as well as temperature sensors, are fixed to the casing
  • After this, the structure is covered with a metal mesh, which must be galvanized.
  • Next, a layer of plaster from a special heat-resistant solution is applied
  • After the plaster has dried, a layer of waterproofing material must be applied to it.
  • Best facing material for RBM it is natural stone: shungite, marble, jadeite, goldstone, soapstone, etc. A steam room with such finishing has healing qualities not only due to steam and heat, but also due to the stones themselves.
  • The beds in the Maslov baths are divided into 3 zones - for the head, torso and legs. All zones must be equipped with temperature sensors that will maintain the required mode. For example, in the head zone they will provide less heating.
  • In BSR it is necessary to use door leaves made of tempered tinted glass, the boxes can be either metal or wood.
  • Sufficiently installed in the steam room a complex system ventilation, it must provide different modes. In the locker room you can create a simple exhaust ventilation system. To assemble the ventilation, use plastic boxes with a diameter of 12.5 cm. The system must be equipped with a throttle valve with electric drive, as well as a collector for condensate.
  • To heat stones, purchase a heating element specially designed for RBM, which has a double shell. It should be made of heat-resistant stainless steel.
  • Attach the heating element to the RBM wall at a height of about 1.5 m from the floor and cover it.

After this, you can use Maslov’s bathhouse.

Such heating elements are extremely economical. They consume minimal electricity and effectively heat both the steam room and the entire bathhouse. Temperature in the steam room it can be brought to +100°C. The special design of heat generators completely eliminates burns, as well as burning out of the aromatic oils used.

Today we will visit a very interesting bathhouse, it is named after its creator. This is Maslov’s Russian bathhouse, it differs from all analogues known today.

Let's remember what a bathhouse is. In principle, they are all based on the principle of heating the body and turning off the thermoregulation system at a certain moment so that the person can warm up. If we take the eastern hammam, then in in this case The temperature there is low, about 43-45 degrees. This creates an air humidity of 99-100%, and the recipient of the procedure is virtually unable to cool his body.

Another extreme option is a dry-air sauna, where the temperature is high. The Finns suggest not raising the temperature above 90 degrees, while relative humidity drops to almost zero (3-5%). If someone tries to throw a small amount of water on the heater with such heating, then he risks getting burned in a confined space.

The golden mean of all baths is Russian with a temperature of 50 to 60 degrees, air humidity is the same as environment, we are used to it, that is, from 50 to 65%. It is this atmosphere that is natural for the human body; it allows you to get the maximum health-improving treatment of being in a steam room. Most of the baths, for example, in the Moscow region are dry-air saunas.

Many people ask, how is this all different and what can be done to turn a sauna into a Russian bathhouse? In principle, there is nothing complicated. You need to create a certain regime. Just don't overheat the walls and increase the amount of moisture in the air. This results in a Russian steam bath regime, which has a gentler effect on the human body.

Inventor of the bathhouse Viktor Valentinovich Maslov

I didn’t really have the idea of ​​​​creating some kind of bathhouse. It turned out thanks to the fact that I accidentally warmed myself in the crucible of a Russian stove. I bought a plot of land for my mother in the Moscow region with an old house and began to improve it. It was necessary to create some hygienic conditions so that the mother could wash herself. I laid the foundation for the bathhouse first. I bought a wood stove at the market.

By spring I arrived and decided to prepare the house, burn all the garbage that had accumulated from the previous owners. I threw a lot of unnecessary things into the furnace of a large Russian stove: chairs and so on. As a city resident, I did not know to what extent a Russian stove could be heated. It overheated, the vault turned white, and bricks fell off it.

Having decided that the stove urgently needed to be repaired, Viktor Valentinovich prepared clay mortar and climbed inside the oven. After that, to wash off the ash, he plunged into the snow. There were no other sources of water nearby. And then he climbed into the oven again, this time to warm up. The next morning, Viktor Valentinovich noticed that he did not feel the back pain that had tormented him for many years.

I immediately slept the whole night, got enough sleep, it made a strong impression on me. I began to think why I would do something like a sauna to steam myself. Instead of this bathhouse, I’ll just make myself a warm room where I’ll put it, I’ll make walls so as not to heat the stove, and I’ll immediately put heaters in them. I’ll install sensors, and I’ll have a modern analogue of the furnace of a Russian stove.

What are Maslova baths?

In fact, it is a furnace from the inside. It is like a stove that surrounds a person. We are not near the furnace, but right in the furnace itself. This main principle inventor's baths. We will talk in more detail about the technical solutions that Maslov used in the next story. Now let's look at what the analogue of the crucible of a Russian stove is.
The first room is the locker room. It is small in size. The font is an optional element, but desirable. Sometimes a person gets so hot that he needs to cool down. It is small, only 1.5 x 1.5 meters. Depth is about 1.5 -2 meters. It has handrails and a ladder along which a person can go down there and cool down. The water temperature, since it is drawn from a well here, is about 10-12 degrees. Of course, you can’t stay in such water for long. Not everyone can dive into the plunge pool, because it is a contrasting procedure.

There is a separate room. Maslov calls it a sweat room. The question immediately arises: why not wood or ceramics? The fact is that ceramics conduct heat much better and release it. Wood is insulation. Therefore, it cannot quickly transfer heat to a person. Since Maslov's bathhouse represents the inside of a Russian stove, it is ceramic.

There are special elements in the walls, floor, and ceiling that heat the room in different ways. Floor - up to a temperature of 30 to 45 degrees, walls from 40 to 60 degrees. Ceiling - up to 55-70 degrees. This is to create a beneficial infrared effect on the body.

This bathhouse has a bed and a sofa on which to sit comfortably. You can stay in this room for a long time. It is not very hot here, but at the same time a person begins to sweat quickly. That's why it's called the sweat room. The ceiling has a vaulted structure, that is, it has a radius of curvature. Thus, infrared radiation envelops the entire space.

The lighting here is very beautifully done; it can be changed according to a person’s wishes. In addition, you see pipes on the ceiling, this is a steam shower. Using a special heat generator, you can supply steam here; it will fall on the person on the hot shelf.

This sofa, heated from the inside, is very pleasant to sit on. It has an anatomical shape and has a backrest for the lower back. There are interesting stones here; it’s convenient to place them when you lie down on a lounger, under your neck or back.
These stones heat up, providing additional warmth to the spine. In addition, you can pour water everywhere here. There are two mixers. SPA treatments are performed on the lounger, and they help wash off all the ointments.

Steam room

The last room is the hottest. This is a steam room. There is also a heated ceramic ceiling here. There is a heat generator in which water is supplied using a ladle. High temperature steam comes out from above. It can be supplied with wonderful smells using a ladle that is placed in its place. If you put it there healing herbs, then the steam, passing through them, will enter the steam room.

Through the hole, the steam enters the steam shower through the duct and onto the person lying on the shelf.

Ventilation of Maslov's bathhouse

Next to the head of the person lying on the shelf there are ventilation holes that are turned on using a toggle switch and then Fresh air served directly to your face. There is room ventilation, controlled by remote control. There are 4 buttons here that switch modes depending on need.

The main tool in this bathhouse is brooms. Particularly oak brooms, with the help of which the steamer treats a person lying on a warm shelf.

The difference between a heat generator and traditional Russian bathhouse stoves

Recently, cases of manufacturing counterfeit Maslova Baths (R) have become more frequent - if such a bath is made by unprepared and untrained specialists, then this is fraught dangerous consequences. Maslov's official website:

Let's talk about this option for creating a bath complex, like Maslov's Russian bathhouse. Let’s evaluate what exactly is different about such a bathhouse, and how you can create it on your site with your own hands. Of course, let’s not forget to find out the advantages and possible disadvantages of Maslov’s personal bathhouse.

Traditionally, baths are divided according to national differences. Finnish sauna, Japanese furaco, Turkish hammam... There are few named baths, they began to appear only recently, already in our century. A special version of the Russian bath was invented by physicist Viktor Maslov. He managed to combine Russian steam room traditions with the latest scientific achievements and developments.

Maslov's Russian bathhouse is, in fact, a fairly spacious cabin, which is equipped with special infrared heating elements; the system includes temperature and humidity sensors. The cabin frame is made of stainless metal, followed by thermal insulation and vapor-proof materials. The inside of the cabin is lined with two layers of moisture-resistant plaster. It is to these panels that the heating cable, already assembled in sections, is attached. On top is a layer of galvanized steel mesh, plaster and then finishing. Other options are also possible; as a separate building, the Maslova bathhouse can be built traditionally, like a log house, but infrared heating elements are a mandatory part.

The result is a bathhouse with the following distinctive features:

  • The steam room in the Maslova bathhouse is immediately equipped with mixers and a drain. That is, the steam room simultaneously becomes a washing room, and hygiene procedures can be carried out here. This approach allows you to save a lot of space, so Maslov’s bathhouse can, in principle, be installed even in an apartment;
  • The interior decoration resembles not a traditional steam room with wooden shelves, but a hammam. Finishing - ceramic tiles, mosaic, natural stone, including marble, jadeite, basalt, goldite, shungite;
  • The Maslova bathhouse is equipped with an infrared steam-heat generator. It is closed from convection in the thermos housing. It turns out to be a special thermos heater that allows you to add steam if desired. Moreover, heating is arranged according to the zones of the shelves - for the legs, body and head;
  • Ventilation in such a bathhouse is always forced, “volley”.

Controlling the microclimate in the Maslov bathhouse is very simple - there are sensors and a panel with which you can select the desired mode. Moreover, there are quite a lot of modes:

Mode Description
Children's The temperature inside the steam-washing room is not higher than 35 °C, there is poor ventilation
IR bath Under the ceiling the temperature reaches 65 °C, below - up to 45 °C. Ventilation is on moderately
Aroma bath Average temperature 50 °C, steam generator set to 400 °C, healing, aromatic herbs are used, ventilation is blocked
Dry hammam In the bathhouse 50 °C, ceiling heating is turned off, ventilation is poor
Wet hammam The temperature is the same, but the heat generator turns on at 300 °C, humidity reaches 90%, ventilation is poor
Soft Russian bath The seats are heated to 42 °C, under the ceiling - up to 60 °C, the steam generator is turned on at 500 °C, the ventilation is closed
Hot Russian bath The seats are heated to 45 °C, the temperature under the ceiling reaches 80 °C, the steam generator is turned on at 700 °C, the ventilation is turned off.

The Maslova bathhouse has many advantages:

  • Heats up quickly, no firewood is needed, simple controls and a large selection of modes;
  • Fire safety, because there is simply no stove, as well as wooden trim;
  • It’s easy to keep clean - the steam room already has a shower mixer, and cleaning tiles or stone is easy;
  • Superheated steam is light, clean, comfortable;
  • You need little space, a compact option for combining a steam room and a washing room;
  • Maslova's bathhouse gives a healing effect; soft infrared radiation allows you to get rid of colds, back pain, and rejuvenates the skin.

However, Maslov’s bathhouse is also subject to criticism. Connoisseurs note that IR radiation used to heat a steam room is no longer a real Russian bathhouse. Where is the fragrant firewood, where is the process of kindling and monitoring the stove? In addition, equipment for heating a Maslov bath will cost more than building or purchasing a conventional stove. And it’s difficult to arrange everything yourself without having the proper skills to work with an infrared radiation system.

Experts believe that Maslov’s bathhouse has more advantages. She got rid of the disadvantages of a dry sauna and a wet hammam, taking the best from the traditional Russian bath. Is this so - see for yourself by arranging such a bathhouse at home.


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