Drum 22 dimensions. Overall dimensions of cable drums (weight, volume, height, width)

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Cables must be supplied on wooden drums (GOST 5151-79) with a diameter of at least 40 nominal outer diameters of the cable. The lower end of a cable with a length of at least 2.0 m must be brought out to the drum cheek, which must be protected from external mechanical influences. The ends of the cable must be sealed tightly. The cable drum must have a continuous casing.

Weight and overall dimensions of standard drums:

Drum type 8 8a 8b 10 10a 12 12a 14 14a 14b 14d 16 16a 17 18 18a 20 20a 20b
L, mm 230 400 500 500 600 500 710 710 500 600 1000 600 900 750 900 900 1000 1060 1000
d, mm 450 450 450 545 545 650 650 750 900 1000 1000 800 800 900 1120 900 1220 1000 1500
D, mm 800 800 800 1000 1000 1220 1220 1400 1400 1400 1400 1600 1600 1700 1800 1800 2000 2000 2000
Weight*, kg 34 36,5 36,5 39 55 99 107 165 152 186 202 241 237 277 422 422 584 555 720

Capacity of standard shipping containers.

Cargo containers

Sea and rail cargo containers have a fairly robust design and provide multiple transportation without intermediate unloading by several modes of transport.


Parameters and capacity of standard drums

Cables are supplied on wooden drums (GOST 5151-79) with a neck diameter of at least 40 nominal outer diameters of the cable. The lower end of the cable, at least 2.0 m long, is brought out onto the cheek of the drum and is protected from external mechanical influences. The ends of the cable are hermetically sealed. The cable drum has a continuous casing.

Overall dimensions and weight of standard drums (GOST 5151-79) for optical cables:

Drum Type 8 8a 8b 10b 12 12a 14 14a 14b 16 17 18 18a 20 20a 20b
L neck, mm 230 400 500 500 500 710 710 500 600 600 750 900 900 1000 1060 1000
neck d, mm 450 450 450 545 650 650 750 900 1000 800 900 1120 900 1220 1000 1500
D cheeks, mm 800 800 800 1000 1220 1220 1400 1400 1400 1600 1700 1800 1800 2000 2000 2000
Weight, kg 43 51 53 56 132 151 217 200 234 308 367 535 494 763 725 941

Capacity of standard shipping containers:

Drum type 8a 10 12 14 16a 17a 18a
Container 3t 4 3 2 2 1 1 1
Container 5t 7 4 3 3 2 2 2
Container 20-24t 24 15 8 7 6 6 6

Capacity of standard drums (GOST-5151-79) for optical cables, m:

Drum type 8 8a 8b 10 12 12a 14 14a 14b 16 17 18 18a 20 20a 20b
Cable D, mm
2 12980
2,2 10730
2,5 8310
3 5770 10040 12540
3,5 4240 7370 9220
4 3250 5650 7060 12590
4,5 2560 4460 5580 9950
5 2080 3610 4520 8060 13010
5,5 1720 2990 3730 6660 10800 11420 10750 25080
6 1440 2510 3140 5600 9070 12890 9600 9030 21070
6,5 1230 2140 2670 4770 7730 10980 8180 7700 17960
7 1060 1840 2300 4110 6670 9470 12830 7050 6640 15480
7,5 920 1610 2010 3580 5810 8250 11180 6140 5780 13490
8 810 1410 1760 3150 5100 7250 9820 5400 5080 11850
8,5 720 1250 1560 2790 4520 6420 8700 4780 4500 10500
9 640 1120 1390 2490 4030 5730 7760 4270 4010 9370 12730
9,5 580 1000 1250 2230 3620 5140 6970 3830 3600 8410 11420 11840
10 520 900 1130 2010 3270 4640 6290 3460 3250 7590 10310 11560 10680
10,5 470 820 1020 1830 2960 4210 5700 3130 2950 6880 9350 10490 9690
11 430 750 930 1660 2700 3830 5200 2860 2690 6270 8520 9550 12150 8830
11,5 390 680 850 1520 2470 3510 4750 2610 2460 5740 7790 8740 11120 12600 8080
12 360 630 780 1400 2270 3220 4370 2400 2260 5270 7160 8030 10210 11570 7420
12,5 330 580 720 1290 2090 2970 4020 2210 2080 4860 6600 7400 9410 10660 6840
13 310 530 670 1190 1930 2740 3720 2040 1920 4490 6100 6840 8700 9860 12860 6320
13,5 280 500 620 1110 1790 2550 3450 1900 1780 4160 5660 6340 8070 9140 11920 5860
14 260 460 580 1030 1670 2370 3210 1760 1660 3870 5260 5900 7500 8500 11090 5450
14,5 250 430 540 960 1550 2210 2990 1640 1550 3610 4900 5500 6990 7930 10330 5080
15 230 400 500 900 1450 2060 2790 1540 1450 3370 4580 5140 6530 7410 9660 4750
15,5 220 380 470 840 1360 1930 2620 1440 1350 3160 4290 4810 6120 6940 9040 4450
16 200 350 440 790 1280 1810 2460 1350 1270 2960 4030 4520 5740 6510 8490 4170
16,5 190 330 410 740 1200 1700 2310 1270 1190 2790 3790 4250 5400 6120 7980 3920
17 180 310 390 700 1130 1610 2180 1200 1130 2630 3570 4000 5090 5770 7520 3700
17,5 170 290 370 660 1070 1510 2050 1130 1060 2480 3370 3780 4800 5440 7100 3490
18 160 280 350 620 1010 1430 1940 1070 1000 2340 3180 3570 4540 5140 6710 3300
18,5 150 260 330 590 950 1360 1840 1010 950 2220 3010 3380 4300 4870 6350 3120
19 140 250 310 560 900 1290 1740 960 900 2100 2860 3200 4070 4620 6020 2960
19,5 140 240 300 530 860 1220 1650 910 860 2000 2710 3040 3870 4380 5710 2810
20 130 230 280 500 820 1160 1570 860 810 1900 2580 2890 3680 4170 5430 2670
20,5 120 210 270 480 780 1100 1500 820 770 1810 2450 2750 3500 3970 5170 2540
21 120 200 260 460 740 1050 1430 780 740 1720 2340 2620 3330 3780 4930 2420
21,5 110 200 240 440 710 1000 1360 750 700 1640 2230 2500 3180 3600 4700 2310
22 110 190 230 420 670 960 1300 710 670 1570 2130 2390 3040 3440 4490 2210
22,5 100 180 220 400 650 920 1240 680 640 1500 2040 2280 2900 3290 4290 2110
23 100 170 210 380 620 880 1190 650 610 1430 1950 2190 2780 3150 4110 2020
23,5 160 200 360 590 840 1140 630 590 1370 1870 2090 2660 3020 3930 1930
24 160 200 350 570 810 1090 600 560 1320 1790 2010 2550 2890 3770 1850
24,5 150 190 340 540 770 1050 580 540 1260 1720 1930 2450 2780 3620 1780
25 140 180 320 520 740 1010 550 520 1210 1650 1850 2350 2670 3480 1710
25,5 140 170 310 500 710 970 530 500 1170 1590 1780 2260 2560 3340 1640
26 130 170 300 480 690 930 510 480 1120 1520 1710 2170 2460 3210 1580
26,5 130 160 290 470 660 900 490 460 1080 1470 1650 2090 2370 3090 1520
27 120 150 280 450 640 860 470 450 1040 1410 1590 2020 2290 2980 1470
27,5 120 150 270 430 610 830 460 430 1000 1360 1530 1940 2200 2870 1410
28 120 140 260 420 590 800 440 410 970 1310 1470 1880 2130 2770 1360
28,5 110 140 250 400 570 770 430 400 930 1270 1420 1810 2050 2680 1320


Wooden drums | Useful articles - Kabel.RF

Wooden drums are designed for winding and transporting cables and wires. Currently, they are the main type of packaging for cable products. The design of the drums in accordance with GOST 5151-79 is shown in the figure, and the size data is given in the table. The drum number corresponds to the cheek diameter in decimeters.

To protect the outer turns of cable or wire wound on a drum from mechanical damage during transportation and storage, drum lining or packaging with mats is used.

The main traditional method of sheathing is to place a continuous row of boards on the edges of the cheeks and fasten them with nails through a steel strip that fits the sheathing along the edges.

The dimensions of the sheathing boards and steel tape are shown in the table.

In permitted cases, partial cladding can be performed, in which the gaps between the boards are no more than 50% of their width.

drum design

Dimensions and weight of drums (wooden with lining)

Drum number Drum dimensions, mm Estimated weight of drum with casing, kgHeight Width
8 840 350 51
8b 840 620 53
10 1040 646 56
12 1260 660 132
12a 1260 864 151
14 1440 875 217
17 1750 944 367
18 1850 1120 535
20 2064 1250 763

Design parameters of wooden drums

Drum number Dimensions, mm Number of studs, pcs.Diameter Neck length, l Thicknesscheeks, Dsh of the neck, dsh of the axial hole of the cheek studs, s parts
5 500 200 35 12 230 38 16 3
6 600 200 35 12 250 38 19 3
8 800 450 50 12 230 38 19 4
8a 800 450 50 12 400 38 19 4
86 800 450 50 12 500 38 19 4
10 1000 545 50 12 500 50 22 4
10a 1000 500 50 16 710 50 22 4
12 1220 650 70 12 500 50 22 4
12a 1220 650 70 16 710 50 22 4
12b 1220 600 70 12 600 50 22 4
14 1400 750 70 16 710 58 28 6
14a 1400 900 70 16 500 58 28 6
14b 1400 1000 70 16 600 58 28 6
14v 1400 750 70 16 710 70 28 6
14g 1400 750 70 16 900 58 28 6
16 1600 1200 70 16 600 58 30 6
16a 1600 800 80 16 800 58 30 6
17 1700 900 80 16 750 70 28 6
17a 1700 900 80 16 900 70 28 6
18 1800 1120 80 20 900 80 36 6
18a 1800 900 80 20 900 80 36 6
18b 1800 750 80 20 1000 80 36 6
18c 1800 900 80 20 730 80 30 6
20 2000 1220 80 20 1000 90 36 6
20a 2000 1000 80 20 1060 90 36 6
20b 2000 1500 80 20 1000 90 36 6
22 2200 1320 100 20 1000 118 46 8
22a 2200 1480 100 20 1050 118 46 8
226 2200 1680 100 20 1100 118 46 8
22v 2200 1320 100 20 1100 118 46 8
25 2500 1500 120 24 1300 130 56 8
26 2650 1500 120 24 1500 140 56 8
30 3000 1800 150 24 1800 180 56 10
30a 3000 2500 150 24 1700 96 46 10

Dimensions of sheathing boards and steel tape, mm

Mat sizes, mm

Mat number Drum number Thickness of boards (no less) Width of boards (no more) Nominal width of mat Wire diameter (no less) Width of steel tape
M-200 5; 6; 8 16 100 200 1 25-35
M-350 8a 16 100 350 1 25-35
M-450 14a; 86; 10; 12 19 100 450 1 25-35
M-550 126;146;16 19 150 550 1 25-35
M-650 Yua; 12a; 14;14v 19 150 650 1 25-35
M-700 17;18v 19 200 700 1 25-35
M-750 14g;16a 19 200 750 1 25-35
M-800 17a; 18;18a 22 200 800 2 25-35
M-900 20; 206;22;186 22 200 900 2 35-45
M-1000 20a;22a;226;22v 22 200 1000 2 35-45
M-1200 25 22 250 1200 2 35-45
M-1400 26 22 250 1400 2 35-45
M-1700 30 22 250 1700 2 35-45

Lengths of cables or wires that can be wound on drums, m

Cable diameter, mm Drum number 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 17 18 20 22 25 26 30
5 900 1300 3500 - - - - - - - - - - -
7,5 450 650 1700 - - - - - - - - - - -
10 200 350 900 2200 3000 - - - - - - - - -
15 100 150 400 1000 1400 2800 1700 - - - - - - -
20 - 100 200 600 800 1700 1000 2100 - - - - - -
25 - - 140 350 500 1000 650 1400 1700 2100 - - - -
30 - - 100 250 350 700 450 1000 1200 1900 2100 - - -
35 - - - 200 250 500 350 700 850 1200 1500 - - -
40 - - - 130 200 400 250 550 650 900 1100 1800 - -
45 - - - - - 300 200 450 550 700 900 1500 - -
50 - - - - - 250 150 350 420 570 1200 1700 2600 -
55 - - - - - - - 270 350 450 600 950 1400 2200
60 - - - - - - - 240 280 400 500 800 1200 1800
65 - - - - - - - 200 250 340 450 700 1000 1500
70 - - - - - - - - 220 300 370 600 850 1350
80 - - - - - - - - - 220 290 450 650 1000
90 - - - - - - - - - - - 320 460 700
100 - - - - - - - - - - - 290 400 650

Packaging mats are a continuous series of boards of the same length, fastened with steel tape or wire, which, during the packaging process, are wrapped around a cable or wire wound on a drum. The mats are made with gaps between the boards. The amount of gaps should not exceed 50% of the total length of the M-200 mat and 30% for other types. As a reference, the table shows the lengths of cable or wire that can be wound on drums of individual sizes.


Types of cable drums and containers

Cables must be supplied on wooden drums (GOST 5151-79) with a diameter of at least 40 nominal outer diameters of the cable. The lower end of a cable with a length of at least 2.0 m must be brought out to the cheek of the drum and protected from external mechanical influences. The ends of the cable must be sealed tightly. The cable drum must have a continuous casing.

Overall dimensions and weight of standard drums for finished cables without sheathing

Drum type

Weight*, kg

* the weight of the drums is given without taking into account the casing and may vary depending on the relative humidity and storage conditions.

Capacity of standard shipping containers

Drum type


External dimensions and weight of standard shipping containers

Cargo containers

Freight containers (sea and rail) have a fairly robust design that allows for repeated transportation by several modes of transport without intermediate unloading.

) are designed for winding and transporting cables and wires. Currently, they are the main type of packaging for cable products. The drum number corresponds to the cheek diameter in decimeters.

To protect the outer turns of cable or wire wound on a drum from mechanical damage during transportation and storage, drum lining or packaging with mats is used.

Table. Cable drum sizes

drum number dimensions, mm number of studs, pcs.
neck length, L thickness
cheeks, Dsch necks, dsh axial hole, dos studs cheeks, S details
5 500 200 35 12 230 38 16 3
6 600 200 35 12 250 38 19 3
8 800 450 50 12 230 38 19 4
8 b 500
10 1000 545 50 12 500 50 22 4


500 16 710
12 1220 650 70 12 500 50 22 4


16 710
12b 600 12 600
14 1400 750 70 16 710 58 28 6


900 500
14b 1000 600


750 710 70


900 58
16 1600 1200 70 16 600 58 30 6


800 80 800
17 1700 900 80 16 750 70 28 6


18 1800 1120 80 20 900 80 36 6


18b 750 1000


900 730 30
20 2000 1220 80 20 1000 90 36 6


1000 1060
20b 1500 1000
22 2200 1320 100 20 1000 118 46 8


1480 1050
22b 1680 1100


25 2500 1500 120 24 1300 130 56 8
26 2650 1500 120 24 1500 140 56 8
30 3000 1800 150 24 1800 180 56 10

Table. Weight of cable drums.

Reel numbers

Volume, m³

Drum weight, with casing, kg

Drum weight, kg

17v with timber

18i with timber

20v with timber

Steel drums.

Metal cable technological drums (type BMP and BAL)

They are moved only inside the cable plant, being in-plant containers. These drums have special requirements for quality and characteristics, because... they are installed on large technological units and rotate at high speed.

Type BAL- cheeks with stamped corrugation

Type BMP- cheeks with a flat inner surface

Containerized cable drums

KB Ø1 Ø2 Ø4 K3(Ø5) K4 (Ø5) e L1 L2 K1 K2
№8 7986 450 53 61 61 140 346 240 30 40
№10 992 546 53 60 120 125 610 500 30 40
№12 1196 644 80 60 120 227 650 500 60 200
№14 1376 748 80 60 120 227 860 710 70 250
№17 1710 800 75 60 120 227 1390 980 70 250
№18 1800 888 104 60 120 297 1170 990 70 250
№19 1894 800 75 60 120 260 1400 1000 50 100
№20 1948 798 92 60 120 297 1120 990 80 250
№22 2190 1280 104 60 120 297 1410 1250 70 250
№25 2516 1600 150 - - - 2380 2200 130 250
№26 2616 1700 600 - - - 1660 1500 80 300
№28 2800 1800 140 63 63 500 2120 1800 100 250
№30 3050 1800 600 - - - 1660 1520 80 300
№32 3200 2000 125 63 63 600 2150 1880 100 250
№36 3600 2400 120 - - - 2150 1990 200 400
KB- Drum number L1- overall drum width
Ø1 (D1)- cheek diameters L2- neck width
Ø2 (D2)- neck diameter K1- width of the cable entry hole
Ø3 (D3)- outer diameters of bushings K2- length of hole for cable entry
Ø4 (D4)- inner diameters of bushings
Ø5 (D5)- diameters of drive holes
e- distances from the centers of the cheeks
to the centers of the lead holes of the cheek to the neck

Drums with variable neck diameter


Designations (dimensions in mm):

KB- Drum no.
D1- cheek diameter.
D2- neck diameter.
D4- internal diameter of the axle.
L1- overall width of the drum.
L2- neck width.

Drums made of aluminum alloys

number executive cheek diameter dimensions, mm
external neck diameter internal
neck diameter
axial hole diameter hole diameter for wire output distance between cheeks at neck distance between the cheeks at the edge of the cheeks total drum length weight, kg, no more
6M 2 600 300 280 40 20 220 230 275 31
3 20
7M 1 700 400 376 40 30 230 230 286 42
2 380 25 220 275 42
2a 30
3 300 280 30
8M 4 800 395 370 22 220 230 275 41

Cables must be supplied on wooden drums (GOST 5151-79) with a diameter of at least 40 nominal outer diameters of the cable. The lower end of a cable with a length of at least 2.0 m must be brought out to the drum cheek, which must be protected from external mechanical influences. The ends of the cable must be sealed tightly. The cable drum must have a continuous casing.

Weight and overall dimensions of standard drums:

Drum type 8 8a 8b 10 10a 12 12a 14 14a 14b 14g 16 16a 17 18 18a 20 20a 20b
L, mm 230 400 500 500 600 500 710 710 500 600 1000 600 900 750 900 900 1000 1060 1000
d, mm 450 450 450 545 545 650 650 750 900 1000 1000 800 800 900 1120 900 1220 1000 1500
D, mm 800 800 800 1000 1000 1220 1220 1400 1400 1400 1400 1600 1600 1700 1800 1800 2000 2000 2000
Weight*, kg 34 36,5 36,5 39 55 99 107 165 152 186 202 241 237 277 422 422 584 555 720

* the weight of the drums is given without taking into account the casing and may vary depending on the relative humidity and storage conditions.

Capacity of standard shipping containers.

Container Drum type
8a 10 12 14 16a 17a 18a
3 t 4 3 2 2 1 1 1
5 t 7 4 3 3 2 2 2
20-24 t 24 15 8 7 6 6 6

External dimensions and weight of standard shipping containers

Cargo containers

Sea and rail cargo containers have a fairly robust design and provide multiple transportation without intermediate unloading by several modes of transport.

Wooden drums are designed for winding and transporting cables and wires. Currently, they are the main type of packaging for cable products. The design of the drums in accordance with GOST 5151-79 is shown in the figure, and the size data is given in the table. The drum number corresponds to the cheek diameter in decimeters.

To protect the outer turns of cable or wire wound on a drum from mechanical damage during transportation and storage, drum lining or packaging with mats is used.

The main traditional method of sheathing is to place a continuous row of boards on the edges of the cheeks and fasten them with nails through a steel strip that fits the sheathing along the edges.

The dimensions of the sheathing boards and steel tape are shown in the table.

In permitted cases, partial cladding can be performed, in which the gaps between the boards are no more than 50% of their width.

Dimensions and weight of drums (wooden with lining)

Drum number Drum dimensions, mm Estimated weight of the drum with casing, kg
Height Width
8 840 350 51
8b 840 620 53
10 1040 646 56
12 1260 660 132
12a 1260 864 151
14 1440 875 217
17 1750 944 367
18 1850 1120 535
20 2064 1250 763

Design parameters of wooden drums

Drum number Dimensions, mm Number of studs, pcs.
Diameter Neck length, l Thickness
cheeks, Dsch necks, dsh axial hole studs cheeks, s details
5 500 200 35 12 230 38 16 3
6 600 200 35 12 250 38 19 3
8 800 450 50 12 230 38 19 4
8a 800 450 50 12 400 38 19 4
86 800 450 50 12 500 38 19 4
10 1000 545 50 12 500 50 22 4
10a 1000 500 50 16 710 50 22 4
12 1220 650 70 12 500 50 22 4
12a 1220 650 70 16 710 50 22 4
12b 1220 600 70 12 600 50 22 4
14 1400 750 70 16 710 58 28 6
14a 1400 900 70 16 500 58 28 6
14b 1400 1000 70 16 600 58 28 6
14v 1400 750 70 16 710 70 28 6
14g 1400 750 70 16 900 58 28 6
16 1600 1200 70 16 600 58 30 6
16a 1600 800 80 16 800 58 30 6
17 1700 900 80 16 750 70 28 6
17a 1700 900 80 16 900 70 28 6
18 1800 1120 80 20 900 80 36 6
18a 1800 900 80 20 900 80 36 6
18b 1800 750 80 20 1000 80 36 6
18c 1800 900 80 20 730 80 30 6
20 2000 1220 80 20 1000 90 36 6
20a 2000 1000 80 20 1060 90 36 6
20b 2000 1500 80 20 1000 90 36 6
22 2200 1320 100 20 1000 118 46 8
22a 2200 1480 100 20 1050 118 46 8
226 2200 1680 100 20 1100 118 46 8
22v 2200 1320 100 20 1100 118 46 8
25 2500 1500 120 24 1300 130 56 8
26 2650 1500 120 24 1500 140 56 8
30 3000 1800 150 24 1800 180 56 10
30a 3000 2500 150 24 1700 96 46 10

Dimensions of sheathing boards and steel tape, mm

Mat sizes, mm

Mat number Drum number Board thickness (not less) Width of boards (no more) Nominal mat width Wire diameter (not less) Width of steel strip
M-200 5; 6; 8 16 100 200 1 25-35
M-350 8a 16 100 350 1 25-35
M-450 14a; 86; 10; 12 19 100 450 1 25-35
M-550 126;146;16 19 150 550 1 25-35
M-650 Yua; 12a; 14;14v 19 150 650 1 25-35
M-700 17;18v 19 200 700 1 25-35
M-750 14g;16a 19 200 750 1 25-35
M-800 17a; 18;18a 22 200 800 2 25-35
M-900 20; 206;22;186 22 200 900 2 35-45
M-1000 20a;22a;226;22v 22 200 1000 2 35-45
M-1200 25 22 250 1200 2 35-45
M-1400 26 22 250 1400 2 35-45
M-1700 30 22 250 1700 2 35-45

Lengths of cables or wires that can be wound on drums, m

Cable diameter, mm Drum number
5 6 8 10 12 14 16 17 18 20 22 25 26 30
5 900 1300 3500 - - - - - - - - - - -
7,5 450 650 1700 - - - - - - - - - - -
10 200 350 900 2200 3000 - - - - - - - - -
15 100 150 400 1000 1400 2800 1700 - - - - - - -
20 - 100 200 600 800 1700 1000 2100 - - - - - -
25 - - 140 350 500 1000 650 1400 1700 2100 - - - -
30 - - 100 250 350 700 450 1000 1200 1900 2100 - - -
35 - - - 200 250 500 350 700 850 1200 1500 - - -
40 - - - 130 200 400 250 550 650 900 1100 1800 - -
45 - - - - - 300 200 450 550 700 900 1500 - -
50 - - - - - 250 150 350 420 570 1200 1700 2600 -
55 - - - - - - - 270 350 450 600 950 1400 2200
60 - - - - - - - 240 280 400 500 800 1200 1800
65 - - - - - - - 200 250 340 450 700 1000 1500
70 - - - - - - - - 220 300 370 600 850 1350
80 - - - - - - - - - 220 290 450 650 1000
90 - - - - - - - - - - - 320 460 700
100 - - - - - - - - - - - 290 400 650

Packaging mats are a continuous series of boards of the same length, fastened with steel tape or wire, which, during the packaging process, are wrapped around a cable or wire wound on a drum. The mats are made with gaps between the boards. The amount of gaps should not exceed 50% of the total length of the M-200 mat and 30% for other types. As a reference, the table shows the lengths of cable or wire that can be wound on drums of individual sizes.


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