Periwinkle: growing, planting and care. Periwinkle cultivation and care planting seedlings in open ground types of periwinkle Fight against possible diseases and pests of periwinkle

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Periwinkle is endowed with magical properties, for which it is nicknamed “the witch’s violet” or “the flower of love,” which is associated with increased vitality and the power of life.

In ancient times, periwinkle wreaths helped protect homes from evil spirits and lightning strikes. They used the periwinkle to tell fortunes about the betrothed and the imminent marriage.

The evergreen perennial carpets slopes and flower beds. Undemanding to care, it helps in the fight against weeds, completely covering the soil. Popular with landscape designers and novice gardeners.


Periwinkle is widespread throughout Europe, Asia and North Africa.


Periwinkle (Vínca) belongs to the cucumber family (Apocynaceae)


Periwinkle has a developed stem system, creeping type. The small, oblong leaves are dense, juicy, and have a waxy coating. They are arranged in pairs on the stems.

The main color of the green mass is juicy green. Some varieties of periwinkle have a cream border or slight spotting on the leaves.
During the spring flowering period, five-petaled single inflorescences are light blue and

The green carpet is richly colored with a soft purple color. The flowers, which are a funnel-shaped corolla, appear from the leaf axils. There are periwinkles with white or pink flowers.

The periwinkle fruit is two cylindrical leaflets with elongated seeds.

The plant grows quickly due to the rooting of shoots. The stems completely cover the ground, displacing other plants, including weeds. A dense green carpet helps retain moisture, which is beneficial for the life of neighboring plants. A developed root system keeps the soil from sliding and prevents erosion. Dry stems and leaves replenish the supply of humus on the site.

The listed features make periwinkle attractive for garden cultivation.


Wild flower forms include only a few species. But as a result of selection, it was possible to develop more species that surprise with the variety of shades of colors.

Natural types of periwinkle:

  1. Emily and Alboplena with double, small inflorescences, painted white.
  2. Atropurpurea has bright purple flowers.
  3. Gold Vine has a characteristic yellow color in the middle part of the leaf, complemented by a green border along the edge.
  4. Bowles' Variety with long-lasting, deep blue flowers.
  5. Morning Glory blooms with bluish-purple flowers.
  6. Argenteo-variegata is distinguished by large leaves, bright green, with white-cream patches scattered over the surface. The flowers are a soft blue hue.
  7. Reticulata is easily recognized by the yellow veins on its leaves.
  8. Pink periwinkle is an evergreen, heat-loving shrub that grows up to 60 cm.

Growing and care

The periwinkle flower is not picky about soil. It will take root on any plant, and after it grows, it will hide unsightly areas. Periwinkle will be especially comfortable on well-drained, loose soil. The plant thrives in the sun and shade of trees.

Once planted, periwinkle will spread quickly and will form a solid, green cover with stars of blue-blue flowers.

Bushes of actively growing flowers are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from one another to provide free space for filling. The arrangement of sockets in a checkerboard pattern looks beautiful.

Watering is necessary in the spring, when the periwinkle is actively developing and for the first time after planting, so that the plant takes root well. In the future, the periwinkle will need enough natural moisture accumulated in the soil, because it is drought-resistant. On hot days, watering once a week is sufficient.

In August, the soil under the periwinkle is pierced with a pitchfork 20 cm deep, which ensures soil drainage and oxygen supply to the roots.

In order to prevent spread throughout the area, periwinkle is trimmed after flowering. Trimming also helps to make the bushes look decorative.

By pinching the tops of the plant, a luxurious, soft carpet is formed. Separated stems can be easily rooted and expanded planting area.

The plant is frost-resistant. However, in extreme cold, experienced gardeners recommend covering young shoots with fallen leaves.

Periwinkle grows well in natural conditions, providing itself with organic matter from dying leaves and shoots. It does not need much additional feeding, but the application of urea (30 g/m2) and humus with peat compost in the spring during the flowering period and at the end of September has a beneficial effect on growth and development. Dry humus is scattered over old plantings where the soil is already depleted.

Pests, diseases

Periwinkle is resistant to diseases and pests. But sometimes there are cases of damage by fungi (for example, or rust), and.

Fungal diseases can be easily recognized by bald spots in a green carpet.

To prevent powdery mildew, you need to avoid waterlogging the soil. After all, periwinkle does not grow in wetlands. Treatment with Bordeaux mixture helps get rid of rust.

To combat harmful insects, use a soap solution or an insecticidal preparation that is sprayed on plants.


To propagate periwinkle, seeds and a vegetative method are used, including cuttings, dividing the bush and rooting layering.

Dividing the bush allows you to quickly and easily obtain seedlings, which is recommended to be done in spring or early autumn. The separated shoot has a high survival rate in a new place and shoots soon appear.

When using cuttings, young shoots are cut and dug in, leaving only a few leaves above the surface of the ground. The planting pattern is the same as for bushes. The seedlings are watered until rooting, which is manifested by the growth of new stems with leaves.

To obtain periwinkle layering, adult, healthy shoots are buried. When the stem takes root, it is cut off from the mother plant and planted in a new area.

Perennial seeds are sown for seedlings with the arrival of spring. The seeds are placed in grooves buried 2 cm in the ground.

Then cover the container with a dark film or thick cloth that protects from light. The comfortable temperature for germination is at least +23°, so it is necessary to keep the seedlings in a room or a heated greenhouse. With the emergence of seedlings after 6-10 days, the film is removed and sufficient lighting is provided so that the stems do not stretch. The temperature is reduced to +20°.

Seedlings are provided with moderate watering. It needs to be fed 1-2 times with nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers, reducing the dosage by half.

Diving is carried out after the stem has grown at least 9 cm and there are 4-5 leaves.
It is better to plan the breeding procedure for the spring so that the periwinkle has time to get stronger before wintering.


The green shoots of periwinkle, covering the space between trees and shrubs, as well as flower beds, are in perfect harmony with primrose, lungwort, bulbous flowers, etc. They look impressive towering above the periwinkle carpet.

When growing periwinkle in a flowerbed with other flowers, it is important to monitor the plantings and not allow significant growth when the periwinkle suppresses other representatives of the flora.

Landscape designers use green periwinkle to decorate ridges and create borders, decorate slopes and fill empty space in the garden. Periwinkle looks great in mixborders and on alpine slides, next to flowering plants. Planted anywhere, periwinkle complements and highlights the beauty of neighboring flowers.

Do not forget that periwinkle retains green foliage even in winter. This feature increases its value for decoration when other flowers die off.

Watch also the video

The periwinkle culture (Vinca) is part of the periwinkle genus of the Banana family. There are about twelve subspecies of the perennial plant. The flower is native to Asia Minor, Africa and the Mediterranean. An evergreen creeping plant is distinguished by leathery shiny leaves and small inflorescences of milky, lilac and blue shades. The history of culture is shrouded in many legends. Periwinkle is often called the guardian against evil spirits, the elixir of love and the violet of witches.

An unpretentious plant with delightful inflorescences.


The flower easily adapts to environmental conditions. In direct sunlight, the plant can thin out and lose its decorative effect.

Periwinkle grows ideally in the shade of trees.


The plant prefers moderate climatic conditions. Easily withstands a sharp drop in temperature in winter and summer heat above + 27 degrees.

Particularly valued for long-term preservation of its fresh appearance. The plant recovers in early spring immediately after the snow melts and continues active development even in late autumn. The ideal temperature regime for periwinkle ranges from + 18 to + 24 degrees.

Air humidity

Periwinkle is a moisture-loving plant. A dark area with a high level of dampness should be prepared.

The crop can withstand the absence of precipitation for a long time. To maintain decorativeness, soil and environmental moisture should be regularly maintained.


It is not advisable to allow the soil to become swampy.

Periwinkle should be watered as the surface layer of soil dries.

How to replant a flower

There is an opinion that periwinkle does not need periodic replanting. The plant very quickly covers a large area and grows in width.

Neighborhood with periwinkle can destroy many ornamental crops. When planting, consider the spread of periwinkle. It will be necessary to periodically stop the growth of the crop.


Periodic pruning of shoots will give the plant compactness. You can form a bush-like shape by pinching.

Periwinkle should be periodically cleaned of dry and damaged shoots.

Cleaning old and young stems will help prolong flowering.

Periwinkle in open ground

Outdoors, the crop requires virtually no regular care. Average precipitation can provide the plant with sufficient moisture.

Weeds do not pose a threat to the flower. The area next to the periwinkle should be cleared of competitors as needed.

In open ground, periwinkle can displace other crops.

Balanced feeding with mineral and organic substances will help the rapid development of the flower. The plant prefers humus, leaf soil and compost.

After flowering, it is necessary to clean the crop. It is convenient to use cut off particles for subsequent reproduction.

Features of planting on the site can be found in the video:

Growing Basics

soil mixture

All varieties and subspecies of periwinkle belong to unpretentious crops. The plant can actively develop in all types of soil. Unlike other representatives of domestic flora, it gets along well on rocky soil. Excessive waterlogging can stunt growth.

It is advisable to choose a well-drained location on the site. Tree trunks are ideal for growing periwinkle.

Periwinkle prefers a well-drained substrate.

To dilute in a container, you need to prepare a fertile, loose mixture with a neutral reaction. You will definitely need to provide several drainage holes to drain water.

Top dressing

The plant responds well to feeding. When growing periwinkle indoors, you can use indoor crop fertilizer. The plant also actively develops after the use of organic matter and mineral components.

Periwinkle has one little secret. The culture can bloom intensively and abundantly even on the poorest soil. It is enough to use growth stimulants correctly.

Plant container

There is an opinion that periwinkle is not suitable for growing indoors. The vast majority of varieties are intended for landscaping flower beds and flower beds. The plant can reach such a size that it is removed from the site as a weed.

For indoor breeding, breeders have developed a special variety, also known as Catharanthus roseus.

Periwinkle variety for growing indoors.

You can also grow ordinary periwinkle in a room.

In early March, the plant blooms small buds. After a few days, the crop is abundantly covered with delicate azure inflorescences. After flowering, the plant does not lose its decorative effect. Bright foliage can brighten up any interior. Periwinkle retains its glossy hue all year round.

Making a remontant plant from periwinkle is quite simple. It is necessary to pinch off all the greens in early spring. There should be one stem only ten centimeters long on the surface of the soil. After a few weeks, several young shoots will appear. The plant will be abundantly covered with inflorescences. Be sure to moisten the soil abundantly during this period.

Typical problems, diseases and pests

Periwinkle is distinguished by its resistance to pests and diseases. If a hardy plant shows signs of premature wilting, immediate action should be taken.

Drying areas of the crop indicate a scale insect settling on the flower. After the insects appear, brown spots of round or oval shape remain on the leaves. A milky cheesy coating forms on the shoots. At the initial stage, it is quite difficult to recognize the pest. You can get rid of scale insects using a systemic insecticide.

It is necessary to carefully examine the culture. Pests are often confused with the consequences of excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers. It is necessary to reduce the concentration of components. The plant will recover in a few weeks.

Wilting of periwinkle.

Rare flowering indicates insufficient lighting. A plant in full shade may form scanty inflorescences.

A low percentage of organic matter also often leads to soil depletion. As a result, the periwinkle loses its ability to actively produce new inflorescences.

Aphids can destroy periwinkle in a few weeks. The insect sucks vital juice from leaves and shoots. When eaten, poisonous enzymes are released. The plant stops its development. Yellowness appears on the leaves. Parts of the flower curl, dry out and fall off. The pest carries several dangerous diseases. To clean, you will need to use soap. After treatment, it is necessary to spray the flower with an insecticide.

Several categories of pathogens can appear on periwinkle. Most often the crop is affected by powdery mildew, gray mold, downy mildew, gray rot, sooty fungus and rust.

Spotting of bacterial or fungal origin also occurs in various areas. It is quite difficult to destroy the fungus. Fungicides must be purchased. Affected plants at a later stage will need to be destroyed. It is also necessary to disinfect the top layer of soil.

Reaction to periwinkle

Sections of the plant were often used as an elixir of love. The inflorescences of the culture were dried and ground into powder. The infused remedy was taken several times a day.

The flower contains useful components. They are used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Periwinkle contains toxic substances.

Reproduction technology

A perennial crop can be propagated in several ways:

  • using seeds;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings.

The easiest way to propagate periwinkle is to divide the bush. The resulting segment can quickly take root in a new area. The young plant is able to form the first inflorescences in the current growing season.

Inflorescences of young periwinkle.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in early spring or early September. In summer, the plant can spread, provided that the soil in the new area is sufficiently moistened.

For cuttings, cut off young branches should be used. The shoots must be planted in a moist area. There should be a few leaves left on the surface of the soil. The plant can spread quickly and form a lush green carpet.

Layering can be obtained using a buried shoot. After the formation of its own roots, the crop should be separated from the mother plant.

Seeds must be sown in containers. The sowing depth should be no more than two centimeters. Using a dark film, access to direct sunlight should be limited. To create comfortable conditions, you need to move the container to a greenhouse or room.

After germination, you can place the pots in a lighted place. Seedlings should be picked after the formation of four independent leaves.

How to make periwinkle bloom

If there is no flowering, you should:

Planting material

Periwinkle seeds "Kiffa" can be purchased at a price of 20.40 rubles. Seedlings in a container of periwinkle Atropurpurea (size p9) are sold on average for 93.68 rubles.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Historical reference

Periwinkle (or vinka) looks like an evergreen creeping subshrub or herb, with large flowers. Belongs to the periwinkle family. It grows in beech and oak forests, near roads, often forming continuous thickets. In the Caucasus, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova, periwinkle is found everywhere.

The leaves are shiny, dense, leathery, light or dark green in color, with a cream or golden border along the edges. They are distinguished by their vitality and amazing strength, retaining their greenery even under the snow. The flower has a five-petal structure, the color is pink, blue, white. The plant spreads quickly as a thicket because it can root into the ground from any node of its stem. Due to this property, the plant is called a word of Latin origin Vinca (from the word vincio, which means “to entwine, to bind”). And the name “periwinkle”, which is familiar to us, was formed from the Ukrainian words barva ( What does "paint" mean?) and wine ( "wreath"). This name means "beautiful wreath".

Vinca is a symbol of inexhaustible vitality. It will live in the vase as long as there are at least a few drops of water left there. And if you take it out of the vase and stick it in the ground, it will quickly take root. In cemeteries, the plant is planted as a symbol of good memory and eternal love.

The plant blooms in early spring. There is a legend that it used to have small, inconspicuous flowers, and no one paid attention to it when the periwinkle blossomed. He complained about his unenviable fate to the goddess Flora, who took pity on him and gave him large, beautiful flowers.

People knew about the healing and other properties of the plant back in the Middle Ages. It was believed that it had certain magical properties and could drive away evil spirits and attract love to a person. That's why people made periwinkle wreaths and hung them over the door.

In medieval trials, when “witches” were destroyed, the plant began to be used as an indicator indicating the innocence or guilt of the defendant. Therefore, the plant was also called witches’ violet.

The evergreen periwinkle has long been used in Germany and Austria to weave wreaths - with the help of such wreaths, girls told fortunes about their marriage. It was also believed that if you hang a bunch of dried grass over the windows, this will be the best protection for the house from lightning.

Flowers that were collected in August - September, between two significant religious holidays - the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, had, according to popular opinion, the ability to drive away any evil spirits. Flowers were hung above the door or worn on oneself.

Vinca was considered a plant of eternal love and fidelity. In the Middle Ages, it was ground into powder and eaten with leek leaves. It was believed that this would help bring back past love and renew the feeling of passion.

On the current territory of Ukraine, back in pagan times, it was customary to throw a periwinkle wreath into the water on the holiday of Ivan Kupala. They gave wreaths to their betrothed as a sign of endless love.

Nowadays, the plant has lost its mystical glory and has acquired not only decorative, but also medicinal value. Traditional medicine uses the plant for bleeding, scurvy, leukemia, toothache, and diarrhea.

Medical use

Nowadays, the plant is used in both folk and official medicine. All its beneficial properties have not yet been studied. Pharmacists create drugs from vinca and develop new recipes. These drugs are used for such serious diseases as lymphogranulomatosis and leukemia.

One of the varieties of the plant is pink periwinkle. It contains substances that have a cytostatic effect on the cells of the body - antitumor alkaloids. These are vincristine, vinorelbine and vinblastine. These substances belong to vital medicines. Pharmacists have learned to artificially synthesize them and create effective immunosuppressants and antitumor drugs based on them.

For medicinal purposes, the above-ground part of the plant is used - stems, flowers, leaves, and the underground - rhizomes. The collection of medicinal raw materials occurs during the flowering period of the vinca - this is the period from May to June. After drying, the plant can be used for two years. Before using vinca-based medications, you should consult a doctor.

Periwinkle is used for the following phenomena and diseases:

  • vascular spasm,
  • nosebleeds,
A decoction of vinca is useful in gynecological practice for infertility, severe leucorrhoea, as well as in dentistry for rinsing with inflammation of the mucous membrane, with bad breath, and with tooth pain. The decoction can also be used to wash purulent and bleeding wounds. For eczema, it is recommended to make lotions from the decoction. To improve the appearance of the skin on your face, it is useful to wash your face with a decoction.


Alcohol tincture of vinca is recommended for the treatment of leukemia. It is made in the following way: crushed grass ( flowers, leaves, stems) is filled with vodka in the proportion: a third of a half-liter jar of grass, the rest to the top with vodka. The mixture must be infused for 9 days. After this, the alcohol tincture is filtered. Take 7 drops of tincture, after diluting them in 50 ml of drinking water, in the morning and evening.

An infusion of water, also used for leukemia, is prepared in the following proportion: 1 teaspoon of crushed periwinkle per 200 ml of boiling water. After the mixture has been infused for 20 minutes, it is ready for use. You need to take one tablespoon of the infusion three times a day.

A decoction of periwinkle for external use for skin itching, rashes, eczema, purulent ulcers, dental diseases, wounds: a tablespoon of medicinal raw material per 200 ml of boiling water, boil for a minute, then leave and strain.

A decoction of the leaves is also useful for the above diseases: a tablespoon of raw material in 1 glass of water, boil for 1 minute, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take a tablespoon two to three times a day, before meals.

An alcohol decoction used to treat impotence and strengthen male power: a teaspoon of leaves is poured into a glass of vodka or alcohol, the whole thing is boiled for five minutes and infused for a day in a dark place. After 24 hours, the alcoholic infusion is filtered. The resulting product is ready for use. It is recommended to take 10 drops of the decoction in the morning and evening for four days, after which you need to take a break for two days and repeat the course of treatment again. It is not recommended to take an alcohol decoction with high blood pressure.

The pharmaceutical industry produces drugs Devinkan, Vinkadrex, Vinkaton, Vinkapan. These drugs are prescribed for headaches of various origins ( with atherosclerosis, increased intracranial pressure, with osteochondrosis, depressive states, with encephalitis, organic brain lesions), with neurogenic tachycardia, with hypertension, with neuritis of the facial nerve and polyneuritis.

Special instructions for the use of vinca preparations: in case of overdose, cardiac activity may be depressed.

Plant species

Genus Vinca There are many species of periwinkles, which are native to Europe, southeast Asia, and northern Africa.
The most popular in gardening are:
  • Periwinkle. This is a low plant, up to half a meter long, growing widely in width.
  • The periwinkle is big. The plant can reach a meter in length and grows up to 2.5 meters in width.


Vinca is completely unpretentious and has good frost resistance. Only a few of its varieties require winter preventive shelter, the rest feel good in the winter season.

Any soil is suitable for the plant, except that which is completely dry in the hot summer season. The optimal level of illumination is partial shade.

Periwinkle thickets will look more compact and luxuriant if they are trimmed immediately after mass flowering. The cut stems can be immediately planted in moist soil. The plant takes root very quickly.

But the most effective and convenient way to propagate vinca is through layering. If the cuttings are covered with soil, they also take root very quickly.

Some fungi can attack the plant. This can be seen with the naked eye: parts of the stems darken and die, and unsightly voids appear in the lush periwinkle plantation. The plant may also suffer from aphids. However, vinca is quite resilient.

The speed of spread, unpretentiousness and practicality, easy propagation, pleasant appearance, beautiful blue, purple or pink flowers are the reasons that periwinkle is very popular among landscape designers and gardeners. This plant will decorate any garden or park.

Although vinca blooms more actively in brightly lit areas, it is of great interest as a shade-tolerant plant that can be planted in any difficult area of ​​the garden, with the exception of the driest ones. In addition, you can grow vinca in containers.

Vinca has important decorative functions, in addition to medicinal ones: in literally one year it will completely change and revive a dark and cold wall of the house, cover up an ugly place in the garden, and decorate the utility area. Vinca plantations grow best on slopes and embankments, in bright corners of natural and formal gardens, and in rock gardens. Plants grow freely among bushes and trees.

The best environment for periwinkle is a variety of shade-tolerant and low plants that bloom in spring ( heucheras, hyacinths, forget-me-nots, mountain weeds, primroses), as well as various shrubs and trees. In a light strip, periwinkles look great among ferns, which are shade-loving plants.

Vinca subshrubs are suitable for creating hedges.

Since vinca grows very quickly, you need to make sure that it does not begin to overwhelm its more pampered and whimsical neighbors. If you start the process of spreading a plant, it turns into a weed. For all its beneficial properties, periwinkle can be poisonous, and therefore requires caution and attention. This plant has several other lesser known names: hornbeam, hirsute periwinkle, burial ground.

In the article we discuss the small periwinkle. You will learn what medicinal properties it has, how to prepare raw materials, how to prepare medicines based on it and how to use them. You will also learn what contraindications there are for periwinkle and how to grow it yourself in open ground.

Lesser periwinkle is a herbaceous flowering perennial plant of the Kutrovaceae family. Popularly, periwinkle is called grave grass and burial ground, as it was previously used to decorate churchyards. In ancient times, the plant was credited with special magical powers and the ability to ward off evil spirits. It is also called the herb of fidelity, barivets, falling victim, witch's violet. The Latin name for periwinkle is Vinca minor.

What does it look like

Appearance of small periwinkle flowers. Periwinkle is a low-growing herbaceous creeping shrub, about 20 cm high. In nature, the plant grows up to 60 cm in height. The rhizome is horizontal, creeping. Flowering stems are erect, vegetative asexual stems are creeping, about 1.5 m in length.

The leaves are ring-shaped, collected in threes, opposite, elliptical in shape with an acute or blunt tip. The leaf surface is bare, leathery, smooth. The upper part of the leaf is dark green, the lower part is grayish-green. Leaves size is about 4x2.5 cm.

The flowers are solitary, located on axillary pedicels about 2 cm long. The sepals are fused, bare, lanceolate-triangular in shape. The corolla is cylindrical, funnel-shaped in the middle and at the base of the flower, at the edges of the corolla there is a five-petal limb with bluntly cut edges, about 2.5 cm in diameter. The flowers of wild periwinkle are dark blue or blue-lilac in color. The flowering period is from May to June.

The fruit is a two-leaf, cylindrical polysperm with a pointed tip, greenish-brown in color. The seeds are dark brown, oblong, with papillae. The fruiting period is August - September.

Where does it grow?

The plant's homeland is considered to be Asia Minor and mainland Europe. Periwinkle has spread to North and South America, northern Africa, Britain, New Zealand and Australia.

It also grows wild in the European part of Russia, the CIS countries and the Caucasus. Lesser periwinkle can be found on the edges of mixed forests and in the steppe zone on slopes.

See what Periwinkle grass looks like in the following video:

Periwinkle flowers and leaves

Thanks to its vitality and unpretentiousness, the evergreen periwinkle has long been considered a symbol of vitality. The leaves and flowers of the plant are harvested for medicinal purposes.

The healing properties of periwinkle are due to the content of a large number of alkaloids. All medicines based on it require precise dosage and consultation with a doctor before taking.

Chemical composition

The aerial part of the plant contains more than 20 alkaloids, among which are vinine, vincamine, vincaminorpine, minorin, isovinamine, isomaidin, aquamycin, devincan, pubiscin.

The plant also contains the following substances:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • ursolic acid;
  • rutoside;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • bitter substances;
  • tannins;
  • triterpene saponins;
  • Sahara.

Medicinal properties

Lesser periwinkle has the following medicinal properties:

  • antispasmodic;
  • analgesic;
  • sedative;
  • hypotensive;
  • vasodilator;
  • astringent;
  • hemostatic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antitumor;
  • antiseptic.

Medicines based on periwinkle are used to treat the following ailments:

  • pain of various etiologies;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • intestinal disorders accompanied by diarrhea;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • sexual dysfunction in men;
  • feverish conditions;
  • malaria;
  • autonomic neuroses;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • bacterial infections of the oral cavity;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • skin damage, ulcers.

How to collect

Medicinal raw materials are harvested during the flowering period. Only erect stems with flowers are cut at a height of 5 cm from the ground. The raw materials are cleaned of dirt, washed and dried. The stems are then laid out on clean sheets of paper or on a hanging net. Dry in the shade in a well-ventilated place. You can also dry it in automatic dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.

Dried stems are crushed and stored in paper envelopes or fabric bags away from food and other medicinal raw materials. Shelf life: 1 year.

When harvesting periwinkle, precautions must be taken. The collection of raw materials is carried out using disposable gloves. After collection, wash your hands thoroughly under running water and soap.

How to use

Lesser periwinkle is used as a medicinal and ornamental plant. Based on medicinal raw materials, decoctions, water and alcohol infusions are prepared, which are taken orally and used for rinsing, compresses and rinsing.

The pharmaceutical industry produces the following drugs based on periwinkle:

  • Vinblastine is a lyophilisate for the preparation of an injection solution. Used to treat cancer patients. The active ingredient of the drug blocks tumor growth and helps stop the development of metastases.
  • Vincristine is an injection solution for intravenous administration. Used as an antitumor agent.
  • Vinorelbine is a liquid concentrate for the preparation of an injection solution. It is also used to treat various types of oncology, including blood cancer.

For hypertension

For hypertension, periwinkle relieves spasm of vascular walls and lowers blood pressure. To do this, take an infusion prepared in a water bath.


  1. Periwinkle - 1 tbsp.
  2. Drinking water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the medicinal raw materials and place in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Cool, filter through cheesecloth and squeeze out the remaining liquid from the brewed herb into a glass with the infusion.

How to use: Divide the infusion into three doses and drink throughout the day between meals.

For diarrhea

A vinca-based tincture relieves spasms of the intestinal walls and helps cope with diarrhea.


  1. Periwinkle - 1 tsp.
  2. Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Brew the herb with boiling water and place in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Let it sit for about 15 minutes. Cool the infusion and filter it through cheesecloth. Bring the volume of infusion to 200 ml with boiled water.

How to use: Take the resulting amount in small sips throughout the day.

For toothache

For acute toothache, an alcoholic extract of periwinkle is prepared.


  1. Periwinkle - 20 g.
  2. Food alcohol (40%) - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour the raw material with alcohol in an enamel bowl and place on medium heat. Boil for about 5 minutes, then let sit for an hour at room temperature. Filter the product through cheesecloth.

How to use: Dilute 8 drops of medicine in 100 ml of boiled water for one dose. Take twice a day - morning and evening.

Infusion for skin treatment

To disinfect wounds and ulcers, as well as for eczema and dermatitis, use an infusion prepared in a water bath for external treatment of the site of inflammation.


  1. Periwinkle - 1 tbsp.
  2. Pure water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the herb and place in a water bath for half an hour. Cool and filter the product through cheesecloth.

How to use: Wash the inflamed area several times throughout the day, including before applying a bandage with other medications. The same infusion is used to rinse the mouth for toothache and inflammation of the gums.

To heal and disinfect wounds and inflammations on the skin, use a compress of fresh periwinkle leaves.

Compress for healing

Ingredients: Periwinkle (fresh herb) - 20 g.

How to cook: Collect the leaves, rinse them in running water and grind them to a paste.

How to use: Apply the product to the site of inflammation for half an hour and bandage it. After the compress, rinse the skin with cool boiled water.

For prostatitis

An alcoholic extract from periwinkle is used to treat impotence in men.


  1. Periwinkle - 20 g.
  2. Food alcohol (40%) - 200 ml.

How to cook: Fill the raw material with alcohol, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, then let sit for 2 hours at room temperature. Filter the product through cheesecloth.

How to use: Take the product for 4 days, 10 drops twice a day, then take a break for 2 weeks and resume the 4-day course.

For cancer

For various types of oncology, including leukemia, an infusion is taken that helps fight the disease and relieves pain.


  1. Periwinkle - 1 tsp.
  2. Drinking water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the raw material and let it brew for 20 minutes. Cool and filter the product through cheesecloth.

How to use: Take 15 ml of the product three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.


Periwinkle and medicines based on it have the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • bradycardia.

Taking periwinkle orally for the treatment of various diseases is possible only under the supervision of a doctor. Exceeding the dosage can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

With extreme caution and only after consulting a doctor, periwinkle is used in old age.

Periwinkle as an ornamental plant

In the European part of Russia, they practice growing small periwinkle as an ornamental plant for decorating flower beds, flower beds and alpine hills in household plots and summer cottages.

There are also several varieties of Vinca minor, which are grown as a houseplant in hanging pots.

Among the most popular decorative varieties of periwinkle are the following:

  • variegated (with white or golden yellow splashes);
  • with double white flowers;
  • with purple-red flowers;
  • with double purple flowers;
  • with sky blue flowers.

Planting and care in open ground

Small periwinkle is propagated by seeds, vegetative layering, cuttings and dividing the bush. The plant is unpretentious to soil and sunlight intensity. It grows equally well in partial shade and in full sun, but in a heavily shaded area of ​​the site it can shed its leaves.

For vegetative propagation, periwinkle is planted in open ground in early spring, late summer or early autumn. The seeds of the plant are sown in the spring without seedlings to a depth of 1 cm. Before planting, it is advisable to drain the soil and alkalize it if the soil is acidic.

Periwinkle grows quickly and crowds out other cultivated plants and weeds. The planting zone is formed by pinching the tops of the bush and trimming vegetative shoots.

Caring for the bush involves watering throughout the summer season. Even in severe drought, watering is done no more than once a week. The plant is quite resistant to pests and diseases, but can be affected by scale insects. Feed periwinkle with compost and humus.

At the end of mass flowering, the plant requires sanitary pruning. For the winter, young shoots are covered with non-woven material and spruce branches. Adult plants are quite frost-resistant and do not need shelter during heavy snowfalls.

For more information about planting and caring for small periwinkle, watch the following video:


The plant has the following taxometric classification:

  • department: Flowers;
  • class: Dicotyledons;
  • order: Gentian;
  • family: Kutrovaceae;
  • genus: Periwinkle;
  • species: Lesser periwinkle.

The listed features make periwinkle attractive for garden cultivation.

The genus Periwinkle includes 5 species of evergreen or deciduous herbaceous perennial plants with erect flowering shoots. These include the following types of periwinkle:

  • uneven;
  • straight;
  • grassy;
  • big;
  • small.

In turn, the species of Periwinkle minor is divided into several varieties, which differ in the color of leaves and flowers.

Lesser periwinkle infographics

Photo of small periwinkle, its beneficial properties and uses
Periwinkle infographic

What to remember

  1. Periwinkle is used as a medicinal and ornamental plant.
  2. For medicinal purposes, only the above-ground part of the periwinkle is harvested.
  3. Vinca-based products require precise dosage and consultation with a doctor before ingestion.

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It is unlikely that any other plant has undeservedly received so many unflattering names as the periwinkle flower. “Witch’s violet”, “coffin-grass”, “eyes of the devil”, “burial ground”, as they called it in ancient times. The Celts instilled a similar attitude towards this beautiful plant, attributing to it witchcraft powers and a connection with the other world. Perhaps this was due to the fact that they preferred to plant it on graves, so that its green leaves and bright flowers would cover the cemetery ground, somehow decorating such a sad place.

But long before them, the periwinkle flower, the photo and description of which are given in this article, acquired a completely different kind of reputation. For example, the ancient Greeks called it the “violet of love” and wove it into the wreaths of the bride and groom, believing that the longevity of the flower would preserve their love for many years.

Nowadays, the periwinkle flower is a common garden plant, which many gardeners love for its unpretentiousness and beauty.

Description of the flower

This plant is not uncommon both in the southern regions of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, and in more northern regions and countries. Most often, in flower beds in parks or alpine hills in personal plots, you can find a creeping type of flower. The description of periwinkle comes down to only two species, although there are several varieties of this plant, including hybrids:

  1. Vinca major is a large periwinkle, the stems of which can reach a meter in height, although specimens 25-60 cm in height are more common. It has glossy leaves up to 8 cm long, large flowers, often of a sky blue hue. It prefers warmth, therefore it is common in the southern regions; it tolerates both the scorching steppe sun and partial shade.
  2. Vinca minor - small periwinkle - is a creeping subshrub, rarely reaching a height of 25 cm. It has small bright green leaves 4 cm long and medium-sized flowers. It tolerates frost well, so it does not need additional shelter.

The remaining types of periwinkle flower are hybrids, but in general there are only 12 varieties of this beautiful and unpretentious plant in nature, which is extremely small on a global scale.

Varieties of periwinkle

Although there are not so many varieties of this plant, they all enjoy constant love among landscape designers, and some of them also have healing properties:

  1. V. pubescens - this is the Latin name for the pubescent periwinkle flower (photo below). Its peculiarity is the ability to take root where its creeping shoots touch the ground. Thus, this type of periwinkle quickly covers the entire free area with a green-blue “carpet”. It blooms with small single flowers of a blue hue, has the ability to shed foliage, and, despite the fact that its main place of growth is the Caucasus and equally warm places, it is better to cover the bare stems in winter if it is grown in a summer cottage.
  2. Vínca herbacea - translated as herbaceous periwinkle. The flower grows in Southern and Central Europe, Asia Minor and Central Asia, found both in the steppe and meadow zones, and on the edges of forests and even in the mountains. This is a perennial herbaceous plant, the creeping stems of which take root in the soil at their apex. Its five-petal flowers are distinguished by a rich purple (or mixed with blue) color. Caring for the herbaceous periwinkle flower as such is not required; only in snowless, cold winters it is recommended to cover it with spruce branches.
  3. Vinca rosea is characterized by a long flowering period: from the establishment of warm weather in spring until autumn. This rather large plant, reaching a height of up to 60 cm, stands out for its glossy green leaves with a white border and large pink flowers.

These are varieties of periwinkle that grow in open ground, both in the wild and in garden plots or flower beds in city parks.

"Savage" in a flowerpot

This is how this plant would grow in the wild if it were not for amateur flower growers and breeders. Indoor periwinkle is a variety of flowers, the varieties of which were bred by crossing its wild “relatives”. Among them:

  1. Alba is the owner of beautiful flowers of pure white color.
  2. Gold Vine is hard to miss as its leaves have a yellow streak on the leaves edged with delicate greenery.
  3. Morning Glory is a vibrant beauty with purple-blue flowers.
  4. Reticulata also stands out for its foliage, which has golden veins shining against a glossy green background.
  5. Variegata (Elegantissima) - has leaves with a delicate creamy-white border in the middle and small spots.

Care and planting of periwinkle flowers in open ground and at home are different. Let's consider what should be done to make this plant a decoration for a flowerbed or garden.

Place and soil preparation for planting

As a rule, these flowers are unpretentious and not capricious, so even sandy soil, on which little grows, is suitable for them, but still heavy soil can significantly reduce their growth and flowering activity.

Typically, the periwinkle flower (the photo demonstrates this) is used to “decorate” unsightly places in a summer cottage or as a dividing strip between a garden path and a flower bed or garden, and they also make it into a background on an alpine hill, since the choice of place for this plant is not in priority. It feels good both in the sun and in partial shade, but in a heavily shaded place it will bloom worse.

That is why many landscape designers consider it a “lifesaver”, because where under the scorching rays not a single “noble” plant will take root, planting periwinkle flowers guarantees a landscape pleasing to the eye.

Sowing seeds

The best period for planting this plant is spring, although early autumn is also suitable if the climate is mild and there is not even a hint of the first frost.

It is important to know: if you want to plant periwinkle in the summer, you should wait for cloudy weather or rain.

Sowing seeds does not require any additional manipulations if the land has been fertilized before. If not, then you should dig it up and add compost to the prepared area, then loosen it and make shallow furrows (1-2 cm). The sown seeds are sprinkled with soil and watered abundantly.

Care immediately after sowing the seeds is also not burdensome. You must remember to water the plants and lightly loosen the soil, but this is provided that the season is dry. If it rains at least periodically, then this stage of caring for the periwinkle flower (the photo above shows it in all its flowering glory) can be omitted.

Flower propagation

If there are no periwinkle seeds, then this flower can be propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings and layering.

If we are talking about a large or small variety of periwinkle, then cuttings are carried out in July, for which:

  • you should choose the longest shoots;
  • cut them into pieces containing 3-4 internodes;
  • distribute them over the prepared area (that is, dug up, fertilized and loosened) with a frequency of up to 20 pieces per square meter;
  • sprinkle each piece with soil and water generously.

It should be remembered that this is a place for obtaining rooted seedlings, which after 1.5 months will need to be transplanted to a permanent “place of residence” at a distance of 20-25 cm between the bushes.

The easiest and fastest way of propagation is to root cuttings, for which the stems should be pulled away from each other and the shoots on them should be sprinkled with earth. This type of propagation is suitable when the area of ​​the site allows.

Dividing the bush, preserving an earthen ball with roots on each part of it, is carried out either in early spring or at the end of summer.

Plant care

Periwinkle is famous for its long flowering; even when cut and placed in a vase, it does not wither for up to 20 days or more with a minimum amount of water in it. For this to happen, the periwinkle flower requires care after planting. The photo below shows it in a flowerpot, which is easier to look after than a whole flowerbed. What to do if there is a lot of periwinkle and you want it to bloom as long as possible?

  1. First of all, the soil should be fertilized, for which the following are suitable: organic matter (given twice per season), mineral fertilizers (diluted in water and watered the plants 1-2 times a month).
  2. To prevent the periwinkle from “occupying” the entire area, it needs to be trimmed immediately after flowering, which will additionally form lush bushes.
  3. Watering is carried out depending on the amount of precipitation. If the summer is dry, then you will have to water a couple of times a week during the period of flowering and active growth of the periwinkle, the rest of the time - as needed.

It is for this minimal care that many people love the plant, giving it a worthy place on their plot or windowsill.

Pests and diseases

Like other plants on the planet, periwinkle has a “set” of diseases and pests, although these are few, that can significantly shorten its lifespan.

The first ones who strive to feast on its leaves are aphids and scale insects. Fungal diseases will certainly make themselves felt if the plant finds itself in a humid environment (for example, with abundant watering).

Powdery mildew will go away on its own if the damage is minor, and the area with flowers is left without watering for a while; aphids and scale insects do not like soapy water. It is enough to dilute it and spray the plants as they leave it. If the fungal disease has spread to a large number of flowers, then you will have to treat the entire area with fungicides (for example, Karbofos or Topaz are suitable).

At home, you can wipe each flower with soapy water; this will make the glossy leaves of the periwinkle shine even more.

It is important to know: if the plot of land at your dacha is large, but there is no time to cultivate it, then it is worth planting periwinkle on it. The plant will not tolerate a single weed near it, as it fills the soil with such a dense flowering “carpet” that no one can break through it.

"Getting along" with other plants

Since periwinkle grows so quickly, is it possible to plant other flowers next to it? This question interests many novice flower growers. Indeed, not everyone gets along with him, but they will be happy to be in his neighborhood:

  • lungwort;
  • hyacinths;
  • primrose;
  • forget-me-nots

It is useful to plant periwinkle around trees and shrubs, as it protects them from weeds and pests, while also serving as a decoration.

Some designers use periwinkle flowers as a kind of plant “blanket”, on top of which rise taller flowers or ferns that are less demanding to care for.

Periwinkle in folk medicine

Periwinkle has been used as a medicine since the time of Dioscorides (a doctor and pharmacologist in the Greek army who lived in 40-90 AD). At first, people believed that the long flowering of the plant could prolong their life, and to some extent they were right.

The alkaloid contained in the plant has a beneficial effect on the body's cells, preventing them from dividing incorrectly, thereby preventing the formation of cancerous tumors. In our time, this alkaloid in the form of an extract from a plant was used to produce medicine for malignant tumors until they learned how to synthesize it. But many homeopaths advise preparing decoctions and tinctures of periwinkle and taking it as a prophylactic, since no synthetic substance can ever compare in its properties with what is given by nature.

What you need to know about periwinkle

When caring for this plant, you should remember that it is poisonous. That is why he does not have many “enemies”. If you use it for medicinal purposes, you must consult your doctor and adhere to the dosage recommended by him.


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