The most disenfranchised of the disenfranchised: what sectarian fanatics do to children. Destructive impact on personality

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We were in the Plakhina sect, and we want to tell you about our experience. We write together because we also left the sect together. Because it is almost impossible to leave there alone. To make our story easier to perceive, we will write under the pseudonym “Christina”. The experience of several people is collected here, a typical option is described, but at the same time an individual approach and different tricks are used for everyone.

“I joined the sect two years ago. Before that, I was always interested in magic, did some rituals from books and told fortunes using Tarot cards. One day I saw an advertisement in the “Path to Yourself” store: “Who wants to practice magic and develop spiritually, call me.” Below is the phone number. I met, as it turned out later, with one of Plakhin’s students. She told very little about the School; as she put it, she said that Vladimir Plakhin was a healer and magician, that he cured many people and taught many people magic. That he studied with the ancient elders, who, in his opinion, are psychics, lived in the Carpathian mountains, that in the Carpathians there is a hermitage of this school, and she was there and saw his teachers and magical places. That he is a representative of the “ancient Slavic healing school”, the head of the school of “sexual magic of the ancient Slavs”, uses “healing methods” obtained from Sources with “knowledge of pre-Christian Rus'”. She was also very interested in whether I was a virgin or not. I said that I was a virgin, she was delighted and said that this was very good, that I could quickly learn magic and would develop quickly, that I should not miss this chance and should start working on myself. I asked if they had any literature from which you can learn magic, spells, rituals... She said that their teacher wrote a book / V.E. Plakhin. Sexual magic of the ancient Slavs. M., Markart, 2003/ (which is why his authority in my eyes has increased), but serious literature is not given at the beginning, because you must first learn to work with energy, otherwise you can harm yourself.

So that I could see for myself, she invited me to visit their school, located next to the Sokol metro station. If I don't like it, I can always leave. I took my friend with me and came. I liked that there were a lot of young people there, no one drank or smoked, everyone talked about topics that were interesting to me. It didn’t matter what religion you were or what books on magic you used, the main thing was that you were doing it. True, after that we were accustomed to the point of view that sexual magic is everywhere, in all books and religions. And Plakhin said that Mary Magdalene was the 13th disciple of Christ, and they practiced sexual magic with him. There really are books about this, for example, Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code.” Plakhin spoke about the “Mystery of the Worldings,” interpreted the Bible in his own way, showed Lenardo da Vinci’s painting “The Last Supper” on the Internet and claimed that Mary Magdalene was painted there. There were no sectarian sermons or rituals, no one collected money (although we later found out that we collected tithes, but somehow at will and from those who worked, it seemed like for a monastery). I liked the fact that, in addition to theory, there were classes, everyone sat in a circle and the girl who brought me said that she felt the energy running in a circle, and I also wanted to learn extrasensory sensitivity.

Then Plakhin came up to me and said - let's talk. We entered a private room. He said: let me diagnose you (besides this, he also removes damage, the evil eye and wreaths of celibacy), but for this you must undress, otherwise I won’t see anything. I was shy, but he said that he treats people and he is like a doctor, and they are not shy in front of a doctor. And I stripped down to my panties. He laid me on the bed and put his hands on my stomach. He asked if I felt warm? I said no. He said I had little energy. If we take the entire amount of energy in a person as one, then my energy is 0.6, and the body doesn’t have enough of it, it starts to get sick. I said I had a headache. He replied that he could treat me for free, and that I needed to gain more energy so as not to get sick and learn magic, since I have magical abilities and he would teach me how to heal people. I didn’t really believe him, but decided to come next time.

When I came to class, one of his students told me that I should ask Volodya (as the students called him) to increase my energy. I asked what needs to be done for this. I was told that to do this I need to exchange energy with him. I approached him and asked. We went into a separate room and he again told me to undress. I was embarrassed, but he said that clothes interfered with the exchange, and there was no effect, and I undressed, and so did he.

We lay down and he leaned against me from behind, saying that in this position he gives me energy, and that I shouldn’t see anything reprehensible in this, that all my embarrassment is a complex, and in fact he’s just working with energy. And I also need to relax and trust him, then the exchange will go better. Then I thought for a long time whether I should come again, because I didn’t like it, but when I thought about it, my head started to hurt, I stopped thinking about it and decided to attend school. Now I think that my head hurt because Plakhin used hypnosis or NLP, books on which I later saw in large quantities at his home. This went on for almost a month, we “changed energy”, he didn’t pester me, and I really began to trust him more. Then he told me that I was losing the energy he gave me too quickly, and I needed to “pull the male channel.”

A little clarification: in his theory, each person has an amount of energy that can be increased through exchange. There is also a men's and women's channel. Masculine implies immaterial energy that circulates through the material (body), i.e. according to feminine energy. And stretching the male canal means increasing volume.

Then I asked what I needed to do. He said that I was too bad at opening up to him, and that a person opens up best in his sleep, so I need to go to him for the night. I replied that I was not ready for this. He said that I needed to “break myself (that is, do what you don’t want or can’t due to your moral principles)”, my complexes, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to develop in magic. He suggested that I shouldn't be too scared to spend the night with another girl. I thought about it for a week, then agreed. So we started spending the night, he didn’t pester me, and I began to trust him in this too. In parallel with this, I studied with his other students and learned not to be shy - we did some exercises naked to the waist in order to remove complexes, since a real magician should not be shy about anything, and the moral framework of a normal person is an extra burden. The student who brought me was very glad that Volodya himself was working with me. Then I learned that the school has a system of initiations into different levels (circles), and the more you achieve in magic, the higher the level you can qualify for. Only after a year and a half did I find out that you also have to earn “marks” - like points for what you did for school. For bringing new people they gave more points, but you could also use money. I was then indignant and went to the teacher, he said that this is of course the tenth thing, the main thing is magical abilities, but we need people, since the energy circle needs more energy, and money is needed to build a monastery so that everyone can live there and learn without social interference. Lately, Volodya began to talk about the end of the world - that’s why we needed a lot of virgins, because the energy circle requires a lot of energy to be saved. I also learned that for the white circle to be born, you need to give birth to a child. He had a student who was in a white circle; it was rumored that her child was his, although her parents thought otherwise and the teacher denied it. The teacher saw who was doing what and chose who should be initiated. For example, one student's dedication was to shave her head.

The most important thing we were taught was that sex and sexual energy are different things, and we had to learn to feel sexual energy, since it was the basis of life and the basis of sex magic. I was worried that I couldn’t feel the sexual energy, and then Volodya said that the best way to feel it was to be present at a full exchange. I asked what is this? He said that ordinary people have a concept of sex. And those who have been practicing sex magic for a long time are not engaged in primitive sex, but in the highest manifestation of exchange. And one of his best students, who feels the energy, will make love to him for my sake, so that I can feel the energy. After much convincing, I agreed. But I didn't feel anything. Then we repeated this experience for a long time, I already got used to it, and for me it was in the order of things. This is not sex, but an exchange. Then Volodya said that I needed to partially participate, he told me to kiss him and his student, to masturbate. I doubted, half believed him, but even now I can’t explain why I agreed to all this.

During classes we were told about virgin energy, that during the first sexual contact the energy volume is fixed. And you need to enter into it in a good energetic state, and so that your partner has a lot of energy. Then they began to say that ordinary people always have little energy, they record very little. That is, all the young people who had sex had a small amount of energy, and if they didn’t, then they need to be brought to school and taught. It must be said that the teacher did not favor the boys. He said that it is very difficult to teach young people, they are too willful and cannot “break themselves.” Almost everyone who brought their young people either separated from them or, fortunately, chose a “social life.” Society is a negative concept in this sect, people in society are like sheep, in society there are frameworks, habits, routine life. People in society are mediocre, ordinary, they all drink, smoke, don’t think about magic and don’t develop. And if you practice magic, you will not die and will be forever young. And if you left school, “you can buy a place at the Vagankovsky cemetery,” because you will grow old and die. We were also told about the “droplet”, it is released at the moment of loss of virginity in a woman, but in a man it is not released, and he needs to work with sexual energy for 10 years to release it. When two droplets merge, it turns out something like an elixir of immortality. And these two people become immortal. Volodya said that he had such a drop and smiled slyly. Through all sorts of conversations, he brought me to the point of view that I should start having sex with him. Moreover, my energy will remain virgin and I will develop quickly. I thought for a long time and agreed. This is how I received my first initiation into the black circle. He told me not to tell anyone that I was having sex with him, he said that it was our secret. And now, when I spent the night with him, we “practised a full exchange.” Then I discovered some kind of rash on my body. I asked him what it was, he said, it’s just human papillomavirus, it’s okay, everyone has it, I probably got infected in a public toilet in some McDonald’s, he said to burn it with iodine, which I did, everything went away , and I continued to “do magic.”

In the summer I went on vacation for a long time (several months).

When I arrived, the girls from the School met me and said that they would no longer go there and began to tell me.

It turns out that Plakhin lived sexually with all the “virgins,” and told each one not to tell anything, so that others would not be jealous. Therefore, everyone thought that she was special, and only she had such a privilege. And they told their stories. Here are some of them:

Veronica went to the sect for only a short time and started spending the night with Volodya recently. She came to the sect as a virgin and didn’t want to lose her virginity, she just wanted to make herself a big male canal, because she believed in all this. But Volodya told her that she could have a little contact without violating her virginity, because she had a difficult case - a very small volume, and she couldn’t do without a full exchange. But when she went to the gynecologist, it turned out that she was not a virgin.

The rest themselves agreed.

It all turned out because one of the best students, Ksenia, fell in love with a guy, he was older than us and quickly realized what was going on. He convinced her to stay away from school for a while. During this time, she moved away from Volodya’s influence and rethought everything that happened to her. Since she was one of the best students, she actively participated in the life of the school - she gave lectures at the esoteric centers-shops “The Path to Yourself” and “White Clouds”, brought a lot of people and was initiated into many things. She knew about sexually transmitted diseases, was treated every six months, but fell ill again. Volodya was able to convince her that these were her own diseases, and she herself picked them up from her first boyfriend. And he is a magician - and does not get infected or get sick. He also said that some diseases do not need to be treated at all, everyone has herpes and papillomavirus, and erosion is nonsense. When she stopped going to the sect for a while at the request of her boyfriend, she began to wonder why she was getting sick again, because she did not have any sexual partners except Plakhin. We immediately remembered that we were not using protection, because Plakhin said that a condom interferes with the exchange. And it turned out that almost every one of us turned to him about all sorts of rashes and sores. He said that he was healthy, but if we doubt it, we should, of course, get tested. Your local hospital will do this for free. Some donated, of course they do AIDS, Syphilis, Hepatitis for free. And everyone was happy to see that they were healthy. And the rest of the tests are done expensively and in paid laboratories. Virgins did not even know about such tests, and some did not have money, and the minimal free tests reassured them. There was a case when one girl did get tested, they found an infection, and Volodya said that there is nothing to do in paid clinics - they deliberately charge extra money so that they can be treated for money.

Then Ksenia said that one infertile couple approached Volodya with a request to cure them of infertility. The woman became pregnant, the husband was delighted. They accepted Plakhin's teachings and became his devoted students, as well as the main source of money. Plakhin himself admitted to Ksenia that the child was actually his, but this was only because the woman wanted to give birth to a magician’s child, and she was so capable that the child could be simply unique, and he could not miss such a chance. We remembered that the girl really doesn’t look like her father at all.

One of the girls once called the deceived father and told him who the true father of his child was. He was indignant and offered to meet with her. They agreed, but first he demanded an explanation from Plakhin and he quickly “set his mind straight”; his father refused not only to meet, but also to do a paternity test. Afterwards, Plakhin threatened this girl with physical violence over the phone and warned that they would publish compromising photos and videos of his former students, which he did just in case they dared to tell the truth about him, which finally sobered us up. Ksenia also said that he beat her repeatedly, and we remembered that we saw bruises on her. And another one of his “advanced” students sold her apartment to buy an apartment for Plakhin.

Ksenia started calling all the girls and telling the truth. She managed to pull out as many people as possible. Then Plakhin took action. At first he said that there was no need to talk about her, that she could not resist society. Then he told me not to come close to her, because she zombifies people and they leave. Plakhin also said that all diseases are from her and those who are weak are gone, and those who remain are the strongest. He also increased the psychological impact on the remaining members of the sect, because those we tried to talk to were completely inadequate, and even when we showed them his threatening text messages, they replied that he was probably just joking.

A mother who visited the sect with her daughter, having learned about all this, said that she herself decides with whom her daughter sleeps, and that her daughter will have a lot of energy. This looks very strange and inadequate; most likely, there is a strong psychological impact. One confirmation that he has hypnosis and strong persuasion is that when he called one of the girls who left, she had a heart attack.

The sister of one of the girls who left believes Plakhin, goes to a sect and does not listen to either her sister or her parents.

We also learned that people had left before because they revealed the “true essence of Plakhin’s teaching.” But the sect continued to exist because many were afraid of Plakhin himself, as well as publicity. He threatened those who tried to do something. You can leave there only by being completely convinced that all this is a deception and mockery of people. So, some left because they didn’t like something, but then came back again, even after several years. Plakhin said about them with such confidence: “They will crawl on their own...”

We would really like to get the rest out and stop the activities of the sexual pervert Plakhin. They absolutely do not listen to us and do not believe us, and all the evidence falls on deaf ears.

Religion can be strange and sometimes even scary. This list includes 20 of the strangest and most frightening rituals of various religions known to mankind. Some of them are taboo in modern society, others are simply strange and inexplicable, and their description sends shivers down the spine. Amazing rituals are found everywhere - from India to the USA, from Russia to Africa. And remember - these are just 20 examples of the madness and atrocities that a person is capable of!

In some religious communities, mainly the Roman Catholic Church and some Orthodox churches, there is a ritual of exorcism - the expulsion of demons and evil spirits from the body of a sinner by a priest. People undergoing exorcism may behave aggressively and even dangerously. In earlier times, such actions were often carried out on the mentally ill.

19. Kaparot - Judaism

Activists. Animal rights activists find the Jewish ritual of kaparot outrageous. But even if you don’t take their opinion into account, this ritual looks very, very strange and almost magical. On the eve of Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of repentance, it is customary to take a live rooster and twirl it three times above your head; After this, the rooster is killed and eaten or given to those in need. It is believed that a person’s sins before repentance for the past year are transferred to the rooster.

18. Shamanism - Tibetan Buddhism

Shamans are a type of mediums who act as intermediaries between people and the other world. Shamanic rituals are found in various religions, including Tibetan Buddhism. Usually shamans are very old people, bearers of wisdom, experience and knowledge. They can interpret dreams, tell fortunes by the weather and the stars. Usually people come to them with the most pressing questions. However, in a state of trance, shamans can frighten an unprepared person. There are also legends that they can control the forces of nature. It's definitely not worth joking with them.

17. Sati - Hinduism

Hinduism has an ancient ritual called sati. In essence, this is the suicide of a woman after the death of her husband. The practice of self-immolation of widows was peculiar to the upper castes and was mainly practiced in India, but its cases are also known in other countries of South Asia. Sometimes self-immolation was actually burning—widows were forced to burn.

16. Burial alive - Hinduism

Other Hindu communities practice burial instead of cremation. In ancient times, in such communities, if a husband died before his wife, the wife’s duty was to go to the grave with him alive. The Brahman, the religious leader, in such cases dug a hole that was one heel larger than the height of the husband and wife; both were laid in this hole and covered with sand.

15. Digambaras - Jainism

The Digambaras are one of the two sects of Jainism in which the spiritual leader abstains from wearing clothes. In the sect's view, he carries the entire world around him. The ritual helps Jains to renounce physical needs and achieve a state of enlightenment.

14. Ban on blood transfusions - Jehovah's Witnesses

This prohibition is practiced in communities of Jehovah's Witnesses. Part of their teaching is the idea that the Bible prohibits blood transfusions from one person to another under any circumstances. This is not allowed, even when it comes to life and death.

13. Human sacrifice - the cult of Satanism in the USA

The River Falls Satanist cult in Massachusetts was founded by a 25-year-old man who declared himself the son of Satan, and consisted of only about 10 people, who, however, managed to cause a lot of disasters in the area: dozens of young women were killed by Satanists.

14. Revenge sacrifices - Satanism in the USA

In order to take revenge on the blackmailer and make sure that he would never speak again, Satanists in the United States crucified him on an altar and killed him amid ritual chants. Soon all the participants in the action were caught by the police, and they were sentenced to decades in prison.

11. Bloodshed - the cult of Santa Muerte

In Mexico there is a terrible cult called Santa Muerte, which means “holy Death.” This cult is the worship of Death and mortality. When two boys disappeared in Mexico City, and then an elderly woman who was one of them's grandmother, the police soon found them in the woman's house - all of them were dead; it later turned out that the woman belonged to the cult of Santa Muerte and sacrificed them and her blood to Death.

10. Castration and Death - Transcending Universal Alignment Sect

Transcendent Universal Alignment was a religious sect in Altamira, Brazil. About 25 years ago, the disappearance of about 25 boys from different parts of the city attracted the attention of the police. All of them were found killed. It turned out that some of the boys were castrated and left in the Brazilian jungle to die a slow, painful death. The Transcendent Universal Alignment operated until 2003, when its leader, a woman over 70 years old, was discovered.

9. Flower Girls - Black Jesus Cult

A community of “flower girls” who belonged to the Black Jesus cult, which the cult creator Stephen Tari declared himself to be, cohabited with him in Papua New Guinea. About 400 girls were constantly subjected to violence, perversion and abuse; many were killed. Tari and his followers devoured their flesh and drank their blood. It wasn't until 2013 that Tari was killed.

8. Animal sacrifices - Russian Satanists

In Yaroslavl, a group of teenagers led by Nikolai Ogolobyak worshiped Satan in the 2000s. They used a variety of small animals for sacrifices. They were also rumored to have killed people and committed acts of cannibalism.

Jeffrey Lundgren was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was able to attract followers through his charisma and speaking abilities. Soon his influence began to grow, which other church leaders began to fear. Lundgren was convinced that he alone interpreted Scripture correctly; his followers began to gather at his farm in Ohio. Orgies took place here and, apparently, even human sacrifices were made.

6. Ritual rape and murder - "The Chicago Rippers"

Yes, this organization was as scary as it might seem at first glance. The Chicago Rippers were involved in a series of rapes and murders in Chicago in 1981-82. The strange thing about these murders was that the torturers always cut off the victim’s left breast - the left breast was missing on the mutilated corpses of the girls. It is said that after cutting off a piece of flesh, the cult members masturbated on it and then ate it.

5. False prophets - the “Children of Thunder” sect

The Children of Thunder sect was founded by the young Theodor Helzer, who proclaimed himself a prophet of the Lord. To start a cult, he needed money - and he tried to sell drugs and rob people. In the end, the Thunder Children had to commit their first murder - it was an elderly couple from whom they failed to steal money. The fanatics then dismembered their bodies and prayed over them. They killed Helzer's girlfriend in the same way. When Theodor Helzer was captured by the police, he was sentenced to life in prison, but at the age of 41 he committed suicide in his cell.

4. Necrophagy - Aghori

Necrophagy—eating the rotting and decaying flesh of a corpse—is a ritual of the Aghori sect in Varanasi, India. They believe that a person's greatest fear is the fear of death, therefore, in order to overcome this fear, they eat dead bodies. These are usually bodies that they fish out from the Ganges River.

3. Sun Dance - North American Indians

The Sun Dance was the most important ritual among some Indians. Around the “tree of life,” the tree chosen for the ritual, the dancers made incisions on both sides of their chests, into which the bones were inserted and secured with straps to the pole. A dance began, the purpose of which was to tear the inserted bones out of the body. The dancers jerked back, trying to tear their flesh.

2. Self-flagellation - Shia Islam

Some Islamic Shia sects practice self-flagellation during the Muslim holy month of Muharram. This is a ritual in memory of Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. Self-flagellants walk through the streets screaming; they say that they do not feel pain because they are in an ecstatic trance.

In some West African beliefs, people practice voodoo; a person in them is considered a medium, an intermediary who is connected with the Spirit of the Earth. Anyone who is used in this capacity in a voodoo ritual is taken to the forest and left there for three days without water or food, in an unconscious state. After three days, another ritual is used to bring them back to consciousness.

The list of these six was announced by the famous sectologist Professor Alexander Dvorkin at recent hearings on the problems of destructive organizations in the Moscow City Duma and in an interview with KP.

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Alexander Leonidovich Dvorkin. Candidate of Theology, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head. Department of Sect Studies at the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University, director of the Center for Religious Studies in the name of St. Irenaeus of Lyons (the center deals with the problems of new religious movements, sects and cults).


Alexander Dvorkin: “We try not to answer journalists’ questions about which sect is the most dangerous. You cannot say to a crying mother whose son was taken by a sect: “You are lucky, other organizations are much more destructive...” The most dangerous sect is the one where your loved ones ended up.”

What is a sect?

A totalitarian sect is a special organization. Not always religious (there are sects of a commercial nature), but always having some kind of internal ideology (secret to the uninitiated). The consciousness of ordinary members of the sect is completely subordinated to its leaders. This unlimited power and money, which has no analogues in the outside world, which the adherents bring to the organization, is the meaning of any sect.

New members are lured by deception: recruiters who pester people on the streets almost never tell the true name of their organization (they may even call themselves “simply Orthodox”). And when a person has already entered their territory, the sectarians use special psychological techniques to bind the newcomer. It becomes difficult for him to leave.

At risk are everyone who feels bad, who has a crisis in their life. Most often, these are first-year students and newly minted pensioners (but in general, each of us is in danger: there are no unsuggestible people).

Permanent members of sects practice special rituals (chanting, meditation, etc.). The adherents feel very good at this moment, they are happy, but... At the same time, these people get an addiction similar to a drug: the role of the drug is played by the hypnotic word of the leader.

This explains the fact that sectarians not only lose their families, jobs and connections with society - after some time they fall ill with a host of diseases: physically and mentally they “fall apart”, like experienced drug addicts.

A sick person immediately becomes of no use to the sect - and he is thrown out of the organization.


Neo-Pentecostals or Charismatics

Organizational scale

The most widespread sectarian movement in Russia: up to 300 thousand members (that is, charismatics make up almost half of all sectarians in the country). Dozens of organizations: “New Generation Church”, “Word of Life”, “Calvary Chapel”, etc., are united into two large unions. The influence of the movement on public life is easy to demonstrate by the fact that the leader of one of the unions, Sergei Ryakhovsky, is a member of the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation and is a member of the Public Chamber.

Where did they come from

The Western "Faith Movement" appeared in the 70s in the USA. Its most authoritative leaders: the Hagen family - grandfather, father and grandson, as well as Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Yogi Cho, Ulf Ekman and others.


On the streets (through recruitment) and in official documents, charismatics call themselves Pentecostals or Protestants. This is not true: real Protestants do not recognize these organizations. And they don’t even recognize them as Christian. Charismaticism is a magical occult movement that proclaims that a true Christian should be healthy, happy and rich. If he is not like that, then he is not a real Christian. Newcomers are usually invited to a “great party.”

What are they doing

Halls are assembled, where the “pastor” uses mass suggestion techniques to the accompaniment of cheerful music. In appearance, these are purely Kashpirovsky sessions: people laugh, bend over, fall, scream with happiness (the sect leaders say that adherents feel the Holy Spirit). According to faith, after the “sessions” the blind see, the lame walk, etc.

They explain to adherents: in order to get rich, you need to give money to the sect, and the more you give, the faster you will get rich. Soon people start thinking (and telling everyone) that they are healthy, rich and happy, no matter what happens. But in the end, the difference becomes so obvious that the psyche of the adherents cannot stand it. Many try to commit suicide.


In 2001 in Moscow, a mother and daughter, adherents of the Full Gospel Church, strangled their 6-year-old mentally handicapped daughter and granddaughter: if the child is sick, it means he is cursed by God.



Organizational scale

A powerful international structure, in Moscow and Russia it is represented by dozens of organizations: “Church of Scientology of Moscow”, “Dianetics Centers”, etc. There are a lot of areas of activity: the introduction of Scientology management in enterprises, medicine, politics... Scientologists have taken over entire industrial groups. According to experts, the total income of the sect is 3 - 5 million US dollars per day. In a number of countries, the organization is considered criminal and operates under police supervision.

Where did they come from

The organization was invented in the 50s by the American science fiction writer Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (1911 - 1986). Its head center is located in the USA.


Our world is doomed to destruction, but, fortunately, man exists not only physically. Beyond the body and mind is the basic element of our personality - the thetan. If you first become a perfect person - a clear (the “science” of Dianetics teaches this), then you can then learn to operate with your thetan (“science” of Scientology). An operating thetan (OT) is an immortal superbeing who lives outside the physical universe. Only OTs will survive the planet: so it is fatal not to be a Scientologist.

What are they doing

They provide a wide range of paid courses in Dianetics and Scientology (a full course costs several hundred thousand dollars, which is why Scientology is called a “cult for the rich”). They say in Newspeak: Be wary if you hear: “The reactive circuit area of ​​the engram bank is not a reactive bank.”

Destructive impact on personality

The sect recognizes itself as superhuman, all others are inferior. In the organization there is the strictest control and subordination. Adepts lose critical thinking, gain greater self-confidence, and at the same time written literacy almost completely disappears. It doesn’t seem to be scary, but psychiatrists say that former Scientologists need more time for rehabilitation than members of any other sects.


Scientologists are infiltrating as many Russian defense and secret enterprises as possible. For what? A number of scientists consider the connection of the sect with the US CIA as a practically proven fact.


Hare Krishnas

Organizational scale

Several dozen people live in the dormitory (ashram) of the Moscow center of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKC), and there are a couple of hundred permanent parishioners (3-4 thousand in total in Russia). In 2004, “our” Hare Krishnas received from the mayor’s office a plot of land on Leningradskoe Highway for the construction of the largest temple in Europe. But the public reaction was so negative that the mayor withdrew his signature.

Where did they come from

ISKCON was founded in 1966 in New York by a native of India who called himself Srila Swami Prabhupada. He campaigned among hippies and drug addicts... Hinduism does not recognize Hare Krishnas.


The creator of the world is the god Krishna: a blue-skinned, effeminate youth. The main goal of the adepts is to love Krishna maritally. Then they will come out of the wheel of samsara (eternal reincarnation), enter the heavenly palaces of Krishna and become his concubines. And everyone - both women and men. During worship services, adherents bring themselves to ecstasy: it is believed that at this time sexual contact with Krishna occurs.

What are they doing

They go and sell the book “Bhagavad Gita As It Is” (a free exposition of the sacred text for Hindus). They smoke incense, cook Indian food, wear Indian clothes. Repeat the mantra 1728 times a day.

Destructive impact on personality

Signs of “unity” with Krishna are rolling on the ground, loud screams, salivation, heavy breathing, mad laughter. It is obvious that regularly falling into such a state has a negative effect on the psyche. There is indirect evidence of the development of mental illness in some adherents.


In 2001, a member of a Moscow ashram raped an 11-year-old girl for a month; in Tuva, a self-identified Hare Krishna cut off the head of an Orthodox priest.


Organizational scale

An international empire officially called the Families Federation for World Peace and Unification. In fact, it exists under a thousand names: “Academy of Professors for World Peace”, “Women’s Federation for World Peace” - the list is endless. Hundreds of thousands of members. Factories, fishing fleets, publishing concerns... In Moscow, the Moonies took ownership of a cinema in the southeast of the capital. One can only guess what happens there: strangers do not enter there. The prefecture is trying to return the building, but so far to no avail.

Where did they come from

The sect was created by the Korean Sun Myung Moon in the 50s. Now he runs it together with his wife, the couple now lives in the USA.


Eve sinned with the Serpent, not figuratively, but literally, and humanity is his descendants. God sends his son to Earth, who must purify human blood (meaning Moon). At first it was logical: Moon slept with all the women of the sect, and they gave birth to children with “God-bearing” blood. But then the number of adepts exceeded male abilities, and a ritual was developed through which boys and girls are “adopted” by Moon (adepts drink a cocktail that most likely contains Moon’s sperm).

What are they doing

Adherents break with their families and live in groups of 5 to 10 people. Wake up at 4 am, pray at 5, then beg and work. Proceeds to the Moon family. Sexual intercourse is taboo; after three years, you can send Moon a request to appoint a spouse (at the ceremony, people see each other for the first time). The wedding is in another three years.

Destructive impact on personality

A large number of adherents become spiritualists: falling into a trance, they “receive messages” from the world of spirits. At the Center of St. Irenaeus of Lyonsky has a video recording: an elderly Munich woman runs across the stage and, writhing, shouts in a terrible voice: “I am God the Father! I'm telling you...” Messages were also received from Jesus, Stalin... For Jesus, languishing in the world of spirits, by the way, Moon also appointed a spouse.


The data is scanty, mostly just visa violations and tax evasion.



Organizational scale

About thirty “ecological” settlements throughout Russia. There is one in the Moscow region. The sect is in its infancy, so there is very little information about it.

Where did they come from

In 1995, a certain Puzakov, who took the surname Maigret, wrote a book: he allegedly met in the taiga the superwoman Anastasia, whose family had always lived separately from all humanity...


Anastasia utters heavy chaotic nonsense, drawn from various occult sources (many glaring errors). Practical recommendations: sell apartments to everyone and settle on the land, plant cedar trees (they are the salvation of Russia), have sex and give birth in the garden, water the plants with water in which you can wash your feet.

What are they doing

Puzakov sells “sacred” cedar oil and amulets, and, according to rumors, he has a three-story tower in a community near Vladimir. Others follow the commandments. The right to live in the community, critics say, costs $30,000.

Destructive impact on personality

Not studied. One can see the strict control of the adherents on the part of Puzakov, the unmotivated aggressiveness of the sect members and their loss of logical thinking: the Anastasians simultaneously say the opposite things.


No data.


Sect of Grigory Grabovoi

Organizational scale

Largely thanks to the efforts of Komsomolskaya Pravda to expose this fraudulent pyramid that “resurrects the dead” (see publications on the website, its leader is now in prison, and his flock has significantly thinned out. During its heyday in 2003 - 2005. There were at least 50 thousand “grabbers” in the country. The organization had a dense network of branches not only in Russia, but also in the CIS and far abroad. Now the number of sectarians has decreased by 10 times.

Where did they come from

The pyramid was organized by Grigory Grabovoi at the end of the last century. Now the organization is supported by the forces of his immediate circle.


Grabovoi declares that he is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. He teaches that man can also become God and control everything on Earth. Including saving humanity. A diligent student and follower is able to resurrect people.

What are they doing

They go to paid seminars by Grabovoi and his apostles and learn to save the world. For a lot of money you can learn resurrection. Number series are used to control nuclear power plants, cure migraines and prevent earthquakes.

Destructive impact on personality

Grabovoi’s techniques manipulate consciousness, and some of those who tried to resurrect their loved ones actually “saw” the resurrected person in the end. That is, they became patients of psychiatrists. Others tried to cure the disease with Grabovoi: they abandoned traditional medicine and died.


Grabovoy has been charged under the article “large-scale fraud.” For “resurrections” he took 39,100 rubles: thereby taking away the last thing from people.


Political will, oh!

Why do sects exist? Why doesn't the state close them?

Firstly, all these organizations are legalized: officially registered as religious, and according to our Constitution we have freedom of conscience. That is, the sect must be closed by court, and to do this it must be proven that members of the “religious organization” systematically violate the law.

It would seem, what was the matter? We open the Criminal Code: “Illegal imprisonment”, “use of slave labor”, “torture”, “rape” - there are a lot of articles under which the actions of sectarians can be classified! But there are no criminal cases...

The fact is that all the horrors in sects happen hidden (only in relation to their own members, who do not complain to anyone). And in order to reveal these crimes, it is necessary to introduce operatives there, conduct covert filming - and this is time-consuming and expensive, and the police do not have extra money...

As a conclusion, political will is needed. There was a will to close Grabovoi - difficulties were overcome, money was found. Political will, ah! Where are you?

What to do if a loved one falls into a sect

1. Don’t panic: most people don’t stay in a sect forever.

2. It is useless to explain anything to the victim: “teachers” announce to the adept in advance that his family is “possessed by the devil” - and all your words will only convince the unfortunate person that they are right. Pretending that you like the teaching is also not an option. “Make a truce”: you do not criticize the “organization”; the adherent does not try to involve other family members.

Studying video materials of rituals of a number of new religious sects (Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, White Brotherhood, Society for Krishna Consciousness, Church of the Last Testament (Vissarion’s sect), Aum Shinrikyo, Sai Baba cult, New Acropolis, etc.), video recordings of communication between their adherents and “teachers” " allows us to highlight a number of ways and methods of management influence on adherents by leaders.

The main control influence is the creation among adherents of the illusion of clan-type family relations and a sense of psychological and social security through the paternalistic transfer of personal psychological and social responsibility to leaders. This is achieved in the following main ways:

1. The use of special addresses between members of sects such as “father”, “brother”, “sister”, etc. in opposition to real father, brother, sister, etc.; the significance of the latter in the consciousness of adherents is artificially reduced. This type of appeal subconsciously affects a person and replaces real family relationships, transferring to strangers the principles of family and clan unity developed over thousands of years.

2. Using the technique of increased benevolence towards neophytes and ordinary members of the sect at the initial stage of their entry into the sect. This technique is required to create an artificial contrast between the emotional atmosphere within the sect and in external, real life. It creates in the neophyte a desire to stay within the sect more often or constantly. This technique has a particularly strong effect on people with reduced social activity who are unable to actively resist life’s difficulties. It also gives good results when influencing lonely and disillusioned people in life, to whom the sect appears at the initial stage of their entry into its structures as a kind of unified family with an ideal type of social relationships. This technique dates back to the times of tribal relations, when the concept of “person” applied only to members of the clan and related clans, and all other people were perceived as an alien and hostile environment.

3. The technique of removing responsibility for making decisions. All sects have adopted a system of hierarchical relations, which is implemented in all the rituals considered and consolidates the situation in which the adoption of any decision that is significant for everyone is completely removed from the younger “caste group”. They must follow the instructions of their mentors and unconditionally carry out the orders and instructions of their elders, especially the supreme Teacher (guru). At the same time, they are given to understand that the better and more accurately they fulfill the demands of their elders, the sooner they themselves will be able to move up the hierarchical ladder of the sect.

Moreover, in cases with sects, a material incentive, or otherwise, permission to use certain benefits of the world, is of secondary importance for neophytes, since in a number of sects they are forced to “voluntarily” transfer all their property or part of it to the needs of the sect. Voluntary renunciation of property creates in neophytes a psychological state of “pseudo-monastic renunciation of earthly goods.” The main incentive for advancement in the hierarchy system is the desire to become closer to the Teacher and his revelations. This also implies the emergence of revelations from the sect member himself.

The technique of removing responsibility for making decisions reduces the neophyte’s anxiety. It frees him from any independent social actions and concerns about his future and the future of his family and loved ones. All this also contributes to creating the illusion of security and confidence in the future.

This method of removing personal responsibility and strict hierarchical relationships also goes back to clan-family relationships built on a rigid hierarchy. However, in such relationships there was strict personal responsibility for the social activities of one or another member of the clan, without suppressing his free will. In religious sects, on the contrary, they strive to suppress the will of the sectarian, replacing free will and the desire to make one or another socially significant decision with the need to fulfill the will of the Teacher, as if handed down to him from above.

4. A method of creating the illusion of one’s exclusivity. Such a method, on the one hand, fences off the members of the sect from the rest of society, “which cannot be saved” without receiving the revelations of the Teacher, and on the other hand, it forces the members of the sect to actively attract new neophytes, since in sects there is often a game of “philanthropy”. This method is based on the use of increased self-esteem, which acts as a compensatory mechanism among socially unsuccessful people, primarily among young people. This method also goes back to traditional clan relations, since each clan believed in its exclusivity, which contributed to its unity and increased chances of survival in difficult natural and social conditions.

5. A number of sects that originate from world religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc.) use the sacred scriptures of these teachings. At the same time, individual quotes are taken out of context and included in the Teacher’s author’s text, and at the same time radically change their meaning. For example, the famous saying of Jesus Christ that one should turn the left cheek if hit on the right, said in the context of the fact that one should ignore the religious attacks of the Pharisees and Sadducees, as well as the authorities, can be interpreted as complete non-resistance to evil by violence (Tolstoy’s people) or as complete withdrawal from social life. Or the Hare Krishnas use the Bhagavad Gita as the only source of wisdom, while it is only an insignificant fragment of the great Indian epic Mahabharata. Taken out of the context of the main semantic field of this epic, it completely changes its meaning. The fact is that this passage is associated with the war of the royal families of the Kauravas and Pandavas, which generally reflects the conflict of the transition from the tribal system to the early state system with the rejection of family and clan ties. Without this context, Krishna's parting words before battle can be used as a guide to fighting any opponent indicated by the Teacher (guru).

Let us move on to consider ritual methods of psychological influence on sect members.

1. One of the most common methods in closed sects or secret sects is the use of certain drugs during joint “worship”. This method is well known in various shamanic practices, was widely used and is now used throughout the world. As a rule, soft drugs or hallucinogens are used, transmitted to sect members in the form of drinks, and more often - incense. The purpose of such an action is to create among members of the sect mass visions prepared by the introduction into their consciousness of certain psychological attitudes that turn into obsessions.

2. Method of intimidation. In the process of rituals, lectures and interviews, the idea of ​​imminent Armageddon or the “end of the world” is imposed, when all people except members of the sect will die in the physical and spiritual sense. This method increases a person’s psychological dependence on the sect and the fear of returning to the outside world. In a number of cases (New Acropolis, etc.) they appeal to a person’s personal failure and insecurity in the outside world.

3. Using the method of similar rhythmic movements, well known in ritual practice. Repeating the same type of rhythmic actions for a long time contributes to the encoding of certain concepts as the most significant in the sect member’s image of the world. For example, the repetition by Hare Krishnas of the same phrase with monotonous movements.

4. Use of special music during ritual actions. This type of music is usually called meditative music. Its characteristic, as a rule, is a repeatedly repeated musical pattern. The performance of the music itself is monotonous and soporific. It is well known that in the state of transition from sleep to wakefulness and vice versa, human consciousness is most susceptible to external shaping influences. The choice for religious rituals of sectarians of such meditative “sleeping” music with the same type of musical pattern, on which constantly spoken phrases lie, is an effective psychological technique for introducing certain ideas and postulates into the consciousness of sect members.

5. Reception - “Otherworldliness” of the Teacher. In a number of religious sects, especially of the eastern direction, for example, Aum Shinrikyo - Asahara, White Brotherhood, etc. the deification of the Teacher is accepted. He is, as it were, a double of Jesus Christ or Mohammed. The very behavior of such a Teacher (Sai ​​Baba) in public has a shade of some sacred detachment. In other words, the cult of the sacred king as a conductor of divine energy to earth in an early class society is modeled. The authority of this type of Teacher (Sai ​​Baba, Vissarion, Asahara, etc.) is not subject to any doubt, and actions are subject to discussion. A similar technique is used to create a sense of chosenness and security among sectarians, as well as to relieve adherents of social responsibility.

6. The rhythmic-phonetic influence consists in the fact that in a number of sects phrases are selected for memorization and constant repetition that, in addition to the superficial semantic content, also have a deep rhythmic-phonetic content that has a strong impact on the psyche. For example, the word AUM, often used in sects of the Eastern direction, motivates unconscious submission to tribal or pseudo-tribal structures - sects. Or the saying repeated by the Hare Krishnas: "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna Hare Hare. Hare Rama, Hare Rama. Rama, Rama, Hare Hare." It contains in all 16 words the phonetic sign “P”, which, when repeated frequently, causes “herd unmotivated aggression” due to the fact that it is also used in the natural environment as a sign of threat - “growling”. In addition, the phonetic sign "K", repeated four times in 16 words, motivates an attitude towards the direction of action against anything. The phonetic sign “X”, repeated 8 times, subconsciously motivates stable and unchanging views and beliefs with a tinge of sacredness of these views, which, in turn, combined with the musical influence, strengthens the attachment and dependence of sect members on leaders.

7. Also, the most important factor in keeping people in the sect is the acceptance of joint religious and social activities, where each member of the sect feels his activity is part of something large and therefore important and significant.

In general, the psychological impact in sects occurs through the modeling of traditional tribal and clan-family relations in a pseudo-family - a sect using one or another religious component. The religious aspect, by and large, can be anything, but, as a rule, it is based on its interpretation of existing and proven scriptures or their synthesis. Such modeling creates at the initial stage of a person’s stay in a sect the illusion of social security and chosenness, and removes responsibility in making personal decisions. As a rule, all of the above methods lead to the “socialization” of personal property and savings. Such socialization is a direct seizure of the property of citizens through the application of methods of psychological influence to them. Moreover, the very principle of socialization has numerous analogues in family relations. For example, before Stolypin’s reforms, communal lands were preserved in the Russian village: pastures, forests, fishing grounds, etc. Another historical basis for the seizure and socialization of funds was the Soviet communes and collective farms, where the role of the leader of the pseudo-tribal community was assumed by the state.

Senior Researcher, Laboratory
psychological problems of education
State Research Institute of Family and Education
and Ministry of Labor of Russia, Candidate of Psychological Sciences
Nagovitsyn A.E.

20 July 2019, 20:02

The ideology of some sects can lead to truly sad consequences. The sects in our selection exist to this day and have followers who meekly believe in them.

1. Scientology

Appeared in 1947 in Los Angeles, USA. Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, an American science fiction writer, is its founder. Current celebrity followers include Tom Cruise and Priscilla Presley. Like many sects, the basic idea is that the whole world is doomed to destruction, but man will continue to exist beyond the boundaries of the worldly body with the help of the main element of our personality - the thetan. Only this knowledge will help survive the dying planet. And here there is already room for treatises and books. speaker and various methods of salvation - more than one thousand dollars can be spent on all educational materials. According to many researchers, this sect is criminal and simply siphons money out of people. The organization is distinguished by the strictest control and subordination. Psychiatrists, in turn, say that members of this sect undergo a much longer period of rehabilitation than others. Some note that the organization is associated with the US CIA. There are dozens of follower organizations in Russia: “Church of Scientology of Moscow”, “Dianetics Centers” and others. According to experts, the sect's total income is about $5 million a day. They operate as a global corporation rather than a religious organization.

2. Hare Krishnas

The sect was founded in 1966, they worship Krishna, clothing, food and culture are closely associated with India. Founded in 1966, it is a religion of Krishna worship, everything is closely related to India, clothes, food, culture. The point is that God is an entity that can take many different forms, he can be in everything that surrounds us. The original form of God is Krishna. Followers reject luxury, wealth, sleep little and are malnourished. During worship services they bring themselves to ecstasy, supposedly having sexual intercourse with Krishna. In Moscow there is a center of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKC), where several dozen people live. It’s better not to even know what they’re doing there.

3. Ku Klux Klan

Christian movement based on ideas of racism. Known for his brutal murders. The ideology is white supremacy. Dressed in white hoods, they burned representatives of other races and nationalities. In 1928, there was a peak in the popularity of the sect - there were about 4 million of them.

4. The Manson Family

Charles Mills Manson is a musician who has several popular compositions, also a murderer, the leader of the commune "The Family", some of whose members committed brutal murders in 1969. He declared a war between the white and black races called Helter Skelter. The musician recruited children who were thrown onto the streets. The cult had a string of grisly murders on the slopes of Hollywood. Some, like Marilyn Manson, named their musical groups after him.

5. Unification Church

Or, in other words, the Moonies, the Sun Myung Moon Church. He made a statement that the second coming of Christ had already taken place; many Christian laws were also rearranged in a new way in the sect. According to legend, God's messenger must cleanse sinful human blood. This is what Moon did when he had a relationship with each of the women of the commune. But then he apparently got bored with it, and they came up with a “cocktail”, after drinking which you can become “adopted” by Moon; it most likely contains his sperm. However, how true this information is is unknown. But the madness of sects is not something surprising; the followers of this sect do not communicate with their relatives, they live in groups of 5-10 people. And after 3 years they have the right to ask for a wedding: Moon can choose the spouses. There is also a ritual on this topic: mass weddings. Seminars, discussions, courses and classes are still held to introduce Moon's teachings. He passed away in 2012.

6. Children of God

Founder: David Berg. According to his idea, sex is a demonstration of God's love. His followers were happy with this way of expressing love, sexuality was openly displayed. Also, according to rumors, the sect published texts, photos and videos where there were contacts between adults and children and the molestation of minors. After which the sect was accused of illegality. All women, in fact, became prostitutes, since it was through these methods that they attracted new followers. People who came to the “Family of Love” abandoned their jobs and families, and transferred all their savings to the sect.

7. People's Temple

The sect formed in Guyana is the most terrible in the world. On November 18, 1978, approximately 1,000 citizens committed suicide in Guyana. The creator is Jim Dons, whose idea was to explore the cult of death. Submission was achieved through humiliation and violence. They made a lot of money from such a strange cult. “Cooperative socialism,” according to Jones, was an excellent option in a single village. In official documents they called their commune “Peoples Temple Agricultural and Medical Cooperative.” One of the streets in the village was named after Lenin, and in the morning, as a wake-up call, the anthem of the Soviet Union was played from the speakers over Jonestown. When trying to disperse the cooperative, all its residents took potassium cyanide, including Jones.

8. Gates of Heaven

In 1997, Applewhite convinced nearly 40 of his followers to commit suicide because the Earth would inevitably collide with Comet Hale-Bopp. He promised the adherents that they would all leave their bodies and travel on a spaceship, they wore hoods and gloves so as not to touch each other, and studied the Bible. And in preparation for suicide, they cleansed themselves by drinking lemon juice.

9. Aum Shinrikyo

At first it may seem that the teaching emerged from Buddhism. Under the guise of religion, the sect even received religious status. But over the course of its existence, the creator and followers were accused of obligatory donations, fraud and murder. Aum Shinrikyo prepared and carried out several terrorist attacks in Japan, in particular in the Tokyo subway, which killed 12 people. The pastor was arrested. Among the materials, the police found poisonous gas to kill four million people, a Russian helicopter, drugs, chemical weapons.

10. Branches of David

David Koresh was a charismatic leader who taught his followers that the United States government was God's worst enemy. His “teachings” also had references to the imminent apocalypse and the death of all infidels. He taught how to defend yourself from the authorities with weapons in your hands. In February 1994, he was accused of child molestation and illegal purchase of weapons. It is known that it all ended in a huge fire in which 76 members of the sect died.

11. Raelism

This sect is based on the belief in aliens. It currently has 90 thousand members, but Raëlism continues to grow, attracting new followers. The founder is Claude Vorilon, now known as Rael. He claims to have made contact with a green-eyed alien named Yahweh in 1973. Yahweh told him that life on Earth was artificially created by a species of space alien called the Elohim.

12. Brotherhood

This relatively little-known organization, due to their constant strange behavior, attracted the attention of others, they were called "Brotherhood" and "Brothers and Sisters", also due to their extraction of food from garbage containers, they were often called "garbage eaters". The leader of the sect is Jim Roberts. Roberts, a former Marine known as "The Elder" or "Brother Evangelist" by his followers, lived a very private life and was photographed very little. Members of Roberts' organization continually "experienced health problems" that could be treated with modern medicine. Therefore, from time to time they died due to medical oversight. There was reportedly a case of death of one member of the organization due to pneumonia. In 2016, the organization's founder, Jim Roberts, died.

13. Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

After the Mormons abandoned the practice of polygamous marriages, the traditionalist group of "faithful" broke away from the church majority, establishing their headquarters in Colorado. The sect's followers continue to practice racism, xenophobia and homophobia. Despite the fact that the cult leader was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2005, he continues to lead the sect through coded letters.

14. Commune of the Twelve Tribes

This fundamentalist religious group from Chattanooga, Tennessee, preaches that all other faiths have gone astray, and their approach to reading the Christian Bible is the only salvation of the soul. They argue that multinationality leads to an increase in murders and other crimes, and also develops prejudices. Adherents of this faith can be found in every corner of the globe from Argentina to France. In some places, the sect has come under investigation for child abuse and violating child labor laws.

In Russia:

Neo-Pentecostals or Charismatics

One of the most scandalous sects. Its members quote the Old Testament. The main emphasis is on the part where we are talking about tithing (a donation in the amount of a 10th part of income). During general meetings, pastors put people into a state of trance and hypnosis. For all followers this is God's grace. Experts say that such teaching develops addiction, very similar to drug addiction and alcoholism. People give money, jewelry and even clothes as donations.


This trend was popular in Russia in the 90s of the last century. The essence of the movement is “the rejection of Christian culture through the worship of Satan.” Their very existence is explained by the fact that Satan seems to his followers to be more powerful than God and the good forces, and to have more opportunities to give them what they want. Since 2003, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has been monitoring the activities of people who worship the devil.


This is a rather closed organization that protects its teachings from the “evil ones.” As the members of the organization themselves preach, they create “ecological” settlements that are scattered throughout Russia. The history of the formation of "Anastasia" began in 1995. A certain Puzakov, who took the name Maigret, wrote a book. In it, he described how he allegedly met the superwoman Anastasia in the taiga, whose family has always lived separately from all humanity. The sectarians force the new arrivals to sell their apartments and settle on the land, planting cedar trees (they are the salvation of Russia). Women should give birth on the ground, without doctors. The right to settle in a community, according to experts, costs $30,000.

Thank you for your attention!


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