Concrete lighting poles. Reinforced concrete pillars

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SV light poles are reinforced concrete poles for overhead power lines and street lighting. The pillars have a trapezoidal cross-section. Used for installation of power lines with voltage of 0.38-10 kV. Manufactured according to drawings TU 5863-007-00113557-94 features. Arch. No.20.0182 (LEP00.10), OJSC "ROSEP" 2002. Upon purchase, a factory quality certificate is issued. You can buy SV supports in Nizhny Novgorod from the Sitius company.


For production, heavy concrete grade B30 (M400) with frost resistance F200 and water resistance W6 is used. Racks vary in length, thickness and load rating. For grounding, there are upper and lower grounding rods made of steel rod with a diameter of 10 mm. The conductors are welded to one of the working rods. SV supports are installed in the ground to a depth of 2–2.5 m. More detailed dimensions are indicated in the drawings below.


Supports with a bending moment of 3.5 are recommended for use in Ⅰ-Ⅲ windy areas and Ⅰ-Ⅱ icy areas. In other climatic regions, it is recommended to take products with a bending moment of 5. For use in aggressive gas and soil environments, it is necessary to apply a protective coating to the supports (3 meters from the butt) in accordance with SNIP 2.03.11-85 and OST 34-72-645-83.

Drawings and dimensions

Most often, CB racks with a height of 9 or 11 meters are used. Below are the overall dimensions depending on the magnitude of the design load.

Marking of light poles SV

Like other reinforced concrete products, the products have special markings in accordance with the TU standard. Let's look at an example of an alphanumeric designation:

SV 110 -3.5

SV stands for the name of the product - “Vibrated stand”

110 is the height of the product in decimeters. Accordingly, the height of a product with this marking is 11 meters.

3.5 - maximum permissible design bending moment in the larger plane of rigidity. Measured in tf*m or kN*m


The production of SV light poles is carried out in accordance with technical specifications. They are made from heavy concrete by pouring into molds followed by vibrocompression. The strength of the product is gained in steaming chambers.

Sales in Nizhny Novgorod

You can buy SV light poles in Nizhny Novgorod from the Sitius company. The website shows current prices only for today. When making calculations, take into account possible seasonal price changes (5-10%) and changes in prices for raw materials (cement and reinforcement).


You can pay for products by bank transfer. Call us or send a request by email and we will prepare a commercial offer for you, draw up an agreement, and calculate the cost of delivery.

Delivery of supports

Delivery of reinforced concrete products throughout Nizhny Novgorod and the region is carried out by various modes of transport. The supports are usually delivered by flatbed trucks. Also, there is a small manipulator carrying 7 racks 9.5 meters long.

Reinforced concrete light supports help support various lighting fixtures. When preparing construction work, it is first necessary to secure a construction site. This work includes selecting the type of lighting device and installation method. Several types of building materials are used as support, including reinforced concrete. The latter is the most stable, but has certain disadvantages. Reinforced concrete structures for external lighting are very dependent on weather conditions and temperature changes, but have a long service life.

Reinforced concrete light poles have several important advantages that distinguish them from all other types of supporting structures:

  • protection against rust, decay and chemicals;
  • long service life. If you carry out high-quality installation and transportation, the costs will be low;
  • high-level fire protection;
  • ease of manufacture, convenient repairability;
  • no high costs for any work.

In addition, reinforced concrete lighting stands have certain disadvantages, due to which they may not be suitable for the construction of certain types of objects:

  • significant supporting weight makes loading, installation and transportation of elements more difficult and, accordingly, more expensive;
  • it is impossible to remove a reinforced concrete column without special transport;
  • processing and removal of the pole is very complex and costly;
  • lighting poles react very poorly to temperature and any weather changes;
  • Reinforced concrete lighting poles are vulnerable to chipping and cracking.

Reinforced concrete supports SV used for external illumination of streets, sidewalks, industrial areas and highways. They can also be used to illuminate parks and areas near residential buildings.

There are several types of light stands made of reinforced concrete:

  • end,
  • corner,
  • intermediate,
  • anchor

When developing light stands for industrial use, tension or frame reinforcement is used.

Light reinforced concrete posts and are marked depending on the structural mass, reinforcement method and dimensions. In addition, they differ in temperature conditions, level of resistance to cold, moisture absorption capabilities, load and electrical voltage drops.

All information on reinforced concrete street lighting poles was kindly provided by Samara Plant of Reinforced Concrete Products LLC. Here you can buy reinforced concrete products at competitive prices.

The area adjacent to the building should be well lit. Moreover, the lighting system must be organized in such a way as to cover as large an area as possible. Street lighting poles are used for this purpose.

These structures are usually divided, first of all, according to the material from which they are made. Metal supports have the best characteristics. However, structures made from other materials also have some advantages and are still widely used in lighting.


Supports are usually classified according to a number of characteristics. In particular, according to the method of introducing current-carrying cables, poles are divided into power and non-power. The former are used when organizing overhead lines, the latter - underground.

Power structures are used where underground wiring is impossible for some reason. The internal part of the structure includes a power cable. The height of the air networks is determined by the Construction Norms and Rules (SNiP).

For installation, use brackets for lamps. In addition to brackets, an integral part of the supports are plinths that perform protective (protect the cable from damage and exposure to the external environment) and aesthetic functions.

Non-power supports are designed for underground cable laying. The maximum permitted height for this type of pole is 12 m. The cable should be buried in the ground no less than 80 cm. If we are talking about laying under a highway, the laying depth is set to 125 cm.

Note! Non-power poles are not used for installation of high-voltage lines.

According to the installation method, supports are divided into straight-mount and flanged. Installation of the latter begins with placing the embedded element in the ground and its further concreting. When the mortgage is installed, the ground part of the structure is fixed to it using anchor fasteners.

Upright supports are a complete structure, the installation of which is carried out in a pre-prepared niche in the ground. The hole is then filled with concrete.

Note! The ratio of the column dug into the ground and the outer parts of the column is determined by the manufacturer. This information is provided on the pole markings.

The following types of supports are distinguished by shape:

  • conical faceted;
  • conical round;
  • tubular cylindrical;
  • tubular folding.


Based on areas of application, supports are divided into the following types:

  1. High mast. They are used for outdoor lighting of very large areas (for example, stadiums, airports, ski slopes). High-mast structures are offered in a variety of designs, differing in size, type of crowns, number of sections, type of surface (faceted, smooth).
  2. Street structures for illuminating pedestrian paths.
  3. Decorative supports. Used to illuminate local areas in gardens, parks, playgrounds, etc. Decorative pillars are always non-power in design. Can be made with faceted or rounded surfaces. Lamps can also vary significantly in their appearance and design, therefore the GOST applied to them will differ. The installation height of decorative systems usually ranges between 2 and 4 m.
  4. Main supports. The main quality of such poles is their high resistance to mechanical and wind loads.
  5. Special supports. Used to illuminate individual objects (for example, squares). Designs of this type were used immediately after the advent of electrical networks. They are most often made from pine due to its optimal performance characteristics and low cost.

Types of supports

The supports are made from various materials: metal, wood, concrete, reinforced concrete. In recent years, products made from composites have become widespread.

Metal supports

For the manufacture of supports of this type, steel, cast iron, aluminum and galvanization are used. Galvanized poles are especially popular because they are characterized by high resistance to the negative effects of environmental factors.

Metal supports have the following positive characteristics:

  1. Light weight and size. The lightest poles weigh about 150 kg, and flanged structures (without mortgages) - about 40 kg. Thanks to their compactness, the transportation of poles is easy: 40 or more sets can be delivered to the site in one trip.
  2. High strength properties. For production, rolled sheets with a thickness of 3 to 15 mm are used. This is enough to resist serious mechanical loads.
  3. No difficulties with making changes to the design. To increase or decrease the height of the support, you do not need to abandon the existing structure; it can simply be increased.
  4. Speed ​​of installation and dismantling work. To install the structure, it is enough to create a hole of the required diameter, place a support in it, and fill it with concrete. For flanged posts, you first need to install the foundation and connect the post to it with a bolted connection.
  5. Long service life. Outdoor lighting supports are treated with a zinc coating that has anti-corrosion properties. The thickness of such a layer is 80 microns or more, depending on needs. The service life of the coating is from 50 to 80 years.
  6. Attractive appearance. Regardless of the purpose, whether we are talking about a decorative pole or a mast one, the supports do not cause rejection by their appearance.

Metal poles also have disadvantages:

  1. The structure must be periodically painted, otherwise there is a high probability of the material rusting.
  2. The cost of metal supports is higher compared to competing systems.

Wooden supports

The advantages of wooden poles include the following qualities:

  1. Light weight. Thanks to this feature, wooden structures are easy to transport and install, which significantly affects the overall cost of the lighting system.
  2. Easy to install. Often, for the installation of wooden supports there is no need to use specialized equipment.
  3. Affordable cost of material.
  4. Moisture resistance. Long service life. However, these qualities are achievable only when the material is impregnated with a special protective composition.
  5. Insulating qualities to prevent electrical shock.

The disadvantages of wooden structures include the following properties:

  1. Difficulties with choosing logs of equal dimensions.
  2. Possibility of destruction of supports due to heavy icing.
  3. Tendency to rot of material not treated with a protective composition.

Concrete supports

They are among the most common in the post-Soviet space. They were especially often used in the 70-80s.

Among the advantages of concrete pillars, the following qualities should be highlighted:

  • low cost;
  • long service life (up to half a century);
  • ease of maintenance (maintenance of networks is inexpensive).

Concrete structures also have disadvantages:

  • instability to moisture (we are talking primarily about groundwater);
  • unattractive appearance.

Note! The quality of concrete pillars is determined by the grade of concrete and the method of manufacturing the product.

Reinforced concrete supports

Reinforced concrete pillars are a metal frame structure covered with concrete.

The advantages of reinforced concrete supports include the following characteristics:

  • ability to withstand heavy loads;
  • durability;
  • reasonable cost;
  • resistance to temperature changes, which allows the use of poles in areas with cold climates;
  • corrosion resistance.

Reinforced concrete products also have disadvantages:

  • unattractive appearance repels buyers seeking a decorative effect from the lighting system;
  • poor resistance to shock loads.

They produce reinforced concrete products with rounded and faceted surfaces. In recent years, reinforced concrete products have been actively replaced by supports made of more functional materials.

Dimensions of supports

The height, width and weight of products are determined by the material from which they are made. As an example, the following data can be given:

  1. Wooden poles are produced in five versions: 6.5 m, 7.5 m, 9.5 m and 11 m. The diameter of the poles ranges between 14 and 24 cm. Based on weight, wooden poles are divided into three groups: light, medium and heavy.
  2. Concrete pillars are heavy. Depending on the size, the product can weigh from 300 kg to a ton. The width of the pillar is from 10 to 40 cm. The height of the structure is within 4-11 m.
  3. Reinforced concrete supports are offered in the same sizes as concrete ones. However, reinforced concrete products weigh much more because they have a metal component. The weight of a standard design can be between 450-1200 kg.
  4. For metal products, a minimum height of 1.5 m is accepted (in the case of floor lamps). The thickness, diameter and weight of the lighting system are determined by its tasks and configuration.

The number of sections in a metal lighting mast depends on its height. The three-section mast is 21 meters high. Masts with four sections have a height of 28 m, with five sections - 35 m, with 6 sections - 45 m.

Installation rules

Before installing supports, it is necessary to develop a project taking into account the following circumstances:

  • relief of the site;
  • desired level of lighting;
  • power consumption;
  • control and protection system;
  • number of light sources;
  • method of installation of load-bearing elements and electrical equipment;
  • possibility of connecting to the power grid.

During installation work, you must adhere to some rules that directly affect the safety of the system and its service life:

  • To carry out electrical installation, all necessary permits from regulatory authorities must be obtained;
  • the installation of flanged columns begins only after the concrete has completely hardened (you will have to wait 4-5 days - depending on humidity and air temperature, the type of concrete);
  • In order for the flange fastening to be reliable, it is advisable to use castle nuts with a cotter pin;
  • It is recommended to treat metal poles with a protective primer and paint material;
  • if the installation is carried out in soft soil, you will need to create a cushion consisting of sand and crushed stone mass.

Installation of metal support structures - regardless of their type - differs only in the amount of work and small details. In general, the technological process is very similar.

Preparatory work

Before starting work, prepare a trench for laying the power cable. The recess should have a square cross-section, where the side will be equal to 1 m. The depth of the hole is 80 cm or more (depending on the type of pole being installed).

The bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of sand mixed with crushed stone. If only sand is used, it is moistened with water. This base is easier to compact.

Laying the power cable

The next stage is connecting the power cable to the lighting fixture. This is done underground or above ground. Most often, the cable is laid underground. A layer of clean sand is poured under it. Signal tape is placed on top. Its presence will prevent accidental damage to the line and electrical shock.

Attaching the brackets

There is a special hole at the bottom of the support. The power cable is inserted through it, then pulled upward. When this operation is completed, brackets for the lamps are secured at the top of the support. The number of horns on the bracket is selected in advance - before installation begins. Next, the lamps are connected and light bulbs are installed in them.

Installation of metal supports

A pole is installed in the well, centered, aligned vertically and secured with temporary spacers. The correct installation is checked using a building level. Fill the voids in the well with concrete. When it is completely dry, remove the supports. The support structure for street lighting has been installed.

However, before putting the support into operation, it is necessary to carry out a number of more works, including checking the integrity of the cable. It is also necessary to create a grounding connection. Without it, the system cannot be considered safe to operate.

To organize grounding you will need a grounding cable. One end of it is attached to a bolt (located at the bottom of the post), where the power cable is inserted. The second end is fixed to the ground loop.

Note! The ground loop resistance must be at least 40 ohms.

Two types of grounding systems are most in demand today:

  1. Three-phase networks with tightly grounded neutrals. TN-S provides high quality protection against electric shock. Such systems are installed near schools and crowded streets.
  2. For street lighting, it is recommended to use insulated conductors with four cores with a cross-section of 25 mm. Inside the cable there is a galvanized steel strip that acts as a grounding device.

The posts are installed in such a way that they are located on not too damp areas of the ground. The distance between the supports is chosen so that the lighting fixtures fully illuminate all the necessary areas. At the same time, the lamps should not emit powerful streams of light into the windows of nearby buildings. Avoid overlaps of light fluxes from different lamps. Firstly, this is a waste of electricity, and secondly, in such areas the lighting will be too bright.

Installation of flange supports

After installing the embedded blocks (flange supports), they are centered. This is done using reinforcement driven into the walls of the trench. Next, concrete is poured into the holes and compacted with a vibrator. The stand is bolted to the mortgages. The installation is completed by attaching the sip cable to the sfg (power faceted flange).

Installation cost

To calculate the cost of pillars, you need to have information about their size and type of structural material. Prices for wooden supports vary between 2-7 thousand rubles. Concrete structures cost from 4 to 13 thousand rubles, reinforced concrete products - from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. Metal supports are valued at the most expensive - up to 20 thousand rubles.

The costs don't end there, as the supports still need to be installed. The cost of screeding, drilling wells and installation can be around 3-4 thousand rubles per post. You also need to purchase a street lamp, the cost of which can range from several hundred to thousands of rubles.


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