Biological characteristics of the apple plant. Types and varieties of apple trees

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Since childhood, we have loved apple trees for their beauty, plump fruits and the fragrance that fills the gardens during flowering. Delicate flowers make us feel beautiful, but plants create them not only for beauty and admiration. The main purpose of a flower is survival.

What function does a flower have?

Flowers perform an important reproductive function: thanks to them, plants live and reproduce. With their shape, bright color and fragrant smell, the flowers attract many birds and insects that pollinate them. For example, hummingbirds, bees and butterflies are attracted by bright colors - orange, blue, red, purple and yellow. And at night, when floral odors intensify, flowers become bait for nocturnal pollinating insects.

The shape of the flower also plays a role for insects and birds. For example, butterflies prefer flowers with large, flat petals, which provide a convenient landing site for them. The tubular, elongated flowers attract hummingbirds. These birds have a long beak, and they have no problem extracting nectar from the depths of the flower.

Flowers exuding subtle pleasant aroma nothing more than modified shoots. They are specially created by nature to propagate different types of flora and establish life cycle. After pollination by insects, seeds are formed in the flower ovary. They become the basis of life for new plants.

This is how the apple tree forms small flower, which over time turns into a fragrant fruit. The seed from the apple falls to the ground and a new tree grows from it. This is such a mysterious transformation.

The flower can be tiny and inconspicuous or bright and large, attracting insects and people. It can be of different shapes, have different structures and colors.

How does an apple tree flower work?

In terms of its functionality and structure, the flower is the most perfect organ among other parts of the plant. He is most suitable for different conditions a habitat. With a great variety of plant species that have flowers of different shapes and structures, one can notice similarities in their structure.

The main parts of a flower are the pistil and stamens. Stamen ( male organ) is formed by anther and filament. The pistil (female organ) contains the stigma, styles and ovary. Inside each ovary there is an ovule, from which, during fertilization, the seed develops, and from the walls of the ovary the fruit is formed.

There are staminate - male and pistillate - female flowers. Monoecious plants combine both sexes in a single flower, while dioecious plants have only staminate or pistillate flowers.

Consider a flower. It has a bisexual color, since the structure of the flower contains both pistil and stamens. They are located inside the corolla (petals). Stamens have anthers that are used to ripen pollen. The pistil of an apple tree is formed by five columns fused at the base. At the bottom of the pistil there is an ovary, and on each style there is a separate stigma. After flowering, seeds develop in the ovary.

Around the stamens and pistil there is a perianth with two types of leaves. The corolla is formed from the inner leaves, and the calyx is formed from the outer leaves.

Apple tree flowers have white or white-pink color and collected in inflorescences-corymbs.

For convenience, biologists gave their designation to each part of the flower and combined it into a single formula. Knowing the designations you can for flowers different plants create a formula unique to this species.

Apple as a symbol of health and beauty

As a culture, the apple tree originated 4,000 years ago and since then it has been a symbol of everything bright and joyful, personifying the strength of the family hearth. The apple tree is closely intertwined with our spiritual life; it is covered in ancient legends and sung in oral traditions. folk art great poets.

The fruits of the apple tree are always associated with fruits from the Garden of Eden, one of which Eve bit into and then offered it to Adam. This was the beginning of the creation of the world. The apple blossom symbolizes the continuation of the human race and all life on earth.

Many people are associated with the cultivation of apple trees folk traditions. For example, in Germany there is a custom: when a baby is born, an apple tree is planted. The fate of the baby is determined by how it grows, develops and bears fruit.

In overseas countries there is a tradition of eating 40 apples. It is believed that if you blow on each one and then eat one after the other, all your wishes will come true.

In Slavic villages, young girls, in order to improve their beauty, plucked leaves from a blooming apple tree and wove them into wreaths. Hugging the apple tree, they asked it to share its tenderness and beauty with them. To give birth to a healthy and beautiful baby, a pregnant girl approached a blooming apple tree and held on to the branches.

Maybe that’s why the apple tree is so common and every second fruit tree planted is an apple tree. They also say that if you grow a hundred apple trees from the seeds of the same tree, they will all be different.

There are different types and varieties of apple trees that require a specific approach to the technology of their cultivation. We will look at the main types of crown formation, which require maintaining a certain distance when planting seedlings. You will also be offered the best varieties modern apple trees, which are accompanied brief descriptions and photo.

Apple trees are the most popular of all fruit trees- attractive in flowering and rewarding with harvest. There are, of course, standard or classic apple trees, and this is discussed below, but they are not for the average plot. It is much better to grow bushy trees if there is enough space. When space is limited, dwarf bush-shaped, row cordons or compact columnar-shaped ones are a much better choice. There are other types - trellis, fan, spindle, low horizontal cordons, etc.

With all of these growth patterns, your apple variety will very likely need a pollinating partner that flowers around the same time. Standard advice is to plant a pollinator variety in your garden, but in urban areas there will usually be a specimen nearby. You can also grow a self-fertile variety, such as: "Queen Cox", "James Grieve" And "Arthur Turner", photos which can be found below.

The final stage is harvesting the fruits. Apples are ready for harvesting when they can be easily removed, including the stem, if you lift them and turn them slightly. Healthy fruits should be stored wrapped in newspaper and placed in wooden trays in a cool, dry place.

Terms found in catalogs:

  • Varieties with periodic fruiting;
  • Varieties, with good harvest once every two years;
  • Varieties with fruiting on fruit twigs;
  • Varieties that bear most of the fruit at the ends of annual shoots;
  • Varieties with fruiting on ringlets;
  • Varieties that bear all or most of the fruit on very short branches.

At what distance should apple trees be planted when planting?

At what distance to plant apple trees depends largely on the variety and spreading nature of the crown of an adult tree. When planting apple trees, the distance is measured from the planting of the standard crop.

Lime the soil if it is very acidic and provide a windbreak if the area is exposed. Plant the plant at the same depth at which it grew (at the old soil mark); The grafting site should be 10cm above the ground.

The distance between apple trees when planting semi-standard crops should be 5 m from each other. The interval for other types of growth is smaller: bushy- 4 m, dwarf bush-like- 3m, dwarf bush-like on M27 rootstock- 2 m, cordons- 1 m, and 60 cm between compact columnar. Now you have information about what distance between apple trees should be when planting an orchard.

Apple fruit type

Depending on what type of apple fruit was chosen for cultivation, you can get a varied harvest.

Summer July - early September Not stored. Consume within 7 days
Autumn September October Limited period - 2-3 weeks 2 years
Winter October November Long-term - 1-6 months depending on the variety

Types of apple trees and their photos

Bush-shaped apple trees are the most popular type, having an open center and a short trunk: bush-shaped 60-75 cm, dwarf bush-shaped - 45-60 cm. They quickly bear fruit and are easy to care for. Mature plant size is 2 m on M27 and up to 5.5 m on MM106.

Look at the standard types of apple trees in the photo and evaluate their attractiveness for your site.

Big trees, grown on semi-dwarf or vigorous rootstocks, they are suitable only where there is a lot of space and are required big harvests. For a standard one, the height of the standard is 1.8-2 m, for a semi-standard one - 1.2-1.4 m.

Cordon is a tree with a single trunk, which is planted at an angle of 45° and tied to permanent system supports A dwarf rootstock is usually used, and vigorous ones are generally avoided. Requires constant complex pruning.

Compact columnar- it has one main trunk with almost no side branches, which means that no pruning is required. The height after 5 years is about 2 m, and the special growth habit makes it suitable for lawns, containers and.

Growing apple rootstock

Growing apple tree rootstock largely depends on its technology on the type of crop growth. The following describes the basic principles. Bush and standard apple trees must be pruned during the dormant period - the method shown below is the easiest for pruning mature trees. Trellis, fan forms and cordons are cut in mid-July (southern regions) or early August (other regions).

Remove dry, diseased and damaged branches. Cut out intersecting branches and shoots growing into the center of the crown.

Then, in the inner part of the crown, one shoot of continuation of the leader is left. Cut out each side shoot that grows into the crown and above the continuation shoot of the leader branch.

Both leaders and side shoots are left in the outer part of the crown.

Harvest from large quantity small fruits can be a problem. If this happens, thin out some of the fruiting branches and cut out some of the side growths.

For a variety that bears fruit on fruit twigs, remove dry, diseased and damaged branches.

Then cut out some of the leader shoots and leave all the side shoots with flower buds at their tips.

What are the best new varieties of apple trees: photos and descriptions

We bring to your attention new varieties of apple trees for cultivation in personal plots. Below, all varieties of apple trees are accompanied by descriptions and photos that show individual vegetative parts and the tree as a whole. You can choose for yourself the best varieties of apple trees that will allow you to get high yields. So, let's begin to study what the best varieties of apple trees exist in the arsenal of a modern gardener.


Autumn variety for culinary processing. The fruits are green with an orange blush. Pros include outstanding floral display, high yields and reliability in northern areas. Does not require a pollinator variety.


Winter dessert variety. The fruits are greenish-yellow with reddish-brown. Excellent taste is its only advantage - the apples are small and the yields are low. The traditional season of use is December-February.


Autumn variety for culinary processing or dessert. The fruits are orange with a red blush and stripes. Best apple dual purpose. Excellent taste and high yields. Two-year periodicity of fruiting; tendency to scab.


Winter dessert variety. The fruits are reddish-green. A popular apple in the UK, but only recently introduced into orchards. Self-fertile variety. The fruits are crispy, juicy, and can be stored for 4 months.


Autumn variety for culinary processing. The fruits are green. Very popular apples for processing, but this variety is too vigorous for small orchards. Two-year periodicity of fruiting; partially bears fruit on fruit twigs.


Autumn dessert variety. The fruits are orange with an orange-red blush with reddish-brown areas. A variety for buying apples in the store, but not for the garden. Capricious, sensitive to frost.


Summer dessert variety. The fruits are bright red. Better than its parent variety 'Worcester Pearmain', but yields are moderate. A good choice for a small garden. It bears fruit on both ringlets and fruit twigs.


Summer dessert variety. The fruit is dull brown with reddish-brown areas. The fruits are quite small, but have a good taste - savory and sweet.


Autumn dessert variety. The fruits are green, turning pale yellow. This is the one to grow if you are a fan of 'Golden Delicious'. A high-yielding variety, but the taste deteriorates during storage. It bears fruit on both ringlets and fruit twigs.


Summer variety for culinary processing. The fruits are yellowish-green. Ordinary early variety for preparing apple dishes. This - good variety apple trees for growing in the garden - hardy, compact, with excellent taste, but poorly stored.

Winter variety for dessert/for culinary processing. The fruits are yellow with a red blush. Outstanding shelf life - can be stored until April. They can be consumed freshly picked and also used for cooking, but the taste is nothing special.


Summer dessert variety. The fruits are yellow with orange speckles and stripes. A reliable and hardy variety that bears fruit abundantly and regularly. The fruits are juicy with a bright taste, but are stored rather poorly.


Autumn dessert variety. The fruits are greenish-yellow with red blush and stripes. You can rely on him as he regularly brings bountiful harvest almost anywhere. It bears fruit on both ringlets and fruit twigs.


Winter variety for culinary processing. The fruits are yellow with a red blush and stripes. A vigorous variety, not suitable for small gardens. Yields are high and the fruits are well stored, but have a two-year fruiting period.


Winter dessert variety. The fruits are yellow with a red blush and reddish-brown spots. An 18th century variety that really has problems. Yields are low and fruiting periodicity is two years.

Homemade apple tree
Scientific classification



Flowering plants






Homemade apple tree

International scientific name

Malus domestica Borkh.

Species in taxonomic databases

Homemade apple tree(lat. Malus domestica) - a widespread fruit tree of the rose family ( Rosaceae).


Malus domestica. Botanical illustration from the book by O. V. Tome Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, Hera, 1885

Branch with flowers

Tree 3-6 or up to 10-14 m high. Low-growing and creeping varieties are also grown. The trunk is covered with fissured bark, reaching up to 90 cm in diameter in large old specimens. The branches are often splayed, forming a wide spreading crown, less often the crown is spherical or ovoid, or the branches are somewhat weeping. The shoots remain pubescent for a long time, especially towards the apex, and are usually somewhat ribbed. The buds are ovoid-conical. Leaves are petiolate, 5-10 cm long, usually ovate with a pointed apex and a rounded, less often slightly heart-shaped, sometimes somewhat unequal base, crenate-serrate, often wrinkled, more or less heavily pubescent on both sides, especially below; petioles usually do not exceed ⅓ of the length of the blade.

Flowers are often on short (1-3 cm long) white-tomentose pedicels, collected in corymbose inflorescences; The corolla is large, up to 4-5 cm in diameter, white or pinkish, darker colored on the outside. Pollen is gray-yellow.

The fruits vary in shape, size (usually larger than 3 cm in diameter) and color, and have short stalks.

The longevity of a cultivated apple tree, from 30 to 100 years, varies for different varieties; within a variety, it largely depends on the degree of its adaptation to local conditions and on the method of cultivation.


The cultivated apple tree is currently distributed in all countries of the world, in many varieties; often runs wild. In Russia, the northern border of apple culture runs in the European part along the line between 60-65° N. w. - Karelia, o. Valaam, Povenets, Kotlas, from where it descends to the south along the Syktyvkar-Solikamsk line and then goes through the Urals to Omsk-Tomsk-Krasnoyarsk-Irkutsk-northern Transbaikalia, along the Amur region and the southern part of the Khabarovsk Territory to Sakhalin.

The Volga region is the main region for the cultivation of autumn and early winter apple varieties.

Features of biology and ecology

Blooms in April - May. The flower lives for 3-4 days, the tree blooms for up to 10 days. Depending on the variety, it begins to bloom from 3-8 years of age. The fruits ripen in August - October (until December).

Economic importance and application

Rtishchevskoe fruit (apple) wine, produced by APO "Rtishchevskoe"

The flowers are readily visited by bees, collecting nectar and pollen. Individual flowers are able to secrete 1-3 mg of sugar in nectar per day. Together with other fruit plants apple orchards have great importance for the spring development of bee colonies. In industrial gardens, bees collect 5-8 kg of honey during flowering. The honey productivity of 25-30 year-old plantings is 20-30 kg/ha.

Apple fruits are consumed fresh, dried or boiled; they are used to make canned food, jam, preserves, marshmallows, jelly, and are used in confectionery production, as well as for the production of cider and wine.

Taxonomy and varieties

Branch with fruits

The taxonomy of cultivated apple trees is very confusing and insufficiently developed. Under the name M. domestica artificially combined big number cultural forms, leading from various types and wild apple forms. Currently, about 10 thousand varieties of apple trees are known, classified according to winter hardiness, the timing of fruit ripening and their morphological characteristics, by the nature of fusion and pubescence of the columns, by the presence and nature of the calyx in fruits, etc.

In Russia, apple tree varieties are very diverse both in origin and in fruit quality; V State Register Breeding achievements approved for use in 2013 include 358 varieties of apple trees. Practical selection of such apple tree varieties as Krupnoye Rtishcheva, Pervenets Rtishcheva, Renet Gromova and Rtishchevskaya Krasavitsa was carried out at the Rtishchevsky fruit farm.


  • Burmistrov A. N., Nikitina V. A. Honey plants and their pollen: Directory. - M.: Rosagropromizdat, 1990. - 192 p. - ISBN 5-260-00145-1. - P. 187
  • State register of selection achievements approved for use. Volume 1. Plant varieties. - M.: Ministry of Agriculture Russian Federation, 2013. - pp. 226-232
  • Trees and shrubs of the USSR. Wild, cultivated and prospects for introduction / Ed. in 6 volumes. T. III. Angiosperms: family Trochodendronaceae - Rosaceae. - M., Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1954. - P. 428-438
  • Kondratyeva G. The Volga region is famous for its apples // Homestead farming. - 2007. - No. 2. - P. 56-58

Malus, Apple tree. The undisputed leader among fruit plants. Of the 15 species growing in our country, more than 10 species have been introduced into culture. These are, as a rule, small, up to 10 m tall, fruit and ornamental trees, less often - shrubs. The crown is often irregularly rounded. The bark is dark gray. Leaves are elliptical or oblong-ovate. The flowers are fragrant, white, pink or carmine, on pubescent pedicels, collected in umbellate inflorescences. The fruits are apple-shaped, brightly colored in many species.

Types and varieties of apple trees

The genus includes about 35 (50) species growing in temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere; four grow wild in Russia.

The most famous and widespread in Rus' fruit crop, in the family there are many cultural decorative species and varieties. Some varieties have red leaves and small red or red fruits in the fall. yellow color various shapes. More than a dozen species are grown in the cult.

Homemade apple tree, or cultivated apple tree (Malus domestica)

The name unites a large number of cultural forms originating from different types apple trees, because of this there are differences in the appearance of plants belonging to this group of species. Typically these are trees 3-6 m tall (rarely up to 14 m) with gray fissured bark. The trunk diameter of mature trees is up to 90 cm. The crown is often wide, spreading, less often spherical, ovoid, slightly weeping; formed by pruning. There are two types of branches - shortened (or fruiting) - on which flower buds are laid, and elongated (or growth). Wild species have thorns on their branches. The leaves are ovate, up to 10 cm long, may have pubescence with bottom side. Flowers on short, white-tomentose pedicels, white or pale pink, up to 5 cm in diameter, are collected in umbellate inflorescences. Blooms in April-May. The apple fruits, juicy, varied in color and taste, ripen in August-October. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th-12th year, bears fruit until 40-50 years of age. It might run wild.

summer varieties- fruits ripen from late July to late August: " Brusnichnoe", "Gornoaltaiskoe", "Grushovka Moskovskaya", "Iyulskoe Chernenko", "Red Early", "Mantet", "Papirovka";

autumn varieties- fruits ripen from mid to late September: " Borovinka", "Zhigulevskoe", "Zvezdochka", "Cinnamon Striped", "Cinnamon New", "Marat Busurin", "Melba", "Orlovskoe Striped";

winter varieties- the fruits ripen in late September - early October: " Antonovka vulgaris", "Bogatyr", "Veteran", "Imrus", "Kulikovskoye", "Lobo", "Martovskoye", "Orlik", "Pepin saffron", "Gift to Grafsky", "Sinap Orlovsky", "Spartan" , "Welsey".


‘Candy’ - Early summer variety. Up to 5 m in height. The crown is rounded and dense. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 90-110 g, light yellow with a pink blurry blush and red streaks on almost the entire surface of the fruit. The pulp is creamy, fine-grained, tender, juicy. The taste is sweet. Ripening period: end of July - mid-August. The consumption period is August. Self-sterile. The best pollinators of summer and autumn terms maturation. Moderately winter-hardy. Scab resistance is average. The fruits are not well aligned and do not ripen at the same time. Early fruiting (begins bearing fruit in 3-4 years).

‘Grushovka Moskovskaya’ (Grushovka, Skorospelka)- Early summer variety. Up to 10 m in height. The crown is spherical and dense. The fruits are small, weighing 80-100 g, yellow-white with a blurred blush in the form of pink stripes and specks. The pulp is white with a yellowish tint, loose, juicy, tender. The taste is sweet and sour, with aroma. Ripening period is early August. The consumption period is August. Self-sterile. Best pollinators: Best pollinators: Papirovka, Bellefleur china, Striped cinnamon, Scarlet anise, Autumn striped, Antonovka vulgare. Drought resistance is low. Severely affected by scab. The periodicity of fruiting is clearly expressed. The fruits are small, do not ripen at the same time, and fall off when ripe. Poorly transported. Highly winter-hardy. Early fruiting (begins bearing fruit in the 5th year). Productivity up to 200 kg per tree.

‘Papirovka’ (White filling, Alabaster, Pribaltiyskoe)- Early summer variety. Up to 5 m in height. The crown is rounded and of medium density. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 90-100 g, yellow-green in color, with a whitish coating. The skin is thin, tender, smooth, dry. The pulp is white, loose, tender, coarse-grained, quite juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, with an excess of acid, with a weak aroma. Ripening period is early August. The consumption period is August. Self-sterile. The best pollinators: Moscow Grushovka, Antonovka vulgaris. Tends to bear fruit periodically. Productivity is average. Scab resistance is average. The fruits are not large enough; when overripe, the pulp becomes mealy and cannot be stored. The fruits may be damaged when picked due to their thin skin. Poorly transported. The fruits are not stored. Winter-hardy. Early fruiting (begins bearing fruit in 3-4 years).

'Lungwort'- Summer variety. Up to 10 m in height. The crown is wide-pyramidal, of medium density. The fruits are large, weighing 115 g, yellow-green with carmine-red stripes on most of the fruit. The skin is dense and smooth. The pulp is dense, fine-grained, juicy, aromatic. The taste is honey-spicy, sweet. Ripening date is mid-August. The period of consumption is August-September. Self-sterile. The best pollinators are varieties of summer and autumn ripening. Productivity is below average. Precociousness is average (they begin to bear fruit at 6-7 years). Winter-hardy. Fruits every year. Scab resistant.

‘Melba’ - Late summer variety. Up to 5 m in height. The crown is rounded and of medium density. The fruits are medium and large, weighing 130-200 g, light green with a delicate raspberry blush. The skin is smooth, tender, covered with a waxy coating. The pulp is snow-white, tender, juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, with a strong candy aroma. Ripening date is the end of August. The period of consumption is September - December. Self-sterile. The best pollinators are varieties of summer and autumn ripening. Moderately winter-hardy. Affected by scab. With age, fruiting periodicity appears. The fruits fall off when ripe and can be damaged when picked due to their thin skin. Transportability is average. Productive (up to 150 kg per tree). Early fruiting (begins bearing fruit in 3-4 years).

‘Cinnamon Striped’ (Cinnamon, Brown)- Early autumn variety. Up to 10 m in height. The crown is wide-rounded and sparse. The fruits are small and medium-sized, weighing 70-120 g, yellow with dark red stripes and specks. The skin is smooth, shiny, dry. The pulp is dense, creamy, tender. The taste is sweet and sour, with the aroma of cinnamon, dessert. Ripening date is the end of August. The period of consumption is September-January. Self-sterile. The best pollinators: varieties of all ripening periods. Precociousness is average (they begin to bear fruit at 6-7 years). With age, fruiting periodicity appears. The fruits are not large enough. Moderately resistant to scab. Highly winter-hardy. Productivity is high (up to 200 kg per tree).

‘Borovinka’ - (Kharlamovskoye, Kharlamovka, Borovitskaya)- Autumn variety. Up to 5 m in height. The crown is rounded and sparse. The fruits are average, weighing 78 -113 g, smooth, round, yellow-pink with a red blush. The skin is smooth, dry, with a slight waxy coating. The pulp is yellowish, juicy, a little rough. The taste is sweet and sour, with a predominance of acid. Ripening date is mid-August. The period of consumption is August - September. Self-sterile. The best pollinators: Bellefleur-chinensis, Pepin Lithuanian; Autumn striped, Striped anise, Scarlet anise, Papirovka, Slavyanka. Low drought resistance. The periodicity of fruiting is clearly expressed. Brittle branches. The fruits have a mediocre taste, and with a lack of moisture they crumble greatly. Affected by scab. Transportability is average. Highly winter-hardy. Productive (80-150 kg per tree). Unpretentious. Quite early-bearing (begins bearing fruit in the 5th year).

‘Autumn Striped’ (Streifling, Striefel)- Autumn variety. Up to 10 m in height. The crown is wide and of medium density. The fruits are medium and large, weighing up to 130-150 g, yellow-green with orange-red stripes on a speckled background, rarely reddish. The skin is thin, smooth, with a waxy coating. The pulp is slightly yellowish, loose, and quite juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, with a wine aftertaste, harmonious. Ripening date is mid-September. Consumption period: September - early December. Self-sterile. The best pollinators: Antonovka vulgaris, Welsey. Low drought resistance. It begins to bear fruit late (8-9 years). With age, fruiting periodicity appears. Winter-hardy. High-yielding (up to 400 kg per tree). Scab resistant. The fruits do not fall off. Transportability is good.

‘Zhigulevskoe’- Late autumn variety. Up to 5 m in height. The crown is wide-pyramidal, sparse. The fruits are large, weighing up to 120-350 g, yellow with an intense blurry dark red blush. The skin is shiny, durable, oily, and “rusty” in places. The pulp is creamy, coarse-grained, tender. The taste is sweet and sour, good. Ripening period - late August - early September. The period of consumption is September-December. Self-sterile. The best pollinators: varieties of all ripening periods. Moderately winter-hardy. Opening flowers may be damaged by early spring frosts. Affected by the codling moth. With age, fruiting periodicity appears. High-yielding. Early fruiting (begins bearing fruit in the 5th year). Resistant to pasha. The fruits ripen at the same time.

‘Antonovka vulgaris’- Early winter variety. Up to 10 m in height. The crown is spherical, sparse. The fruits are medium and large, weighing 120-180 g, smooth, round, yellow-green. The skin is smooth, “rusty” in places. The pulp is yellowish, dense, juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, with some excess acid, with a strong specific aroma. Ripening date is mid-September. The period of consumption is September - January. Self-sterile. Best pollinators: Welsey, Anise, Autumn striped, Saffron pepin. Precociousness is average (they begin to bear fruit at 7-8 years). May be affected by powdery mildew. With age, fruiting becomes more frequent and the fruits become smaller. Highly winter-hardy. High-yielding (up to 500 kg per tree). Unpretentious. Relatively disease resistant. Transportability is good.

'Lobo'- Winter variety. Up to 5 m in height. The crown is wide-rounded and sparse. The fruits are large, weighing 130-160 g, round, raspberry-red. Skin with a strong waxy coating. The pulp is white, fine-grained, juicy, tender. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant. Ripening date is early September. Consumption period: September - February. Self-sterile. The best pollinators are varieties of autumn and winter ripening. Medium winter hardy. Affected by powdery mildew and scab. Drought resistant. Productivity is high and annual. Early fruiting (begins bearing fruit in 4-5 years). Transportability is good.

'Bogatyr'- Late winter variety. Up to 10 m in height. The crown is spreading and sparse. The fruits are very large, weighing 150-350 g, smooth, light green with a bright red blush. The skin is smooth, “rusty” in places. The pulp is white, dense. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant. Ripening period - late September - early October. The period of consumption is November-May. Self-sterile. The best pollinators are varieties of autumn and winter ripening. Moderately winter-hardy. Precociousness is average (they begin to bear fruit at 6-7 years). Scab resistance is average. The yield is high (80-150 kg per tree) and annual. Precocious. Unpretentious. The fruits do not fall off, with very long term storage (up to eight months). Transportability is good.

‘Sinap Orlovsky’- Late winter variety. Up to 10 m in height. The crown is wide-pyramidal, of medium density. The fruits are medium and large, weighing 110-130 g, round-conical in shape, yellow-green with a delicate blush on the sunny side. The skin is strong, smooth, shiny, oily. The pulp is greenish-cream in color, very juicy, high quality. The taste is sweet and sour, with a weak aroma, harmonious. Ripening date is the end of September. The period of consumption is November-May. Self-sterile. The best pollinators are varieties of autumn and winter ripening. Scab resistance is average. The tree is very big. Winter-hardy. Productivity is high and annual. Early fruiting (begins bearing fruit in 4-5 years). The fruits are stored for a long time until the end of May.

Plum leaf apple tree, Chinese apple tree, or Chinese apple tree (Malus x prunifolia)

A small tree, up to 10 m tall, sometimes bushy, with a broadly rounded crown. Young shoots are reddish-brown, densely pubescent, mature shoots are grayish-brown or reddish, ascending, not pubescent. The leaves are ovate or round, dark green, slightly pubescent in youth, with a bronze tint in autumn, up to 10 cm long. The flowers are white, sometimes pinkish on the outside, up to 3 cm in diameter, 5-8 in umbellate inflorescences. Blooms in April - May. The fruits are spherical, up to 3 cm, edible, yellow or red. The fruits ripen in September and remain on the tree for a long time. Resistant to fungal diseases. Tolerates crown pruning well.

USDA zone 3

Berry apple tree, or Siberian apple tree (Malus baccata)

A small tree 5-10 m tall, with a round, dense crown and thin shoots. Elliptical or ovate leaves up to 8 cm long, shiny. The flowers are white, odorless, up to 4 cm in diameter. Blooms in May. The fruits are spherical, very small, up to 1 cm in diameter, on a long stalk, red or yellow, stored on the tree for a long time. The fruits ripen in September and bear fruit from the age of 5 years. It grows slowly.

Relatively gas-resistant. Tolerates haircuts well.

USDA zone 2-3. Winter hardiness is high.

Decorative forms and varieties of apple berry trees:

‘Aureo-marginata’- with a yellow border along the edges of the leaves;

'Gracilis'- an elegant small tree with drooping branches, small leaves on long petioles and small flowers;

‘Roseo-plena’- with pink double flowers;

‘Mandshurica’—a tree about 20-30 m tall, broadly elliptical leaves with pubescent petioles, flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, pinkish-white, fragrant, fruits larger than those of the main form, highly drought-resistant.

Street Parade’ - the flowers are large, white, the fruits are red, the crown is dense and dense.

Pallas apple tree, or Siberian apple tree (Malus pallasiana)

Tree up to 5 m tall with reddish, slightly twisting branches. The flowers are white, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, petals with a pronounced claw, bloom profusely at the end of May. The yellow and red fruits on long “legs” ripen in September and remain on the tree until winter. Recently, this type has been equated with the previous one.

Apple tree (Malus x floribunda)

Tree up to 6-10 m tall, native to Japan (in middle lane Russia - up to 4 m). Purple or intense red buds open into pale pink or white flowers and bloom in May. The fruits are small, red, and ripen in September. IN temperate climate can only be grown in the warmest and most wind-protected places.

Wonderful apple tree (Malus spectabilis)

Tree up to 5-7 m tall, native to China. The buds are carmine, the flowers are pale pink, single or double. Blooms in late May-early June. The fruits are spherical, yellow, up to 2 cm in diameter, ripen in August.

F. albiplena- distinguished by white double flowers and abundant flowering.

Apple tree, or wild apple tree (Malus sylvestris)

In nature, it grows in the northern and western parts of the middle zone in mixed and deciduous forests, along their edges.

This tree is up to 5-10 m tall with a spherical crown. The flowers are fragrant white or pinkish, up to 4 cm in diameter, bloom in the second half of May. The fruits are small, greenish-yellow, sometimes with blush, sweet and sour, edible. The ancestor of modern fruit varieties.

Popular forms of wild apple tree:

f. pendula- characterized by a drooping, weeping crown shape and abundant flowering;

f. plena- with double pinkish flowers up to 4 cm in diameter.

Early apple tree (Malus sylvestris ssp. praecox)

Similar to the forest apple tree, but short (up to 3-4 m) and more thermophilic.

Niedzwetzkyana apple tree (Malus niedzwetzkyana)

A small tree, in central Russia reaches a height of 3 m, in the south 8 m. The branches are smooth, without thorns, young shoots are dark purple.

The leaves are obovate, up to 8 cm long, during the blooming period they are purple-red, when fully leafed, only the petioles remain intensely colored, the summer color of the leaf is dark green above, purple below, the leaves are pubescent.

The buds are dark purple. Flowers are 3-4 cm in diameter, intense pink or red-purple, on thin, white-tomentose peduncles. It blooms in May-June, flowering lasts on average 10 days, the flowers do not bloom at the same time, budding significantly lengthens the decorative phase.

The fruits are small or medium-sized, single, up to 5 cm, slightly spherical, with a waxy coating, violet-purple, with pink-purple flesh. Ripen in August, fruiting lasts up to one month/

Unpretentious. Resistant to pests and diseases.

USDA zone 4

A complex hybrid obtained with the participation of the Niedzwiecki apple tree is purple apple tree (Malus x purpurea) — beautiful plant with purple leaves, abundant bright crimson flowers and dark red fruits.

Variety "Royalty", one of the most effective red-leaved plants. This is a hybrid of complex origin, like many apple varieties. Usually offered on a standard. The leaves are large, shiny, dark purple without brown tint. The flowers are dark crimson, and so are the China apples.

Sievers apple tree (Malus sieversii)

Tree up to 8 m tall. In nature it grows in the Middle and East Asia. Blooms at the end of May.

Manchurian apple tree (Malus manshurica)

Tree 5-15 m tall with dark-colored bark, native to Far East. The flowers are pinkish-white, up to 3 cm in diameter, fragrant. Blooms profusely from mid to late May. The fruits are small and orange.

Low apple tree, or “Umbrella red-flowered” (Malus pumila ‘Umbraculifera rubriflora’)

A very decorative tree with a weeping crown, small leaves. When blooming, the flowers are red, later bronze-green, and the flowers are dark pink.

Low apple tree, or “Umbrella white-flowered” (Malus pumila ‘Umbraculifera alba’)

A low tree with widely spread hanging branches. The leaves are small and shiny. The flowers are small, white with a purple calyx. The fruits are small and green.


IN special group You can select varieties with a columnar crown shape. The principle of columnarity lies in the ability to form fruiting points—fruit formations such as ringlets on vertically growing shoots. Due to the close internodes, a compact crown is formed. Columnarity is a characteristic of the variety. Currently, varieties of columnar apple trees have been developed different terms ripening with fruits different color and taste. When grown in the garden, columnar plants can be planted at a distance of 0.4 m from each other.

Apple tree care

All apple trees are light-loving, especially varieties with decorative painting leaves. They are undemanding to soil, but prefer air- and moisture-permeable loams. They do not tolerate wetlands with close groundwater levels.

During dry times, apple trees are watered at least once a week. During dry autumn, late autumn watering is recommended. Feed during the season (May, June) with complex mineral fertilizers. Once every three years in the fall (October), rotted manure (compost) is added to the tree trunk circle. In early spring(end of February - end of April) conduct formative and sanitary pruning(cut out dry, diseased and broken branches).

Apple tree propagation

Species apple trees are propagated by seeds (sown in autumn); they are used for breeding varieties. various ways vaccinations.

Application in culture

Apples are widely used in cooking, both fresh and prepared (compotes, jam, wine, juices, jam, marmalade, etc.). Apples contain a lot of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, PP, sugars, organic acids, iron salts.

Fresh apples have anti-putrefactive, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and hematopoietic properties.

From the juice of sour apples, malic acid iron extract is made, which is used to treat anemia.

Apple tree leaves can be used as a source of vitamin C.

Apple tree (Malus)

genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of the Rosaceae family. The branches are shortened (fruiting), on which flower buds are laid, and elongated (growth). Wild species have thorns on their branches. The leaves are petiolate, glabrous or pubescent, with falling or remaining stipules. Flowers (white, pink, red) in semi-umbrellas or shields. The fruit is an apple (edible in most species) with 5 nests (chambers) containing 2 seeds. There are 36 species in the genus (according to other sources, about 150), in the USSR there are 15 species. There are 10-12 species in culture, the most common are: domestic or cultivated jacuzzi (M. domestica), which includes most of the varieties cultivated in the world; plum-leaved, Chinese japanese (M. prunifolia) often runs wild; I. low (M. pumila). Of the wild species in the forests of the European part of the USSR and the Caucasus, the wild jasmine (M. sylvestris) grows; in Asia Minor, Iran, Crimea and the Caucasus - Y. eastern, Caucasian (M. orientalis); in China, Mongolia, Primorsky Krai, Eastern Siberia - Y. siberian, berry (M. baccata); in the forests of the Tien Shan - J. Nedzvetsky (M. niedzwetzryana); V North America(Mississippi Valley) - J. Soulardi (M. souldi). Large tracts of wild species are located in the European part of the USSR (Voronezh and Kursk regions of the RSFSR), in the Crimea and the Caucasus, in Central Asia and Siberia.

The domestic apple tree reaches a height of 14 m (usually 3-6 m). The trunk (in old trees has a diameter of up to 90 cm) is covered with fissured bark. The crown is often wide, spreading, less often spherical, ovoid, somewhat weeping, and is formed by pruning. In the northern regions, fruit trees are grown in the form of stale trees (see Creeping fruit tree culture). Leaves 5-10 long cm, ovoid, with a pointed end, crenate-serrate, often wrinkled, pubescent. The flowers are on short, white-tomentose stalks, large, white or pink. The fruits vary in size (diameter over 3 cm), shape, color. Root system powerful, deep, extends beyond the crown to a distance 2-3 times greater than its radius.

Ya. domestica is a long-lived plant (up to 100 years, wild species up to 300 years). It begins to bear fruit (depending on the variety and crop conditions) usually in the 4-12th year, the productive period is 40-50 years. Fruiting occurs at the ends of shortened branches (rings, spears, fruit twigs). It blooms early - in April-May. Flowering lasts 8-12 days. Cross pollination. At abundant flowering About 30% of the ovaries set and develop to mature fruits, the rest fall off (unfertilized ovaries and fruits in June). Y. is winter-hardy and frost-resistant, grows on different soils. Lack of moisture mineral nutrition and others unfavorable factors lead to significant shedding of the ovaries.

Yarn is the most important fruit crop. Apples contain on average (%): water 84-90, sugars 5-15 (fructose predominates), malic acid 0.37, citric acid 0.11, pectin up to 1.2, tannins up to 0.27, vitamin C. Along with fresh consumption, Yam fruits are used in cooking, for processing (jam, jam, marmalade, marshmallows, juices, wine, etc., as well as for drying and soaking). The fruits of wild species are mainly processed. Many types of apple trees (Siberian, Nedzvetsky, etc.) are grown as ornamental plants in gardens and parks, used in protective afforestation. All types - good honey plants. Ya wood is dense and strong. easy to cut and polished well: suitable for turning and carpentry, small crafts.

Yaroslavl has been cultivated by man for a long time. Cultivated in countries with temperate and subtropical climates, as well as in mountainous areas of the tropics. About 10 thousand varieties have been bred. World apple production (millions) T): 18.2 in 1961-65, 21.9 in 1970 and 21.5 (3.05 in the USA, 2.19 in France, 1.8 in Italy) in 1977. In the USSR in 1977, apple harvesting (together with pears) amounted to 7.53 million tons, average yield 42.2 ts from 1 ha. The main areas of industrial culture in Japan: North Caucasus, Ukraine, Moldova, Transcaucasia, Southern Kazakhstan, Central Asia. Yarn is grown in the Central Black Earth and Non-Black Earth zones, as well as in Siberia and Altai. As of 1978, about 350 varieties of Yaroslavl were zoned. In the southern regions of fruit growing, late winter varieties predominate (Renet Simirenko, Parmen winter gold, Calville snowy, Rosemary white, Aport, etc.), in the central regions of the European part of the USSR and the Baltic states - early winter and autumn varieties (Antonovka vulgaris , Autumn striped, or Streifling, Borovinka, Melba, Cinnamon striped, Saffron pepin, etc.).

Yarns are propagated by grafting (see Grafting in plant growing). As rootstocks (See Rootstocks), seedlings of local varieties and forms (Antonovka, Borovinka, Ranetki, etc.), as well as I. forest and plum-leaved, are used; from dwarf rootstocks - I. low (its varieties of dusen and paradise). Seed propagation is used in breeding. The best time for planting seedlings (2-year-olds) in the southern regions is autumn, in the middle zone - autumn and early spring, in the northern fruit-growing zone - spring. On fertile soils plants on vigorous rootstocks are planted at a distance of 3-5 m one from the other, row spacing 6- 8m; on dwarf rootstocks respectively 1.5-3 m and 4 m. For the first 10-12 years after planting, other crops (for example, vegetables) are grown in the rows of apple orchards, and the tree trunk circles are cultivated or mulched. In a fruit-bearing garden, the soil is kept under black fallow, which is alternated with short-term grassing or sowing of green manure for green manure. Doses of fertilizers and irrigation rates are differentiated depending on the zone. Pruning and shaping are carried out taking into account the age and characteristics of the variety (see Pruning fruit and berry plants, Formation of trees, Form gardening).

Apple tree pests: codling moth, apple flower beetle, apple aphids, apple moth and other diseases: scab, fruit rot, black cancer, etc.

Lit.: Likhonos F.D., Yablonya, M. - L., 1955; Simirenko L.P., Pomology, vol. 1 - Apple tree, K., 1961; Budagovsky V.I., Industrial culture of dwarf fruit trees, M., 1963; Ulyanishchev M.M., Yablonya, 2nd ed., M., 1968; Kolesnikov V. A., Private fruit growing, M., 1973.

M. T. Tarasenko.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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    - (Malus), a genus of trees and shrubs of the family. pink. 25 30 species, in the northern temperate zone. hemispheres, ch. arr. on Wednesday. and Vost. Asia; in the USSR approx. 10 species, in Wed. Asia, in the Caucasus, where Japan forms forest and fruit tracts. Wild species of J. forest (M.... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

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