Business women: personal experience of managers. Successful business lady - who is she

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Every mother knows what time her baby goes to bed, what time he needs to be fed and when he is in a playful mood. Well, all that remains is to correctly adjust your affairs to this simple daily routine.

When the child rests during the day, don't waste your time, do some housework: do cleaning, washing, ironing, etc. Stretch this process over several days: today one thing, tomorrow another. By the end of the week, it turns out that you spent at least 6 hours on household chores. Isn’t it possible to bring the apartment into perfect condition during this time?

When a child is in a playful mood and longs for street walks, Use this time to visit a store or meet a friend. So you win, and the child is happy. Having put your baby to bed at night, nothing prevents you from retiring with your beloved husband and relaxing with a glass of wine, or devoting time to yourself and soaking in a hot bubble bath.

Also, don't forget that some tasks can be delegated to your husband. Use this to visit a beauty salon, play sports - in general, to get yourself in order.

Nobody promised that it would be easy. But by planning your day correctly, you can be less tired and continue to enjoy life.

The hard life of a business woman

Businesswomen are women who own their own business. It would seem that you sleep more, work less, go to salons and travel. But it's not that simple. Lady Boss is not just the face of the company, but also an example for all employees. She must always look presentable, be available to her subordinates 24 hours a day, while still finding time for household chores and personal life. In business, you can’t do without the basics of time management.

For a business woman it is important:

  • draw up a plan for the short and long term;
  • always have a backup plan - plan B;
  • delegate responsibilities.

In the life of a modern woman, you cannot do without a pre-drawn daily routine - a plan. If we are talking about a business woman, then drawing up a backup plan in case a meeting with a partner or client falls through is no less important. In the business sphere, this happens all the time, so that time is not wasted, you always need to be ready to occupy it with something useful.

In order to find out about the postponement or cancellation of plans not at the very last moment, but in advance, you need to regularly contact your partners to clarify whether everything is in force. This job is best delegate to one of the subordinates. Ideally for such purposes Hire a personal assistant or secretary. Freed from smaller tasks, you can devote more time to global ones, thereby saving time and directing your energy in the right direction.

What is it like to be a student and build a career?

More and more conscious young people are striving to find a job while still studying at the university. Some are looking for a temporary part-time job to manage their personal finances, while others are looking for a full-time job, which in the future would become permanent, could bring a stable income and provide an opportunity for development and career growth. How to adapt to the employer, teacher and have time to enjoy all the delights of student life?

Only one thing will help here - timely completion of current tasks. Don’t procrastinate on coursework and essays, and at work – don’t push back the project due date. Certainly, will have to sacrifice personal time, but if you alternate things, then you can do everything, always and everywhere.

So that the routine does not drag on, and a large flow of tasks does not knock you off your feet, carve out time for yourself in your schedule. Go in for sports, it perfectly discharges and promotes the production of the happiness hormone. A boost of energy and a sense of satisfaction are guaranteed.

Don't be shy about asking your non-working friends for help. But don't overuse it either. You yourself have chosen your path, you have set a goal for yourself - achieve it yourself.

Whatever a woman does, time management in her life is a breath of fresh air, a ray of light in the darkness that shows a way out of seemingly the most hopeless situations. You already carry out your duties every day, so why not start performing them more smoothly and clearly in order to save your time and energy, look great and be in a great mood. No one should be forced to impose any way of life. But you'll never know if time management can change your life unless you try. Be happy and take care of yourself. No business is worth so much effort, which takes away your health.

9 591 0 Hello, in our article today we will talk about a business woman. The word businessman has become so firmly entrenched in our vocabulary, denoting a man who is successful in business, that we have even forgotten about its true roots. However, when a successful businesswoman is mentioned in a conversation, a smile still runs across the faces of those around her. Will a woman be able to conduct a real business and make informed decisions on an equal basis with a man? There is no need to even doubt this, as evidenced by the examples of such famous Businesswomen as Estee Lauder ( Estée Lauder), Mary Kayash ( Mary Kay Cosmetics) - the founders of multimillion-dollar cosmetic chains, or at least Coco Chanel - not only a style icon of the 20th century, but also the creator of the most expensive fashion house - Chanel. What helped them succeed and how to become a businesswoman whose business will be extremely successful? Our article will tell you in more detail.

Who is a business woman: how to become a business woman

A woman who creates her own business from scratch and excels in its development is just a dry description of the concept of lady business. In fact, this concept includes much more than the essence: no woman who is successful in the business part of life could become so if it were not for the necessary character traits. Those few parameters that distinguish a real business shark:

  • Strong will . Something that is impossible to cultivate in oneself, but what all existing business women strive for. A steel core will be a daily guarantee of success even when an ordinary representative of the fairer sex cries, gives up in the face of difficulties and backs down, hiding behind the back of her man, most likely a fellow businessman. The ability to stand your ground, actively pursue a goal and overcome difficulties is the very first and most important quality.

  • Control over emotions. It is impossible to conduct business successfully without a “cool head”, since in the heat of the moment you can break a lot of wood. That is why business is most often a male path, since representatives of the stronger half of humanity know how to perfectly control their emotions and keep them to themselves. A good businessman can save face even during open skirmishes during negotiations and resolve everything to his own benefit. At the end of the day, business partners are there to make money, not to be liked or be good people.
  • Sociability and charisma. Qualities that distinguish a real businesswoman from an ordinary businesswoman. The ability to find a common language with everyone is perhaps one of the most important qualities, since the business sector constantly involves working with people. This requires daily practice, start practicing at least in front of a mirror. Try to give your face different expressions and try saying the same phrase with different connotations. This exercise will help you develop your charisma and win over any listener. Remember, your job is to attract as many investors as possible to your business, so learn to talk to all “kinds” of people.

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  • Rational approach. This quality can be developed in yourself even from scratch, since business is a delicate calculation in which it is important to correctly correlate income, expenses and start-up capital. Use the famous rules of saving, for example, the rule of four envelopes or seven jugs, which will help you distribute your budget so that your business becomes successful and brings tangible profits.

  • Time is money. A sense of time is necessary not only for a person from the business sector, but also for any of the people, so as not to simply waste precious minutes of your life on trifles. A real businesswoman must make time her ally first of all, remember, there are only 24 hours in a day, imagine that this is 24 thousand rubles or dollars, and every day you must spend exactly as much as is allotted to you: no more, no less . So use this “money” wisely.

Psychological portrait of a business lady

Everything is clear regarding the qualities that a woman starting her own business should have, but turning to psychology, many seriously think about how a business woman should behave. Is she kind to others or is she a “commander in a skirt”? What is the true image of a business woman?

Dozens of scientific works have been written on this topic, but the quintessence is one - a businesswoman should be attractive with her whole appearance .

For example, Estee Lauder, who founded the most successful cosmetics company, stood behind the counter of her store herself and every customer was noticed and kindly received by her. She found time for everyone, showing with all her appearance how important any potential buyer was to her. She was the first to come up with free cosmetics samples and gifts for her regular customers. " With people and for people“- this is the motto of this amazing woman.

In addition, you should pay attention to your spiritual qualities. To win over you, you need to daily cultivate within yourself, first of all, a woman - with a soft voice, a charming smile and a kind expression on her face. Who is more likely to sell their goods: a beaming and sociable girl - a consultant in the jewelry department or a salesperson of household goods, who with a sour face sends the buyer to the stand with the desired product? The answer is obvious.

Therefore, you must first become a businesswoman from the inside, adding breadth of soul and gentleness in communication to your business qualities.

Myths about business women: breaking stereotypes

There are many stereotypical statements that have taken root in society regarding businesswomen. Let's try to dispel mythical phrases. The most famous of them:

  1. A business woman is successful only in her career. An absolute lie that has frightened women who dream of starting their own business for many centuries. A business woman is an example of a strong will, achieving goals and an extremely attractive person internally and externally, always well-groomed, polite and neat. Such a woman is the dream of many men, as is proven by numerous examples of already family syndicates, for example, the Versace fashion house, which for many years has been managed by the widow of Versace himself, Donatella, who in the past very successfully supported her husband in business and was herself an entrepreneur before marriage. And we’ll keep silent about the children - Versace has three of them - a worthy generation for a family business. And there are many such examples.
  2. A business woman does not need children/she has a hard time finding a common language with existing children. It’s a semi-myth, since many business women do an excellent job raising their children, for example, JK Rowling, who, being a housewife and twice a mother, created an immortal fantasy story about the boy wizard Harry Potter. Today Mrs Rowling is the richest woman in Britain and is still a great mum.

On the other hand, some business women are unable to find contact with their grown-up children due to lack of time, since in the early stages of promotion, the business takes up many precious minutes and investments. Not only material, but also spiritual. There is simply no strength left for children, there is only one piece of advice: include them in your life. Do not adjust your entire existence to the needs of the children, make them your allies and assistants, and then active participation in your affairs will entertain the children enormously, and the time spent together will be increased.

  1. A business woman cannot be weak, she must be successful everywhere! The reverse of the first myth, which also leads in the number of its use in relation to business women. If suddenly such a lady does not have a husband or children, or she is divorced, then the question immediately arises: maybe it is unprofitable to cooperate with her in business transactions? Suddenly her business will also collapse, just like her unsuccessful personal life. Here, psychologists advise not to pay attention to the statements of society, because a person’s business needs to be assessed solely by his business qualities, and not by the number of children and marriages. Remember, many billionaires are single, but that’s just for now...

Remember the story of Miranda Priestly (from the movie “The Devil Wears Prada”), she had 3 marriages, but at the same time she had an enviable business acumen and the gift of anticipating the plans of competitors.

The image of a business woman: creating the image of a business woman

First of all, look around, how many women you saw on the street can you safely classify as a business lady? Unfortunately, not many. Some people are spoiled by their hairstyle, others by their clothes, and others don’t know how to behave and laugh loudly at a traffic stop. By what criteria is this business image created?

  • Behavior

A business lady is always polite, neat and expresses her thoughts very clearly. Loud laughter, dashing male gestures, or, on the contrary, overly flirtatious female tricks are inappropriate. Remember, you are at work - not on vacation. Your posture should be straight, and never lower your head down. You should appear independent and serious, and lower your eyes to the floor so as not to embarrass your interlocutor with a close, passionate gaze, it is better on a date rather than in negotiations.

Take a position that is comfortable for you, do not sit deep in a chair and do not cross your arms over your chest. Such closed postures will reveal you as an insecure person with whom you will not want to have anything to do. The best option would be to lean forward slightly, smile benevolently and fold your hands on the table, or pick up a parker. Yes, your pens for signing papers should be expensive - this immediately puts you in a businesslike mood. Little things are always noticeable!

  • Style.

A business woman is always impeccably dressed and made up - this is an immutable law, even if the business meeting takes place at seven in the morning, on the other side of the city and after a lot of traffic jams. In her arsenal, a business woman should have suits, not necessarily trouser ones, and a huge number of blouses and shirts to always look fresh and interesting. According to statistics, a girl who conducts business in monotonous outfits is less successful than a lady who greets her work partners in a new suit every day. And it’s not new, just carefully combined from forgotten old ones. Clothes must be of high quality; it is better to have three expensive suits than ten cheap ones. Your clothes are your face, and it should be well-groomed.

Makeup is better and discreet, mascara and lipstick are enough. Its complete absence indicates negligence. Watch videos on the Internet, take a makeup course. These skills will be useful to you for an impeccable image throughout your life, not only at work, but also in your personal life.

Shoes are only high-heeled shoes, you can choose a stable or classic stiletto heel.

Think about what you wear on your feet, as your shoes should also match your outfit and be always cleaned and tidy. It’s better to buy two or three expensive pairs of shoes than cheap ones that come off quickly.

It is better to choose a medium-sized bag, or opt for a briefcase for business papers. The color does not have to be black; calm brown and gray colors are welcome. It is better to avoid bright colors so as not to look frivolous. Other accessories, be it a flirty hat, a fashionable scarf or gloves, should also be discreet; the brightness of individuality in work is inappropriate.

  • Hairstyle

Traditionally, a business woman puts her hair in a regular tight ponytail or makes a strict braid, but recently the most popular hairstyle is the office bun, which secures the hair in a beautiful circle using a special hairpin. This hairstyle will not only be appropriate and neat, but also comfortable and attractive. However, don’t get carried away with bright hairpins, you are on serious work.

In fact, clothing influences the perception of a woman’s business image in general, since it is not enough to be a business woman on the inside, try to become one on the outside. No neckline, simple sneakers, provocative short miniskirts and romantic dresses - all this will show you as a woman, and not a business partner who needs to be taken seriously. Remember the men's wardrobe of a businessman - a classic suit, highly polished shoes, a briefcase and a minimum of accessories, or, in extreme cases, an expensive watch.

Habits of a business woman

To become a real businesswoman, it’s not enough to always keep yourself in good shape and follow simple rules, you need to make them your habits and get yourself a few more useful “little things” to improve your quality of life.

  • We are what we eat

First of all, lead a healthy lifestyle. A business lady has no time to go to the gym and monitor healthy food, counting calories. However, you can afford a half-hour jog in the morning or evening, and then a light healthy dinner consisting of vegetables and fruits. During the day, do not snack on the go, this will only negatively affect your figure and thinking abilities, since all pies are quite heavy and useless food.

It’s better to set aside lunch time for yourself and go to a good cafe nearby, where you can have a full lunch in the company of your business partners. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will give your body the necessary energy and you will be able to additionally chat about important business issues.

Remember, the biggest contacts are signed during lunch, because well-fed and rested people are much more amenable than hungry and tired people.

  • It's time...

Get yourself an electronic and regular organizer. And don’t forget to write down everything you consider necessary information. Good thoughts about upcoming affairs quickly disappear, and remembering what’s what is sometimes very difficult, and even more so you need to be punctual and not forget about upcoming meetings. The electronic assistant will remind you of this, and if it is suddenly discharged, then a regular diary will also come to your aid.

  • Tell me who is your friend...

Change your social circle. When starting a business, you shouldn’t disown old girlfriends and friends, but it’s also better to acquire new ones in the business sphere, because the company of successful people will help you grow upward every time you communicate. In addition, everyone needs like-minded people who would share your aspirations for success, and sometimes give good advice from their experience.

Remember, billionaires are unlikely to go to the movies on weekends with their homeless former classmate. Those same comrades who are very loved by you, but have not achieved anything in their lives, unfortunately will have to find themselves on the sidelines - do not take risks, during such communication you will always unnoticeably degrade.

Type of business woman: or what kind of business women are there?

When choosing a certain person as a husband or wife, we instinctively trust our type, which is embedded in our head. It's the same in business. There are several types of women that are easy to identify:

  1. « Emancipe».
    A special type of business women who simply hate men a priori.
    pros: business acumen, clear and rational mind.
    Minuses: contempt for males, so it is extremely difficult to earn the trust of such a boss if you are a man.
  2. "Overseer" or "tyrant in a skirt".
    An extremely heavy-handed woman who conducts business as if war were to happen tomorrow and everything must be strictly mobilized. She always has well-trained staff, the best places and low wages. Hoarding is in their blood.
    pros: high sales turnover and iron discipline.
    Minuses: constant staff turnover, since working with such a business lady is mentally difficult.
  3. "The Iron Lady».
    A pleasant type of business woman who knows how to be different in situations that circumstances dictate to them. Margaret Thatcher, to whom we owe the coining of the term, was an impeccable and smiling negotiator and had a steely will when dealing with her enemies.
    pros: the ability to control oneself in any situation.
    Minuses: often pushes his feelings under his shell. The iron lady does not know how to show emotions and express them openly. Because of this, she is very difficult to communicate outside of work.
  4. « Girlfriend».
    An interesting type of business woman who is on good terms with everyone and knows how to be everyone's friend. She is an excellent listener and delves into any problem, so this type of leader is extremely preferable.
    pros: He will always understand the situation and help.
    Minuses: may be afraid of offending and therefore will not tell the whole truth to his face. She doesn’t know how to be tough, she always looks for a compromise, which sometimes doesn’t save her.
  5. « Baba from the market».
    No matter how well a woman knows how to behave, if the “habalka” is dormant in her, then sooner or later it will manifest itself in an extreme situation, for example, if the car stalls on the way to the office. Forgetting about decency, such a woman will easily say a few strong words and light a cigarette in front of her business partners.
    pros: such a business lady is easier to captivate with seductive projects; she often lights up with interesting ideas.
    Minuses: can spoil the impression of the company with rare but well-aimed antics.
  6. « Chatterbox».
    A person who constantly “talks” to the point, to the point, to the point. He can often interrupt and again “broadcast” about the merits and advantages. Get ready to hear everything about everything.
    pros: a detailed story about business with all the little details, which is very good.
    Minuses: A constant stream of words can be extremely tiring for the interlocutor. Such a lady needs to learn to listen to her partner and interrupt more often so as not to miss new interesting proposals from the outside.
  7. « Queen Mother».
    One of the most popular types of business women. In contrast to the deep-rooted stereotype that the Queen Mother in England does nothing, and parliament decides everything for her, this type of businesswoman is very pleasant. She knows everything about everything and everyone, so she makes sure that everyone feels good in her company.
    pros: the human attitude bears fruit - employees arrive, the business grows and brings tangible income.
    Minuses: if someone has fallen out of favor, then it is very difficult to return such a lady to her former location.

Mistakes of business ladies: how to look like a serious business partner, and not a woman, first of all?

"Calm down!" - this is the very first item that needs to be completed on the to-do list for turning yourself into a woman who is going to run her own business. A lot depends on your self-control, for example, how seriously your male business partners will take you. Below are the most striking mistakes of future business ladies:

  • Facial expression. A Hollywood smile will be inappropriate, but a stony expression is also useless. Your trump card is benevolence and friendliness mixed with seriousness.
  • Pose. During negotiations, many women cross their arms over their chests, twirl their curls around their fingers, fiddle with their earlobes, or scratch and smooth their hair - all this reveals nervousness and uncertainty in you. Watch your hands, they should be relaxed and lie naturally on the table or should be placed on your knees.
  • Gestures. The business world excludes strong emotional gestures, as it looks vulgar and shows you to be an impulsive and unrestrained person:
    - do not wave your hands in front of the interlocutor’s face;
    - don’t shake your head;
    — the most important thing is the correct handshake during a transaction. Your hand should be dry and firm, not wet and shaking with fear.
  • Tears. This is the most common mistake women make, when a girl realizes that everything is not going as she would like and therefore emotions literally run high. If you cry during negotiations, then it is better to forget about this business partner forever. Weaknesses should be shown to your husband, not to your colleagues!
  • Speech. Try to speak clearly and confidently, your voice should sound calm. Don’t stumble or mumble, but express your thoughts succinctly and thoroughly. Be consistent and logical, men love it. Put logic at the forefront.

Problems at work: what will a business woman have to face?

  • Human factor

Everyone has problems at work, however, a woman organizing her own business should be prepared for the fact that her problems will not only be private, because a business is a syndicate that unites many people. Therefore, first of all, you will have to face the unpreparedness of your colleagues. It is better to collect information on certain days so that all your subordinates and business partners are prepared. To do this, it is convenient to hold planning meetings at the beginning and/or end of the week.

  • By personal example

The next problem will be unpunctuality - a destructive quality for the business world; it is extremely easy to avoid this - set your example to everyone.

  • A man is better than a woman

And the last problem will be the ingrained male opinion that a woman is not the best option for a business boss. Prove with all your appearance and behavior that this is not so. Be collected, persistent, speak confidently and directly - after a minute of conversation, this problem will also be solved. With subordinates, be decisive, but not cold-blooded. Men are devoid of sensuality, but for a woman this can play into her hands in business.

  • « Cinderella complex "

Sometimes a woman herself does not believe that she can do something better than a man. Thoughts settle in her head that bother her, which develop doubt, thereby preventing her from making the right decision. Today, women have equal rights with men, so do not allow even the slightest thought that something will not work out for you. At an important moment, turn off the woman and turn on the man: decisive, brave, daring!

If you cannot get rid of feelings and emotions, then go to the kitchen and cook porridge, you have no place among successful women.

Problems in the family of a business woman

Most often, due to the desire to achieve professional heights, a woman misses out on the small and truly important things she has: husband, children, parents. A truly successful woman is one who knows how to maneuver between family and career.

Why do we talk so much about planning? It's simple. If family harmony and your work are important to you, then include family in your schedule. Set aside a weekend when you literally disconnect from work (don't check email, turn off your work phone) and spend time with your family by planning something special for that day.

  • Don't forget about your husband. Talk less about work matters, discuss your relationship more when you are together. Go to lunch together (if you work in different places). Take a five-day vacation and go somewhere just the two of you.
  • Don't talk about work at home. Never discuss work matters while having a meal. Turn off your boss as soon as you cross the threshold of the house.
  • Don't miss out on important things while your kids are young. Even a super-mega-busy woman has 5, 10, 15 minutes when she relaxes at work (drinks coffee, waits for paper, etc.) - use these pauses to write an SMS to your child, call your mother or husband. Today, children are mobile and they like it when their parents keep up with fashion: start a general chat on Viber, where only you and your children will be. During the day, send them cool photos, funny messages, or simply correspond on current issues (remind them about the circle, etc.). Always stay connected. Stop and listen to your child, even if he is calling during a business meeting.

Business lady and team

A woman who is successful in business circles understands one truth - becoming the best in business does not mean being away at work around the clock. You need to take reasonable breaks and, of course, rest in order to be fully prepared every day.

Your subordinates will appreciate it if you introduce corporate traditions. For example:

  • New Year's corporate parties with symbolic gifts for subordinates and/or their children;
  • on-site training sessions;
  • celebration on the occasion of the conclusion of a major transaction at the end of the working day or at the end of the week;
  • etc.

All this creates a corporate spirit and a loyal attitude towards management!

In order to keep everything under control, you need to get yourself the “necessary” assistants who will always keep their finger on the pulse in your absence. Do not hesitate to take your business partner as a companion and partner, and also take care of a good manager. His main quality should be honesty. And don’t forget to create a clear plan for yourself every day for what you need to accomplish, so you’ll be more likely to succeed.

Successful business woman: examples of famous business women

Business women at all times were primarily women who, on an equal basis with men, were able to build a successful business and later pass it on to their descendants. The best examples are representatives of the cosmetics industry, such as Estee Lauder, Helena Rubinstein, Mary Kay Ash - all of these ladies founded billion-dollar cosmetic corporations, although their style of doing business had many differences. Lauder herself stood behind the counter and paid attention to each client, Rubinstein kept everyone at bay, and Mary Kay was simply producing cosmetics that, in her opinion, were missing on the market - according to her uncle’s recipe.

The representative of the fashion house, the famous Coco Chanel, rebelled against public fashion and was the first to introduce the Little black dress and short skirt into the wardrobe of a modern woman. Her fashion house Chanel is a model of style and elegance to this day. The motto of Miss Outrageous 20th century was: “ To make the world a better place, you need to start with yourself».

And John Rowling and Ruth Handler became famous businesswomen thanks to their children. The first became the mother of the famous book wizard Harry Potter, writing a fairy tale for her children, and the second invented the most popular doll of all time - Barbie, named after her daughter Barbara.

Thus, running a successful business and being a real business shark is not easy, but if you start to slowly rebuild your life so that business becomes a full-fledged and irreplaceable part of it, you can achieve great heights in the shortest possible time. The main thing is not to give up and only go forward towards your goal!

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Online store of sporting goods Ideal horizontal bar - leaders in Runet in terms of completeness and breadth of product range. The site has 30 thousand products in more than 500 categories. Our goal is to become a leader among online sporting goods stores in Russia within a year, and in the world...

Our strength is in our weakness,

and our weakness is limitless.

W. Shakespeare. The Taming of the Shrew

Today it is almost impossible to find a field of activity where a woman would work, moreover, where she would not hold leadership or at least key positions. In Russia, for example, women head 40% of small and medium-sized businesses. But even a hundred years ago it was difficult to imagine that women could work adequately in business, which was always considered a purely male path. And lo and behold, they work! And how successful! But businesswomen, strictly speaking, are not only female managers, but also representatives of ordinary professions that are in one way or another related to commercial activities, for example, such as a secretary-assistant or an assistant manager.

It's no secret that the path of a business woman is not strewn with roses, and the harsh mentality of business gradually leaves its unpleasant imprint on the finely organized female nature. Business requires from a woman not only strict orderliness of actions, but also sometimes rigidity in decision-making, categoricalness, and authoritarianism. This state of affairs causes irreparable damage to the naturally emotional female psyche. By suppressing femininity in themselves for the sake of circumstances, the fair half of humanity risks losing not only peace of mind and self-confidence, but also their main weapon of influence on men. Always remaining a woman is the only recipe for success for a real businesswoman. How to learn to harmoniously combine these two principles – business and femininity?

We soften the strict dress code

Let's start, as K.S. said. Stanislavsky, “from the hanger,” or rather, from the wardrobe of our imaginary businesswoman. A strict dress code prescribes a strict suit of traditional cut, a dim range of colors, and the absence of aggressively sexual details in the suit (deep neckline, tight-fitting and transparent fabrics, high-heeled stilettos, etc.). It seems that, having lost this arsenal, a woman will turn into a shapeless and sexless object, completely devoid of attractiveness. However, even from such a suit you can create an attractive image.

Firstly, nothing emphasizes a woman’s weakness and fragility more than a man’s suit. Secondly, a skirt always enhances the feminine side of its owner, even if she spends the entire non-office part of her life in trousers and jeans. Thirdly, elegant, tastefully selected feminine accessories (brooches, neckerchiefs, men’s ties in exquisite colors (yes, your eyesight serves you right, dear reader, it’s men’s ties!)), expensive but modest in size jewelry ( earrings, beads) will make a woman truly irresistible. Even those details of the toilet that others are not aware of, but the owner herself knows (stunning lace underwear, elegant stockings), will give her an inner feeling of confidence in her own irresistibility. When a woman likes herself, when she feels her inner strength and, if you like, the power of her charm over the men around her, then she is truly capable of moving mountains.

Reception room – an oasis of femininity

Now let’s move from the wardrobe to the reception room, which should be a kind of “oasis of femininity”. One should not think that the aura of a female presence arises in one or another office space due to the aromas of expensive perfumery novelties or various trinkets such as openwork frames with photographs on the desktop, souvenirs brought by colleagues from distant countries, small caliber plush toys... Nothing of the kind! Even a strict business environment in the reception area can be feminine due to neatness, comfort, and most importantly, the friendly, sensitive, attentive attitude of the owner of the office towards her employees and guests.

I often remember how a new secretary, Yulia K., came to the commercial management of our company. Due to lack of space, she was allocated an uncomfortable, rather dark, walk-through room. A week later the room was unrecognizable. And the point is not that the light was always on in it now, and this left the feeling of gloominess, and not even the new, pleasing to the eye blinds or the beautiful large flower that comfortably fit into the interior. It was just a matter of Yulina’s charming smile, which literally lit up the modest room when one of her colleagues entered it. The combination of calm confidence, the highest professionalism, efficiency, organization and gentleness, ease (but not frivolity!) in dealing with others was so sweet and attractive that it created a strong feeling: this is not just a business employee, but a lady!

Even leaving her reception area and finding herself directly in the circle of colleagues, with whom, we note, the assistant manager needs to keep a certain distance due to the specifics of her work, she did not seem like some kind of alien creature. She was always in a good mood, not talkative, but ready for dialogue, capable of joking with others, inquiring about their personal affairs and hobbies, at the same time a little more formally conveying the manager’s instructions to the employee and then clearly and even dryly reprimanding a careless colleague for delays in work. In a word, like a true woman, she was always a bit of an actress.

But it is precisely this quality that distinguishes women from men. A woman is able to quickly transform herself, change roles depending on the situation and not feel any nervous strain. Men are simply not capable of such aerobatics; they (unless with very rare exceptions!) are not able to quickly change roles. For a man, changing his usual image is extremely stressful. But a good and successful business is, first of all, creativity. Improvisation? Yes, but well thought out and prepared in advance. So female acting in commerce comes at a very opportune time.

Explosion of stereotypes

We have already talked about the suit of a business woman. I would like to return to this topic once again, but from the point of view of the acting streak in the soul of every woman. If a man, getting ready for work in the morning, thinks about a clean shirt, a tie to match his suit and pressed trousers, then for a real business woman, choosing an outfit for the next working day takes much more time. Of course, according to the office dress code, an employee is required to change her outfit and hairstyle, but this alone is not enough. An experienced business woman thinks through her choice to the smallest detail. If she has a regular meeting, a neutral gray-blue color scheme is quite enough. If a meeting promises a career breakthrough, then it cannot do without a dark blue formal suit with thin vertical stripes (a symbol of internal professional growth, according to psychologists). And if the meeting involves a confidential conversation, then the soft pink color will become a faithful assistant, conducive to openness and frankness. Tell me, dear reader, would any male businessman bother himself with such a thorough analysis of his image in anticipation of the coming day? I won't be wrong if I say no. Only artistic female nature brings its own rules of the game to business.

One of these rules is especially popular among businesswomen. I mean an explosion of stereotypes. When a male businessman goes to a business meeting with a female executive, a certain stereotype is already present in his mind. Most often this is a lonely, slightly masculine, bitchy lady of indefinite age and with a heavy gait. (The image of the boss from the film “Office Romance” immediately comes to mind.) And... what a surprise! An elegant, slender young woman appears before him, in whose presence our hero already wants to be, first of all, a man and a gentleman. Or, on the contrary, instead of a tenacious, sharp-spoken and quick-to-deed aunt, an ephemeral creature with an angelic look and such meekness floats into the meeting room that it seems that she wouldn’t hurt a fly. The man relaxes and loses his vigilance, deciding that it won’t be difficult to beat “this sheep.” Meanwhile, a “chilling story” unfolds: a lion lurks under the mask of a sheep! Shock and bewilderment - the partner is unsettled...

Negotiations are like a chess game

Since, following our imaginary heroine, we have moved from the reception room to the meeting room, it would not be amiss to remind the reader that a serious business conversation, intricate combinations of steps in the negotiation process are sometimes reminiscent of cunning chess games. “Where can a woman understand the mechanics of these processes. The braid is long, the mind is short,” - those men who do not recognize the role of women in the negotiation process and in business in general like to quote the proverb. And they are very wrong! A sensitive and emotional female nature, possessing excellent intuition, is much better than a male at catching the slightest nuances in the changing moods of the interlocutor. The woman catches the smallest shades of intonation play, inaccessible to the ear of a man, with ease and ease, immediately understanding what the interlocutor’s attitude is to the issue raised and to her personally. And having a flexible and, as we have already found out, artistic nature, he easily adapts to his opponent, finding himself on his wavelength both emotionally and intonationally. A situation arises of communication in one, albeit non-verbal, language. I'm not even talking about the language of facial expressions! Men are less inclined to express their emotions with facial expressions; women certainly have the upper hand here; moreover, the latter’s observation skills allow them to mirror the gestures and facial expressions of their interlocutor during discussions, which also helps to establish additional positive contact.

Words words…

Men rarely know how to find a successful embodiment of their spiritual movements in words. Another thing is a woman. Her natural verbal intelligence allows her to discover exact correspondences to express the whole range of feelings, internal experiences, doubts, hesitations, etc. “You discourage me with your categoricalness!”, “I am at a loss, listening to your projects...”, “I am shocked by the impudence flight of your thoughts! - such phrases, uttered by a woman, and even seasoned with various intonation modulations, can sound playful and intriguing, cool the ardor of the interlocutor, and can also sound like a compliment. In this regard, a woman’s possibilities are truly limitless!

Compliment is a woman’s weapon

Perhaps we should dwell a little on such a powerful “weapon” as a compliment. For men, it is more difficult in this regard. The male mentality is unlikely to allow praising another man in front of everyone, especially if he is your business opponent, and especially if he is a woman (!). But it is highly recommended for a business woman to compliment a man, admiring his intelligence, business acumen or insight. For example: “Sergey Ivanovich, among my business partners it is difficult to find a more experienced person who, moreover, has such extensive and significant connections...”, “Ivan Grigorievich, only you, with your intellectual baggage and a number of unique author’s developments, are capable of influence the further course of events in the shortest possible time.” Well, tell me, dear reader, what man wouldn’t like an admiring female look and a couple of flattering words, especially if they are backed up by facts!

Emphasized attention to the opponent, the ability to react in a timely manner to what he said and at the same time find the right emotion, showing interest in the little things in the conversation - all this is extremely impressive to male interlocutors. I know many women who, in a business conversation, did not make long and lengthy speeches, did not demonstrate their erudition for the sake of eloquence, but restrainedly and laconically outlined their position, the rest of the time silently listening to the interlocutor. They made the most pleasant impression and evoked readiness for constructive dialogue and compromise solutions.

Create an atmosphere

To conduct successful negotiations, a woman’s ability to create a meeting atmosphere that suits the occasion will also be useful. You can, of course, hold the meeting in a dry, business-like manner, in a meeting room at a rectangular table, with your partner seated opposite you. A distance will immediately arise, not only physical, visual, but also psychological. It is difficult to predict what the outcome of the meeting will be. What would a real woman do? He will hold a meeting at a round table, where all those present are at the same distance from each other, and there are no sharp corners, which always cause internal emotional discomfort. In the meeting room, suddenly, quite “accidentally”, there will be an issue of a magazine in which an interview with the current guest was published, or his book, if he wrote one. His favorite type of tea or coffee will be “randomly” offered as a drink. In short, the entire meeting will be prepared in advance and built according to the “favorite guest” scenario, which any woman uses in everyday life. Sometimes she can move such a meeting to an expensive, cozy restaurant, again taking into account the gastronomic preferences of the business partner. Relax, lull vigilance, tune in to positive communication, win over, evoke pleasant associations - in a word, spread around yourself that aura of femininity that will allow you to achieve the implementation of your business goals. This is how women and business go hand in hand.

And no matter what the skeptics say, a woman and a business are two very compatible things! The whole point is only in the ability to correctly place accents and find a middle ground. Then the business is guaranteed to have a very charming female face.

N.V. Coachman,
personal assistant
General Director of CJSC TVK Aviapark,
member of the Professional Secretaries Club


Hello, dear readers of my site. Today’s article is for you and we’ll talk about business for women! Now I will explain why. One of the frequently asked questions to me is “Nikolai, what should I do? What business should a woman open? Well, the time has come to prepare a full answer to it.

Business for women

For some reason, we have an idea in our society that a woman should work either as a salesperson or a manager, and a man should build a business. All this, of course, has little justification, because women manage businesses no worse, and sometimes even better, than men. In addition, today there are a huge number of business ideas that a woman can easily implement, but a man will be less successful in this.

For a woman, having your own business is an excellent opportunity to realize your professional skills.

In general, the goal of today’s article is to encourage you, dear girls and women, to open your own business. It's not as scary as it might seem. I wanted the types of business for women presented below to inspire you, perhaps you will take one of them into service, or perhaps come up with something new and unique.

So, today I will share with you 40 business ideas for women and talk about what kind of business a woman can start.

Business Idea No. 1 – Opening a Yoga Studio

The initial investment is 350,000 rubles.

The main task is to open a specialized hall for yoga classes. Various directions of this beautiful and flexible sport are popular among people of all ages (kids, teenagers, young adults and the older generation). Classes for children, pregnant or elderly clients are promising.

Implementation of the idea

Opening a yoga studio begins with selecting premises near bus stops or in densely populated areas. It should have a sufficiently bright and warm room for classes, connected communications for locker rooms and showers. The absence of competition in the vicinity of a new sports facility is of great importance for success. In addition, it is necessary:

  • carry out repairs and refurbishment of the interior in a certain style;
  • purchase equipment, rugs and furniture for locker rooms, decorative details;
  • organize an active advertising campaign in various ways.

The average income of such a studio starts from 2 thousand rubles per day. With a monthly profit of 60 thousand rubles, the project can pay for itself within a year of work. It can be further increased by attracting clients with interesting promotions, gift coupons and seminars with the participation of professional trainers from other studios.

Business Idea No. 2 – Selling trending products from one-page sites

Initial investment of funds – from 20,000 rubles.

This new business idea isn't just for women. It consists in the fact that you choose a product that you will sell, make a one-page website for this product, launch advertising and sell the product to your customers. But it only seems simple in words. In fact, this business has many nuances, mastering which you can achieve great success.

Business idea No. 3 – Opening a fitness club (club) for mothers with children

Initial investment of funds – from 500,000 rubles.

Opening a fitness room is an expensive business for a woman. The essence of the new idea is to equip a small hall or club for mothers and babies to practice certain sports together. This is a new sector in the fitness industry that does not have much competition and does not require huge investments. General classes are in demand among mothers who, for various reasons, do not have the opportunity to leave their child unattended.

This is a great business idea for a woman with children, because you can always take them with you to work, where they will be supervised and can always communicate with other children.

Implementation of the idea

If you have a limited budget, it would be optimal to open a circle in one rented room. Creating a non-standard fitness club must begin with organizational issues:

  • choosing the optimal size and location relative to transport stops;
  • decide on a work option (franchise or independent start);
  • select staff who have experience working with children;
  • decorate the premises and purchase high-quality sports equipment.

With the cost of one group hour of classes being 100–200 rubles, daily income can range from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. Additional private lessons or activities will increase profits. When investing in advertising, a business project with a sports club will recoup all investments and costs in a few months.

Business idea No. 4 – Opening an online store

The initial investment amount is up to 300,000 rubles.

An online store is a great business idea for a woman with minimal investment; in addition, it is a modern way of selling most goods. According to statistics for 2016 in America, every 3 citizens make purchases via the Internet. In our country, following the West, this figure is also gaining momentum.

The idea for a woman to open her own online store is to launch a website and organize sales to customers online. A new type of purchasing popular goods quickly caught the fancy of active and busy people who do not have time to visit shopping centers in search of what they need.

Implementation of the idea

The main costs for this business project consist of the following items:

  • payment for the creation of the site, its design and filling with content;
  • purchase of goods;
  • organization of an equipped administrator's workplace for receiving orders;
  • Administrative expenses;
  • costs for advertising campaigns, contextual advertising.

The simplest form of work may be one that does not require premises for storing goods. Otherwise, this will significantly increase the costs of warehouse rental and transport. When ordering 5–7 product items per day, you can do this work yourself. With an average check of 3,000 rubles per day, you can receive up to 200,000 rubles monthly. This will help you recoup your investment in just two months. To maintain a stable influx of visitors to a store’s website, constant costs are required for various promotion methods and optimization.

Business idea No. 5 – Maintaining a beauty blog on YouTube

The initial investment in the project is 100,000 rubles.

Another great business idea for a woman with minimal investment, and it’s also great as a business for a woman in a small town. To build a business in the blogosphere, you don’t have to live in a big city.

An extraordinary business project for maintaining your own video blog about the secrets of beauty and attractiveness is ideal for self-realization for creative girls. The idea is to record and present your own videos on a specific topic on YouTube. A large number of video views makes it possible for the owner of this Internet channel to make very real profits. Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of beauty bloggers, answers to many queries are still difficult to find on the Internet. Therefore, there is still a lot of room for earning money.

Implementation of the idea

A woman’s knowledge of beauty and fashion will help her start this business.

If a girl decides to engage in such a business project, she must:

  • solve technical issues of high-quality video shooting;
  • ensure active advertising and promotion of the channel.

A beauty blog is a kind of video diary of the author. The number of channel views depends on the quality of the footage, the relevance of the topic for visitors and interesting content. At the initial stage, you can resort to the services of a professional who will help attract your first subscribers and organize an advertising campaign on the Internet. To maintain activity, you need to release at least one or two videos a week. Famous beauty bloggers have a decent monthly income from views and advertising of certain brands, which reaches several thousand dollars.

Business Idea No. 6 – Opening your own restaurant

Initial capital investment – ​​over 1,000,000 rubles.

An expensive business idea is to open a restaurant establishment on a franchise basis or independently. The combination of original or classic cuisine, excellent service and an interesting concept for entertaining visitors can help create a profitable and sought-after business project.

Implementation of the idea

Opening a restaurant is a troublesome and difficult task, which requires the future owner to take a balanced approach to solving many organizational problems:

  • selection of a comfortable and large room in a busy place in the city;
  • choice of style in design and decoration, repair and purchase of furniture;
  • purchasing the necessary equipment to equip the kitchen;
  • selection of qualified personnel.

Restaurants are a rather risky business that requires strict cost accounting and analysis of each item. Given the huge costs of opening it, you can get a full payback no earlier than in a year. An average check of 700 rubles when the restaurant is at 50% capacity can bring up to 1 million rubles per month. But a significant part of the income will go to cover fixed expenses (groceries, wages, advertising and utility bills).

Business idea No. 7 – Opening a coffee shop

The minimum investment is 1,300,000 rubles.

The popularity of such establishments makes new business projects in demand in large cities. This is a good business for a woman. The essence of the “fragrant” idea is to open a beautifully decorated coffee shop with a minimum number of seats. In addition to several types of coffee and tea, such establishments offer an assortment of sweets, snacks and light dishes.

Implementation of the idea

The most optimal would be to design a small cozy hall with 20-30 seats, for which you will need to rent a suitable room in the busy central part of the city. In addition you will need:

  • purchasing furniture and renovating premises;
  • purchase of equipment for making coffee, snacks and desserts;
  • personnel search;
  • development of an advertising campaign.

If you are on a limited budget, you should give up your own kitchen in favor of suppliers of ready-made desserts and sweet pastries. The optimal solution would be to work under a franchise from a well-known company, which will eliminate many problems with organization and registration. The average bill for such mini-coffee shops is 300-500 rubles. This gives a monthly stable income of approximately 500,000 rubles. The full self-sufficiency of the project can be judged after the first year of operation.

Business idea No. 8 – Opening a private kindergarten

Initial investment – ​​1,000,000 rubles.

This is another great business idea for women with children. Most often, this business is opened by mothers who were unable to enroll their child in kindergarten and decided to open a private kindergarten in their area. There is practically no competition among private institutions for preschoolers, given the high demand. The basis of the project is the opening of a licensed institution for young children, which is aimed at the middle class. It involves full-fledged care and classes of teachers, recreational and entertainment activities.

Implementation of the idea

Naturally, here too, initial capital will be required to open; this business cannot be built without investments. Opening a private preschool requires solving many important organizational issues:

  • searching and renting premises that meet standards and sanitary norms;
  • renovating rooms and re-equipping them to suit the needs of small clients and employees;
  • purchase of kitchen equipment, furniture and necessary accessories;
  • search for qualified personnel and teachers;
  • ensuring a high degree of safety and comfort for children.

At the initial stage, you cannot avoid visiting numerous commissions and representatives of inspection services, and the costs of obtaining licenses. This will be more than paid for by the income after opening. Most parents in large cities are willing to spend up to 50,000 rubles in one month on such an institution. A minimum number of 20 children attending the kindergarten will cover all expenses and generate a stable profit.

Business idea No. 9 – Opening an agency for organizing events

Primary capital investment – ​​100,000 rubles.

Regarding other ideas, this one is also classified as a business idea for women with minimal investment. In my opinion, a holiday agency is a women's business because it is ideal for a woman. Such agencies are becoming increasingly popular when organizing birthdays for children and adults, weddings or themed events. The basis of the business idea is the creation of a small company that develops scripts and offers holiday productions at the request of the customer.

Implementation of the idea

Opening such an event agency at the initial stage requires costs for making costumes and purchasing festive equipment. There is no need for office space: you can accept orders through your own website or group on social networks. The owner needs to resolve some issues:

  • organization of an active advertising campaign;
  • searching for talented personnel for performances;
  • provision of transport for travel to the place of order fulfillment.

Savings at the initial stage will come from renting costumes from theater studios. Additional income will come from writing scripts for school or student events, collaborating with shopping centers and children's institutions, decorating a festive table and providing services for decorating the hall for special events. Profitability depends entirely on the quality and originality of the holiday organized. Active advertising will help pay for such a non-standard project in a few months and make a good profit.

Business idea No. 10 – Providing toastmaster services

Primary costs for the project are 100,000 rubles.

The job of providing toastmaster services at special events is perfect for creative, enterprising business women. The project does not require huge financial investments, but can bring good profits. Even in highly competitive conditions, a talented presenter will always be in demand among clients.

Implementation of the idea

Such extraordinary work is good for graduates of theater or music universities, for whom this is an opportunity to easily realize their talent. Main tasks when opening a business project:

  • preparation of documents for work;
  • purchasing or manufacturing props and several sets of original costumes;
  • purchase of ready-made scripts (if necessary);
  • acquisition of a set of equipment, studio soundtracks;
  • creating your own one-page website to view your work.

Toastmaster services depend on the scale of the event (wedding, birthday or bachelorette party), the number of hours of service and the wishes of the customer. The average cost of work starts from 5,000-7,000 rubles, so monthly income can reach over 100,000 rubles with minimal time investment. At any stage, cooperation with entertainment establishments will be effective.

Business idea No. 11 – Opening a wedding salon

Initial costs – 300,000 rubles.

A wonderful and pleasant business project is ideal for women with good taste. The basis is the opening of a showroom for rental or sale of wedding dresses and accessories. This service is in constant demand and allows you to earn a good income.

Implementation of the idea

After registering all the necessary permits, you must:

  • find premises in a shopping complex or in a busy area;
  • purchase a consignment of goods for rental and sale;
  • organize advertising in different ways;
  • purchase the necessary trade and exhibition equipment, furniture for visitors.

As an additional service, you can offer rental of evening dresses for women or girls, which are suitable for proms or special occasions. The profitability of such a beautiful business is high. The trade markup on individual models can exceed 200% for outfits and up to 500% for small accessories. Advertising services on social networks, the Internet or local channels is of great importance. The return on investment depends on turnover and season. Minimum monthly incomes start at 100,000 rubles and increase during weddings and school graduations.

Business idea No. 12 – Opening a design studio

The initial investment amount is 300,000 rubles.

What kind of business should a girl with good taste start? Very simple! Monetize your talent, open a design studio: decorating rooms and apartments, home and office spaces, house plots and wedding banquet halls. The services of interior and countryside designers are becoming increasingly in demand among the middle class. The project involves the opening of a company offering decoration and design services for premises of any type, areas of country cottages and dachas.

Implementation of the idea

You can’t do this without investments! First, you will need a small, comfortable room for designers to work and communicate with clients. The ideal location would be a small office in a business center located in a fairly busy part of the city. To ensure the creative process and open a studio, the owner will need:

  • purchase technical equipment and necessary software for project development;
  • purchase furniture for employees and visitors;
  • hire competent designers, on whose skills the success of the business depends.

It is recommended to open such design studios if the owner himself is an experienced designer. This will allow you to properly conduct your first projects and receive good reviews. Advertising and cooperation with construction companies are of great importance. The development of a standard project starts from 2000 rubles per meter. This makes the studio profitable even when handling 5–10 orders per month.

Business idea No. 13 - Opening a women's clothing store showroom

Preliminary investment of funds – 200,000 rubles.

This type of business is ideal for girls with a pronounced delicate taste and the ability to choose original things. The project is the opening of an online store or a permanent outlet with beautiful and fashionable things. Presented in several copies, stylish dresses or jeans will be in demand among fashionistas of the city.

Implementation of the idea

With limited initial capital, you can limit yourself to an online store and offer fittings to clients at home. After receiving the first stable profit, a good option would be to rent a room or area for a full-fledged store with fitting rooms and stands. The features of running such a business depend on financial capabilities:

  • clothes can be purchased on well-known sale sites;
  • Chinese stores with inexpensive, high-quality collections can be a good supplier;
  • Constantly work on advertising the store, attract customers with promotions and discounts in order to create a base of regular customers.

The profitability of the project depends entirely on the level of sales. The markup on various products can easily reach 200%, which will help to fully cover all investments in just three months.

Business idea No. 14 – Opening a lingerie store

The initial amount of expenses is 300,000 rubles.

An excellent option for an elegant “female” business is selling beautiful underwear. The general essence of such a project is the design and opening of a specialized boutique store offering a large selection of linen products for different tastes and incomes. The demand for this category is noticeably constant, not subject to seasonality, and the project itself can bring good profits.

Implementation of the idea

It is better to select premises for a store on busy streets and in shopping hypermarkets. To open you need:

  • decorate the premises with furniture, mirrors and display cases, purchase equipment and furniture;
  • hire experienced staff, preferably female (for the comfort of most clients);
  • purchase a diverse range of goods, focusing on different price levels;
  • carry out an active advertising campaign to attract the first buyers.

If you choose the right place for trading, a lingerie store will quickly begin to make a profit. Many owners successfully work with a markup of 100 to 300% on individual models. Statistics show average monthly turnover at over 300,000 rubles.

Business idea No. 15 – Opening a bed linen store

The initial investment is 800,000 rubles.

The relevance of such a business idea lies in the popularity of the product and the constant demand for it among buyers of different price categories. The basis is the opening of a small cozy store selling various types of bed linen and any bedding accessories. In addition to sets, the assortment should include bedspreads, blankets and pillows, and home clothing sets.

Implementation of the idea

The opening of such a store must begin with the selection of premises in areas with good traffic from potential buyers. Most of the expenses will be spent on the following items:

  • purchasing goods from direct suppliers (will help create a low selling price);
  • purchase of several types of commercial equipment and furniture;
  • advertising the store at the initial stage, spectacular external design;
  • possible costs of organizing trade via the Internet.

On average, the trade margin on many products will vary from 100% and above. During the first months of operation, the store will generate low and unstable income. An analysis of similar bedding stores shows an average turnover of 200–240 thousand rubles monthly. You will be able to fully recoup your project no earlier than six months.

Business idea No. 16 – Opening a cosmetics store

The amount of capital investment in the project is 1,000,000 rubles.

A cosmetics and perfumery store is an excellent business project for a woman. The essence of such a financially profitable idea is to create a specialized store offering a large assortment of cosmetic products. Despite the high degree of competition, the project can become very profitable and successful. The demand for this product remains high even during a crisis, so the cosmetics market is showing stable growth.

The main task is to select a room that should be located in a busy and accessible place. Ideal for:

  • area in a shopping center or grocery supermarket;
  • a place near a bus station, market or bus stops;
  • central area of ​​the city.

The largest expenses will require renting premises and purchasing various display cases and shelving. Cooperation with representatives of famous brands will allow you to receive fully decorated branded display cases for free. A small amount will be required for wages to sellers and the purchase of goods.

Even with high turnover, the store will be able to reach self-sufficiency no earlier than in a year. With monthly purchases worth 1.3–1.5 million rubles, the profit after deducting expenses can be only 150–200 thousand rubles.

Business idea No. 17 – Shop for pregnant women and newborns

The minimum investment is 1,000,000 rubles.

With the constant increase in the birth rate, the demand for products for pregnant women and newborn babies is only growing. The business project is to open a specialized sales point with clothes and accessories for expectant mothers. Their delicate situation involuntarily forces them to change their wardrobe and buy things for their newborn children.

Implementation of the idea

Such a store should be opened in a busy area or shopping center. It is most rational for a retail outlet to choose the first floor in order to make the visit for expectant mothers as comfortable and simple as possible. In addition to renting and decorating the space, the owner needs to resolve the following issues:

  • purchasing high-quality and inexpensive things, toys and additional accessories;
  • purchase of commercial equipment;
  • opening an online store website;
  • expenses for active advertising.

Bulk products such as cribs or strollers can be delivered to order. With a turnover of 1 million rubles per month, a considerable amount will be required for direct and indirect expenses. Therefore, a business woman should count on a net income of no more than 200,000 rubles. The self-sufficiency threshold will be overcome no earlier than after 5 months of stable sales.

Business idea No. 18 – Children's goods store

Initial investment of funds – 1,000,000 rubles.

The demand for any goods for children does not fall even in crisis conditions. Therefore, opening a store with various products for babies can be an excellent investment. The business project consists of equipping a trade pavilion that specializes exclusively in the sale of goods for children. The range can include clothes and shoes, gentle care products, feeding accessories or toys.

Implementation of the idea

Many parents deliberately buy expensive and high-quality products for their children. The level of turnover is influenced by the correct location of the store:

  • in a large shopping or grocery center;
  • near a children's clinic, preschool;
  • on a busy city street.

In the first months of operation, you should not expect more than 6% profitability. You can increase your income by offering products online, running profitable promotions, or introducing a system of discounts for active buyers. Trade margins can vary from 20 to 100% depending on the product group. With active trading and proper marketing, the monthly turnover of the outlet exceeds 500,000 rubles. After full deduction of all expenses and taxes, the store can bring in 1.6 million rubles annually.

Business idea No. 19 – Tea and coffee shop

The initial investment is 500,000 rubles.

The implementation of the project involves the opening of a small store or outlet selling a wide range of tea and coffee. This product does not need advertising. Various types and varieties will be in good demand among buyers of any income. This is a smart investment that will quickly bring income.

Implementation of the idea

The positive aspects of such a business project can be called:

  • the need for a small area for work, minimal rental costs;
  • high demand for goods regardless of seasonality;
  • no need to buy or rent special equipment;
  • ease of compliance with storage conditions.

The main expenses at the first stage will require setting up a store and purchasing a batch of goods. The project itself is easier to implement in a busy place: near a metro station, bus stops or a grocery supermarket. Additional income will come from selling gift sets or sweets.

The monthly turnover of a small tea shop can reach 200,000 rubles in profit from sales. If you take into account all fixed expenses and purchases of new goods, net income can be up to 100,000 rubles. Calculations show that the project can be repaid no earlier than 12 months of stable operation.

Business idea No. 20 – Providing tutoring services via Skype

The initial investment in the project is 100,000 rubles.

An interesting and inexpensive business project involves providing tutoring services to clients via the Internet. The development of technology makes it possible to teach any discipline online or give consultations without leaving home. This option for additional or main income is perfect for many women. In particular, it can be qualified as a home business for women. After all, a 100,000 ruble investment is a start that will help you launch a business on a larger scale and start making a profit faster. But in general, a friend of mine started this business at home with absolutely no investment and is now succeeding in it and even hired several assistants on her staff.

Implementation of the idea

The services of an experienced psychologist, language teacher or tutor of some school subjects are most in demand. They can be one-time or permanent. The teacher plans the working hours and cost of the service independently. To organize a workplace you will need:

  • purchase of special equipment for conducting consultations (camera, microphone);
  • installation of online communication programs for work (Skype);
  • opening an account or electronic wallet to pay for services.

Your services should be offered on advertising Internet portals and exchanges, well-known advertising sites. Even posting leaflets near educational institutions and schools can have a good effect. The cost of the service can be calculated by time (minutes or hours) or per consultation. The price for language classes starts at 200 rubles, so one day of work can bring more than 1000 rubles in additional income.

Business idea No. 21 – Opening a handicraft store

The amount of initial capital is 300,000 rubles.

The passion for handmade crafts has provoked a sharp increase in demand for materials for handicrafts. A good business idea might be to open a retail outlet selling goods for various types of handicrafts. Competition in this sector is quite low. A well-designed store with affordable prices will have a circle of regular customers and consistently bring a decent profit.

Implementation of the idea

At the first stage, you can open a small point on space rented in a shopping center. The entire amount of the initial investment will be spent on the following items:

  • purchasing a set of retail furniture for displaying goods;
  • purchase of the first batches of materials for needlework;
  • advertising about the location of the store.

It is ideal if the owner of a handicraft store handles sales and purchases of goods herself. This will help to significantly reduce the labor costs of the salesperson. Additional passive income can come from sales of finished products accepted for sale from craftsmen for a certain percentage. The profitability of the project depends entirely on turnover and can show a profitability level of 30%. It is possible to fully recoup the investment within 6 months of active and stable sales.

Business idea No. 22 – Providing nanny services, opening an agency

Initial capital – 100,000 rubles.

The growing demand for the services of qualified nannies makes business in this area very popular and relevant. A business idea can be developed in two main directions: providing private services or organizing a nanny recruitment agency. The latter option requires small investments, but a very high degree of responsibility from the manager. In a small town, a private nanny who works directly with parents will be more cost-effective.

Implementation of the idea

The main cost when opening an agency is renting office space. For convenience, you can pay attention to apartments on the ground floor and inexpensive business centers. Meetings with potential employees and customers will be held here, and some documentation will be stored.

Personnel selection is of great importance for profitability. You should carefully check the documentation of the future nanny, conduct testing if necessary, and collect additional information from previous employers. This will help avoid unpleasant situations and increase the level of the agency, which will have a positive impact on income. Such a project can pay for itself in just a month and become a successful investment.

Business idea No. 23 – Opening a cleaning company

The minimum investment is 1,000,000 rubles.

Professional cleaning services have recently appeared on the market, but have immediately become relevant. A new business project involves opening a company that professionally provides various types of cleaning and furniture cleaning based on a contract. Marketing analysis shows that the project will be more profitable if implemented in a large city.

Implementation of the idea

To open a clearing company, several main tasks must be solved:

  • rent a room that should combine the functions of an office and storage space for equipment;
  • purchase specialized equipment for different types of cleaning and dry cleaning;
  • hire and train staff;
  • solve the problem of transportation to the place of order fulfillment.

Advertising is of great importance, which may require posting advertisements and creating a one-page website. The number of services provided depends on the technical capabilities of the company, but affects the volume of orders. The profitability of many successful clearing companies ranges from 22%, which helps to recoup investments relatively quickly and receive good, stable profits.

Business idea No. 24 – Opening a dance school

The initial investment is 400,000 rubles.

Dancing is an increasingly popular option for leading a healthy and active lifestyle. The business idea is to open a school for adults with various dance styles. The most relevant is the combination of weight loss programs and modern dances, which are popular with clients of all ages.

Implementation of the idea

The main problem when opening is finding a spacious and comfortable room. To reduce rental costs, you can pay attention to densely populated residential areas. The best option may be the Palace of Culture. Requires small investments:

  • refurbishment and decoration of the hall, locker rooms and showers;
  • purchase of equipment (if necessary) and sound equipment;
  • search for qualified dance teachers;
  • active advertising at the initial stage.

To quickly recoup your investment, you can additionally provide individual lessons and dance choreography for weddings or holidays. With an average price of a general lesson of 300 rubles and an individual lesson of 500–600 rubles, the monthly turnover will be 250,000 rubles. It is possible to fully justify the costs in just a year of active work of the dance school.

Business idea No. 25 – Hairdresser and makeup artist services

The initial investment is 100,000 rubles.

The beauty industry is experiencing a big boom. Professionals working in this industry can earn a high income. The business idea of ​​providing eyelash extension, nail extension or permanent makeup services is becoming relevant. A good specialist will be in demand in a city with any population size. The most optimal is to combine several professions (eyebrow artist and makeup artist).

Implementation of the idea

You can implement your project in several ways, the choice of which depends on the amount of initial investment:

  • work from home or visiting a client;
  • renting a workplace in an existing beauty salon;
  • opening your own office.

The last option is the most expensive, but it helps to create your brand. At the initial stage, you should take into account some expenses: professional skills courses, purchase of tools, rental and renovation of premises, purchase of materials.

With a price for eyelash extensions of 900 rubles, the master has a net income of 400 rubles. The daily profit amount can reach 2,000 rubles and show the high profitability of the business idea after the first weeks of work.

Business idea No. 26 – Organization of courses (hairdresser, manicure or makeup artist)

Initial capital investment – ​​300,000 rubles.

The task of implementing this business project is to open private training courses for professional hairdressers, manicurists or makeup artists. Workers in these specialties are in demand, and the demand for such services is steadily increasing. Many women acquire new popular professions through private courses, changing their usual activities.

Implementation of the idea

The implementation of such a “training” business project will require large investments only at the initial stage. The main amount of costs will go to the following items:

  • renting a premises with an area of ​​at least 50 m2, which should be located near convenient transport stops, the metro or in a busy area of ​​the city;
  • purchasing tools and supplies for groups;
  • advertising a new educational institution.

Additional income can come from original master classes for professionals, demonstrations of new techniques and advanced training. More expensive one-on-one training can be offered. With an average cost of courses of 25,000 rubles, a group of 10 people brings in 250,000 rubles monthly. Actively promoting courses and recruiting several groups will help pay for such a project with private courses in just a couple of months.

Business idea No. 27 – Opening a mini-confectionery shop at home

The initial investment is 30,000 rubles.

The housewife’s ability to create sweet masterpieces for her household can be turned into a profitable business project. It involves opening a mini-pastry shop at home that produces designer cakes, gingerbread cookies or cupcakes with exclusive decorations. Such non-standard cakes with photographs made of jelly and fairy-tale characters made of mastic are in great demand. Despite the competition, a master with the ability to combine taste and beauty will have many expensive orders. This is an excellent home business for women, which is gaining momentum both in large cities and in the provinces.

Implementation of the idea

Organizing a project at home requires certain investments:

  • purchase of equipment and accessories for work;
  • purchase of special food components;
  • attending advanced training courses;
  • creating an online store or group to accept orders and demonstrate decoration options.

The cost of a beautiful and tasty cake weighing 2 kg starts from 900–1000 rubles. The price depends on the composition of the ingredients and the complexity of the decor. A reputable confectioner with an established client base fulfills at least 20 orders a week and can receive more than 10 thousand rubles in net income for the same period.

Business idea No. 28 – Opening a tailoring and clothing repair shop

The initial investment is 420,000 rubles.

Original clothing models are always in demand among ladies with non-standard shapes. The basis of the business idea is to open a studio that provides tailoring and repair services for various types of clothing. Most of the income comes from alterations and minor repairs, fitting models to fit.

Implementation of the idea

To implement the chosen business project, the owner will need:

  • register a company and receive documents;
  • rent space for a studio;
  • purchase sewing equipment necessary for many operations;
  • select qualified personnel;
  • organize an active advertising campaign using different methods.

The premises should be selected in a busy part of the city to ensure an influx of customers from shopping centers and fashion stores. A non-residential premises on the ground floor, which faces the street with good traffic, is suitable.

The payback of the studio depends entirely on the volume of orders and the average amount in the receipt. If most of the work involves minor repairs, then the profitability is no more than 12-15%. If orders for tailoring increase, the payback may be less than a year.

Business idea No. 29 – Opening a nail salon

The initial investment is 500,000 rubles.

Opening a salon providing manicure and pedicure services can be a profitable and interesting business project. This type of activity is in high demand due to the emergence of new technologies for decorating and caring for nails. Opening such a salon with affordable prices can bring good income to its owner.

Implementation of the idea

A good location for a nail salon is the central part of the city. You can rent premises in a multi-storey building (converted apartments on the first floors), in shopping centers or office complexes. In addition to solving the issue of space for the salon, you need to:

  • carry out repairs and decoration to create an atmosphere in the salon;
  • select qualified personnel or offer a professional master to sublease a workplace;
  • purchase furniture for clients and procedures;
  • think over and organize an active advertising campaign.

Profitability depends entirely on the level of professionalism of the salon masters, prices for their services and the volume of services performed. Many similar projects show payback during the first year of operation with active advertising and various promotions for clients.

Business idea No. 30 – Opening a depilation office

Initial investment in the project is 200,000 rubles.

Depilation refers to cosmetic hair removal procedures, so opening an office does not require medical education or licensing. The business idea is the organization of a workplace to provide hair depilation services in different ways. Sugaring based on safe sugar paste is most in demand.

Implementation of the idea

The main point when creating an office is the choice of room for work. A rented apartment in a multi-storey building or a room in an existing beauty salon would be suitable. With any option, the location convenient for customers relative to transport should be taken into account. Other expense items include:

  • renovation and decoration of the office;
  • purchasing special furniture or having it made to order;
  • purchase of cosmetic consumables;
  • advertising in several ways;
  • advanced training at master classes.

The business will begin to pay off after a few months of active advertising and work. The average income of an experienced master reaches 30,000 rubles every month.

Business idea No. 31 – Opening a spa salon

Initial investment – ​​from 1,000,000 rubles.

Professional body and facial skin care is very popular. Opening a salon that provides such services by real specialists can be a very profitable business project. Competition among spa salons is low, and demand is constantly growing. Various types of massages, oil treatments and wraps are popular with women of all ages.

Implementation of the idea

Before opening, it is necessary to carefully study regional legislation and, if necessary, obtain a license for certain types of procedures. A large amount of initial investment will be spent by the owner on:

  • purchasing equipment and tools, ordering professional furniture for work;
  • carrying out high-quality repairs and interior decoration;
  • training employees in new work methods;
  • active advertising campaign.

The most inexpensive option would be premises in the central areas of the city, which will be located near a fitness center or in large shopping malls. Considering the large costs at the first stage, the spa salon will fully pay for itself no earlier than in 12–18 months. You can attract customers and increase income by holding promotions and selling exclusive cosmetics.

Business idea No. 32 – Opening a hair salon

The initial investment in the project is 300,000 rubles.

A hairdressing salon can become a profitable and interesting business project that will be relevant even in a small city. Given the high percentage of competition, emphasis should be placed on popular procedures for hair care and coloring, and qualified professionals should be selected. A skilled hairdresser is able to attract many clients thanks to reviews and make the salon in demand.

Implementation of the idea

The main task is to find a hall, which must have all communications and a good location. A non-residential converted apartment may be suitable. Ideally, the “neighbors” will be famous shops or supermarkets, or a sports club for women. After decorating the salon and purchasing the necessary furniture, you should decide on the staff. The most popular options now are:

  • full registration and payment 50/50 (piecework payment);
  • renting out a workplace to a hairdresser under a sublease agreement.

In the latter option, the amount becomes fixed regardless of revenue. Analysis of such salons shows payback no earlier than in a year with an active advertising campaign. The average monthly profit of a hairdressing salon with 5-6 jobs can easily be from 150,000 rubles.

Business idea No. 33 – Opening a solarium

The initial investment in the project is 500,000 rubles.

Among the business ideas related to the beauty and body care industry, one can highlight artificial tanning. The basis of such a project is the equipment of a small salon, the specialization of which will be the provision of solarium services. The optimal place to open will be large cities with a small number of warm and sunny days.

Implementation of the idea

Particularly difficult is the selection of premises for work. A good and profitable option is cooperation with beauty salons, sports clubs or shopping malls. It is necessary to focus on young women who will be the main clients of the new solarium.

To get started, you should purchase equipment and furniture for staff, a vertical and horizontal solarium, and create a comfortable environment through decoration. Additional income can be generated by the sale of body care cosmetics, which are relevant after a pleasant procedure.

With active advertising and moderate prices, the project will be able to generate good income after just a few weeks of work. Carrying out promotions and discounts for regular customers will only increase the flow of customers. But a full return on investment should not be expected quickly: the optimal period is 10–12 months.

Business idea No. 34 – Opening a massage parlor

Investments at the opening stage – 400,000 rubles.

The services of an experienced massage therapist are always in demand. In addition to therapeutic massage, clients are increasingly resorting to its cosmetic options. This is an ideal way to relax and improve body contours. Opening a salon can be an excellent business and investment of available funds.

Implementation of the idea

It is better to organize the work of a massage room on the basis of a gym or beauty salon. You need to choose a small but warm room, which is located near bus stops. To open a project for 2 jobs you will need:

  • purchase special tables, couches and furniture for clients;
  • organize a convenient place of work for the administrator;
  • purchase consumable cosmetics, towels and linen;
  • develop an advertising campaign.

Most massage parlors in large cities show stable profitability of 20–30%. The average period for full return of investments depends on many factors and can reach from 4 to 12 months. For a month of operation at 70% occupancy, one salon may well generate net income in the amount of 80,000 rubles.

Business idea No. 35 – Opening a beauty salon

The initial investment is 500,000 rubles.

Almost all services in the beauty industry are in high and stable demand. Opening a new salon with more staff and modern equipment can be a very profitable business project. The most popular are beauty salons that offer clients comprehensive care and services from various specialists.

Implementation of the idea

The choice of premises is an important component of a new project. It must have all the necessary communications and be located in a busy place near transport stops. You can pay attention to non-residential apartments on the ground floors or areas in office centers. The main costs will be distributed over several items:

  • renovation and decoration of premises;
  • purchasing or manufacturing special furniture for craftsmen and visitors;
  • purchase of various equipment, cosmetics and accessories;
  • development of a “bright” advertising campaign, creation of a website.

The success of a salon directly depends on the skill of its staff. After the first few months of breaking even, a “beautiful” business project can consistently bring the owner at least 100,000 rubles per month.

Business idea No. 36 – Flower shop-salon

The initial investment is 200,000 rubles.

The stable demand for fresh flowers and indoor plants makes business projects for their implementation quite profitable. Opening a salon-shop that offers a large assortment of flowers in bouquets or pots can be successful. Such a store can be an ideal project for an active business woman and will not require huge initial investments.

Implementation of the idea

It is necessary to select a premises in a busy area, near offices, a wedding palace or a major transport interchange. It must have all the conditions for storing and placing “delicate” goods. To have a large flow of customers, you can include in your assortment:

  • fresh cut or indoor flowers;
  • various accessories, pots for indoor or outdoor plants;
  • seeds and seedlings;
  • gift and bouquet packaging services.

The main costs will be for renting a store, repairs and purchasing the first batches of goods. The standard markup on different types of plants and flowers reaches 200%, and brings a good profit. The project will easily pay for itself after the first active sales. Don’t forget about advertising, discounts for regular customers and interesting promotions that will bring popularity to the store.

Business idea No. 37 – Opening a creative studio for children

A creative studio for children is a great business idea for mothers on maternity leave. Many shopping centers increase the flow of customers and profits by placing modern creative centers for children on their territory. Creating such a business project can bring good income and quickly pay for itself. It involves equipping a safe room for creative and active activities for children of different ages.

Implementation of the idea

The best option would be to locate a creative studio in large shopping complexes or a central area. The proximity of a stop or metro station is also important for parents. Before completing the necessary documents, it is necessary to resolve an important organizational issue: work under a franchise agreement or open a project on your own.

Organizing a creative studio requires certain investments:

  • repair and decoration of the premises in accordance with safety standards;
  • purchasing the necessary tools and materials for different types of work;
  • salaries for experienced and qualified teachers.

Now you know what business to start on maternity leave. But that's not all!

Business idea No. 38 – Opening a speech therapy studio for children

The initial investment is 200,000 rubles.

The services of various children's development studios are relevant and in demand. To stand out from similar ones, you can work in one specific direction or with a certain methodology. Considering the popularity and need for the services of a speech therapist, a specialized speech therapy studio would be a good business project. It can combine entertaining and educational activities. This is a good business idea exclusively for women.

Implementation of the idea

Opening such a studio does not require special licenses or constant investment of funds. The main costs required at the initial stage:

  • rental and renovation of classroom space;
  • purchasing furniture for classrooms and play sets;
  • design of a waiting area for parents;
  • purchase of necessary educational and creative materials;
  • salaries of teachers.

Active advertising on the Internet and posting notices near children's educational institutions will attract the first customers. With an average cost of one hour lesson of 100–150 rubles, such a studio can bring in from 6,000 rubles per day. You can increase your income through individual lessons, increasing the number of groups and creating directions with various innovative techniques.

Business idea No. 39 – Opening a hand-made project

The initial investment is 100,000 rubles.

The demand for handmade products and clothing remains consistently high. For women who have a certain talent, a business project for the production and sale of hand-made items may be a good option. In addition to knitting and embroidery, the making of postcards and sewing toys, the production of jewelry and costume jewelry are very popular.

Implementation of the idea

A modern handmade project can be implemented in two different ways:

  • produce and sell only your own products and goods (through an online store or by giving them away for sale);
  • open a specialized store selling products of various creative styles from several craftsmen (macrame, knitting, quilling or felting).

In the first option, you can limit yourself to an inexpensive website. Additional income and reduction of expenses will come from cooperation with other masters. The profitability of the project will depend entirely on the prices set for handmade products. Most often the markup is 100–150%. It must take into account material and indirect costs, taxes and payment for advertising the store or website of the master.

Business idea No. 40 – Franchise business for women

You can also get business ideas from franchises or open a franchise business altogether. Franchising has many pros and cons, but overall it’s a great idea for a woman to open a business.

In order to choose a franchise, you can go to ours. There are many options out there and new ones are added frequently.


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