Electric pancake pan. Battle of the strongest or which pancake pan is better: cast iron, aluminum or ceramic

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Today they produce many various models frying pans Manufacturers produce separate products for frying meat and fish, stewing vegetables, cooking scrambled eggs, pancakes and pancakes. To fry pancakes, you can purchase specialized utensils, or you can bake the dish in a universal frying pan. To ensure that the dough does not stick and the pancakes are successful, it is important to pay attention to the material, the thickness of the bottom and walls, the diameter and coating of the product. In this article we will find out which pan is best to bake pancakes in.

Special pancake pans

Such models are characterized by low sides and small diameter, thin handle and light weight. In such a container it is convenient to turn and fry pancakes. In addition, it is suitable for cooking scrambled eggs, pancakes, potato pancakes and dumplings.

The pan for frying pancakes has a special non-stick coating. And some models even have special indentations and patterns on the bottom to cook patterned pancakes.

If you don't want to buy a separate special pan for pancakes, you can use cast iron or aluminum models with a non-stick coating. Dishes with marble or ceramic coating are also suitable.

You can fry on marble and ceramic coatings even without oil, which reduces the calorie content of the dish. As a result, the pancakes come out tender and non-greasy. Cast iron cookware is an all-time classic.

On an aluminum frying pan with a non-stick coating, the dough leaves the surface well, which simplifies and speeds up the preparation of the dish. Next, we will find out in detail how to choose a pan for pancakes.

Rules for choosing a frying pan for frying pancakes

The main factor when choosing is the coating material of the product. In this case, it is better to choose cookware with non-stick properties, which are typical for Teflon, marble and ceramic coatings. To fry pancakes, you must choose models with low sides and a thick bottom with a height of at least 6 mm. This will ensure even heat distribution and browning.

Pay attention to the diameter of the bottom. If you like large pancakes, choose a diameter of 20-22 centimeters. And for small pancakes or pancakes, 15 is enough. If you plan to cook other dishes in a frying pan, choose a diameter over 24 centimeters.

Don't forget that kitchen utensils should be comfortable to use. The dishes should be easy to wash. It should be easy to wash and not weigh too much. A heavy frying pan is difficult to lift. If you plan to cook other dishes, don't forget the lid. It would be good if there was a hole for steam to escape. The most practical are transparent lids made of durable glass. They are resistant to steam, humidity and high temperature. At the same time, you can easily monitor the cooking without opening the pan.

The most practical models are those with a removable handle, which makes cleaning easier. In addition, utensils without a handle can be placed in the oven if the material can withstand high temperatures. By the way, the removable handle can fit several frying pans at once. It is important that the handle is securely and firmly attached to the dish. Among other things, it should not heat up. Don't forget to purchase plastic or wooden spatulas for frying and flipping pancakes.

Coating material

Ceramic allows cooking without the use of oil and fat. The material holds heat well, and food does not burn to the surface. But gradually it wears out and becomes scratched. Therefore, metal spatulas, knives and forks, aggressive detergents and abrasives, brushes and hard sponges should not be used for such dishes.

Teflon is characterized by high non-stick properties, rapid and uniform heating. Despite the rumors, it has been proven that this material safe and harmless to humans. However, these are expensive dishes. Among other things, it is subject to mechanical stress.

Titanium frying pans are made with a coating of heavy-duty ceramic with the addition of titanium oxide, which increases non-stick properties. This is an environmentally friendly and safe raw material, resistant to mechanical influence. The material will easily last 20-25 years. It heats up quickly and retains heat for a long period. Suitable for frying without oil and for use in the oven. Among the disadvantages, we note the high price.

Mineral coating includes marble chips and granite. The material is characterized by increased strength, reliability and durability, uniform heat distribution and the ability to cook without oil. They can withstand high temperatures and are oven safe. However, frying pans made from stone chips are extremely expensive. In addition, there are often fakes on the market.

The casing material is no less important. Today, products are made from cast iron and copper, aluminum, ceramics and stainless steel. Copper models last longer than others, but are also more expensive. Aluminum is the most affordable, and stainless steel retains the taste of food, but can burn.

Cast iron lasts a long time, provides even cooking and does not burn, but requires calcination and is heavy. Let's look at the properties of each material separately.

Ceramics and aluminum

An aluminum frying pan is inexpensive and heats up in a short time. It is perfect for preparing pancakes, scrambled eggs, potato pancakes and vegetables. But frying cutlets or meat is not recommended here. Aluminum models are produced stamped or cast.

In the first case, the thickness of the bottom of the dish reaches over 2.7 mm. Cast products are made with a thicker bottom and walls, which makes the container reliable, strong and durable, but heavy. The bottom in this case is 5-7 mm.

Ceramic models are made not from classical ceramics, but from nanocomposite material (ecolon or thermolon). Ceramic also allows you to cook without oil, which increases the benefits of cooked food. The pancakes turn out tastier and more tender. In addition, ceramics are lighter in weight and more comfortable to use than cast iron or aluminum.

By the way, ceramics are suitable for preparing any type of dish. However, it requires careful care. You must be careful not to damage or scratch the fragile coating. Products cannot be washed in dishwasher.

Stainless steel and cast iron

Modern stainless steel frying pans contain a bottom of five layers. This gives even heating, but due to the poor thermal conductivity of the material, food can still burn to the surface. But you can choose combined models made of aluminum and stainless steel.

In combined products, aluminum is placed between steel layers. The result is a durable and reliable cookware that heats up and distributes heat evenly. Moreover, the products can be safely washed in the dishwasher.

Cast iron is durable and reliable material, which is resistant to mechanical stress. It is not afraid of metal blades and rust, and does not burn. Cast iron provides slow and even heating, so the contents seem to be simmering in an oven, which gives the dish a special taste.

Cast iron cookware will become suitable solution for cooking stews, pilaf and various stews. At the same time, in such a frying pan you can easily fry meat and cook pancakes. But it weighs quite heavily, which complicates operation and maintenance. Therefore, for pancakes, choose a small model.

In addition, you cannot fry in a cast iron container without oil. And before use, cast iron must be calcined and periodically soaked in vegetable oil. This creates a non-stick surface. Read how to properly heat a cast iron frying pan.

The best pancake pans

  • Biol 04241 (Ukraine) is a pancake frying pan with an increased diameter of 24 cm and a removable wooden handle. Made from durable cast iron and retains heat for a long time after heating. The bottom thickness is 4 mm. The product is characterized by low cost and uniform heating. But this cast-iron model is heavy and comes without a non-stick coating, so the pan must be heated before use;
  • Neva metal “Cheerful Smile” (Russia) is a compact and practical model with a pattern that will allow you to bake “smiling” pancakes, which children will especially like. A product made of cast aluminum with a non-stick coating, a classic diameter for a pancake frying pan of 22 cm and a thick bottom of 6 mm. Ensures uniform heating and does not require special care and is suitable for frying without oil. The height of the sides is only two centimeters.
  • Tefal Tendance (France) is one of the oldest companies producing frying pans. Of course, she couldn’t ignore making pancakes. The pancake pan has a Teflon coating, does not allow food to burn, and does not emit harmful substances when heating and cooking. The model has a heating indicator, a bottom diameter of 20 centimeters and a securely attached handle, which, however, cannot be removed.
  • Rondell Mocco (Germany) — modern products Features a super durable non-stick titanium coating and extruded aluminum body. Here you can easily prepare omelettes and scrambled eggs, potato pancakes, pancakes and, of course, pancakes. The thickness of the bottom is 4.5 mm, the diameter is 22 cm. The handle is made of stainless steel in an ergonomic shape using silicone anti-slip parts, which makes using the frying pan as comfortable as possible. The model features a stylish appearance, convenient compact dimensions, durability, but also high price;
  • Kukmara “Tradition” (Russia) is a universal model for preparing pancakes and dishes for three people. This is a cast aluminum frying pan with a durable ceramic coating, made according to Soviet standards from environmentally friendly and safe raw materials. It does not emit hazardous substances and allows you to cook with a minimum amount of oil. The bottom diameter is 26 cm, and the height of the sides is six. The package includes a transparent glass cover and several removable handles.

How to cook pancakes correctly

To ensure that the pancakes do not burn and are cooked correctly, it is important not only to choose a good and high-quality frying pan. Before cooking, the frying pan must be thoroughly washed and dry. Grease both the bottom and sides with oil if you fry in oil. We lubricate it, not pour it on. Then the pancakes will turn out to be less high-calorie and fatty. Plus, you'll save oil.

You need to heat the frying pan well and reduce the heat to low. Pour the dough into the center, and then quickly tilt the container in a circular motion so that it spreads over the surface and forms a pancake. It is desirable that the liquid covers the entire area.

If the pancakes start to bubble, it means there is not enough flour in the batter. Poke the bubble in the center with a fork and it will disappear. If the pancakes turned out too thick, it means there was too much flour. To prevent the dough from sticking to the bottom, add a little to the recipe. vegetable oil.

To flip the pancakes, use a spatula that is wide and thin at the end. If the finished pancake breaks during the turning process, the dough is too dry. The mixture needs to be diluted with milk and a little vegetable oil added. You will find even more tips on choosing a frying pan at the link /.

In Russian cuisine, pancakes take pride of place in both Everyday life, and on festive table. This treat is prepared with a variety of salty, spicy and sweet fillings, and served with tea with butter, honey, jam, and condensed milk. Baking this delicious and aromatic traditional dish has its own tricks and nuances. It is especially worth paying attention to frying utensils.

It's all about the form

To prepare everyone’s favorite delicacy, you will need a small set of available products (eggs, flour, milk, salt, sugar, soda, vegetable oil for frying) and a good pancake pan. You can, of course, fry in ordinary dishes, but experienced housewives and leading culinary experts unanimously insist that this dish must be prepared using special kitchen utensils. The thing is that regular frying pans have walls and bottoms that are either equally thick or equally thin. A pancake frying pan differs from its kitchen counterparts in having a thick bottom and thin walls. It is this feature that contributes to good and quick frying of both thin and thick truly Russian pancakes. In addition, the pancake pan has low edges, which makes flipping much easier. The shapes of such special vessels come in a wide variety: round of all possible diameters, oval, in the shape of hearts and bears, with a ribbed bottom and a flat one. Most convenient classic version- round with medium diameter. In such a frying pan you can bake both thick pancakes with butter and thin ones for filling. Although the kids, of course, will really like breakfast in the shape of some animal’s face.

Old-timer frying pans

Many people still have pancake pans left in their kitchens from their mothers and grandmothers. These kitchen utensils from centuries past are most likely made of cast iron. These are also produced today. A cast iron pancake pan is very good for baking aromatic dough, as it heats up perfectly evenly and keeps the temperature at the same level. But there is one significant drawback - products made from this material are very heavy. They cannot be placed on modern ovens with glass coatings, and to deftly flip pancakes in such a frying pan, you need a certain skill.

A few decades ago, aluminum reigned in the kitchens of all housewives: pots, spoons, forks and, of course, a variety of frying utensils. An aluminum pancake pan is light and cheap, but that’s where its advantages end. Standard stamped specimens have a thin bottom, as a rule, they do not have coatings, they are easily deformed, and heat up and cool down too quickly. Not every housewife can cook this dish in such a frying pan - the pancakes will burn, curl, or not cook enough. There are also thick cast products, but you should not forget that cooking food in such dishes is not very safe. This is one of the reasons why many have abandoned this relatively cheap and common material for making tableware.

Modern assistants

The most common today is the pancake pan. This kitchen utensil is made from a and differs in that it has a special modern covering. The coating material is safe for health and greatly facilitates the frying process, preventing the dough from sticking and burning. When choosing such a frying pan, you should pay attention to the thickness of the bottom and the number of layers of coating. Three layers are considered ideal. In this case, the cookware will last longer, since its service life directly depends on the integrity of the applied non-stick layer and its quality.

An induction pancake frying pan is a great invention last decade. A special bottom coating evenly distributes heat over the entire surface, making the frying process a complete pleasure. And most importantly, such kitchen utensils can be used on modern ones without worrying about the integrity and safety of expensive equipment.

Manufacturers of pancake happiness

Today there are a huge number of manufacturers of kitchen utensils on the market, including pancake pans. Here are the most popular ones:

1. French manufacturers: Tefal, Vitesse.

2. Italian masters: Flonal S.P.A.

3. Made in China: Kitchen Star, SNT, BERGNER, Con Brio, Gipfel, Hilton.

4. German quality: Rondell, Bergner, Wellberg, KAISERHOFF.

In total, the market offers products from more than 100 manufacturers from different countries peace. Many of them have very decent models and interesting prices.

Among the domestic companies, it is worth noting the Scovo company and, of course, the Neva pancake frying pans. Products of the Neva Metal plant are produced at modern equipment, taking into account the latest industry trends and centuries-old traditions of preparing Russian dishes. Wide the lineup products will allow every housewife to choose something for herself.
Of course, there are also cheap products from little-known or completely unknown brands, but when buying such an item, you always risk getting a low-quality product. Firstly, a cheap frying pan of unknown origin may contain toxic substances and be harmful or even dangerous to health. Secondly, such kitchen utensils usually do not last long, quickly become unusable and are sent to the trash.

Where to get?

You can buy a good pancake frying pan in a store or market, or you can order it online. It is best, of course, to purchase such a product directly from the manufacturer and its official representative. This way, the buyer will receive complete confidence in purchasing the original, and not a handicraft fake.

Pancake frying pan: reviews from housewives

Many housewives, from beginners to the most experienced, having tried to cook pancakes in a modern frying pan, are very satisfied and refuse inherited copies, be it cast iron or aluminum. Those with experience will appreciate the ease and convenience. Those who are just starting out in the culinary field will be happy with a good result the first time they cook without any experience.

Everyone who has tried frying in frying pans from the Neva Metal Posuda factory notes the excellent taste of pancakes without any additional “fragrant” ingredients. chemical additives, as well as light weight and very high-quality non-stick coating. It is thanks to the top layer that the dish can be prepared practically without oil, which is very healthy and economical.

GettyImages Choosing the best pancake pan is not that difficult, you just need to remember a few rules.

Low side

Only in such a frying pan will it be convenient for you to flip pancakes. By the way, many housewives do this with both hands rather than with a spatula, assuring that it’s more convenient this way, although sometimes it gets hot.

Thick bottom

The frying pan with oil gets very hot high temperatures, and the thin bottom simply quickly deforms. In addition, pancakes in a thin frying pan will often burn.


There are very small frying pans for small pancakes, with a diameter of 15 cm. If you like pancakes and pancakes that fit on a saucer, then just such a small frying pan is suitable for you. Cooking and turning pancakes on it is as easy as shelling pears. There is also the next category with a diameter of 20, 22, 24 or 26 cm. Choose according to your taste. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the larger the diameter, the heavier the frying pan will be. So most housewives choose a diameter of 20-22 cm.

Non-stick coating

Frying pancakes in such a frying pan will be easier for beginners. They will not stick or burn, so you can add less oil. The downside is that with a high degree of probability the frying pan will quickly deform or darken from exposure to high temperatures. So, if you don’t mind changing pans often, that’s fine. suitable option. In addition, such a frying pan does not require any special care.

Cast iron

It is usually loved by experienced housewives who are used to cooking a lot and often. Such frying pans are heavy, solid and durable, and for some reason dishes cooked in cast iron turn out tastier.

It is very important to properly prepare the pan before using it for the first time.

To do this, you need to wash it, dry it, cover it with salt and heat it by putting it on the fire for about 1 hour until the salt darkens. After this, rinse again, dry and pour half a glass of vegetable oil, heating it for 20-30 minutes. If the oil starts to smoke, don't worry. Afterwards, when the pan has cooled, it should be rinsed again with cold water. After each use, a cast iron frying pan must be wiped thoroughly, otherwise it will immediately rust.


For pancakes to turn out well, you need to have a separate good frying pan in which you don’t need to fry anything else. This is especially true for cast iron, which, by absorbing oil during frying, acquires its natural non-stick coating over time.

The secret of delicious pancakes V good recipe and a suitable frying pan. It is in such dishes that nothing sticks or burns. We looked at frying pans different brands and found the best , in which even the first pancake will not be lumpy. Dishes differ not only in material, size and shape, they have a huge number of additional parameters. For example, the height of the sides. It depends on them whether you can easily flip the pancake and throw it into the air.

Many housewives know that good frying pan has a thick bottom. This is necessary not only for better strength and durability: such dishes withstand temperature changes well. In other words, you can pour cold dough onto a hot surface. We drew attention to the following important features for cooking pancakes , as a high-quality and wear-resistant non-stick coating, uniform heat distribution over the entire bottom and the absence of a hill in the middle.

Pans in the top the best require a minimum amount of oil, preserve the natural taste of products and have a comfortable, cool-down handle. Most of them are in the average price segment, there are several expensive ones and quite available options. The pans are made from different materials and are made in a style unique to the brand, although the latter does not affect the taste and quality of the pancakes.

TOP 10 best pans for pancakes

10 Berlinger Haus Metallic line

The most versatile
A country: Germany (made in China)
Average price: 1,375 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.2

The ranking opens with the best Berlinger Haus Metallic line with a three-layer marble coating that does not contain harmful substances. The manufacturer used Turbo induction technology, thanks to which heat is evenly distributed over the surface. According to the company, the frying pan allows you to save up to 35% of energy. Buyers say that food does not stick to the surface even without using oil. The frying pan cooks perfectly on any stove, including induction. The main material is durable steel with embedded marble chips. The handle is comfortable to hold and does not heat up during use. The cover must be purchased separately.

This frying pan is one of the smallest and lightest in the rating - the diameter is 24 cm, the weight does not reach 800 grams. It withstands temperatures up to 300 degrees and feels great in the oven. The only reason why we did not put it higher in the rating is the typical disadvantages of an inexpensive aluminum cookware. The pan heats up very quickly and strongly, pancakes may burn. It cools down instantly, it is difficult to set the correct temperature and maintain it.

9 Biol Granite

Favorable price and high quality
Country Ukraine
Average price: 1,790 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.2

Biol Granite is an example affordable price and excellent quality. The base of the frying pan is made of a durable aluminum body, which heats up quickly and evenly. Three-layer non-stick coating increases the service life of the cookware. Thanks to modern materials, bake You can make pancakes without using oil and fat. Boards at frying pans It is quite high - 6 cm, so it is convenient to cook other dishes in it. The diameter is not very large and is 26 cm, the product weighs less than a kilogram. The lid will have to be purchased separately, but it is relatively inexpensive. The only thing you need to remember is that the frying pan cannot be cooled sharply or immediately placed on a hot surface. You can use silicone and wooden spatulas, wash with the soft side of the sponge without abrasive substances.

Users in reviews They write that the handle is very soft to the touch and is comfortable to use. However, the surface gets dirty quickly, and the coating is easily erased. The manufacturer produces the frying pan in several sizes; the height of the side depends on the diameter. The product must be washed immediately after cooking, otherwise the fat will be absorbed into the coating. Pans should not be placed one inside the other, nor should they be rubbed with a hard brush.

8 TVS Mineralia

Durable seven-layer coating
Country: Italy
Average price: 1,290 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

TVS Mineralia is a durable Italian pan with seven-layer StoneTec non-stick coating. The manufacturer added mineral particles and made the bottom with a stone effect. Thanks to this, the pan heats up evenly, holds the temperature for a very long time and cools down slowly. The handle is slightly curved, making it comfortable to hold. The heating indicator, which indicates readiness for use, deserves special attention. The manufacturer says that this feature not only helps bake pancakes, but also reduces energy costs. The pan does not overheat and takes less time to reach the correct temperature than its competitors.

Diameter work surface TVS Mineralia is 28 cm - larger than many positions in the ranking. It holds a decent amount of food, but gets quite heavy while cooking. The manufacturer allows the use of metal spatulas and placing the product in the dishwasher, but buyers note that this scratches the coating. The cover will have to be purchased separately. The pan is not suitable for frying on an induction hob, because it heats up too much, a lot of heat goes into the hob, the protection is triggered and it turns off.

7 KRAUFF Jessica

The most ergonomic shape
Country: Germany
Average price: 2,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

KRAUFF Jessica - This is an aluminum frying pan with a ceramic coating. It is more resistant to scratches and wear due to its multiple layers. The bottom of the cookware is much thicker than traditional non-stick, so pancakes bake easy and fast. They heat up evenly and do not stick. The sides of the product are very low, it is only suitable for frying. Judging by the manufacturer's statement, no harmful substances are released during cooking, and the amount of oil and fat used is halved. U frying pans induction bottom and comfortable handle with metal inserts. It does not heat up, but it is prohibited to put it in the oven.

Users in reviews say that together with the frying pan it's going well rubberized cover. After purchase, the product must be washed in warm water with soap and a soft sponge. We did not rank it higher due to many limitations in use. For example, you cannot put frying pan on big fire, the coating will crack. If you forget an empty product on the stove, the bottom will peel off. Many buyers say that the frying pan quickly loses its presentation, although it tastes pancakes it has no effect. Over time, the non-stick coating will begin to peel off; the service life is up to 2 years if you fry on it regularly.

6 Maestro Granite

Best Inexpensive Aluminum Frying Pan
Country: China
Average price: 1,278 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Maestro Granite is one of the few aluminum frying pans with non-stick coating, designed for frying pancakes . The bottom of the product heats up quickly and strongly, and then also cools down. The coating is made using granite chips, it is safe for health, does not contain toxic substances and is easy to clean. The bakelite handle does not heat up during use. Frame frying pans designed to last for many years of service, it can be put in the dishwasher and wiped with the hard side of the sponge.

The induction bottom, which prevents the cookware from deforming, deserves special attention. The manufacturer says that the product is designed for frequent and intensive use. The handle is easily detached by pressing the green button, and it is also simply fixed back. However, customers say the clamp isn't the strongest and is a bit wobbly. Over time, carbon deposits appear on the surface, which cannot be cleaned without scratching the bottom.

5 Granchio Ornamento Crepe

Unusual design and durable coating
Country: Italy
Average price: RUB 1,362.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Granchio Ornamento Crepe attracts attention bright design, and deserves a place among the best thanks to the multi-layer Whitford QuanTanium® non-stick coating. It contains titanium particles, does not scratch when using metal spatulas, prevents food from burning and helps preserve the taste and texture of pancakes. External covering has heat-resistant properties, the pan remains cold even during prolonged frying. You can bake not only pancakes in the cookware; it perfectly tolerates any food, including acidic ones.

Buyers talk about ease of use, especially often noting the ergonomic, cool-down Bakelite handle. This heat-resistant material can withstand temperatures up to 180°C. The only thing users warn about is that the surface is very soiled and quickly becomes covered with soot. Dishes are not easy to wash; a frying pan loses its attractive appearance within a few months. It should not be used in the oven or fried anything other than pancakes.

4 Rondell Mocco & Latte

Large, durable frying pan
Country: Germany
Average price: 3,800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Rondell Mocco & Latte is a large pancake frying pan weighing 1160 grams, with a diameter of 28 cm. It holds a lot, while heating up quickly and evenly. The depth of the sides is about 5 cm; the use is not limited to pancakes. The frying pan is made in coffee color with a brown non-stick coating. Thanks to this, water marks are not visible on the bottom, like on stainless steel. It is easy to care for and can be left dirty for a while. Even a couple of years after, not very careful use the dishes look new. Inner coating Made from tri-titanium, which is not only wear-resistant but also resistant to metal blades.

User reviews note the convenience of the handle with a silicone insert that does not slip. It is secured with solid locks and will not come loose even with careless use. Along with the frying pan, the buyer receives an instruction booklet, which describes the rules for cooking with different plates. However, the cover must be purchased separately on the manufacturer’s website. The coating does not tolerate sudden temperature changes; you should not put the pan in the oven. The manufacturer also warns that frying acidic foods thin the dishes.

3 Tefal Expertise Plus

Best for ease of use
Country: France
Average price: 2,700 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The top three opens with Tefal Expertise Plus, equipped with a special indicator for easy use. The dot in the middle of the product lights up red, indicating that it’s time bake pancakes. Based on the manufacturer's claims and user reviews, this technology gives food better taste, texture and color. Pan differs from many Tefal products in its extra-thick Titanium Hard Base. The company has developed a unique alloy with reinforcing titanium particles that prevent food from burning and the bottom from becoming cracked. The pan lasts longer and the coating wears out more slowly.

Buyers in reviews they talk about comfortable Bakelite handles, reinforced stainless steel. The thickness of the walls and bottom is 4.5 mm - not bad for this manufacturer, while the frying pan weighs less than a kilogram. Heat is distributed evenly pancakes well baked. But from the main problem Tefal never got rid of it: the service life of the frying pan is up to 2 years with proper care. It cannot be put in the dishwasher, nor can it be rubbed with hard sponges.

2 Brizoll Optima

Great budget option
Country Ukraine
Average price: 988 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Brizoll Optima is the best in its price category frying pan for frying pancakes made from modern materials. The company used heat-intensive cast iron as its basis, thanks to which the surface heats up quickly and evenly and maintains the temperature for a long time. The ergonomic rubberized handle provides a comfortable grip and comfortable use. frying pan allowed for use on any surface. Thanks to the thick bottom, a stove effect appears - heat is distributed into every corner, reaching the pancake from all sides. Brizoll Optima can be used to fry any non-acidic foods.

Users in reviews talk about amazing properties frying pans: needed more often bake pancakes on it to form a thick non-stick layer of oil. Then the food does not stick and gets a unique taste and aroma. Of course, cast iron also has its own characteristics: it cannot be put in the dishwasher and cannot be used to clean dishes. The material can be wiped with a sponge and soap under warm water. Any cast iron pan weighs a lot, the induction hob is easy to scratch during frying

1 Fissman Moon Stone

Best quality at an affordable price
A country: Denmark (made in China)
Average price: RUB 1,412.
Rating (2019): 4.9

First place among the best occupied by Fissman Moon Stone, which offers a very high-quality four-layer Platinum coating at a low cost. It consists of stone chips interspersed with mineral particles that are difficult to scratch or erase with acidic products. The handle is rubberized for ease of use, but is not detachable, so it cannot be placed in the oven. frying pan allowed for use on any stove, including induction. The manufacturer allows you to put it in the dishwasher.

Users in reviews write about the ideal size of the pan: 20 cm is enough to make small, neat pancakes in which it is convenient to wrap fillings. In dishes with a larger diameter, it is difficult to maintain smooth edges, not to mention the weight of such a product. It is convenient not only to bake pancakes, but also fry any products. The only thing is that such coverage needs to be carefully monitored. It is necessary to wash the pan as soon as it has cooled down to warm water. If left for a couple of hours, the oil will penetrate into the porous coating and remain there forever.

Cast iron pans for pancakes are a time-tested solution. They have been produced for decades and continue to be produced to this day. Let's talk in more detail about the features of such dishes and some manufacturers.


A cast iron pan for pancakes is a utensil designed for frying pancakes, or less often thin pancakes. It is distinguished from other types of frying pans by some design features - low sides and a perfectly flat and smooth surface bottom. The diameter of the dishes can be different - 15-16 cm models are ideal for small pancakes without filling, 20-22 cm pans are good for pancakes that will then be stuffed, but products over 25 cm are almost not in demand, they are less convenient. You may also be interested in information about how to use

Advantages and disadvantages

Cast iron frying pans are incredibly durable - now in many people’s kitchens you can find such products that were produced almost 30-40 years ago. And over time, they almost do not lose their performance characteristics.

The video shows a description of a cast iron pan for pancakes:

Other significant advantages of cast iron pancake pans are:

  • Uniform heating of the entire surface of the bottom - this eliminates the possibility that part of the pancake will be fried and part will remain raw;
  • Absolute safety for cooking - cast iron does not emit any toxic compounds;
  • Affordable price;
  • The surface of the material is scratch-resistant and will not be damaged by falling from a small height.

The only disadvantage of such frying pans is their heavy weight (compared to aluminum or steel). Just like any other pancake frying pans, they have a limited scope of application - they are designed only for preparing pancakes or pancakes.

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Cast iron skillets are well suited for making pancakes on their own. However, their properties can be further improved by adding a non-stick coating. It allows you not only to minimize the likelihood of food burning, but also to greatly reduce the consumption of frying oil. At the same time, prices for dishes with such a coating are only slightly higher than for regular ones.

The non-stick layer is made from:

  • Teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene);
  • Ceramics (composite polymer containing tiny sand particles);
  • Teflon with added fine crumbs marble;
  • Non-composite materials - titanium, granite or diamond.

The disadvantage of having a non-stick layer is that it requires careful attitude. To avoid scratches, you will have to use wooden or plastic spatulas; such pans should be washed without abrasives or hard brushes, and it is better not to drop them.

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Manufacturers and prices

Although it seems that a cast iron pancake frying pan is a fairly simple device, in reality it turns out that a lot depends on the manufacturer. If you want your purchase to be not only durable (after all, cast iron itself provides this characteristic), but also of high quality and convenient, pay attention to these companies and their products:

  1. Fissman. A relatively inexpensive brand made in Korea. The approximate cost of one frying pan is 1,500 rubles, but this brand often has sales, so it is often possible to purchase the device at half price. The brand's frying pans are quite heavy, which speaks volumes about the quality of the cast iron. No special features, a good compromise option. Here's how to use it correctly Cast-iron pan and which one is suitable for induction cookers, very detailed

    A well-known brand that produces fairly high-quality and heavy cast iron frying pans

  2. Seaton. Budget domestic brand. The price of one frying pan is around 700-800 rubles. Cast iron is quite thick, the cookware is great for induction stoves, but not suitable for ovens. A relative disadvantage is the fact that the handles from this manufacturer are wooden. Although they are comfortable to hold, they can fall off over time and need to be replaced with something. Luckily, it comes with an extra handle. You may also be interested in information about how exactly it is used

    Mainly used for individual stoves

  3. Enamelware. Simple, uncomplicated, but reliable frying pans from the Republic of Belarus. They belong to the middle price category (about 1000 rubles per piece). The material is heavy, high quality. The brand's products look uncomplicated; such pans will serve you reliably, but are unlikely to decorate your kitchen.

    The frying pan is quite heavy and easy to handle.

  4. Biol. A Ukrainian brand with many years of experience, it has been specializing in the production of high-quality tableware for more than 17 years. The manufacturer's range of cookware is wide - including many cast iron ones. Biol pancake pans belong to the middle price category and cost about 1000 rubles apiece. They look very neat, have removable handles and can be used in the oven, which not all other manufacturers can boast of. But what is the best frying pan with a non-stick coating and how exactly should it be used for best result, indicated

    The frying pan is very easy to use as it has a removable handle and can be used in the oven

  5. Staub. Manufacturer of premium class tableware. If you want a truly high-quality pancake pan and are willing to pay a little extra for it, then this French brand is what you need. You should focus on a cost of around 6-7 thousand rubles. What you get for this is an elegant, stylish enamel coated frying pan that is dishwasher safe and can be used for baking in and out of the oven. induction furnace. Here's what a double-sided frying pan with a non-stick coating looks like and how to use it.

    This frying pan can be used both in the oven and on the stove, it has a very reliable coating

  6. Regent. The Regent company produces a huge number of different dishes, but it manages to maintain the quality of a wide variety of dishes at a good level. kitchen utensils. The same pancake pans from the company, although the price is above average (about 1500-1700 rubles), are durable, suitable for washing in the dishwasher and for use in the oven. Relative minus – wooden handles. They are removable, but spare ones are not included. Here's what better frying pan grill or electric grill, indicated in great detail in the article

    A good durable frying pan is designed to last for a long time

  7. Mayer&Boch. Despite the “expensive” name, Mayer&Boch is a fairly budget-friendly dishware. But that doesn't mean it's a bad choice. A frying pan from such a company will cost only 600 rubles, but for this money you get a non-stick coating and the ability to wash dishes in the dishwasher. The downside is that cast iron is quite light, and therefore of relatively lower quality, but for most tasks the products of this brand are more than suitable. But you can read which good frying pan with ceramic coating is most often used by consumers

    The pan has a high-quality non-stick coating, but it can be washed in the dishwasher


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