Gemini general horoscope for luck.

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The activity and determination characteristic of Gemini will be an excellent help in 2018. The frantic rhythm of life, the cycle of events - this is what awaits the representatives of this zodiac sign. Moreover, if before this all the actions of Gemini were mainly chaotic and scattered in nature, then in the year of the Dog they will have to gather, concentrate and move only in the direction straight and upward. If you try, you can achieve a lot! You will have plenty of energy, and this year your strength and inner confidence will double, which you simply need to use for your own personal purposes.

Gemini's career will take off sharply. You laid a lot for this last year, and now luck will become your faithful ally on the path to success. True, such a rise will begin only in the second half of the year. Winter and the beginning of spring are a time to take stock, set priorities, get rid of something, reconsider something. Your rich natural potential, until this moment not wasted and not fully used, will most likely finally find its use - for this you should become more emotionally balanced, act systematically and move straightforwardly. Then everything will definitely work out, and the changes that are not long in coming will exceed all your wildest expectations. However, you should be a little more careful when resolving financial issues - rely not only on intuition, but also listen to common sense.

The Year of the Dog in terms of personal life for Gemini will not bring peace and stability. Those who are already married will have to solve a lot of accumulated problems in their relationships. And most likely this will be provoked by a lack of attention to your partner - you will devote almost all your efforts to achieving success in your career and at work, and your other half will feel abandoned and lonely. The stars advise from the middle of the year to spend more time within your family, slow down the pace of life somewhat and think about those who are truly dear to you. Lonely Geminis can expect numerous and short-lived whirlwind romances.

The rapid whirlpool that has overwhelmed Gemini cannot but affect their health. The body also needs rest - and this should not be forgotten! Try to find active ways of relaxation (yoga, swimming, wrestling) that make you feel at ease. Last but not least is the state of your mental health - learn to balance yourself, find a middle ground in everything.

If Gemini shows wisdom, prudence and efficiency, the Year of the Dog will be a wonderful moment for great victories and achievements. Various kinds of troubles and disasters will not affect you, but only on the condition that you yourself do not look for them or provoke them in every possible way. This year will greatly influence all your subsequent achievements, will become the basis for the formation of a solid material base and the key to stability in all areas of life.

On the other hand, a rather difficult year lies ahead, in which you will have to balance yourself, become more serious and wiser. The changes will seem quite difficult, as if from an atmosphere of fun and celebration they will plunge into endless monotonous gray everyday life, loaded with work and worries. But this is only the initial impression of the New Year of the Dog. A little later, Gemini will gradually begin to realize what extraordinary prospects the Year of the Dog promises them, if their behavior is correct. This will most affect intellectual and creative people: artists, writers and poets, scientists. They can achieve well-deserved recognition and fame, as well as make good profits in the financial sector.

In your personal life, not everything will be so smooth. Frivolous flirting, which the Dog does not accept, can become destructive in a relationship with a loved one. Therefore, we need to show responsibility and be more serious. For those who will pay enough attention to family and friends and diligently fulfill family responsibilities, the Dog will protect them from serious problems, unexpected troubles and will bring many good and bright moments.

The year promises many contacts. There are good chances to expand your influence and finally deal with fears, with what hinders progress, fetters and limits.

Spring is the best time to expand in the professional field, as well as to receive additional education.

May-June - life gives many wonderful chances, but at the same time temptations. There is a high probability of wasting time and energy. To avoid being drawn into intrigue, stick to the golden mean.

Concentrate on the main thing!

Planet of love - Venus is on your side this year! Get on stage, express yourself, actively show your interest, be artistic and a lot will become available this 2018. At the same time, taking advantage of the love of others, do not exaggerate. Otherwise, under the face of Venus, figuratively speaking, you will turn into preoccupied satyrs - goat-footed creatures that have little to do with human conscience and sincerity.

2018 promises many changes for Gemini in partnerships, which can develop from love into business or friendship, and vice versa. For Geminis in marital relationships, 2018 will provide an opportunity to strengthen their relationship with a loved one and understand their value. All difficulties in love for Gemini will appear in the spring of 2018. The movement of Mars through the house of love will bring difficulties in relationships, misunderstandings, conflicts and quarrels, separations and other complications. Lonely Geminis during this period will experience strong unrequited love, which will cause a lot of anxiety and mental problems. But, also, Gemini at this moment in time will have the opportunity to meet the partner of their dreams. The summer of 2018 will be quite successful for the love sphere. In June, Mercury retrograde will bring you news of your past love. In the fall, new deep relationships are unlikely. Also, there will come a time of misunderstanding in existing love relationships.

In general, 2018 will be a dual period for the Gemini zodiac sign. On the one hand, your ruling planet Mercury will take a dominant position among other celestial objects. This means that in most situations you will have enough strength and resources to resolve any difficulties on your own. In addition, this year there is likely to be a frankly fortunate combination of circumstances in your favor, although you should not bet on this, because the exact moment when such trends will arise is impossible to predict. But there is another side to the current situation. The Yellow Dog, representing the element of Earth, is the direct antagonist of your sign, which belongs to the element of Air. And this aspect can have a number of consequences. Firstly, difficulties definitely await you; you will have to pay increased attention to health and financial issues. However, on the other hand, these difficulties are unlikely to be fundamental; they are capable of shaking the positions only of those Geminis who themselves do not know what they want and in fact strive for self-destruction rather than self-improvement. For others, all this is unlikely to become a significant problem, especially since such situations will only benefit you, because the vector initially inherent in them will be aimed at strengthening your spirit.

Among other things, in 2018, many Geminis will experience a change in social status. This may be related to achievements at work, or to other aspects of your life. For example, you worked as a journalist, but were fond of powerlifting and unexpectedly took first place in a regional competition in your category. You will receive several interesting offers that you don’t necessarily have to accept, but you definitely need to stop and think about them. Here you need to be especially careful; there is no point, as they say, in exchange for soap. Therefore, try to evaluate all aspects, in any case, there is a chance that this will benefit you, because the patron of the financial sector, Mercury, is entirely on your side. In addition, you should listen to the advice of the Moon, who is also not averse to helping you on your life’s path. The younger sister of the Sun advises Gemini in 2018 not to be afraid of change. Even if the metamorphoses seem dramatic, in reality they may not be so large-scale, because, as you know, fear has big eyes. While maintaining a harmonious mood, at a certain moment you will still have to leave your home, but not for the sake of some lofty goals, but for your own development.

In 2018, Gemini women will be more active than Gemini men, this will be due to aspects of the circumstances rather than your own desires or aspirations. On the other hand, the Yellow Dog, having given you some tests, will be obliged to give something in return. And this something will most likely turn out to be financial surprises. There is no need to count on them in advance, because the time of their occurrence is difficult to predict (most likely in the summer). However, you should not be surprised if the situation suddenly changes in your favor at the most (for once!) opportune moment. At this stage of life, you, like most zodiac signs, really have nowhere to rush. Therefore, think carefully about where to spend additional financial assets that you did not count on. At the same time, do not focus special attention on this side of your life, try to see friends more often, but it is not at all necessary to leave your home every time. Romantic moments can await you in your favorite den.

This astrological forecast for 2018 is calculated for pronounced (typical) representatives of the sign Gemini. If the overwhelming number of luminaries and planets in your horoscope are in the sign of Gemini, then you are a typical representative of this sign. Atypical representatives are, as a rule, people born on the border of signs.

Gemini horoscope for 2018: joy and luck

Almost throughout 2018, until November 9, Gemini’s Jupiter will be in the 6th house - the area of ​​​​work and health. Then it moves to the 7th house, which is responsible for personal life.


In 2018, work will be extremely easy for Gemini. They will not be burdened by what they do and will earn good money. Representatives of this sign will demonstrate remarkable organizational skills, but they themselves will be able to easily collaborate with other people if necessary. If they have to provide a favor to someone, they will do it with pleasure.

Relationships in the workplace will be excellent, this applies to the entire team as a whole, subordinates and superiors. If Geminis are offended by their boss, they will prefer to hide it, if... for some reason, they will not be satisfied with their subordinates, then they will also try not to demonstrate this. The job will be permanent, stable and well paid.

Under the influence of Jupiter in the 6th house, Gemini may begin to engage in some kind of charitable activity, generously giving the fruits of their labor for the benefit of those in need or the entire society as a whole. Since the 6th house is also the house of health, doctors born under the sign of Gemini can achieve particular success, including financial success. They will not have any problems with clientele in 2018.


In the field of health, representatives of this sign at the beginning of 2018, and subsequently, are not expected to have any special problems. Even if they feel unwell, it will not last long, Gemini will quickly recover. They will be able to count, if necessary, on the best treatment and touching care from others.

According to the Gemini horoscope of 2018, this will be a period when representatives of this sign will even enjoy their illness, and therefore, when they have some problems at work or in their personal lives, they will willingly pretend to be sick, counting on sympathy and understanding. And receiving them to the fullest. However, all illnesses during this period will be caused mainly by excessive work, the desire to achieve a quick result, or some kind of excess.

Geminis need to remember that everything is good in moderation and even positive results or impressions in too large quantities can be harmful.

If Jupiter is affected, liver problems, excess weight gain, or the development of tumor processes are likely.

Personal life

Starting from May 15, 2018, Jupiter in this sign moves into the 7th house, which is responsible for personal life, marriage and partnerships. From this day on, a happy and beneficial period begins here. If Gemini had any problems in their relationship with their partner, they will be resolved in the most successful way.

As the horoscope for 2018 predicts, Gemini can hope for a happy meeting with the love of their life, who, at the same time, will also be financially secure. There will be a high probability of a very profitable and happy marriage. If the energy of Jupiter is used incorrectly, Gemini will treat their partner with excessive optimism, without subjecting him to any criticism, which can lead to becoming dependent on the relationship.

In general, starting from the second half of May 2018, Gemini will be able to count on complete understanding with their soulmate; their relationship will be built on common goals and mutual feelings, so they will be strong and long-lasting. Gemini will selflessly serve their partner, receiving the same in return and full support in all endeavors.

In some cases, the Gemini partner may be older in age, in others - wiser and more experienced. Such a partner will be able to play a big role not only in the personal, but also in the professional sphere for Gemini. Or any other time when needed. Gemini will be able to engage in some kind of joint activity with their soulmate or go on an educational journey. All this will greatly contribute to your social growth and well-being.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: difficulties and trials

During 2018, Saturn will be in Gemini's 8th house - the house of birth, death, extreme situations, conscious fears, other people's finances and changes in egregor. This house can bring success and destruction in equal measure.

Extreme and fears

In 2018, Gemini will need to work through various extreme situations and their attitude towards them. Therefore, one should not be surprised that every now and then they will fall from one crisis to another and quite a lot of work will be required to resolve them.

It will be very important during this period to draw the right conclusions and correctly interpret the signs that fate sends you. The task is to learn, through careful analysis, to find a way out on your own, using only your own will and enthusiasm. Give up pride and selfishness.

With the correct use of Saturn's energy, in 2018 Gemini will be able to successfully and consistently overcome any problems that arise; if it is negative, there will be a danger of developing all kinds of phobias, sometimes very irrational.

Many Geminis in 2018 may have a great interest in the occult and various kinds of magical practices as a means of overcoming crisis situations. If they are able to master them, they may develop a certain vanity based on a skill that others cannot achieve. And this will not affect the development of Gemini for the best.

Someone else's money

Under the influence of Saturn in the 8th house, Gemini will successfully manage other people's money, investing it in various funds, enterprises or in some other way. This could be money from business partners or marriage partners, relatives or friends. The Gemini horoscope for 2018 predicts that they will borrow from someone in order to develop their own business and very soon they will be able to return it even with a profit.

Bankers, financial brokers, politicians, and lawyers can achieve particular success in their activities with this position of Saturn. The main task of Gemini during this period is to carefully and wisely manage what has been entrusted to them, not to strive to make a quick profit, but to slowly build the building one brick at a time.

If Saturn's energy is used incorrectly, financial disputes are likely to arise, including due to inheritance, or negligent attitude towards entrusted money and, as a result, subsequent litigation.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: surprises and surprises

In 2018, until May 15, Gemini will have Uranus in the 11th house - the house of like-minded people and well-wishers. Then he moves into the 12th house - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsecrets, restrictions, solitude and service to higher powers.

Close surroundings

This position of Uranus will bring Gemini many unusual new acquaintances. According to the horoscope for 2018, Gemini will help many of those around them, but will do it in some strange or unusual way.

Despite the fact that during this period Gemini will have many interesting ideas, not everyone around them will understand them due to the fact that they will seem somewhat arrogant. And all because in 2018 Gemini will be in dire need of the admiration of others, at the same time, due to internal tightness, it will be very difficult for them to establish closer relationships with their new acquaintances. The more unusual friends Gemini has, the better they will feel, because such communication will not only make their life varied, but will also provide the necessary food for the mind.

The horoscope for Gemini for 2018 warns that unusual notes may appear in sexual relationships. Perhaps Gemini will want to try something new for themselves in this area, and therefore they may have certain problems. Either there will be misunderstanding and rejection on the part of the permanent partner, or Gemini themselves will be disappointed with their failure or the experience gained. Sexual relationships with several partners are possible - Gemini will really want variety. However, they will not limit their partners in any way either.

If the energy of Uranus is used incorrectly, Gemini will try to use their friends and acquaintances for their own purposes, and as soon as they achieve what they want, they will immediately forget about them. Such selfishness will bring Gemini many problems in 2018, both in public and personal life.

As the horoscope for Gemini for 2018 promises, they will make new connections very easily and break them just as easily; passionate affection and tender friendship will be replaced by sudden and sharp alienation, even outright enmity. Scandals will probably arise on this basis, including those of an intimate nature.

The same can be said about working in a team. The horoscope for 2018 notes that Gemini will willingly take part in the work and just as willingly leave the group without warning. The desire for freedom is wonderful, but it will be important to try to reduce the destruction you cause to a minimum.


After Uranus moves into the 12th house, Gemini will try to completely destroy all the patterns and restrictions imposed on them. They will have a special interest in mystical events and any secrets. And the representatives of this sign themselves will not mind surrounding their lives with all sorts of secrets, preferring not to share their plans with anyone and act behind the scenes.

Some will have many secret love affairs, others will indulge in meditation and various spiritual practices in solitude, but in such a way that no one will know about it. Still others join some secret organization. Still others may develop some secret inclinations of a scandalous nature. A fifth will engage in unspoken charity.

In any case, all this can seriously complicate the life of Gemini and lead to the occurrence of neuroses and related diseases. And exposure will threaten them with major scandals.

It is possible that during this period Gemini will be attacked by some secret enemies. Rumors and gossip will be spread about them, the source of which will remain unknown. Under the influence of uranus in the 12th house, there will be a serious danger of ending up in a hospital for a long time or being subjected to imprisonment or house arrest.

Gemini horoscope for 2018: mysterious and spiritual

During 2018, Neptune will be in Gemini's 1st house and will stay there for a long time. The 10th house is the area of ​​personal success and career, all kinds of social achievements.


Gemini's career aspirations in 2018 will be aimed at benefiting as many people as possible, ideally all of humanity. But at the same time, they will want to do it in some unusual way. In addition, Gemini's opportunities during this period will not correspond to their desires. Therefore, if the energy of Neptune is used incorrectly, representatives of this sign will begin to doubt themselves.

Career development will be especially favorable for those Geminis who are engaged in some kind of secret activity, for example, are in the secret service. Much can be achieved thanks to your natural diplomatic abilities. As the horoscope predicts, in 2018, Gemini will perfectly understand the feelings and motives that drive other people. Psychologists, astrologers, psychics and clergy have good prospects.

In 2018, Gemini will need to refrain from any intrigues in their official positions. This will not contribute to moving up the ladder; on the contrary, it can cause an unpleasant scandal, which will significantly damage the representatives of this sign, creating a negative reputation for them.

To achieve success, you will need to set clear and precise goals. And this will not be easy, because in 2018 Gemini will be inclined to over-fantasize, build castles in the air, and incorrectly assess the current situation. Chaos and confusion will lead to frustration and indecision, which in turn will often lead to poor decision making.

On the other hand, the situation will favor those Geminis in 2018 who are engaged in some kind of abstract activity that requires a good imagination, for example, science fiction writers, philosophers, inventors, composers, actors. Activities related to graphic design can be extremely successful.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: major changes

Throughout 2018, Pluto will be in the sign of Gemini in the 8th house - birth, death, extreme situations, conscious fears, other people's finances and changes in egregor.

This location of Pluto again sends us to the area of ​​collective finance, for the management of which in 2018 Gemini will have great abilities and the same opportunities.

If Pluto's energy is used incorrectly, Gemini will risk getting into a serious financial scandal, from which it will be possible to get out only at the cost of serious financial losses.

But this position of Pluto also gives significant abilities for practicing magic or spiritual practices. Therefore, in 2018, Gemini may feel a serious interest in this area. Some representatives of the sign will completely devote themselves to serving some kind of spiritual cult. Or they will suddenly discover that they have psychic abilities.

Gemini will be able to exert a strong occult influence on others. Some of them will take up prophecy, while others will use their abilities to apply them to research work, where they will be able to intuitively predict the outcome of any experiment with incredible accuracy. Thanks to such abilities, Geminis will not only be able to find the right way out of any extreme situation, of which they will have many, but will also help other people with deeds or advice.

The presence of Pluto in the 8th house often gives people powerful sexual energy. Therefore, in 2018, Gemini will be incredibly attractive to people of the opposite sex and will literally twist ropes out of them. Unfortunately, this can also bring a lot of trouble for Gemini in 2018. The opposite option is also possible - turning into absolute asexuality.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: the vector of your destiny

During 2018, the ascending Northern Lunar Node will be located at the sign of Gemini in the 3rd house - the house of relatives, inner circle and information. The descending South Node of the Moon will be in the 9th house - the house of philosophy, travel and distant surroundings.

In 2018, their immediate environment - relatives, friends, neighbors and established traditions - is of particular importance for Gemini. You need to direct all your attention to them to improve your life and strengthen your authority. You should also collaborate more with those people who are close to you - their help and contribution to the common cause will be invaluable.

In 2018, Gemini may experience an instinctive fear of traveling abroad or aversion to everything foreign - this is completely normal, such contacts should be kept to a minimum. It’s better to give up a busy social life altogether and devote your time to relatives and home.

Your strength will lie in the secret knowledge that you have learned from your past incarnations, and your task is to put it into practice in real life. Gemini will need not to brush aside the views of others, not to try to teach them, but to listen to other people’s opinions and learn themselves.

In 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog will open up new chances and opportunities for Gemini. Creative individuals will find a use for their talent: make it their life’s work or an additional source of income.

Representatives of this zodiac sign will overestimate life priorities. They will reconsider their surroundings. They will begin to value loved ones more and will begin to communicate less with those who treated them insincerely or repeatedly let them down.

At the end of the year, Gemini will want to reunite with their family: visit their parents' home or gather adult children under one roof. Time spent with family will bring peace of mind and tranquility. For single people, this period will be rich in dating. There is a high probability of meeting a life partner.

Horoscope for 2018 for Gemini woman

Gemini women will feel a thirst for change. They will want to radically change their lives, starting with work, housing and image. The horoscope advises setting and achieving goals in stages. If you take on several things at the same time, there is a risk of not finishing any of them and wasting your energy. Changes in appearance should start with lifestyle. Proper nutrition and visiting sports clubs will help you achieve the desired slimness and give you energy for new achievements.

These women will work fruitfully throughout the year. Unforeseen difficulties can unsettle them and shake their self-confidence. When solving problems, it is recommended to be guided by intuition and use a creative approach.

Horoscope for 2018 for Gemini man

For Gemini men, the Year of the Dog will be a favorable period for career growth and self-realization. Persistence and full involvement in the matter will allow you to achieve the desired result. It is worthwhile to forget about principles and leadership inclinations for a while and responsibly begin to carry out the instructions of your superiors. You should show restraint when communicating with colleagues and business partners. There will be difficulties along the way, but they can be easily overcome.

2018 will bring financial well-being and independence to representatives of this zodiac sign. There will be temptations to earn money dishonestly, through scams and fraud. The horoscope recommends avoiding “easy money”, since after exposure it will be difficult to restore your reputation and good name.

Love horoscope

2018 will be a favorable time for single Geminis to make new acquaintances and start an affair. They will be able to find a person who will understand their subtle mental organization and support them. Relationships can take unpredictable turns. To prevent separation from bringing mental anguish, you should not trust a person and reveal all secrets to him without getting to know him completely.

For those who are in a couple, there will be a period of misunderstanding and coolness in the relationship. They will feel that their partner is distant and not actively involved in their life. It must be borne in mind that harmony between two loving people depends on both. The heat and support given off will be returned doubly.

Business horoscope

2018 promises to be a favorable time in the career of Gemini. Perseverance and hard work will allow them to achieve their desired position. Once you find yourself in the boss’s chair, you should not forget about respect for your subordinates. They may show excessive criticism and lack of restraint, which will set the team in a negative mood.

This year is preparing successful deals and negotiations for businessmen that will take their business to a new level. The horoscope recommends avoiding risky operations and investments - they can turn into ruin.

Money horoscope

The Year of the Dog will bring additional sources of income to Gemini. Unexpected success will give you a feeling of satisfaction and pride in yourself. Representatives of this zodiac sign should not relax. It is necessary to remember about loans and debts that need to be repaid. It is advisable to postpone large purchases until the end of the year. This time will be a favorable period for investing and purchasing real estate. Free money is better spent on travel or gifts for loved ones.

Health horoscope

In 2018, Geminis need to be vigilant regarding their health. Stress at work can lead to bad habits: smoking, alcohol or drug abuse. Walking in the fresh air, meditation techniques, proper sleep and rest will help you overcome emotional stress.

Older people who have cardiovascular disease will have a high risk of heart attack and stroke. They are advised not to ignore the symptoms of illness, visit a doctor and undergo a course of preventive treatment.

This year, Geminis should pay attention to their diet due to the high risk of food poisoning.

Horoscope for 2018. Twins. Our horoscope will tell you what awaits Gemini in 2018 in relationships, family, career and work, and what will happen with health. This page presents the general horoscope for Gemini for 2018. Here you will not read clear instructions for action for the Gemini zodiac sign for 2018, but the stars will give you enough hints. Just analyze them and compare them with your life, and you will undoubtedly find a lot of useful information!

Gemini in 2018

In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, Gemini has a lot of work ahead of them. Do not rest ahead of time, because the owner of the year does not like idleness and causeless fun. Plan your year in advance, outlining certain stages of your own development - in this case, the Dog will help you achieve success in almost all your endeavors.


For those Geminis who are still single, a fertile time of falling in love and courtship awaits. You will have a lot of admirers, but in the end you can only give preference to one soul mate. You should not return to your former lovers; such a union will only bring grief and disappointment to Gemini. The Earth Dog does not tolerate betrayal, so if you deceive a person who sincerely loves you, you may become lonely at least this year.


Changes are coming to the Gemini family. Perhaps a new family member will soon appear, not blood, but close in spirit - this is due to the possible marriage of one of the relatives. However, at the same time, Geminis need to be very prudent - do not make rash decisions, even if dear people ask you to do so. Listen to the voice of reason, and then peace and tranquility will reign in your family.

Career and work

If Gemini has recently experienced financial difficulties, then the coming year will help you resolve them. Your idea, that original thought that you conceal within yourself, can bring long-awaited results in just a few months. However, it will take work - to achieve your highest goals this year, you will have to give up your days off. But the result is undoubtedly worth it - this year you can achieve financial well-being that will last for many years.


The Earth Dog is a peace-loving fan of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, give up bad habits and go in for sports. Moreover, the prerequisites for the emergence of physiological problems probably worried you last year. You will be surprised how much your life will change if you play sports and start eating right. Avoid nervous tension - this year they are fraught with serious breakdowns.

The Yellow Earth Dog will tell you how to avoid problems and achieve inner harmony. The main thing is to listen to the signs that the owner of the year will give you.


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