Children prepare egg dishes for breakfast. What to cook for breakfast for a child one year old and older: recipes for quick and tasty dishes

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The egg is a valuable product for baby food, so it is included in the diet of babies from a very early age. But when the time comes to introduce it into the children's menu, parents begin to doubt at what age and in what quantity to offer eggs to the baby, how to prepare them correctly and how they can be dangerous for small children. In addition, they wonder whether it would be better to give the little one quail eggs rather than chicken eggs. Let's look at these questions in more detail.


  • Eggs provide the child's body with proteins of animal origin with a complete amino acid composition. They are important for the construction of tissues in the growing child's body.
  • Egg yolks are a valuable source of vitamins that are fat soluble. Without sufficient supply, the growth of the child’s body and the functioning of various systems of the baby’s body are disrupted.
  • The yolk also has a rich mineral composition, which helps maintain the health of the child’s skin, his immunity and the function of the nervous system.
  • They are classified as dietary and low-calorie products, so they are included in the diet of children of any body weight, and can also be consumed at any time of the day.

Harm and contraindications

Previously, eggs were considered a harmful product due to the presence of cholesterol in its composition. They were called the culprits of cardiovascular diseases, claiming that their consumption increases the level of cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels.

Now, after many studies, it has become known that the cholesterol in eggs does not have a negative effect on the body. On the contrary, the unsaturated acids and lecithin contained in eggs lower triglyceride levels.

Why do allergies happen?

Quite often an allergic reaction occurs to eggs (especially chicken eggs) due to the presence of animal proteins in their composition, which are highly allergenic. There is an opinion that quail eggs are non-allergenic and can be consumed by children without fear, however, there are cases of allergic reactions to this type of egg.

What is more allergenic – the white or the yolk?

Since white molecules are the most allergenic and their content in egg white is much higher than in the yolk, egg white more often causes allergic reactions. At the same time, the child’s immune system can also react negatively to yolks, although much less frequently. In addition, during cooking, it is very difficult to completely separate the egg yolk and white, so if you have allergies, using the yolks separately is also not recommended.

Read more about the features of introducing yolk into complementary foods in another article.

Why shouldn't children be given raw eggs?

An egg can cause salmonella infection, especially if it is homemade and has not been properly cooked. To prevent the development of salmonellosis, a child should not be given raw eggs from any bird. Heat treatment should last at least 5-10 minutes, so giving soft-boiled eggs to children is also not recommended.

Are chicken or quail healthier?

A chicken egg is considered the most optimal for feeding a child, given its nutritional value and cost. The benefits of quail eggs are slightly higher, but the cost of such a product is higher than chicken eggs. For example, a quail egg has a higher content of minerals, vitamins B1, A and B2, as well as essential amino acids. You can verify this from the following table:


Quail egg

Calorie content




Vitamin B1

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B12

Vitamin A

Vitamin PP


All parents know that a boiled egg is a very healthy product that must be included in the child’s diet.

At the same time, we must not forget that eggs for children must be prepared with special care, since eggs are not only a rather allergenic product, they can also easily be carriers of such a serious disease as salmonellosis.

  1. Before you start boil hard-boiled eggs for a child, they must be thoroughly washed with soap and rinsed thoroughly with water.
  2. After this, you need to put the eggs in a cooking vessel and fill it with cold water. There should be quite a lot of water (about 4 centimeters above the surface of the eggs) so that it does not boil away ahead of time.
  3. It is good to add regular table salt (about 4-5 grams) to the water so that the shell does not crack during the cooking process.
  4. Place the dish with eggs filled with water on the fire and wait until the water begins to boil, and lightly tap the eggs against each other and against the walls of the dish.
  5. At this point, reduce the heat slightly and continue boiling the eggs for at least 12 minutes. This is the minimum time during which salmonella will die and cannot harm the child’s health. Some doctors recommend boiling chicken eggs for 20 minutes, but no more, in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of a chicken egg.

In addition to chicken eggs, children can (and even should) be given quail eggs. Pediatricians recommend quail eggs as an ideal product for baby food.

  • Firstly, they contain twice as much vitamins A, B1 and B2 as in chicken eggs. Quail eggs are also known for their high content of vitamin D, which prevents the appearance and development of rickets, and phosphorus, an element necessary for the proper mental development of children.
  • Secondly, when consuming quail eggs, the risk of getting salmonellosis is much lower, since quail birds themselves are less susceptible to infectious diseases than chickens, and their eggs, thanks to small holes in the shell and a very durable film under it, do not allow harmful organisms to pass through.

However, before cooking, quail eggs also need to be thoroughly and gently washed with a soft sponge and soapy foam. And the rest of the technology for their preparation is the same as that of chicken eggs. The only difference is that hard-boiled quail eggs for children Cook for a little less time - 10 minutes of boiling is enough for the yolk to completely cook and harden.

How much and how to boil an egg for a child under one year old

For children under one year old, boiled eggs are introduced into the diet very carefully, starting with a minimal amount (no more than half a teaspoon per meal) and only the yolk.

  1. Before cooking, you need to thoroughly wash the egg with soapy water so that no harmful organisms remain on the shell, and then rinse it thoroughly in running water and wash off any remaining soap.
  2. You can pierce the shell at the blunt end with a thin needle right before placing the egg in a pan of cold water. This will make the egg boil faster and better, and it will also be easier to peel it.
  3. So, put the fully prepared egg in a cooking vessel, fill it with cold water and put it on the fire.
  4. As soon as the water boils and the egg begins to bounce, reduce the heat a little and continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes.
  5. Then remove the pan from the heat and pour cold water over the boiled egg.


A child under one year old needs to cook quail eggs in exactly the same way, but there is no need to pierce the shell first (so as not to damage it) and the cooking time after the water boils will be slightly shorter - about 8-11 minutes.

The finished boiled egg must be completely shelled.

Protein also needs to be removed - it is not recommended to give it to a baby under one year old. For now, only well-cooked yolks can be eaten.

Since the yolk of a hard-boiled egg has a rather dense consistency, it needs to be diluted a little to make it easier and more enjoyable for the child to eat.

To do this, you can use a little ready-made formula, liquid vegetable puree, or even breast milk. One part of the yolk (about 1/2 tablespoon) is diluted with two parts of milk or puree (about 1 tablespoon).

Soft-boiled. Place the egg in cold water and gradually bring the water to a boil. Remove as soon as the water boils.
In a bag. Place the egg in cold water, gradually bring the water to a boil and cook for 1.5 minutes. Rinse quickly with cold water.
Hard-boiled. Place the egg in cold water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Scrambled egg recipes for children

Fried egg

Break the egg and pour into a bowl to ensure freshness. Melt a piece of butter in a small frying pan and carefully lower the egg into it. In places where the white is fried too quickly, it should be lifted with a knife without touching the yolk. Add a little salt and serve immediately. It is advisable to sprinkle with herbs.

Ingredients: egg - 1 piece, butter - 1/2 teaspoon, salt, herbs.

Fried eggs on toast

Cut a stale roll (without crusts) or black bread into cubes, spread them with butter, and brown them in a greased frying pan. Carefully drop 2 eggs onto the croutons. Fry them. You can add a spoonful of white sauce.

Ingredients for two servings: egg - 2 pcs., butter
lo - 1 teaspoon, bun - 50 g, salt, sauce.

Scrambled eggs

Drop the egg into a cup, beat with a fork, add a tablespoon of milk, stir and add salt. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of oil in a frying pan and let it boil. Pour the egg beaten with milk into hot oil and fry, stirring.

Ingredients: egg - 1 piece, milk - 20 ml, butter - 1/2 teaspoon, salt.

Scrambled eggs with spinach

Peel the spinach from thick stems, wash in several waters, chop and simmer in butter with a little added water, covering the pan with a lid. When the spinach becomes soft and the water has boiled, pour in 2 eggs, beaten with a tablespoon of milk, and add salt. Allow the egg mixture to thicken, shaking the pan as it cooks.

Ingredients for two servings: eggs - 2 pcs, butter - 1 teaspoon, milk - 25 ml, spinach - 200 g, salt.

Scrambled eggs with tomato

Wash the tomato, remove the seeds, cut into small pieces, dip in melted butter and add salt. When the tomato is ripe, add beaten eggs and fry.

Ingredients for two servings: eggs - 2 pcs, butter - 1 teaspoon, tomato - 100 g, salt.

Scrambled eggs with bun

Soak a piece of stale bread in milk, add salt, pour beaten eggs and fry in butter.

Ingredients for two servings: eggs - 2 pcs, butter - 1 teaspoon, bread - 50 g, milk - 50 g, salt.

Scrambled eggs with liver

Prepare liver puree: soak the liver in running water, remove membranes, cut out the tubules, cut into small cubes, salt and sprinkle with flour. Dissolve a teaspoon of oil in a frying pan, let it boil and quickly fry the liver. When it cools down a little, pass through a meat grinder 2 times, rub through a sieve and add the crumb of the bread soaked in milk. The puree should be as thick as sour cream. Prepare an omelet from 2 eggs. Place liver puree in the middle of the omelet, fold the omelet in half and place on a plate.

Ingredients for two servings: liver - 100 g, eggs - 2 pcs.
butter - 1 teaspoon, bread - 50 g, salt.

Scrambled eggs with sugar

Grind 2 yolks with 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of heavy cream and a pinch of salt. Quickly add 2 whites, whipped into a strong foam, into this mixture and fry over high heat in butter. Sprinkle the finished scrambled eggs with powdered sugar.

Ingredients: egg - 2 pcs, butter - 1 teaspoon, cream - 20 g, sugar - 2 tablespoons, salt.

Egg roll with rice

Beat the whites into a strong foam and carefully mix with the yolk, mashed with milk and flour. Pour the mixture into a greased frying pan and bake in the oven. Remove and place on a flat plate. Place minced rice stewed with green onions and mixed with chopped eggs on top of the omelette; roll up into a tube. Egg roll can be made with
minced cabbage or carrots.

Ingredients: egg - 1 piece, milk ~ 30 ml, flour - 1 teaspoon, butter - 1/2 teaspoon.
For minced meat: rice - 2 teaspoons, green onions - 10 g, egg - 1/2 pcs, oil - 1/2 teaspoon.

Omelet recipes for children

Omelette with flour

Mix flour with sugar, add a pinch of salt, 2 yolks, mashed with 2 tablespoons of milk and stir well again. Then carefully fold in the whipped whites into a strong foam. Pour the entire mixture into a hot frying pan with melted butter and fry over medium heat, shaking the pan so that the omelette does not burn. Turn over to the other side and finish cooking. It is advisable to serve the omelette with jam.

Ingredients for two servings: egg - 2 pcs, milk - 50 ml, butter - 1 teaspoon, flour - 2 tablespoons, sugar - 2 teaspoons, salt.

Omelette with apples

Peel the apples, cut out the seeds, cut into thin slices and simmer with butter in a frying pan. When the apples are ready, pour in 2 beaten eggs and fry the whole mass like scrambled eggs. To serve, fold in half and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Ingredients: egg - 2 pcs, apples - 100 g, butter - 1 teaspoon, sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Omelette with jam

Beat the whites and mix with the yolks, add the sifted flour and stir well. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the egg mixture and bake in a hot oven until yellow. Place jam on the finished omelette and fold in half.

Ingredients for two servings: egg - 2 pcs, jam - 20 g, butter - 2 teaspoons, wheat flour - 2 teaspoons.

Eggs with bechamel

Peel the hard-boiled egg and cut into slices. Prepare thick bechamel sauce (see recipe above). Dissolve 1 teaspoon of butter in a frying pan, fry a slice of bread in it on both sides and place the egg and sauce on it in rows, alternating.
Sprinkle with grated cheese, breadcrumbs, melted butter and place in the oven. Instead of a bun, you can take boiled potatoes, cut into slices.

Ingredients: egg - 1 piece, milk - 100 g, butter - 1 teaspoon, bread - 25 g, flour - 1/2 teaspoon, cheese - 40 g, salt.

Eggs with spinach

Sort the spinach, wash it and simmer in a saucepan with a lid for 10-15 minutes in its own juice with added sugar. Then rub the spinach through a sieve and season with thick bechamel sauce. Add salt, add 1/2 teaspoon butter and heat slightly. Soak a slice of bread in the egg mixture (beat 1 egg and mix with milk, salt and sugar) and fry in hot oil. Place 1 egg in a frying pan and fry it into a fried egg. Place a fried egg on the toasted toast, and place spinach puree on a plate next to it.

Ingredients for two servings: egg - 2 pieces, spinach - 200 g, butter - 1.5 teaspoons, milk - 1/2 cup, sugar - 1 teaspoon, bread - 40 g, salt.

Eggs in mashed potatoes

Bake 2 large potatoes in the oven. Peel and mash the potatoes with a fork, add a teaspoon of butter and 1/4 cup of hot milk, add salt and stir well. Place the puree in a deep frying pan, greased with oil.
Make a well in the puree, pour a raw egg into it, add salt, sprinkle with sifted breadcrumbs, sprinkle with melted butter and put in the oven.

Ingredients: egg - 1 piece, milk - 1/4 cup, potatoes - 200 g, butter - 1 teaspoon, breadcrumbs - 1 tablespoon, salt.


Stir a teaspoon of flour in a saucepan with 1/4 cup of warm milk. Bring the rest of the milk to a boil, add the diluted flour and, stirring, boil for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Beat an egg with 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, add it to the flour boiled in milk and mix. Place on low heat and cook until thickened.
Drachena is best made steamed.

Ingredients: egg - 1 piece, milk - 200 g, flour - 1 teaspoon, sugar -1.5 teaspoons, salt.


Dissolve 2 teaspoons of sugar in a glass of warm milk, beat in an egg. Pour into a saucepan and place in a water bath in a not very hot oven. Bake until thickened (about an hour).

Ingredients: egg - 1 piece, milk - 250 g, flour - 1 teaspoon, sugar - 2 teaspoons, salt.

Egg soufflé

Grind the yolks with powdered sugar. Separately, beat the whites into a strong foam. Carefully mix the yolks with the whites (mixing from bottom to top). Place in a high frying pan, greased with oil and sprinkled with sugar. Cut the soufflé crosswise to 1/3 of its depth so that the heat penetrates inside better. Place in the oven (medium heat) for 10 minutes.

Ingredients: egg - 2 pcs, butter - 1/2 teaspoon, powdered sugar - 1 tablespoon.

Egg jelly

Cut off the lemon peel in a thin layer and squeeze out the juice. Place the peel in a saucepan along with 2 tablespoons of sugar and gelatin. Pour a glass of cold boiled water. Pour in 1 egg. Place over low heat and heat, stirring, until the gelatin dissolves. Do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cool slightly and add lemon juice to the jelly. Stir and pour into cups moistened with boiled water. Place in the cold until the jelly hardens.

Ingredients: lemon - 1 piece, egg - 1 piece, sugar - 2 tablespoons, water - 1 glass, gelatin - 2 leaves or / teaspoon.

Snowballs made from squirrels

Boil 2 cups of milk. At the same time, beat the chilled whites and carefully mix in 100 g of powdered sugar (without beating). Carefully drop lumps of whipped egg whites into very hot (but not boiling) milk with a tablespoon so that they do not touch each other. Cover the pan with a lid and let the snowballs boil. Carefully remove the snowballs with a slotted spoon and place on a hair sieve. Cool the milk. Grind the yolks with 2 tablespoons of sugar, add 1 teaspoon of starch, mix with cooled milk, put on the stove and stir until it thickens. Dip the snowballs into this cream to warm them up a little. You can make chocolate cream by adding 30 g of grated chocolate or 1 teaspoon of instant cocoa to milk.

Ingredients for three servings: egg - 3 pcs, milk - 400 ml, starch - 1 teaspoon, sugar - 150 g.

Eggs are a necessary and important component of complementary feeding for infants in their first year of life. This dietary food product contains as many microelements and vitamins that are beneficial for the growth and development of the baby as possible. It is a rich source of vitamins A, D, B, E, K, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, folic acid, lecithin, niacin, etc. Eating helps strengthen bones and ensure proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Therefore, young parents need to know how and when to give eggs to their children.

Timing of introduction into the diet

The age of 6-7 months is the time of the first complementary feeding, when you can introduce a hard-boiled yolk into the baby’s menu. About a quarter of it is saturated fat, which can put stress on the liver. If your baby is gaining weight well and does not have digestive problems, you can postpone the introduction of this product to a later date, when the baby is 8-9 months old. Protein should be given to children later - from 8-9 months. Keep in mind that this product is allowed to be given to a child no more than 2 times a week.

Introduction to complementary feeding of chicken eggs

When purchasing, look carefully at the expiration date. Your child should only use fresh ingredients when preparing food. It's good if you have the opportunity to shop at home.

First, wash the egg thoroughly with soap, then hard-boil it. Not everyone knows how long to cook this product. The correct answer is within 8-10 minutes. Separate a few grains of yolk, grind them and mix it with your favorite vegetable puree or porridge. The best option is to dilute with breast milk or artificial formula for better digestibility.

If there is no allergic reaction or stool disturbance, you can gradually increase to a quarter over 1-2 weeks, and then to a half. It should be used no more than 2 times a week. By the age of one year, the recommended norm is up to 1 piece every other day or half, but every day.

If regurgitation occurs frequently, it is enough to give the baby a little yolk diluted with mother’s milk or artificial formula before feeding. This will help create sediment in the stomach and thus prevent excessive regurgitation.

Remember that children under 1 year of age are not allowed to give the product soft-cooked and, especially, in its raw form. Harmful microorganisms can easily penetrate the shell, and there is a risk of salmonellosis. Without heat treatment, adivin, a harmful protein that inhibits the action of digestive enzymes, is not destroyed.

From 8-9 months you can offer your baby protein. In the period from 1 to 1.5 years, you can diversify the diet of your baby. Offer your child steamed omelettes, casseroles, and cheesecakes. You can also simply boil it and add it to soups or pasta. From 3 years of age you can start giving it roasted.

It is important to know that the yolk contains cholesterol, and the white is a strong allergen; consuming it at an early age can cause excessive stress on the kidneys. Keep in mind that the maximum consumption rates are indicated taking into account what you have already added to the baking dough, cutlets, and meatballs during preparation.

Quail eggs in the diet

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Infants like quail eggs because of their small size and unusual shell color. They are considered less allergenic, therefore they are indicated for children who are allergic to chicken protein. In addition, quail eggs cannot be a source of salmonellosis. The high body temperature of quails (about 42 degrees) is destructive for salmonella. The shell of these eggs is strong and not as porous as that of chicken eggs, so it does not allow pathogenic bacteria to enter. Does not contain cholesterol.

  1. amino acids
  2. B vitamins
  3. phosphorus
  4. potassium
  5. iron

The period for introducing complementary foods is the same - age 6-7 months. From the age of 8 months you can prepare a steam omelet for your baby using special baby milk.

From 8-9 months you can offer your baby curd pudding. To prepare, mix quail eggs (2-3 pieces) and homemade cottage cheese, add a little fructose and bake in the oven or slow cooker for 20 minutes.

From 11-12 months you can start pampering your child with delicious baked goods based on this product according to children's recipes. Boiled quail eggs can be added to soups or porridge. They should be cooked for 3-5 minutes.

Up to 1 year of age, offer only the yolk; after a year, you can already boil a whole egg for your baby. Until the age of 3, try to maintain the norm of no more than two or three pieces per day. Remember that quail eggs are also prohibited from being eaten raw or soft-boiled.


Allergies often occur in young children in the first year of life. Adverse reactions include:

  1. frequent stools
  2. constipation
  3. diathesis
  4. hyperemia, swelling, peeling of the skin

Allergies are usually caused by eating chicken protein. Introduce protein into the children's menu very carefully, offer a small portion at first, gradually increasing it if there is no undesirable reaction. Have you developed an allergy or experienced the symptoms described above? It is necessary to stop eating this food for a while. Also, if the parents had an allergic reaction, it is recommended to wait until the age of 10-12 months.

Remember that there is no need to rush to introduce new components to the children's menu. Allergies and intestinal infections are very dangerous. If your baby is breastfed after 1 year, then he satisfies his need for essential substances by 75%. This is quite enough for the correct, harmonious development and growth of the body as a whole. Be careful and take care of your kids.


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