Bogdan is a Christian name or not. The meaning of the rare name Bogdan

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Meaning and characteristics of the name Bogdan

The name Bogdan appeared during the times of the ancient Slavs, and translated it means “given by God.” There is a version according to which this name is one of the forms of the Greek name Theodotus.

As a child, Bogdan was very attached to his mother. He spends most of his time with her and considers her his best friend.

Growing up, the boy makes friends, but more often they become older children, not peers. Bogdan is a good student, but he has to be constantly forced to do his homework and work, since the owner of this name is very lazy by nature.

As an adult, a man acquires qualities such as independence and determination; he constantly fights against his own laziness, and often does so very successfully.

As a rule, Bogdan manages to build a good career, but if he becomes a boss, his subordinates usually do not like him because of his dryness and intractability.

A person’s attachment to his mother remains for his entire life, and Bogdan often looks for a wife who is similar to his mother – in appearance and in character.

A girl who dreams of winning the heart of the owner of the name in question should love the man unconditionally and devote her life to him alone.

Congratulations to Bogdan on his name day in verse

Bogdan, given by God and loved by everyone,
Good friend and dear friend,
We congratulate you and wish you happiness,
May your path in life be wonderful!

Always remain reliable and faithful,
After all, we value these qualities so much in you!
Be responsible, young, positive,
Only success awaits you in fate!

Happy holiday, Bogdan, I sincerely congratulate you!
I wish you ease in business and life for many years to come!
Let everything in life be good, let your loved ones and family be nearby,
I wish that grief will pass, that you love and be loved!

SMS congratulations to Bogdan on his name day

On this holiday, I want to wish you success in everything! May your work be appreciated at work, and may coziness and comfort always await you at home, loved ones and family! And, of course, I wish you good health - may it not let you down for many, many years!

Beautiful name Bogdan - it’s as if you were given by God himself!
I wish you prosperity, so that there will always be summer in your soul!

Bogdan is a name that has become increasingly common in Russia and the CIS countries. Boys with this name grow up strong and resilient, bringing joy to their parents and others. The name Bogdan contains many traits that positively influence a person’s destiny.

This name boasts a rich history. However, there is no exact version of its origin.

The first version is considered the main and more real one. In Rus' there was a tradition of naming a person with a specially invented name for his glorification. Therefore, it was customary to create names from several parts. The first part, as a rule, was the word God.

According to another version, the name Bogdan comes from the Greek names Theodotus and Theodotos. For a long time he could not be found in the calendar of the Christian church, but with increased popularity, it was decided to include the name in the holy book.

Previously, the name was fashionable among residents of Ukraine and the southwestern parts of Russia. Now it is found everywhere, regardless of region.


The name Bogdan means “God-given man.”


As a child, Bogdan grows up as a calm child who obeys his parents. Growing up, the guy begins to feel confident and strong, so he does not tolerate superiority. From the outside he seems so calm that many consider him insensitive. Therefore, in his life there are often people with whom he cannot establish contact and maintain relationships for a long time.

Bogdan has the ability to attract representatives of the fair sex, win their affection, and take advantage of their feelings. For a long time, his only and beloved woman is his mother. When a guy finds his soulmate, she won’t have to worry about his intentions, he will be honest with her and immediately make it clear that he is ready to start a family.

Bogdans are very jealous and selective. In a woman they value loyalty, intelligence and the ability to understand them. Therefore, not every girl will be able to meet the stated requirements. Moreover, the spouse will very subtly understand the mood of his companion and it will not be possible to deceive him with pretense.

Much in Bogdan’s fate depends on the quality of the family union. If he is strong, then the man will begin to blossom quickly and will be able to achieve great success. Despite the desire to take the place of leader in the family, Bogdan knows that it is he who must provide for the family, raise children and give them a decent future.

As for the profession, Bogdan, having creative and commercial abilities, can find use in a leadership position, in business and art. He can easily adapt to any conditions, is not afraid of difficulties, and can find a way out of any situation. He will be able to maintain business relationships, unlike personal ones, even with people he finds unpleasant.

Problems and extraordinary events only provoke Bogdanov; real superpowers are revealed in them, which allow them to “get away with it” from the current situation. Bogdan also has good intuition, but does not trust it too much. He prefers to rely on reason and logic.

Material well-being also occupies a special place in Bogdasha’s life. Qualities such as hard work and perseverance allow him to achieve good results financially.

Sometimes the bearer of this name can go against the rules, in which case he will not care about savings, spending everything he has on his goal. But he is lucky, so he can always provide himself with a decent and comfortable existence.

Bogdan spends the bulk of the money he earns, even if he gets it “through sweat and blood,” on vacation. Over the years, this passes, and the wasteful guy grows into a slightly grouchy old man who saves money and tries to prove to everyone that he is right.

Bogdan’s life, from a health point of view, is quite stable. Good immunity, built up in childhood, allows him to cope with many problems. But the owner of the name has a risk of developing unusual, rare diseases of the digestive tract and internal organs.

In Bogdashi’s life there are always many friends who differ from him in a more “earthly” intellect. Therefore, he feels comfortable among them, thus achieving even greater confidence in himself and his abilities.


The characteristics of the name Bogdan are quite specific:

  • Secretive.
  • Serious.
  • Obstinate.
  • Calculating.

In childhood, character traits show little. Basically, the boy grows up obedient and quickly learns new information. But already in school years, the characteristics of the name make themselves felt. The boy is reluctant to communicate with peers, giving preference to older children. At school he is not interested in subjects, so he studies only “for show,” and so as not to offend his mother.

Later, as he grows older, negative traits begin to appear to a lesser extent, since the guy is already able to control his emotions. But internal aggression takes place all the time. If you push a person to the limit, then emotions can burst out. But this happens extremely rarely, because Bogdashi’s motto is not to be nervous in a situation where you can’t change anything.

Character traits also differ by season of birth. Summer and spring Bogdanovs have a more restrained disposition and an optimistic outlook on life. As children, they prefer friendships with “authoritative” guys who can, if something happens, stand up for him. But this is not cowardice, but a desire to assert oneself at the expense of others. Summer namesakes also make more caring husbands who idolize their wives, show less obstinacy and love their children to bits.

Winter and autumn Bogdans are more capricious and hidden. They do not share secrets even with the closest people; neither their mother nor their wife will ever know about their plans. During their school years, they surround themselves either with older friends or with those who are an order of magnitude lower than them in mental development. And this is also self-affirmation at the expense of others.

They may show despotism in family relationships, but they live with a faithful and understanding wife until a very old age. They love children, do not raise them harshly, and try to devote as much time as possible to them.

Some of the positive features of this name include:

  • Resourcefulness.
  • Observation.
  • Ability to analyze.
  • Strength of character.
  • Self confidence.
  • The ability to think logically.

Name day

When does Bogdan celebrate Angel Day? Several times a year, on the days of remembrance of martyrs and saints named Theodotus and Bogdan:

  • January 14;
  • March 4 and March 15;
  • May 12 and 31;
  • June 11 and 20;
  • July 17th;
  • September 15 and 28;
  • the 25th of October;
  • November 16 and 20.

If you baptize a child with the original name Bogdan, then the name day will be once a year - March 4th.

Name color

The color of the name is green.

Name flower

Immortelle and laurel.

Church name, calendar

Theodotus and Bogdan.

Translation of name, in different languages

The translation of the name Bogdan in different languages ​​has a similar sound.

  • In English - Bogdan.
  • In Ukrainian - Bogdan.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

There are several options for diminutive forms - Bogdanka, Danya, Bogdasha. Full name: Bogdan.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

The patronymic Bogdanovich and Bogdanovna fits many names.

Girls names:

  • Olga.
  • Natalia.
  • Svetlana.
  • Zhanna.
  • Catherine.
  • Elena.

Boys names:

  • Oleg.
  • Peter.
  • Vladimir.
  • Daniel.

Name compatibility

Good name compatibility with Anastasia, Galina, Diana, Evgenia, Polina, Zinaida, Valeria and.

There will be difficult relationships with Olga, Angela, Zhanna, Bella, Tatyana.

How to incline

This name can be declined according to cases as follows:

  • Nominative – Bogdan.
  • Genitive - Bogdana.
  • Dative - Bogdan.
  • Accusative - Bogdan.
  • Creative - Bogdan.
  • Prepositional - Bogdan.

Famous people with this name

Among famous people with this name there are versatile personalities:

  • Bogdan-Zinovy ​​Khmelnitsky - statesman, commander, leader of the rebel Cossacks during clashes with the authorities of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
  • Bogdan Schweitzer - astronomer from Russia.
  • Bogdan Deditsky - poet and writer, the first Galician-Russian journalist (professional).
  • Bogdan Saltanov - court artist under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, chief designer of the Armory Chamber.
  • Bogdan Nilus - architect from Russia.
  • Bohdan Mortar - Ukrainian theater and film actor.
  • Bogdan Glinsky - a prince from the Glinsky family.
  • Bogdan Lobonts - football player from Romania.
  • Bogdan Gelfreich I - Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Lieutenant General.
  • Bogdan Blavatsky - Ukrainian football player.
  • Bogdan von Glasenap - chief commander of the Black Sea Fleet, agent of the Maritime Ministry in Norway, Sweden, Denmark.
  • Bogdan Benyuk - Ukrainian actor.
  • Bohdan Sliva - Polish chess player.
  • Bogdan Shershun - Ukrainian football player.
  • Jon Bogdan Mara - Romanian football player.
  • Bogdan Mamonov – author of paintings, installations, art critic from Russia.
  • Bogdan Kiselevich - Russian hockey player.
  • Bogdan Filov - Bulgarian politician, archaeologist and art critic.
  • Bogdan Hasdeu - Moldavian and Romanian poet, writer, historian.
  • Bogdan Chaly - children's writer from Ukraine.

The name Bogdan is endowed with many positive qualities that help a person achieve success in life. But you need to be prepared for the fact that its owner may become an overly aggressive person, directing his interests in the wrong direction. Therefore, even in childhood, parents need to make every effort to properly raise their son.

Short form of the name Bogdan. Boga, Boyda, Bogdik, Bogdanek, Bogo, Bogdas, Boto, Botyo, Boncho, Bonyo, Boni, Bobi, Boban, Dancho, Danyo, Danko, Dan, Danya, Dani, Dacho, Bogdanko, Vogdas.
Synonyms for the name Bogdan. Bagdan.
Origin of the name Bogdan. The name Bogdan is Russian, Slavic, Ukrainian, Orthodox.

The name Bogdan is a Slavic name, meaning “given by God”, “given by God”, “God’s gift”. Very often the name Bogdan was used as a variant of the names John (Ivan), Theodore (Fedor) and Theodot (Fedot), which have the same meaning.

The name Bogdan corresponds to the Hebrew names Nathaniel and Jonathan, Greek Theodotus, Latin Deodat, French Dieudonne, Bulgarian Bozhidar. In the Orthodox Church, Bogdan is baptized under the name Theodotus. Paired female name - Bogdana.

Often, parents, without realizing it, give the name Bogdan to children whose birth was associated with anxiety and anxiety. Therefore, in most cases, Bogdan is the only, long-awaited, and perhaps late child. The mother feels sorry for her beloved child and because of this she indulges his whims too much on the one hand and does not allow the father to raise her son at all. So it turns out that Bogdan is very jealous of his mother and tries with all his might not to let her go. For example, it will not be a surprise for a boy to throw a tantrum if his mother decides to chat for a long time with her girlfriend.

The adult Bogdan is somewhat withdrawn, tight-fisted and dry. Bogdan is distinguished by his dreaminess and some narcissism. His intuition is well developed. Despite his reserved and timid character, Bogdan is capable of risky decisions. Bogdan, born in the summer, strives to diversify the emotional sphere and this sometimes complicates his life.

During his school years, Bogdan was hampered in many ways by his inherent laziness. It is thanks to her that he studies averagely, and his talents and abilities do not fully develop in him. Having matured, Bogdan becomes a calm person who knows his worth. He strives to get a good life in life and achieve high mastery in his profession. Bogdan chooses his future specialty so that it does not require inspiration and improvisation from him. It is possible that Bogdan, born in winter, will become an artist, historian or musician.

As a child, Bogdan does not get along well with other children. At school, he prefers to communicate with guys who enjoy authority among his comrades and can protect Bogdan if necessary. Adult Bogdan is arrogant and categorical. Those around him notice that his stubbornness and adherence to principles are not always appropriate.

In relationships, Bogdan is the undisputed leader. He chooses a submissive wife, keeps her strict, and may even shout at her in public. But, nevertheless, Bogdan makes a very good husband. He strives to find additional income for himself, does a lot of housework with his own hands, and spends his earnings sparingly. The only thing Bogdan does not spare money on is rest. Moreover, he prefers family vacations.

Bogdan loves only once, in relationships he is faithful to his soul mate, but in jealousy he becomes simply uncontrollable. This trait is somewhat softened in men born in spring or summer. In a woman, he seeks, first of all, understanding and spiritual intimacy. Bogdan should have similar intellectual interests with his future wife. From all of the above, it becomes clear that Bogdan is not able to create an alliance with every woman.

The chosen one of “summer” Bogdan can rely on his nobility and ability to not lose his presence of mind in any situation. He inspires confidence in his girlfriend, although he is not outwardly sentimental. A frivolous woman will not be able to win Bogdan’s trust, since he has well-developed intuition. Bogdan must be completely confident in his companion, he places very high demands on his wife, and can choose her for years.

Bogdan's name day

Famous people named Bogdan

  • Bohdan-Zinovy ​​Khmelnitsky ((1595 - 1657) hetman of the Zaporozhye army, commander and statesman. Organizer and ideological leader of the uprising of the Zaporozhye Cossacks against the authorities of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the result of which, in the process of a nine-year struggle, was the founding of a new state formation - the Zaporozhye Army, which in part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (formally) and then Russia existed until the end of the 18th century.)
  • Bogdan Mikhnevich ((1951 - 2000) Soviet and Ukrainian sound engineer, sound engineer)
  • Bogdan Deditsky ((1827 - 1909) the first professional Galician-Russian journalist, writer and poet)
  • Bogdan Nilus ((1866 - ?) Russian architect)
  • Bogdan Saltanov ((c.1630 - 1703) also referred to as Ivan Ievlev(ich) Saltanov; court artist of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and his successors, chief master of the Armory Chamber (from 1686). Author of icons, illustrations for manuscripts, parsun. By origin - Armenian originally from Persia.)
  • Bohdan Stupka ((born 1941) Ukrainian theater and film actor)
  • Bogdan Schweitzer ((1816 - 1873) Russian astronomer and astrometrist)
  • Bogdan Glinsky ((d.1509/1512) is also known as “Mamai”; a prince from the Glinsky family, governor of Cherkasy (1488 - 1495) and Putivl (1495 - 1497). One of the atamans of the Ukrainian Cossack detachments and the leader of military campaigns against the Crimean Tatars .)
  • Bogdan Lobont (Romanian footballer)
  • Bogdan Gelfreich 1st ((1776 - 1843) real name - Gottgard August von Gelfreich; Russian military leader, lieutenant general, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, came from an old Estonian noble family)
  • Bogdan Blavatsky ((born 1963) Ukrainian football player and football coach)
  • Bogdan von Glasenap ((1811 - 1892) real name - Gottlieb Friedrich; admiral (1869), adjutant general, chief commander of the Black Sea Fleet, member of the Admiralty Council, agent of the Naval Ministry in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (1855 - 1856), collector materials on the history of the fleet of the 18th-19th centuries)
  • Bogdan Belsky ((d.1611) a prominent figure in the oprichnina, a participant in the Livonian War. Nephew of Malyuta Skuratov. An associate of Ivan the Terrible in recent years, he was his agent in various diplomatic missions (in particular, in negotiations with England). The Tsar died in the presence of Belsky ( according to one version, he was strangled by him and Boris Godunov) when they were playing chess with him. Appointed by Ivan to the regency council under Fyodor Ioannovich.)
  • Bogdan Benyuk (Soviet and Ukrainian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Ukraine)
  • Bohdan Sliwa ((1922 - 2003) Polish chess player; grandmaster (1987), 6-time champion of Poland (1946, 1951-1954, 1960); in the national championships 1957, 1961 and 1967 - 2nd place)
  • Bogdan Shershun (Ukrainian footballer)
  • Ion Bogdan Mara (Romanian footballer)
  • Bogdan Mamonov ((born 1964) Russian artist, curator, art critic, author of installations, paintings, video slide films, performances, book illustrations)
  • Bogdan Kiselevich ((born 1990) Russian hockey player, defenseman)
  • Bogdan Haushi (Romanian footballer)
  • Bogdan Filov ((1883 - 1945) Bulgarian archaeologist, art critic and politician. Made an important contribution to the study of ancient art. In 1918 he discovered the Iron Age Trebenishta necropolis, rich in gold and iron items.)
  • Bogdan Hashdeu ((1836 - 1907) real name – Thaddeus Alexandrovich Hizhdeu; Moldavian and Romanian writer, poet, philologist, publicist, historian)
  • Bohdan Chaly ((born 1924) Ukrainian children's writer, poet and prose writer. Participant of the Great Patriotic War, collaborated with army newspapers. In 1947 he published the first collection of poems for children “On a Clear Sunny Morning”. In 1951-1975 he edited the Ukrainian children's magazine "Periwinkle", an analogue of "Murzilka" or "Funny Pictures". Author of the books "How Periwinkle became a hero", fairy tale poems: "How Periwinkle and Chamomile flew overseas", "Periwinkle and Spring", "Periwinkle at school" . Author of the well-illustrated book “One Hundred Adventures of Periwinkle and Chamomile.” And in 2002, new adventures of Periwinkle “Periwinkle and Distant Constellations” were published. In 1974, at the XIV Congress of the International Council for Children’s and Youth Literature, Bogdan Chaly for the fairy tale “Periwinkle and Spring” awarded an honorary diploma (prize) named after G.H. Andersen.)
  • Bogdan Zvonko ((born 1942) is a singer of traditional folk music of Vojvodina. But he is famous not only as a singer, but also as a composer, artist and jockey. But most of all he is known for his courteous and gentlemanly manners. Zvonko Bogdan sings original and traditional songs (especially songs belonging to the Bunevtsi ethnic group), accompanied by the traditional “tamburitsa orchestra”.)
  • Bohdan Goronzhuk ((born 1934) Polish poet, lyricist, graphic artist)
  • Bogdan Khitrovo ((1615 - 1680) Russian boyar, founder of the Moscow Armory Chamber)
  • Bogdan Titomir ((born 1967) Russian pop singer, DJ)
  • Jozef Bogdan Zaleski ((1802 - 1886) Polish poet)
  • Bogdan Filov ((1883 - 1945) Bulgarian archaeologist and politician)
  • Bogdan Diklic ((born 1953) Serbian theater and film actor)
  • Bogdan Stela ((born 1967) Romanian football player)
  • Bogdan Olteanu ((b.1971) Romanian politician)

Bogdan always loves his mother more. He trusts her with all his secrets, plays games with her and for him she is his best friend. Bogdan does not always get along with his peers. He always communicates with those who are older. He can ask them for advice and Bogdan shares common interests with his older children. But due to his strong attachment to his mother, he can grow up spoiled, so at least sometimes it is necessary to limit him in something and forbid something. Another not very good quality of Bogdan is his laziness. It is because of her that his business sometimes falls apart.

Having already matured, Bogdan changes and becomes an independent young man. He becomes more balanced and purposeful. But the attachment to the mother remains. He achieves great success in his career, since he can do any job. But in communicating with people, Bogdan is dry and taciturn, often even arrogant. It is always difficult for his woman to be with him, since he has a difficult character. Moreover, he demands from his woman what his mother gave him: boundless love. If he doesn’t feel this, then there won’t be a marriage.

Fate: Bogdan is a calm person who knows his worth. There is a noticeable desire in him to get well and thoroughly settled in life. Can sometimes achieve high mastery in a profession that is quite specific and does not require inspiration or improvisation.

The Saints: Bogdan of Adrianople (name day March 4), Bogdan Rimsky (name day July 17), Bogdan of Caesarea (name day September 15).

Day of Angel Bogdan

From the Old Church Slavonic language - given by God. The name is not canonical, not recognized by the church. In ancient times it meant “given by the gods.” It is possible that this is a literal translation of the Greek name Theodotus - given by God. The main personality traits are highly moral, receptive, constantly looking for something somewhere, having good health and a strong will, as well as deeply hidden animal instincts.

It is very pleasant to live or work with him. Bogdan constantly moves among ordinary people, where he is given a lot of attention and where he is loved. He always gives the impression of lightness, spontaneity, far from hard effort. In fact, there is no lightness - he keeps everything inside himself, which makes him very nervous. However, due to the fact that Bogdan’s reaction speed is usually slow, while he figures out “what, why and when,” during this time he will gradually calm down and forget about what worried him.

In general, Bogdan has a very good memory and knows how to find a way out of any, even the most hopeless situations. Moreover, all his actions comply with the rules of everyday morality. Bogdan is usually in good health. As for his sexuality, it all depends on the strength of his heartfelt affection. With his beloved wife, in a good family, Bogdan “blooms and smells” as if in heaven. Bogdan's friends consider him an eternal student, because he likes all professions - medicine, psychology, pedagogy, law, economics. Maybe Bogdan is not quite ideal, like us, he may go astray, but he will always be able to find a way out and solve all his problems.

Bogdan Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • January 14 – Bogdan, martyr.
  • March 4 – Bogdan of Adrianople, martyr.
  • March 15 – Bogdan of Cyrene, confessor, bishop
  • May 12 – Bogdan Kizichesky, martyr.
  • May 31 – Bogdan Ankirsky, martyr, innkeeper
  • June 11 – Bogdan, martyr.
  • June 20 – Bogdan Ankirsky, martyr, innkeeper
  • July 17 – Bogdan of Libya; Bogdan Rimsky, martyr.
  • September 15 – Bogdan (Shatokhin), schmch., priest /new martyr/; Bogdan of Caesarea (Cappadocia), martyr.
  • September 28 – Bogdan of Marcianopolis (Misian), martyr.
  • October 25 – Bogdan, Bishop, Ephesus
  • November 16 – Bogdan, martyr.
  • November 20 – Bogdan Ankirsky, martyr, innkeeper; Bogdan Melitinsky, martyr.

There are not so many names in our everyday life that are truly Russian – or rather, Russian-speaking. And Bogdan is one of them. It is not difficult to understand without a translator: Bog-dan - “given by God” or (if you imagine the pagan “semantic content”) - “given by the gods.” It would seem that everything is clear: it was born in our language long before the Baptism of Rus'!

But don't rush to conclusions.

Can you remember at least one name of Slavic origin with such an element - -dan? Apart from Bogdan, neither we nor other Slavic peoples have such names (-dar, -slav, -mil - as many as you like, but not -dan). But the name Bogdan is found not only among the Slavic peoples, but also in Romania and Moldova (in particular, many Moldavian rulers had this name). So where did it come from?

Some researchers trace the Slavic “Bogdan” to the Iranian-language “Bagadata” (the meaning is the same - “given by God”), which the ancestors of the Slavs could have borrowed from the Scythians - in this case, the name turns out to be quite ancient.

The pre-Christian origin of the name is also supported by the fact that this name was not recognized by the Church for a long time. So, even in documents dating back to the 17th century, there are entries like this: “Cossack Bogdan, and God knows his name” - in other words, Bogdan appears here, if not as a nickname (after all, it got into the document!), then as “ unofficial,” a worldly name that, in principle, cannot be given at baptism. The Ukrainian hero Bogdan Khmelnitsky also had a different godname - Zinovy. And in one alphabet book (some kind of analogue of modern encyclopedic dictionaries), dating back to the end of the 16th century, the name Bogdan is given as one of the examples of names that “before their baptism by the Slovenians... their children” - along with such names as Bozhen, First, Second , We love you, etc.

It is also noteworthy that in later times the word “bogdashka” (according to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary) meant all babies (regardless of gender) before baptism.

But there is an alternative hypothesis: the name Bogdan came to Rus' along with Christianity... how could this happen? Yes, it’s very simple: in the Orthodox calendar there is a Greek name with the same meaning - Theodotus, and this is what - in literal translation - turned into Bogdan. To be honest, this version seems dubious: with the Christian faith we received a great many names of Greek, Latin, and Jewish origin - some of them did not take root at all (like Pinna), others “adapted” to Russian pronunciation (Dionysius-Denis, Juliania-Ulyana, etc.), but none of them was translated. (- why is Theodotus so honored? Why not Feodor, John, Matvey or Khozdazat, who have the same or similar meaning? True, there is still one example of the birth of Russian names by translating Greek ones - Verae. ANDezhda and Lyubov - but this is precisely the exception : the Greek names Pistis, Elpis and Agape turned out to be too inconvenient for the Russian language - but they were never used in our country in their original form, but the name Theodotus was used, giving rise to the Russian colloquial form - Fedot.

Apparently, the name Bogdan is still not a creation of the Greek Theodotus, but something else is true: it was ultimately identified with it, being recognized by the Church (in a similar way, the Orthodox Church recognized the name Svetlana, identifying it with Photinia). And the patron saint of the Bogdanovs is the holy martyr Theodotos of Adrianople (memory day - February 19).

There are many famous Bogdans - the architect Bogdan Nilus, the astonomist Bogdan Schweitzer - but there are especially many of them among Ukrainians. We have already talked about Bogdan Khmelnitsky, we will also name writers B. Rubchak and B. Stelmakh, football player B. Shust, artist B. Stebelsky, actor B. Stupka.


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