Future perfect tense in English. Future perfect continuous tense in English

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— I will have done it by Monday. (I'll do it before Monday) where will — auxiliary verb denoting the future + have- perfect auxiliary verb - V3/Ved- past participle of the main verb (Past Participle or Participle II).

Using the Future Perfect

English time Future Perfect used to express a future action that will be completed before a certain point in future.

I will have translated
the articles by the end of the week. I will translate the articles by the end of the week.

He 'll have been 30 by the end of the next month. He will turn 30 before the end of next month.

Our courier will have given you my parcel by the weekend. Our courier will deliver your parcel before this weekend.

Future Perfect. Examples:

I will have gone to the cinema by that time. By then I will have gone to the cinema.

? Will she have come by that time? Will she come before then?

- No will not have told me this story by midday. He won't tell me this story until noon.

Marker words for Future Perfect

by 5 o'clock tomorrow(until 5 o'clock tomorrow), when he comes back(when he returns) by the time he comes back(until the time he returns).


Future perfect tense

Affirmative form of Future Perfect


You(you you)





It(he, she, it - about animals and objects)

will have V3/Ved

Examples Translation

I will have got the keys by
next week.

I will receive the keys before next week.

We will have given up
smoking by Monday.

We will quit smoking by Monday.

They will have left for England
by the time you arrive.

They will leave for England before you arrive.

He will have watched all
the cartoons at 7 p.m.

He will watch all the cartoons before 7 o'clock

Shewill have eaten her
pizza by the time you cook spaghetti.

She'll eat all the pizza before you do.
cook spaghetti.

Interrogative form of Future Perfect


you(you you)






have V3/Ved?

Examples Translation

Will I have got the keys by
next week?

Will I receive my keys before next week?

Will you have given up
smoking by Monday?

Will you quit smoking by Monday?

Will they have left for England
by the time you arrive?

Will they leave for England before you arrive?

Will he have watched
all the cartoons by 7 p.m?
Will he watch all the cartoons before 7 pm?
Will she have eaten
her pizza by the time you cook spaghetti?
She'll eat all the pizza before you do.
will you cook spaghetti?

Special questions in Future Perfect

(start with special words)


How many (much, far...)

you(you you)






have V3/ved?

Examples Translation

What will they have done by the weekend?

What will they do before the weekend?

What document will he have signed by the time
are we coming?

What document will he sign before we
Shall we come?

How much will they have spent by the time?

How much will they spend before then?

Negative form
Future Perfect

Interrogative-negative form
Future Perfect

Schematically the structure of the sentence in Future Perfect can be shown like this:

S + will have V3/Ved.

Will + S + have V3/Ved?

Wh - ?
Wh + will + S + have V3/Ved?

S + won’t + have V3/Ved.

? –
Won't + S + have V3/Ved?

Such a scheme for time Future Perfect You can print it out and paste it into a notebook together with others, for example. You will get a ready-made cheat sheet, where everything is short and concise.

It's time for the most experienced in the English language! Today we will talk about situations when you need to say that you will complete some action in the future by a certain moment. For example: “I will write a report by next Monday. I will finish my project by summer. They will renovate the apartment before the buyers arrive.”

As you can see, we are saying that we will get a certain result in the future, so this is the Future Perfect. Let's discuss it. Let's go!

What is Future Perfect

Future Perfect— the future perfect tense denotes an action that has already taken place and will be completed by a certain moment in the future.

That is, Future Perfect used only when it is necessary to emphasize a fact that means that the action will be completed.

Education Future Perfect

Sentences in the completed future tense are formed using: the auxiliary verb " have", which we put in the future tense by adding " will" It turns out " will have» + 3 verb form(for regular verbs we add the ending “- ed", for incorrect ones - look at the required form in the table).

Subject + will/shall + have + verb in third form(or with "- ed" ending).
By next month, my brother will have received his diploma. - By next month my brother will receive his diploma.

Statements in Future Perfect

The affirmative sentence here is constructed using the auxiliary verb “ have" in time Future Simplewill have") And third forms main verb.

Future Perfect Tense Affirmation Formula
I + WILL + HAVE + PAINTED I'll draw.
YOU + WILL + HAVE + PAINTED You will draw.
He will draw.
She will draw.
It will draw.
WE + WILL + HAVE + PAINTED We'll draw.
YOU + WILL + HAVE + PAINTED You will draw.
THEY + WILL + HAVE + PAINTED They will draw.
The pupils will have taken their seats before the lesson starts. - Students will take their seats before the lesson begins.
Nota bene: « will" in modern English is used with all numbers and persons. " Shall» only used with first face « I», « we"(although this use is considered obsolete).

In modern English, with all numbers and persons, only “will” is used and this is not an error. But “shall” can still be found in newspapers, old texts or texts during a job interview, or when applying to an educational institution, fiction.

Negations in Future Perfect

In a negative sentence we put between " will" And " have"negative particle" not».

Negation formula in Future Perfect
I + WILL + NOT + HAVE + PAINTED I won't draw.
You won't draw.
He won't draw.
She won't draw.
It won't draw.
WE + WILL + NOT + HAVE + PAINTED We won't draw.
YOU + WILL + NOT + HAVE + PAINTED You won't draw.
THEY + WILL + NOT + HAVE + PAINTED They won't draw.
Helen will not have finished this report at 5 o'clock. - Helen won't finish this report at 5 o'clock.
They won't have received the letteruntil you send it. - They won't receive the letter until you send it.

Questions in Future Perfect

In question we endure first place « will", then use subject, and after it - “ have" And 3 main verb form.

Question formula in Future Perfect Tense
WILL + I + HAVE + PAINTED Shall I draw?
WILL + YOU + HAVE + PAINTED Will you draw?
Will he draw?
Will she draw?
Will it draw?
WILL + WE + HAVE + PAINTED Shall we draw?
WILL + YOU + HAVE + PAINTED Will you draw?
WILL + THEY + HAVE + PAINTED Will they draw?
How many pages will you have read by the end of the day ? - How many pages will you read by the end of the day?
Will you have cooked
dinner when I come home? - Will you have dinner ready by the time I get home?

Word markers in Future Perfect

Very often at this time we use the following expressions:

by... - to some time/moment;
by the end of… - by the end... ;
by tomorrow- by tomorrow;
by the time… - by the time when... ;
by then- by that time;
before- before;
when- when and others;
until/till- before - are used only in negative sentences.

They will have built this house by then. - They will have built this house by then.
He won't have stopped playing until you distract him. - He won't finish playing while you distract him.

Complex sentences in the Future Perfect

If you are talking about an action that will be completed before some other action occurs in the future, then:

  • in the first part we use the Future Perfect - we talk about an action that we will complete in the future;
  • in the second part we use suggestions Present Simple- we are talking about the action that will happen after.
They will have drunk up all the water by the time we come. - They'll drink all the water by the time we get there.

If in the second part current faceHe, she, it, then we add the ending “- s» to our verb (action):

They will have drunk up all the water by the time she comes. - They will drink all the water by the time it comes.

Examples of using Future Perfect

We use the future completed tense to show an action that will begin and end before a certain point in the future:

We will have built our new house by the next year. - We will finish building our new house by next year.

Future Perfect is used as analogue designs " must have done" In this meaning it shows the assumption that action has been completed. In Russian, such a sentence will be translated into past time with words " Maybe», « probably», « must be».

You will have heard the news about my nephew’s marriage. “You must have heard the news about my nephew’s marriage.”
They will have booked the tickets for their action next week. - They've probably booked tickets for a holiday next week.

Education Future Perfect Passive

We've dealt with the active voice. Let's look at passive. Passive Voice is formed like this:

Subject+ auxiliary verb " will» + « have been» + third form verb or a verb ending “-” ed».

Difference from other times

I will be taking a bath for 2 hours.- I will take a bath for 3 hours.
I will have taken a bath by evening. - I'll finish my bath in the evening.


We have finally looked at all the forms and aspects of using the Future Perfect. All that remains is to put it all into practice. We invite you to make a wish list of what you want to do before the end of this year. Start with: "By the end of 2018 I will have... ."

Stay acknowledged, love English and aim for perfection!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with other tenses of the English language

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

  • Future Perfect Tense (perfect future tense)
  • Rules for forming time, signal words
  • Example sentences with Future Perfect Tense


The Future Perfect tense is used to express an action that will take place at a specified moment in the future (by tonight, by the end of the year, before, and so on).

I will have moved to a new apartment by the end of the month.

By the end of the month I will have moved to a new apartment.

At the same time, it is important for us to emphasize the end of the action.


Let's look at the formation of the affirmative, negative and interrogative tenses of the Future Perfect.

The affirmative form of the Future Perfect is formed using the auxiliary verb to have in the future tense, namely will have and a past tense verb, i.e. verb ending -ed, or the 3rd form of irregular verbs - participles 2:

She will have arrived at the station by tonight.

She will arrive at the station in the evening.

They will have built a new house by the end of the year.

They will complete the new house by the end of the year.

In the negative form to the auxiliary verb will particle is added not, which has the short form wont.

The future perfect tense is used to express an action that will take place at a certain point in the future.

  • She will have cleaned the entire house by the time he gets home. She will clean the whole house for his return.
  • They will have finished their course by the end of May. They will complete the course by the end of May.

Education time

The future perfect tense is formed using an auxiliary verb will have +V3(3rd form of the semantic verb (see table of irregular verbs)). If the semantic verb is correct, an ending is added to it -ed.

  • By the time I finish this course, I will have taken five tests. When I finish this course I will write 5 tests.

NB! To form an affirmative form of a sentence, it is possible to use the auxiliary verb shall have for the 1st person (I, we - I, we). Using will be for the 1st person is not a mistake!

Negative sentence formed with an auxiliary verb will not have(shall not have) (won’t/shan’t - shortened forms)+ V3.

  • I shall not have finished this test by 2 o'clock. I won't finish the test by 2 o'clock.
  • She will not have graduated from university by next year. She won't graduate by next year.

For education interrogative sentence the verb comes first in the sentence will/shall + pronoun (subject) + have + semantic verb in the third form (V3). If an interrogative sentence begins with a question word (What? Who? When? Why? Which? Whose?), then the verb will/shall takes second place in the sentence, the pronoun takes third place, etc.

  • Shall I have finished this test by 2 o'clock? Will I finish the test by 2 o'clock?
  • Will you have graduated from university by next year? Will you graduate by next year?

Signal words (time markers, cue words)

  • by - before, to;
  • by then - by that time;
  • by the time - by time (by the moment);
  • after - after;
  • before - before;
  • until - not yet (in negative sentences), etc.

The Future Perfect Tense. Exercises The Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Use and education of time The Future Simple Tense. Use and education of time

The future perfect tense in English is used to make educated guesses about what will happen. These predictions are based on what we know now and the activities we expect to complete by a certain time. This article tells you in what cases you can use the Future Perfect tense, as well as its rules of formation. As usual, at the beginning of the article we suggest looking not only at the Russian transcription, but also at the English one - [Future perfect] - [ˈfjuːʧə ˈpɜːfɪkt].

Many people have certain ambitions and plans. Many people plan to achieve their goals by a certain time in the future. Of course, you are no exception. Perhaps your goal is to learn English this year? By the end of this article, you will definitely understand that this is not a scary time, as many people think.

Education Future Perfect

This tense is constructed using the auxiliary verbs will and have, the semantic verb is in the third form, that is, in Past Participle or Participle II.

Formula: subject + will + have + (past participle)- Subject - subject

It doesn't matter whether your subject in the sentence is singular or plural. The formula does not change.

Future Perfect Sentence Examples:

— I will have learned Italian by the end of this year – I will learn Italian by the end of this year.
— By my 50th birthday, I will have traveled around the world – For my 50th birthday, I will be traveling around the world.
—They will have been in Rotterdam for sixteen years by the time I arrive - By the time I arrive they will have been in Rotterdam for sixteen years.
— I'm afraid that she won't have found the solution by that time tomorrow – I’m afraid she won’t find a solution by tomorrow.

In colloquial speech we usually shorten by I'll've and you'll've. And we all get one sound together.

Pronunciation of the abbreviated form with transcription:

I'll've- /aɪləv/
You'll've- /jʊələv/ or /ju:ləv/ (depending on accent)
He'll've- /hɪələv/ or /hi:ləv/ (depending on accent)
She'll've- /ʃɪələv/ or /ʃi:ləv/ (depending on accent)
It'll've- /ɪtələv/
We'll've- /wɪələv/ or /wi:ləv/ (depending on the accent)
They'll've- /ðeɪləv/

Future Perfect sentence forms

You can find out in this section how sentences are constructed in the Future Perfect. Tables with examples will help reinforce this rule forever.

Affirmative sentences Future Perfect - Positive Sentences

In order to correctly construct a statement, carefully study the table, which clearly describes the sequence of words.

Subject Form of verb
(verb form)
I will + have + Verb 3 By next month, I' ll have visited all the sights.
He/She/It She will have forgotten about me by this time next week.
He will have finished his examinations by the end of this month.
You You will have fixed the roof before father arrives.
We We will have been married for 10 years by this time tomorrow.
They They' ll have finished the project by Monday.

Negative sentences Future Perfect- Negative Sentences

The construction of negative sentences remains the same as it was. Particle not comes after the auxiliary verb. Remember that you can always use the shortened form.

Subject Form of verb
(verb form)
I will + not + have + Verb 3
won't + have + Verb 3
By next week, I won't have paid the rent.
He/She/It She won't have solved all the physics problems by tomorrow.
At 3 pm, he won't have been in the office for 20 minutes.
You You won't have decorated the bedroom by 2 o’clock.
We At 10 am, we won't have slept for 24 hours
They They won't have shown me the secret room by this time on Friday.

Interrogative sentences Future Perfect – Question Sentences

To form Future Perfect interrogative sentences, use the following formula: Will/Won't + Subject + have + Past Participle.
Full interrogative-negative form: Will they don't have found….?

Auxiliary Verb Subject Form of verb
(verb form)
Will/Won't I have + Verb 3 By next week, will I have found my dog?
He/She/It Will she have forgotten about me by then?
Will he have eaten pizza by the time I get home?
You Will you have decorated this room by 4 o'clock?
We Will we have been married for ten years by this time tomorrow?
They Will they have told me the truth by tomorrow?

Now that you are no longer concerned about the question “How is the Future Perfect formed,” let’s move on to the next point.

Future Perfect usage

  • 1. We use the Future Perfect Simple for actions that will be completed before a certain time in the future.


- They' ll have finished building the house by tomorrow afternoon - They will finish building the house by tomorrow.
—We' ll have made the decision by Tuesday - We will make a decision by Tuesday.
—Ron will have written his third novel by the end of September – Ron will write his third novel by the end of September.
— Tomorrow George will have been single for a month - Tomorrow George will have been single for one month.

The future perfect tense is often used with prepositions by or in:

-He' ll have saved enough money to buy a car by Christmas – He will save enough money to buy a car for Christmas.
— In December, I' ll have worked here for 4 years – In December I will work here for 4 years.

Note:by, not…until/till are used with the future perfect tense. But until/till are used only in negative sentences.

— We won't have built the shed until Monday.

One more point, expressions “…from now”, “in…time” can be used instead in.


- It's possible that ten years from now, I’ll have lived in England - Perhaps in ten years I will live in England.
- It's likely that in seventy years’ time, researchers will have found a cure for cancer - It is likely that in seventy years, researchers will find a cure for cancer.

  • 2. You may find it strange to use the future form to talk about the past.
    Remember, the Future Perfect tense is based on what you know now - so it is actually the present form. When we speak, we cannot say with 100% certainty what will happen in the future. We also don't know everything that happened in the past. The Future Perfect is used when we express expectations that something is likely to have happened.


— Joe will certainly have got to Cambridge by now. It takes 30 minutes – Joe must have reached Cambridge. The journey takes only 30 minutes. (I don't know if he made it to Cambridge, I'm guessing he is there).
—She' ll probably have noticed that her husband cheats on her - She probably noticed that her husband was cheating on her.

In such cases, sentences in Russian will be translated with the words “should be”, “probably”, “possibly”.

  • 3. Sometimes we can use the future perfect and equivalently.
    In these two sentences below there is no difference in meaning because the word before makes the sequence of events clear:

-I' ll arrive before they get there. I' ll have arrived before they get there.

But without prepositions like by the time or before that make the sequence of events clear, you need to use the future perfect to show what happened first.

Let's look at examples:

— At 10 o’clock I’ ll leave- This means that I will wait until ten o'clock and then leave.
— At 10 o’clock I’ ll have left“That means I’ll be gone before ten o’clock.”

  • 4. The future perfect tense can also be used in conditional sentences with if.


— If we don’t hurry up, they’ll have eaten all the food when we get there – If we don’t hurry, they will eat all the food when we get there.
-I' ll have finished painting the roof within three hours if it doesn’t rain – I will finish painting the roof within three hours if it doesn’t rain.

When not to use Future Perfect

The future perfect tense is used only for actions that will be completed before a certain point in the future. In other words, the action you are talking about must have a deadline. If you don't mention a date, use the simple future tense instead of the future perfect tense.

Right: I'll leave.

Wrong: I'll have left .

Remember that sometimes it is impossible to understand what the intended meaning of a sentence is without word markers.

Word markers (time indicators) Future Perfect

The use of signal words in the future perfect tense is necessary, since without them you may remain misunderstood.

· By … (by tomorrow, by next week, by the end of the year, etc.)
· By this time … (by this time tomorrow, by this time next week, etc.)
· In… (in 2 weeks, in 5 years, etc.)
· When/Before…

Examples with words satellites:

— I’ll have got my visa by the end of the week– I will receive my visa by the end of the week.
— Jessica will have completed her Master’s Degree by September Jessica will receive her master's degree by September.
By the time you receive this letter I’ll have finished my final exam - By the time you receive this letter, I will have passed my final exam.
— I hope we’ll have recovered by 11 o'clock“I hope we’ll be better by 11 o’clock.”
— He'll have repaired TV by 8 o'clock tomorrow He will have repaired the TV by eight o'clock tomorrow.

Now is the time to relax a little and watch the video. In this video you will practice listening and pick up new and interesting words for yourself.

Modal verbs with Future Perfect

Please note that in English it can be used instead of the auxiliary verb will in the future perfect tense.

Modal verbs show how confident the speaker is in the proposition he or she is making.

Compare offers in Future Perfect:

- By this time next year, I'll have passed my examination – By this time next year I will have passed my examination. (I'm quite confident that I will pass the exam)
- By this time next year, I should have passed my examination. (Pretty sure)
- By this time next year, I may have
- By this time next year, I might have passed my examination. (Not sure)

Difference between Future Continuous Future Perfect

In fact, the differences between these two times are obvious and cannot be confused. To check this, let's look at the rules and look at examples.

The Future Perfect will have been’ tells us that at some point in the future an action will be performed.

For example:

By 10 am tomorrow I’ ll have done yoga – Tomorrow at 10 am I will do yoga.

Exercise 1. Underline the future perfect tense in the sentences below and translate into Russian.

1. Our parents will have arrived at the hotel by now.

2. By the time Lucy gets home, I’ll have made tea.

3. By this time tomorrow, we’ll have seen the game.

4. By lunch he’ll have smoked a packet of cigarettes.

5. My dad will have retired by the year 2019.

6. I won’t have learned my lessons before mother arrives.

7. By this time next month we’ll have been together for 15 years.

8. They’ll have typed all the documents by now.

9. The film won’t probably have finished until midnight.

10. They’ll have cleaned the living room before the party.

Exercise 2. Translate sentences from Russian into English.

Now try to translate sentences from Russian into English and be sure to leave your results with us in the comments to the article.

1. By 2020, all the snow on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro will melt.

2. She will sew a patch on my jeans by evening.

3. By 2090, I will save about a million dollars.

4. They will demolish this old building by noon tomorrow.

5. We will prepare the documents by next Friday.

6. Sam and Laura will have moved into their new house by this time tomorrow.

7. By the time you finish dinner, I will have finished dessert.

8. When my father arrives, I will be ready to go out for twenty minutes.

9. The party will end at midnight.

10. When I go to Italy, I will visit ten countries.


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