Was there an earthquake? The strongest earthquake in human history awaits us

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The danger of such a natural phenomenon as an earthquake is assessed by most seismologists in points. There are several scales by which the strength of seismic shocks is assessed. The scale, adopted in Russia, Europe and the CIS countries, was developed in 1964. According to data from a 12-point scale, the greatest destructive force is typical for an earthquake of 12 points, and such strong tremors are classified as a “severe catastrophe.” There are also other methods for measuring the strength of shocks, which take into account fundamentally different aspects - the area where the shocks occurred, the time of “shaking” and other factors. However, no matter how the strength of tremors is measured, there are natural disasters that are among the most terrible.

The strength of earthquakes: has there ever been a magnitude 12?

Since the Kamori scale was adopted, and this made it possible to evaluate natural disasters that have not yet disappeared into the dust of centuries, at least 3 earthquakes with a magnitude of 12 have occurred.

  1. Tragedy in Chile, 1960.
  2. Destruction in Mongolia, 1957.
  3. Tremors in the Himalayas, 1950.

In first place in the ranking, which contains the most powerful earthquakes in the world, is the 1960 cataclysm known as the “Great Chilean Earthquake.” The scale of destruction is estimated at the maximum known 12 points, while the magnitude of the ground vibrations exceeded 9.5 points. The most powerful earthquake in history occurred in May 1960 in Chile, near several cities. The epicenter was Valdivia, where the fluctuations reached a maximum, but the population was warned of the impending danger, since the tremors were felt in nearby provinces of Chile the day before. Those who died in this terrible disaster It is believed that 10 thousand people, a lot of people were carried away by the tsunami that began, but experts say that without prior notification there could have been many more victims. By the way, many people were saved due to the fact that the mass of people went to church for Sunday services. At the moment the shaking began, people were in churches that stood.

The most destructive earthquakes in the world include the Gobi-Altai disaster, which swept through Mongolia on December 4, 1957. As a result of the tragedy, the earth was literally turned inside out: fractures formed, demonstrating geological processes that would not be visible under normal circumstances. High mountains in the mountain ranges ceased to exist, the peaks collapsed, and the usual pattern of the mountains was disrupted.

The tremors in populated areas were increasing and continued for quite a long time until they reached 11-12 points. People managed to leave their houses seconds before complete destruction. Dust flying from the mountains covered the cities of southern Mongolia for 48 hours, visibility did not exceed several tens of meters.

Another terrible cataclysm, estimated by seismologists at 11-12 points, occurred in the Himalayas, in the highlands of Tibet, in 1950. The terrible aftermath of the earthquake in the form of mudflows and landslides changed the relief of the mountains beyond recognition. With a terrible roar, the mountains folded like paper, and dust clouds spread from the epicenter to a radius of up to 2000 km.

Tremors from the depths of centuries: what do we know about ancient earthquakes?

The largest earthquakes that have occurred in recent times are discussed and well covered in the media.

Thus, they are still widely known, the memory of them, of the victims and destruction, is still fresh. But what about earthquakes that occurred a long time ago - a hundred, two hundred or three hundred years ago? Traces of destruction have long been eliminated, and witnesses either survived the incident or died. Nevertheless historical literature contains traces of the worst earthquakes in the world that occurred a long time ago. Thus, in the chronicles recording the largest earthquakes in the world, it is written that in ancient times tremors occurred much more often than now, and were much stronger. According to one such source, in 365 BC, tremors occurred that affected the entire Mediterranean territory, as a result of which the seabed was exposed before the eyes of eyewitnesses.

Deadly earthquake for one of the Wonders of the World

One of the most famous ancient earthquakes is the destruction of 244 BC. In those days, according to scientists, tremors occurred much more often, but this particular earthquake is especially famous: as a result of the tremors, the statue of the legendary Colossus of Rhodes collapsed. This statue, according to ancient sources, was one of the Eight Wonders of the World. It was a giant beacon in the form of a statue of a man with a torch in his hand. The statue was so huge that a flotilla could sail between its spread legs. The size played a cruel joke on the Colossus: its legs turned out to be too fragile to withstand seismological activity, and the Colossus collapsed.

Iranian earthquake of 856

The death of hundreds of thousands of people as a result of even not very strong earthquakes was common occurrence: There were no systems for predicting seismic activity, no warning, no evacuation. Thus, in 856, more than 200 thousand people became victims of tremors in the north of Iran, and the city of Damkhan was wiped off the face of the earth. By the way, the record number of victims for this one earthquake is comparable to the number of victims of earthquakes in Iran for the rest of the time, until today.

The bloodiest earthquake in the world

The Chinese earthquake of 1565, which destroyed the provinces of Gansu and Shaanxi, killed more than 830 thousand people. This is an absolute record for the number of human casualties, which has not yet been exceeded. It remained in history as the “Great Jiajing Earthquake” (named after the emperor then in power). Historians estimate its power at 7.9 - 8 points, as evidenced by geological surveys.

This is how this phenomenon was described in the chronicles:
“In the winter of 1556, a catastrophic earthquake occurred in Shaanxi and the provinces around it. Our Hua County has suffered numerous troubles and misfortunes. Mountains and rivers changed their location, roads were destroyed. In some places, the ground unexpectedly rose and new hills appeared, or vice versa - parts of the former hills went underground, floated and became new plains. In other places, mudflows constantly occurred, or the ground split and new ravines appeared. Private houses, public buildings, temples and city walls collapsed with lightning speed and completely.”.

Cataclysm for All Saints' Day in Portugal

Terrible tragedy, which claimed the lives of more than 80 thousand Portuguese, occurred in Lisbon on November 1, 1755. This cataclysm is not included among the most powerful earthquakes in the world either in terms of the number of victims or the strength of seismic activity. But the terrible irony of fate with which this phenomenon broke out is shocking: the tremors began precisely when people went to celebrate the holiday in church. The temples of Lisbon could not stand it and collapsed, burying a huge number of unfortunates, and then the city was covered by a 6-meter tsunami wave, killing the rest of the people on the streets.

The largest earthquakes in the history of the twentieth century

Ten disasters of the 20th century that claimed greatest number lives and brought the most terrible destruction, are reflected in pivot table:




Seismic activity in points

Dead (Persons)

22 km from Port-au-Prince

Tangshan/Hebei Province


90 km from Tokyo

Turkmen SSR



25 km from Chimbote


The Chinese events of 1976 are captured in Feng Xiaogang's film "Disaster". Despite the relative weakness of the magnitude, the disaster carried away big number lives, the first shock provoked the destruction of 90% of residential buildings in Tangshan. The hospital building disappeared without a trace; the opening of the earth literally swallowed up the passenger train.

Sumatra 2004, the largest in geographical terms

The 2004 Sumatran earthquake affected several countries: India, Thailand, South Africa, Sri Lanka. The exact number of victims is impossible to calculate, since the main destructive force - the tsunami - carried tens of thousands of people into the ocean. This is the largest earthquake in terms of geography, since its prerequisites were the movement of plates in the Indian Ocean with subsequent tremors over a distance of up to 1600 km. The ocean floor rose as a result of the collision of the Indian and Burmese plates; tsunami waves ran in all directions from the fracture of the plates, which rolled thousands of kilometers and reached the shores.

Haiti 2010, our time

In 2010, Haiti experienced its first major earthquake after almost 260 years of calm. The greatest damage was received national fund republics: the entire center of the capital with its rich cultural heritage, all administrative and government buildings were damaged. More than 232 thousand people died, many of whom were carried away by the tsunami waves. The consequences of the disaster were a surge in the incidence of intestinal diseases and an increase in crime: the tremors destroyed prison buildings, which prisoners immediately took advantage of.

The most powerful earthquakes in Russia

In Russia there are also dangerous seismically active regions where an earthquake can occur. However, most of these Russian territories are located far from densely populated areas, which eliminates the possibility of large destruction and casualties.

The largest earthquakes in Russia, however, are also inscribed in the tragic history of the struggle between the elements and man.

Among the most terrible earthquakes in Russia:

  • North Kuril destruction of 1952.
  • Neftegorsk destruction in 1995.


Severo-Kurilsk was completely destroyed as a result of tremors and tsunami on November 4, 1952. Unrest in the ocean, 100 km from the coast, brought waves 20 meters high to the city, hour after hour washing the coast and washing away coastal settlements into the ocean. The terrible flood destroyed all buildings and killed more than 2 thousand people.


On March 27, 1995, the elements took only 17 seconds to wipe out the workers' village of Neftegorsk in the Sakhalin region. More than 2 thousand residents of the village died, accounting for 80% of the residents. Large-scale destruction did not allow the village to be restored, so the settlement became a ghost: a memorial plaque was installed in it telling about the victims of the tragedy, and the residents themselves were evacuated.

A dangerous area in Russia from the point of view of seismic activity is any region at the junction tectonic plates:

  • Kamchatka and Sakhalin,
  • Caucasian republics,
  • Altai region.

In any of these regions, the possibility of a natural earthquake remains possible, since the mechanism of the generation of tremors has not yet been studied.

On April 25, 2015, one of the most powerful earthquakes in history occurred in Nepal, claiming thousands of lives and destroying a large number of historical monuments.

This is the seventh major earthquake in the 21st century. Let's try to remember them all.

2003 Iranian Bam earthquake


December 26, 2003 ancient city Bam in Kerman province, Iran, experienced a devastating earthquake (magnitude 6.3), which killed more than 35 thousand people and injured more than 22 thousand (out of a population of 200 thousand). About 90% of the historic city's clay buildings were destroyed.

The impact of the earthquake was so widespread because many of the houses were made of clay and did not meet local 1989 codes.

2004 Indian Ocean earthquake

By U.S. Navy photo by Photographer’s Mate 2nd Class Philip A. McDaniel, via Wikimedia Commons

An undersea earthquake in the Indian Ocean, which occurred exactly one year after the Iranian one, on December 26, 2004, caused a tsunami, recognized as the deadliest natural disaster in the world. modern history. The magnitude of the earthquake was, according to various estimates, from 9.1 to 9.3. This is the third most powerful earthquake on record.

The epicenter of the earthquake was in the Indian Ocean, north of the island of Simeulue, located off the northwestern coast of the island of Sumatra (Indonesia). The tsunami reached the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, southern India, Thailand and other countries. The height of the waves exceeded 15 meters. The tsunami caused enormous destruction and a huge number of dead people, even to Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 6900 km from the epicenter.

According to various estimates, from 225 thousand to 300 thousand people died. True number the deaths are unlikely to ever be known, as many people were swept out to sea.

2008 Sichuan earthquake

By 人神之间 (Own work (Original text: self-made 自己制作)) [GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The Sichuan earthquake was a devastating earthquake that occurred on May 12, 2008 in Sichuan Province, China. The magnitude of the earthquake was 8 Mw according to the China Seismological Bureau. The epicenter was recorded 75 km from the capital of Sichuan province, Chengdu. The earthquake was felt in Beijing (1500 km away) and Shanghai (1700 km), where they shook office buildings and the evacuation began. It was also felt in neighboring countries: India, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nepal, Mongolia and Russia.

The earthquake occurred in the seismically active Longmenshan fault, which runs along the western edge of the Sichuan Basin, separating it from the Sino-Tibetan mountains.

Official sources say that as of August 4, 2008, about 70 thousand people were killed, about 18 thousand people were missing, and almost 300 thousand were injured.

2010 Haiti earthquake

By Logan Abassi / UNDP Global [CC BY 2.0 ], undefined

On January 12, 2010, a major earthquake occurred on the island of Haiti. The epicenter was located 22 km southwest of the capital of the Republic of Haiti, Port-au-Prince.

The earthquake in Haiti was the result of the movement of the earth's crust in the contact zone of the Caribbean and North American lithospheric plates. Last time An earthquake of such destructive force occurred in Haiti in 1751.

According to official data, as of March 18, 2010, the death toll was more than 200 thousand people, more than 300 thousand people were injured, and 869 people were missing. Material damage is estimated at 5.6 billion euros.

2010 Chile earthquake

By Atilio Leandro (originally posted to Flickr as San Antonio/Chile) [CC BY-SA 2.0 ], undefined

The Chile earthquake was a powerful earthquake that occurred on February 27, 2010 off the coast of Chile, causing loss of life, destruction, and a tsunami. One of the largest earthquakes in the last half century. The epicenter of the magnitude 8.8 earthquake was 90 kilometers from the capital of the Bio-Bio region, Concepción, the country's second largest agglomeration after Santiago. Less than a thousand people became victims of the disaster.

The earthquake caused a tsunami, which hit 11 islands and the coast of Maule, but the number of victims caused by the tsunami was minimal: most of the residents of the coast managed to hide from the tsunami in the mountains.

2011 Japan earthquake

By U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Ethan Johnson [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

An earthquake off the east coast of Honshu in Japan, also known as the Great East Japan Earthquake, occurred on March 11, 2011. Its magnitude was up to 9.1. This is the strongest earthquake in known history Japan.

The earthquake caused a powerful tsunami, which caused widespread destruction on the northern islands of the Japanese archipelago. The maximum wave height was about 40 meters. The tsunami spread throughout the Pacific Ocean; in many coastal countries, including along the entire Pacific coast of North and South America from Alaska to Chile, warnings were issued and evacuations were carried out.

As a result of a natural disaster, an accident occurred at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. Three reactors were damaged to varying degrees and became the source of heavy radioactive releases.

As of September 5, 2012, the official death toll as a result of the earthquake and tsunami was more than 15 thousand people, about 3 thousand are missing, and more than 6 thousand were injured.

2015 Nepal earthquake

By Krish Dulal (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The 2015 Nepal earthquakes were a series of earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 4.2Mw to 7.8Mw that occurred on April 25 and 26, 2015. Tremors were felt in Nepal's capital Kathmandu. Tremors were also observed on Everest, triggering avalanches that killed more than 80 climbers.

The Nepalese government has confirmed the death of more than 4 thousand people, about 7 thousand people were injured. According to media reports, a total of about 100 people died in Nepal's neighboring countries (India, Bangladesh, China).

According to preliminary data, thousands of houses were completely destroyed in the country, the damage is estimated at $5 billion.

The strongest earthquakes throughout human history have caused colossal material damage and caused a huge number of casualties among the population. The first mention of tremors dates back to 2000 BC.
And despite the achievements modern science and the development of technology, no one can still predict exact time, when the elements strike, so quick and timely evacuation of people often becomes impossible.

Earthquakes are natural disasters that kill the most people, much more than, for example, hurricanes or typhoons.
In this rating we will talk about the 12 most powerful and destructive earthquakes in human history.

12. Lisbon

On November 1, 1755, a powerful earthquake occurred in the capital of Portugal, the city of Lisbon, later called the Great Lisbon Earthquake. A terrible coincidence was that on November 1 - All Saints' Day, thousands of residents gathered for mass in the churches of Lisbon. These churches, like other buildings throughout the city, could not withstand the powerful shocks and collapsed, burying thousands of unfortunates under their rubble.

Then a 6-meter tsunami wave rushed into the city, covering the surviving people rushing in panic through the streets of destroyed Lisbon. The destruction and loss of life were colossal! As a result of the earthquake, which lasted no more than 6 minutes, the tsunami it caused and numerous fires that engulfed the city, at least 80,000 residents of the Portuguese capital died.

Many famous figures and philosophers touched on this deadly earthquake in their works, for example, Immanuel Kant, who tried to find a scientific explanation for such a large-scale tragedy.

11. San Francisco

On April 18, 1906, at 5:12 am, powerful tremors shook sleeping San Francisco. The force of the tremors was 7.9 points and as a result of the strongest earthquake in the city, 80% of the buildings were destroyed.

After the first count of the dead, authorities reported 400 victims, but later their number increased to 3,000 people. However, the main damage to the city was caused not by the earthquake itself, but by the monstrous fire it caused. As a result, more than 28,000 buildings throughout San Francisco were destroyed, with property damage amounting to more than $400 million at the exchange rate of that time.
Many residents themselves set fire to their dilapidated houses, which were insured against fire, but not against earthquakes.

10. Messina

The largest earthquake in Europe was the earthquake in Sicily and Southern Italy, when on December 28, 1908, as a result of powerful tremors measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale, according to various experts, from 120 to 200,000 people died.
The epicenter of the disaster was the Strait of Messina, located between the Apennine Peninsula and Sicily; the city of Messina suffered the most, where practically not a single surviving building remained. A huge tsunami wave, caused by tremors and amplified by an underwater landslide, also caused a lot of destruction.

Documented fact: rescuers were able to pull two exhausted, dehydrated, but alive children from the rubble, 18 days after the disaster struck! The numerous and extensive destructions were caused primarily by the poor quality of buildings in Messina and other parts of Sicily.

Russian sailors provided invaluable assistance to the residents of Messina imperial fleet. Ships included study group sailed in the Mediterranean Sea and on the day of the tragedy ended up in the port of Augusta in Sicily. Immediately after the tremors, sailors organized a rescue operation and thanks to their brave actions, thousands of residents were saved.

9. Haiyuan

One of the deadliest earthquakes in human history was the devastating earthquake that struck Haiyuan County, part of Gansu Province, on December 16, 1920.
Historians estimate that at least 230,000 people died that day. The force of the tremors was such that entire villages disappeared into the faults of the earth’s crust, and large cities such as Xi’an, Taiyuan and Lanzhou were greatly damaged. Incredible, but strong waves, formed after the impact of the elements were recorded even in Norway.

Modern researchers believe that the death toll was much higher and totaled at least 270,000 people. At that time, this was 59% of the population of Haiyuan County. Several tens of thousands of people died from the cold after their homes were destroyed by the elements.

8. Chile

The earthquake in Chile on May 22, 1960, considered the strongest earthquake in the history of seismology, measured 9.5 on the Richter scale. The earthquake was so powerful that it caused tsunami waves more than 10 meters high, which covered not only the coast of Chile, but also caused enormous damage to the city of Hilo in Hawaii, and some of the waves reached the coasts of Japan and the Philippines.

More than 6,000 people died, most of whom were hit by the tsunami, and the destruction was unimaginable. 2 million people were left homeless and the damage amounted to more than $500 million. In some areas of Chile, the impact of the tsunami wave was so strong that many houses were carried away 3 km inland.

7. Alaska

On March 27, 1964, the most powerful earthquake in American history occurred in Alaska. The magnitude of the earthquake was 9.2 on the Richter scale and this earthquake was the strongest since the disaster struck Chile in 1960.
129 people died, of which 6 were victims of tremors, the rest were washed away by a huge tsunami wave. The disaster caused the greatest destruction in Anchorage, and tremors were recorded in 47 US states.

6. Kobe

The Kobe earthquake in Japan on January 16, 1995 was one of the most destructive in history. Tremors with a magnitude of 7.3 began at 05:46 am local time and continued for several days. As a result, more than 6,000 people died and 26,000 were injured.

The damage caused to the city's infrastructure was simply enormous. More than 200,000 buildings were destroyed, 120 of the 150 berths in the port of Kobe were destroyed, and there was no power supply for several days. The total damage from the disaster was about $200 billion, which at that time was 2.5% of Japan's total GDP.

Not only government services rushed to help the affected residents, but also the Japanese mafia - the Yakuza, whose members delivered water and food to those affected by the disaster.

5. Sumatra

On December 26, 2004, a powerful tsunami that hit the shores of Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and other countries was caused by a devastating earthquake measuring 9.1 on the Richter scale. The epicenter of the tremors was in the Indian Ocean, near the island of Simeulue, off the northwestern coast of Sumatra. The earthquake was unusually large; the earth's crust shifted at a distance of 1200 km.

The height of the tsunami waves reached 15-30 meters and, according to various estimates, from 230 to 300,000 people became victims of the disaster, although the exact number of deaths is impossible to calculate. Many people were simply washed into the ocean.
One of the reasons for such a number of victims was the lack of a system early warning in the Indian Ocean, with which it was possible to inform the local population about the approaching tsunami.

4. Kashmir

On October 8, 2005, the worst earthquake to hit South Asia in a century occurred in the Pakistani-controlled region of Kashmir. The strength of the tremors was 7.6 on the Richter scale, which is comparable to the San Francisco earthquake in 1906.
As a result of the disaster, according to official data, 84,000 people died, according to unofficial data, more than 200,000. Rescue efforts have been hampered by military conflict between Pakistan and India in the region. Many villages were completely wiped off the face of the earth, and the city of Balakot in Pakistan was completely destroyed. In India, 1,300 people became victims of the earthquake.

3. Haiti

On January 12, 2010, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale occurred in Haiti. Basic the blow fell to the capital of the state - the city of Port-au-Prince. The consequences were terrible: almost 3 million people were left homeless, all hospitals and thousands of residential buildings were destroyed. The number of victims was simply enormous, according to various estimates from 160 to 230,000 people.

Criminals who had escaped from a prison destroyed by the elements poured into the city; cases of looting, robberies and robberies became frequent on the streets. Material damage from the earthquake is estimated at 5.6 billion dollars.

Despite the fact that many countries - Russia, France, Spain, Ukraine, the USA, Canada and dozens of others - provided all possible assistance in eliminating the consequences of the disaster in Haiti, more than five years after the earthquake, more than 80,000 people still live in improvised camps for refugees.
Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and this natural disaster has dealt an irreparable blow to the economy and living standards of its citizens.

2. Earthquake in Japan

On March 11, 2011, the strongest earthquake in Japanese history occurred in the Tohoku region. The epicenter was located east of the island of Honshu and the strength of the tremors was 9.1 on the Richter scale.
As a result of the disaster, the nuclear power plant in the city of Fukushima was severely damaged and power units at reactors 1, 2, and 3 were destroyed. Many areas became uninhabitable as a result of radioactive radiation.

After underwater tremors, a huge tsunami wave covered the coast and destroyed thousands of administrative and residential buildings. More than 16,000 people died, 2,500 are still considered missing.

The material damage was also colossal - more than $100 billion. And considering that on full recovery It may take years for the infrastructure to be destroyed, and the amount of damage may increase several times.

1. Spitak and Leninakan

There are many tragic dates in the history of the USSR, and one of the most famous is the earthquake that shook the Armenian SSR on December 7, 1988. Powerful tremors in just half a minute almost completely destroyed the northern part of the republic, capturing the territory where more than 1 million inhabitants lived.

The consequences of the disaster were monstrous: the city of Spitak was almost completely wiped off the face of the Earth, Leninakan was severely damaged, more than 300 villages were destroyed and 40% were destroyed. industrial capacities republics. More than 500 thousand Armenians were left homeless, according to various estimates, from 25,000 to 170,000 residents died, 17,000 citizens remained disabled.
111 states and all republics of the USSR provided assistance in the restoration of destroyed Armenia.

Fear of the power of the elements is completely justified; not a single state on earth can resist the phenomena of Mother Nature. However, living in megacities, many of us get used to a deceptive calm, believing that cataclysms caused by external forces will not affect them. Such opinions are very erroneous; evidence of this exists within our country. Thus, an earthquake in Moscow is not at all uncommon, despite the fact that few residents of the capital will be able to refresh their memory of these alarming moments.

First known earthquake

Despite the fact that very little authentic evidence has been preserved, there is real data suggesting that in the capital region, natural disasters of this kind occurred for a long time, quite rarely, but with a certain regularity and a tendency to increase in frequency.

Presumably the first earthquake in Moscow (about which there is at least some confirmed information) dates back to the 15th century. Thus, in 1445, ground vibrations were estimated at approximately 5 points. Tall buildings were most affected, and the bells also rang on their own, which led the local population into a very agitated state. There was a rumor among city residents about an evil omen, which was facilitated by the unstable political situation. The events that happened were subsequently recorded by the brilliant historian Karamzin.

Repetition of events

There is also evidence that a repeat earthquake in Moscow was noted literally 30 years after the event described above. In addition to the spontaneous ringing of bells, it was accompanied by the collapse of the newly built Assumption Cathedral. According to information obtained as a result of excavations in the 20th century, the force of the earth's vibrations at the time of the phenomenon was about 6 points, which ultimately led to damage to the newly erected structure.

Introducing a classic to nature

Many experts, answering the question in what year there was an earthquake in Moscow, often recall the events of the early 19th century. So, in 1802, the ground disturbance again reached 5 points. Eyewitness accounts of earthquake manifestations in tall buildings have been preserved. Thus, chandeliers swayed and dishes rattled, and in one of the houses the walls in the cellar even cracked. The tremors underground lasted no more than 20 seconds and did not cause much panic among the local population, but they were permanently etched in the memory of young Alexander Pushkin, who had the opportunity to become acquainted with this natural phenomenon at the age of three. In some areas of the city the excitement was stronger, but in others it went completely unnoticed. It should be noted that the events of this time were also recorded by Karamzin in one of the popular newspapers, Vestnik Evropy.

Beginning of official accounting

In 1893, a catalog of earthquakes in the country was compiled. According to its official data, in the period from 1445 to 1887, 4 mild shocks were recorded in the capital. The information obtained suggests low risks of seismic activity in the central region. Subsequently, over more than 200 years of studying natural disasters of this kind, 8 shaking events were identified and recorded.

Seismic activity during the war

In what year was the earthquake in Moscow in the 20th century? IN Lately The metropolitan region began to shake from tremors much more often. The first event recorded in modern times occurred during the war years, namely on November 10, 1940. In Moscow on this day, seismic activity was observed, estimated at approximately 5 points. Its cause was a powerful shake-up in the Carpathian Mountains, accompanied by destructive events at the epicenter. Echoes of unrest were also felt in such major cities USSR, like Kyiv, Kharkov and Voronezh. In Lviv, the tremors were extremely strong and were perceived as a full-fledged earthquake. It is noteworthy that in less than three weeks from the announced date, the echoes of the shaking were also felt in the capital; their strength at that time was no more than 2 points, thanks to which the violence of the elements went completely unnoticed.

Six months after the end of the Great Patriotic War The earthquake in Moscow was recorded again, but it went unnoticed by local residents. The thing is that the epicenter of the event was located near Antarctica and the echoes that came were minimal in strength. The earthquake was detected thanks to the work of the central seismological station.

The earthquake in Moscow in 1977 caused a lot of noise in the foreign press. Newspapers claimed that the city would soon be in ruins and residents needed to evacuate the capital as quickly as possible. In fact, the shaking was quite insignificant and amounted to about 3-4 points. However, it should be noted that at altitude it was felt much stronger and could reach 7 points. The tremors were characterized as smooth and slow, the direction of their movement was from the southwest. The evening events recorded in Moscow were also felt in cities such as Leningrad and Minsk, and their source was in the Carpathian Mountains. On the territory of Romania, the force of the destructive elements not only caused economic damage, but also caused the death of more than 1.5 thousand people.

The Moscow earthquake (1986) continues the chronicle of the capital's seismic activity. It happened on August 30, the power at the epicenter was 8 points, but, as usual, only weak echoes reached the city, which did not disrupt the natural course of life of local residents.


The earthquake in Moscow in 2013 is one of the last, its strength is estimated at 3-4 points. The reason for the hesitation is the echoes of events that took place in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, at the other end of the country. In the Far Eastern region, the strength of the natural disaster was 8.2 points.

Many people are interested in whether there has been an earthquake in Moscow recently? 2015, September 16 - this date will be remembered for the horrific events that occurred in the South American country of Chile. However, in the central part of Russia they were not felt at all; scientists predicted certain risks for Kamchatka and the Far Eastern region. Thus, more than 15 strong tremors could provoke a powerful tsunami with east side countries.

Where danger forms

The echoes of an earthquake in Moscow are a frequent event; the periodicity of earth vibrations for our capital is about 30-40 years, but it is not possible to record such a trend. Most tremors come to us from the Carpathian Mountains and at ground level are felt at a maximum of 3-4 points. Many people simply do not perceive such disturbances; others notice a slight rattling of glass or vibration of unknown origin. Presumably, situations of this kind will be repeated in the future, perhaps over time the situation will even worsen, and the strength of tremors will increase.

The main danger for Moscow is ground vibrations in the Carpathian Mountains region. This seismically active source is located relatively close to the capital of Russia; in addition, it is necessary to take into account the following natural features:

  1. Significant depth of the vibration source. Such a location remote from the surface of the earth leads to the fact that the waves diverging to the sides die out extremely slowly and are able to transfer their activity over considerable distances.

In the Carpathian region, facilitating the movement of waves from the earthquake towards the northeast, that is, towards Moscow.

In addition to the mentioned Western danger, we should not forget about our own “hot spots”. Thus, tremors could theoretically approach the capital from the Caucasus region. A lesser probability is ground vibrations coming from the Scandinavian direction. For the most part they are felt in St. Petersburg and other populated areas Leningrad region.

Dangerous spots in Russia

There are also dangerous areas in the territory of Central Russia, as well as in the lands immediately adjacent to it. So, the most problematic areas are the following:

  • Northwestern region;
  • Ural;
  • Cis-Urals;
  • Voronezh massif.

It is necessary to note once again the fact that all earthquakes in Moscow are echoes of seismic activity in other regions of the globe. Tremors in our capital do not occur independently.

What to do in case of danger

No one knows when the last earthquake will occur in Moscow; calculating the frequency is also a completely thankless task. Hoping for the insignificant force of the elements, most citizens forget that high-rise buildings are more susceptible to resonance, and, therefore, the force of tremors felt in skyscrapers is much higher than the waves recorded at sea level. If you find yourself in an unpleasant situation and experience all the delights of tremors, try not to get lost and take the following actions aimed at maintaining your own safety:

  1. Leave the building (it is forbidden to use the elevator; the best option is to go down the back stairs).
  2. If possible, before leaving the building, it is necessary to collect essentials (ideal list - documents, first aid kit, money).
  3. If you cannot leave the apartment, find the safest place. Typically this is a doorway in main wall located near large and heavy furniture, glass objects and windows.
  4. During tremors, be vigilant and look around, attentiveness will allow you to hide from falling objects.
  5. Turn off water, gas and electricity (if possible).
  6. After the emergency situation is over, do not try to immediately return to the house; probably, the risk of collapse of the structure or individual objects is still quite high; it is best in this case to wait for the house to be inspected by specialists.
  7. If you are allowed to return to the house, do not reconnect gas, electricity and other utilities; their serviceability should also be checked by the relevant service.

The main requirement in any such situation is not to give in to panic and help others not to fall into it; uncoordinated and irrational actions can lead to disaster and major troubles.

New theory

Of course, the probability of an earthquake in Moscow is not so high; the seismic situation in the region is considered relatively calm. However, referring to historical facts, we can conclude that periodically vibrations of the earth of insignificant force still occur and can be felt by people. Some representatives of science predict stronger and more frequent earthquakes for Moscow in the near future. There is even a theory that deep in the bowels of the earth under the city there is a fault that can sooner or later remind of its existence.

Most of the largest earthquakes occur according to one scenario: rigid plate structures, consisting of the earth's crust and mantle, move, colliding with each other. There are 7 largest plates in the world: Antarctic, Eurasian, Indo-Australian, North American, Pacific and South American.

Over the past two billion years, the movement of plates has accelerated significantly, which, accordingly, has increased the chances of such a catastrophe. On the other hand, based on studies of the movement of tectonic plates, scientists can, albeit approximately, predict the occurrence of the next major earthquake. Based on those in open access Given the data, we have come up with a list of cities where the likelihood of such an event is already very high.

San Francisco

A powerful earthquake with an epicenter in the Santa Cruz Mountains, about a hundred kilometers from the city of San Francisco, is just around the corner. Or rather, over the next couple of years. However, most residents of the City by the Bay prepared for the disaster by stocking up on medicines, drinking water and food products. In turn, the city authorities are busy carrying out urgently works to strengthen buildings.


Fremantle is a port city located on the west coast of Australia. According to seismological studies by specialists from the University of Sydney, a strong earthquake of about 6 on the Richter scale is expected there between the end of 2016 and 2024. However, the main danger is that the shock could occur on the ocean floor near the city, causing a tsunami.


According to experts, a major earthquake with an epicenter in the Japanese capital has a 75% probability of occurring at any time over the next 30 years. According to the model created by scientists, about 23 thousand people will become victims of the disaster and over 600 thousand buildings will be destroyed. In addition to increasing the level of earthquake resistance of buildings and demolishing old structures, the Tokyo administration will introduce non-combustible building materials. The 1995 Kobe earthquake showed the Japanese that people more often become victims not of collapsed buildings, but of fires that occur after a disaster.

Los Angeles

Earthquakes happen quite often in the City of Angels, but there haven't been any truly major ones for over a century. The gloomier is the forecast presented by seismologists and geologists from the US Geological Society. Based on an analysis of soils and tectonic plates under central California, scientists have concluded that a magnitude 6.7 earthquake could occur here before 2037. A shock of such force, under certain circumstances, can turn a city into ruins.


Within a few next years A powerful earthquake measuring more than 8.5 on the Richter scale will occur in the area of ​​the Isthmus of Panama. Experts from the University of San Diego came to these conclusions after conducting seismological studies of faults adjacent to the Panama Canal. The effects of an earthquake of truly catastrophic proportions will be felt by the inhabitants of both Americas. And most of all, of course, the capital of the republic, Panama, where about 1.5 million people live, will suffer.


A strong earthquake in the medium term, i.e. in the next 4-5 years, will occur in the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky area. Such data were reported in the seismology department of the Schmidt Institute of Earth Physics. In connection with this forecast, work is being carried out in Kamchatka to strengthen buildings, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations is checking the seismic resistance of buildings. In addition, a network of stations was organized to monitor the symptoms of an approaching earthquake: high-frequency vibrations of the earth's crust, water levels in wells, and fluctuations in magnetic fields.


According to the same seismology department, a major earthquake in the period from 2017 to 2036. may occur in the North Caucasus, on the border of Chechnya and Dagestan. Unlike the situation in Kamchatka, no work is being carried out there to reduce possible damage from earthquakes, which could lead to a greater number of casualties than if such work had been carried out.


New research results from American seismologists from Columbia University indicate a high seismic hazard currently in the vicinity of New York. The magnitude of the earthquake can reach five points, which can lead to the complete destruction of old buildings in the city. Another cause for concern was nuclear power plant, located right at the intersection of two faults, i.e. in an extremely dangerous region. Its destruction could turn New York into a second Chernobyl.

Banda Aceh

Indonesia is located in the most seismically active zone on the planet, and therefore earthquakes here will not surprise anyone. In particular, the island of Sumatra constantly finds itself almost directly at the epicenter of tremors. A new earthquake, predicted by seismologists, with an epicenter 28 km from the city of Banda Aceh, which will occur in the next six months, will not be an exception.


A strong earthquake in Romania could be triggered by blasting of shale rocks carried out in the Carpathian Mountains region. Geophysicists from the Romanian National Institute report that the epicenter of the future earthquake will be located there, at a depth of 40 kilometers. The fact is that work to search for shale gas in these layers of the earth can cause displacements of the earth’s crust and, as a result, earthquakes.


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