What does this mean and how to get rid of the smell. Does well water smell like hydrogen sulfide? Find out all the removal methods and which filters are best to use for cleaning? Why does the new well smell a little like hydrogen sulfide?

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A well on a site is the easiest way to cover the household and drinking needs of the people living on it. However, such water intake has many disadvantages, and the most important of them is the possibility of water pollution. That is why well owners have to regularly clean them and monitor water quality. However, sometimes even with proper care, the water in the building becomes worse. This becomes clear from the unpleasant odor and cloudiness. In this case, it is necessary to urgently find the cause and eliminate it. We will tell you how to understand why the water in the well is cloudy and why it has an unpleasant odor.

Almost every well owner has at least once encountered the problem of deteriorating water quality. There can be many reasons for this:

  • If the well was dug incorrectly, that is, the shaft design has defects, then the water may deteriorate.
  • Shortcomings during the commissioning of a hydraulic structure can also lead to problems with water quality in the future.
  • If there is no filter in the well or it is not installed correctly, this will definitely lead to water spoilage.
  • With rare or seasonal use of the water intake structure, water stagnation will occur and this will lead to a deterioration in its quality, even if your well is relatively new.

If water from a well is clear, tasteless and odorless, this does not mean that it can be used for drinking and cooking. To accurately understand whether water from a well can be used for drinking, it is worth taking the liquid for analysis to the appropriate laboratory. Conclusions about the purity of the source must be made not only on the basis of the organoleptic characteristics of the liquid (color, smell, transparency, taste), but also on the results of analyses.

The main causes of pollution include:

  • Various mechanical pollutants, siltation and suspended matter can reduce water quality.
  • Organic pollution occurs when microorganisms and algae multiply in water. In this case, the contents of the well smell like swamp, grass or rot.
  • When various chemicals enter the source, the water becomes unfit for drinking. For example, even the soil itself contains components that, when dissolved in water, change its smell. These include ammonia, manganese, iron, hydrogen sulfide. Human waste, such as chlorine or industrial petroleum products, can also get into the water.

Attention! In most cases, conclusions about the causes of liquid contamination at the source can be made based on an assessment of the transparency of the water, its taste and smell.

If the water in the well foams, this can happen for several reasons:

  • the presence of a large number of organic impurities;
  • the presence of suspended solids in a dissolved state;
  • high acidity of water.

Signs of contamination

Turbid water in a well is the main sign of contamination. If you collect liquid from a well into a transparent container and hold it up to the light, then small particles of sand, silt, and a suspension of various small pollutants will be clearly visible. Moreover, depending on the concentration of certain particles, the water may be not just cloudy, but yellow or brownish.

The cause of such contamination may be stagnation of water in the well or siltation of the source. If a well is not used for a long time, the liquid from it smells like a swamp. Siltation can also occur due to poor sealing of the rings or compromised wall integrity. To cope with the problem, you need to do mechanical cleaning and repair of the well or well.

Based on the condition of the water, its smell and color, you can independently draw conclusions about contamination with certain chemicals:

  1. If it seems to you that the liquid in the well is rotten, that is, a persistent smell of hydrogen sulfide has appeared, then the reason for this is the activity of bacteria. As a result of the decomposition of organic substances, the smell of hydrogen sulfide appears. We will consider what to do in this situation further in our article.
  2. If the contents of the well smell of iron, and the water is yellow or rusty, then the source is oversaturated with iron. In addition, dirty reddish water will leave a residue on dishes and towels. To solve the problem, you can deepen the well to a cleaner aquifer or install a high-quality treatment system.

It is important to know: water with a high iron content may turn yellow within a short time after pouring it into a container after extraction from a well. The thing is that this color appears due to the reaction of iron with oxygen contained in the air.

  1. If the contents of a well or well smell of rubber, petroleum products, kerosene, plastic and other chemicals, then dirty wastewater containing chemicals from industrial enterprises has entered the aquifer or hydraulic structure. In this case, the water may not only be yellow, sometimes it foams, and when contaminated with manganese it turns black.

It is worth knowing: a small content of manganese in water will not make itself felt, but if the concentration exceeds 25 mg/l, a precipitate will form and the water will turn black.

What to do if the water smells of hydrogen sulfide?

As you already understand, water has the smell of hydrogen sulfide if organic matter, namely sulfur bacteria, multiplies in it. The question then becomes how these microorganisms get into the well. The answer is simple - they live in silt, which forms as a black sediment at the bottom of a hydraulic structure. Thus, we can say the following: if the water in your well goes dry, it means you are not cleaning the bottom of silt deposits often enough.

It’s worth knowing: hydrogen sulfide itself is not harmful to humans, but drinking water with such a smell is quite unpleasant, so you need to get rid of it.

To get rid of hydrogen sulfide in water, you can use the following purification methods:

  • Physical measures involve the use of an aerator for weathering. An increased oxygen content in water will lead to the death of sulfur bacteria. As a result, the unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulfide will disappear.
  • Chemical methods. To get rid of these bacteria for a long time, it is worth pouring ozone, hydrogen peroxide or sodium hypochlorite into the well in the specified proportion.
  • Carbon filters should be classified as mechanical cleaning methods. They will not only remove the smell of hydrogen sulfide, but will also purify the water of other impurities.

Filtration method of water purification

If you don't know what to do about the smell of iron, manganese or hydrogen sulfide, use filters. For these purposes, you can use different filter devices:

  1. The Barrier filter can reduce the concentration of harmful substances by 3 times and remove unpleasant odors.
  2. A three-component filter unit will remove mechanical impurities, organic matter, chlorine, salt compounds and heavy metal particles.
  3. To completely get rid of dissolved iron, you should use a modification of the Ferrum filter.
  4. For comprehensive water purification and softening, it is better to use the Complex model.
  5. Reverse osmosis systems are considered the best purification devices.
  6. To eliminate ammonium ions, impregnated carbon filters are used.

Mechanical cleaning

Regular cleaning of hydraulic structures is best done at least once a year. The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • Using a powerful pump, all water from the well is pumped out.
  • Next, the bottom and walls of the hydraulic structure are cleaned of dirt and sediment using mechanical methods. A winch is used to lift silt deposits from the bottom.
  • The joints and connections of the rings are carefully inspected. All cracks and damage are sealed with sealant.
  • Then the walls are disinfected using special preparations. They are used according to the instructions.


The best way to get rid of harmful microorganisms and bacteria is to disinfect with chlorine. This method is simple and cheap. It is usually used at the final stage of mechanical cleaning of a hydraulic structure.

After filling the well with water, it must be completely pumped out. This water change procedure is repeated several times to get rid of the high chlorine content in the water.

Sometimes it happens that clean and clear well water takes on a slightly cloudy appearance, and, worst of all, a terrible unpleasant odor. Amber is reminiscent of water that smells like swamp or rotten eggs. It is clear that it is impossible to use such water for food and household purposes. First of all, you need to find out why and for what reason the water from the well smells of hydrogen sulfide, and eliminate the reasons. Let's take a closer look below.

The unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulfide is a waste product of anaerobic bacteria that live in an environment completely devoid of oxygen. As a result, the decomposing protein becomes this very gas - hydrogen sulfide. The water smells very strongly.

Excellent places for the proliferation of such bacteria and, accordingly, the appearance of gas are the silted walls and bottom of the well, or aquifers that are clogged on all sides and deprived of oxygen. The result is that the gas saturates the water that enters your system and stinks.

Important: hydrogen sulfide is a volatile gas, and therefore easily and quickly evaporates from the surface of the water after it rises. But at the same time, it can cause harm to the body through inhaled vapors.

Why is hydrogen sulfide dangerous?

In addition to the musty smell in the air and situations where the water itself stinks unbearably, hydrogen sulfide gas can cause irreparable harm to people and equipment. Thus, water with gas impurities can disrupt the metabolism in the body and cause severe intoxication (poisoning) after drinking it.

All metal components of pumping equipment, when interacting with water saturated with hydrogen sulfide, are excessively susceptible to corrosion. Since sulfides and sulfates in water can severely damage metal after contact with it (practically corrode it). With such threats, it is urgent to build a water purification system.

Methods for purifying water from hydrogen sulfide

If you don’t know what to do to put your well in order, then listen to the recommendations of experts.

To remove the odor that appears immediately after water is supplied to the system, it is necessary to carry out an initial settling of the liquid. In this case, when water comes into contact with oxygen, hydrogen sulfide will simply evaporate. However, it is not recommended to simply stand water in pots at home. For this case, you can make and use two types of tanks:

  • Pressure;
  • Non-pressure.

In the first case, large plastic barrels with a capacity of 200-300 liters are used. In them, water is supplied through special sprayers similar to a shower head, which ensure the interaction of the liquid with oxygen. Moreover, the tanks must be of the open type (that is, without a top cover). As a result, the gas oxidizes and evaporates. Already from such a tank, after purification, water can be supplied in its pure form to the house if a good pumping system is installed.

Important: metal barrels cannot be used in this case, since hydrogen sulfide destroys iron.

Pressure systems for purifying water from hydrogen sulfide work on a different principle. Here, water from the well passes through filters and fills the reservoir. Then, under pressure, the liquid rises to the top of the barrel and is sent through the system to the house. Thus, the water settles, and the gas evaporates from its surface after rising to the highest point. You need to make one or another type of sump depending on your preferences and financial capabilities.

Purification through oxidation

You can use another system for purifying water from hydrogen sulfide. In this case, chemicals in the form of sulfur or sodium hypochloride are added to the water. As a result, hydrogen sulfide reacts with chemical elements and the gas evaporates. Special filters with granular contents help to purify the water here.

Important: replacing the filter in such a cleaning system must be done regularly. If you skip this point, then along with the water you risk getting chemicals that are harmful to your health.

Use of sorbents

Another way to get rid of the smell of hydrogen sulfide is to use a carbon filter. It contains granular activated carbon, which perfectly oxidizes harmful compounds in water and collects them. It is important to replace the filter as recommended.

Replacement of heating equipment

If it happens that the water smells unpleasant just after heating, then in this case you need to pay special attention to the heating system. It happens that over time, harmful sulfur or nitrate bacteria accumulate on the walls of the heating device, which carry out their vital functions and are also activated when heated. In this case, it is recommended to either clean the heating element or replace it completely.

Important: under no circumstances should you delay removing the smell of hydrogen sulfide from the water. The health of the household comes first.

Whose Mikhalych is it! Here you have divalent iron (read detailed information in the question and answer section on the Water-yes website), and burovik says that in Mokva there is no divalent iron in the sands - it’s a joke!

They drilled with two diameters and most likely the pipe will get stuck (get stuck and stop before the bottom) at the beginning of the hole with a smaller diameter (in the stone). Then call a fire truck or find a motor pump (MP 800, 600 or something with the same characteristics) and flush the well (as fires are extinguished, let’s assume there is a fire at the bottom of the well). Do not release the fire hose f51, 66 all at once to the bottom, but only after water comes out of the pipe. Pound the hose (under pressure like a stake) like a crowbar along the bottom of the well. In this case, it is necessary to have a reserve of 160 pipes in case the pipe suddenly flies to the bottom, then you need to wash it from the scaffolding above the level of 219 pipes at 3 m. Replacing the pipe with a larger diameter will allow you to install an additional conductor, which in turn will eliminate the leak.
But to make sure everything is accurate, write down what kind of pipes there are(ph)?

Whose Mikhalych is it! Here you have divalent iron (read detailed information in the question and answer section on the Water-yes website), and burovik says that in Moscow there is no divalent iron in the sands - it’s a joke!
In general, throw out all the advice that was addressed to you from your head, a lot of imagination.
Listen to me brother, I’ll tell you the whole truth now!
Most likely you have two steel pipes. One for example f219, the other inside f133. We can repair your well!
The bottom line is that your conductor has leaked (like a ship) or has been washed under it.
You need to remove the 133 pipe (put it on the posts) and insert it back, for example, in its place, polyethylene (without holes at the end) f 160, but a meter from the beginning, wrap the film on tape (1 cm thick on the side) an oil seal (like an umbrella) is needed just in case .
You will need no more than 20-25 meters of pipes, be sure to solder them!
They drilled with two diameters and most likely the pipe will get stuck (get stuck and stop before the bottom) at the beginning of the hole with a smaller diameter (in the stone). Then call a fire truck or find a motor pump (MP 800, 600 or something with the same characteristics) and flush the well (as fires are extinguished, let’s assume there is a fire at the bottom of the well). Do not release the fire hose f51, 66 all at once to the bottom, but only after water comes out of the pipe. Pound the hose (under pressure like a stake) like a crowbar along the bottom of the well. In this case, it is necessary to have a reserve of 160 pipes in case the pipe suddenly flies to the bottom, then you need to wash it from the scaffolding above the level of 219 pipes at 3 m. Replacing the pipe with a larger diameter will allow you to install an additional conductor, which in turn will eliminate the leak.
But to make sure everything is accurate, write down what kind of pipes there are(ph)?

Often, owners of private houses and country cottages notice the appearance of hydrogen sulfide from the smell. There is no point in putting off solving this problem. Such water not only smells bad, but is also dangerous to health. In search of an answer to the question “what to do?” many seek advice from more experienced owners, and also read reviews on thematic forums. As a rule, the recommendations boil down to one thing: the water needs purification. There are several ways to do this.

Where does hydrogen sulfide come from in a well?

Water from a well is convenient and troublesome at the same time. An individual water supply system requires maintenance, cleaning, and sometimes repairs, and all this needs to be done by the well owner. The smell of hydrogen sulfide is a common problem among those who have a personal well on their property. In search of clean water, the owners drill fairly deep holes in the ground. However, gas is often found in deep areas. This happens for the following reason: sulfur bacteria, which form a dangerous substance over time, live in the absence of oxygen. Very often these are water layers surrounded by waterproof soils (at great depths), or the bottom of neglected wells. As a result of the activity of bacteria, a colorless gas is produced - hydrogen sulfide. It gives the water a terrible smell and the repulsive taste of rotten eggs.

Advice. Pay attention to the silver cutlery. Their blackening may also be a sign of the appearance of hydrogen sulfide in the water.

A high concentration of hydrogen sulfide and activation of sulfur bacteria are usually observed in the following situations:

  • during periods of heavy rain or in the event of floods, when the soil absorbs organic matter along with water from the surface;
  • in case of violation of the casing string tightness. Sulfur compounds in the soil leak inside;
  • if there are deposits of sulfide ores near the well;

Hydrogen sulfide is dangerous to humans

  • when sulfur-containing rocks get inside the well during its construction;
  • if the well is drilled in an industrial region.

Why is it necessary to purify such water? Preparatory stage

It is almost impossible to use a well that smells of hydrogen sulfide. The smell of such water is disgusting, but this is not the most dangerous:

  1. The colorless gas is very toxic. Possessing a high degree of volatility, it quickly spreads throughout all rooms where hydrogen sulfide water is used. Prolonged inhalation of toxic air leads to poisoning, and its strong concentration can cause coma or respiratory arrest.
  2. Hydrogen sulfide disrupts vital processes in the body. Organs receive less oxygen. A person stops smelling hydrogen sulfide and continues to inhale the toxic substance, accumulating it in the body.
  3. Sulfur compounds harm plants that are watered with such water.
  4. Due to the corrosive activity of hydrogen sulfide, the service life of metal parts of the well, pipes, and plumbing is significantly reduced. All this quickly rusts.

Advice. If there is a risk of hydrogen sulfide appearing in the water, it is better to install plastic pipes.

There are several ways to eliminate toxic substances from a well. A laboratory water analysis will tell you which one to choose. The content and quantity of impurities, bacteria, and viruses will be determined at the sanitary and epidemiological station. The standards establish that the permissible dose of hydrogen sulfide is 0.03 mg/l. Whether this level changes over time can be judged by regular analyzes of samples from the well.

If you notice an unpleasant odor, immediately begin purifying the water.

Proper water intake involves using a mineral water bottle. Containers from other drinks will not work. The container needs to be rinsed and then filled to the very top with water from the tap, after draining it for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to deliver the sample for analysis within 2 hours after collection.

Methods for cleaning a well from hydrogen sulfide

Once you receive the test results, you can choose one of the methods for purifying water from hydrogen sulfide.

Treat the well. There are several directions:

  • remove deposits from the bottom and walls;
  • remove sand, silt, clay that has accumulated at the very bottom. After this, you can pour a layer of coarse crushed stone onto the bottom - this will be a natural filter;
  • ensure the tightness of the casing.

Advice. You can do this work alone or invite specialists who drilled the hole to help.

Use the physical method. Since hydrogen sulfide is a volatile substance, it evaporates if water stands in any container (for example, in a bucket). However, for a modern person it is more convenient to use the plumbing system than to rush around with vessels. Therefore, it is necessary to settle the water before it goes through the pipes. This can be done with special devices - degassers. They come in two types.

  • A non-pressure tank looks like a plastic tank into which water flows through spray nozzles. In the process, it is saturated with oxygen, which performs 2 functions: suppression of sulfur bacteria and oxidation of hydrogen sulfide. The device is mounted under the roof, water flows out of it by gravity, and for greater effect you can put an oxygen compressor in the tank.

Water purification scheme for a country house

  • The capacity of a pressure degasser is less than that of a non-pressure degasser. The water falls to the bottom of the tank and is enriched with oxygen, which is supplied by the pump. Such a device is installed on the first or basement floor.

Advice. Before aeration, the water can be acidified.

Resort to a chemical method: hydrogen sulfide can be oxidized not with oxygen, but with hydrogen peroxide or ozone, or sodium hypochlorite. In this case, insoluble compounds are retained in the filter, and the gas is neutralized.

Use the sorption-catalytic method. It is most common when autonomously supplying water from a well. A sorbent placed in a filter (activated carbon is best) purifies the water. However, if the level of hydrogen sulfide is very high, the sorption method is combined with the installation of a pressure degasser.

Sometimes it is not necessary to install special equipment to eliminate hydrogen sulfide. Instead, iron-removing filters will be able to cope with the harmful gas. It is important to choose the correct dosage of reagents. It also happens that only hot water smells of hydrogen sulfide. The reason often lies in salt deposits on heating elements, which are a source of bacteria. In such cases, you need to wash the boiler and install a sorption filter on the pipe.

If a well has already been made on the site, it’s time to think about the quality of the water coming from it. The quality of this liquid will depend not only on the type of soil, but also on the content of various microelements in it (iron, hydrogen sulfide, etc.). The presence of such microelements in water can cause an unpleasant odor to appear in it, which makes it unsuitable for further consumption for food purposes.

Water, due to the presence of various microelements in it, for example, hydrogen sulfide, may have an unpleasant odor and be unsuitable for consumption for food purposes.

Water requirements

Water should not only be tasty, but also safe. Therefore, epidemiological safety requirements apply to it. If the liquid is in a contaminated body of water, then the measures taken to clean and disinfect it will be of great importance. These measures are part of the mandatory set of measures to ensure water supply.

Most often, more thorough measures are used to treat surface waters. Here, purification from hydrogen sulfide is of greatest importance. If this is not done, it will significantly reduce the quality of the water.

This is due to the fact that such gas not only has an unpleasant odor, but can also form acid based on hydrogen sulfide. This acid can destroy not only the pipeline, but also cause significant harm to the human body. The smell of water indicates that it contains the following substances in large quantities:

  1. Iron.
  2. Zinc.
  3. Copper sulfite.

Their increased content is simply unacceptable for food consumption, as it can cause a number of serious diseases. Such untreated water can cause various intestinal infections and even typhoid fever.

If there is an unpleasant odor from the water from the well, it is necessary to analyze it. This control will reduce the likelihood of various infections and the possibility of their spread. For drinking water use, it is necessary to block E. coli by performing comprehensive cleaning measures.

Performing water purification

Most often, all kinds of filters and even entire filter units are used to eliminate odor and further purify the liquid. But the most effective cleaning methods are chlorination and ozonation of water. Potassium permanganate is used for ozonation.

If water supply is organized in a private house, then initially it is necessary to install coarse filters. They will clean the incoming liquid from sand, various suspensions or silt. Silt can form both on the walls of wells and on the walls of wells. Reducing the number of foreign inclusions is the initial step in eliminating odors, because they will be blocked along with hydrogen sulfide acid.

When using a well, at the stage of its preparation, you need to add liquid glass to the solution. This measure will improve the tightness of seam joints. But it is still better to use deep groundwater, since it has a minimal amount of harmful inclusions. Therefore, artesian wells are currently very popular.

Liquid from artesian wells is the most preferred option for food use. The depth of such water is more than 50 m. It is purified before it enters the pipeline system. This happens due to the passage of water through a large number of impermeable layers.

If the water coming from an artesian well smells, this may indicate a poor design of the well, since a bad odor can appear as a result of the decomposition of organic substances, which subsequently enter the water composition.

Incoming water quality

The quality of the liquid entering the water supply also depends on the content of salts present in it. In central water supply systems, it is mandatory to apply disinfection measures. These measures can be carried out most effectively by adding chlorine to the composition of liquids and further carrying out ozonation.

These measures allow us to eliminate the most unfavorable element - colloidal sulfur. Its presence in water causes large sediment and increased turbidity. If colloidal sulfur is present in the liquid, its further clarification is required using a special contact procedure.

Final cleaning can be accomplished by adding an oxidizing agent to the water composition. The best and least dangerous oxidizing agent is oxygen. Therefore, such oxidation is performed by aeration. To do this, you need to install an aeration column equipped with a static mixer at the outlet.

The quality of purified tap water should be tested in a special laboratory. After it has been carried out, you need to obtain a conclusion that will stipulate the possibility of using it for food purposes.

Eliminating odors from drinking liquids is essential to ensuring a healthy diet. And healthy eating is the key to a healthy life.


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