What characterizes business communication? Aspects of business communication

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Posture, gestures, signs of attention shown to a business partner have meaning and carry semantic load. Even silence is part of interaction. Businessmen do not forget that they are communicating with partners, even if the topic of conversation shifts to an area not related to business.

Rules of communication

The more competently a person behaves in professional environment, the better those around him treat him.

5 rules of communication in a business environment:

  • Focus on mutual understanding

Business communication has the goal of finding a compromise. It is customary to be ready and open to perceive and exchange information with a partner. It was unethical to provoke the interlocutor into conflict or avoid contact. Attention, respect and interest in the interlocutor’s speech is expressed in looks, gestures, and the ability to listen without interrupting.

  • Speech should be clear, intelligible, unhurried and non-monotonic.

In general, any extremes in speech should be avoided. When a person speaks too quietly, indistinctly, quickly or, conversely, too slowly, his speech is difficult to perceive, becomes incomprehensible and unpleasant.

In addition, if the subject speaks moderately loudly and extremely clearly, his partners get the idea that he is a mature person and a confident person.

  • Thoughtfulness of speech

The speech must be composed, or better yet, written down. Before starting a conversation, business people note for themselves topics and issues that require discussion. A report or public speech is built according to plan, the introduction, the main part and final conclusions, and results are written.

  • Ability to ask both open and closed questions

The answer will depend on how the question is asked. If the question requires a “yes” or “no” answer, the interlocutor will have to answer clearly; if the question remains open, he will have the opportunity to express his point of view. Questions that are too direct or tactless should be avoided.

  • Unacceptability of long phrases and complex sentences. Short, meaningful phrases save time and simplify the perception of information.

Compliance with all the principles and rules may seem problematic, but difficulties are overcome by working on oneself. The ability to communicate in a business environment comes with experience business interaction.

Language of communication in the business environment

The concept of "language" is used to refer to the system of signs through which people think and speak. It is also a way of expressing a person's self-awareness.

Language business communication– an official business style of speech, intended for communicative interaction in a professional business environment, as well as other related areas.

Business language is a system of communication in oral and written form that regulates working relationships.

The official style of writing has the following features:

  • concise presentation of information;
  • strictly required form;
  • special terminology, cliches, clericalism;
  • narrative nature of written speech;
  • almost complete absence of emotionally expressive means of speech.

Business oral speech has three components:

  • content component (characterized by clarity and logic);
  • expressive component (characterizes the emotional side of information);
  • incentive component (recognized to influence the feelings and thoughts of the interlocutor).

The language of business communication of the subject of interaction is assessed according to the following indicators:

In a professional environment, it is customary to adhere to etiquette, general standards of morality and ethics.

Business communication is based on the following moral standards:

  • honesty;
  • decency;
  • justice;
  • responsibility.

But the concept of business communication also includes a psychological aspect. interpersonal relationships. They can not only be neutral-friendly, but also have the nature of fierce competition and struggle.

Business communication is not only the ability to speak, look and conduct business well, but also the ability to build interpersonal relationships.

Overcoming communication difficulties

Even if you follow all the rules of business communication, you may encounter the following psychological barriers:

  1. Barrier to motivation. When the interlocutor is simply not interested in the subject of conversation and it is impossible to interest him. Such a barrier is an indicator that one partner treats the other not as an individual, but as a means to achieve a goal.
  2. Moral barrier. When the interlocutor turns out to be an unscrupulous, dishonest person prone to deception. He uses business communication as a way to hide his malicious intent. The better the immoral intent is “disguised” behind the ability to speak and behave beautifully, the more difficult it is to overcome this barrier.
  3. Barrier of emotions. Negative emotions, feelings, thoughts towards the interlocutor do not allow you to build a harmonious relationship. Business communication will be useless and ineffective if partners treat each other poorly.

To overcome the difficulties of business interaction and win over your interlocutor, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Calling by name

Such treatment is a sign of respect and consideration. All people love to hear their name and perceive information better when spoken immediately after it.

  • Smile

It is not always appropriate. More often, important issues require concentration and seriousness, which, naturally, is expressed in restrained facial expressions. But a smile is a means that evokes sympathy and a willingness to make contact.

  • Compliments

Kind and unobtrusive pleasant words will brighten up any communication, especially strictly business ones. It is customary to give sincere but reserved compliments.

  • Attention to personality

When communicating on business topics, one should not forget that its subjects are people with their own characteristics. Everyone and everyone likes to be listened to carefully, interested in them, supported and respected.

  • Honesty and integrity

Concealment or distortion of information sooner or later becomes clear, and once a damaged reputation and lost trust are difficult to regain.

You can learn the basics of business communication on your own or gain the necessary knowledge in educational institutions, courses or seminars.

The art of communication in a professional environment is learned in practice when an individual begins to act and behave as an honest, reliable and cultured person, and a professional in his field.

Compliance with the ethics of business communication is the basis of a successful team. Relationships built on the rules of professional ethics and mutual respect create a comfortable working atmosphere, maintain motivation in the team.

The article presents the basic principles of business communication ethics, tips and rules that will be useful to both employees and managers.

To have such self-control as to respect others as oneself and to treat them as
how we want to be treated is what can be called philanthropy.

What it is?

Business communication, like any other, needs regulation. Business communication etiquette is a set of public and unspoken rules for those who have to work together every weekday.

Without regulated norms, business communication turns into a chaotic exchange of information. Each person perceives it differently the world, their colleagues, managers and subordinates.

So that different worldviews do not interfere with work and do not force everyone to speak in different languages, it is important to observe the etiquette and culture of business communication. This applies to both relationships within one team and external contacts (between employees of different departments or branches, between an employee and a client).

Rules and basic principles of business communication ethics

Ethics of business communication has first of all a practical goal. Compliance with it greatly simplifies the work of the entire team in general and each employee in particular, since acting in accordance with generally accepted patterns is easier and faster. This will ensure that employees know what to expect from each other. This step helps improve overall productivity by freeing employees from thinking like, “What did he mean?”

The second task of business ethics– create a working atmosphere in the team in which all the time is devoted to business, and the right amount of time is given to fun. Moral comfort plays a larger role in life than physical comfort, and by following business ethics, employees will always feel comfortable in terms of job satisfaction.

Moreover, the moral side of business ethics also affects productivity: an employee who feels comfortable in the workplace will be more committed to the company and will strive to do his job better. A pleasant atmosphere achieved through compliance ethical principles business communication, makes employees strive for excellence in their work.

We offer for viewing a video review of 5 basic rules of etiquette in business communication according to D. Carnegie:

Basic types of business communication

There are three main types of business communication, they are based on the generally accepted hierarchy within the team.

So, business communication can take place:

  1. "Top down";
  2. "Down up";
  3. "Horizontally".
There are different ethical standards for business communication for these three categories, although there are general principles. First of all, to general principles applies respect for the employee, regardless of the latter’s role in the company.

It is important to be fair to employees, colleagues from other companies and clients with whom you work. This, for example, implies that it would be unethical to ask your interlocutor about his personal affairs, especially about his problems, just because it interests you.

The rules common to all apply to business telephone etiquette. "Hello" or "yes" are not appropriate greetings for business man. You should politely introduce yourself, state your position, the name of the company, department.

When talking on the phone, you need to be careful; if this is your first time talking to a person, be sure to remember his name and patronymic and use them. You should always express your thoughts clearly and concisely. If according to good reasons If you cannot carry on a conversation, you need to apologize to your interlocutor and offer to contact him later.

Communication "superior-subordinate"

The boss is “higher” than the subordinate

Or "top to bottom". Any good leader should try to create a comfortable atmosphere in the team. It is the self-discipline of a leader that is the most powerful motivator and example for subordinates.

Therefore, it is first of all important for people holding leadership positions to comply with the ethical rules of business communication.

Advice: It begins with self-discipline as a leader. effective work the entire company. Only by learning to manage yourself can you manage other people. Familiarity, being late, and postponing decisions “for later” should disappear from habits. All this will help strengthen your authority and win the favor of your employees - everyone wants to strive for a bright future with an ideal leader.

The manager is the one who manages the work process and gives orders.
You can do this in several ways, including:

  • Order;
  • Request;
  • Question or request;
  • Call for a volunteer.
Order - a strict form of instruction. Orders should not be abused, but in a good way – they should be avoided altogether. Most often, direct orders are used in relation to unscrupulous employees in critical situations. But if it comes to problems and orders, think about what good such an obviously conflicted employee can bring to the company?

A request is the most common form of order, especially if the team has already established fairly trusting working relationships. In response to a request, the employee can give his comment if necessary. The manager can also present the request in such a way that it is equivalent to an order, while the tone remains friendly.

Question usually asked to those employees who have shown themselves to be competent and proactive people, the same applies to calling a volunteer.

Advice to the manager: it would be a good idea to study your subordinates to find out which of them adequately perceives questions. For example, a qualified subordinate who is enthusiastic about his job and has earned the trust of his manager may give good advice on the question of how to solve a particular problem. An employee who is uninitiative and unscrupulous is more likely to see the issue as a weakness of the manager and a reason to shirk work.

Also, subordinates always appreciate justice. So the reward should always be adequate to merit, just as the punishment is adequate to failure. At the same time, the mistakes of employees should not be left completely unattended - such behavior can show the manager as inattentive or tell the employee that he can work carelessly, shirk and go unpunished.

Among other things, the boss must show his subordinates that he respects and values ​​their opinions and contributions to the common cause, and in this case he will achieve reciprocal loyalty.

Communication "subordinate-boss"

Of course, all subordinates must follow the rules of business communication. Good employee, like the manager, is interested in establishing and maintaining a comfortable atmosphere in the team, therefore, within the framework of the ethics of business communication, one of the tasks of the subordinate is to help the manager maintain it.

Under no circumstances should a subordinate try to manage his manager; this is a manifestation of disrespect, non-compliance with hierarchy and, accordingly, a violation of the norms of ethical business communication. Subordination should always take place: you can express your opinion in a correct form, but you cannot point it out to your boss. By the way, in this case, the ethics of network communication is no exception. It may seem that in online correspondence some of the rules of ethics can be neglected, but this is not so. There is still a boss on the other side of the screen, and you need to behave with him accordingly.

It is not recommended to be categorical with your boss. It is not necessary to always agree with him, otherwise you may seem like a flatterer. But you shouldn’t constantly argue with management. Here it is important to find a fine line and show that the subordinate respects the leader, has inner rod, a strong character. Such employees are valued and trusted as loyal and reliable people.

I always ask helpers to share their difficulties; I always try to support them,
of course, if they are willing to admit that they have problems.
J. Soros

If the company has senior management, then you should not contact them without going through your immediate superior. This is a direct demonstration of disrespect for the leader; this can cast doubt on the manager’s competence, which can negatively affect relationships within the entire team.

It would be reckless not to mention The main weapon of some employees is lies. If an employee allows himself to lie in the workplace, promise to complete all tasks (with subsequent failure), talk about how he did something that he actually did not do, it is rare that a manager will deny himself the pleasure of getting rid of such an assistant. Honesty and trust are the basis of business communication. Adhering to these principles, an employee can go even further than planned, but if you try to be cunning, then you only have yourself to blame.

Employee-employee communication

In this case, first of all, you need to pay attention to what, in essence, determines the relationship between employees: their rights and responsibilities. They must be clearly distributed among colleagues, otherwise a conflict will inevitably arise. Everyone should mind their own business, even if their work overlaps with other employees.

Often, business rivalry or competition occurs between employees, during which they try to achieve, for example, a promotion. Here it is necessary to understand that personalization is unacceptable. Respect should be valued above all else. Business communication etiquette during presentations, in particular, presupposes that a colleague should not be interrupted or interrupted. All questions and objections can be expressed in a correct form after the presentation or during the specially designated question period.

Also, you should not take on more than you can fulfill; you should not make promises that will not be kept. You need to adequately assess yourself, your capabilities, as well as the capabilities of your employees.

It is a type of communication whose purpose is the exchange of information between existing or potential partners. During business communication, important issues are resolved, goals are set and achieved, personal and business qualities are acquired. To better understand all this, you need to understand what types of business communication exist.

Direct and indirect

All types of business communication are divided into two groups: direct and indirect. Direct communication is understood as communication that occurs directly between partners who are not separated by spatial and temporal barriers. This could be a negotiation. By indirect we mean contact that is carried out using technical means(phone, internet). Experience shows that, whenever possible, one should strive for direct communication, since it is considered the most effective for achieving any goal. Yet live communication, when the interlocutors see, cannot be compared with anything else.

Verbal and non-verbal

There are such types of business communication as verbal and non-verbal. Verbal is communication through words, non-verbal is communication through gestures, facial expressions, and postures. A nonverbal portrait of a person can be compiled by what postures he chooses to conduct a conversation, how he looks at his interlocutor and with what intonation he pronounces this or that information.

Business communication technology can be carried out using in various ways and Depending on this, they distinguish the following types business communication:

Business meeting

What we mean here is business communication when the entire team of an enterprise or firm gets together to discuss pressing problems or make decisions. common decision.

Public speaking

This type of business communication is to some extent a continuation of the previous one. This is the case when one person conveys some information to his colleagues or another group of people. The speaker must clearly understand what he is talking about, and his speech must be understandable to the audience.

Business conversation

This is a type of business communication in which information is exchanged on some topic that is most important at the moment. For example, this includes discussions between company employees about work processes. During a business conversation, a decision does not necessarily have to be made.

Business meeting

Unlike the previous type of communication, the end result of negotiations is finding the most the right decision and its acceptance. Business negotiations have a specific, clear focus, which may result in the signing of important contracts and transactions.


During business communication, it is not always possible to avoid an argument. Often, only thanks to the clash of interests and the participants defending their positions is it possible to come to some kind of decision. But sometimes it is precisely the dispute that prevents it from being accepted.

Business correspondence

It is an indirect mode of business communication in which information is conveyed through writing. For example, this may include written orders and requests. Business correspondence can also be carried out by sending emails, which significantly saves time. There are two forms: a letter (sent by one organization to another) and a private official letter (sent on behalf of an organization to another individual).

Speaking about business communication, its main phases should also be mentioned.

Phases of business communication

· Preparation for communication.

· Communication phase (making contact).

· Concentration of attention (on some problem or feature).

· Maintaining attention.

· Argumentation and persuasion (in case the interlocutors’ thoughts differ).

· Fixing the result (end the conversation at the right moment).

Business communication is interaction between people aimed at achieving a specific goal or desired result. As a rule, this interaction takes place in a business environment, and takes the form of negotiations, calling the boss on the carpet, discussing new ideas or development strategies, etc. A distinctive feature of this type of communication is that personal relationships do not play a decisive role. No matter how the partners treat each other personally, when negotiating they are obliged to come to a common agreement. Otherwise, the deal will not take place, which is not necessary for either party.

Psychologists and researchers of this type of communication highlight various aspects of business communication that affect the effectiveness of achieving results.

Psychological aspects of business communication

As you know, any interaction between people occurs through two channels: verbal and non-verbal. Psychological aspects relate mainly to non-verbal channels - facial expressions, gestures, the general psychological state of a person, etc.

The basic rule that must be observed in the process of business communication is to win over the interlocutor using non-verbal signs. An open posture, direct eye to eye contact, confident speech and gestures, all of this makes a favorable impression on the interlocutor and increases the chances of success.

On the other hand, you need to be able to recognize non-verbal signals from your interlocutor and use them to your advantage. Experienced negotiators always use this weapon.

Gender aspect of business communication

A separate aspect of business interaction is the gender characteristics of a person. This aspect suggests that the process of communicating with women is very different from the same process with men. This happens due to various psychological characteristics personalities inherent in different genders. Taking into account the gender aspect of communication, you can achieve greater success than ignoring them completely. For example, knowing that a man is usually focused on solving specific problems, when talking with him it is better to concentrate on achieving the goal. When communicating with a woman, it is better to pay more attention to the features of the process, small details and the benefits that all participants will receive in the event of a positive decision.

Ethical aspects of business communication

The aspects discussed above are very important and need to be remembered and taken into account. However, we should not forget about the ethical side of relationships between people. No matter how neat a person looks, no matter how confidently he expresses himself, if his interlocutor feels discomfort and negativity, then the dialogue is unlikely to end positively. The basic principles of ethical behavior in business circles are: responsibility, punctuality, literacy, goodwill, etc.

By paying attention to the aspects listed above, anyone will increase their chances of success, whether in business or at work. Professional skills are of course important, but the ability to communicate with people allows you to more clearly demonstrate your abilities and reveal your potential to the fullest.

Business communication is fundamentally different from conversation household topics. The subtleties of the psychology of this type of conversation require the formation of etiquette in order to conclude mutually beneficial cooperation.


Business communication is the creation of a complex multi-stage process of creating relationships between interlocutors who are connected by common professional interests. Characteristic feature is strict behavior within established boundaries, limited by official etiquette with a twist of national tolerance.

Etiquette subordinates two categories - a list of regulations and instructions. The latter represent the attitude of employees to a higher position, while norms are psychological aspects interactions between employees of equal position in the career ladder system.

However, both groups obey general requirements polite cooperation. Personal interests, hostility and negative mood should not influence the progress of work.

The philosophy of business communication must promote established order formal business style. This applies to both written standards and behavior with other individuals.

The culture of communicative interaction is in several main stages, which provide for further relations between business partners:

  • A polite greeting with the purpose of showing a friendly disposition to the interlocutor. People must trust each other within joint activities;
  • Getting to know each other involves establishing contact to visually introduce each other;
  • Targeting a specific topic;
  • Discussion of a goal or resolution of a pressing issue;
  • The outcome of the conversation.

Such an attitude to order is necessary for building cooperation, based on the mutual interests of both parties. Further relationship involves working productively to achieve the goal, with creativity and active interest, which will increase the progress of production in the business.


Knowledge of the rules of business communication allows a person to rapidly rise through career ladder, increasing status and significance in society. In the process of improvement, an individual develops a certain style of behavior, which in most cases depends on the type of activity:

  1. Humanistic. This approach is gaining more and more popularity, as it involves providing support and a joint search for a solution to the problem. The employee is perceived as an individual with individual qualities, taking into account his emotions and character;
  2. Manipulative. A manager or colleague uses the interlocutor as a tool to achieve specific goals. For example, personal strict control over task completion is the manipulation of one partner over the other;
  3. Ritual style, in contrast to humanistic, implies the creation of the desired status in society. Business and personal qualities are erased against the background of a certain “mask”, the characteristics of which were set in advance. This is a daily role for each employee, formed individually.

Knowledge of communication policy allows you to establish business contacts, because business communication is an integral part of managing organizational processes. Owners, managers and employees must effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas to others inside and outside the company.

Fortunately, there are several communication methods available to people whose job involves business communication. Each method allows employees to choose how a message is conveyed, as well as create specific communication styles for different participants.


This type Communication at work is the verbal transmission of information. Verbal communication may take the form of meetings, personal conversations, telephone conversation and video conferencing. She happens to be the best view business communication, as it allows interlocutors to visually evaluate each other.

However, the vast network of the business sphere prevents the spread of verbal type of communication. Language barriers, time differences, and different cultures create challenges for verbal communication.


Nonverbal communication is represented by business notes, official letters, documents and various announcements. In order to send the same type of message to several people, nonverbal communication is of practical importance. It can help with transmission technical instructions and demonstrate charts, graphs that need to be viewed for work.

Organizations are able to use documentation as evidence to solve various problems and important legal issues. Individuals and company representatives, using this method of business communication, will be able to further protect themselves from the legal side of the issue.

Also non-verbal communication when meeting in person, it is expressed in various gestures, postures and facial expressions. Behavior carries with it Additional information for the interlocutor and helps him to draw appropriate conclusions.


Technology has enabled new forms of business communication. Email, web conferences, social media allow you to conduct business communication with several people at the same time. Official websites of companies reduce the level of communication with consumers, while simultaneously demonstrating the strong qualities and characteristics of the company.

Electronic business communication takes less time and reduces costs. An important point is that the interlocutors do not depend on the location and the need for a personal meeting.

However, in installation business relations Direct communication is important, which helps to establish eye contact and create a visual impression of the interlocutor. It is important that both parties are in the same time and space, as it is necessary for the participants to make a good impression. Personal presence can have a strong impact on the entire process of business communication.

Depending on the situation, direct contact is not always possible. Exactly like discussing an issue with several people creates a barrier to the exchange of information. Consequently, business communication takes a different form of interaction:

  • Business correspondence. Orders, letters and resolutions are an indirect form of communication. Written form communication is necessary to resolve conflict or acute situations both within the organization and between legal entities;
  • Press conference involves informing the public to discuss current issues through a meeting of officials with representatives of funds mass media;
  • Meeting. It is carried out directly within the organization with the aim of setting and resolving problems between employees. The manager needs to discuss work activity with several employees at the same time.

During professional activity arise various situations, which cover forms of business communication. Some cannot be resolved without conflicts, others require a tolerant approach. The process is complicated by emotional outbursts of individuals defending their own point of view.

The role of business communication is to regulate the interaction of interlocutors in a business environment to prevent problematic situations.

Communication Basics

The presence of personal characteristics complements the definition of business communication. The interacting parties observe established etiquette, which develops depending on national and professional traits. Psychology, language behavior and participants’ perceptions of state apparatus also have a significant impact on the course of the conversation.

The strategy that forms the basis of the conversation must be chosen correctly. For this purpose, it is recommended to first take into account the characteristics of the interlocutor:

  • type of temperament and expression of emotions;
  • language features;
  • national customs;
  • professional sphere;
  • position in the company;
  • tolerance and attitude towards people of other nationalities.

Ethics plays a role in the philosophy of business communication important role, being topical issue to date. Almost every person makes a business transaction every day. Moreover, a significant part of life is spent participating in and preparing for professional activities.

As part of comprehensive ethics programs, many companies have developed internal policies that address employee cultural conduct. The policy is implemented as in simple calls for compliance general rules culture, and in a more detailed code.

The latter contains specific behavioral requirements that express the company's expectations from employees. Also domestic politics is a list of recommendations for solving some common problems that arise in the course of doing business.

The foundation of business ethics is twofold: pragmatism and prescription. The first principle involves extracting the maximum benefit from the greatest number of individuals. The amount of expenses must be offset by the total benefits from business contacts and agreements.

The moral injunction is that decisions made by an individual should not depend on the consequences and rules dictated by society. For example, the organization should not lie to the consumer regarding the services provided.

Knowledge business etiquette relevant due to the fact that it helps the participant in the conversation to take a more advantageous position. However, interlocutors should take into account each other’s interests and build on mutual benefit when discussing the goal. At the same time, it is necessary to defend positions with a clearly stated speech, correctly formulating your thoughts. Achieving a positive result depends on mutual understanding and cooperation of both parties.

Norms and principles

The field of business communication affects almost all areas Everyday life. Such extensive interaction is no exception to the list of interpersonal communications, requiring process adjustment.

The flow of business negotiation processes is based on basic principles:

  • Business communication affects not only the discussion of specific issues, but also the personal relationship of the interlocutors. Thus, any contact is not complete without interpersonal conflict;
  • Each person initiates conversation continuity through verbal and nonverbal gestures. Thanks to such messages, the interlocutor draws conclusions and models the current situation;
  • Focus. Any communicative act carries a specific goal: to establish business contacts or resolve a common problem. Along with it, there are also hidden tasks. For example, when describing a problem in order to convey the essence of a meeting, a speaker may unconsciously demonstrate erudition and eloquence to the audience;
  • Multidimensionality is based not only on the circulation of information between interlocutors, but also on the appropriate regulation of relationships. A conversation is a broadcast of personal data and agreement between business partners. At the same time, there is a manifestation of the emotional background between individuals. For example, one of the interlocutors is able to express a dominant position relative to his partner.

Rules of conduct dictate the tone of the conversation. Any wrong gesture or careless word can ruin a multimillion-dollar deal, while a friendly disposition will help you conclude a lucrative contract. It is important to know the list of basic norms for a positive outcome of business communication.

Clear diction takes the leading position. The audience must adequately perceive the speaker's speech. It is important to convey the necessary idea to the listener, avoiding boring monotony. Vague speech with scant content can poison business communication.


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