How can you descale a regular kettle? Simple ways to remove scale from a kettle Remove scale from a gas kettle

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Lime in the kettle worries every housewife. She not only spoils appearance device, prevents the water from boiling faster, but also leads to breakdown. Also, scale is extremely dangerous for the body, as it interferes with normal operation kidneys and excretory system.

By using filtered water, you will postpone the problem for a while, but someday scale will still form and you will have to remove it. Therefore, tips on how to do this without damaging the heating element will always come in handy.

Rules for using an electric kettle

But first, let's talk about what will prevent it from forming quickly and will extend the life of your kettle:

  • do not boil the same water several times, this is harmful to your health;
  • do not let the device heat up if it is less than half full;
  • make sure the lid is tightly closed;
  • don't get hit various items inside the kettle;
  • Do not clean it with harsh abrasives or metal sponges;
  • do not touch the heating surface, do not try to clean it mechanically;
  • Do not clean the electric kettle with soda, it will stain the walls;
  • Descale at least once every two weeks.

If you didn’t know about the rules for using a kettle before, now remember them and follow them. Then it will serve you much longer than its service life.

Household chemical stores may offer you special products that help clean the insides of the appliance from deposits, but do not rush to purchase them. These powders contain a lot of chemicals that are hazardous to health if they come into contact with the skin or the body. You better try traditional methods, which are also effective, but also safe.

Table vinegar
The most popular method is to use vinegar. Dilute it with water 1 to 10 and pour it into the kettle halfway. Let it boil and leave for 15 minutes. Then repeat the procedure two or three more times and rinse the kettle well. If there are scale particles left on its walls or heating element, then add new water and vinegar and do the whole process again. But next time, don’t bring him to this state.

When cleaning is complete, fill with plain water and boil the kettle. Pour it out, fill it with a new one and let it warm up again. The water poured for the third time can be drunk without fear that the vinegar remains in the kettle.

Lemon acid
Another cleaning method is to use citric acid. Dissolve 20 gr. powder per liter warm water and pour it into the device. Let sit for 4 hours and then drain. After this, evaluate how clean your kettle is. If there are traces of scale left on it, then fill it again with diluted citric acid.

In the case where the scale layer is several millimeters, this method will not work. We'll have to do things differently. Pour in the solution and heat it several times. After citric acid, just boil the kettle clean water just one time.

Cleaning with vinegar and citric acid
If you have never cleaned your kettle before and a decent layer of scale has accumulated on it, then try the method described below. Pour a solution of vinegar and water into the device, boil it and leave until it cools. Then drain and fill with diluted citric acid. Bring to a boil again and wait until the water becomes cold. Alternate these techniques three times, and then, if all the scale is not removed, gently scrape it off with a sponge.

Instead of these solutions, you can use strained cucumber brine. It also contains vinegar and citric acid. Just pour it into the kettle and boil. Then rinse the inside of the device thoroughly and boil the water once.

You can clean an electric kettle using soda. To do this, boil water in it, and then add 3 teaspoons of soda to it and mix well. After half an hour, drain the solution and repeat the whole process. After cleaning, do not forget to boil the water once without additives and drain it. This will help get rid of any remaining baking soda on the walls.

Do not try to scrub off scale with undiluted soda powder; it has harsh abrasive properties and will scratch the surface of the heating device. If boiling does not help, add one tablespoon of acetic acid in addition to it. When the soda begins to extinguish, it will dissolve even hardened scale.

The imagination of housewives knows no bounds, and they resort to new tricks to get rid of the hated plaque quickly and without extra costs. Do not repeat their mistakes and do not waste your time on useless activities; in this case, it is better to purchase an anti-scale agent.

Coca-Cola or Sprite
This method may seem effective to some, but do not indulge yourself in illusions. Citric acid, which is contained in each of these drinks, helps to cope with plaque. Only its pure powder is several times cheaper than sweet water and has no dyes or harmful preservatives.

Peels and peels

Another example of the reckless use of food for household purposes. Some housewives suggest throwing peelings of apples, pears and even potatoes into the kettle. But for electrical appliances this method is not only useless, but also harmful.

The fact is that the main substance that dissolves scale is again acid, but it is contained in a minimal amount, which does not affect the result. In addition, if a foreign object gets on the heating surface, it will damage it.

Take care of your kettle, clean it promptly using the methods described above, do not leave water on overnight, use only filtered water, and then it will last a long time. Don't forget that clean kitchen appliances are the key to your health.

Video: how to descale a kettle in 3 minutes

Every housewife is faced with the problem of how to remove scale from household appliances. The cause of this problem is the use of hard water. in which there is enough a large number of soluble salts calcium and magnesium.

It is thanks to them that cloudy stains appear on dishes after washing. There are several solution options: either install a special filter that works to soften it, or use a purchased distilled one, or deal with an existing problem.

The harder the water, the faster our appliances become dirty, and if we allow severe contamination, as experts say, drinking this kind of water will have a rather detrimental effect on your health over time. There are several fairly common and cheap methods for removing these troubles from surfaces.


This is probably the most common household appliance, which is susceptible to dirt from inside, due to constant contact with liquid. The methods below are well suited not only for cleaning this appliance, but also for descaling pots.

So 6 inexpensive ways, the effectiveness of which is probably not the same as that of dry cleaning, but still deserves attention and testing.

  • Vinegar. A well-known product that came to us from ancient times. You can find it in any store at a ridiculous price. Dilute 500 ml of water in one glass of 9% vinegar. Then there are several options for use: bring water to a boil and then pour in the vinegar solution, or immediately pour in the mixture and boil it for about half an hour. After this, boil clean water several times. This method is great when a thick layer of scale has formed.
  • Lemon acid. The method is similar to the first, only you add a couple of tablespoons of acid to the same amount of water. We also boil everything, and the time can be increased depending on the severity of the case, and let it cool. Finally, boil clean water several times to get rid of any remaining citric acid. To get rid of odors, you can add sugar or Bay leaf.
  • Soda. Grandma’s well-known method, she probably cleaned everything. You can also try it as an option. Dilute half a liter of water with a few tablespoons of powder. Pour in the entire resulting mixture and boil for half an hour. If necessary, rinse the device with clean water several times until it disappears completely. unpleasant odors.
  • Sprite, Coca-Cola or mineral water. The method is only suitable for stainless steel kitchen utensils and electric kettles. It is necessary to release unnecessary gas, pour liquid inside and boil for 30 minutes.
  • Descaling using potato peels or apple skins. Peel the peel, put it in a kettle, fill it with water and boil for two hours. Let it cool. This method is more suitable for prevention than for effective deliverance.
  • Brine. Boil for a short time inside the device and let cool.

Cleaning the water heater

Experts recommend cleaning the water heater approximately once every 2 years. Since the water supplied is hard, over time the heating element also becomes “overgrown” with scale. Accordingly, the larger the scale layer, the more difficult it is to heat the water in the tank. More time is needed, which means more electricity. There are two cleaning methods:

  • Mechanical. It is necessary to take out the heating element and clean it manually from scale with a knife, a brush with metal bristles, a wooden spatula or other means. After that, take a walk sandpaper.
  • Chemical. You can also clean the heating element, like a kettle, using vinegar or citric acid. However, it is necessary to ensure that the rubber seals are not immersed in water.

Cleaning the iron from scale

Almost all modern irons include a steam function. After a certain time, the holes through which steam or water enters become covered with a layer of scale. And probably almost everyone is familiar with the unpleasant moment when, when steam or water is supplied, pieces of rust are sprayed out.

The thing can no longer be cleaned. Therefore, in order to avoid such surprises, the soleplate of the iron must also be periodically descaled.

There are several stages to cleaning an iron:

  • Cleansing from the inside. It is necessary to dilute a small amount of water with one packet of citric acid (or cut the lemon into small slices). Pour this mixture into the hole and let it heat up. With a burst of steam, all channels will be well cleared of scale.
  • Iron sole. Can be cleaned with a surface cleaning pencil. If you don’t have it at hand, then wet a soft sponge with vinegar essence and thoroughly wipe the deposits off the iron. An alternative can also be baking soda, regular toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide and so on.

Cleaning the washing machine from scale

Like all devices that interact with water, we cannot leave the washing machine without attention. Professionals recommend descaling your machine once every 2-3 months.

Of course, there are quite a lot of cleaning products on the market now. But not everyone can afford them, and why spend extra money? If you can use all the same methods that will perfectly get rid of scale.

To do this, you still need to take citric acid, about 100-200 grams; products already known to us like 9% vinegar or baking soda will do. Having chosen the product that you like, you need to pour it into the powder compartment. Having set it to any long program at 90-95 degrees, turn on the machine for washing without laundry. And the scale is gone! Easy manipulation with minimal costs.

Descaling your coffee machine

Technologies do not stand still; modern coffee machines already have a descaling function. But what to do if your car does not have a function or is an older model?

In this case, citric acid or vinegar will still come to our aid. For cleaning or prevention, you need to pour the solution into the tank of the coffee machine and run it “idle”. After completing the program, leave it inside for 2-3 hours, then pour it out and run the car a few more times, but with clean water.


Summarizing all of the above, it is quite possible to replace expensive means for getting rid of scale with simple and affordable means for every housewife. Which will clean all surfaces just as well.

But still, advice from professionals is that it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive maintenance of devices. In order to prevent old scale from forming into a thick layer. At the very least, this promises you the failure of the equipment and the purchase of a new one.

Over time, almost all the water in the kettle leaves limescale. It manifests itself in the form of salt deposits on the walls of the kettle or heating element, if we are talking about an electric kettle. In any case, this phenomenon has an unpleasant effect on the operation of the heater and the appearance of the product. That is why every owner of a heating device periodically faces the problem of how to descale a kettle.

In addition to the fact that scale looks unsightly and spoils the appearance of the kettle, its presence harms the family budget:

  • due to scale, a longer period of time is needed for the kettle to boil;
  • the presence of scale will cause the kettle to fail faster;
  • if scale builds up, the electric kettle may turn off spontaneously;
  • the presence of scale spoils the color of water and affects the quality of drinks prepared from it (tea and coffee).

Methods for descaling

You can remove scale from a kettle in several ways, both traditionally and using special means.

Household chemicals

The shops household chemicals offer wide choose descaling detergents. Instructions are included with each of them. Most often, the product is added to the kettle along with water and boiled for a certain period of time. All of them have almost the same names: “Antiscale” or some derivatives. When choosing a product for an electric kettle, make sure that there are certain additives that prevent the destruction of metal elements.

Before the advent of special products, each housewife used her own, proven over the years, which is available in every kitchen. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Lemon acid

Removing scale with citric acid is easy. This is the method that helps in solving the problem of how to descale an electric kettle. To do this, add 100 g of citric acid to the kettle and let it boil. The liquid in which citric acid is dissolved is not poured out. It should stay in the kettle for several hours, preferably until it cools completely. After a certain period of time, the liquid is drained, and the loose deposits from the action of citric acid are removed.

If there is no citric acid, it can be replaced with lemon slices. To remove plaque, boil 3-4 cloves in a kettle and leave the lemon water until it cools completely.

Food vinegar

To remove scale, you can use not only regular vinegar, but also other derivatives, such as apple cider vinegar. However, this method cannot be used for electric kettles.

The technology is simple. Pour half a glass of table vinegar and boil for 10 minutes. After the kettle has been thoroughly rinsed and easily descaled with a hard sponge, the device can be used to prepare hot drinks.

Baking soda

Ordinary baking soda in the amount of one tablespoon is poured into the heating element, the scale is destroyed after boiling for half an hour.

Powerful Recipe

If the scale layer is significant, an integrated approach is used. First, use soda, rinse, add vinegar, remove again and move on to citric acid. It is worth noting that this method is very effective. Accompanied by a violent reaction with the release of bubbles. All scale, even very old scale, turns into a gray loose sediment. It is advisable not to use the method for heating elements electric kettle.

Pickle brine

The remaining marinade from tomatoes or cucumbers contains vinegar or citric acid. The brine itself can be used to remove scale.

Modern way

The experience of cleaning heating devices using modern thirst quenchers is interesting. Regular Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta are left open so that the gas comes out. Bring sweet drinks to a boil and remove scale with a regular sponge.

Peeling potatoes and apples

To remove scale in a kettle, you can boil finely chopped potato and apple peelings for several minutes. Leave the liquid to cool for several hours. The method can be used for both enamel cookware and electric kettles.

Wood ash

A good descaling agent is wood ash. It is not boiled, but simply rubbed into a coating of salt. Then the scale is removed with a hard sponge.

Water is fully involved in human life. Unfortunately, its quality is not always good, but This has a negative impact not only on technology, but also has a negative impact on health.

This can be fixed folk remedies and household chemicals. Even with stubborn dirt, simple measures cope perfectly well.

Causes of scale formation

Scale is hard deposits of salts. When water is heated, salts break down into carbon dioxide and scale.

The composition of the water is determined by the path it had to travel. We see a high content of potassium and magnesium on the heating device. The amount of impurities depends on the region of residence.

What is the harm of scale?

  • Disrupts heat transfer from hotter particles to colder ones. Because of this, the load on the heating device increases, because the heating time increases. Thus, the kettle breaks down quickly, and the electricity bill goes up.
  • Usage additional funds for cleaning the kettle, and this is a minus from the budget.
  • Buying a water filter.
  • Negative effects on the human body, in particular the urinary system and kidneys.
  • Skin itching.
  • Skin rashes.

Stories from our readers!
“My sister gave me this cleaning product when she found out that I was going to clean the barbecue and wrought-iron gazebo at the dacha. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The product even allows you to get rid of wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

How to descale a kettle?

Methods for cleaning a stainless steel kettle

Cleaning a kettle from scale with vinegar

To do this you will need 100 ml of vinegar and 1 liter of water. The vinegar essence is diluted in water and poured into a kettle, after which you need to put it on the fire until it boils. If all the scale has left the kettle, then cleaning can be completed. If the cleansing is not complete, you need to wait another 15 minutes. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly rinse the kettle.

Acetic acid is obtained from food-grade alcohol-containing raw materials, which is why it can be used to clean dishes well without harm to health. This remedy is not only effective, but also costs a penny.

  • Cleaning the kettle with potato or apple peels. The remaining peels are placed in a kettle of water and brought to a boil. Then the dishes are removed from the heat and washed. This method helps with minor scale deposits.
  • Cucumber pickle. The citric acid included in the canning recipe eats away all plaque. The brine is poured in and brought to a boil, after which the dishes need to be rinsed.
  • Liquid sour milk. Important: milk should not turn into curdled milk. It is poured into a kettle, boiled and washed.
  • How to clean a kettle with cola You will need water and Coca-Cola. First, the kettle is washed and only then enough cola is poured in so that all the scale is covered, bring to a boil and leave to cool until room temperature, then the liquid is drained and the kettle is washed.

Important: if you pour the drink right away, the dishes may become stained. The dyes that are included in the composition are then very difficult to wash off.

  • Vinegar and soda. Soda is mixed with water until a paste forms. Wipe the walls of the kettle well with this solution. Next, take a clean rag, moisten it with vinegar and rub it into the first solution. At the end the kettle is washed.
  • Toothpaste Important: for this method you cannot use a paste with a whitening effect. But an expired product will work well. On toothbrush squeeze out a little paste and rub it into the teapot. After the procedure, boil the dishes in vain and rinse.

Cleaning an enamel kettle

If you were wondering , kettle, several ways can be found here.

  • Metal sponge

Pros: cleans dirt well

Cons: the enamel is damaged, it takes a lot of time. Dirt then begins to clog into the cracks.

  • Citric acid for the appearance of reddish scale

For 2 liters of water, take 2 tablespoons of acid, dilute it, and bring it to a boil. Let it sit for 20 minutes and rinse the container well.

  • Vinegar(both regular and apple are suitable for this) - use carefully, it may damage the enamel.

Acid is added to two liters of water and left for 30 minutes. After this time, place on the stove and boil for 10 minutes. Wash the kettle thoroughly.

  • Soda colorless

A drink is bought at the store. It is poured into the kettle, put on the fire, boiled, removed from the stove, and the container is washed.

How to clean a glass teapot

  • Vinegar essence

Take one glass of water and vinegar, pour it into a kettle and bring to a boil. Place in a cool place, cool and wash.

  • Soda

A tablespoon of baking soda dissolves in boiling water. Leave it like this for 10 minutes, then bring it to a boil. The liquid is cooled, the kettle is poured out and washed.

  • Vinegar and soda

For this you will need: water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar and the same amount of soda. Water is mixed with soda and vinegar. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for 30 minutes, cool, and rinse the container.

  • Lemon acid. Acid can be replaced with: lemon juice, slices, oil

For one liter of water you will need 1 tablespoon of acid (juice of 1 lemon, 1 slice, 20 drops of oil). The solution is prepared, boiled, cooled and the kettle is washed.

  • Lemon juice and vinegar

One liter of water is mixed with the same amount lemon juice and vinegar - 2 tablespoons is enough. The kettle is boiled and washed clean.

  • Soda for descaling the kettle

Take 1 tablespoon of soda, water, citric acid. Water is poured into the kettle, soda is added, and it is turned on. After boiling, the water is poured out.

Water is poured again, citric acid is added, and the kettle is turned on. After turning off, you need to let this water stand for 20 minutes. After this time, you can rinse with water and the kettle will be like new again.

  • Oxalic acid

Pour a small amount of acid into the kettle, fill it completely with water, and set it to boil. After cooling, pour out the water and rinse the kettle. For this method, sorrel stalks are actively used.

  • Vinegar

You will need water 2/3 of the capacity of the entire kettle and acetic acid a third of the volume. Water is mixed with vinegar, the kettle is turned on. After boiling, you need to wait until the water cools to room temperature. Then everything is thoroughly washed. This advice can only be used by those whose kettle is not made of metal.

  • Sparkling water without added colors

This requires 1 liter of soda. It is brought to a boil, drained and that’s it – the kettle is clean. Very important: before using soda, release all gases from the bottle.

  • Cleaning the kettle from scale with citric acid

Take 1 small packet of citric acid and water. Acid is poured into the water and the kettle is turned on. After boiling, the liquid is poured out. Next 2 more times pure water is boiling. The kettle is washed.

  • Fruit peel

The peel is filled with water, the water is boiled, and the liquid is drained. This method is used to prevent plaque. These are recipes for cleaning the inside of the kettle. For external cleaning, you can use the products described here.

How to descale a neglected old kettle?

No need to throw away your old kettle. It is better to use one of the proposed options.

  • Soda, citric acid, vinegar

To cope with the task you need to take: water, 1 tablespoon each of soda, citric acid, 100 ml of vinegar.

The cleaning procedure is carried out in 3 stages:

  • Pour water into the kettle, add baking soda, and set it to boil. After boiling, the solution is drained.
  • Fill with water, add acid, boil and leave on low heat for 30 minutes, pour out.
  • Vinegar is poured into the kettle, brought to a boil, simmered for about 30 minutes, and poured out. Wash thoroughly with running water.

After such a tough cleaning, even the most stubborn dirt comes off. Attention: under no circumstances should this procedure be carried out with an electric kettle.

  • Vinegar, soda and sponge

Sprinkle soda onto a sponge soaked in vinegar and rub until it turns into a paste. Use this sponge to wipe a dirty surface. After this, rinse the mixture well.

  • Soda, vinegar, citric acid and sponge

Take a kettle, pour half of the water, put one tablespoon of soda in it. We wait for it to boil; the solution should simmer over high heat for 10 minutes. The liquid all pours out. Pouring new water, add 100 ml of vinegar and perform the same procedure as in the first stage. Third stage: citric acid is poured onto a sponge and the kettle is wiped with it. Afterwards, you can rinse well under running water.

  • Automatic laundry detergent and citric acid

Pour water into the kettle, add 20 grams of powder, and bring to a boil. Add a teaspoon of citric acid to the same mixture. Place it on the stove again, wait until it boils, set it aside, pour out the contents and rinse.

All cleaning methods presented are time-tested. Long before the manufacture of special means, they helped our ancestors.

Universal means

Such products are usually purchased to save closet space and money. But quite often they do not perform all functions so well.

  • Eona bio– used for washing machines, dishwashers, as well as for cleaning scale in a kettle. Available in liquid form, tablets and powder. Directions for use: dilute the product with water, boil and rinse well. Price from 62.
  • Calgon– for teapots and dishwashers. It comes in liquid and powder form. It is diluted with water in a vessel, boiled and washed. Costs from 500.
  • Mister descaling agent– clean washing machines, dishwashers, kettles. The store sells from 30 rubles. Powder and solution are prepared.
  • Astonish Limescale Remover– used as a cleaning agent for dishes, plumbing fixtures, and scale in the kettle. In liquid form from 270.
  • Planet Pure spray- for cleaning. In liquid form from 360.
  • Selena anti-scale– removes scale from kettles, coffee makers, irons, dishwashers and washing machines. Liquid and powder from 27.
  • Chistin– removes plaque from washing machines and kettles. Sold from 100 rubles. Only in powder.
  • Refine– for washing from 100, including from scale.
  • Soda Ash

After reading the reviews of ordinary customers, we can say that the price does not depend on the quality. The cheapest products sometimes do a better job than the more expensive ones.

Special chemicals

From the list presented, you can choose for yourself convenient option. All components included in the composition detergent aimed at combating scale.

  • Frau Schmidt anti-scale. Judging by the reviews ordinary people, scale is removed after 8 minutes. Tablets from 100.
  • Clean home – liquid from 90 rub.
  • Romax anti-scale – liquid from 50 rub.
  • Melitta Anti Calc
  • Tytan
  • Domol
  • Bagi avnit
  • Pure water
  • Antiscale

The principle of operation of all chemicals same:

  1. The substance is poured
  2. Rubs well on the surface
  3. Leave for 5 minutes
  4. The vessel is washed well

If the cleanser is in liquid form or tablets, then the procedure is slightly different:

  1. The cleaning agent is poured in and a tablet is placed at the bottom.
  2. Water is pouring.
  3. The kettle turns on.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Cleans thoroughly from chemicals.

Preventing scale formation

  • When preparing, use water purification products.
  • If possible, boil purchased water.
  • The kettle should always be empty and wiped dry.
  • Reuse boiled water it is forbidden. It's better to drain the leftovers.
  • To prevent scale, clean once a week.
  • When scale first appears, remove it immediately.
  • Wash the inside with a sponge daily.

As you can see, there are enough cleaning and prevention methods.

You don't need to spend a lot of money to extend the life of your kettle. In order for the kettle to serve for a long time, it is enough to devote a little time to it.

Moreover, this is an opportunity to use the products that every woman has available. It is worth paying attention that after each procedure you need to thoroughly rinse the kettle so that harmful substances do not enter the body.

An enamel teapot is a very beautiful, convenient and most common type of kitchenware. Even if the kitchen has a home water filtration system, it is completely impossible to avoid solid deposits on the walls and bottom inside the kettle.

The filter significantly reduces the concentration of impurities and salts of calcium and magnesium, but over time, in the process of heating the water, an insoluble precipitate still forms, raising a completely expected question - how to remove scale from an enamel kettle.

When first heated in a vessel, the salts contained in the water precipitate and first form a loose base. With each further boiling, it becomes more and more compacted, creating a durable layer of plaque.

The most important argument is taking care of your own health. The smallest particles of sediment, falling into a cup and then into the body, clog the intestines and lead to many unpleasant diseases.

How to descale an enamel kettle

The problem is quite common and was relevant many years ago, when there was no talk of filters designed to purify water.

Today there are three answers to the question of how to clean enamel teapot from scale:

  • Mechanical method;
  • The use of special means for cleaning devices;
  • Use valuable knowledge to clean at home.

Mechanical - at first glance, the easiest way to remove formations, using a metal brush and cleaning pastes. With sufficient intensity, mechanical action will remove even the most stagnant layer of solid deposits.

This method is not without its drawbacks:

  • The impact process takes a long time and requires a lot of effort;
  • Along with the plaque, the coating is also removed, forming cracks;
  • In the future, the scale in these defects will become more firmly entrenched and will be more difficult to remove.

Departments of household chemicals are replete with a variety of cleaning products, the instructions of which clearly describe how to descale an enamel kettle. As a rule, the names speak for themselves - “Antin-scale”, “Antin-scale” and others. These powders contain acids, through which solid sediment is removed. They are easy to use by following the instructions on the package.

Home Recipes

Lime deposits are successfully removed natural means that can be found in every housewife’s kitchen:

  1. Lemon acid;
  2. Vinegar essence, table vinegar, apple cider vinegar;
  3. Baking soda.

Citric acid is an amazing assistant in how to descale an enamel kettle. Excellent solubility, no toxicity and property effective removal hard deposits, crystalline powder is the leader in home remedies to combat scale. In order to remove scale from an electric kettle, you can use the same means.

To do this, you need to dilute five tablespoons of citric acid in two liters of water and bring the solution to a boil. It is not necessary to boil and after 15-20 minutes you should make sure that the process of peeling off the plaque has been successfully completed.

If the desired result is not achieved, it is necessary to clean again with citric acid. Before draining the old solution and rinsing the kettle, it is necessary to cool the vessel, otherwise the enamel will crack.

After all solid deposits have moved away from the walls and bottom, you need to wash the vessel with a soft sponge and loose particles (if any) will be easily removed. In order to remove the remaining citric acid, you need to boil clean water 2-3 times.

Vinegar works on a similar principle. Acetic acid actively breaks down solid deposits.

  • For 2 l cold water you will need a glass of 9% vinegar;
  • Leave the mixture for half an hour;
  • Then bring to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes;
  • Rinse the kettle thoroughly under a strong stream;
  • Boil fresh water several times “idle”.

The only drawback of vinegar is its strong specific smell. But at the same time, this is how you can clean a stainless steel kettle.

Vegetable peel

Potato peels contain a large amount of organic acids, even more than the tuber itself. It is the peel that helps solve the problem of removing scale from an enamel kettle.

To do this, peel the two fruits by placing them in a vessel, adding water and boiling over low heat for 1-1.5 hours. It should be noted that the deep layer of solid particles will soften only slightly, but will not dissolve completely.

Apple and lemon peels are used for the same purpose.

Some recommend using carbonated drinks (Coca-Cola, Sprite, etc.) instead of these products. They are really capable of handling a small layer gray plaque and all because carbon dioxide is added to the composition to form weak carbonic acid.

The concentration is small, so this method is irrational, due to high cost drinks.

Cleaning an enamel kettle from scale using any chosen method is carried out in several stages and continues until a satisfactory result is achieved.

The cleaning procedure should not be delayed - this will be a good preventive measure.

It is more advisable to wash the kettle every two weeks and spend 5 minutes on it, rather than then deal with old, deeply ingrained scale.

How to deal with old scale?

Let's figure out how to remove scale with soda. In this case, soda will become one of the stages in the fight against old plaque. It will not remove it completely, but will only soften the stubborn areas.

  • Pour water into the kettle and bring to a boil;
  • Add 2-3 tablespoons of soda;
  • Stir and let cool;
  • Bring to a boil again and drain;
  • Without rinsing, pour a new portion of water and add two teaspoons of vinegar essence or a bag of citric acid;
  • Let stand for 30 minutes.

After this procedure, solid deposits easily move away from the walls and bottom. For achievement maximum effect You need to wash the kettle with a soft sponge, rinse well and boil clean water in it 2-3 times.

Video on how to descale an enamel kettle


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