How to treat the ends of the frame after assembly. Effective protection of the ends of the log house

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The protruding ends of the logs are an important element of the entire structure, the protection of which requires special attention. Treating the end surface of log logs with special means can stop the negative impact of the environment. Timely measures will allow the wood to dry evenly, which will have a positive effect on the appearance of the structure.

Why is it necessary to process the ends of logs?

Log cuts need additional protection, because first they crack, darken and change their natural shade to gray.

The reason for this is that the protruding end exposes the softest inner part of the tree.

Even in order to leave the log house in its natural state, the ends will still have to be treated with preparations. This is due to several reasons:

  1. Increased dampness. Open cuts are vulnerable to external factors. Longitudinal fibers absorb water more actively than transverse fibers, which is why this part of the log quickly becomes damp.
  2. The appearance of fungus. A large amount of moisture is the cause of mold. It softens the cut line, which is why the open ends rot and then crack.
  3. Uneven evaporation. Through saw cuts, moisture evaporates faster, this causes deep cracks and deformation of the crowns of the log house.
  4. The appearance of insects. Rapid evaporation of moisture contributes to the appearance of looseness. Because of this, the interior of the tree becomes vulnerable to temperature changes, and is also easily attacked by woodworms and other insect larvae that destroy it.

Treated ends slow down the evaporation of moisture and make this process more uniform. During shrinkage and shrinkage, the logs crack less, preserving the heat-insulating properties of the structure and its appearance.

What is better for processing

After identifying the cause of the problem, it is necessary to find ways to solve it. It is important to choose the right product to protect the ends of the timber so that they do not crack.

Sealant treatment

A wooden building will last longer if the end cuts are covered with a special sealant. It will seal existing cracks and prevent future cracking. After application and drying of the coating, a protective layer is formed on the surface.

The use of sealant does not require additional treatment of the wood with various antiseptics.

Thanks to the sealant, you can forget about cracks for a long time. It has the following effect:

  • protects from excess moisture;
  • reduces tension inside the log;
  • Gently clogs pores while allowing the surface to “breathe.”


Another processing method is to coat the logs with paint.

The paint must be diluted with a solvent before application.

Using paint as an end putty:

  • allows you to seal the timber, creating a surface protective layer;
  • protects cuts from water and other external factors;
  • ensures uniform evaporation of moisture;
  • protects the surface from cracks.


Traditionally, lime was used to process saw cuts.

This natural antiseptic is distinguished by the fact that:

  • disinfects the material and prevents the process of rotting;
  • not afraid of UV radiation;
  • has a relatively low cost.

However, this composition does not provide long-lasting protection and is quickly washed off by rain. The treatment will have to be repeated several times a year.

Experts advise using lime only for the first two years, and then using more reliable professional products.

Special processing agents

The modern construction market is filled with all kinds of coatings that protect wooden log houses well.


Thanks to this solution, the deformation of the log is noticeably reduced.

The BIOTOR composition forms an elastic coating that is absorbed into the wood several centimeters, thanks to this:

  • prevents the formation of rot;
  • reduces the number of end cracks and their depth;
  • helps remove excess moisture from wood;
  • reduces wood deformation during drying.

Biotor retains its protective properties for a long time. This is a frost-resistant and fireproof material without solvents or odor.

After applying the antiseptic, the shade of the wood changes slightly, which allows you to control the untreated areas.

Neomid Thor Plus

The antiseptic creates an elastic, water-repellent coating with good vapor permeability, which allows the wood to “breathe.”

The coating has the following effects:

  • protects wood from rotting;
  • prevents the development and appearance of microorganisms;
  • reduces linear deformation of timber during operation.

The resulting colorless film preserves the natural grain of the wood.

Senezh Tor

The product penetrates deeply into the wood and forms a reflective thick-layer elastic coating on the end surface, which normalizes the evaporation of excess moisture. In addition, this antiseptic:

  • prevents cracking;
  • protects against biological damage;
  • does not affect the natural texture of the wood;
  • provides reliable protection for several years.

The protective composition does not contain prohibited chemical compounds and is therefore safe for health.

Experts are against processing end cuts with the following folk remedies:

  • machine oil;
  • PVA glue;
  • candle wax;

They clog the pores of wood, disrupt air circulation and moisture exchange at the site of application.

Processing technology

By adhering to a certain order of work, it is possible to protect the ends of logs, beams and other large-sized timber.

Processing of the ends of log logs takes place in several stages :

  1. Trimming- this is the alignment of all protruding logs to the same level in length and plumb. To do this, use a chainsaw or electric saw. Trimming adds aesthetics to the log house: all ends become smooth, without protrusions or burrs.
  2. End grinding. Sanding helps prepare the surface for antiseptic treatment. In order for the protective layer to lay down better and more evenly, the end of the log must be smooth. The frame is sanded using a grinder or a belt sander. The surface is processed in two stages: the first - with a coarse abrasive, the final - with a fine one.

Sanding the material is carried out in dry weather conditions: processing wet wood will lead to the appearance of nicks and lint, which will not allow smoothness to be achieved.

  1. Application of a protective composition. The ends should be generously treated with a wide brush at least 3 times. Each new layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Drying time of the layer is 24 hours at a temperature of 18-22°C.

When applying a protective coating, it is necessary to carefully process the edges of the end cuts. Treatment should only be carried out in dry, sunny weather.

End processing after shrinkage

After completion of construction, it is better to paint the end surface with a decorative-protective composition, which will carefully clog the pores and normalize the evaporation of excess moisture during use of the log. A special sealant or a similar product is used as a coating, creating a durable protective layer. Also suitable for this is paint, which not only prevents moisture and surface scratches, but also gives a decorative appearance.

Processing the ends of logs is a necessary activity that should not be neglected. It is better to produce it immediately after drying. By following simple tips, you can process the ends yourself with high quality, without turning to specialists.

A log house is a cozy, aesthetic and environmentally friendly structure. However, wood itself is a delicate material and requires special treatment. Special attention should be paid to the ends of the logs, as the most vulnerable places. Many owners of log houses instinctively understand that they need to be treated with something, but with what and to what extent? Let's figure it out.

Why process the ends?

Even if you want to give the house the most natural look possible, the log cuts will still have to be processed. There are several reasons.

After building a house from rounded logs, the length of the logs in the cut may differ due to production tolerances, i.e. the end of the cut does not look perfectly vertical and even. This is normal, this is how it should be. Indeed, during the shrinkage process of a log house, it is at the ends that most cracks appear, and the logs themselves can shrink unevenly, so it is not advisable to level them immediately after building the house.

Trimming of logs - filing, leveling is best done after shrinkage before caulking and finishing painting.

In order to reduce the appearance of cracks on the log during shrinkage, the ends need to be treated with special preparations, because:

  • Moisture moves faster along longitudinal fibers than along transverse ones. As a result, the ends of the logs quickly become damp.
  • Increased dampness is the direct cause of the appearance of fungus, which, in turn, softens the cut line. The result is rapid rotting and cracking of the ends.
  • Open cuts lead to uneven evaporation of moisture and, as a result, to stresses inside the log, which cause deep cracks.
  • Treated ends slow down the process of moisture evaporation and even out the rate of evaporation throughout the log. As a result, the shrinkage and shrinkage of the logs occurs evenly, without cracking. That is why processing (painting) of saw cuts is recommended immediately after completion.

Selecting impregnation material

The traditional means for processing ends in Russian villages is lime. This is a natural antiseptic that is available almost anywhere and is inexpensive. But there is one problem - this material itself is vulnerable to moisture. A couple of rains and not a trace remains of the protective layer.

Some owners try to improvise in an attempt to save money. As a result, dubious ideas such as treating the ends with PVA glue or acrylic varnish appear. Let's face it, these are not very good solutions: professional materials are not much more expensive and at the same time provide normal moisture and air exchange.

"Neomid Thor Plus"- a Russian product that forms an elastic film on the surface of the end, which has water-repellent properties, but at the same time allows steam to pass through. The material perfectly protects the wood from rotting and cracking and, most importantly, does not change the appearance of the wood - visually the cuts remain the same as before processing.

"Senezh Tor"- another domestic product that reduces the rate of moisture evaporation. During treatment, the product penetrates several centimeters deep into the wood (slightly changing its color), but at the same time quietly allows water to pass through and thereby prevents the appearance of cracks. The material is environmentally friendly, does not burn and is resistant to low temperatures, which is especially important in our conditions.

"Biotor"- a product with similar properties as the first two. Prevents the appearance of cracks, prevents the wood from bending during drying, and protects the surface from rotting.

How log houses are trimmed

Processing the ends is a complex procedure, but quite accessible even to non-professionals. Let us repeat - it is better to do the trimming after the frame has shrunk. It takes place in several stages:

  • Aligning the length of logs. During the construction of walls, the dimension of the timber is not regulated. This means that the final finishing is done after the construction of the log house. The logs are shortened using a chainsaw so that they are the same length, plumb.
  • Grinding the ends with a grinder or belt sander. Used to level out ridges and remove moldy areas. This step should be carried out in dry conditions: processing wet wood will result in scoring and lint. The ends are polished in two approaches: the first - with coarse grains, the finishing - with fine grains.
  • Application of protective materials. Professionals use the term “impregnation,” but technically this stage is not much different from regular painting. The product is applied generously, in two approaches: after applying the first layer, it is allowed to dry, then the second is applied.

Antiseptic material is not the only protection for the ends. To prevent the wood from picking up atmospheric moisture, we recommend using a special sealant that allows the wood to breathe. These products are a modern alternative to ancient clay blotches. They are applied after treatment with antiseptics.


Today we will talk about such work as processing the end sides of logs. This is a very important stage in the construction of a log house and you shouldn’t think that the neighbor didn’t do anything and the trouble will pass me by. And remember, your neighbor’s trouble has not passed at all, but is lurking and waiting to hit him harder.

Wood is, first of all, a living material, and requires proper attention and care.
Left to chance, vital processes will not lead to anything good. That’s why we will introduce you to why, how and with what to process the end of a log house according to the opinion and experience of the company’s specialists and we hope that we can protect you from unpleasant surprises.
When sawing timber and logs, we open up a “green” street for various kinds of fungi and pathogenic bacteria of the tree; trust our experience, they will not deny themselves the pleasure of settling in the open pores of the wood and creating their own colonies, which will lead to the development of putrefactive processes.

To prevent such a scourge, the appropriate areas should be treated with special antiseptics.

If there is a need to completely process the entire log house, then the following rules must be taken into account:
- it is impossible to carry out processing immediately after the log house is erected; it is necessary to withstand a certain period of time, approximately one year, so that the wood acquires the necessary moisture content;
- when carrying out work from the outside, under no circumstances should you apply products inside the house; allow the wood to “breathe”;
- darkened areas are cleaned only before applying products and not before.
This is what concerns the processing of the house itself, now let's move on to the next stage, ENDS.

The end sides, as we have already written, are nothing more than ordinary cuts, which are “conductors” for tree diseases. This is the “Achilles heel” and treatment is carried out immediately. Why?
Yes, everything is simple, there is no escape from the laws of nature and physics:
- along the side fibers located along the fibers, moisture moves to the end sides very quickly;
- with untreated ends, moisture evaporation occurs unevenly, which leads to the formation of cracks;
- fungi and other pests immediately settle on the open areas of the end sides of the log, this is favored by the increased humidity of the sawn area;
- Treated sides allow drying processes to occur naturally, which prevents the formation of cracks.

Let's start in the old fashioned way, using our favorite and proven ancient method, using LIME.
This is a natural antiseptic, which also provides excellent protection against UV radiation. The price is cheap, what else do you need? We see joy in the eyes, but don’t rush to go shopping, there is one significant BUT.
This composition will wash away the very first rain, but if you are stubborn and continue processing after each precipitation, then it’s up to you. Some people seal the cuts with diluted PVA glue or paint over them with acrylic-based varnish. In these cases, the pores of the wood are completely clogged and air circulation and moisture exchange processes are disrupted.
Modern end protection products have now been developed that are functional, easy to use and reliable. Let's look at some formulations from local manufacturers.
Reviews on their use, according to a consumer survey, were divided into two camps, but since such means exist, we will mention them for educational purposes, and the choice to use them or not is yours: “SENEZH TOR” is a gift from Russian manufacturers.
The composition has the ability to deeply impregnate wood fibers, allowing water to pass through, but at the same time controls and reduces the evaporation of moisture from the depths of the wood, preventing the formation of cracking and deeper cracks. An environmentally friendly material, as it does not contain toxic components that affect the health of people and the surrounding air. Non-flammable, resistant to sub-zero temperatures.

"NEOMID TOP PLUS" - a "cousin" of the previous composition, forms an elastic film on the surface of the ends, which repels moisture, but allows the wood to "breathe". Protects against rotting and mold formation.

“BIOTOR” - the principle of operation is similar to the previous ones, with natural shrinkage it protects against cracking and reduces deformation.

How to competently trim a log frame.
When building walls, we often see a difference in the length of the logs, there is nothing special here and it is simply necessary to level them with a handy tool, a chainsaw, so that the protrusions are the same. Mandatory grinding will remove darkened areas and visible small flaws when cutting logs.
The work is done with a grinder or grinder equipped with a special attachment. The primary process involves sandpaper with a coarse abrasive, and the final one with a finer grit. We warn you that such work should only be carried out in clear, sunny and dry weather! Wet wood is difficult to process, and various kinds of burrs and other scuffs are guaranteed.

Being a novice in using wooden buildings, I did not know what processing is necessary for a log house. Everyone knows that, being natural and environmentally friendly, the material is susceptible to the negative influences of the atmosphere and various beetles. Therefore, I had an understanding that a log house should be processed, however, I did not know at all how and with what to carry out the processes. A huge amount of information and a builder I knew, an expert in caring for log buildings, came to my aid. Let's look at how to treat the ends of the logs after the construction of the house is completed and in what time frame all measures should be carried out.

We process the ends of log logs with our own hands

What tree care should be carried out

Processing the end logs of a log house yourself

There are very divergent opinions among users of many forums. Some people think that the processing of a log structure should be carried out in the shortest possible time. And someone proves that the house does not need immediate treatment. For an answer, I turned to Valera, who had been building wooden houses for several years. And as it turned out, when building houses from solid logs, complete processing for the first couple of years is not required at all. Due to the fact that the log house is not sawn, it has natural protection against fungus and rot. In this case, you just need to properly process the ends of the frame.

Important! If negative manifestations appear in a new house, this means that the log house was not completely dried before installation work.

Protection of the ends from the outside should be carried out upon completion of the construction of the house, since they are the most vulnerable. Since the tree completely dries out over several years, the ends tend to dry out much faster. If the surface is not treated, the ends will begin to darken, losing the natural color of the log house, and fungus will soon appear on them.

Materials for processing

We process the ends of log logs ourselves

Before purchasing the material with which the log house will be protected, you should know that it should not be an obstacle to air exchange and uniform drying of the wood.

When doing the processing yourself, you can use the classic method, which involves the use of lime. It is still used today in many villages. However, the modern construction market is overflowing with possible mixtures that, thanks to their components, provide good protection for a log house.

Let's look at the most common means for processing ends using a small table as an example:

Name Manufacturer Properties
Senezh Tor Russia Good protection due to the penetration of the material several cm deep into the log house. It has the ability to allow air to pass through, but does not release moisture from the material. This means that the log house will dry as naturally as possible. Environmentally friendly product
Neomid Thor Plus Russia Forms a thin film on the surface of the log, which is water-repellent. Protects wood from cracks and putrefactive processes
Biotor Russia Thanks to the solution, the log will deform significantly less, since the product protects against dried cracks

Important! When choosing a material, you should pay attention to Russian manufacturers, since their products are in no way inferior in quality to modern imported brands. A huge advantage is the good price, which is significantly lower than the cost of foreign mixtures.

Do-it-yourself processing process

Trimming a log frame is the very first process that is performed after the construction of a building. Thanks to this, all logs become smooth and neat. Trimming is done using a chainsaw. If you carry out trimming yourself, then be extremely focused on the important process and be careful in your work. All processes must be performed in a specific order:

  • Sanding a log house with your own hands involves cleaning, which is necessary to remove all irregularities. During this process, possible manifestations of mold and mildew on the material are also removed. A belt sander will help with this process.
  • Surface sanding should be carried out correctly and only under warm and dry weather conditions. At the same time, the log house itself must be dried - if it remains wet, the hairiness of the material will not allow you to carry out the planned process
  • Impregnation is the term used to protect the logs outside the house from premature drying, fungal growth and cracks. You can use a wide brush as a tool, and apply the solution itself quite generously. The protection is applied in two layers, the second is applied after the first has dried.
  • Next, sealants are applied to create a durable, moisture-resistant coating. If painting is necessary, a special acrylic sealant is purchased.

When choosing a mixture with which to protect the ends of logs, preference should be given to environmentally friendly compounds. Do not forget that wood tends to absorb water well, so the solution will be applied in several layers. As you can see, processing the ends of the logs is a mandatory activity that should take place as soon as possible after assembling the structure.

Sheathing of logs

How and with what to process the ends of logs

Very often, owners of old wooden buildings decide to cover the facade using inexpensive and modern materials. The fact is that the material, being natural, is subject to the negative influences of precipitation, ultraviolet radiation, fungal manifestations and invasion of beetles and rodents. Houses lose not only their original appearance, but also the properties they had in the first years of operation. Despite the huge number of various mixtures and impregnations, the current option is to cover the facade of a wooden house with siding.

In order to decorate the outside of the building, you can use the following types of siding:

  1. Polymeric
  2. Metal
  3. Fiber cement
  4. Wooden panels

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, so let's take a short overview of each of them:

  • Polymer is a cheap option for facade design. There are quite a few imitations of wood or brick. Their disadvantages: the material does not have thermal insulation properties and, despite manufacturers’ assurances of non-flammability, it tends to melt
  • Metal - with its help you can cover a large area yourself. However, when arranging it, it is necessary to carry out thermal insulation. During rain or hail, a characteristic impact sound will be created, so without proper sound insulation you will have to hear these sounds. Due to the metal’s susceptibility to corrosion, you will have to think about using solutions for treating fasteners
  • Fiber cement has advantages: good thermal insulation and sound insulation properties, does not deform and is not subject to rotting. Of the minuses: waterproofing is necessary, in addition, the panels are quite heavy and working with them will not be very easy
  • If you decide to cover your home with timber siding, you must be prepared for the fact that this material will require the use of various impregnations. They will protect the panels from rotting, fire and moisture. Despite this, the material is easy to install with your own hands, it is environmentally friendly and looks very good
Oil wax Butt. packaging containers
2.5 - 5.0 l 2.5 - 5.0 l Oil wax PREMIUM
ENHANCED VERSION Oil wax Butt 2.5 - 5.0 l Oil wax Leader GOLD
Improved VERSION Oil wax End
from 2900 rub.This is the retail price.
from 3790 rub.This is the retail price.
CALL and receive accumulative DISCOUNTS from 3870 rub.This is the retail price.
CALL and receive accumulative DISCOUNTS Discount for orders over 15kg. Cumulative DISCOUNTS.Delivery FOR FREE from 5.30 to 24.00

Additional 5% discount on MASLOVOSK-Anta VoskOil when ordering with Antex impregnationfrom 55kg

Oil with wax to protect the ends of logs and beams from cracking. Impregnation for wood against wood cracking Oil wax:

  • Oil wax It is made on an oil-wax base. Oil wax for ends is a NATURAL impregnation without artificial chemicals. Oil wax for ends is safe for people and animals, natural, practically does not cause allergies and has a certificate. End protection oil is odorless after drying. Oil wax Butt has
    • biosecurity,
    • does not emit toxic fumes,
    • does not interfere with wood breathing - wood “breathes”
    • average protection period - more than 5 years(according to the manufacturer)
    • effective consumption against cracking from 150 g/m2

Differences in impregnation for ends of the Maslovosk series:

compound protection efficiency toning tinting Term of the work application work at -t°
Oil wax for ends
highly efficient No Yes up to 7 years outside and sauna up to -25t°
Oil wax Premium highly efficient No Yes up to 9 years outside and in the bathhouse
up to -35t°
Oil wax lreader GOLD highly efficient No Yes up to 10 years outside/inside up to -35t°

Purpose of the Oil for protecting the ends of the log house and beams:

End protection oil is intended for protective and decorative finishing of the ends of logs and beams made of all types of wood in order to protect wooden structures from rot, mold, blue stains and insects, as well as to prevent CRACKING of log logs, to prevent cracking of timber and any wood products. Oil Wax End prevents the wood treated with it from getting WET, but at the same time leaves the surface “BREATHABLE” (vapor permeable), and does not completely “clog” the pores of the wood, unlike paint or other impregnation.
The main positive property of Oil with wax in protecting logs and beams from cracks and for protecting logs is the uniform COMPACTING of wood in its soft areas - the core (at the ends on the first annual rings, the wood is the loosest and has the lowest density, so it quickly rots and gets wet. Untreated The core wood of the tree is like a sponge, drawing in moisture) and ensuring uniform density across the entire surface of the log. If the density of a log NOT treated with Oil and wax for the ENDS of a log in a finished log house or timber is uneven, the residual drying of the wood is uneven due to its different density on the surface, the different speed of drying of the wood, therefore, in the untreated log and timber, CRACKS may form at the ends of the logs and along the entire log or beam. When wood is treated with Oil Wax for Ends, the external density of the surface of the log and beam becomes the same over the entire surface of the log or beam. Therefore, the wood CRACKS LESS or the number of cracks is significantly reduced, and the ends of the logs do not absorb moisture and are also less susceptible to cracking.

Impregnation against cracks "Oil wax Butt" It is also intended to protect the ends of wood from biological damage and atmospheric influences. impregnation for wood protection based on oil and wax Oil wax End penetrates deeply along the wood fibers, forming on the end surface a special breathable water-repellent coating that normalizes the process of evaporation of excess moisture from the wood.

The composition for protecting logs and beams from cracking based on linseed oil and wax has good impregnation ability. The wood fibers of the ends, like many small capillaries (straws), draw the product into the wood, which leads to an increase in the strength of the wood.

Impregnation with oil and wax to protect the wood of log houses and beams Oil wax End after treatment forms a “breathable” and hydrophobic coating, helps protect the wood from biological damage (blue stains, mold, rot). After impregnation, the wood acquires strength, weather resistance, fungal resistance and moisture resistance.

The special natural UV filter included in the oil and wax for the ends increases the resistance of the surface coating to solar UV radiation.

impregnation to protect the ends, logs and beams from cracks can be purchased in two versions: colorless and tinted (coloring - on order. min. order from 50 kg).

Application of impregnation to protect logs and beams from cracks and cracking:

  • External wooden surfaces:
    • Walls and roof parts,
    • Houses and bathhouses made of logs and timber,
    • Timber log houses
    • timber, lumber (with residual humidity no more than 35%),
  • Internal wooden surfaces of summer rooms:
    • Ends of log logs, ends of timber,
    • Walls made of logs and timber in the house and bathhouse,
    • Beam, lumber (with residual humidity no more than 35%)

    For reliable protection, it is advisable to ensure that the moisture content of wood before treatment with oil-wax impregnation Maslovok is no more than 35%. The surface of the wood to be treated must be free of contamination and free of paint and varnish coatings. Surface treatment is carried out by applying impregnation with a patchwork rag or a brush, a brush with very short and dense bristles to ensure the consumption per 1 m2 specified by the manufacturer.

    • Drying time - from 3 hours to 24 hours.
    • Consumption of Oil wax Butt is ONLY 130-150 g/m2

Oil impregnation to protect logs and timber from the formation of cracks on the surface of the log and timberOil wax Butt can be used to process wood and applies a protective composition at sub-zero temperatures(up to - 35°C).

Consumption of Oil wax to protect the ends and to protect the log house from cracks:

Shelf life of bioprotective impregnation Maslovosk Butt:

Appearance of the surface treated with Oil wax End:

After processing, the wood is treated with oil-wax impregnation to protect the logs of logs and beams from cracking. Oil wax END is not painted, the texture of the wood does not change. NO efflorescence is formed on the surface of the wood. Previously darkened wood color is not restored after treatment.

untreated Oil wax Butt
treated with Oil wax - 6 months
NOT processed Oil wax Butt result Maslovosk End after 1 year

Color of house wood treated with impregnation to protect the ends Oil wax End:

wood color WITHOUT processing Oil wax Butt. Pure softwood

The color of the ends and the color of the house logs treated with oil wax for ends

Oil wax color The end and frame of the house treated with ANTEX to increase biosecurity and impart FIRE-retardant properties

photo how Butt oil wax protects wood from WET and CRACKING

photo absorption of moisture into UNTREATED the surface of the log is impregnated End for logs and beams

Oil wax for end protection - This natural impregnation to protect the ends of the frame.


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