How to glue drywall to plaster. How to glue drywall to walls

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As a rule, drywall is attached to a concrete or brick wall using a special profile frame. However, if you have a small apartment, then this frame can “steal” part of the usable area of ​​the room - this is its main drawback.

When solving this problem, the question arises as to whether it is possible to glue drywall to the wall. This article will describe in detail the entire process - from the pros and cons to glue consumption.

Gluing gypsum boards: pros and cons

So, if it is impractical to build a frame, then a slab of drywall can be glued directly to the wall. This method has a number of advantages:

  • Installs directly on the wall.
  • The installation process is less labor-intensive.
  • The useful area of ​​the room remains unchanged.
  • Possibility of installation in places with (this is the kitchen and bathroom).

In addition to the advantages, this method also has disadvantages, albeit few. Due to excess dampness and moisture in a room with a glued slab, the glue tends to break down. And the second disadvantage is the preliminary preparation of the surface on which the drywall will be glued.

Preparing the surface

How do you know if you can glue drywall to a wall? In order to use this finishing method, the wall must meet the following requirements:

  1. It should be fairly even. A deviation of no more than two centimeters is considered acceptable.
  2. The wall under the drywall should not freeze, since it is not possible to lay a thermal insulation layer.
  3. The ideal option is a concrete panel. Even if it is not installed vertically, it has a fairly flat main plane.

No matter how you do it yourself, any work using glue requires a carefully prepared surface. Old paint, wallpaper, crumbling plaster and other elements must be removed from the surface. Ideally, you need to rip everything off the walls and expose them to concrete or brick. Why such difficulties? Yes, because each layer that will be located between the base and the gypsum board can have a detrimental effect on the glued sheet. In addition, after exposure, the walls are cleaned of dust and thoroughly primed.

Primer of walls

Finishing the walls of a house with plasterboard requires careful priming of the surface on which the sheet will be glued. A primer is not a whim of the builder, but a means that allows you to strengthen the surface layer, while increasing the adhesion of materials. Adhesion refers to the ability of a surface to adhere qualitatively to foreign materials. Therefore, the higher the adhesion, the greater the chance of the glue to stick and stay on the wall for as long as possible.

After the walls have been primed, it is necessary to let the walls dry thoroughly. Next, you can think about the question of how to glue drywall to a concrete wall.

Choosing adhesive for gypsum boards

In order to glue a sheet of drywall to a wall, you can choose several solution options. As an option, although not the most successful, you can use silicone, although it is better to use it when working with glossy surfaces or Another option for the adhesive mixture is Although this is a tile adhesive, it is also sometimes used when installing plasterboard sheets indoors. There is also a Fugenfüller mixture on the market. putty for drywall surfaces, which builders sometimes use as an adhesive.

All three options have the right to exist, but it is best to use the universal installation adhesive for gypsum boards - Knauf Perlfix. This is a special solution made on the basis of gypsum, to which polymer fillers are added. This product receives numerous positive reviews. Therefore, it can be used without fear.

An important point: gypsum adhesive for drywall is intended only for interior work; its use outside is prohibited. It is also necessary to carefully consider the information about shelf life. If it has expired, then you should not purchase Knauf Perlfix, but wait for the arrival of a fresh batch.

Construction adhesive has several other application features:

  • Strict adherence to the temperature regime in the room (not lower than +10 o C). And this applies not only to installation time. After the gypsum board is glued, it is necessary to maintain the temperature for another two days.
  • Room humidity should be minimal. If other work is being carried out in the room at the same time (floor screed), it is necessary that all surfaces dry thoroughly.
  • Draft is the enemy of glue. As with wallpaper, the windows in the room must be closed during the process of gluing gypsum boards.

Preparing the adhesive solution

Before preparing the solution, you must study the instructions on the package. If you follow it strictly, then there is no doubt about the correct preparation. However, there are some points to pay attention to:

  • The components must be mixed in a clean plastic or enamel container.
  • First, water is poured in, and then the dry mixture is poured in. This requires constant stirring. To do this, use a construction mixer or a drill with a special whisk.

It is important to achieve a homogeneous mass of the solution. If the consistency is not uniform enough, adjust it by adding dry mixture or water. The finished material remains “alive” for no longer than 30 minutes, so you need to glue the drywall to the wall as soon as possible.

Bonding technology

Before gluing drywall to the walls, you need to learn how to level it. A professional will effortlessly level the sheet using only one slatted level.

But those who do home repairs with their own hands need to resort to the help of beacons. They are prepared from scraps of drywall, which are glued with mounting adhesive to the surface on which the sheet will be glued - along the perimeter of the sheet and in its center. Ideally, there should be three rows of beacons on the wall, which are glued using a level, because they should be in the same vertical plane. A special feature of Perlfix is ​​its drying time (30 minutes), so very soon you can begin the process of gluing gypsum boards to the walls.

Installation of gypsum boards on a flat wall

How to glue drywall to a wall? A relatively flat wall is a wall with a vertical deviation of no more than 5 mm. As a rule, these are concrete or foam block. Monolithic new buildings can also boast of smooth walls. You can't tell the irregularities in them by eye.

It follows from this that such a wall is easy and simple to work with. One condition is that you cannot hide the electrical wiring in a layer of glue, so you need to cut channels for it, as well as drill holes for switches and sockets. The wire must be laid in the channels and secured every 50 centimeters. Appropriate holes should be drilled in the drywall sheets.

And then follow the pattern. We clean the walls from dirt and dust, prime them, let them dry and get started. Stir the adhesive solution and apply it to the wall over the entire surface using a notched trowel. To properly adhere the sheet to the wall, you must use pads. They are carved from wood or gypsum board. Place the pads parallel to the wall. We lift the sheet, stretch the wires and glue it to the wall. If it sticks out somewhere, press it harder. Verticality is adjusted by level.

Installation of gypsum boards on a wall with minor irregularities

Installation of drywall on such walls is done in the same way, one difference is the thickness of the adhesive layer. Sequence of actions:

  • We are building walls for wiring.
  • We drill holes for sockets and switches.
  • We clean the walls and prime them.

The adhesive solution is applied not to the wall, but to the sheet, and in heaps, and not in a continuous layer. This is done using a trowel and spatula. The piles are laid out around the perimeter, at a distance of 20 - 25 centimeters from each other. Two more rows of piles are laid out in the middle of the sheet. The distance between rows is 45 - 50 centimeters, between piles - 30 - 35.

What's next? We place the sheet on the linings and level it with the rule. We apply the sheet to the wall, press it down (pressed layer of glue from 5 to 30 millimeters), check it with a level. By tapping according to the rule, we align the plasterboard.

Installation of gypsum boards on a very crooked wall

As in the first two options, very crooked walls are processed in the same way, only the channels for wiring need not be tapped. It is necessary to prepare the drywall itself. It is cut into strips 10 centimeters wide. Then we place the strips on the adhesive solution and glue them along the entire perimeter. The distance between the strips should be 50 centimeters. This creates a frame. The wiring is hidden under the frame, but it needs to be secured.

Then we glue the sheets of drywall themselves. How to do this is described above. Don't forget about vertical alignment. To achieve the most even surface, glue should not be applied to the sheet in an even layer.

Consumption of adhesive solution

As for the glue consumption, it depends on the degree of unevenness of the walls. The smoother the wall, the less glue is consumed. On average, 5-6 kilograms of dry mixture per square meter of surface. With a simple calculation, it turns out that a bucket of solution is needed per sheet - 10 - 12 liters, depending on the curvature of the walls.

Installation of plasterboard sheets using an adhesive solution, despite its simplicity, is a rather complex process. To perform such work, first of all, you need to know the properties of the materials you will have to work with, and also understand what kind of glue you need to choose in order for the sheet to be installed efficiently and for a long time.


So, we found out how to install plasterboard sheets. Based on the above, you need to level the walls with your own hands only if you are confident in your abilities. Sometimes it’s worth calculating what will become more expensive - calling in professionals, or starting it yourself and later redoing it.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to level the surface is to finish the walls with plasterboard sheets. There are two ways to attach the material: framed and frameless. The frame method involves the use of special metal profiles, which slightly reduces the area of ​​the room. In certain cases, it is preferable to use the frameless fastening method. Almost anyone can cope with frameless installation of plasterboard sheets; it is only important to know how to properly glue plasterboard to the wall.

Features of gluing

Fastening plasterboard sheets using a frameless method allows you to save space in the room and money spent on repairs. However, it is not always possible to glue the material to the wall. For this installation method, three conditions must be met:

  • there should be no strong unevenness or various defects larger than five centimeters on the surface;
  • the walls of the room do not need to be insulated with penoplex or other material;
  • There is no need to hide any engineering systems in the house behind drywall.

The frameless installation method is great for finishing small rooms. You can level not only walls, but also ceilings with plasterboard sheets. GKL can be glued to the following surfaces:

  • brick walls;
  • plastered surfaces;
  • aerated concrete;
  • walls made of foam blocks;
  • expanded polystyrene concrete surfaces;
  • ceramic tile.

To successfully carry out repair work, it is important to choose the right adhesive solution, prepare the surface well and follow the recommendations for frameless fastening of the material.

Types of glue: how to choose the right one?

The choice of adhesive mixture for attaching drywall depends on a number of factors. First of all, this is the type of surface material that is to be finished. Modern manufacturers of building materials are ready to offer a wide range of adhesives for drywall. Let us highlight the main types of mixtures that are suitable for gluing the material to the surface:

  • On a gypsum basis. The most popular gypsum mixtures are the Knauf and Volma brands.
  • Polyurethane glue.
  • Polyurethane foam sealant (spray foam).

  • Tile adhesive.
  • Silicone adhesive mixtures.
  • Liquid Nails.
  • Plaster mixtures based on gypsum or cement.
  • Penoplex plaster.

Universal compositions are suitable for working with almost all types of coatings, be it concrete, foam block walls, brick or aerated concrete slabs. For a flat concrete wall, a concrete contact solution would be an excellent option. Silicone-based compounds are suitable for attaching the material to completely smooth surfaces (for example, plastic or tiles).

In addition to using special adhesive solutions for drywall, fastening can be done using polyurethane foam sealant and self-tapping screws. Polyurethane foam for gluing plasterboard sheets to the wall is used quite rarely, since the process of such finishing work is not easy.

The frameless method of installing drywall is much simpler than the frame method. Gluing the material with your own hands is not difficult. However, even with this method of fastening, in certain cases some difficulties in carrying out repair work may arise. The complexity of the process of gluing plasterboard sheets to the wall depends on the following factors:

  • surface type;
  • quality of drywall;
  • type of adhesive mixture;
  • level of surface roughness.

Taking into account some recommendations for working with various surfaces, the installation procedure of gypsum boards can be significantly simplified. The method of applying glue depends on the type of surface, as well as the level of unevenness of the wall. Let's look at some recommendations for working with adhesive mixtures:

  • When working with an aerated concrete base, it is worth remembering that the glue must be applied to the wall, and not to plasterboard sheets.
  • If the walls are almost flat, the solution can be distributed over the entire sheet of drywall. You can also put the adhesive mixture in separate “piles” around the perimeter and in the center of the sheet. The larger the area covered with glue, the more reliable the fastening will be.
  • During installation, you must carefully monitor the level of already glued sheets. If necessary, the surface is leveled using a carpenter's hammer.

To decorate rooms with high levels of humidity (kitchen, bathroom, basement, balcony), it is necessary to purchase sheets of plasterboard with moisture-resistant properties. The adhesive mixture must also have good moisture resistance.

Very smooth concrete walls must be treated with concrete contact to increase the level of adhesion. If the surface has previously been plastered, you need to make sure that there are no areas on the wall with crumbling or peeling plaster.

Preparing the base

In order for plasterboard sheets to stick securely to the wall, the surface must first be prepared. First of all, the old finishing coating, be it wallpaper or paint, is removed from the base. Acrylic-based paint and varnish material is cleaned using a grinder with an attachment in the form of a flap grinding wheel. Water-based paint can be removed from a concrete wall using a stiff wire brush.

After the old coating has been cleaned, it is necessary to remove dust and dirt from the surface. To improve adhesion, the wall must be primed. If there are serious defects or unevenness on the wall, then it will not be possible to glue the gypsum board onto such a surface without prior leveling.

Installation process

Before you begin finishing work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools, calculate the required amount of glue and take measurements on the surface. The glue consumption will depend on the type of solution chosen. One square meter can take five kilograms of solution.

In order not to be distracted while searching for the necessary tools during finishing work, it is better to prepare them in advance.

To glue drywall to walls, you may need the following equipment:

  • building level;
  • construction plumb line;
  • drywall knife;
  • container for adhesive solution;
  • a construction mixer, which will be needed to mix the glue;
  • carpenter's hammer for leveling gypsum boards;
  • notched spatula for applying the adhesive mixture;
  • roulette.

If you purchased the adhesive mixture in dry form, you need to prepare a solution suitable for application. In this case, there are no specific recommendations for the manufacture of the adhesive composition, since this process depends on the type of glue purchased. Detailed instructions for mixing the solution can be found on the packaging.

In addition to the adhesive mixture, putty will be required for the final stage of installation. Using a putty mixture, the joints between the sheets of plasterboard will be grouted.

Having prepared the tools, glue and drywall itself for finishing work, you need to make markings on the wall for the material.

In accordance with the measurements taken and the established markings, sheets of drywall are cut. It is worth considering that the height of the sheets should be less than the height of the walls by about two centimeters. The difference in height is necessary so that during installation it is possible to make small gaps between the gypsum board and the floor, and the gypsum board and the ceiling. For all sockets and switches in the room, you must make holes in the drywall in advance.

The technology for further work on covering walls with plasterboard sheets will depend on the level of surface unevenness.

Smooth surface

Concrete or well-plastered walls usually have an almost flat surface. Gluing drywall to such a base is quite easy. The only difficulty that may arise during installation is the installation of electrical wiring.

Electrical wiring is located under the gypsum board. When the design does not allow the wires to be placed in such a way that they are not pressed against the plasterboard sheets, you need to drill holes in the wall for the wiring.

After the wiring problem has been solved, the glue has been prepared and the finishing material has been cut, you can begin gluing the surface. The adhesive solution is applied to the drywall sheet using a notched metal spatula. If possible, you need to coat as large an area as possible with glue.

The plasterboard board is installed on wooden beams, which act as a kind of footrest. Cables are threaded through the holes made in the sheet or switches and sockets are inserted, after which you can begin gluing the walls. The slab must be slightly lifted and pressed well to the base. Using a level, vertical alignment occurs, then the sheet of drywall must be pressed against the wall with even greater force.

Minor defects

Brick walls most often have unevenness within five centimeters of the normal level. Gluing drywall to a surface that has slight unevenness is practically no different from the previous method.

In this case, special attention must be paid to the choice of adhesive solution. To cover an uneven surface, apply glue to the finishing material in a large layer. Some types of adhesive mixtures allow application in layers of no more than two centimeters, which in this case may not be sufficient.

The adhesive mixture must be applied to the material in “heaps”. The distance between the glue points should be no more than two and a half centimeters. The mixture is distributed in the center at intervals of four and a half centimeters. The slab is installed on the beams, lightly pressed against the wall, aligned vertically and pressed against the surface again.

Large deviations

On very uneven walls, it is advisable to attach plasterboard to metal profiles. However, gluing the material to a curved surface is also possible. In this case, there is no need to groove the wall for wiring. The wires can be easily placed in the recesses and secured. Further work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Several slabs need to be cut into separate pieces no more than fifteen centimeters wide. Such pieces will serve as a base for plasterboard covering. The number and length of strips depend on the size of the room.

  • The cut pieces must be glued to the walls at a distance of no more than sixty centimeters from each other.
  • After the base has completely dried, the slabs are glued onto the lighthouses from strips of drywall. An adhesive solution is distributed over the surface of the installed beacons and a whole sheet of drywall is glued to the base.

We fasten the sheets together

There are times when it is necessary to glue one block of drywall to another. Gluing the sheets together is not particularly difficult. Surface preparation in this case will not have any special features. First, dirt is removed, then the surface is primed. If there are seams between the sheets on the old plasterboard covering, they must be sealed. It should also be noted that the seams on the inner and outer layers should not match.

Using polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is not often used for gluing plasterboard sheets. This method takes a lot of time and effort, if only because the slabs need to be pressed well against the wall every fifteen minutes for an hour.

There are several different methods for attaching drywall using foam. The most common methods:

  • using self-tapping screws;
  • sizing with foam itself.

In the first case, at least twelve holes must be made in the plasterboard using a drill. Then the slab is pressed against the wall and, using a pencil, the locations of the drilled holes are marked on the surface. All marked points on the wall are drilled for plastic plugs into which self-tapping screws will be screwed for fastening the GLK.

Drywall becomes the best option when it is necessary to do rough work. The surfaces become perfectly smooth, and the work process is not as labor-intensive as when using putty. Typically, sheets of drywall were mounted on a specially made one. But this method greatly complicates the work, makes it less effective and costly. If technically possible, it is best to glue drywall.

Today we will learn exactly how to properly glue drywall. Let's take a closer look at the most important points and consider some useful tips.

Surface preparation

The technology of the process of preparing surfaces for gluing plasterboard sheets will completely depend on the condition of the walls and their unevenness. Let's consider the main preparation options.

The wall is almost flat

It is usually most convenient to work with concrete walls. When the wall is almost flat, you can use less glue. But good preparation is still necessary.

It’s better to start by chipping the walls for subsequent careful laying of the wiring. Remember that it is necessary to make appropriate holes in the wall covering in advance, which are intended for switches and sockets.

Experts note: walls must be primed before gluing drywall. The most suitable primer mixture is specially selected: it can be intended for painted concrete or for untreated surfaces. The primer plays a significant role: it will be absorbed into the concrete and increase surface adhesion. Also, the primer layer prevents the formation of condensation and the development of fungi.

Surface with medium-sized irregularities

Walls made of aerated concrete, foam concrete and brick have more significant irregularities. The basic techniques for surface treatment will be the same as for concrete walls. It is necessary to make recesses for laying the wiring, and priming is also carried out. It is important to remember that for good adhesion you will need a thicker layer of glue.

Brickwork requires special attention. It is necessary to eliminate noticeable depressions, protrusions, and cracks. It is usually customary to use leveling putty. But sometimes it's not enough. Then you can use polyurethane foam and pieces of drywall.

Gas blocks, foam blocks easier to process. But they may also have significant defects resulting from mechanical damage. Most often this happens during transportation. You need to use a gypsum mixture to reliably eliminate all flaws.

Walls with serious defects

Large irregularities are considered to be defects with a size of more than 20 mm. If the walls are so uneven, you should study them more carefully: it may be possible to lay wiring with them even without preliminary gating. In this case, you will need clips, clamps or brackets to secure the wires.

It is convenient when channels form naturally in the walls. If they are suitable for installing electrical wiring, it is fixed to alabaster or plaster.

To reliably glue sheets of drywall to walls with significant unevenness, you will have to create something like a frame. Strips are cut out of drywall. The width should be 100 mm. Glue the strips vertically around the perimeter of the walls. It is better to take a step of 50-60 cm.

When installing drywall sheets, they are not attached with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws, but rather are glued to the frame. Please note an important point! Frame tapes will not only be the basis for gluing the material, but also beacons of sorts. They must be fixed perfectly evenly. Use rules and levels to achieve maximum form accuracy.

Glue drywall

Choose quality glue. There is no need to save money here, since the quality of the entire finish and the strength of fixation of the drywall sheets largely depend on the reliability of the adhesive composition.

If the walls are already completely prepared, cleaned and primed, you can begin lining with sheets of plasterboard.

  1. Some craftsmen prefer to apply the adhesive composition directly to the load-bearing surface, that is, to the walls. However, at home it is much more convenient to apply glue to drywall when the sheets lie horizontally.
  2. Much depends on the consistency of the adhesive mass. It is necessary to do everything exactly according to the instructions so that the glue does not spread or blur, but forms easily and conveniently, in medium-sized lumps. It should be doughy, a little like thick sour cream, and not liquid.
  3. Apply glue in increments of 25 cm around the entire perimeter of the sheet. The volume of the adhesive layer itself will depend on the degree of unevenness of the wall surface. It is in the range of 5-25 cm. You can work with ready-made glue for a maximum of 20 minutes, otherwise it will begin to set.
  4. The glue must be applied carefully, but quickly enough. It is recommended to fix the sheets at a distance of approximately 2 cm from the floor surface. The very first sheet of drywall plays a huge role, which will already become a guide for the rest. Use the rule to ensure that the fixation is as even as possible. Mark the beacons in advance and check with them. The sheets must be adjusted to each other.
  5. At the next stage, you will need to process the seams between the sheets. It is advisable to use a high quality mixture, since the seams are also of great importance. First, the seams themselves are filled with putty.
  6. Then you need to secure the reinforcing tape.
  7. Don't forget to protect the outer parts of the drywall: they are protected with corners.
  8. To ensure that the surface is absolutely smooth, finishing putty is performed. It is applied in a thin layer, and then rubbed with a sponge: wet and dry.
  9. A fully prepared wall, properly covered with plasterboard, is optimal for almost any decoration: tiles, wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster.

Installation of gypsum boards is carried out in various ways, depending on the specific situation. The most accessible method for doing it yourself is using metal or wooden sheathing. But in exceptional cases, you can glue drywall to the wall directly. Naturally, this will require compliance with certain nuances and rules.

When is it advisable to glue drywall to a wall?

This method is selected under certain conditions that exclude other options:

  1. Lack of external communication systems or the possibility of internal installation of new ones. The simplest solution is to lay electrical wires in prepared grooves, but if there are protruding gas or water pipes, a frame will be required.
  2. The need to quickly get a level base. Since assembling the frame takes time, the glue method allows you to achieve the desired result in a short time.
  3. Work on a small area. If you plan to level a certain area or part of the wall, then other installation options will not be suitable.
  4. Lack of insulation. The need for additional insulation eliminates direct gluing.
  5. Small room size. Sheathing has a significant disadvantage - it reduces space, and if all the walls are sheathed, this will be a very significant figure. Direct sticker is an opportunity to save dimensions.

The frame for mounting plasterboard takes from 30 mm to several tens of centimeters, while the thickness of the adhesive layer on relatively flat walls does not exceed 10 - 20 mm

To achieve the best result, work should be carried out on bases that do not have significant deviations.

How to glue gypsum boards?

The most popular compositions:

  • Specialized. Such products are produced by many manufacturers; the packaging must contain the mark: “For gluing drywall.” Although this option is preferable for working with concrete and brick walls, it is considered universal.
  • Liquid Nails. The advantage of this method is the speed of application. But gluing should be carried out on a base with slight curvatures on a small scale of work, since the consumption of the solution is quite high, which will be expensive in a large room.
  • "Perlfix". This gypsum-based glue is produced by a German company. Good adhesion is achieved through special additives. The product is considered universal, but it is preferable to use it for gluing walls made of foam blocks.
  • Ceresite. It is a cement mixture with a mineral component. This is a tile mortar that has high adhesion to any surface, especially aerated concrete.
  • Polyurethane foam. Used in exceptional cases if you have relevant work experience. To glue the slabs onto this composition, a set of additional leveling measures will be required.

For relatively smooth walls, polymer compositions such as “Liquid Nails” or adhesive foam are used; for curved walls, professional mixtures such as Perlfix or Ceresite are more suitable

You should know! An alternative option would be regular gypsum putty. It is kneaded immediately before application to a viscous paste-like state.

Execution of work

To properly glue gypsum plasterboards with your own hands, standard steps are carried out.

Preparing the base

Process technology:

  1. The surfaces are freed from all excess, cleaned of dust and dirt. If there is an old decorative coating that does not provide reliable adhesion, it is completely removed.
  2. The base is checked for visible and hidden deformations. It is taken into account that through cracks across the entire wall are a sign of problems with the foundation.
  3. If required, grooves are formed along which communication systems are laid. The created holes are sealed.
  4. Cracks and crevices are opened, primed and covered with putty. If required, a reinforcing mesh is applied to prevent cracking, after which a solution is applied.
  5. The wall is completely treated with a deep-penetrating primer with an antiseptic at least twice with intermediate drying. For coatings with poor adhesion, concrete contact is used to obtain the desired adhesion.

A clean and strong base is the key to high-quality installation, while applying primer to the wall is carried out at least 2 times

Particular attention is paid to areas that have been damaged by mold or mildew: they are thoroughly cleaned and treated with special mixtures.

Plasterboard gluing

There are various installation methods depending on the quality of the base.

Smooth walls

Work with such a surface is carried out according to the following scheme:

If foam adhesive is used for gluing gypsum boards, then the plane is checked within an hour after installation, because these compositions have a certain expansion coefficient, the remaining mixtures are leveled only once, after applying the sheet

If the pressure is weak, then use a mallet and a thin wide board, but it is important not to press too hard. Much depends on the accuracy of the first sheet, since it sets the direction for the rest.

Moderately uneven surface

Attaching drywall to a wall with noticeable curves is a more difficult task. An attempt to perform the work according to the previously described scheme will lead to undesirable consequences; the desired clutch will not be achieved.

Step-by-step instruction:

In special cases, when the element is too bent when pressed, polyurethane foam is poured pointwise under the sunken side.

On a note! When working with foam concrete and similar materials, craftsmen advise applying the mixture not to the gypsum board, but to the base. This is more difficult, but will provide better adhesion.

Crooked walls

If there are serious irregularities, it is impossible to glue the slabs directly to the base. The fact is that there are certain restrictions on the size of the composition layer and the reliability of the resulting fixation point. Therefore, before laying drywall with the selected adhesive, the base must be prepared in a special way.

Installation technology for an uneven wall:

  1. Since it is impossible to glue gypsum board directly to the surface, you will need to create support points that will level the coating. For this purpose, beacons are used, which will become an intermediate fixation platform, connecting the base and the casing.
  2. Before starting work, the surface is marked. The points of greatest and least curvature are determined, from which the required indentation is calculated. According to the data obtained, a cord is pulled from adjacent walls above and below.
  3. The plasterboard material is cut into strips taking into account the fixation step of 35–45 cm, depending on the unevenness. An alternative option is to install point beacons.
  4. To properly form the landing pads, you need to attach the outer parts first. To do this, mortar is poured onto the wall from bottom to top; the installation should be in the form of strips. The cut part is pressed against them, which is aligned with the level and cords. If required, the mixture is added.
  5. The remaining areas should be finished in a similar manner. Also, at a short distance from the floor and ceiling, perpendicular strips reinforced with self-tapping screws can be glued to the beacons. This design will provide better rigidity, but it will require precise calculations when marking.
  6. A suitable mixture is applied to the resulting racks, after which the parts are pressed.

The easiest way to base the beacon is to use self-tapping screws driven to the required depth, but to ensure the required contact area, glue is applied to the screws and contact pads are glued to it

Due to the difficulties that arise, it is preferable to glue drywall on walls with slight curvatures, since in other cases it is not always possible to achieve the required reliability.

In this article we will tell you how to glue drywall to a wall. It is worth noting that this is not so easy to do; it is better, of course, to attach the gypsum board to the frame. However, sometimes you don’t have to choose, or the pipes interfere with setting the profile, or there is not enough time, or money.

How to properly glue drywall to walls

Before gluing drywall to the wall, we will perform several preparatory operations.

Preparing the tools necessary for work

For work we will need:

  • rule;
  • perforator;
  • hammer;
  • construction knife;
  • roulette;
  • putty knife;
  • metal scissors;
  • drywall knife “Fox”;
  • a bucket or basin for mixing putty;
  • drill with whisk.

Preparation of drywall sheets

After this, the sheets must be primed on the reverse side, that is, on the side that will be against the wall. It is also necessary to prime the walls that are to be covered with plasterboard.

After the primer on the plasterboard sheets and walls has dried, you can proceed directly to pasting.

Wall cladding with plasterboard on glue

When the wall is heavily littered, the ideal, of course, is to mount the frame, but in our case the heating pipes prevent this from happening, so we will glue the plasterboard with an adhesive mixture:

When gluing drywall to an adhesive mixture, it is almost impossible to make it extremely even, since the glue always shrinks.

What glue should I use to glue drywall to the wall? You can use a special dry construction mixture from Knauf - Perlfix. The glue is mixed in the same way as putty, only the consistency is a little thicker. In this article you can read,.

You need to apply the glue quickly, as it sets quickly. We take a spatula and apply glue in beads to the wall where our sheet will stand. Be sure to make buns in the corners and in the middle:

Now we take our already prepared sheet, put it behind the pipes, put it in place and press it. Next, we tap with our hands in the places where we applied the buns.

We take it as a rule: we place and press on our entire sheet to make an even plane. After tapping the sheet, you need to coat all accessible joints of the sheet and the wall with glue:

Strengthening the structure with dowel nails

And below there are also two holes, so that there are 6 holes.

But the dowel-nail:

will not be able to hold our sheet and will simply slip through there, so you need to do it as follows.

We take a direct suspension:

and metal scissors:

We cut into squares that will replace our washers. Cut as many as needed:

We insert the dowel into the drilled hole and put a washer on the nail:

insert the nail into the dowel and hammer it in:

At the same time, it is necessary that the washer does not stick out, so we hammer it in harder, even if it tears the drywall a little. But let’s not overdo it:

This dowel-nail with our washer will hold and secure the drywall.

We do the same with the remaining holes. After all the dowels are hammered in, you need to immediately cover them with the remaining glue. To do this, take a spatula and grout and cover up the unevenness:

We do the rest of the wall in this way. The wall covering with plasterboard is completed:


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