What is the density of sand in kg m3? Sand Density

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Sand name, type or variety. Other name. Bulk density or specific gravity in grams per cm3. Bulk density or specific gravity in kilograms per m3. - - -
Dry. Dry sand.1.2 - 1.7 1200 - 1700 - - -
River. 1.5 - 1.52 1500 - 1520 - - -
River compacted. Sand from the river, washed without clay fraction.1.59 1590 - - -
River grain size 1.6 - 1.8. Sand from the river, sand mined from the river, sand from the bottom of the river.1.5 1500 - - -
River alluvium. Sand from the river, sand washed up in the river, sand from the bottom of the river extracted using the alluvial method.1.65 1650 - - -
River washed coarse-grained. Coarse sand from the river washed.1.65 1400 - 1600 - - -
Building. sand for construction, sand for construction and finishing works, sand used and used in construction.1.68 1680 - - -
Construction dry friable. Sand for construction, sand for construction and finishing works, sand used and used in construction.1.44 1440 - - -
Construction dry compacted. Compacted sand for construction, compacted sand for construction and finishing works, compacted sand used and applied in construction.1.68 1680 - - -
Career. Sand from a quarry, sand extracted by quarrying.1.5 1500 - - -
Quarry fine-grained. Fine sand from a quarry, fine sand mined by quarrying.1.7 - 1.8 1700 - 1800 - - -
Quartz regular. Quartz sand.1.4 - 1.9 1400 - 1900 - - -
Quartz dry. Quartz sand.1.5 - 1.55 1500 - 1550 - - -
Compacted quartz. Quartz sand.1.6 - 1.7 1600 - 1700 - - -
Nautical. Sand from the sea, sand from the seabed.1.62 1620 - - -
Gravelly. Sand mixed with gravel.1.7 - 1.9 1700 - 1900 - - -
Dusty. Sand mixed with dust.1.6 - 1.75 1600 - 1750 - - -
Dusty compacted. Compacted sand mixed with dust.1.92 - 1.93 1920 - 1930 - - -
Silty, water-saturated. Sand mixed with dust.2.03 2030 - - -
Natural. 1.3 - 1.5 1300 - 1500 - - -
Natural coarse grain. Sand of natural origin, usually quartz.1.52 - 1.61 1520 - 1610 - - -
Natural medium grain. Sand of natural origin, usually quartz.1.54 - 1.64 1540 - 1640 - - -
For construction work - normal humidity according to GOST. Construction sand.1.55 - 1.7 1550 - 1700 - - -
Expanded clay grades 500 - 1000. Expanded clay sand.0.5 - 1.0 500 - 1000 - - -
Expanded clay size of solid grains (particles) - fraction 0.3. Expanded clay sand.0.42 - 0.6 420 - 600 - - -
Expanded clay size of solid grains (particles) - fraction 0.5. Expanded clay sand.0.4 - 0.55 400 - 550 - - -
Mountain. Quarry sand.1.5 - 1.58 1500 - 1580 - - -
Fireclay. Fireclay sand.1.4 1400 - - -
Molding machine with normal humidity according to GOST. Sand for molding parts, foundry sand, sand for molds and casting.1.71 1710 - - -
Perlite. Expanded perlite sand.0.075 - 0.4 75 - 400 - - -
Perlite dry. Dry perlite sand expanded.0.075 - 0.12 75 - 120 - - -
Ravine. Sand lying in ravines, sand from a ravine.1.4 1400 - - -
Alluvial. Washed sand, sand mined by washing.1.65 1650 - - -
Medium size. Medium grain sand.1.63 - 1.69 1630 - 1690 - - -
Large. Coarse sand.1.52 - 1.61 1520 - 1610 - - -
Medium grain. Medium grain sand.1.63 - 1.69 1630 - 1690 - - -
Small. Fine grain sand.1.7 - 1.8 1700 - 1800 - - -
Washed. Washed sand from which soil, clay and dust fractions have been removed.1.4 - 1.6 1400 - 1600 - - -
Compacted. Sand that has been artificially compacted and compacted.1.68 1680 - - -
Medium density. Sand of normal density, ordinary, medium density for construction work.1.6 1600 - - -
Wet. Sand with high water content.1.92 1920 - - -
Wet compacted. Sand with high water content is compacted.2.09 - 3.0 2090 - 3000 - - -
Wet. Sand with high humidity, different from normal according to GOST.2.08 2080 - - -
Water-saturated. Sand lying in the aquifer.3 - 3.2 3000 - 3200 - - -
Enriched. Sand after enrichment.1.5 - 1.52 1500 - 1520 - - -
Slag. Sand from slag.0.7 - 1.2 700 - 1200 - - -
Porous sand from slag melts. Slag sand.0.7 - 1.2 700 - 1200 - - -
Swollen. Perlite and vermiculite sands.0.075 - 0.4 75 - 400 - - -
Vermiculite. Swollen sands.0.075 - 0.4 75 - 400 - - -
Inorganic porous. Porous light sand of inorganic origin.1.4 1400 - - -
Pumice. Pumice sand.0.5 - 0.6 500 - 600 - - -
Agloporite. Sand obtained after burning out minerals - burning the original rock.0.6 - 1.1 600 - 1100 - - -
Diatomite. Diatomite sand.0.4 400 - - -
Tuff. Tuff sand.1.2 - 1.6 1200 - 1600 - - -
Aeolian. Natural sand formed naturally as a result of aeolian weathering of hard rocks.2.63 - 2.78 2630 - 2780 - - -
The soil is sand. Sand in natural occurrence, soil with a very high sand content.2.66 2660 - - -
Sand and crushed stone.
Construction Materials.sand 1.5 - 1.7 and crushed stone 1.6 - 1.8sand 1500 - 1700 and crushed stone 1600 - 1800- - -
Sand and cement. Construction Materials.sand 1.5 - 1.7 and cement 1.0 - 1.1sand 1500 - 1700 and cement 1000 - 1100- - -
Sand and gravel. A mixture of sand and gravel.1.53 1530 - - -
Sand and gravel mixture is compacted. A mixture of sand and gravel.1.9 - 2.0 1900 - 2000 - - -
Break of ordinary red clay brick. Sand obtained by crushing red ceramic bricks clay.1.2 1200 - - -
Mullite. Mullite sand.1.8 1800 - - -
Mullite-corundum. Sand is mullite-corundum.2.2 2200 - - -
Corundum. Corundum sand.2.7 2700 - - -
Cordierite. Cordierite sand.1.3 1300 - - -
Magnesite. Magnesite sand.2 2000 - - -
Periclase-spinel. Periclase-spinel sand.2.8 2800 - - -
From blast furnace slag. Slag sand from blast furnace slag.0.6 - 2.2 600 - 2200 - - -
From dump slag. Slag sand from dump slag.0.6 - 2.2 600 - 2200 - - -
From granulated slag. Slag sand from granulated slag.0.6 - 2.2 600 - 2200 - - -
Made from slag pumice. Slag-pumice sand.1.2 1200 - - -
From ferrotitanium slag. Slag-pumice sand.1.7 1700 - - -
Titanium-alumina. Titanium-alumina sand.1.7 1700 - - -
Basaltic. Basalt sand.1.8 1800 - - -
Diabase. Diabase sand.1.8 1800 - - -
Andesitic. Andesite sand.1.7 1700 - - -
Diorite. Sand from diorite.1.7 1700 - - -
From scrap heat-resistant concrete with fireclay filler. Sand from scrap heat-resistant concrete with fireclay filler.1.4 1400 - - -
Some clarifications on the question.

As you have already noticed, on the Internet it is quite difficult to find a clear answer to a specific question: what is the density of sand or its specific gravity. A search engine, such as Yandex or Google, provides a lot of information. But all of it is rather of an “indirect” nature, rather than precise and understandable. The search engine selects various mentions, fragments of phrases, lines from large and obscure tables of specific gravity building materials, in which the values ​​in different systems units. “Along the way” it “falls out” on websites a large number of"additional" information. Mainly: by types and varieties of sand, its use, application, origin, mineralogical composition, color, size of solid particles, color, impurities, extraction methods, cost, price of sand and so on. Which adds uncertainty and inconvenience to normal people who want to quickly find an accurate and understandable answer: how much is the density of sand in grams per cm3. We decided to “correct the situation” by collating the data on different types sand into one general table. By excluding in advance what we think is “unnecessary” or “related” information general. And by indicating in the table only the exact data, what is the density of the sand.

What is the density of sand or its specific gravity ( volume weight, specific gravity - synonyms)? The density of sand is the weight contained in a unit of volume, which is most often considered to be cm3. The question is completely objectively complicated by the fact that sand itself has many types, differing in mineralogical composition, the size of the fraction of solid particles in the sand, and the amount of impurities contained. Impurities in sand can be clay, dust, crushed stone, stone chips and larger stones. Naturally, the presence of impurities will immediately affect the density of sand that will be determined by laboratory methods. But most of all, the density of the sand will be influenced by its humidity. Wet sand is heavier, weighs more and immediately significantly increases the specific gravity per unit volume of this material. What is associated with its value when buying and selling. For example, if you want to buy sand by weight, then its sale should be tied to the so-called normal humidity, determined by GOST. Otherwise, if you buy wet or wet sand, you risk greatly losing out on its total quantity. In any case, for the consumer, it is much better to buy sand measured in units of volume, for example in cubes (m3), than in units of weight (kg, tons). The humidity of the sand affects its density, but has a very slight effect on the volume. Although there are some “subtleties” here too. Wet and wet sand is more dense and occupies slightly less volume than dry sand. Sometimes this needs to be taken into account. The specific gravity of the sand contained in the selected volume, that is, the density, will be significantly affected by the “way of laying” it. Here, it is meant that sand of the same type can be: in a state of natural occurrence, be under the influence of the suspended influence of water, be artificially compacted or simply poured. In each case we have absolutely different meanings, how much is the density of sand of this type. Naturally, it is difficult to reflect all this diversity in one table. Some data must be sought in specialized literature.

Among all the numerous options for the density of dry sand, only one is usually of practical interest to site visitors - bulk density. It is for this that we present the values ​​of the specific gravity of dry sand in the table. It is useful to know that there is also another density - this is the true density of dry sand. How to define it? It is determined by laboratory methods or calculated using a formula. Although, it is more convenient to use reference data in a special table. True Density dry sand gives us a different specific gravity - theoretical, which is always much higher than those values ​​​​of the specific gravity of dry sand that are used in practice and are considered technological characteristics material. With some reservations, the true specific gravity of dry sand can be considered the density of solid particles (grains) included in its composition. By the way, when determining the bulk density, and therefore the technological specific gravity of dry sand, the grain size also plays some role. This characteristic of the material is called grain size. IN in this case in this table we are considering medium-grain dry sand. Coarse-grained and fine-grained are used less frequently and their specific gravity values ​​may differ slightly. Not only the grain size, but the mineralogical composition of this bulk building material can vary. This table shows the bulk density of a material consisting primarily of quartz grains. Quantity and weight are measured in kilograms (kg) and tons (t). However, let's not forget about other types of material. On our website you can also find more specific information that is rarely found on the Internet.


The table shows the density of sand the following types: ordinary river, natural river, compacted river, river with a grain size of 1.6 - 1.8, alluvial river, washed river coarse-grained, ordinary construction, loose construction, compacted construction, ordinary quarry, fine-grained quarry, natural quartz, dry quartz, compacted quartz, marine , gravel, silty, silty compacted, silty water-saturated, natural, natural coarse-grained, natural medium-grained, for construction work of normal humidity according to GOST, expanded clay grade 500 - 1000, expanded clay with a hard grain size of 0.3, expanded clay with a hard grain size of 0.5, mountain, fireclay , molding with normal humidity according to GOST, perlite, perlite dry, gully, alluvial, medium-sized, large, medium-grained, small, washed, compacted, medium density, wet, wet compacted, wet, water-saturated, enriched, slag, porous from slag melts, vermiculite, expanded, inorganic porous, pumice, agloporite, diatomite, tuff, aeolian, soil sand, sand-gravel mixture, sand-gravel mixture compacted, from the scrap of ordinary red clay ceramic bricks, mullite, mullite-corundum, corundum, cordierite, magnesite, periclase-spinel, from blast furnace slag, from dump slag, from granulated slag, from slag pumice, from ferrotitanium slag, titanium-alumina, basalt, diabase, andesite, diorite, from scrap heat-resistant concrete with fireclay filler and some other types.

The first issue is the acquisition of materials. To calculate how much sand to buy to mix the required volume of masonry, you need to know the density of the bulk component. This indicator significantly affects the strength parameters of structures and buildings. The conversion of mass to volume (and vice versa) is also carried out because the price of the material is indicated differently: per weight or volume unit.

What is density and what does it depend on?

This physical characteristic substance, showing the mass of its unit volume and expressed in g/cm3, kg/m3, t/m3. Sand, like all bulk materials, has this peculiarity: depending on conditions, the same amount of it can occupy a different volume. The density of construction sand is influenced by the following factors.

1. Grain size (fineness modulus). Sand is a mixture of particles ranging in size from 0.14 to 5 mm, formed naturally during the destruction of rocks. How smaller size grains and the more homogeneous the composition, the denser the sand. Coarse- and medium-grained material is used for the production of concrete, fine-grained - for cement mortars, fine-grained (pulverized) - for fine construction mixtures.

2. Porosity and level of compaction. They characterize the number of voids in the granular substance. In a loose state, construction sand has a porosity of about 47%, in a dense state - no more than 37%. Looseness is reduced due to saturation with moisture, vibration, and dynamic influences. Porosity is assessed using a special coefficient e: for fine-grained sands of dense composition it is about 0.75, for coarse and medium-grained sands it is 0.55. The compacted sand mass takes on fairly high loads and well distributes the stress that occurs in the foundations.

3. Humidity. Typically, reference books give the density at normal level humidity, regulated by GOST. When purchasing, you should take into account that the weight of a cubic unit of raw material differs significantly from the theoretical indicator. When humidity increases from 3 to 10%, sand grains are enveloped in water - due to this, the volume increases and the density, accordingly, decreases. With further moisture saturation (up to 20%), water displaces air and fills the voids between the grains - while the weight of the cubic meter increases.

4. Presence of impurities. Sometimes they contain particles of clay, dust, salt, mica, gypsum, humus, crushed stone, and stone chips. They affect the quality characteristics of the building material: if for clean sand it averages 1,300 kg/m3, then for clay – 1,800 kg/m3. Sand can be cleaned by washing with water, but its cost increases.

Types of density

Construction sand can be characterized using different indicators of its volumetric weight: theoretical and actual.

1. True (formerly called specific gravity). This is the mass of a cubic meter in an absolutely compacted state, without taking into account between particles. The true indicator is determined in a complex laboratory way; its value corresponds to the weight of a cubic meter of solid non-metallic sand rock - approximately 2500 kg/m3.

2. Medium (bulk). When determining it, it is taken into account that the calculated volume includes not only grains, but pores and voids that fill the spaces between them. The average is usually lower than the true value.

To independently determine the average density, use a 10 liter bucket. Sand is poured into it from a height of 10 meters until a slide is formed - it is carefully cut horizontally at the level of the top edge of the bucket. The material placed in the container is weighed, and then its density in kg/m3 is calculated: divide the mass in kg by 0.01 (the volume of the bucket in cubic meters).

The true value is a constant value and has an auxiliary value. In order to competently conduct construction, make practical calculations and evaluate the quality of the purchased material, it is more important to know average. For example, if a cubic meter weighs less than 1300 kg, this indicates a large number of voids and requires filling them with a binder. The cost of materials increases, making construction more expensive.

The approximate bulk (average) density values ​​indicated in the table will help you purchase sand with the required parameters, quickly move from weight to volume, and calculate the weight fractions of the mortar.

Humanity has been using sand for construction needs for a long time; without it, one certainly cannot build a house. It is actively used in dry construction mixtures, which are sold in stores or as a component for preparing cement mortars. Construction sand applied depending on its density, e.g. individual species are used to create others in order to make a concrete screed.

Sand is a non-metallic, free-flowing building material. As a rule, this is a mixture of grains measuring 0.14-5 mm, which were formed during the natural destruction of rocks. There are several. They are characterized by a different content of small particles of clay or simply dusty elements.

The purest of them and the highest quality is river sand. Sea water is worse, since it already contains salts, from which it must be purified. Quarry sand and mountain sand are distinguished by the presence of undesirable clay, which means the quality of the product is lower. Sand mainly has the following composition: quartz and also impurities in the form of silicates and the same clay.

To characterize this building material, there is such a thing as sand density. It is estimated by the porosity coefficient. For example, fine-grained varieties have an indicator of 0.75. The density of construction sand and its quality are always determined by the presence of clay in it. Builders love to work with a uniquely pure river product. It has a density of 1.3 tons. cubic meter. The density of sand with clay content is higher and is already 1.8 tons. In the same volume.

This material has served as the basis for cement and concrete compositions. It is in great demand when laying highways, blowing glass products and in agriculture.

In construction, the concept of density is of fundamental importance, which is the ratio of the mass of sand to its volume; it has units of measurement: g/cm3 and kg/m3. Natural sand is 1300-1500 kg/m3.

For bulk building materials, this indicator is variable and depends on the degree of compaction. This means that the same amount of product occupies different volumes. The density of sand is invariably dependent on humidity, and any changes in it affect the bulk density. As humidity increases, sand grains become covered with a layer of water and, accordingly, the volume of sand increases sharply. It is sand that is taken into account during humidity fluctuations when calculating the dosage of sand according to the required volume. If this factor is not taken into account, mortar will not have the necessary margin of safety and, in general, the engineering design will be of poor quality.

Nowadays it is mainly used to extract it simply - by washing quarry sand. This is done in this way: clay and dust are washed out of it with a large volume of water.

The density of construction sand also depends on the structure of the grains. For example, a high indicator directly indicates that it contains dense, especially strong and frost-resistant grains. It is this material with an increased coefficient that is indispensable for construction in permafrost conditions. It is the basis of high-strength concrete with excellent frost resistance.

Density in a loose state is characterized by 1500 kg/m3, but can increase to 1700 kg/m3. It is characterized by the best hygienic characteristics and is washed and calcined dry natural material. When used in construction, high hygienic characteristics of the home are ensured. Density quartz sand- this is very important parameter, which is taken into account during construction work.

Most construction work cannot do without the use of sand, as it is required for the production of glass, making plaster, concrete mortar, bricks, drainage devices, underlying layer and other things. Extraction is carried out by sifting, washing or open method. The material has such characteristics as specific gravity, fractionation and bulk density, which influences the quantity before compaction when transported in bags or in bulk by a dump truck.

Main types of density

Sand is extracted naturally or artificially. Particles come in various fractions from 0.05 to 5 mm. The quality directly depends on the content of impurities of silt-clay or organic origin, as well as on the strength of the grains. However, the most important is the dry density: the higher it is, the stronger and more durable the product or structure made from mortar with its presence will be.

There are three parameters that can be measured experimentally, and the values ​​​​can be constant or dependent on humidity, compaction, etc.:

  1. True density is a constant value and characterizes the weight of sand in a compacted state of 1 m3. Since it is obtained as a result of the processing of hard rocks, the figure is 2500 kg/m3, it can only be obtained through laboratory testing. This value rechecked annually, and the results are recorded in GOST 8736-93.
  2. Bulk - indicates the specific gravity at natural humidity in limbo. In laboratory conditions, it is determined using a flask, which is filled to 10 cm. It is measured before compaction and averages 1.5 g/cm3 (1500 kg/m3) and takes into account not only the net weight, but also the volume of voids between the grains.
  3. Average density – this characteristic additionally includes the degree of moisture saturation. Shows the average weight that fits in the required volume. As a rule, it is higher than the bulk one, but does not exceed the true one. The sand is exposed to humidity up to 7% and the parameter is determined. If it is high enough, this indicates its excellent frost resistance and strength under natural operating conditions. To obtain a more reliable number, the product is examined several times.

Humidity is a pretty good reason why specific gravity changes dramatically. If this value does not exceed 10%, then the material may become lighter due to clumping of sand grains. As humidity increases, water forms in the voids, which displaces air, resulting in an increase in specific gravity.

Often, bulk products are not able to dry completely, therefore, under natural conditions of storage and operation, the density will differ from the bulk one to a greater extent. You can independently determine the humidity level experimentally. To do this, the weight of a certain amount is measured river sand before and after drying in a hot container or on a sheet of metal, then the difference between the obtained values ​​is calculated.

Density values ​​for different species

View Description Density in kg/m³
River Dry, obtained from the bottom of fresh water bodies 1500-1540
River alluvium It is mined by the alluvial method and has a fraction of 1.6-1.9 mm 1650
Career Ordinary Produced in quarries and pits using the alluvial method 1500-1520
Fine-grained, dry seeded 1800-1850
Construction sand Ordinary According to GOST 8736-93, it is extracted by mining sand and gravel deposits and can be used for preparing solutions, including light and heavy concrete 1680
Loose 1450
Nautical Sand of medium coarseness, located at the bottom of the seas 1600
Ovrazhny In open areas, it contains a large amount of impurities that reduce technical characteristics 1400-1420
Slag Produced by recycling waste from the metallurgical industry 700-1200
Perlite Extracted from expanded volcanic hard rocks by crushing 75-400
gravelly Contains a large amount of gravel impurities and requires sifting 1750-1900


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