How long does it take for cucumbers to sprout after sowing? Growing cucumbers - seed germination, conditions, formation

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A good harvest of cucumbers can only be grown on very fertile, warm soils with abundant watering.

A site for cucumbers should be well lit, but protected from the winds. In sunny areas, plants are not damaged by diseases for a long time. It is necessary to apply fresh manure under the cucumbers, which is covered during the autumn digging of the site (1 bucket per 1 mg). The application of manure provides the soil with nutrients, insulates the soil and increases the carbon dioxide content in the ground layer of air. All this is very important for the good growth and development of cucumber plants.

When preparing a plot for cucumbers in the fall, add two cups of wood ash or 90 g of garden fertilizer mixture per 1 m2. Of all vegetable crops, cucumbers are the most heat-loving - seeds begin to germinate at 13-15°C. The best air temperature for the growth and development of cucumbers is 25-30 ºС, soil - 20-25 ºС. At 10°C, the growth of cucumbers stops, and long-term (more than a week) temperatures below 5°C cause the death of young plants. Even short-term frosts of 0.5 °C are destructive for cucumbers.

Cucumber shoots usually appear on the 10th day after sowing, under favorable conditions - on the 5-6th day. In dry soil, seedlings do not appear for a very long time - the seeds remain viable for more than a month. In damp and cold soil, seeds quickly lose their viability and rot.

cucumbers can be grown by sowing seeds in the ground or planting seedlings. With the seedling method, cucumber harvesting begins 2 weeks earlier, but the seedlings must be potted and no more than 20-25 days old.

The best thing grow cucumbers on a flat area covered with fresh manure. To do this, remove half a spade's worth of soil from the ridge and place manure, preferably fresh straw, into the resulting depression. The excavated soil is poured onto a straw layer. Manure litter promotes good aeration of the soil where the roots are located. This ensures that the plants remain healthy, since the roots of cucumbers suffer greatly from a lack of oxygen. Manure litter also helps to better warm the soil, isolating it from the cold layers of the soil.

The root system of the cucumber plant is superficial, and to obtain a good harvest it is necessary to apply manure, frequent watering, fertilizing and shallow loosening of the soil.

It is good to have several varieties of cucumbers in your personal plot - early salad and pickling ones.

The early variety Muromsky 36 is suitable for the Volga region. This is the fastest ripening of all varieties - 35-40 days pass from sowing the seeds to the start of harvesting the fruits. You need to sow it a little, since the fruits are only suitable for salad. The Vyaznikovsky 37 variety ripens a week later, but its fruits are suitable for pickling. Urozhayny 86 is an excellent pickling variety with beautiful large-lumpy fruits. A variety such as Nezhinsky is also suitable, the fruits of which have excellent pickling qualities, but their growth is slow, since the variety is late-ripening. Before sowing, the seeds are sorted and treated. A simple way to sort seeds: add water, stir, leave for 1 hour, sow only those that have settled to the bottom. Method of pre-sowing treatment: immerse a bag (made of rare fabric) with seeds for 2-3 minutes in a solution made up of one part 40% formaldehyde and 300 parts water. Scatter the well-moistened seeds, cover with a tarpaulin for 2 hours, then dry in the shade. Method for increasing yield: keep seeds for 2 hours at a temperature of 55-60 °C or 6 hours at 40-45 °C.

Cucumber seeds remain viable for up to 5-6 years. The most productive are 3-4 year olds.

To obtain a more uniform harvest of cucumbers throughout the season, they should be sown in 2-3 periods, starting from the end of May to the beginning of June. Sow cucumber seeds in well-watered furrows at a distance of 60 cm between rows and about 5 cm between seeds in a row. Cover the seeds with a 2-3 cm layer of soil. To prevent early sowing plants from suffering from spring frosts, they are protected with film.

When growing cucumbers under film sowing can be done as early as the beginning of May, but the area is immediately covered with film, stretched over wire arches or wooden frames. The soil under the film quickly warms up, which ensures rapid germination of seeds, and seedlings under cover are not damaged by frost. And the humidity and temperature conditions under the film contribute to the rapid growth of cucumber plants. If the cucumbers bloom under the film, you need to make small cuts in the film so that the bees can penetrate under the cover and pollinate the flowers.

As soon as the first true leaf appears, thinning must be carried out, removing weak shoots. When thinning, you should not pull out the plants to be removed, but only pinch them, since pulling them out damages the root system of the remaining plants.

Distances when thinning cucumbers for early-ripening varieties are up to 12-15 cm, for late-ripening varieties - up to 20 cm.

When planting cucumber seedlings It is necessary to ensure that the surface of the pot when planting is at the level of the soil surface, since when planted deep, the roots do not receive enough oxygen and are placed in a cold layer of soil, which retards growth and development.

After the appearance of the third true leaf, the cucumber plants are lightly hilled. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the superficial roots. All loosening of the soil must also be done carefully, i.e. do not loosen the soil deeper than 2-3 cm in order to avoid damage to the roots. Light hilling ensures that rain and irrigation water will not linger at the base of the stem. The soil near the stem must be dry, otherwise the stem will rot and the plants may die. This is especially important in rainy years.

Cucumber is a heat-loving plant, and water heated to 20-22 ºС should be used for irrigation. This will not only improve plant growth, but also prevent root rot,

In hot weather, cucumbers need to be watered very often so that the leaves of the plants do not wither. Usually, after 2-3 days, watering is combined with fertilizing: 1 liter of mullein and 15 g of ammonium nitrate or 10 g of urea are added to 10 liters of water. You cannot water directly from a source or water supply, as in this case there is a large difference between the temperature of the soil, plant and water. Cucumbers get sick when watered with cold water. It is necessary to have containers for water so that it has time to warm up before watering.

25-30 days after germination, the plants bloom. The male flowers of cucumbers usually open first. In early ripening varieties, male and female flowers often appear simultaneously, and sometimes female flowers appear earlier than male ones. Flowers are found on the main vine and on first-order branches. In mid-season varieties, female flowers are located mainly on the branches of the first and second orders; there are almost no female flowers on the main stem. In late-ripening female flowers are located mainly on branches of the second and subsequent orders.

Reducing watering before flowering and pinching plants accelerates the formation of fruits and increases their number. The entire growing point is pinched, and this causes the formation of branches of the second and third order, on which the main crop is formed.

Mulching the soil with humus gives good results. At the same time, soil moisture is maintained over the entire surface of the site for a long time, and in addition, a layer of mulch retards the growth of weeds. The layer of soil under the mulch remains loose and permeable to air. Mulch also reduces night cooling of the soil. The soil should be mulched immediately after planting the seedlings. When growing cucumbers from seeds, it is better to mulch after hilling the cucumbers. The thickness of the mulch layer is 5-6 cm.

Feed cucumbers you need a weekly garden mixture: 60-80 g per bucket of water or liter of mullein, 15 g of urea and a glass of ash per bucket of water. When feeding, avoid wetting the leaves.

Good results are obtained by weekly spraying with a urea solution (a tablespoon per 10 liters of pink potassium permanganate solution).

At the beginning of flowering, microfertilizers should be added to the fertilizing of cucumbers - 0.5 g of boric acid; 0.3-0.4 g of manganese sulfate and 0.1 g of zinc sulfate per 10 liters of water.

Feeding and watering cucumbers It is better to do it in the evening, since when feeding during the day, the solution, if it gets on the leaves in sunny weather, can cause burns. If the solution gets on the leaves, it must be washed off with water by repeated watering.

Watering with heated water, reducing watering on cool days, treating seeds, removing diseased, yellowed leaves will ensure the safety of plants and good fruit.

Cucumbers have a negative attitude towards drafts, windy weather, and strong air movement. Cucumbers grow better in places where there is sedentary, stagnant air. Therefore, when growing cucumbers in open ground, it is advisable to sow protective curtains of tall plants - cabbage, sweet corn, sunflower.

In humid summer conditions, cucumbers become susceptible to powdery mildew, anthracnose and bacteriosis. In case of single leaf lesions, they are removed; in case of mass lesions, the area is sprayed with mullein infusion (1 part to 10 parts of water, infused for 3-4 hours, then filtered and used for spraying). Spraying is carried out in the evening hours.

The size of the cucumber harvest also depends on the timing of harvesting - the more often the fruit is harvested, the higher the harvest.

Cucumbers must be collected regularly every 2-3 days, otherwise the growth of the ovaries is delayed and the yield is reduced.

To speed up the growth of cucumbers, you need to spread the vines into free areas, pin them to the soil and sprinkle them with damp soil. When picking, you need to pay attention to the color and shape of the fruit. When there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil, the fruits are light green and the upper part of the fruit is pointed. With a lack of potassium, the fruits are narrowed towards the stalk (the place where the fruit is attached to the plant), and the upper part of the fruit has a spherical shape. These signs indicate the composition and ratio of fertilizers in fertilizing.

When caring for crops before harvesting cucumbers, it is necessary to spread out the plant vines so that there is free space for passage.

When harvesting fruits, you should not pull on the fruits, as this will break off the roots and slow down the growth of the plants. You can't step on the stems either.

After sowing seeds in open ground, every gardener waits impatiently for the first shoots to appear. It’s great if the seeds germinate quickly and the bush begins to develop. But it happens that the first shoots take too long to appear, or do not appear at all. How many days do it take for cucumbers to sprout in the ground? For what reason do the roots not appear? You can find answers to these questions in the article. So.

Peculiarities of cucumber seed germination

In this section, we will share with you the theory of how cucumber seeds germinate. The seed consists of a seed coat and an embryo. The seed shell protects it from damage by microorganisms, early germination, drying out and mechanical damage.

Stable above-zero temperatures, sufficient watering and ventilated soil contribute to the rapid emergence of sprouts. Basic seed germination cycles:

Beginning of life cycle

Moisture is the main component of the first cycle. When the seeds absorb the required amount of water, the swelling process begins - the peel opens, and enzyme systems are activated. Then aerobic activity begins.

The swelling process goes well at +25C. The seeds germinate quickly and grow. If the temperature drops below, the seeds will mold. Once mold appears, further growth is impossible.

Development of the seed embryo

At this stage, chemical reactions occur in the seed aimed at breaking down lipid oxidation, breaking down starch, and forming amino acids and proteins. The result is the formation of a root.

The supply of nutrients from the soil begins through the root. During growth, the root quickly gets rid of the peel right in the ground and further development begins.

How long does it take for cucumbers to sprout without germination?

In order for the seeds to germinate quickly, it is important to create favorable conditions in the soil. Namely:

  1. The optimal air temperature is from +18 ... +25 degrees;
  2. The earth at a depth of 10 cm should warm up to +18 degrees;
  3. Moderately moist soil. Waterlogging and drying out of the soil negatively affects seed germination;
  4. Regular watering with warm water. Recommended temperature +25 degrees;
  5. It is advisable to bury the seeds to a depth of no more than 2 centimeters;
  6. Sprinkle the seeds with light, breathable soil. For example, compost.

If all conditions are met, cucumber seeds germinate in 4-5 days. If the temperature conditions are not met (it drops to +15), the cucumbers will sprout, but the processes will be significantly delayed.

Why don't cucumber seeds germinate when soaked?

Sometimes gardeners are faced with the fact that healthy-looking seeds do not germinate when soaked. Why this happens, the question may arise. Let's look at the main reasons:

  1. It's cold inside. Favorable temperature for rapid seed germination is +24 ..+28 degrees. Under such conditions, roots appear in 2-3 days. At temperatures within +15, the seeds will germinate later (in about a week);
  2. Many methods of pre-sowing preparation have been used. With the simultaneous use of several methods of pre-sowing preparation, the percentage of seed germination decreases. It has long been noted that successive soaking of seeds in a solution of manganese, trace elements and biologically active substances slows down the germination process;
  3. Low or too high humidity. If seeds are germinating in a cloth, it is important to maintain a moderate level of humidity until they germinate;
  4. The expiration date has passed. At above-zero temperatures no higher than +25C, seed germination lasts for at least 8 years. It is not recommended to leave planting material in an unheated room for the winter.

Now you know what factors influence the germination of cucumber seeds and how many days they germinate in the soil. Let's hope you found the answer to your question.

Some summer residents complain that they have to replant cucumbers several times: either the seeds do not germinate, or the sprouts that appear die. People often complain about the poor quality of seeds, but that’s not the problem at all.

How long does it take for cucumbers to sprout?

Very often, seeds do not germinate not because of poor quality, but under the influence of weather conditions. It should be remembered that cucumber is a heat-loving crop, so it cannot tolerate extreme, cold weather. Any sudden cold snap is detrimental to delicate cucumber shoots.

Therefore, cucumbers are planted in open ground when the ground has warmed up enough and no return frosts are expected. It is warmer in the greenhouse, so cucumber seeds are sown here a week or two earlier.

Cucumber seedlings will appear 4-5 days after planting, if the planting technology is followed. On heavy soils, dry seeds are placed in furrows, deepening them by 1.5 cm; for light soils, the planting depth reaches 2 cm. Be sure to spill the soil in the furrows before sowing and sprinkle with dry soil or peat. However, if the temperature drops, seedlings may take a week or more to appear.

Factors affecting the germination of cucumber seeds

It has been noticed that cucumber seeds germinate best when there is a lack of air. After sowing, the bed is covered with polyethylene, and when the first shoots appear, the cover is removed.

To germinate, cucumbers require a soil temperature of approximately 12-13°C, but this is the lower limit for this crop. Shoots will appear in 3-6 days if the ground has warmed up to 18-25°C. When this indicator is only 18°C, you will have to wait for the cucumbers to sprout only for 8-10 days.

In order not to miscalculate the timing of sowing cucumbers, you can follow the signs: when the fields turn yellow with dandelions, you can start sowing. Also, sowing was associated with a sure sign - the viburnum has bloomed, it’s time to sow. If you want to sow cucumbers earlier, dry seeds are sown in the soil, since the seeds that swell at low temperatures begin to rot. After May 25, you can sow slightly sprouted cucumber seeds, then seedlings will appear in 3-5 days.

Have you sown cucumbers, but still haven’t seen any germination? Perhaps they lack moisture due to dry weather. Or it may turn out that the soil is too poor and light. In such conditions, the sprouts are affected by pathogenic fungi and the seedlings never have time to emerge. And those that did manage to hatch soon die. To prevent this from happening, the soil before sowing is generously shed with warm water and potassium permanganate, and to create a warm microclimate, you need to cover the plantings with spandbond or plastic film.

It should also be remembered that the germination of cucumber seeds deteriorates if they are stored for longer than 4-5 years. Cucumbers differ from other crops in that freshly harvested seeds have a low germination rate. Therefore, I use 2-year-old seeds for sowing. Poor and long sprouting of cucumbers will come from seeds that were forgotten by gardeners at the dacha in winter (but not frozen).

Many novice vegetable growers and gardeners wonder how long it takes for cucumbers to sprout in open ground. This question is relevant, since situations often arise in which the seeds have to be replanted several times - the cucumbers do not sprout, or it happens that the sprouts that have already appeared begin to die.

In this situation, many gardeners begin to complain about low-quality planting material. But this may not be the main reason. Poor germination of cucumber seeds or death of weak sprouts immediately after germination can occur for various reasons, which a person can independently eliminate.

    Duration of germination period for cucumbers

    What can affect the rate of emergence of seedlings

    Reasons for sprouts not appearing

    How to deal with poor seed germination

Duration of germination period for cucumbers

If cucumber seedlings do not appear, often the reason for this is not the poor quality of the seed material, but poor climatic conditions that interfere with the normal growth of seedlings. Cucumbers in a greenhouse and cucumbers in open ground sprout differently.

The cucumber bush is one of those plants that prefer to grow in warm climates. Cold is unfavorable for seedlings. With any sudden changes in temperature conditions, tender young shoots may die.

That is why planting cucumbers at home should occur at a time when the soil is warm enough, when the frosts have already ended. When planting plants in a greenhouse, they can sprout much earlier, since the temperature here is stable or can be maintained manually.

Since it is much warmer in a closed structure, germination occurs much faster, so seed material is planted much earlier - several weeks.

So the seedlings can sprout on the fourth or fifth day after planting. This happens if all agrotechnical practices are followed. If the soil is too heavy, the seeds should be placed in pre-made rows, planting depth no more than one and a half centimeters.

If the soil is light, the depth of planting of the seeds is at least two centimeters. Before seeds are planted in the ground, it must be moistened and treated with peat. If climatic indicators become lower than when planting, the first shoots begin to appear no earlier than a week later.

What can affect the rate of emergence of seedlings

Experienced gardeners claim that seedlings appear best and fastest if there is a lack of air. After the seeds are planted, the beds must be covered on top with cellophane or cling film. When the first stems begin to emerge from the soil, the cover must be removed.

In order for cucumbers to germinate normally, the climate must be at least 13 degrees. The first sprouts appear after 4 days if the soil is warmed to 20 degrees. If the temperature is several degrees lower, seedlings begin to appear at home no earlier than after a week or a week and a half.

When planting early, it is recommended to plant only dry grains in the soil substrate, since wet and swollen seeds can quickly become rotten at low temperatures. In the third ten days of May, you can plant slightly sprouted cucumber seeds; in this case, sprouts will begin to appear after three to five days.

Reasons for sprouts not appearing

If the planted seeds do not sprout, the reason for this may be high humidity or dry weather. Another negative factor may be the increased poverty and lightness of the soil substrate. This situation arises due to the fact that the seedlings suffer from damage by destructive fungal spores. As a result, the sprouts do not have time to appear.

To prevent this situation, before starting sowing, it is recommended to treat the soil substrate with potassium permanganate diluted in warm water.

To create the most suitable warm conditions, after planting the seeds, the soil is covered with black film or some other covering material. The germination of seed material becomes much worse if the duration of their storage exceeds four years.

The main difference from other garden crops is that seeds collected by hand do not germinate well. Therefore, it is recommended to use purchased seeds or stratify freshly collected seeds. Those seeds that are stored in the cold in winter have a low germination rate.

How to deal with poor seed germination

If seeds do not germinate within the expected time frame, it is recommended to identify the cause and eliminate it. If the temperature is insufficient, the sprouts take too long to germinate or even die.

When the soil moisture is high, the seeds do not germinate and rot in the ground. The death of seed material occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the soil if the moisture does not evaporate, but constantly stagnates in the soil. Putrefactive processes affect both the soil itself and the seeds.

If the planting depth is too deep, a serious obstacle to germination arises. When planting seeds at a certain depth, the composition of the soil should be taken into account. If it is heavy, the depth should be less; if it is light, the seeds can be lowered not so deep into the soil.

In order for the growth and development of seedlings to occur as successfully as possible, it is necessary to take into account the depth of sowing of crops.

It is also important to maintain a certain distance between plantings - at least one and a half centimeters. This way the sprouts will develop fully.

It is also important to treat the soil and emerging seedlings from pests. It is better to carry out preventative measures for plants than to deal with emerging pests later. It is also necessary to identify a plant disease in time, take all necessary measures to combat it and further prevent the recurrence of plant diseases.

After fertilization under normal growing conditions, the cucumber ovaries grow quickly, and the fruits reach technical (removable) maturity within 7 - 12 days after fertilization (green phase).

Relation to temperature conditions. Cucumber is one of the most heat-loving crops. Seeds begin to germinate only at soil temperatures of 15-18 ° C (hardened buds can germinate at 10-13 °C). At lower temperatures, the seed coat and its contents swell and rot, which is often observed during early sowing. For seed germination, the optimal temperature must be maintained daily for at least 5-6 hours. The higher the temperature, the faster and more friendly the seedlings appear. When sown in soil heated to 20 °C, seedlings appear after 5 days, at 18 °C - after 10.

At temperatures below 13-15 °C, plant development stops, the absorption of nutrients and water by the roots is weakened, favorable conditions are created for the spread of root rot, powdery mildew and other diseases, and female flowers fall off. A prolonged decrease in temperature to 8-10 °C or exposure to temperatures of 3-4 °C for 3-4 days can lead to plant death. At a temperature of 6 °C the leaves turn yellow. Seedlings and adult plants do not tolerate frost. Cucumber plants tolerate low temperatures after germination more easily than low temperatures during germination.

Cucumber is especially sensitive to temperature conditions during the formation of reproductive organs. A decrease in temperature below 16 C and an increase above 25 ° C during the flowering period has a depressing effect on the growth of pollen tubes - the pollen becomes sterile, fertilization stops. The optimal temperature for flowering and fertilization of flowers is 18-21 ° C.

At optimal temperatures (22-25°C), flowering begins, depending on the variety, on the 22-28th day after emergence, and the formation of green foliage begins on the 32-38th. At daytime temperatures of 17-19 °C and nighttime temperatures of 12-14 °C, early-ripening varieties begin to bear fruit only after 40-50 days, mid-ripening varieties - after 45-55, late-ripening - 55-65 days after emergence.

Prolonged cold and wet weather damages the plant to a greater extent than prolonged drought. Cold snaps at night in summer and early autumn shorten the growing season of cucumbers. With sharp temperature fluctuations, they experience a lag in growth, first of all, the roots die off. At elevated temperatures, plant growth stops at 42 °C.

Cucumber fruits grow mainly at night, when organic matter breaks down and its products flow into the fruit. The greenery grows most intensively at temperatures of 20-25 °C during the day and 18-20 °C at night; at lower temperatures, fruiting stops.

The sum of effective air temperatures required for the growth and development of cucumbers, from sowing to the start of harvesting, is 1172-1198 °C. Currently, a number of cold-resistant varieties have been developed, but they are still most productive in warm, humid climates.

Attitude to moisture. Cucumber places increased demands on soil and air humidity; for seed swelling, 36-42% of water from its absolutely dry mass is needed, and for germination - 20-25% more. Cucumber plants have a relatively weakly protected leaf surface from evaporation, so to form 1 g of dry mass, it evaporates 500-800 g of water. In addition, the cucumber root system has a low suction force (1.5-2 atm), and therefore it is sensitive to a lack of moisture not only in the soil, but also in the air. Even with favorable soil moisture, but with very dry air, plants reduce their yield.

Cucumber plants stop growing if soil moisture drops to 10.1% of HC (lowest water holding capacity). With insufficient soil moisture and low relative air humidity, cucumber plants grow poorly, develop slowly, the first ovaries fall off, and the yield and its quality decrease. At the same time, excess soil moisture exceeding 85% of the total moisture capacity, combined with low temperature, leads to the death of the root system.

The optimal soil moisture for cucumber is 75-95% HB, and the relative air humidity is 70-80%. Plants need higher soil moisture in the first growing season - before flowering. The plant consumes the greatest amount of water during the period of intensive fruiting, when the plant can use more than 5 liters per day. Therefore, cucumber is sensitive to drought, especially during flowering and fruiting periods.

A decrease in air humidity in greenhouses to 50% causes leaves to wilt, which reduces the assimilation of carbon dioxide by 40-50% at the initial signs of wilting and by 70-80% in plants with drooping leaves. In wilted leaves, the loss of plastic substances through respiration exceeds the gain from assimilation by 3-4 times.

It should be remembered that cucumbers do not tolerate watering with cold water or water whose temperature is lower than the soil temperature. In this case, the root hairs rot and the plants die.

Attitude to light. Cucumber is the only representative of cultivated plants of the pumpkin family that can bear fruit in low light conditions, in the range of 2000-2400 lux, but actively responds to improved lighting conditions. This plant is day-length neutral, but has short-day traits. In most varieties of this crop, when the day length is reduced to 10-12 hours (by shading in the morning-evening hours, rich in long-wave red rays) for 20-25 days during the seedling period, plant development accelerates, the formation of female flowers intensifies and accelerates, and early and total harvest. With a long day, a large vegetative mass and few fruits are formed. The cucumber plant reacts positively to an increase in light intensity in all phases of development, especially at a young age. Lack of sunlight reduces assimilation and delays flowering by 1-2 weeks. Frequent rains, lack of light, and thickening of plants lengthen the growing season of cucumbers; in addition, with a lack of light, less sugars and other nutrients accumulate in the fruits. For uniform lighting, timely weeding and thinning are necessary.

Attitude to the air regime. The cucumber plant receives carbon dioxide and oxygen from the air. The carbon dioxide content in the air is very low - 0.03%, and cucumber develops most productively if there is at least 0.3-0.5% carbon dioxide in the ground layer. An additional source of carbon dioxide is soil. Organic and mineral fertilizers and soil microorganisms that decompose organic matter play a major role in the formation and release of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide content in greenhouses is increased to 0.4-0.7% by burning gas, using carbon dioxide and introducing large doses of organic fertilizers. Feeding cucumber plants with carbon dioxide increases their resistance to diseases and pests. At the same time, an increase in the concentration of ammonia, which is released during the decomposition of organic matter, above 0.6% causes leaf burns, and at 4% the plants die.

For respiration and normal development, plants need oxygen, which is especially needed by the root system. If there is a lack of it in the soil, the growth of the root system is delayed, and under anaerobic conditions the plant sometimes switches to nitrate respiration, and most of the roots die. Cucumber seeds with a lack of oxygen sharply reduce germination energy, and often germination. This is one of the reasons for the high responsiveness of cucumber to light and loose soils.

The presence of oxygen in the soil largely depends on its mechanical composition. The optimal ratio of liquid, solid and gaseous phases of soil for cucumber plants should be 1:2:3.

Attitude to batteries. Cucumber grows quickly and enters the fruiting period early, so this crop has a relatively high nutrient intake compared to other vegetables. The most important nutrients are macroelements, which are consumed from the soil in large quantities (N, P, K, Ca), and microelements (B, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mg, Mo, etc.), which the cucumber needs in small quantities. It consumes on podzolic soils of average fertility (in kg): 28 - N, 15 - P2O5, 44 - K2O and 33 - CaO per 100 centners of marketable products.

The requirements of different varieties of cucumber, as well as one plant during the growing season, for soil fertility are not the same. The absorption of nutrients in the initial phases is weak, since the root system is not sufficiently developed. During this period, the plant consumes about 10% of nutrients and needs easily digestible forms of fertilizers and their low concentration.

From the beginning of flowering to the formation of ovaries, up to 20% of nutrients enter the plant, and the main part (70%) is consumed during the fruiting period.

Most of all, cucumber removes potassium from the soil, which is easily absorbed, regulates metabolism in the plant, increases disease resistance, cold resistance, increases the content of dry matter and sugars, and improves the taste of fruits. With a lack of potassium, a pale yellow border appears on the edges of the leaves (starting from the bottom); in the heat they wilt. The fruits are pear-shaped. During severe starvation, dark brown spots form between the veins of the leaves. The greatest need for potassium is during the fruiting period.

Phosphorus is of great importance in the initial period of development. Its deficiency inhibits the flow of nitrogen into the root system. Prolonged phosphorus starvation weakens the plant, the growth of the vine slows down, the leaves become small, dense, and dark green. With an acute deficiency, large watery spots appear on old leaves, which spread to young ones. Damaged leaves wither. An optimal supply of phosphorus before flowering is very important for cucumbers.

If there is a lack of assimilable nitrogen in the soil, plants grow poorly, the leaves become pale green, then turn yellow, with the lower leaves becoming more discolored. The flowers are relatively large, the fruits are short, light green, pointed. An excessive amount of nitrogen in the soil, especially with a lack of phosphorus, causes increased growth of vegetative organs, while flowering and fruiting are delayed. The cucumber crop is most demanding of nitrogen during the period of leaf formation and during fruiting.

Calcium stimulates the development of roots, especially root hairs, improves soil structure, and reduces acidity. If there is a deficiency of it, white spots appear along the edges and between the veins of the leaves, then only the main veins remain green. Growth stops, internodes remain short, the youngest leaves have upward-curved edges, and later wrinkle. Old leaves curl down, the fruits become small, rough, and tasteless. Damage to the apical buds is also observed, and the leaves of the middle tier become dome-shaped.

Magnesium plays an important role in many life processes of plants. With its deficiency, yellow spots (chlorosis) appear between the veins on old leaves, starting from the edges of the blades and spreading to the middle of the leaf. With an excess of magnesium, the leaves become darker and sometimes curl.

Cucumbers are very sensitive to soil salinity and soil solution concentration. They cannot tolerate high (more than 1%) concentrations of soil solution. The optimal concentration of mineral salts for cucumber plants at the beginning of the growing season is 0.03-0.04%, in the middle - 0.05-0.07%, the amount of aluminum is no more than 3-4 mg per 100 g of soil.

Cucumber responds well to mineral nutrition through the leaves (foliar feeding), especially after a long cold spell, when the root system cannot yet provide the plant with nutrition.

On floodplain and peaty soils, plants often lack microelements. With a lack of boron, cucumber leaves become intensely dark green, growing points and roots die, internodes are shortened, and fruits are deformed.

Then the old leaves curl upward. To normalize growth, it is recommended to spray plants with a 0.1-0.2% solution of borax or add it to the soil at a dose of 1-2 g/sq.m.

In film greenhouses, manganese starvation of plants often occurs: chlorosis develops on old leaves in the form of a thin green mesh, and subsequently the entire leaf becomes yellow, with the exception of the veins. Necrotic depressed spots form on the tissue between the veins. In case of such phenomena, the plant is repeatedly sprayed with a 1% solution of manganese sulfate or embedded in the soil at the rate of 5-10 g/sq.m.


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