Black water snake. Water snake Water snake characteristics

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Water in astrology is a symbol of cold and ice. Those born in the year of the Water Snake in winter will be strict and cruel people, generating fear and respect among others. The snake loves moisture and is attracted to water and damp places. Snakes that choose places to live on land far from water slow down their development in society and lose many opportunities. The snake should perceive water not as a place to live, but as a place of solitude to recuperate. Typically, these people are tall and frail, with weak limbs, thick but thin hair, round eyes, a round face and delicate skin. By nature, Snakes are calm and wise. They have varied interests in life, are attracted to various topics and can engage in serious research in scientific fields using their natural wisdom. Water Snakes can become excellent specialists in narrow specializations. They are highly intelligent, have a good memory and show excellent abilities in business and financial affairs. Prudence and pickiness often prevent them from acting quickly. The element of Water restrains activity and makes you think and worry more. Such Snakes do not quickly pacify their passions, they are fair and honest, they give good advice, which they always listen to. Usually these people speak calmly and reservedly, they have a developed sense of proportion. They have a strong character and know how to express their thoughts. They lack anger and are opposed to anger and aggressiveness. These people always try to communicate with their own kind and are attentive to other people's problems. Excellent psychologists and leaders who are loyal to friends and family. For the Water Snake to be happy, it must serve people or work in the service sector.

Representatives of the Water Snake feel great in cold weather, and their happy season is winter. The most vulnerable organs are the kidneys and bladder. They prefer salty foods. Such Snakes should love the sea, and not swimming in mud, although this helps to cure the rheumatism so inherent in them. It is better for such Snakes not to be in the sun; sunlight does not bring happiness and good luck, but blue light brightens their lives.

Snakes born in hot summer will be very happy. They love dry and wild spaces under clear skies near water. Snakes born in the heat of the afternoon will be happier compared to those representatives of this sign who were born on a cold night. But those born in winter, in a snowstorm, will be in mortal danger from accidents all their lives. They feel best in the heat and are always afraid of cold rains. As a rule, children born in the year of the Water Snake have a happy childhood. The Water Snake's youth passes without problems, but in adulthood various troubles arise in the emotional life from temptation. In their mature years, they become wiser, although the fire of love can bother them until the end of their days and therefore will bring them a lot of suffering from losses.

Those born under the sign of the Snake are elegant and well-mannered people. They know how to carry themselves with refinement and there is always a zest of something fascinating about them, especially if they look intently into the eyes of their interlocutor. These people are friendly, very approachable and always polite, as if apologizing for the trouble they have caused. Snakes are romantic and charming and attract special attention in society. They have a wonderful sense of humor, the topics of their conversations are endless, which keeps attention to themselves. When talking with a partner, they intrigue with their mystery. The Snake perfectly combines a pleasant appearance and deep thoughts, which makes her simply irresistible. They have good taste, but some of them can be overly extravagant.

Snakes are endowed with brilliant educational abilities; they instantly grasp everything new. Thoughtful, deep, intelligent philosophers by nature. They love to read and know how to use their knowledge. Snakes are very smart and can give wise answers. It cannot be said that their judgments are superficial; the wisdom of accumulated experience slips into their advice. If you want to get practical advice, consult a person born in the year of the Snake.

Snakes hate anger, vulgarity and avoid noisy people and crowds. They love music and the applause of an admiring audience, they adore honors, they are proud of themselves. They never waste time listening to gossip, possessing boundless intuition bordering on clairvoyance and other people's speculations do not bother them. They instantly see their essence in people and penetrate their subconscious, practically Snakes never make mistakes.

In private life, Snakes behave calmly, peacefully, love harmony and stability. They easily adapt to any environment. They have an iron will, which forces them to defend themselves without hesitation and fight for their moral and material comfort. In this case, they react instantly, use their poisonous methods and attack the victim. By nature, Snakes do not like unnecessary movements, therefore, they sleep all their free time and are very passive. If they work, they do it very quickly and efficiently; they do not like to put off until tomorrow what can be done today, but only if they see their personal interest in the work. The mania for rearranging things, the constant feeling of lack of time to rest, will manifest itself more and more with age, so after finishing their work, they sleep for a long time. But, having set some goal for themselves, the Snakes will set everything in motion and eliminate any obstacles, be it circumstances, distances or people. They make decisions instantly and never change them.

Snakes are very lucky, they often win and do not know how and do not like to lose. Failure affects them as a personal insult and manifests itself in deep depression. Snakes love to help, but not with money, and if you don’t want to quarrel with the Snake, don’t force it to part with money. Snakes love money and are not ready to lose it; for Snakes, the financial issue is like a sleeping pill to sleep peacefully.

When providing a service to someone, the Snake is sure that it has the right to control this person, since it is inclined to exaggerate and go too far. Thus, the serpentine nature manifests itself, as in nature, wrapping itself around the victim with the force of such an embrace that it can strangle. The biggest drawback of the Snake is that they do not want to listen to the recommendations of others.

Under negative circumstances, Snakes can engage in intellectual theft, appropriating other people's ideas or constantly lie for no reason. They are very touchy and do not like criticism or contradictions. In an extreme situation, they can turn out to be aggressive and angry, vindictive and vindictive people. If you are unsure that the outcome of your relationship with the Snake is on your side, try not to get involved in a fight. It wouldn’t occur to you, when faced with a snake in the wild, to start a competition and fight for the leader’s palm.

Best wishes,

astrologer Dr.Nassik

Snake Man

New Year is coming. 2013 Mascot - Black Water Snake . Let's find out together what this means and what this talisman portends.

2013 Mascot - Black Water Snake

This time it’s simply not worth it to spend too much time thinking about which talisman of 2013 will suit you, because on the eve of the New Year, small trinkets with the image of the desired character are sure to appear on sale.

Another thing is to find the right Snake among all this mountain of key rings, soft toys, souvenir figurines and photo frames, which would become an integral part of your new life and would bring many great victories into your life (the year of the Snake is considered the year of victories ).

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the appearance of any thing that will have to play the role of a talisman in the future. The product (whatever it is) should not be somehow ridiculous or with some missing details (an eye fell out, a tail fell off), otherwise it threatens that your entire year will be somehow unfinished and crumpled.

Secondly, the snake must be a snake, and not a dinosaur, an unknown animal or an overgrown caterpillar. Otherwise, you can count on luck exclusively from such strange animals. Therefore, it is better to take the issue of choosing a talisman seriously right away.

Year of the Snake 2013 according to the Chinese calendar

The New Year 2013 will be one of the most memorable, because much more events will happen than you can imagine. So take on new projects, don't be afraid to do something crazy. The Black Snake will appreciate your originality and help you bring your wildest ideas to life! Don't forget that the Snake loves brave and ambitious people.

In the year of the Snake, it is worth forgiving old grievances and making peace with relatives and friends. Next year it certainly won’t be boring, because the Snake simply loves parades and bright holidays. But don’t rush to relax, because there will be an opportunity to reveal your potential! The most hardworking and kind people will be generously rewarded in the year of the Snake, while the evil and lazy will be left out of the celebration of life.

Many people next 2013 will be determined to enrich their spirituality and develop their inner world. It's worth deciding on something new. You can start with a hairstyle and end with a change of job or even country of residence. Try to please this mystical creature - and your endeavors will certainly be crowned with success.

What does the symbol of 2013 (Snake) bring to people?

Chinese name for Snake: Shi

Sixth sign in the Chinese Zodiac

Time of day under the control of the Snake: 9:00-11:00

Corresponding sign in the Western Zodiac: Virgo

Element: fire

Polarity: negative

The snake is a symbol of the years: … 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 …

Year of the Snake will come into its own February 10, 2013 and will last until January 31, 2014.

The cosmic element of the year is water, the color is black.

The Year of the Snake corresponds to the following colors: black, blue (cyan) And green. The element is water, which is characterized by such characteristics as mobility, dynamism and variability.

Thus, The 2013 mascot is the Black Water Snake. Black color is Space, the polar night, “darkness over the abyss”, this is the color of the depth of water. The Black Snake brings unexpected hidden changes, instability and variability to people. That is why it is important in the year of the Snake to plan everything in advance and evaluate correctly before doing anything. You need to become much more careful and circumspect.

Character of people born in the year of the Snake. These people are complex, endowed with wisdom from birth, and taciturn. Their business always goes well, but they are often stingy. Sometimes selfish and vain. However, they can show active participation in their less fortunate brothers. They often go too far, not trusting the judgments of others, relying only on themselves. Decisive and purposeful characters who are acutely aware of their failures. Outwardly calm, but passionate natures. They are usually distinguished by their external and internal attractiveness, which, if they are somewhat frivolous, leads to family complications.

Ideal fit: buffalo, rooster.

More or less suitable: mouse, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep.

Absolutely not suitable: tiger, boar

A person born in the year of the Snake is the wisest and most mysterious of all in comparison with other signs of the Chinese horoscope. It is possible that, thanks to his hidden abilities, he or she can become a philosopher, theologian, politician or financier. The Snake is a thinker who loves to live well, loves books, music, beautiful clothes and fine food, but with all his thirst for the good things in life, his innate elegance gives him a certain dislike for those around him, with whom he associates quite frivolously, considering his interlocutors rather stupid in comparison with him.

Such people love to communicate on various topics that are interesting to them, but they will never pay attention to a conversation that becomes repetitive or does not contain anything new for them; in this case, their attention is scattered and they are completely immersed in their thoughts. It is almost impossible to focus at least some of the Snake’s attention on a conversation on abstract and unimportant topics. They prefer to focus on new, interesting, unusual ideas in intellectual discussion.

These people have a special sense that allows them to judge a situation correctly and thus they are sensitive to new opportunities and ideas, which allows them to seize upon an opportunity and pursue it to their advantage constantly and energetically.

Snakes are confident in themselves and usually do not bother listening to other people's opinions. But this side of their character also has a negative sign; by refusing to listen to constructive advice, they can stubbornly enter into a useless and unpleasant problem. Although it is sometimes difficult for them to listen to practical advice, they are patient with the problems of others; in difficult times, the Snake is able to give a helping hand and consider the current problem from different angles.

When people of the Year of the Snake are faced with a dilemma, they tend to act with their characteristic speed and decisiveness, since they strongly believe in what they are doing and rarely waste time or energy on projects that lack good potential.

It is important to remember that life consists not only of work and competition; a person of the year of the Snake does not know at all how to calm himself down if the opportunity to relax arises, and even when such an opportunity arises, they still think about business.

This type of person often makes loyal and caring friends. However, their natural anger can be very quickly and quite easily awakened by any little thing, especially if there is a suspicion that someone has taken advantage of their trust or harmed their loved ones.

Snake is conquering the world with its venom and mesmerizing charm in equal measure. The snake stands out in any crowd, its style is impeccable in everything - from clothes to the ability to carry oneself. Such a person can prevail over anyone who gets in his way, but, fortunately, he usually behaves quite friendly and willingly comes to the aid of victims of his own charm.

Snakes do not talk much, and they are also very serious by nature, so they may seem gloomy to their interlocutors. On the other hand, when the Snake needs to say something truly important, its eloquence is unparalleled, and in general such people know how to persuade. In addition, they are able to hold a huge amount of information in their heads at the same time, and the Snake is quite capable of falsifying facts, if necessary.

At the water snake wide range of interests. She is an enthusiastic lifelong learner, has a strong ability for research, and can become a top specialist in her chosen field. She is smart, has an excellent memory and is well versed in business and financial matters. He speaks reservedly and quietly, but has a strong enough character to get his way. She is very loyal to family and friends.

People born in year of the snake:

1929, 1989 - year of the earthen snake

Horoscope year of the snake represents the earthly representative of this sign as calm, moderate and sober-minded. The earth snake is moderately sociable, moderately talkative, and moderately silent. It is a pleasure to deal with her - she always keeps her promises, approaches any issues with the maximum degree of responsibility and therefore is known as a person you can trust. People born in this year know how to be friends with money, they know how to properly manage even a small amount in order to get a decent income. But, at the same time, representatives of the year of the earth snake do not know how to react to a rapidly changing situation that requires immediate decisions, and therefore in a difficult situation they lose their innate vigilance and may make a mistake. The goal of the earthen Snake is a smooth and calm flow of life; it is uncomfortable among the hubbub, screams and noisy bustle. She is attached to loved ones and friends and always turns her best side towards them.

1941, 2011 - year of the metal snake

According to the eastern horoscope Year of the Snake, connecting with the element of Metal, gives birth to pronounced individualists who work alone and allow people to approach them only in cases of extreme necessity, and then no closer than a certain distance. Their soul is completely hidden from others and even loved ones, and sometimes from themselves. Impermeability allows those born this year to find an advantageous position in society. They intuitively feel what this or that business can promise them and whether it is worth taking on. If a representative of the year of the snake takes on something, then he acts actively and usually achieves significant success. Such people can be completely trusted in financial matters - this person does not make unsuccessful investments. According to the horoscope, those who were born in the year of the metal snake are well versed in the antiques and art market, since they have an innate sense of taste and style. The metal snake communicates with a narrow circle of people, but shows nobility of nature towards those whom it considers close and literally showers them with gifts and signs of attention.

1953, 2013 - year of the black water snake

According to the Chinese horoscope, people born in the year of the water snake have a strong character, but this is not noticeable due to their reserve and good manners. Water snake knows how to get his way without demonstrating strength or raising his voice. According to the horoscope, the year of the Snake and the element of Water give a multi-talented nature, which is interested in different areas of life and can achieve success in any of them. In addition to her developed intelligence, excellent memory and ability to analyze, she makes excellent calculations. Financial activity is the strong point of those born in the year of the snake, here you can completely rely on them, they rarely let business partners down. The same applies to friends and family - despite the tendency to be frivolous, the water snake remains faithful and devoted to its loved ones.

1965, 2025 - year of the wooden snake

Eastern horoscope Year of the Snake It is the wooden snake that gives a more open character - it is not alien to human weaknesses and mistakes, it makes contact more often than others, people are interesting to it. In communication, the wooden snake shows its best qualities - wit, tact, friendliness and charm. Combined with the unusually attractive appearance of people of the year of the snake, this makes a very strong impression on others, especially on the opposite sex. The wooden snake is always surrounded by numerous friends, fans and people simply wanting to chat. But those born in the year of the snake and the elements of wood choose as a companion a person who can give them stability and allow them to do what they want in life. And most often, representatives of the year of the snake are attracted to collecting art objects, in which they are excellently versed, or art in itself. And this usually brings them financial stability.

1977, 1937 - year of the fiery snake

The fiery representative of this sign does not have enough energy - this is what the horoscope for the year of the snake says. She is always eager to fight, she has obvious makings of a leader, and she strives to become one. She knows how to make the right impression and always looks more knowledgeable than she is, thanks to her ability to speak confidently and in the right tone. Those born this year under the influence of the energy of Fire are, as a rule, concerned about career issues and strive to achieve maximum results in their activities. They are usually hampered by their intractability, as well as their rejection of those they dislike - they directly express to such people everything that they think about them and their qualities. The fire snake has oratorical abilities, a wonderful sense of humor and enormous self-confidence, reaching cosmic proportions. Unlike other representatives of the year of the snake, who prefer to bask at home, the fire snake strives to explore the world and show itself to it - it travels a lot and with pleasure to different, especially warm, countries.


Muhammad Ali, Heinrich Bell, Antonio Verny, Jean Vigo, Pavel Virsky, Indira Gandhi, Nonna Gaprindashvili, Vladislav Gomulko, Vasily Grossman, Dmitry Zorin, Lyudmila Zykina, John Kennedy, Grigory Kozintsev, Alexey Kozlovsky, Ferdinand Markoe, Artem Mikoyan, Igor Moiseev , Gemal-Abdel Nasser, Vera Panova, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Tigran Petrosyan, Maria Smirnova, Christian Dior, Mahatma Gandhi, Bob Hawke, Jesse Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Mao Tse-Tung, Henri Matisse, Aristotle Onassis, Pablo Picasso, Edgar Allan Poe, France Schubert, Greta Garbo, Giacomo Casanova, Charles Darwin, Nicolaus Copernicus, Andre Gide, Gustave Flaubert, Charles Baudelaire. Audrey Hepburn; Johannes Brahms, Anna Pavlova, Béla Bartok, Denis Diderot, Gustave Doré, Dmitry Dostoevsky, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Nikolai Gogol, Heinrich Heine, Louis Philippe, Martin Luther King.

Children born in the year of the Snake :
M may seem more mature and wiser than their peers. It is possible that from childhood your little Snake will be confident in his high mission and life purpose. In any case, he is ambitious. Try to trust your baby, give advice, not commands. You can provide your baby with a happy childhood if the house is quiet, okay, calm. Snakes can't stand noise.
Snake boys need to develop flexibility, agility and athletic qualities. Give him to the sports section.
Snake girls can be stubborn and headstrong. Teach them responsibility and order.
Children born in the year of the Snake study with eagerness and hard work. For their logical thinking, puzzles and mathematical problems will be a balm. Instill in children born in the year of the Snake a love of reading and literature. People of the Snake sign are leaders among writers, what if your baby is the next Gogol or Dostoevsky?
Carefully monitor your baby's health. Snakes have low energy levels. Baby snakes should definitely rest during the day. Avoid hypothermia for your child, let him be warm and comfortable.
Baby snakes may suffer from allergies and nervous symptoms. Digestive diseases are also a snake symptom - make sure that the child chews food thoroughly and does not swallow in pieces.


Born in years of the SNAKE They are distinguished by innate wisdom, insight, and perspicacity. They are clearly fundamental and thorough in their affairs, and have high demands both on themselves and on others. They are persistent, resilient, patient.
The “Snake” is sure that it was born for some great purpose and is convinced that it will achieve this goal. In order not to waste time on small things, not to get bogged down in the swamp of versatility, she tries to devote herself to only one business, one person, one activity, or one faith - exactly what she feels her calling, her destiny.
Most of the real "unspoiled snakes" have a so-called sixth sense. They often predict events that should take place in the future - near or even more distant. And that's nothing. She can put herself in the place of another, her interlocutor, already guessing in advance all his desires and intentions. And he will be surprised and amazed, and it will seem to him that he is simply being fooled. But in fact, the “snake” senses and sees how its interlocutor is moving towards his happiness or unhappiness.
Despite the fact that “snakes” are stingy, selfish, and vain, they are always able to sympathize with their less fortunate brothers. They are careful and prudent, moving towards their life goals slowly and consistently, being convinced that they will eventually achieve it. On open roads you won’t notice them: they try to stay somewhere on the side, behind and, in my opinion, this is their strength, as well as the fact that at first they are somewhat underestimated. They do not really trust others, relying entirely only on their own intuition, their own mind. Why not? “They think deeply, they decide matters for a long time and thoughtfully, very thoroughly. "Snake" is a real intellectual, a philosopher who looks far away. She experiences her own failures, from which no one is immune, strongly and deeply, but this never drives her to despair,
Sometimes "snakes" are mistakenly called opportunists. But they know how and try to adapt to both people and circumstances: they will take a detour if necessary, and turn off a street that is too lit so as not to be noticed. They do not rush or rush, they do not force or force. They are not interested in fortresses that need to be stormed. But this does not mean at all that “snakes” are lazy, no! They only wisely protect and distribute their strength, restore it on time, and do not waste it on trifles. They skillfully take care not to arouse envy in others, not to make unnecessary enemies, but if someone nevertheless begins to show dangerous interest or intransigence towards them, then in such cases they develop a thorough plan on how to free themselves from this enemy or how to neutralize his actions. In the worst case, a plan is developed to destroy it.
As children, “snakes” should not be allowed to deal with their feelings and problems on their own. Let their parents and educators help them here, introducing them to such concepts as, for example, “freedom of action”, “discipline”, “possible”, “impossible”, etc.
They always need to be encouraged when they are offended, to be pitied when they are indignant, and with an obligatory explanation of the reasons for what is happening, as well as ways to get out of the situation.
The perceptions and impressions of early years are the best school for them, the best lessons. If the “snake” child feels that he is being treated incorrectly, unfairly, he will harbor a grudge that will not be so easy to free himself from. Quite early on, they show a desire for well-being, a penchant for leadership, and some even have a love of adventure. If in childhood and adolescence almost all “snakes” have a certain attractiveness and charm that is simply difficult to resist, then at a more mature age they are already characterized by a sober, cold mind, and a strong, seasoned character.
Most “snake” men love nature and animals. They are laconic, elusive, and this feature often confuses their fans and friends.
Snake women They learn their worth early and begin to speculate on it early. When they feel that education contributes to the comprehension of the occult and secret sciences, they begin to study intensively, just to open the “third eye” or restore the “sixth sense” that was lost by a person in the distant past. These women usually trust their impressions and feelings, are guided by their feelings of antipathy and sympathy, their intuition and foresight, more than obvious facts, the advice of other people, or even their own experience. “Snakes” very decisively bring their affairs to a victorious end and will move mountains to achieve their intended goal. You can’t ask them for a loan, although with great sympathy they can come to the rescue. The “snake” will rarely pay in specie, most often with itself; In general, she is always lucky when it comes to money. She will always find them when she needs them - and the “snake” knows this well. However, in old age she can become a real miser.
The “Snake” can perform any work that does not involve risk. Yes, she doesn’t like to take risks, but she can work hard and for a long time, sparing neither effort nor time, if it is useful and beneficial to her.
In love, she is usually very impatient and jealous. He will choose his partner carefully, for a long time and wisely. In any case, she will wrap herself around her O the chosen one, without leaving him the slightest freedom of movement. Be that as it may, the “snake” is still a “slave owner”, and a very capricious one, if not insidious. Family and home are one of the sickest places for any “snake”. She may have many children or not at all, but in any case she will keep her partner in chains in love and marriage or a common cause.
The sociable snake type is truly sociable and sexy. Such a “snake” has strong power over loved ones and the surrounding world. She not only works hard, but also tries to serve others. Only for meditation she needs to lock herself within four walls.
The reserved “snake,” as it should be, is both timid and shy. She feels best at home, in her hiding place. This is the safest place for her. Close, sincere friendship is given to her with some difficulty, but if it takes place, it will last for the rest of her life - to the grave, to the grave, as the people say. He makes high demands on his friends, although, on the other hand, he becomes very attached to them.
Favorite activities of "snakes" are climbing mountains, diving, and fishing. In sailing and rugby, people like to point, command, and dispose. Favorite hobbies are all types of arts, which can be practiced alone; I am also passionate about geology and philately. They are good at bird watching. They are excellent organizers and are not afraid to take responsibility at critical moments. “Snakes” have a keen eye, they see far, but often pride prevents them from seeing what really is. They do not notice their own mistakes and do not admit them.
The first two thirds of their life can be relatively calm; the main attention should be focused on the last third, when various kinds of complications and tension, both at work and at home, in the family, cannot be excluded.
But everything will be different depending on whether the “snake” was born in summer or winter, at night or during the day, and even on what the weather was like at the time of birth - clear or cloudy, warm or cool.
She will be happier if she was born on a hot day, because she is afraid of cold, squalls and bad weather. And if there was a storm or natural disaster on her birthday, she is in danger for the rest of her life.
The most suitable countries for the "snake" are the southern territories of the former Soviet Union, Iran, Saudi Arabia, India, Ethiopia, Mexico, Peru.
Precious and semi-precious stones for the “snake” are topaz, jasper, bloodstone, malachite.

Years of the SNAKE These are the years of thinkers and philosophers, the best for creativity and creation, for contemplating great discoveries, for resolving unresolved issues peacefully, for self-improvement, especially through self-education, for demonstrating political wisdom, avoiding military actions, coercion, and violence. Aggressive actions will entail great sacrifices and unpredictable results. During these years, improve all your problems relating to your activities and work, marital and family relationships. You should use this! And we repeat once again: the hotter the “snake’s” birthday was, the happier both its life and fate will be.

In these years, let the MOUSE be careful, prudent, vigilant. Things won't work out for her. The best thing to do is write texts.

B YK also during these years he must beware of everyone and everything, but especially of violence. Married people may experience very serious marital and family problems during these years; it is better for all single people not to get married during these years.

Let TIGER not be idle these years. As a last resort, let him go to search and explore long-forgotten cities, not yet discovered primitive names or unknown nationalities.

The CAT must definitely take advantage of the wonderful years of the SNAKE for him. Let him engage in meditation and reflection, develop his philosophical thoughts and expand his spiritual horizons, worldview, creative and constructive work, write and publish books, articles, give reports, lectures, abstracts. Not content with plans for the future, let him strengthen old friendships.

During these years, the DRAGON can be completely calm, because everything will only go for the better for him. Under the calm eye of the year of the SNAKE, it will continue to sparkle with its lights of festive fireworks.

The SNAKE simply must take advantage of these years to strengthen its position in society, as well as personal happiness. She can do whatever she wants without being exposed to any danger. But the next year could bring her very big challenges, let her prepare for this in advance. The love adventures of these years can bring especially great grief and disappointment, which may result in the future in either sexually transmitted diseases, or mental disorders, or alimony for many years.

A HORSE can lose a lot during these years, and all mainly because of love. But it cannot be otherwise, because according to cosmic laws it is known that love in the years of the SNAKE is short-lived.

During these years, the GOAT can afford not only to gossip and to have fun, but also to do things that interest her.

In these years, the MONKEY will always find its place under the moon, for it will be able to become not only useful for many, but also necessary and irreplaceable.

ROOSTER during these years he may also be interested in many things, but marital and family problems will hinder him most of all.

DOG during these years, let her occupy herself with her thoughts, ideas, plans, let her move among philosophers, inventors and innovators - there at least she will not feel unhappy. And in the meantime, he’ll come up with something new and sensible.

During these years, the BOAR can find his happiness in money and his unhappiness in love and romantic relationships. The years of the SNAKE cause the “boar” a lot of anxiety, especially in the sphere of feelings.



The union is very problematic, despite the common interests. The “mouse” is capable of becoming too strongly, even blindly attached to the “snake,” exposing itself to a certain risk. There are contradictions that can be smoothed out by the sexual sphere. The friendship between them is great. But mostly they are connected by empty chatter, gossip, and intrigue. Business relationships depend on the activity and efficiency of both partners, on common interests.


There may be prospects here, especially if life and family interests coincide. If in this marriage union the power is in the hands of the “ox,” then everything will work out - and “the wolves will be fed and the sheep will be safe.” In this case, the “snake” will be happy only for the reason that it can work calmly and mind its own business. Friendship is also possible due to good mutual understanding, although their natures are very different. Business relationships are unpromising. You shouldn't even try to fix them.


In no case! - the “tiger” is still a destroyer. They never had, do not and probably never will have anything in common. The friendship between them is a dialogue between two wood grouse. Business relationships are meaningless due to the lack of any mutual understanding or agreement.


Marriage is possible. The “snake” will be blissful in it if the “rabbit” allows it to tinker near the stove in a dressing gown and slippers, and to warm itself by the fireplace in the evenings. The friendship between them can be strong and lasting. They both love passionate conversations, especially of a philosophical nature, but must abandon the usual secret cunning and cunning, excessive flattery. A business relationship can be great and prosper on the fly if both work conscientiously and put profits into the same pot.


This alliance is highly problematic. It is hard for the “dragon” to be under the hood of the “snake”, in its fetters. He loves to be adored and looked after, but the “snake” has no time, she needs to work. Friendship is a completely different matter! They have a good mutual understanding: they complement each other, and, most importantly, they do not demand anything special from each other. Business relationships are also possible, but provided that both work.


Their union is problematic because of two possible extremes - either intoxicating faithful love, or obvious hatred, growing over the years. Also, some difficulties may arise due to mutual desires for flirting, romantic relationships, inclinations for love affairs, and eternal attempts to neutralize each other. Friendship, however, can be strong and lasting. Here two philosophers meet who understand each other well. Business relationships are very doubtful, because both like to meditate, reflect, plan more, but who will work and act? With such an attitude, their common cause may not only suffer, but also suffer real collapse.


This is also highly doubtful, because a “horse” remains faithful only as long as it is in love. And when love passes, then the “horse” itself leaves and remember its name. Also, the “snake” in the sphere of love and marriage is no better. In most cases, after discord and breakup, after divorce and separation, neither one nor the other can be called happy. Friendship? - This is a completely different matter. Often it is even cloudless. The "horse" likes the sociability of the "snake", its liveliness and the fact that it is happy with everything, and when the horse is angry and capricious, the wise "snake" simply does not pay attention to it. Business relationships can and will flourish if the thoughts and ideas of the “snake” and “horse” are implemented practically, into real things.


This marriage union dictates its own specific conditions: that the “snake” be rich, at least prosperous, and allow the “roe deer” as much as possible to manage in the garden plot or in the vegetable garden. But even at the same time, different stories cannot be avoided here. Friendship between them is also possible, especially if the “snake” helps the “goat” and sometimes throws something at it. Business relationships are already very problematic, although possible. The “Snake,” as you know, is wise, but does not know how to lead, it can only throw in its ideas and plans. And the “goat,” although not often, can still do a lot of stupid things.


This marriage is problematic. Only prudence and common life goals can save him. Friendship is possible only within the framework of secular relations, because here there is neither warmth nor sincerity. Business relationships are also problematic and will mainly concern the “snake” itself. Here everything can go uphill if a “monkey” takes on the job. And the “snake” will always throw up ideas and plans.


Good and promising! This marriage union can proceed splendidly. There is excellent mutual understanding and striving for a common goal. Friendship is based on a wealth of feelings and the desire to be together. Business relationships, however, are unlikely, because an abundance of chatter will become a hindrance.


Living together is very problematic, because living with a “dog” is not so easy. If the “dog” is tied and it doesn’t notice anything, married life for the “snake” will even be at ease. But God forbid you should be guilty before the “dog” - then goodbye to love and peace. The friendship between them is also problematic. Since sincerity is almost excluded here, all hopes remain only for maintaining secular relations. Business relationships are also possible, but for the “dog” they are very unattractive, because she will only have to do menial work.


It’s hopeless, despite the fact that at first they are delighted with each other, they seem to complement each other. But then very dramatic, even tragic consequences can begin, as a result of which the poor “boar” will first be simply captured, then paralyzed and, in the end, simply strangled. Friendship is also in question, because here everything depends on the behavior of the “snake” itself. Business relationships are connected primarily with the actions of the “snake”. "Boar" is a lucky guy, he always has money. Here one should be wary of the “snake”, which can sometimes become too clever and thereby harm their common cause.


ARIES- this is a "python snake"! Beware of her blows!

CALF- this “snake” is charming and charming.

TWINS- this “snake” is the most mobile, dexterous, and resourceful.

CANCER- this is a “snake”-somnambulist! She will never exhaust herself with extra work or extra worries. And to work, you just have to stir it up.

A LION- this is a “snake” in the physical world that is active and dynamic, although internally it is quite balanced.

VIRGO- this is already a “snake” with glasses! She not only loves accessories, but also uses them skillfully.

SCALES- this “snake” is politeness itself, but beware, it will try to hypnotize you. And only then - goodbye white light!

SCORPION- this is the most lustful of all snakes, it will easily make you feast on the apple of paradise from the forbidden apple.

SAGITTARIUS- this is the most determined “snake” of all known. She always achieves her goal by any means, by any means.

CAPRICORN- This is a “philosopher snake, with a very abstract mind.

AQUARIUS- this “snake” is esoteric, secretive, mysterious, guided only by its intuition. He is often involved in occult matters, spiritualism, and wanders in the world of ghosts.

FISH- this is a water “snake”. The most cold-blooded of them all.


In Asian countries, the length of a month according to the lunar calendar was determined by the number of days needed for a full revolution of the Moon around the Earth - 29.5 days. Each year had 12 months, 6 or 5 of 29 days, 6 or 7 of 30 days. The number of days in such a year was 354 or 355, not 365. Therefore, in order to eliminate discrepancies with the solar calendar, 10-11 days were added.

The largest planet in the Solar System, Jupiter, completes a full revolution in 12 years (exactly 11.86 years).

In the lunar calendar, years were designated by a combination of names from two cycles (gan-zhi), 10 “heavenly trunks” (gan) and 12 “earthly branches” (zhi). "Earthly branches", i.e. The 12 zodiac signs were designated by animals for clarity: Rat, Buffalo, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. The most common Chinese names are: tsey, chou, yin, mao, chen, sy, wu, wei, shen, yu, eyui, hai.

Why were these particular animals chosen for the Zodiac?

The type of signs of the Eastern zodiac and their sequence is an analogy of the main organs and parts of the body, taken from top to bottom from head to feet and designated by famous animals.

A similar construction has long been known for the construction of the Egyptian zodiac, also derived from the arrangement of the signs of the Zodiac along the giant body of the goddess Nut, the sky goddess of Ancient Egypt.

The functions of the animals at the top of the list are the same as those of the upper parts and organs of the body. The functions of animals from the middle and lower parts of the list similarly coincide with the functions of the middle and lower parts and organs of the body.

01. The head with teeth was symbolized by an ever-gnawing rat. Aries.

02. The neck and shoulders were designated by a mighty buffalo. Calf.

03. Hands and fingers were personified as a tenacious tiger. Twins.

04. The stomach is a timid hare. It is believed that the seat of fear is in the stomach. Cancer.

05. The heart trembling in the chest is like a dragon. A lion.

06. Intestines, thin and thick wriggling snake. Virgo.

07. The phallus is a horse wild in its passion. Scorpion.

08. Buttocks, analogous to the fat tail of a sheep - a quiet sheep. Libra (Libra and Scorpio switched places).

09. Hips, legs - a mobile monkey. Sagittarius.

10. Sections of the knees - a rooster with spurs. Capricorn.

11. Caviar - a dog who is not indifferent to them. Aquarius.

12. Feet - constantly dirty with mud - a pig. Fish.

As a result, the now famous list of Eastern zodiac signs appeared: Rat, Buffalo, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

According to the legend about the origin of the Chinese (Oriental) calendar, Buddha invited all the animals who wanted to come to him. Not all the animals came: it was a cold time, and to get to the Buddha, it was necessary to swim across a wide river. Buddha gave each of those who came on a first-come, first-served basis one year of reign.

The Rat came first, the Buffalo second, and the Tiger third. The fans, captivated by the competition between the Buffalo and the Tiger (they have been competing with each other ever since then), did not properly consider who came fourth - the Cat, the Hare or the Rabbit. Due to the passage of time, it is impossible to establish the truth, and different eastern peoples still have different interpretations regarding the owner of the fourth year. The fifth was the Dragon, the sixth was the Snake, the seventh was the Horse. Here a strip of fog passed along the river, and again it is not clear who was the eighth - Goat, Sheep or Ram. The ninth was the Monkey. The Rooster (and maybe the Chicken) came running tenth. The Dog came running eleventh. The last, twelfth, Boar (or Pig) appeared.

The names varied in different countries. Instead of Rat they called Mouse. Instead of Buffalo - Bull or Ox. The Rabbit or Hare in Tibet changed to the Cat in Vietnam. The Goat in Thailand became the Sheep or Ram in China. Instead of a Pig, it was about a Boar, a Boar or a Piglet. The Horse was turned into a Horse, the Rooster into a Chicken (and in Vietnam into a Chicken), the Ox into a Cow.

Animals were divided into strong (Yang) and weak (Yin) spirits. This was expressed differently in different countries. In China, “half of the signs (namely the signs of the Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Sheep, Chicken and Snake) were associated with the light, or masculine, principle of Yang, the other half - with the dark, or feminine, principle of Yin. At the same time, in Mongolia “the years were divided into hard (male) and soft (female); this quality was observed in the successive alternation of soft and hard years one after another. The years of the Mouse, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, and Dog have always been male (solid) years.”

Animal color

Blue/blue/tree – 1984 (Rat), 1985 (Buffalo), 1994 (Dog), 1995 (Pig), 2004 (Monkey), 2005 (Rooster).

Red/red/fire – 1986 (Tiger), 1987 (Hare), 1996 (Rat), 1997 (Buffalo), 2006 (Dog), 2007 (Pig).

Yellow/yellow/earth – 1988 (Dragon), 1989 (Snake), 1998 (Tiger), 1999 (Hare), 2008 (Rat), 2009 (Buffalo).

White/white/metal – 1990 (Horse), 1991 (Sheep), 2000 (Dragon), 2001 (Snake), 2010 (Tiger), 2011 (Hare).

Black/black/water – 1992 (Monkey), 1993 (Rooster), 2002 (Horse), 2003 (Sheep), 2012 (Dragon), 2013 (Snake).

2013 – Year of the Black Water Snake

The Year of the Snake will begin on February 10, 2013 and will last until January 31, 2014.

SNAKE = Snake x Fire on the rise x Yin sign

Chinese name for Snake: Shi(“Sy”) - apparently due to the characteristic sound when the Snake moves, crawling among dry grass or leaves.

Sixth sign in the Chinese Zodiac.

Times of Day under the control of the Snake: 9:00 - 11:00.

Direction: south-southeast.

Season: spring.

Element: fire on the rise.

This is a very interesting combination. The Fire element itself already carries within itself all the properties of purely earthly ordinary fire. The fire of the fire, the fire of the hearth, the fire of fireworks. But fire from which you can expect a lot, both good and evil, depending on where you direct it or where it goes itself.

Polarity: negative (Yin).

Yin sign- a sign of weakness does not mean, however, that we are talking about exclusively weak people or weak actions. You can bring down mountains of earth or a pile of stones on the enemy, but it’s easier to lead him to a hole covered with brushwood and make him fall there.

This is the strength of the weakness of the Yin principle. He acts through traps, provocations, poison and a dagger. He is able to support the same great things, but in slightly different ways than great military leaders and politicians are used to.

The sudden death of a commander will lead to the confusion of the entire army. This is the meaning of Yin.

The Year of the Snake corresponds to colors such as black, blue (blue) and green. The element is water, which is characterized by such characteristics as mobility, dynamism and variability.


Water, “shui” in Chinese, is so named obviously for the characteristic sound of falling water. In the name of the year it was designated by the signs Ren and Gui, Yang-Water and Yin-Water (strong and weak, sea and fresh). It was marked in black for its depth. The black color of the element of Water denotes many phenomena and objects: winter is the season of dying (dun) and cold; north – the side from where frosts come and the sun does not shine, the side of death (bei fan); night is the time of death (hours from 21 to 3). From planets - Mercury, from animals - armored animals, from plants - black millet. The water had a salty taste, like sea water, and the smell was the smell of sewage, since muddy water carries with it everything dirty and dark.

Character of people born in the year of the Snake

These people are complex, endowed with wisdom from birth, and taciturn. Their business always goes well, but they are often stingy. Sometimes selfish and vain. However, they can show active participation in their less fortunate brothers. They often go too far, not trusting the judgments of others, relying only on themselves. Decisive and purposeful characters who are acutely aware of their failures. Outwardly calm, but passionate natures. They are usually distinguished by their external and internal attractiveness, which, if they are somewhat frivolous, leads to family complications.

Ideal: buffalo, rooster.

More or less suitable: mouse, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep.

Absolutely not suitable: tiger, wild boar.

A person born in the year of the Snake is the wisest and most mysterious of all in comparison with other signs of the Chinese horoscope. It is possible that, thanks to his hidden abilities, he or she can become a philosopher, theologian, politician or financier. The Snake is a thinker who loves to live well, loves books, music, beautiful clothes and fine food, but with all his thirst for the good things in life, his innate elegance gives him a certain dislike for those around him, with whom he associates quite frivolously, considering his interlocutors rather stupid in comparison with him.

Such people love to communicate on various topics that are interesting to them, but they will never pay attention to a conversation that becomes repetitive or does not contain anything new for them; in this case, their attention is scattered and they are completely immersed in their thoughts. It is almost impossible to focus at least some of the Snake’s attention on a conversation on abstract and unimportant topics. They prefer to focus on new, interesting, unusual ideas in intellectual discussion.

These people have a special sense that allows them to judge a situation correctly and thus they are sensitive to new opportunities and ideas, which allows them to seize upon an opportunity and pursue it to their advantage constantly and energetically.

Snakes are confident in themselves and usually do not bother listening to other people's opinions. But this side of their character also has a negative sign; by refusing to listen to constructive advice, they can stubbornly enter into a useless and unpleasant problem. Although it is sometimes difficult for them to listen to practical advice, they are patient with the problems of others; in difficult times, the Snake is able to give a helping hand and consider the current problem from different angles.

When people of the Year of the Snake are faced with a dilemma, they tend to act with their characteristic speed and decisiveness, since they strongly believe in what they are doing and rarely waste time or energy on projects that lack good potential.

It is important to remember that life consists not only of work and competition; a person of the year of the Snake does not know at all how to calm himself down if the opportunity to relax arises, and even when such an opportunity arises, they still think about business.

This type of person often makes loyal and caring friends.However, their natural anger can be very quickly and quite easily awakened by any little thing, especially if there is a suspicion that someone has taken advantage of their trust or harmed their loved ones.

The snake conquers the world due to its venom and mesmerizing charm in equal measure. The snake stands out in any crowd, its style is impeccable in everything - from clothes to the ability to carry oneself. Such a person can prevail over anyone who gets in his way, but, fortunately, he usually behaves quite friendly and willingly comes to the aid of victims of his own charm.

Snakes do not talk much, and they are also very serious by nature, so they may seem gloomy to their interlocutors. On the other hand, when the Snake needs to say something truly important, its eloquence is unparalleled, and in general such people know how to persuade. In addition, they are able to hold a huge amount of information in their heads at the same time, and the Snake is quite capable of falsifying facts, if necessary.

The Water Snake has a wide range of interests. She is an enthusiastic lifelong learner, has a strong ability for research, and can become a top specialist in her chosen field. She is smart, has an excellent memory and is well versed in business and financial matters. He speaks reservedly and quietly, but has a strong enough character to get his way. She is very loyal to family and friends.

Born in the year of the Snake: A. Radishchev, S. Khalturin, N. Nekrasov, I. Goethe, F. Dostoevsky, V. Mayakovsky, G. Heine, D. Diderot, A. Kerensky, A. Lincoln, J. Proudhon, K Voroshilov, I. Ribbentrop, K. Zetkin, Mao Zedong.

Symbolic aspect

The symbolic meaning of the image of a snake is interpreted very broadly. In many world cultures, the snake is considered as a symbol of the underworld and the kingdom of the dead, apparently not only due to its secretive lifestyle, but also to a large extent due to its ability to suddenly rejuvenate by shedding its skin. Life and death received such a unique symbolic meaning in the image of the snake that there are practically no cultures in which the snake would be completely ignored.

Intellectual aspect

Since ancient times, humanity has seen in the snake the fundamental principle of the mystery of life and the patron of living nature. In the legends and tales of ancient civilizations, there is a world serpent, personifying the world ocean (Scandinavian Mitgard) - or the formidable forces of nature (ancient Greek Typhon) - or life-giving force (the ancient Indian snake Vasuka, with which the gods churned up the ocean, creating man) - or the dark principle (kabbalistic Ouroboros - the great serpent biting its own tail). Only in Christianity did the snake begin to be associated with Satan, and in ancient Greece it was an integral companion of the god of health, Asclepius...

In the Chinese zodiac, the Snake is the sixth sign.

In Chinese it is called by the word - Shi.

The time of day is controlled by the Snake from 9.00 to 11.00.

Polarity – Negative.

Element - Fire.

In the Western zodiac, the Snake corresponds to Virgo.

The snake was considered a symbol of the year in the following years: (... 1917 - 1929 - 1941 - 1953 - 1965 - 1977 - 1989 - 2001). The Snake will also be a symbol in the coming 2013, when it comes into its own February 10, 2013(according to the Chinese calendar) and will operate until January 31, 2014.

Water is the cosmic element of 2013, which is characterized by such characteristics as variability, mobility, and dynamism.

The color of 2013 is black. In addition to black, the colors associated with the Snake are green, blue and cyan.

Black Water Snake- This is the mascot of 2013. Black color characterizes the polar night, Space, the color of the depths of the waters, it is “darkness over the abyss.” The Black Water Snake will bring hidden unexpected changes, variability and instability to people. Therefore, in the year of the Snake, before doing anything, you need to think carefully and plan everything. You need to become much more careful and cautious.

People born in the year of the Snake and their character

Such people are endowed with wisdom from birth, but they are often taciturn and have a complex character. Sometimes they are vain and selfish. Often their business goes well, but they often remain stingy. Such people rely only on themselves and do not always trust the judgments of others, and therefore often go too far. These people have a purposeful and decisive character. They feel their failures acutely. These are passionate natures, although judging by external signs, it may seem that they are calm. They are usually characterized by external and internal attractiveness.
Ideal for snakes: Rooster, Buffalo.

Absolutely not suitable: Boar, Tiger.

Suitable to an average degree (more or less): , Rabbit, Snake, Mouse, Sheep, Horse.

The most mysterious and wisest, in comparison with people of other signs of the Chinese horoscope, is a person born in the year of the Snake. With the help of his hidden abilities, such a person is able to become a politician, financier, theologian, philosopher. The snake is a thinker who loves good music and books, loves to live well and dress beautifully, prefers refined food, and is drawn to good things in life. He has an innate elegance.

People born in the year of the Snake love to communicate on topics that interest them. In communication, such a person pays more attention to interesting and unusual topics than to unimportant and abstract ones.

They have a special sense that allows them to recognize a profitable idea and judge the situation correctly.

These are self-confident people who rarely bother listening to other people's opinions. But this side of their personality also has a negative character, since they can get into unpleasant problems if they refuse to listen to constructive advice. That is, for such people it is sometimes difficult to listen to practical advice, but in difficult times, they are patient with the problems of others and are able to lend a helping hand.

A person of the year of the Snake should remember that life is not only about competitions and work, that you also need to be able to rest and relax. Although, even if there is an opportunity to relax, these people still think about business.

Such people often create a circle of caring and devoted friends around themselves. But even any little thing can awaken their natural anger very quickly, especially if, when someone expresses suspicion to them, they have harmed their loved ones or when their trust was used in the interests of others.

Born in the Year of the Snake: N. Nekrasov, A. Radishchev, I. Goethe, V. Mayakovsky, S. Khalturin, F. Dostoevsky, A. Kerensky, G. Heine, A. Lincoln, D. Diderot, Mao Zedong, K. Zetkin, K. Voroshilov , J. Proudhon, I. Ribbentrop.

Snake conquers the world thanks to her charm, which bewitches, and thanks to the poison pouring from her lips. The snake has impeccable style, from his clothes to his ability to carry himself in public, which allows him to stand out in the crowd. A person of the year of the snake is capable of gaining the upper hand over anyone, but fortunately, he often treats others in a friendly manner and often comes to the aid of victims of his own charm.

Because of their seriousness and taciturnity, snakes may seem gloomy to their interlocutors. But on the other hand, they are able to convince any interlocutor with their eloquence when they need to say something really important. The snake is capable of holding a huge amount of information in its head and is capable of falsifying facts if necessary.

At the water snake many interests. She is a lifelong learner with passion, has a strong ability for research and is capable of becoming an outstanding specialist in her field of activity. The snake is smart, has excellent memory and is well versed in matters of money, finance and business. Despite his quiet and reserved speech, he has a strong character, which allows the person of the year of the Snake to achieve his goal. The Snake is very loyal to friends and family members.

How and what to wear to celebrate the Year of the Snake (2013)?

The snake does not like a lot of noise and unnecessary movements. Therefore, you should celebrate the Year of the Water Snake in a small company - this could be a close family circle or a small group of friends. On this good and bright holiday (New Year), you should throw all gloomy thoughts and worries out of your head and completely relax.

Clothes should feature black and dark blue tones - after all, 2013 is the year of the Black Water Snake. Green color is also considered relevant. Women will look stunning in tight, sleek outfits that resemble patterned, snakeskin. Men can add variety to their suit with ties as patterned as snakeskin. Jewelry should include precious and semi-precious stones, and real diamonds will add a special “chic”.

The house should be decorated with traditional New Year's decor and be sure to find a place to place an image (picture) of the symbol of 2013 or a couple of snake figurines. The snake loves smells, so you can order scented candles with floral and woody scents.

In the middle of the New Year's table, you must definitely place a pine sprig, which in the east is considered a symbol of longevity. You should not forget to hang the mascot of 2013 - a small Snake - on the Christmas tree: it will definitely be flattered by such attention. The New Year's table should have everything as always - a lot of snacks and a lot of wine. And in the last minutes of the outgoing 2012 (year of the Black Water Dragon), you should make your deepest wish.

What should be on the New Year's table to celebrate the Year of the Snake?

Since the Snake is considered a lover of delicacies and other luxuries, it should be greeted with something unusual . You can arrange it as follows: on a silver tray, place boat tartlets with caviar and butter floating towards a giant smoked eel (eel is somewhat similar to a snake and is very tasty). Roll the eel into snake rings and cut into pieces so that it resembles the Serpent on Poklonnaya Hill performed by Tsereteli. Such an interesting design for the New Year's table for the 2013 meeting was proposed at the First All-Russian culinary competition. You can come up with something of your own and original - the Snake will definitely mark you with originality.

It is traditionally believed that there should be fish on the New Year's table. This should be the case at the 2013 meeting. Of the fish, trout or salmon should be preferred. Since the Snake loves rabbits and hares, it is imperative that there is a rabbit on the table. Prepare some dish from it, for example, the Greek dish “stifado”. You definitely need to cook something from meat, eggs, prepare hot dishes, because it is believed that the snake loves them, and thus you will receive favor from it for the whole year. The snake loves natural products, so the holiday table should have a lot of snacks made from natural fresh products. These can be snacks made from fresh vegetables, with the addition of greens, which should be added not only to salads, but also to hot dishes - that is, add greens wherever appropriate. Since the Snake prefers natural products, you should abandon all semi-finished products. According to Eastern belief, the Snake can be appeased with a pumpkin. So choose some pumpkin recipe and make it into a dish that everyone will love. Pumpkin can be baked in the oven, cooked in a marinade with vegetables or nuts, and other independent pumpkin dishes can be prepared.

Joyfully welcome the New Year 2013 (Year of the Black Water Snake). But remember that you need to spend New Year's Eve without the fuss and haste, enjoying every magical moment to the fullest.


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