Blueberry forte intensive complex instructions for use. Blueberries forte evalar for vision and eye health

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Description and indications for use

Blueberry-Forte with lutein contains blueberry anthocyanins, vitamins and zinc, necessary for daily vision maintenance, especially with increased eye strain, and is also additionally enhanced with lutein, a carotenoid that performs a protective function for the retina.

The higher the lutein density in the retina, the lower the risk of changes. A decrease in protective function due to a lack of lutein in food leads to depletion of the pigment layer of the retina, which can lead to decreased vision. Today it is the most common cause of vision problems in people over 60 years of age. Lutein plays an important role in preventing structural changes in the eyes.

How do the components work?

  • Blueberry anthocyanins stimulate the synthesis and natural renewal of the visual pigment rhodopsin, helping to increase visual acuity, improve adaptation to darkness and low light conditions. At the same time, the process of natural renewal of the retina is accelerated and eye fatigue from prolonged work is reduced.
  • The complex of blueberry bioflavonoids and rutin with vitamin C helps strengthen the vascular wall, improve blood supply to the eyes and maintain normal intraocular pressure.
  • The B complex of vitamins is necessary for normal metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye. Vitamin B1 improves visual performance, while its deficiency causes muscle weakness, including eye tissue. With a deficiency of vitamin B2, redness of the eyes occurs and a burning sensation appears in the eyes and eyelids. If you are deficient in vitamin B6, you may experience increased eye tension and eye twitching.
  • Zinc is necessary for the formation of the main visual pigment rhodopsin and the transmission of light signals through the retina, thereby protecting the eyes from structural changes caused by bright light, UV radiation or other types of oxidative stress. Structural changes in the retina and decreased color vision are associated with zinc deficiency in the body.

Blueberry Forte with Lutein contains the entire Blueberry Forte complex with vitamins and zinc, additionally enhanced with lutein, a carotinide that performs a protective function for the retina.


Ingredients in descending order of weight

1 tablet,

2 tablets

3 tablets,

4 tablets,

Auxiliary components
(filler, anti-caking agents, colorants)
221,35 442,7 664,05 885,4
Vitamin C 17,5 35 52,5 70
Zinc oxide 4,7 9,4 14,1 18,8
Rutin 2,5 5 7,5 10
Blueberry extract 2,5 5 7,5 10
Vitamin B6 0,5 1 1,5 2
Vitamin B2 0,45 0,9 1,35 1,8
Vitamin B1 0,375 0,75 1,125 1,5
Lutein 0,125 0,25 0,375 0,5
Total weight 250 500 750 1000

Mode of application

Children from 3 to 7 years old: 1 tablet 2 times a day.
Children from 7 to 14 years old: 1 tablet 3 times a day.
Adults and children over 14 years old: 2 tablets 2 times a day with meals.

Duration of treatment is 2-4 months. A 10-day break is allowed.


In case of individual intolerance to the components of the product. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Release form


Best before date

Storage conditions

At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children.



Reviews: 7

Malena, 10/05/2015, age: 37

I took 2 tablets twice a day for two months. But at the end of the course I did not notice any improvements.

Evgenia L., October 24, 2016, age: 30

I don’t believe in the magical properties of vitamins to cure all kinds of diseases, but as a prevention and maintenance of the existing normal state, yes. So I take Blueberry Forte once a year precisely for these purposes, so far it helps, although my heredity in this direction is not very good.

Sophie, 02/09/2017

I don’t have any serious problems with my eyes, but sometimes I get a feeling of sand in my eyes and tension - I want to blink my eyes properly. This dietary supplement helped get rid of these very unpleasant sensations. But I want to warn you right away that in a week you will not feel the effect. I drank in courses - 2-2.5 months/a break a month, etc. It helps me after about 1.5 months of taking it, it almost helps to get rid of such sensations, and then I drink to enhance the result. I can generally recommend it, unless, of course, you have serious eye problems.

Katerina Sedova, 03/13/2017

Eyes are often under stress these days. We spend too much time on computers, phones and tablets. And for me, for example, because of this, I often have redness, watery eyes, and in the evening I even have some kind of pain in my eyes. That's why I thought about feeding my eyes with some additional vitamins so that my eyesight would at least not deteriorate. My choice fell on the dietary supplement from Evalara blueberry forte with lutein. These are natural tablets with blueberries and lutein, which have a very good effect on our retina, due to problems with which vision often deteriorates with age. I have been taking the dietary supplement for 3 months now, and in a couple of months I am going to repeat the course. The effect of vitamins is cumulative, so I felt the result only in the third month of taking it. My eyes began to tire less, the discomfort in the evenings went away, and it became easier to endure long-term stress. Therefore, I am satisfied with the vitamins, there are results!

Olkina, 08/11/2017

I discovered this drug two years ago. My vision began to deteriorate (dropped by 0.25) because I started working more on the computer. The ophthalmologist advised me to drink this dietary supplement once every six months for two months as a preventive measure. I liked the composition, enhanced with lutein. Essentially, this is the same Blueberry forte, only enhanced with this useful substance. - Lutein (The main pigment of the macula, which is located in the very center of the retina. It protects the eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, and is also responsible for vision. Prevents diseases: cataracts, glaucoma) - Blueberry anthocyanins (coloring pigments of natural origin. They protect tissues from oxidative processes, strengthen blood vessels, reduce the likelihood of blood clots) - B vitamins (helps the eyes cope with fatigue) - zinc (necessary for the absorption of vitamin A) Tablets are easy to swallow. I drink 2 pieces twice a day - as written in the instructions. Within 2 months. Then I take a break for six months. During this time, my vision did not deteriorate. In the evening, the eyes stopped hurting, there was no discomfort in the eyes, no redness.

Fanny, 09/05/2017

A complex of vitamins is then a complex of vitamins to support and help the body cope with stress. You need to protect and care for your eyes, try to give them rest and supply the body with vitamins that are good for the eyes. I take Blueberry Forte periodically, once a year I definitely take a course, I highly recommend it to everyone, especially to workers who work sedentarily at a computer. Sometimes I just feel that it’s time to start taking it, apparently the accumulated effect ends, and the hyperstress on the eyes makes itself felt. I first heard about her back in college, it was even fashionable for us to take these pills, but then everything was more for show off, I work so hard, study, even my eyes can’t stand it) But, after many years, I can say, thank you to her, I still don’t wear glasses and don’t keep a bunch of contact lenses in my closet, because my job requires me to spend 10 hours a day at the computer, not always being able to get up for a break. Advantages: a product proven over the years. Disadvantages: no

Kurakina L.M., 10/22/2017

Due to the sensitivity of my eyes, I decided to try taking vitamins in the hope of protecting my eyes from the negative influence of the external environment and reducing tearfulness. I chose blueberries forte with lutein, since thanks to it, zeaxanthin is formed in the tissues, which protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation and other adverse external factors. I only took one course of vitamins for two months. And there are positive changes. They appeared towards the end of the course, but after taking the pills they last for a couple of months. The eyes became less sensitive to light, stopped watering from the wind and sun, and quickly got used to dark lighting. I didn’t have any problems with my eyesight, so I can’t evaluate this aspect. I think that these vitamins are good specifically for preventing vision impairment and maintaining eye health.

Blueberry forte for eyes has the following composition:

  • natural blueberry extract;
  • zinc lactate;
  • ascorbic acid or vitamin C;
  • routine;
  • vitamin B complex – B1 or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin and B6 or pyridoxine.

Blueberry forte Evalar is produced with additional components - lutein, zinc and vitamins, as well as an intensive complex for vision, enhanced with vitamins A, C, E, and omega-3.

The basic composition includes substances that support vision:

Substance Action
Blueberry extract or extract from fruits, leaves and shoots Anthocyanins, microelements, organic and amino acids, essential oils and bioflavonoids normalize metabolic processes, protect the vascular wall, and neutralize free radicals. They reduce retinal degeneration, inhibit the formation of cataracts, improve twilight vision, protect against solar radiation and increase visual load tolerance. Accelerate healing after injuries, slow down the aging process. Reduce intraocular pressure, reduce the likelihood of hemorrhages in the retina
Zinc lactate Supports collagen, helps the vascular wall remain elastic. Actively participates in antioxidant reactions
Vitamin C The active part of many enzymes, prevents cataracts, improves the properties of connective tissue in the sclera of the eye, neutralizes the harm from smoking
Rutin Contains antioxidants, strengthens capillaries, relieves inflammation
Thiamine or B1 Normalizes intraocular pressure, prevents glaucoma
Riboflavin or B2 Neutralizes oxidative reactions that interfere with the natural processes of tissue restoration or repair. Prevents cataracts or inhibits their development. Binds collagen, strengthens the cornea
Pyridoxine or B6 Participates in the metabolism of amino acids, improves the condition of the mucous membrane of the eyes, eliminates the feeling of tired eyes, burning and “sand” in the eyes

The produced tablets and eye drops with blueberries are needed by everyone who cares about their vision or experiences increased visual stress, works a lot at the computer or otherwise puts stress on their eyes.

Blueberry eye vitamins are more beneficial than others due to the exceptional properties of the berry itself. To grow it, you need special natural conditions - swamps or tundra, dense northern forests, and the shrub adapts to the height of the surrounding plants.

To make medicines, blueberries have to be grown artificially, since a lot of plant raw materials are required. Today this is done on an industrial scale.

Indications and contraindications

All preparations with blueberries are intended to protect the eyes - both healthy and not so healthy. The main indication is visual strain, which occurs when a person spends a long time:

  • works at a computer;
  • drives a car;
  • is in open sun.

The first visual disturbances always appear at dusk, when illumination decreases.

A simple test: if it’s difficult to read at sunset, it’s time to take eye vitamins.

Blueberry Forte is useful for all vascular lesions of the eyes: diabetic retinopathy, various types of angiopathy - hyper- or hypotonic, diabetic, traumatic, age-related retinal dystrophy, atherosclerotic changes in the retina, consequences of retinal microinfarctions.

Blueberry-forte preparations (both standard and with additives) are useful and are used in all periods of major eye diseases: glaucoma, myopia.

For cataracts, the composition stops the clouding of the lens, and as part of a complex treatment allows you to postpone surgical treatment indefinitely.

With vitamins and zinc for children It is recommended for children from 3 to 12 years old, after which the usual drug can be given. Blueberry forte for children contains the same substances as the main composition, but the dosages are adjusted to the needs of the child’s body. You should give your child vitamins in the same way - 2 tablets in the morning and in the evening; overdose or harm is impossible.

After 3 years of age, children go through the most important stage of their development, learn to read and write, draw a lot, and develop fine motor skills. All this increases the strain on the eyes many times over. The typical time of onset of eye diseases is school age. The educational load forces children to spend a lot of time with books and notebooks; helping their eyes will be very helpful.

With lutein – contains an enzyme from the group of carotenoids, which is not produced in the body. The main property of lutein is the absorption of the blue-violet spectrum of solar radiation and the neutralization of free radicals. The maximum amount of lutein is concentrated in the central part of the retina, which provides basic visual acuity.

The blue-violet spectrum belongs to the visually ineffective part. This part of the spectrum produces “blurring” and “erasing” of the image that reaches our retina. Blueberry forte with lutein, removing it, increases the clarity and sharpness of visual perception. As we age, the retina's ability to transmit blue light decreases, a natural defense against blindness.

Lutein is part of breast milk, which allows the newborn to cope with the huge flow of light that meets him in this world. In recent years, this substance has begun to be included in infant formula.

An isomer of lutein - the same molecule with a slightly different structure - is zeaxanthin, often found in eye preparations.

Intensive complex – enriched with omega-3, it contains an increased amount of anthocyanins, vitamin A is added. Omega-3 is fish oil and contains polyunsaturated acids that are not synthesized in the body. The study of these substances continues; today it is known that fish oil increases life expectancy and slows down all aging processes. Blueberry-Forte intensive complex for vision also stops inflammation from contact with polluted air.

It is better for older people to take Blueberry Forte in the form of syrup, as it is more convenient. But there are no differences in the activity of the drug.

Side effects

Side effects of vitamins are not described, since an overdose at the recommended rate of administration is impossible. In case of accidental overdose, allergic reactions such as digestive disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting, and stool disorders are possible. In this case, the manufacturer recommends taking any pharmaceutical sorbent. In severe cases, gastric lavage is required.

The drug does not affect concentration or reaction speed; it can be used by vehicle drivers.

In the manufacture of the drug, imported raw materials from Germany and Switzerland, which have an international safety certificate, are partially used.

Blueberry forte during pregnancy

The general rule of pregnancy is that dietary supplements are prohibited. This is due to the fact that dietary supplements are not medicines; dietary supplements do not undergo clinical trials in the same way as drugs are required.

When any dietary supplement is released onto the market, no fetal research is conducted. This is not required, since the food cannot harm the fetus. However, there is a theoretical possibility of some damage that doctors do not yet know about. This may be playing it safe, but pregnant women should avoid using nutritional supplements.

There is no statistical data on the dangers of dietary supplements for pregnant women, but prolongation of labor and healthy offspring is too important a life goal to allow even a theoretical risk.

Shelf life of the drug

The usual shelf life is 3 years. During this time, the drug retains all its properties. It is important to observe storage conditions, do not place in the open sun and do not freeze.


Blueberry Forte is the best drug in its range, having maximum concentration and usefulness. Analogues of the drug are:

  • Okuwait;
  • Blueberry mick;
  • Glazorol;
  • Ophthalmix;
  • Star eyebright;
  • Vitrum Forize;
  • Systane Ultra in the form of drops;
  • Visio Balance;
  • Blueberry paste;
  • Omagami Clear Vision;
  • Taufon;
  • Oko-Plus;
  • Zoro-Vit and other plant-mineral complexes.

The principle of their action is similar to Blueberry Forte, but differs in a smaller amount of active substances.

You need to treat the dietary supplement Blueberry Forte wisely. This supplement may not improve vision in cases where the eye is irreversibly affected. Blueberries can maintain vision at the existing level, but cannot radically improve it.

Useful video about the dietary supplement “Blueberry Forte”

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Blueberry forte is the general name for a set of dietary supplements (dietary supplements) produced by various pharmaceutical companies and containing berry extract as the main component blueberries. Blueberry forte dietary supplements are used to improve vision, as well as for the prevention of various eye diseases or as part of their complex treatment.

In clinical studies, it has been proven that Blueberry forte dietary supplements improve daytime and twilight vision in the absence of severe eye diseases, prevent visual impairment and relieve eye fatigue. In addition, by improving the blood supply to the eyes, Blueberry forte dietary supplements are used as part of complex therapy and have a positive effect on cataracts, glaucoma and retinal dystrophy.

Varieties, names, manufacturers, release forms and brief characteristics of dietary supplements Blueberry forte

Currently, the name “Blueberry Forte” is used by a whole group of dietary supplements containing blueberry extract as the main active component. These dietary supplements are produced by various pharmaceutical companies, are available in different dosage forms (for example, drops, tablets, capsules, etc.) and, in addition to blueberry extract, may contain other additional components that enhance the effect of the main one.

Dietary supplements containing only blueberry extract are usually called simply “Blueberry forte”. Accordingly, dietary supplements with additional components in addition to blueberries have names based on the principle: “Blueberry forte + name of additional substances”, for example, “Blueberry forte with lutein”, “Blueberry forte with zinc”, etc. To identify each dietary supplement, it is usually necessary to a short and recognizable name of the manufacturer is added to its name, for example, “Blueberry forte Evalar” or “Blueberry forte Farm-pro”, etc.

Since all dietary supplements Blueberry Forte, produced by different manufacturers, essentially have the same properties, indications and rules of use, we will consider them together in one article. At the same time, by the name “Blueberry forte” we mean all dietary supplements produced by various companies, but containing blueberry extract as the main active component. If necessary, we will separately indicate what type of dietary supplement we are talking about. If the text does not specify the type of dietary supplement, then you should know that the information applies to all dietary supplements that contain the words “Blueberry Forte” in their name.

Thus, in Russia, dietary supplements with blueberry extract under the name “Blueberry Forte” are produced mainly by the following three pharmaceutical corporations:

  • Evalar is one of the most famous dietary supplement manufacturing companies in Russia;
  • Pharm-pro is also a well-known dietary supplement manufacturing company;
  • SBC is a relatively little-known company that produces several dietary supplements called Blueberry Forte.
Above we have indicated three companies that produce most of the Blueberry Forte dietary supplements available on the domestic pharmaceutical market. However, in addition to these manufacturers, there are quite a lot of smaller enterprises that also produce dietary supplements based on blueberry extract. For obvious and objective reasons, we cannot give the names of absolutely all pharmaceutical companies that produce Blueberry Forte dietary supplements, and therefore we limit ourselves to listing only the largest ones. However, it must be remembered that Blueberry Forte dietary supplements produced by any company do not differ fundamentally from each other, and therefore the instructions for their use below can be used as universal ones.

Most often, when people say “Blueberry forte,” they mean dietary supplements from Evalar, since they are the most widespread. Pharm-pro dietary supplements are somewhat less common than Evalar drugs, and SBC are the most rare.

These companies produce the following varieties of dietary supplements containing blueberry extract as the main active ingredient and having the phrase “Blueberry forte” in the name:

1. Dietary supplements from Evalar:

  • Blueberry forte in the form of syrup (contains blueberry and cranberry extract);
  • Blueberry forte in tablet form (contains blueberry and cranberry extract);
  • Blueberry forte Intensive complex for vision in bags (contains blueberry extract and vitamins);
  • Blueberry forte with zinc and vitamins in tablet form (contains blueberry extract, zinc and vitamins);
  • Blueberry forte with lutein in the form of tablets or capsules (contains blueberry extract, vitamins, zinc and lutein).
2. Dietary supplements from Pharm-pro:
  • Blueberry forte with lutein in capsule form (contains blueberry extract, vitamins and lutein);
  • Blueberry forte Premium Farm-pro;
  • Blueberry forte Plus Farm-pro;
  • Blueberry forte Farm-pro.
3. Dietary supplements from SBC:
  • Blueberry forte SBC;
  • Blueberry forte with lutein SBC.
Unfortunately, as of December 2015, not all dietary supplements from this list continue to be produced and sold through pharmacy chains. So, currently in pharmacies there is a whole range of dietary supplements only from Evalar (Blueberry forte in tablets and syrup, Blueberry forte intensive complex, Blueberry forte with zinc and Blueberry forte with lutein). Among the dietary supplements from Pharm-pro, as of December 2015, only Blueberry forte with lutein is on sale. And dietary supplements from SBC are not available at all in pharmacies at the moment.

This state of affairs is most likely due to the fact that the registration period for the drugs has not yet expired, but pharmaceutical companies simply stopped producing them. Considering that dietary supplements that have been discontinued but are still listed in the drug registry database will most likely no longer be produced, we will not describe them in the text below. In what follows we will dwell in detail only on those Dietary supplements Blueberry forte, which are available in pharmacies in Russian cities and are still produced by pharmaceutical companies, namely:

  • Blueberry forte in the form of Evalar syrup;
  • Blueberry forte in Evalar tablets;
  • Blueberry forte Intensive complex for vision Evalar;
  • Blueberry forte with zinc and vitamins Evalar;
  • Blueberry forte with lutein Evalar;
  • Blueberry forte with lutein Pharm-pro.

Composition and photo

Let's look at the composition and provide photographs of each dietary supplement Blueberry Forte currently available for sale in separate subsections to avoid confusion. It must be remembered that the compositions of almost all dietary supplements are similar to each other, but they may differ in dosages of active substances. Moreover, if any substance is contained in a particular dietary supplement more than others, then this is included in the name, for example, Blueberry forte with lutein or Blueberry forte with zinc, etc. These dietary supplements have a high content of lutein and zinc, which are also found in others varieties of Blueberry forte, but in much smaller quantities.

Blueberry forte in the form of syrup and tablets

Tablets and syrup contain the following active ingredients:
  • Blueberry extract;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Rutin;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Zinc lactate.
The packaging of Blueberry Forte tablets from Evalar is as follows.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to imagine the appearance of the syrup packaging, since the Evalar company is currently constantly changing its design.

This dietary supplement from Evalar is available in the form of sachets, which contain 2 tablets and 1 capsule, intended for daily use at a time. That is, the tablets and capsule needed to be taken at a time are divided into sachets to avoid confusion.

Two tablets and a capsule, intended to be taken at a time, contain the following active ingredients:

  • Blueberry extract;
  • Fish fat;
  • Lutein;
  • Zeaxanthin;
  • Zinc;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Rutin.
Packaging with sachets of dietary supplement Blueberry forte Intensive complex for vision is as follows:

Blueberry forte with zinc and vitamins

This dietary supplement contains the following active components:
  • Zinc;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Rutin;
  • Blueberry extract;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 6.
The packaging of the dietary supplement Blueberry Forte with zinc from Evalar is as follows:

Blueberry forte with lutein

This dietary supplement contains the following active components:
  • Vitamin C;
  • Zinc oxide;
  • Rutin;
  • Blueberry extract;
  • Vitamin B 1;
  • Vitamin B 2;
  • Vitamin B 6;
  • Lutein.
The appearance of the packaging Blueberry forte with lutein produced by Evalar is as follows:

This dietary supplement contains the following substances as active components:
  • Blueberry extract;
  • Zinc;
  • Lutein;
  • Rutin;
  • Vitamin C.
The appearance of the packaging of the dietary supplement Blueberry forte with lutein produced by Pharm-pro is as follows:

Therapeutic effect (properties)

The therapeutic effect of all dietary supplements is due to the properties of their active components. Since the main component of the preparations is blueberry extract, its properties are the most important and pronounced. The properties of other dietary supplement components only complement the effects of blueberry extract.

Blueberry extract contains various trace elements, organic acids, amino acids, vitamins, essential oils, triterpenes, phenols, polyphenols, tannins, catechins, phenolcarboxylic acids, bioflavonoids and anthocyanosides. Thanks to these substances, blueberry extract has the following effects:

  • Antioxidant action, which consists of neutralizing free radicals that damage cell membranes. The destruction of free radicals protects cells from damage and improves their functioning, thereby normalizing the general condition of various organs and tissues and reducing the severity of chronic diseases.
  • Supports the normal process of connective tissue formation. And since connective tissue is present in all organs and it is in it that blood vessels pass, blueberry extract is able to maintain normal blood supply, and therefore the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to each cell. Accordingly, thanks to this effect, the organs function well and are resistant to the damaging effects of negative environmental factors.
  • Strengthens the capillary wall, reducing its fragility and at the same time increasing its elasticity. Thanks to this effect, the blood vessels are not damaged and the tissues are well supplied with blood.
  • Improves cell membrane flexibility, increasing their resistance to damage. Thanks to this effect, the cells retain their properties and work efficiently, which normalizes the functioning of all organs as a whole.
  • Prevents aggregation platelets and the formation of blood clots, which ensures the maintenance of blood microcirculation in small vessels.
  • Prevents inflammation and reduces its severity in various organs and tissues.
  • Activates metabolism.
  • Improves blood supply and microcirculation in eye tissues, which allows you to improve vision, reduce the degree of eye fatigue during hard work, and also stop the development of dystrophic changes in various severe systemic diseases, such as diabetes, arterial hypertension, etc.
  • Improves the condition of eye tissues and reduces the rate of progression of the pathological process in glaucoma and retinal dystrophy.
  • Prevents the development of cataracts or stops it at the level to which the pathological process has already reached.
  • Activates the work of enzymes in the retina of the eye, accelerating the restoration of the light-sensitive pigment rhodopsin and thereby increasing its sensitivity to changes in light intensity. Thanks to this, blueberry extract increases visual acuity in normal and twilight lighting, and also prevents vision deterioration under high eye strain.
  • Reduces eye fatigue and irritation under any load (especially in the dark or under artificial lighting).
  • With central involutional chorioretinal dystrophy of the “dry” form of the retina, blueberries improve the condition of the retina.
Despite the fact that blueberry extract has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and all organs and systems of the body, the greatest severity of its effect is noted in relation to the visual analyzer, that is, the eye. That is why the main area of ​​application of Blueberry Forte dietary supplements is ophthalmology, in which the drugs are used both to prevent vision impairment and the development of retinal diseases, and as part of complex therapy.

Another very important, but not so common area of ​​​​use of blueberry extract is toxicology. The fact is that blueberries effectively absorb toxic substances in the intestines and remove them from the body, due to which food poisoning is quickly cured and microflora is normalized. Blueberry extract reduces the severity of pain and inflammation in the intestines and improves the digestion process.

Other components of Blueberry forte dietary supplements enhance and complement the effects of blueberry extract. Thus, rutin and vitamin C strengthen the wall of blood vessels, improve microcirculation in the tissues of the eye, reduce the risk of hemorrhages and normalize intraocular pressure.

B vitamins improve metabolism in eye tissues, increase visual performance, and prevent redness and burning sensation. Also, B vitamins prevent the development of cataracts and reduce tension in the eye muscles.

Zinc protects eye tissue from damage by ultraviolet rays, normalizes the perception and discrimination of colors, and also prevents the development of cataracts and retinal detachment.

Focusing on each type of dietary supplement, we can briefly characterize their main effect as follows:

1. Blueberry forte in syrup and tablets, Blueberry forte intensive complex for vision:

  • Helps maintain visual acuity;
  • Protects eyes from severe fatigue and irritation.
2. Blueberry forte with zinc:
  • Helps quickly relieve eye strain;
  • Improves vision in the dark;
  • Improves the condition of the blood vessels of the eye, including the fundus.
3. Blueberry forte with lutein:
  • Helps maintain visual acuity;
  • Protects eyes from severe fatigue and irritation;
  • Protects the retina from damage.

The benefits of blueberries - the main component of the dietary supplement Blueberry forte. How blueberries affect human health - video

Indications for use

Various dietary supplements Blueberry forte are recommended for use for the following conditions or diseases:
  • Retinopathy of various origins, including diabetic;
  • Dystrophy or degeneration of the retina;
  • Diabetic cataract;
  • Decreased visual acuity;
  • Night blindness;
  • Violation of the mechanisms of vision adaptation in the dark;
  • High strain on the eyes (for example, working at a computer, monitors, exposure to direct sunlight, etc.);
  • Tired eyes;
  • Eye strain;
  • Asthenia of the eye muscles;
  • Myopia or farsightedness;
  • The period after injury or eye surgery to speed up healing;
  • The period after suffering inflammatory diseases of the eye (to accelerate the restoration of normal eye function);
  • Age-related changes in eye tissue due to the aging process (for example, cataracts, destruction of the vitreous body, subatrophy of the iris, etc.);
  • Diabetes;
  • Chronic diseases that negatively affect the condition of the eye and visual acuity (hypertension, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, phlebitis, etc.);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (digestive disorders, enterocolitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum);
  • To reduce the speed of the aging process of the body.

Instructions for use

Let's consider the rules for using each variety of Blueberry forte separately to avoid confusion.

Blueberry forte in syrup form

The syrup must be taken either during or immediately after meals. Before each use, the bottle of syrup should be shaken well.

The dosage of Blueberry Forte syrup is the same for both preventive use and treatment, and differs only for children and adults. Thus, at present, children and adults are recommended to take syrup in the following dosages:

  • Children 3 – 6 years old– take one teaspoon of syrup 2 times a day;
  • Children 6 – 12 years old– take one dessert spoon of syrup 2 times a day;
  • – take one dessert spoon 2 – 3 times a day.
The duration of the course of use is 1 – 4 months, but the first therapeutic effect becomes noticeable already on the 4th – 5th day of taking the drug. If Blueberry forte in the form of syrup is taken for the purpose of prevention, then it is optimal to carry out two two-month courses of administration per year. If the drug is taken as part of complex therapy, then it can be taken more often, maintaining an interval of at least 10 days between repeated courses.

Blueberry forte in tablet form

The tablets must be taken orally, swallowed whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in any other way, but with a small amount of still water. Blueberries forte are best taken during or immediately after meals.

The dosage of the drug for prevention and treatment is the same, and it depends solely on the age of the person. Currently, the following dosages of Blueberry forte are recommended for children and adults:

  • Children 3 – 7 years old– take one tablet 2 times a day, morning and evening;
  • Children 7 – 12 years old– take one tablet 3 times a day;
  • Teenagers over 12 years old and adults – take two tablets 2 times a day, morning and evening.
The duration of the preventive or therapeutic course of therapy is 2–4 months, but the first therapeutic effect occurs within a few days after the start of treatment. When taking Blueberry forte for prevention, it is optimal to carry out two two-month courses per year. When taking the drug for treatment, the duration of therapy is determined by the rate at which improvements appear, and repeated courses can be carried out if necessary at short 10-day intervals.

Blueberry forte Intensive complex for vision

This dietary supplement is intended for use exclusively by adults and adolescents over 12 years of age. It is recommended to take the entire contents of one sachet, that is, 2 tablets and 1 capsule, once a day with meals. Both tablets and capsule are taken at one time. The contents of the sachet should be swallowed whole and washed down with a small amount of still water.

The duration of the therapeutic or preventive course of therapy is 1–2 months. It is optimal to take this dietary supplement 3–4 times a year, starting each subsequent course 2 months after completion of the previous one.

Blueberry forte with zinc and vitamins and Blueberry forte with lutein

These dietary supplements can be taken by adults and children starting from the age of three. It is best to take the tablets during meals, swallowing them whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in any other way, but with a small amount of water.

The dosage of the drugs depends solely on the age of the person and is the same for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. Thus, it is currently recommended to take dietary supplements Blueberry forte with zinc and vitamins and Blueberry forte with lutein in the following dosages depending on age:

  • Children aged 3 – 7 years – take one tablet twice a day, morning and evening;
  • Children aged 7 – 14 years – take one tablet three times a day;
  • – take two tablets 2 times a day, morning and evening.
The duration of the preventive and therapeutic course of taking dietary supplements is the same and ranges from 2 to 4 months. When taking medications for prevention, it is optimal to take two two-month courses of use per year. When taking medications for treatment, the number of courses of therapy per year can reach 4–6 with intervals between them of at least 10 days. In this case, the duration of use is determined by the doctor based on the functioning and condition of the eye tissues.

Blueberry forte with lutein Pharm-pro

This dietary supplement can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes in both adults and children from the age of three. Capsules are best taken with meals, swallowed whole and washed down with a small amount of still water.

The dosage of this dietary supplement is the same when used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, and it differs only for people of different age categories. Currently, it is recommended to take Blueberry forte with Pharm-pro lutein in the following dosages depending on age:

  • Children aged 3 – 7 years – take one capsule 2 times a day, morning and evening;
  • Children aged 7 – 14 years – take one capsule 3 times a day;
  • Teenagers over 14 years old and adults – take two capsules 2 times a day, morning and evening.
The duration of preventive or therapeutic use of this dietary supplement for children and adults is 1 month. For prevention, it is optimal to take the drug twice a year, and for treatment, courses of administration can be carried out as needed, maintaining a minimum interval of 3 weeks between them.

Blueberry forte for children

Blueberry forte is quite widely used in pediatric practice to maintain normal vision in children, as well as to treat rapid eye fatigue and irritation. Modern children often face problems with their eyesight, since they have to strain their eyes a lot of time, looking at a computer monitor, TV or other gadgets, as well as studying in developmental programs.

Due to such a high load on the eyes, many children’s vision begins to deteriorate at a very early age, and signs of fatigue and overstrain of the visual organ also appear, such as redness, swelling, burning and itching sensation, double vision, blurred vision, spasm of accommodation etc. To eliminate these problems and preserve the child’s vision, doctors often resort to prescribing dietary supplements Blueberry Forte, which turn out to be very effective in the described cases, since we are talking only about functional disorders without serious illnesses.

Children can be given the following types of dietary supplements Blueberry forte:

  • Blueberries forte in syrup or tablets;
  • Blueberry forte with zinc and vitamins;
  • Blueberry forte with lutein from Evalar or Pharm-pro.
All of these dietary supplements can be given to children starting from the age of three. Unfortunately, nowadays many children are faced with the problem of visual impairment at an early age, when they are not even three years old. And to stop the process of vision deterioration, doctors often prescribe various vitamin preparations or dietary supplements for children, among which Blueberry Forte is most often used. Pediatricians and pediatric ophthalmologists believe that children can be given Blueberry forte not from the age of three, but from the age of 2 years and 7 months.

The dosages of these dietary supplements differ depending on the age of the child, and are shown in the table:

Child's age Blueberry forte syrup Blueberry forte tablets Blueberry forte with zinc Blueberry forte with lutein from Evalar and Pharm-pro
36 yearsOne teaspoon of syrup twice a day, morning and eveningOne tablet twice a day, morning and eveningOne tablet twice a day, morning and evening
6 – 7 yearsOne tablet twice a day, morning and eveningOne tablet twice a day, morning and eveningOne tablet twice a day, morning and evening
7 – 12 yearsOne dessert spoon of syrup twice a day, morning and eveningOne tablet three times a dayOne tablet three times a day
12 – 14 years oldOne tablet three times a dayOne tablet three times a day
Over 14 years oldOne dessert spoon of syrup three times a dayTwo tablets twice a day, morning and eveningTwo tablets twice a day, morning and eveningTwo tablets twice a day, morning and evening

All dietary supplements Blueberry forte should be given to children during meals. Tablets and capsules should be swallowed whole, without biting or chewing, but with a small amount of water. The syrup should also be swallowed, washed down with a few sips of water if necessary.

Since all varieties of Blueberry Forte have similar therapeutic activity, it is recommended for the child to choose the option that he is most pleased to take for any subjective reasons (for example, he likes the packaging or the type of tablets, etc.).

The duration of the course of use of any variety of Blueberry forte by children of different ages is 1 – 2 months. Children should not be given dietary supplements in longer courses, as this may provoke allergic reactions. It is better to conduct several courses with breaks between them of at least two weeks, rather than one, but very long one.

Contraindications for use

All types of dietary supplements Blueberry forte are contraindicated for use if a person has the following diseases or conditions:
  • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drugs;
  • Period of pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • Age under 3 years (for Blueberry forte in syrup and tablets, Blueberry forte with zinc and Blueberry forte with lutein from Evalar and Pharm-pro);
  • Age under 12 years (only for Blueberry forte Intensive complex for vision);
  • Diabetes mellitus (for syrup only).

Side effects

The only side effects that can be caused by Blueberry Forte dietary supplements are allergic reactions of varying nature and severity (for example, skin rashes, itching, urticaria, angioedema, etc.). However, it must be remembered that Blueberry forte is generally well tolerated and very rarely causes allergic reactions.

In addition, while taking Blueberry forte, a person may experience changes in the functioning of the digestive tract, but this does not refer to complications, but to the direct effects of drugs that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


The closest analogues of Blueberry Forte in properties and composition are dietary supplements or vitamin complexes containing blueberries. To such the closest analogues of Blueberry forte from the group of dietary supplements The following drugs include:
  • Vision tablets;
  • Ginkgo-Blueberry tablets and capsules;
  • Myrticam syrup and homeopathic tablets;
  • Myrtilene forte capsules;
  • Oculist blueberry tablets;
  • Sofia vitamins for eyes;
  • Terra-plant Blueberry tablets;
  • Blueberry tea drink;
  • Blueberry granules homeopathic;
  • Blueberry 36.6 capsules;
  • Blueberries with selenium tablets.
In addition to the indicated dietary supplements, it is also very Close analogues of Blueberry forte are the following vitamin complexes containing blueberries in one form or another:
  • Alphabet Optikum;
  • Anthocyanin Forte;
  • Visiobalance Opti;
  • Visualon;
  • Vitamins for eyes Tianshi;
  • Vitrum Vision Forte;
  • Lutein Complex;
  • Will direct;
  • Tears;
  • Strix;
  • Tentorium Blueberry;
  • Focus Forte;
  • Safe to see;
  • Perfect Eyes (NSP).
In addition, there are more distant analogues of Blueberry Forte, which are eye vitamins in the form of tablets or eye drops that do not contain blueberry extract as the main component. So, relatively more distant analogues of Blueberry forte, available in forms for oral administration (tablets, capsules, etc.)
  • Glazorol;
  • Oculochel;
  • Oftan-Katachrome;
  • Taurine;
  • Ujala;
  • Khrustalin;
  • Hey Pee Wee.
  • Blueberry Forte with Lutein is a drug that is prescribed as an additive to the basic diet. It is especially useful for those who spend a lot of time in front of the computer and read for a long time. Such patients often complain to the ophthalmologist about a noticeable decrease in vision, a feeling of sand in the eyes, and discomfort.

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    Operating principle

    The main component of these tablets is blueberry - a berry that contains many vitamins (retinol, thiamine, choline, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, tocopherol, folic acid, vitamin C, phylloquinone), macro- and microelements (phosphorus, potassium, calcium , magnesium, copper, selenium, iron, zinc, etc.), tannins, antioxidants.

    Due to its wide composition, blueberries have the following effects:

    • tonic;
    • hepatoprotective;
    • gerontological;
    • choleretic;
    • diuretic properties;
    • improves metabolism and blood circulation;
    • stimulates hematopoiesis;
    • promotes the removal of toxins and waste;
    • increases immunity;
    • enhances visual acuity;
    • expands the field of view;
    • accelerates retinal regeneration;
    • reduces blood sugar;
    • relieves fatigue from the eyes;
    • speeds up food digestion;
    • increases the absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract;
    • stimulates cell growth and regeneration;
    • improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

    However, blueberries should be taken with caution in case of urolithiasis, idiosyncrasy, and chronic constipation.

    The product reduces eye fatigue

    In particular, blueberry anthocyanins, a pigment that gives the berry blue light, enhances the restoration of rhodopsin (visual pigment). Which directly enhances visual acuity, relieves fatigue, and treats night blindness.

    The complex of bioflavins, ascorbic acid and rutin helps strengthen the vascular wall and improve blood flow.

    Thiamine, choline, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid are B vitamins. In addition to the general effect on the entire body, they help normalize metabolism and improve various reactions in the structures and tissues of the eyeball:

    • thiamine increases the performance of the visual apparatus;
    • riboflavin relieves hyperemia and burning;
    • Pyridoxine prevents overstrain of the visual organs.

    Zinc is a necessary component in the synthesis of rhodopsin. With a deficiency of this microelement, pathologies such as decreased color perception and structural pathological processes of the retina can be observed.

    These tablets contain the entire composition, which is supplemented with Lutein complex. It protects the retina from external and internal traumatic factors.


    • retinopathy;
    • depletion or destruction of the retina;
    • clouding of the lens due to diabetes;
    • decreasing visual acuity;
    • heavy strain on the eyes;
    • weakness of the eye muscles;
    • after operations;
    • in the treatment of injuries.

    How to take the pills

    If necessary, the drug can be used at any age, starting from 3 years. It is best to take the tablet during meals with water.

    Prophylactic and therapeutic doses are identical.


    The duration of treatment can vary from two to four months. The number of courses per year is from one to six, it all depends on the severity and the pathology itself. To clarify your treatment regimen, consult a specialist.

    For children

    Mothers often ask whether it is possible to give Blueberry Forme with Lutein to children.

    There are no contraindications for children, except general children and those under 3 years of age.

    Choose a drug for your child that he will like to take (syrup, tablets, capsules). For example: the syrup is sweeter, the color or shape of the tablets is better, etc.


    • patients under three years of age;
    • individual intolerance to components;
    • period of pregnancy and lactation.

    Side effects

    Depending on the individual sensitivity to the components, allergic reactions are possible.


    The price of the drug from Evalar - Blueberry Forte with Lutein varies depending on the region, as well as markups from pharmacies and the number of tablets in the package.

    For convenience, we have presented all the data on prices and forms of release in a summary table:


    Dietary supplements containing blueberries will be closer in action.

    Name of the drug Short description Price in Russia (ruble) Price in Ukraine (hryvnia)
    Vision, tab. The indications are similar.
    The composition is almost the same. Contraindicated in patients under 12 years of age.
    324-2660 42,5-476
    Mirtilene Forte, caps. Indications and composition are similar.
    Side effects are similar + tachycardia.
    1002-1403 130-250,5
    Myrticam, syrup, tablet. The indications are similar. The composition is supplemented with such components as eyebright, black cohosh, and gelsemium evergreen. 200-294 27-53,5
    Alphabet Optikum The indications are similar. The drug is divided into three daily tablets (green, purple, white).
    Contraindications: hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, age under 14 years.
    223-312 29,5-56
    Lutein-Complex, table. Ingredients: lutein, blueberry extract, axerophthol, vitamin E and C, taurine, zinc, selenium, copper.
    The application is similar.
    240-721 31,5-103

    Blueberry Forte is a dietary supplement and is not a drug.

    The product has a combined composition that has a positive effect on maintaining visual functions, so it can be included in complex therapy to eliminate various pathologies or used for preventive purposes.

    Effect of the drug

    Taking Blueberry Forte in acceptable doses allows you to replenish the daily need of the human body for B vitamins and zinc.

    Biologically active substances, natural components, vitamins and chemical elements included in the composition have a complex positive effect in the following ways:

    The use of the dietary supplement Blueberry Forte allows you to achieve the following positive results:


    The composition of Blueberry Forte tablets includes the following components:

    Release form

    The dietary supplement Blueberry forte is available in two main forms:

    1. Blueberry forte tablets with vitamins and zinc, 0.25 g each. It is possible to purchase packages containing 50, 100 or 150 tablets.
    2. There is also another type of dietary supplement on sale - Blueberry forte with lutein.

    Indications for use

    The need to use the drug Blueberry Forte arises in the presence of the following indications:

    • Deterioration of the functions of the visual organs.
    • Risk of developing cataracts.
    • Increased eye pressure.
    • Performing activities that require systematic and prolonged visual strain.
    • Staying in a room with excessively bright lighting for a long time.
    • Fatigue and redness of the eyes.
    • Unsatisfactory condition of the eye vessels, risk of bleeding.
    • Deficiency of zinc, vitamins B and C in the body.

    It must be remembered that Blueberry forte is a supplement, and not an independent drug, therefore it is not used to treat diseases and eliminate pathologies, but is included in complex therapy as an additional remedy.

    Instructions for use

    Mode of application

    Despite the safety of Blueberry Forte and good absorption by the body, the supplement should be taken in strict accordance with the following scheme:


    The dose is divided into several doses - 2 tablets are taken at breakfast and 2 more during dinner.

    Use during pregnancy

    Pregnancy is listed as a contraindication for the use of the Blueberry Forte supplement.

    Taking tablets or syrup can be prescribed by a specialist in exceptional cases, if there is an urgent need for such measures.

    The substances contained in the product can pass into breast milk, so it is also necessary to avoid using it during breastfeeding.

    Use in children

    The use of Blueberry forte is permitted for children over 3 years of age.

    The dosage regimen depends on the age of the child:

    • Children 3-7 years old take 1 tablet or teaspoon of syrup 2 times a day.
    • Children 7-14 years old take 1 tablet or dessert spoon of syrup 3 times a day.
    • Teenagers over 14 years old take doses prescribed for adults.


    Blueberry Forte actually has no contraindications for use; its use is prohibited only in the following cases:

    • Pregnancy.
    • Breast-feeding.
    • Allergic reaction to blueberries.
    • Intolerance to substances contained in the product.
    • Some forms of diabetes: additional consultation with your doctor is required.
    • Children under 3 years of age.

    Old age is not a contraindication, but the supplement should be used with extreme caution.

    Side effects

    The drug contains only natural ingredients, as well as vitamins and chemical elements necessary for the human body, so it is well absorbed and, in the absence of contraindications for use, does not cause side effects.

    In some cases, an allergic reaction may occur if a person is intolerant to blueberries. If they persist for a long time, you should stop taking Blueberry Forte and report the reaction to your doctor.


    If you follow the instructions supplied with the Blueberry Forte supplement or slightly exceed the permissible doses, no undesirable consequences will occur.

    If the permissible doses are significantly exceeded, the following symptoms may occur:

    • An allergic reaction in the form of redness and peeling of the skin, a local increase in temperature and itching.
    • Nausea, vomiting.
    • Abdominal pain, increased gas formation, diarrhea.

    In case of overdose, it is necessary to perform artificial gastric lavage and take activated charcoal. Seek professional medical help if necessary.

    Drug interactions

    The interaction of Blueberry forte with various medications has not been described; usually the supplement does not affect their effectiveness.

    When undergoing complex therapy and taking pharmacological drugs, it is necessary to coordinate the use of the supplement with a specialist in order to eliminate unwanted interactions between substances or the risk of overdose.


    is not the only supplement for maintaining visual function available in pharmacies.

    Below are some effective analogues:

    • Anthocyanin forte contains a complex of vitamins and chemical elements necessary for the eyes; The composition contains natural extracts of blueberries, grapes and black currants. The product is used not only to improve visual acuity, it also helps to normalize intraocular pressure, strengthen blood vessels, inhibit oxidation processes and fluid circulation. The daily dosage is 1-2 tablets, the course duration is no more than 2 months. The number of courses is determined individually depending on the positive dynamics. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Price from 530 rub.
    • Lutein forte- This is another complex containing a set of minerals, amino acids, vitamins and chemical elements necessary for the eyes. It contains copper, chromium, zinc; vitamins A, C and E, selenium, taurine, lutein and zeaxanthin. An additional component is a natural extract of gingko biloba, which reduces toxic effects, stimulates cerebral circulation, reduces the likelihood of blood clots, and increases the elasticity of capillaries. The drug is prescribed for preventive purposes, especially for elderly people, who have an increased risk of developing ophthalmological diseases affecting the retina. Take 1 tablet per day for a month; during this time, the use of other vitamin complexes is not allowed. Lutein forte should not be taken by people under 14 years of age. Cost within 300-350 rub.
    • Vitalux plus used for the prevention of many ophthalmological diseases, this mineral and vitamin food supplement contains fish oil, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, iodine, copper, manganese, potassium, lead, tin, nickel, lutein, vitamins A, K 1, C , E and Group B , folic acid, nicotinic acid and other substances that have a positive effect on the organs of vision. The drug is recommended to be taken for preventive purposes by residents of all large cities, since it provides eye protection from most negative factors: stress, wind, dry air, heat, cold, smog and tobacco smoke. The daily dose is 1 capsule, the course duration is a month. The use of Vitalux plus is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding; other contraindications are severe liver and kidney diseases, a tendency to allergic reactions and age under 18 years. Price from 500 rub.
    • Askorutin is the most famous vitamin supplement in tablet form, used to improve visual function. The main active ingredients are rutoside and ascorbic acid. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day, course duration is 21 days. If blood clotting is increased and there is a tendency to form blood clots, prior consultation with a specialist is required. Sometimes taking Ascorutin causes an adverse reaction in the form of skin allergies and digestive system disorders, accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Price from 70 rub.

    special instructions

    Special instructions are given below:


    Today Blueberry Forte is presented in pharmacies only in tablet form, the cost depends on the size of the package:

    • 150 pieces250-300 rubles.
    • 100 pcs180-250 rubles.
    • 50 pieces130-150 rubles.

    Storage conditions and shelf life

    1. The product should be stored at room temperature in a place protected from direct exposure to sunlight.
    2. The maximum temperature at which the drug can be stored is 25°C. The packaging must maintain its integrity; access to it by pets and small children must be limited.
    3. The shelf life is 2 years; after its expiration, the use of the Blueberry Forte supplement is not allowed.

    Terms of sale

    Blueberry forte is not a medicine and is freely available. Presentation of a prescription written by a specialist is not required to purchase this dietary supplement.


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