DIY drawing of a crossbow made of wood. DIY toy crossbow

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This crossbow would be a great gift for a child. With it you can organize a small shooting range. The power of the crossbow is not great, since it uses an elastic band as a bowstring. Such a crossbow shoots almost anything; the author, as an option, uses small arrows made from the shaft of a ballpoint pen and a tip in the form of a syringe needle. The crossbow is assembled quickly and easily; it requires a minimum of materials.

Materials and tools for homemade:
- steel strip;
- wooden plank;
- an ordinary wooden clothespin;
- handle from a ski pole;
- a thin spring or elastic band;
- a piece of steel wire;
- trigger from a children's toy gun;
- sheet iron or elements from a mechanical designer.

Tools you will need: drill, hacksaw, pliers, fastening tool and file.

How to assemble a mini crossbow:

Step one. Crossbow shoulders and stock
How the shoulders and stock of the crossbow are made and attached can be seen in the photo. The stock is very easy to assemble; you will need three boards. They are connected to each other with ordinary nails.

As for the shoulder mechanism of the crossbow, it is made from a piece of steel strip. The shoulders should not bend, since an elastic band or spring is used as a bowstring. Screws are used to attach the arms to the stock.

Step two. Device trigger
The trigger mechanism for a crossbow is also very simple to make. For these purposes you will need a regular wooden clothespin. You need to cut off one gripping part from it. You can see exactly how in the photo.

Step three. Crossbow handle
To make the handle for the homemade product, the author used a handle from a ski pole. It can be attached to the stock using glue.

Step four. Additional crossbow arms
To make the crossbow a little more powerful, a second mount for elastic bands was made, that is, a second pair of shoulders. Such parts were found in old parts. How to attach them to the stock can be seen in the photo.

Step five. How to make a pusher
To make a pusher you will need a piece of wood. It must be carefully adjusted to the clothespin. To secure the bowstring, a groove is made in the pusher. As a result, paired with a clothespin, the pusher works as a very simple and practical trigger.

Step six. Bowstring
The author used an elastic band as a bowstring. This can be found in a fishing store. In the middle of the elastic band, which will go into the pusher, you need to put a tube (cambric). This is necessary so that the rubber does not wear out due to friction against the wood.

Step seven. Making the trigger
The trigger from a children's pistol is perfect as a trigger for a crossbow. You need to attach a thin metal mount to it. An element from the designer is well suited for these purposes.

Step eight. We begin to assemble the structure
In the photo you can see what the structure will look like after installing additional shoulders. A top view and a bottom view are presented.

At this stage, you can already install the trigger mechanism. It is attached with a screw.

That's all, now the crossbow is almost ready, you need to connect the elastic band. The elastic bands are attached to the shoulders, as well as to the pusher, which moves freely in the groove of the crossbow stock. This design allows you to shoot almost anything from a crossbow, you can even shoot balls. A clothespin is used to secure the pusher. To shoot, you need to press the clothespin.

Step nine. Final stages of assembly
As you can see in the photo below, the author decided to equip the crossbow with a sight. It was decided to abandon the elastic band; it was replaced by a thin spring.

Once the trigger is attached, it needs to be connected to the clothespin. To do this, you need to make a rod from steel wire. As a result, when you press the trigger, the clothespin releases the pusher and a shot occurs.

For a crossbow, you can make small arrows (bolts), for this you will need ampoules from ballpoint pens or other suitable tubes. They need to be weighted at the ends by placing a piece of steel wire or another weight inside. As a tip, syringe needles are put on the tubes and placed on the glue.

Do you have an interest in medieval culture? Do you want to get a fashion accessory or amaze your friends with an exclusive souvenir? Have you decided to give an unusual gift to a loved one? Then you can easily make a magnificent crossbow right at home! This particular type of sporting weapon is now rapidly gaining popularity, and people are happy to purchase it for themselves as a souvenir, a catchy design element. Why do you need a bow, what to do with it? Here are just a few of the most common ways to use a crossbow.

  • An excellent solution is to use a crossbow at shooting ranges. Here’s what an archery fan says: “You can organize accuracy competitions with friends, have fun shooting at targets, and organize role-playing games. A bow is always useful for such a hobby; it will help you develop attentiveness, the ability to concentrate, and react quickly.”
  • Nowadays, crossbows are increasingly used for hunting. It is enough to load an arrow into such a bow and shoot accurately to become the happy owner of a partridge or hare.
  • Crossbows are also in demand as sporting weapons. There are professional athletes who regularly take part in competitions and constantly train. They also often make bows with their own hands.
  • The bow can be made the central detail of the interior. Designers note its versatility: “The crossbow looks amazing in any room. In the corridor he has a particularly menacing appearance, greeting everyone who enters the house. In the hall, it emphasizes solemnity and emphasizes the character of the owners. In the bedroom, the bow hints at a passionate relationship and the power of love. In the kitchen, a crossbow can easily be hung next to a painting dedicated to hunting, which depicts game.”
  • More and more often, people buy and make crossbows with their own hands in order to please their acquaintances, friends, and colleagues with an unusual gift. Such a souvenir will be surprisingly original, will definitely come in handy and will evoke vivid emotions. It is especially appropriate to give a gift to a man.

Now that you know how useful onions are and how they can be used in different ways, it's time to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of making them. How to make a crossbow at home, what do you need to know so that it looks good, shoots well, and can become a worthy weapon, souvenir and accessory? We'll find out very soon. The algorithm and useful recommendations will help you.

Making a crossbow with your own hands

You will need to choose your wood well. You can’t take coniferous trees, too old, dry branches. A crossbow consists of three main elements. It is necessary to make a high-quality trigger mechanism, stock and arc. Act strictly according to the algorithm, do not confuse the steps. You will succeed!

  • You need to make an arc. It is advisable to take yew, hazel or ash for her. The board should be smooth, without cross-layers and knots. Make the thickness approximately 2 cm. The piece of wood needs to be dried, kept for several days, and then cut evenly. The length of the arc is approximately 75 cm, the width can be made about 4 cm, the arc should gradually become thinner towards the edges. The thickness at the edges is 1.5 cm.
  • Now you need to make a stock. For it you will need hardwood, which is quite hard. Take a board of such a size and shape that it is comfortable to hold in your hands. Remember that you need to make a special groove on one edge where the arc will be inserted.
  • It's time to machine the groove for the arc. You need to make a hole for fastening from a rope at a distance of ten centimeters from the cut groove for the arc. Now insert the arc into the groove, and then secure it there with a rope. Now attach the bowstring to the ends of the bow using the cuts made for this. Draw the string as you would when shooting. You need to designate a point that is as far away as possible. Now determine the optimal size of the crossbow - it should be equal in length to your forearm.
  • A responsible task is making the trigger mechanism for your bow. Previously, pin-type locks were made. You will have to become familiar with the distinctive features of such a mechanism. When you have already made a mark at the point of maximum tension of the bowstring, you need to drill a hole through there. A transverse recess must be made in the stock, in its upper part. Then attach the lever to the bottom of the crossbow. Most often, the axle is made of wood and attached with wire.
  • Now the stock and lever need to be folded together. Secure the elements with rope. The lever should move on the axis with minimal friction.
  • Now you need to make a small pin, thanks to which the string will be pushed out of the bow. The pin should be round, it is better to make it from oak. The pin will fit into the recess of the lock freely without getting stuck due to the fastening. When the lever is raised, the plane of the stock and its top edge should be level. It is the pin that will push the string out.
  • You will need to make a special groove for the arrow. The recess runs from the top hole of the lock to the leading edge. The gutter should be laid at a shallow depth, about the size of a quarter of an arrow.
  • Then it's time to process the details. You need to go over all the elements with sandpaper. Sometimes parts are coated with egg white, having previously dissolved it in water.
  • Secure the arc in the groove using a strong rope. See if the lock works well. All elements must be finally adjusted so that the mechanism is as durable as possible.

Now it has become fashionable to hunt with a bow and crossbow. Although this is prohibited in our country, you can still shoot at targets by practicing this difficult task. You can make a crossbow with your own hands at home for training. After all, good models from well-known companies are very expensive. Or it can be made “for yourself”. It is worth remembering that if the weapon has a tension of more than 20 kg, then it is considered a cold weapon. Therefore, when creating a crossbow, it is worth considering this important nuance.

There are classic models, they look like ancient ones, and their design is simple. There are also modern crossbows, they are called "block" crossbows. Such weapons have a more complex design due to blocks and other innovations that enhance their power. It will be much more difficult to make such a crossbow at home, but the description of this process and the drawings, which will be detailed in the article, will help you with this.

The crossbow has many components:

    trigger mechanism;

  • some modern models have blocks at the ends of the bow.

What to make a crossbow from

The main material from which a crossbow is made is wood. The stock and bow are made from it. The trigger mechanism in powerful samples is machined from iron. And those in which the tension force is less than 20 kg can be made of hard wood, it will withstand it quite well. Spring metal and various composites are also used for bows.

Regular crossbow made of wood

First, let's look at how easy it is to make a crossbow with your own hands, and let's start with its simple shape. This is a standard design for ancient weapons, and it can be used not only for shooting, but also as a spectacular piece of furniture when hung on the wall.

What wood to use

To create a crossbow you need to choose:

All of these rocks are dense enough to withstand the enormous stress that will be placed on the bow and crossbow stock.

Preparation of material

In order for a weapon to fire long and powerfully, its material must be properly dried for a year. Having cut the required trunk or branch, both cuts must be painted over. To do this, you can use any glue, paint or varnish. If you close the cuts in this way, moisture will not be able to quickly leave the workpiece, so the wood will dry more slowly and evenly. This way, internal cracks do not form in the material, and a crossbow made with your own hands at home will serve for a very long time.

After this, the log is placed in a dry place where the sun's rays will not fall on it. It should remain like this for a year. After time, the bark is removed from the workpiece, so it dries for another week. The log is then sawn in half. It sits like that for another week, only after that you can start creating a crossbow.

Tools for making a crossbow

  • Sandpaper of different grits.

    Carpenter's cutter.


Making a bow

On the workpiece, choose the side in which the annual rings of the tree are thinner. This is the north side, the fibers on it are denser than in other parts. This is what we will use when creating a crossbow with our own hands at home. From this part you need to make a bow.

Mark the middle, put about two centimeters on both sides of it, marking the part that will be clamped in the crossbow stock. This will be the thickest part of the onion. They begin to cut the material from it, gradually moving towards the edges. They chip the workpiece gradually on both sides, checking until it begins to bend at least a little.

After this, you need to take a strong rope and make loops at its ends. This will be a test string. It is necessary to check the bow tension. It is very important that his shoulders bend evenly. By putting on an improvised bowstring and drawing the bow, you can see where to remove the material. They are marked and carefully cut with a knife. This must be continued until the product begins to bend evenly on both sides.

Knot processing

Very often there are knots on the material: some are visible immediately, others can open during the processing of the material. What makes them dangerous is that they can cause chips. Therefore, you need to treat such places with a well-sharpened knife. If you don't have confidence or experience, it's better to tinker a little longer and sand them down with sandpaper. You can also use a file for this purpose.


When the bow is ready, put it aside and begin making the stock. To begin with, they choose where there will be a groove through which the arrow will fly out, and make this place perfectly level. It will depend on him how accurately the crossbow will shoot. To understand everything, it is better to look at the drawing of the crossbow. How to make its stock is shown in detail here. After this, the gutter is cut to the required length. Usually it is about 30 cm. Then a recess is made for the bow and trigger mechanism. They are convenient to cut with a chisel and a carpenter's knife.


As mentioned above, it can be made of dense wood or, if the crossbow is powerful, of metal. The most is the so-called “nut”. It consists of a cylinder, where on one side there is a hook for the bowstring, and on the other there is a stop for the trigger. In high-power crossbows, the trigger is more refined for an easier trigger pull when loaded.

We looked at it in detail, the Master class with drawings, we hope, will help you understand all the intricacies.

This is a common medieval model. Now we’ll find out how to make the same weapon, only a modern model.

Compound crossbow

Such a device is much more difficult to make; it will require many more tools than a regular one. So, we create a crossbow with our own hands at home from fiberglass. This material is ideal for making bows because it is tough and yet lightweight. It can be cut from a single piece of fiberglass 1 cm thick or you can make it yourself. If you’re not too lazy to tinker, it’s better to make it yourself.

Making fiberglass shoulders for a crossbow

You need to take fiberglass or Kevlar and cut it into strips. You need from 30 to 40 of them. In general, it is better to try everything experimentally. These strips are glued with epoxy resin so that everything becomes monolithic when it hardens. You also need to think about how to put this entire “sandwich” under the press. It is best to use boards, place the shoulders between them, and clamp everything with clamps.

There should be less thickener than usual, ranging from 8 to 10%. Everything hardens within 24 hours, but if the room is cold, the time may increase. When everything has hardened, the shoulders are finalized by cutting off the protruding edges with a knife and sanding with sandpaper.

Now we will look in detail at how to make a crossbow with your own hands at home and what additional elements of its design need to be made.

Making a figured bed

To do this, you need to take a board at least 4 cm thick. Mark where the butt, handle, trigger mechanism and mounts for the arms of the bow will be. In general, everything is according to the drawings. After this, you need to drill all the necessary holes and cut them out.


They can be made from aluminum. It would be better if they were on bearings. The middle parts of roller skate wheels are perfect. They are strong enough to withstand heavy loads and are the perfect size. The axles for them need to be 5 mm thick. You can take them from rollers or make them yourself.

The fasteners are made of sheet steel or similar durable material. You can also make the ends of the bow arms thicker before pouring epoxy resin to install the blocks, in which case fastenings will not be needed.

After this, you need to install a trigger mechanism with a trigger and an arrow holder on the crossbow you made yourself at home. In general, all parts are connected with bolts; washers are always used. They will allow you to twist everything more tightly without damaging the material.

In compound crossbows, the bowstring is longer and is tensioned differently. It seems to cross, and when drawn, this system allows the arrow to give twice as much energy to flight as in the case of a conventional crossbow with the same bow.

In powerful block models, the bowstring is the only one capable of withstanding the enormous sharp pressure of a shot. In crossbows whose power is no more than 40-50 kg, it can be woven from nylon threads.

Making a bowstring for a crossbow

Using the described method, you can make a bowstring for both a recurve and a classic crossbow. It’s just that their length will be different due to the design features of both models.

They take a board the length of the planned bowstring, drive in two pegs, on which they are wound in a circle. When the thickness of this long oval becomes 5 mm, it is wound, making a gap of 2-3 mm between the turns. Near the pegs you need to braid without gaps, because there will be loops for hooking.

Regarding the bowstring, one can also say that if you make it too thick, the strength of the crossbow is reduced. However, thin ones can tear. So in this case you need to choose an intermediate thickness. It is better to study similar sports models with the same tension and make a bowstring of their thickness. When this is done, the two halves are joined and wrapped together. Again, special care is needed near the hinges. Then they wrap the middle where the string will catch and push the arrow. This place is also done carefully, because it will be subject to a tremendous frictional force. All cut edges of the threads must be coated with glue. This will make them denser and more monolithic.

This article presents drawings and a description of how to make a real crossbow at home. It's not that difficult, especially if you're making wooden weapons. If the product is manufactured for hunting in order to achieve enormous power, then you should choose a block model. Its design is a little more complicated; you may need a machine to make some parts.

The crossbow was invented by the Romans many centuries ago. Later they stopped using it in battles, but seven hundred years later the Europeans brought the weapon back into use, having modernized it well. You can try yourself in the role of a warrior now. If you can’t buy an expensive weapon, then we will make you happy. You can make a simple crossbow with your own hands at home.

A handmade homemade crossbow is made of wood, paper or metal. It all depends on what you have on hand at home and what you will use it for.

There are recommendations on how to easily assemble a block, spring, toy and repeating crossbow yourself, using step-by-step instructions and simple diagrams. Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to use the hidden weapon of an assassin or arrange a battle with colleagues using a small wrist office crossbow made of cardboard.

The history of the crossbow

The main advantage of a block or simple crossbow compared to a bow is that there is no need for training or special skills. There is no need to use force to aim here. Due to the levers, the device helps to cope with the bowstring.

In past centuries, many officials and rulers considered the possession of these weapons a dangerous undertaking, as they were afraid of a riot. Therefore, the Weapons Control Order was soon issued, when crossbows were banned throughout Europe. But after the outbreak of hostilities with the Turks, the decision was canceled. Richard the Lionheart made it the main element in the equipment of his warriors.

Making a crossbow yourself is not so easy, but it is possible if you have basic design skills, drawings and a few power tools. You are required to comply with safety precautions, since you are, after all, creating a weapon. Therefore, it should not be directed at people, nor should it be given to small children.

Nowadays you will no longer need medieval spare parts in the form of animal bundles or special fibers; improvised materials will do. But this is enough to shoot at cans or bottles.

How to make a crossbow from wood

A wooden shooting crossbow made of PVC or plywood block type is the most famous option.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • take a piece of wood that will be the base, attach a metal plate or corners to the end;
  • take another block, smaller in size (about 5 cm wide, 2 cm thick), make holes on the sides, place it at the base, 10 cm from the edge;
  • in two 15 cm plates in the middle, make fastenings for springs, make a hole at the edge for installing the shoulders to the base;
  • on the other side of the plate, make holes for a roller, which is sold in any market. Repeat these steps with the other plank;
  • attach the shoulders to the base;
  • use small spring springs (they act as a return mechanism), attaching one end to the shoulders and the other to a steel plate;
  • Install rollers on the edges of the smaller beam, secure the part at the base;
  • create two guides from organic glass;
  • build a trigger mechanism from clothespins, rubber bands or something more powerful;
  • paint the device and place the butt in a place suitable for your hand.

How to make a crossbow out of paper? Even easier!

Making a paper crossbow from cardboard that also shoots is as easy as shelling pears. Paper weapons shoot arrows from pencils, pens, matches, Lego skewers or rulers. In general, anything that is light in weight and looks similar to real arrows. For production you will need:

  • 12-18 sheets of paper;
  • three spatulas or ice cream sticks;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • paper knife;
  • scotch.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • fold five sheets in half;
  • straighten and cut at the bend;
  • screw the halves onto a pencil and secure with tape;
  • put a 4 cm mark on the stick (spatula) and on the tube;
  • insert the spatula to the mark, then break off;
  • wrap the tube with tape for strength;
  • bend the sides of the crossbow;
  • take five sheets of paper and wrap them around a pencil;
  • attach the sides to the tube;
  • fasten the bowstring, tighten it and make a mark at the limiting point;
  • make a hole for the hook;
  • make a hook from a piece of stick and secure it in the hole;
  • cut one sheet in half, twist the tubes and secure in the descent area;
  • make another tube measuring 5 cm, insert it into the front part (it will be a guide).

How to make a mini crossbow for a child

A small children's crossbow will be an unusual gift for a child. The power is small, since the bowstring will be a simple elastic band. This will require a minimum of materials. It is done like this:

  • you need to connect three small boards together;
  • make the shoulders from metal and secure with screws;
  • cut off the gripping part from the clothespin;
  • the handle can be taken from a ski pole and installed using glue;
  • you can make a couple more shoulders for the elastic bands; bearings that are attached to a common plate are suitable for this;
  • for the pusher, take a small piece of wood, which is driven under the clothespin;
  • a groove is made for attaching the bowstring;
  • a bowstring is created from a strong elastic band;
  • for the trigger, just take a spare part from a children's pistol and attach a metal part to it;
  • connect the shoulders and the base;
  • attach the trigger mechanism with a screw;
  • fasten the elastic band;
  • secure the sight, if desired.

How to make a powerful crossbow for hunting or fishing

To create a real military weapon for hunting or fishing, more serious parts and diagrams will be required. What are the shoulders made of? Take a metal bow, make the stock out of wood, and make the bowstring out of elastic synthetic fibers.

The mechanism and fastenings made of bolts are the most difficult thing; only those who know how to work with metal can do it. But you can order the necessary spare parts in the workshop according to the drawings, and then assemble everything at home. But bolts and a nod are easily made from wood or plastic, arrows with tips are made from wood or iron rods.

Not everyone can assemble a hunting or underwater crossbow. Therefore, it is better to entrust the work to a master to be sure of the result.

Do you want to make a real crossbow that will not only look like it, but will also shoot? Then don’t pass by and read our article on the topic of how to make a crossbow with your own hands. In the article we will not only talk about the intricacies of this matter, but also show the whole process in the photo. The topic is especially relevant in the summer, when you can go out into nature and shoot at targets. And a thing made with your own hands will delight not only the eye, but also your friends or acquaintances, who, having seen such a product, will certainly set a goal and desire to own it!

How to make a crossbow with your own hands

Among simple tools created with one's own hands, the bow definitely wins. However, crossbows are also very popular. If you want to make a crossbow with your own hands, you just need to read the instructions below. A medieval design was chosen as an example due to its simplicity. Such a crossbow does not require metal welding; it can be made at home; it also does not require the presence of springs, as in its other, more advanced variations.

All that is needed to make a simple medieval crossbow is the desire to craft. Initially, you need to find a suitable stick for the base of the structure. It is recommended to use bird cherry, since after drying the wood retains good elasticity characteristics. When a suitable branch is found, you should carefully saw it off, completely remove the bark and leave it to dry in a warm place.
Typically the drying time is about 5-7 months.

Step-by-step instruction:

In addition, it is recommended to immediately bend the stick so that it does not crack during processing and fixation, as well as during use. If bird cherry is not available in the area, you can use elm or other alternative wood.

It should be remembered that for good strength, durability and elasticity of the launching part of a home crossbow, you need to stand it well. Moreover, in this case, the chances of a crack during operation of the crossbow will be significantly reduced.

To have the opportunity to practice and to avoid the need to wait again, it is recommended to prepare several sticks at once.

You can use any type of board or dry wood on the stock of a homemade crossbow. It all depends on how accurately you want to replicate the medieval model of the weapon.

Once the wood has been selected and processed, a notch needs to be made in the front of the wood to accommodate the crossbow bow. You can make a notch with any tool from a metal file to a regular knife.

The next step in making a crossbow with your own hands at home is to drill holes for the bow bolts. They are placed at a distance of 8-10 cm from the front of the bed. Previously, holes were made with red-hot metal, so you can also use this method if you don’t have the right tools at hand.

Moreover, if you don’t have any bolts at hand, you can use the same wood.

The upper plane of the stock should have a groove in which the crossbow bolt will be placed. Often this groove is made round, but it is recommended to plan it triangular to increase the accuracy of the bolt.

When everything is ready, you can fix the bow. This is applied to the cutout made in the front of the stock and tied tightly with rope to the previously installed bolts or their wooden alternatives. This will be enough, but for a tighter fixation it is better to use glue.

The last element of a homemade crossbow is the organization of the trigger mechanism. Usually the simplest lever type is used. The crossbow drawing below shows how such a system works.

When the bracket-lever is lowered, the pin instantly launches, and it launches the bolt forward. It is important that this system does not have any safety mechanisms, so the bolt must be installed only before firing.

The created crossbow must have a tension force of about 40 kg, so the design will not be included in the list of edged weapons. The bowstring is tensioned by hand, so additional mechanisms are also not required.

Drawings for making at home

The photo above schematically shows a crossbow with all the necessary dimensions. Its main value is to understand what size its parts should be in relation to each other. Its entire length is 732 mm, with a height at the sight mounting point of 223 mm. The drawing shows a “pistol” handle (shaped like a pistol), for a reliable and comfortable grip.

The second hole is made to facilitate the construction, since the total thickness of the plywood handle (can be made of wood) is 30 mm. The arms are 302 mm long and are a universal option; their total length is 532 mm. For the first time, it is enough to make exactly according to the dimensions indicated in the diagram, and after testing, make adjustments.


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