Drawings for the production of overhead garage doors. How to make a garage door with your own hands

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For home handyman If you are planning to build a reliable garage door with your own hands, the diagram (drawing) according to which they will be assembled should become the main document. Based on this, you can calculate the amount of materials needed for the work and adjust the shutters to the opening with maximum precision in order to prevent moisture and cold air from entering the room. winter period. Therefore, you need to take this stage of work on installing a garage door with the utmost seriousness.

When designing swing doors garage doors care must be taken to ensure that the doors can be opened at any time of the year.

Another important task will be the assembly and installation of the finished structure. The safety of the car and the service life of the gate itself, the replacement of which will require investment, will depend on the thoroughness of each operation of this process. Money and additional efforts by the owner.

What needs to be done before starting work?

When installing swing garage doors, first of all you should evaluate the topography of the place where the garage is located. Considering that the doors can reach a width of 2.5-3 m, care must be taken to ensure that they can open outward freely at any time of the year.

Their opening angle must be at least 90° to ensure free movement of the car through the opening without the risk of damage side surfaces body If it is impossible to install gates with leaves, you will have to choose more expensive models with a lifting mechanism, roller shutter or sliding gates. In any case, before preparing necessary tools and materials, the master will need a diagram, which you can also draw with your own hands.

During the production of the drawing, you will need to put the following dimensions on paper:

  • the width of the opening, which is determined taking into account the width of the vehicle body, plus 30-50 cm on each side of it to the gate frame;
  • gate height equal to 2-2.2 m for passenger car any model and at least 2.5-3 m for a jeep or minibus;
  • dimensions of the doors, each of which is equal to half the width of the gate;
  • the dimensions of the gate and the distance to its frame from the edges of the sash;
  • the height of the hinges of the doors and gates, the location of the eyelets for locks and internal gate locks.

In addition to the main dimensions of the gate, you will need to mark on the diagram the location of the stiffeners on the doors and the gate. IN finished form a drawing of a swing garage door may look like in Fig. 1.

In addition to materials, you need to make sure that you have the following tools on hand:

  • Bulgarian;
  • construction and hydraulic level;
  • tape measure, square;
  • welding machine.

Use a grinder to cut a corner for making a gate frame, frame and stiffening ribs for doors and gates according to custom sizes and needs.

How to mount a gate frame?

This part consists of 2 rectangular structures, which will later be connected to each other. Hinges for hanging the doors are attached to the outer part of the frame; the inner part is used to hold the gate in the wall opening. They must be made from a corner at least 6.5 cm wide in order to securely hold the garage door, made by the owner of the building with his own hands, when the doors are open.

Figure 2. Diagram of the gate frame stiffeners.

Ideally, the frame should be installed during the construction of the garage.

  1. To make the frame parts, you will need to cut 8 pieces of angle iron with a length equal to the width and height of the gate (4 pieces for each measurement). Lay out the material on a flat surface, forming rectangles from the resulting segments. By measuring diagonals and angles, achieve perfect match details of the garage wall opening.
  2. Use a welding machine to connect parts of structures.
  3. Received rectangular parts install in the opening, adjusting to the location, and connect the outer and inner parts with crossbars made of rods or metal strips, as in Fig. 2. dividing the height and width of the gate into equal sections. When using a rod you can make through holes in the garage wall and, driving pieces of reinforcement of the required length into them, weld them to the frame parts. Most often, the connecting elements are welded over the edges of the opening.

Manufacturing and installation of gate leaves

According to the drawings, measure and cut corner pieces 4x4 cm wide and lay them out, forming the frame of future doors and gates. Align, measuring the corners and diagonals of each of the rectangular structures, and weld the frames.

Cut steel sheet or corrugated sheet according to the dimensions of the gates, taking into account that their edges should form an overlap of 2-3 cm wide around the perimeter of the gate frame. The wicket canvas should also have the same overlap. This measure is needed to bridge the gaps between the frame and the frame of the sashes. This will prevent it from getting into excess moisture through the cracks, will eliminate the occurrence of drafts in the insulated garage and will additionally protect the garage owner from the penetration of strangers into the premises.

To attach the sashes to the frame, you will need to weld the hinges:

After installing the leaves in place, hang a gate on one of them, using the same sequence of actions that was used for the gate. Install latches, hooks and handles after the sashes are completely installed. Weld the eyelets for the padlock onto Right place, mortise lock install according to the instructions using welding or threaded connection.

In a heated room, install garage doors with your own hands, additionally insulating them with any known heat-insulating material. To hold it in place with inside the shutters must be secured with a sheet of thin steel or corrugated sheet. This can be done by welding or using metal screws.

How to install other types of gates?

Lifting and roller gates imply the use of ready-made mechanisms for opening and closing, so they are often purchased ready for installation or ordered after having previously designed a garage door drawing. In such cases, you can only make and install the gate frame and hang the door leaf yourself according to the attached instructions.

To install sliding gates, a frame is not required, as for other structures. Do-it-yourself manufacturing of such gates involves welding a single leaf big size. To do this, you can use a sequence of actions, as in the manufacture of a sash with a gate. To hang such gates, guides are installed at the top and bottom of the opening along which the door leaf will move. All accessories are purchased ready-made, and installation is reduced to placing the parts in their regular places in accordance with the instructions.

The simplest and most inexpensive garage door, which can be made with your own hands by a person who has skills in working with metal, is the swing door. They are most often installed by garage owners in garage complexes and private backyards.

To ensure long-term safety of the car, it must be stored in a place that will protect it from rain, frost, etc. But atmospheric phenomena are not the worst thing that can harm the car, so you should equip garages with reliable gates. Well suited for this task, and also distinguished by their unusual design, rotary overhead gates. Next, let's look at the features of their design, drawings and the sequence of do-it-yourself manufacturing.

Advantages, disadvantages and difficulties of creating up-and-over gates yourself

The advantages of such structures include:

  • They are difficult to hack.
  • They open without the need for effort.
  • At the right technology creations are durable.
  • Saves internal space.
  • Can be installed in various garage openings.


  • Difficulty doing the job.
  • Mechanical components of the structure may be overloaded.
  • High thermal conductivity.

Despite the need to have basic skills in handling a welding machine, as well as some other tools, almost everyone can make swing gates with their own hands. During the work process, you need to use the correct drawings and perform the work exactly with the specified data.

How is the structure constructed?

List of main parts of swing gates:

  • The frame is the main part of the entire structure onto which the remaining elements are attached.
  • Sash rotary type, mounted in a steel frame.
  • Return spring - needed for manual closing.
  • The mechanism of movement of the sash.

For the sash, it is better to use materials with low weight indicators - this will reduce the level of load on the structure, which will ensure its long-term and trouble-free operation.

When making a gate frame with your own hands, you need to be guided by the dimensions of the garage opening. It is optimal to choose board panels or Wall panels(used for finishing buildings). If insulation is necessary, it is better to use non-flammable materials.

It is especially important before making it yourself to decide on the type of mechanism that will move the sash from one position to another. It can be in the form:

  • A hinged-lever design based on moving hinges along guides, the task of which is to carry out the movement of 2 levers in specific directions.
  • Counterweights that move the sash using a block system.

The second option is easier to make with your own hands, but it implies the need for more materials to create.

What do you need to make your own?

To make homemade swing gates lifting type you need to prepare:

  • Welding machine (without its presence, collecting the remaining items on the list is irrational).
  • Drill.
  • Spanners.
  • Roulette.
  • Screwdrivers.
  • Level.
  • The material for creating hinges and guide components is a channel or angle.
  • Return springs.
  • Corners.
  • Brackets.
  • Counterweights.
  • Guide skids.
  • Cable.
  • Selected elements to create the sash.
  • Steel for finishing.
  • Profile pipe.

Specific data on the amount of materials, their sizes and parameters must be taken from a specific drawing selected or created for a specific garage.

The sequence of work on creating overhead garage doors with your own hands

  1. Assembling the box. It looks like a U-shaped structure, constructed from 3 beams embedded in the mass of the screed reinforced concrete structure floor. The depth must be at least 2 cm. For fixing horizontal beam use plates or squares.
  2. Installation of hinges. The upper bracket is mounted under the ceiling of the structure. To prevent jamming during operation, you need to make sure that after installing the bracket, its movement along the sash is completely free.
  3. Making the sash. The steel angles are cut to the required length and the frame is welded from them. When it is ready and compliance with the opening is checked, the sash elements are installed in the frame and secured with self-tapping screws. As a rule, insulation is immediately carried out at this stage. Next you need to install the rubber seals.
  4. Installation of rails. This is the name of the part of the structure into which the hinge rollers are inserted. The location of the guides can be chosen depending on the characteristics of a particular garage: on the sides of the top bracket or directly under the ceiling. Once installed, the rollers should move freely and smoothly.
  5. Pre-installation of the sash. This is necessary in order to mark the places where the lifting mechanism is fixed in the sash.
  6. Strengthening the hinge mechanism to the sash. First you just need to attach the hinges and make sure that the levers move freely when the lifting gate moves. If this is not the case, check them correct location(they must be installed parallel to each other).
  7. Installation of counterweights or springs. They are installed on a guide bracket. Springs should be installed to the right and left of the sash. They should also be parallel. Return type springs are required to ensure complete closure of the garage. If their characteristics are not enough for this, then they experiment with a lot of counterweights.
  8. Installation of steel plates. They are attached to the ends of the structure using self-tapping screws.
  9. Plastering joints. To complete this step with your own hands, you can use ordinary cement mortar.
  10. 10. Installation of the lock.

Doing work with my own hands you need to make sure that it is carried out in exact accordance with the selected or created drawing. Each process must be taken with full responsibility - a small mistake can cause problems with the operation of the mechanism. If you are not completely sure that the work is being done correctly, it is better to read the special documentation or ask for advice from a professional who will help you navigate in a particular case.

Garage doors are very important detail the entire garage. They protect it from burglary, cold and precipitation. Today there is a lot various companies And manufacturing enterprises offer their services for the manufacture and installation of shutters for garage-type premises. Such companies do everything professionally, but quite expensively. Is it possible to build this kind of structure yourself? If yes, then how to make a garage door with your own hands, and what is needed for this? This article will try to answer all of the above questions.

First of all, it’s worth clarifying what types of garage doors exist today:

  1. Swing – old, good and proven garage doors. Our grandfathers made them, and they never let them down. Making such a garage door with your own hands is quite simple.
  2. Recoil – enough the new kind gate Sliding garage doors imply the presence of one or more leaves that slide to the side when opened. Such shutters are usually used only in large rooms that have a fairly large lateral space for the shutters to move in, or as a gate to the yard.
  3. Up-and-over garage doors are a single piece that, when opened, rises up and is fixed under the ceiling. This system is a very big plus for garage owners, as it saves space inside and in front of them. The disadvantage of folding gates is the likelihood of their mechanisms and systems freezing in severe frosts. That is why such shutters are suitable only for heated rooms. Making them with your own hands is difficult, but possible.
  4. Sectional overhead doors consist of several panels that slide under the ceiling when opened. The advantage of such a system is considered to be the same space saving. Its disadvantage is the impossibility of creating such gates at home.
  5. Roller shutters are a grid of aluminum plates that, when opened, go up and hide in a special compartment. The disadvantage of such a system is the inability home production, fragility and unreliability, as well as poor thermal insulation.

As can be seen from this list, at home the easiest way to make just swing gates. It is their production that we will consider in the article.

Handmade production

Before you make a garage door with your own hands, you need to create a diagram of it. A drawing of a garage door should show all the components of the structure and their design.

Swinging garage doors consist of three main parts:

  • Frames for the opening (internal and external);
  • Shutter frame;
  • Canvas for shutters.


When drawing up drawings of garage doors with your own hands, it is advisable to adhere to the following requirements and tips:

  • The width of the shutters should be such that the distance from the sides of the car to the garage box is at least 30cm;
  • The standard width for garage doors is 2.5-3m, and the maximum is 5m;
  • The height of the gate directly depends on the height of the car that will be parked in the garage - the standard for cars is 2-2.2 m, for minibuses - 2.5 m.

What do you need to stock up on for work?

In order to make swing garage doors, you may need the following materials:

  • Metal corners 65x65mm;
  • Steel reinforcing rod;
  • Steel strips 3-4mm thick and 2-3cm wide;
  • Reinforced hinges;
  • Steel sheets 3-4mm thick or corrugated sheets.

Tools that will be useful:

  • Measuring tape;
  • Square;
  • Level;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Welding machine.


Before building the entire garage, it is advisable to stop at the fifty percent stage of constructing its walls in order to embed the gate frame into them.

Algorithm for making a gate frame:

  1. Cut from metal corner eight segments, four of which will be equal to the height of the garage door opening, and four to its width.
  2. We lay out the four parts of the first frame at an angle of 90° on bricks or other materials of the same height - be sure to make sure that all its parts are in the same plane.
  3. We fix the angle pieces together by welding, and regularly check that the angle is 90°. It is advisable to weld the corners overlapping - this technique will provide better adhesion.
  4. We carefully clean the outer part of the outer frame from traces of welding, since it is very important that there are no gaps between the sashes and the frame.
  5. We do the same procedure with the second frame.

Shutter frame

When making the frame for the sashes, the following instructions should be followed:

  • We cut four pieces from a metal corner or rectangular profile, each of which should be 10-15mm shorter than the height of the gate frame.
  • We cut out four more segments, each of which will be equal to half the width of the frame minus 30-35mm.
  • We lay out the resulting pieces of the profile on a flat plane and set angles of 90° between them - for convenience, you can apply the profile to an already welded frame.
  • We weld both frames one by one.
  • We weld another piece of profile in the center of the frames in a horizontal position to strengthen the structure.
  • We carefully polish the weld marks on the side of the frame to which the leaf panels will be attached.


The algorithm of actions for the production of gate leaves is as follows:

  • We cut out two rectangles of appropriate sizes from sheets of metal.
  • The height of the rectangles should be 3-4 cm higher than the height of the garage opening.
  • The width of one of the rectangles should be 1-2 cm greater than the width of the frame, and the second, correspondingly, the same amount less.
  • We weld the cut sheets of metal to the frame of the doors so that their upper and lower edges protrude above the frame by 1.-2 cm.
  • We weld the smaller sash so that the frame peeks out from under it 1cm wide.
  • We weld the large sash so that it overlaps the edge of the frame by 2-4 cm.
  • The resulting indentation is necessary for a tighter joint between the doors.
  • In the process of welding sheets, it is advisable to first grab them a little along the edges and center of the frame, and only then carefully weld the entire sheet in increments of 10-15 cm.
  • It is advisable to grind off the welds at the corners of the gate.

Connection of sashes and frame

In order to connect the sashes and frame, it is necessary to use reinforced hinges. Their upper part must be welded to the gate, and the lower part to the gate frame. For greater welding adhesion, you can use welded pieces of metal and a reinforcement insert.

A metal strip 5-7mm thick can be welded to the junction of the upper part of the hinges and the sash. The reinforcement tab must be welded from the inside.

When welding work will be completed, it is necessary to test the entire structure for strength and effectiveness. During testing, it is advisable to pay attention to the following points:

  1. All structural parts must be in the same plane.
  2. The shutters should be adjacent to the frame and flush against each other.
  3. When opening/closing, the doors should move easily and not cling to anything.


As mentioned above, it is advisable to install the gate frame at the stage of construction of the garage, when only half the height of the walls has been erected. It is necessary to install the frame into the unfinished opening, making sure that it is installed correctly vertically and horizontally.

For greater strength and accuracy, it is best to weld both frames together with metal plates 4 cm wide. The plates must be attached to the frames every 60cm.

When the frame is ready, you can continue laying out the walls of the garage, but it is advisable that the entire space between the frames be bricked. During the laying process, it is necessary to wall up the frames themselves. To do this, you need to weld 3 reinforcement rods to them on each side. It is advisable to take rods 20-30 cm long. As the masonry progresses, they must be embedded in the seams between the bricks.

At the final stage, the upper part of the frame must be fixed with a ceiling - a concrete or metal beam.

When the masonry has dried and set, it is advisable to test the new gate - you need to open and close it, listen to see if there is any resistance to these actions.

If the tests are successful, then you can start inserting locks, installing latches and welding special ears for a padlock.

It is also worth saying that, if desired, swing gates can be made with a wicket. This convenient device allows you to not open all the shutters completely and not let cold air into the garage in the winter without the need to drive the car out. We hope that you?

We hope that this article will help you build your garage and make high-quality and inexpensive swing gates for it.

To date, many garage door designs have been developed and put into practice. In terms of ease of use, hinged ones are in many ways inferior to sliding ones, but still remain the most reliable. There is simply nothing to break in them. The design is simple, so any car owner can make a swing gate for a garage with his own hands.

Swing gates can be either double or single leaf

Before you begin to implement your idea, you need to clearly understand what swing gates are, what elements they consist of and how they work. There are two types of this design:

  • with one leaf;
  • with two.

The first option is not suitable for a garage, since the dimensions of one door will be too large and it will be inconvenient to open it.

Double doors consist of several elements:

  • frame made of metal corner, round or profiled pipe;
  • valves;
  • gates in one of the doors, if provided for by the project;
  • loops;
  • jib/beam/lintel;
  • bolt and/or lock.

Assembly and installation swing gates simple. But those who do not have experience in manufacturing and installing such structures will need detailed instructions, taking into account all the nuances of each stage of work.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of swing gates is reliability. But this is far from their only advantage. The simplicity of the design provides other advantages:

  • there is no need to configure and maintain the automation;
  • among budget alternative options there are no sectional, lifting and sliding gates comparable in cost to swing gates - the latter are always more affordable;
  • you can install automation: drives that open and close the doors;
  • there is no need to strengthen the opening and the top floor, which is often required when installing sectional or overhead doors;
  • the possibility of insulating the doors and frame;
  • many door design options.

The main disadvantage is the need to get out of the car and close/open the gate under any, most unfavorable, weather conditions. In addition, in winter it is necessary to clear the space in front of them from snow.

What materials can it be made from?

Swing gates made of profile pipes with correct production and long life is guaranteed

Despite wide choose building materials, reliable swing gates can be made in several ways.

Option #1:

  1. Metal corner 50x5033 mm - for making the frame of the doors and the jibs or crossbars reinforcing it.
  2. Sheets of cold-rolled metal 2.5-3 mm thick. They are attached to the frame with a 3 cm outlet. Welding is used.
  3. 4 loops with a cross section of 25 mm, dimensions 30x160 mm. Welded onto metal sheets through additional metal plates.

Option #2:

  1. Pipe rectangular section 40x40x2.5 mm or 50-50-2.5 mm for the frame of the doors and reinforcing elements.
  2. Sheets of metal 1.5-2 mm thick are fixed to the frame with rivets.
  3. 4-6 loops.
  4. 4 metal plates for hinges.

For the installation of gate posts, pipes of 80x80x3 mm are used. The upper beam, which reinforces the opening, is made of channel No. 16 (shelf height 160 mm) or No. 18, depending on the width of the gate. The threshold can be made from the same materials: a profile pipe or a metal corner.

Most reliable way installation of swing gates in the garage - mount a frame from channel No. 24 under them and install it at the stage of construction of walls and ceilings. If this is not possible, elements reinforcing the opening are installed: an upper beam, a threshold and racks for the sashes.

Reference! The proposed material options for installing swing gates in the garage are universal and suitable for any buildings: brick, concrete, wood, foam and gas blocks. The only exception is a garage made of metal profiles. Such buildings require lightweight structures.

For garages, “flexible” gates are made from metal profiles, so that each leaf can be pressed against the opening with minimal effort. The frame of such structures consists of bent profile open section (l- or u-shaped). The sashes are installed on 4-6 hinges.

Gates with a rigid frame are designed and manufactured in such a way that the leaves fit the opening with a minimum gap and immediately close with the provided locks, without applying additional effort. Accurate data on the required materials in a particular case can be obtained through calculations.


You can make the calculation manually, using formulas, or using a special calculator

Professional calculation of strength characteristics and geometric parameters materials for the manufacture of garage doors are made using a complex of complex mathematical formulas. The following factors are taken into account:

  • opening rigidity;
  • deplaning deformations for given dimensions of the valves and the use of a certain material;
  • bending strength;
  • twisting forces (from wind pressure, weight load, mechanical influences).

Specialized calculators have been developed to perform accurate calculations. If necessary, you can use them.

Required materials and tools

To manufacture swing gates (with a wicket) with dimensions of 2200x3000 mm, you will need not only materials and tools. Adaptations will also be needed, since swing garage doors are manufactured/welded only in a horizontal position.


The profile pipe is ready for use

  1. Metal corner 50x50x2 mm, length 2.2 m - 2 pieces (a total of 4.4 m of corner will be required).
  2. Profile pipe 50x25x2 mm, length 3 m – 2 pcs.
  3. Sheets of cold-rolled metal (can be replaced with hot-rolled) 1250x2500 mm, 2 or 3 mm thick - 3 pcs.
  4. Profile pipe 40x25 mm (or 40x20 mm) 2.2 m long - 9 pcs (necessary for the manufacture of horizontal strips of sashes and gates).
  5. Profile pipe 40x20 mm, 3 m long – 3 pcs (for the manufacture of vertical slats for the frame of the sashes).
  6. Profile pipe 40x40 mm, 3 m long – 1 piece (for mounting a vertical strip at the junction of the working doors, holes for the lock and bolts are also formed in it)
  7. Additional elements: steel plates for hinges and to strengthen the joints of the frame, steel rods.
  8. Level lock.
  9. Garage bolts: vertical and horizontal.
  10. Primer for metal.
  11. Solvent No. 646.
  12. Dye.
  13. Insulating tape.
  14. Coarse to medium grit sandpaper.

Reference! Using a profile pipe to construct a threshold is a reasonable solution. With this design, the gate frames are raised above the level of the parking area by 20-25 mm. Due to this rainwater will not leak inside the room.


  1. Welding machine.
  2. Electrodes.
  3. Sledgehammer, hammers.
  4. Grinder, metal wheels.
  5. Drill, drill bits.
  6. Hammer.
  7. Screwdriver Set.
  8. Bolts with nuts, self-tapping screws.
  9. Clamps.
  10. Level (preferably laser).
  11. Tape measure or rangefinder.

Important! Before you start working with the welding machine, you need to make sure that the garage wiring can withstand this load.

When calculating and purchasing materials, take into account the need for framing (a double frame with horizontal crosspieces) of the garage opening. For its manufacture and installation you will need the same materials and tools. You can use a metal corner, channel, profile pipes. The strapping is an optional element of the gate design; it is necessary to strengthen the opening and the structure as a whole.


To perform cutting and assembly work, you will need two tables: the main and auxiliary. The dimensions of the main one should be such that both doors and frames fit on it. The table surface must be level. Otherwise, there is a high risk of distortion. The table must be durable, able to withstand the weight of metal, tools and blows with a sledgehammer.

Preparatory work

Preparing the opening

Preparing the opening involves performing several steps:

  1. Make sure that the walls on both sides of the opening do not have cracks or deformations.
  2. Dismantled old design, if it exists.
  3. Align the opening (if necessary).
  4. Clean surfaces from dirt, cement and plaster deposits.

Step-by-step instructions for making metal swing gates

Installation of metal swing gates for a garage can be done in two ways.

Option #1:

The Bulgarian went into action

Step 1. Cutting materials: cut corners and pipes with a grinder required sizes corresponding to the drawing or project.

Step 2. Assembling the double frame.

  1. Two vertical strips, the length of which corresponds to the height of the gate, are connected by welding to each other with horizontal jumpers (steel strips).
  2. Holes are drilled in the wall of the opening for fasteners, for which pins from reinforcement can be used. Minimum depth holes – 200 mm.
  3. Dust the holes.
  4. They are filled with cement-sand mortar.
  5. Use a sledgehammer to hammer in the pins.
  6. On the protruding part of the pins, measure 50 mm and cut off the excess with a grinder. There is another option for performing this task: cut the pins flush with the frame and scald them after installing it.
  7. Install the frame.
  8. The protruding parts of the reinforcement are bent with a sledgehammer.

Installation work is performed using a plumb line and level. Install the second one in the same way vertical stand frames

Step 3. Horizontal marking for installation top beam and threshold. When performing work, use a laser level.

Step 4. According to the instructions given in step No. 2, install the horizontal frame beams.

Step 5. The frame of both doors is assembled on the table. Do not forget about the need for reinforcing crossbars, which can be arranged in an x-shape, t-shape or according to the principle of horizontal jumpers. If a gate is provided, its frame is welded from the appropriate elements.

Step 6. Weld the hinges.

Step 7. Hang the sashes.

Step 8. Weld the metal sheets (sew up the sashes).

  1. Sheets for sash cladding must have an outlet at the top and bottom of at least 20 mm.
  2. The center should be covered by the overlap of one of the sashes.

Step 9. Clean the metal from the effects of welding.

Step 10. Cover with anti-corrosion primer.

Step 11. Install locks and latches.

Step 12. Paint the gate.

If necessary, insulate the doors and openings.

Option #2:

The second option for manufacturing swing gates is suitable if there are no conditions for construction perfectionism

This method of manufacturing a sash frame is optimal in situations where it is not possible to build a perfectly flat horizontal surface for assembling the frame.

Step 1. Making scarves. 4 identical strips 50 cm long are cut from a metal corner. They are grabbed at several points to the frame of the opening. Kerchief – auxiliary element, which will subsequently be cut with a grinder. Therefore, continuous welding is not required.

Step 2. Cut 4 strips to make the sash frame.

Step 3. The corners prepared at the previous stage are welded to the gussets so that a “frame within a frame” design is obtained. Continuous welding is needed only in the inner corners (for sashes).

Step 4. Installation of stiffeners. If one of the doors has a gate, its frame is welded.

Step 5. Installation of canopies/hinges. Use products with a male-female connection. The “father” is fixed to the frame of the opening, the “mother” is fixed to the gate wings.

Step 6. Using a grinder, cut the frame of the doors in the middle vertically.

Step 7. Cut off the scarves.

Step 8. The doors are sheathed with sheets of metal or other material chosen at the design stage.

Video: DIY swing garage doors

Features of care and operation

Properly manufactured and installed swing gates have a large margin of safety. To ensure that their service life is not exhausted prematurely, it is necessary to follow several simple maintenance rules.

  1. Keep metal structures clean.
  2. Renew the protective paint coating in a timely manner.
  3. To not allow mechanical damage trim: dents and paint chips.
  4. Do not clean painted structural elements using scrapers, stiff bristle brushes, washes or solvents.
  5. Before opening/closing the doors, make sure that there are no obstacles in the way of their movement.
  6. Do not allow weight loads on the gate leaves.
  7. The hinges are periodically lubricated with Litol or something similar.

The process of making swing gates in a garage is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. All stages of this task, from design to painting the finished structure, can be done with your own hands. This will significantly reduce the cost of the garage improvement estimate.

Building a garage door with your own hands not only allows you to save on paying for professional services, but also saves your car from damage or theft. The product must be attractive appearance, be resistant to changes in temperature and humidity. It’s easier to buy garage doors, but it’s more enjoyable to make them yourself.

How to make a garage door yourself

For many vehicle owners, creating garage doors is the answer. The foundation, roof and walls of the building should be built to protect it from bad weather, and the gate should be installed to protect it from outside visitors. Since the product ensures the safety of expensive tools, there is more left in the house. free space for storing other items.

Before you make a garage door with your own hands, you will need to evaluate all the features of the terrain. Since the width of the gate leaves can be 2.5–3 m, their opening should always be unimpeded. Extra space during operation of the garage is not required only if lifting gates are installed.

Installing overhead gates gives garage owners more freedom to maneuver when entering the garage. Services for the production of such structures are offered by many companies, but every car owner who has all the necessary skills can make the gates themselves.

If installation of the structure is planned in an old doorway, then you will need to take into account its dimensions. The opening made can be reduced or increased based on the following recommendations:

  • the minimum distance from the side of the car to the gate post should be 30 cm;
  • the distance can be increased if the room is intended for a larger vehicle;
  • the height of the structure opening is usually at least 2 m, optimal size parameter - 2.1–2.4 m;
  • steel sheets must have a thickness of at least 3 mm.

If you plan to install a garage door yourself, then you need to prepare design drawings in advance. They will be required during the assembly process as the main document, which is the source of data for calculating the required quantity of materials. The drawings provide maximum accuracy, allowing you to fit the gate leaves to the doorway.

This will prevent moisture from appearing inside the room.

Gate manufacturing begins with preparation necessary tools and familiarization with the installation technology of a certain type of structure. The types of gates depend on the method of opening them. Their assembly is carried out in a certain sequence.

The swing gate design has 2 swinging leaves. This ensures free entry of the vehicle through the doorway. The opening angle of the valves is usually at least 90°. As a result, the risk of damage to the side surface of the body is reduced.

If it is impossible to install gates with leaves, you should choose more expensive models that have lifting mechanism. Manufacturing of garage doors swing type requires preparation of tools and materials. The structure includes doors (1 or 2), frames, hinges and other elements.

The production of swing garage doors is carried out from the following types materials:

  • profile;
  • sheet metal;
  • gate valve;
  • metal corners;
  • castle

Tools you should prepare:

  • grinder;
  • welding machine;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • building level.

Making swing gates is quite simple, since large physical costs are not required. All materials can be purchased in retail stores of the relevant specialization. In the process of performing work, it is important to follow the technology of creating a structure, which includes several stages. The gate itself should consist of the following elements:

  • frame;
  • canvases;
  • frame;
  • loops;
  • fasteners.

Initially, you should measure the dimensions of the opening, then cut the blanks. All parts must be laid on a flat surface and aligned construction level. You will need to check the horizontality of the parts to align the corners.

The structure can then be welded using welding machine. This stage requires preparation outside frame, which is even and smooth, which depends on the tightness of the gate. For this purpose, you can grind the seams after welding.

How to make a gate frame

At the first stage, you should begin assembling the frame, which is carried out using a welding machine based on basic skills in using this tool. The prepared profile is cut with a grinder into separate parts, the parameters of which must correspond.

The frame design includes 2 elements rectangular shape, which are connected to each other during the assembly process. To make frame parts yourself, you need to cut a corner into individual elements, the length of which corresponds to the height and width of the future gate. There are 4 pieces for each measure. of 8 pieces metal profile 60x20.

To create frame elements, you need to cut 8 pieces of corner angle, taking into account the width and height of the structure (there should be 4 pieces for each measurement). The material is laid out on a perfectly flat surface and then formed into rectangles. After measuring the diagonals and angles, all elements of the wall opening will fit perfectly together.

Next, you will need to weld the frame for all gate leaves. The evenness of the frame corners should be checked with a square. It is necessary to leave not too much clearance between the frame and the sections so that the doors can be opened comfortably. Seams are a vulnerable point, subject to corrosion and destruction to the greatest extent.

Do not neglect the processing of welded joints.

They need to be cleaned so that the surface becomes perfectly smooth. Future doors should be tightly closed. This will ensure the quality of the outer and inner frames.

To reliably connect the elements, you will need to use crossbars made of rods or strips of metal. If you use a rod, you can prepare a series of holes in the wall. Reinforcement bars of the required length should be driven into them, welding them to the frame elements. Welding of connecting parts is carried out over the edges of the opening. Strengthen sheet metal to the frame it is necessary so that the leaf on the left can overlap the frame of the sash on the right by 2 cm.

Do-it-yourself installation of hinges and deadbolts

For more durable fastening of the hinges, reinforcing bars will be required, which must be welded on the inside. The technology for welding loops is as follows:

  • the lower part is attached to the frame;
  • the upper part is to the sash from the outside.

Inside, the connection is strengthened with a reinforcement tab. To strengthen the fixation of the structure, many garage owners use deadbolts. They can be located at the top and bottom on the inside of the gate. Making them is not too difficult.

2 holes are made in advance in the floor and ceiling. Their diameter is 2–2.5 cm. To strengthen the bolt, finished frame the guide hinges should be secured. The use of a deadbolt should increase the operational safety of the gate structure. It is better to make a deadbolt for a garage door with your own hands if the design includes a gate. The entrance to the garage is through a gate. To do this, the bolt is opened from the inside and the gate swings open completely. The lock can be either padded or mortise.

Painting and insulation of swing garage doors

After making a garage door with your own hands, you will need to paint it finished design. This is carried out until final installation. The doors should be painted not only for aesthetic reasons, but also to protect the metal elements from corrosion.

You can paint your homemade garage doors with weather-resistant anti-corrosion metal paint. The composition is applied manually using a brush or roller. Aerosols are suitable for this, making the entire painting process easier. Before painting, the surface must be primed.

The paint is applied in 2–3 layers. The coating is changed every 2 years.

Strengthening painted swing garage doors is carried out after the paint has completely dried. All parts of the frame must be secured with metal pins, the length of which is 15 cm. Having secured the prepared elements in the slopes, you will need to sand the ends so that you can easily open and close the doors.

After strengthening the pins in the slopes, it is necessary to cut and sand the ends of the elements, as they can make it difficult to close and open the sashes. The 2 parts of the frame must be fastened together using steel plates 4 mm thick. Welding should be done in increments of 50 cm, then the finished garage door leaves should be hung on the hinges.

To make a garage door with your own hands correctly, you should take care in advance about insulating the entire structure. Otherwise, about 50% of the heat will escape through it. From the inside of the doors, you will need to strengthen the sheathing of wood and lumber. Low cost materials are used as thermal insulation. It could be stone wool or polystyrene foam. The sheathing is covered with clapboard.

You can make your own thermal curtain from tarpaulin or transparent plastic.

Types of overhead garage doors

Overhead gates are quite popular among garage owners, but many people think that they cannot be built on their own. To lift the structure, hinges are used to raise and lower the sash, moving from a vertical to a horizontal position. Overhead garage doors should occupy less space than swing doors. There are 2 types lifting structures gate:

  • lifting sectional;
  • lift-and-swivel.

The lifting structure, consisting of sections 50 cm wide, is usually made of wood, metal or plastic. The internal void between the frame frames must be filled with polyurethane foam insulation. The sections will need to be connected with hinges having plastic or steel moving parts. If the type of material is chosen correctly, the entire structure will be durable and of high quality. If you make overhead gates yourself, you can save your budget. This design is considered very convenient and easy to operate. However, it has fairly low protection against hacking.

Up-and-over garage doors, like sectional ones, are raised and lowered due to the presence of hinges.

The structure must have only one door. Unlike the previous type, this canvas protects the garage well from being broken into by ill-wishers.

The obvious advantage of the lift-and-turn design is the integrity of the canvas. To cover it, you can use sandwich panels or metal. Cost of one piece wooden canvas is high because it is heavy. As thermal insulation material Polystyrene foam and stone wool slab can be used.

Technology for creating overhead garage doors

Before making an overhead garage door, you should choose a mechanism for opening the door. After developing the sketch, you will need to prepare everything necessary materials with tools:

  • plywood panels;
  • steel pins (cuts of reinforcing bars 15–18 cm long);
  • spring d=30 mm;
  • Sheet steel;
  • wooden beam 120x80 (racks) and 100x100 (crossbar);
  • channel bracket 8x4.3x0.5;
  • steel rod d=8 mm.

Installation of garage doors is carried out in the following sequence:

  • knock down a frame from 2 supports and a cross member to connect the parts using corners or plates;
  • the lower part should be buried 2 cm into the concrete screed;
  • strengthen the box in the opening with steel pins;
  • assemble the frame of the canvas and cover it with plywood, attach iron to the outside;
  • make a support for the structure from a corner;
  • Make 3 holes with a drill for attaching the spring bracket.

To connect the spring to the bracket, it is necessary to prepare an adjusting plate using a steel strip. Next, the spring is connected to the bracket. The outer coils of the spring must be bent using pliers to make hooks to which a steel rod is attached from below. It is necessary to make a hinged corner from the angle in order to weld it to the frame. This way you can install the lifting lever on a 12 cm hinge. Next, you should attach the tension regulator plate to the end of the lever.

To construct guide rails, you can use a couple of corners.

They must be welded along the edge, keeping an eye on the internal distance, which should be strictly 5 cm between the peaks along the entire length. Then the rail is attached to the plate. The lower end of the cross member should be at a distance of 8 cm from the axis.

At the other end of the crossbar, 12–15 cm from the bottom, it is necessary to strengthen the channel. It is attached to the ceiling beam by means of bolted connection. Before you secure anything correctly, you need to check the horizontality of the guides.


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