Fourth lunar day.

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The birthday fell on the 4th lunar day. People born on this day are the bearers of some kind of cosmic secret: it is desirable that everyone unravel this secret within themselves on an intuitive level.

It is difficult for such people every 18th lunar day - at this time they are weakened and they do little. Relationships with those born at this time are also extremely difficult.

Those born on this day are messengers of heaven. Endowed with statesmanship, close to the highest circles. usually have a strong large family. but they should take special care to protect their home and property.

They are bad at being passive in business (waiting is not their strong point), and analyzing the harmony of influences. Difficulties in consolidating established positions, obtaining an objective assessment of undertaken obligations, and the ability to do something independently

Those born on the 4th lunar day are highly dependent on upbringing and heredity. Their main drawback is selfishness; it arises primarily in in this case from a feeling of security.

People born on this day may be the bearers of some kind of cosmic secret. It is advisable for each person to figure it out for himself (this is his personal life task). People 4 l.d.

– carriers of a certain cosmic energy and great vitality. Every word they say is significant and causes certain actions and consequences. If a person of this day has poor command of words, it is better for him to learn to remain silent.

A child, in the absence of proper upbringing, can grow up malicious and selfish.

We all come from childhood and the influence of our parents and their upbringing leaves an imprint on our entire future life. It will take a lot of effort from parents to set him on the right path; but their love, patience and understanding for such a child are a gift from God and the help of Heaven.

People born on the 4th lunar day are usually extremely selfish and proud from childhood. They are difficult to educate, are quick-tempered, stubborn, and cause a lot of trouble to their parents. In people on the 4th lunar day there is some kind of secret that they unravel throughout their lives.

Few people truly understand them, and they themselves can never fully understand themselves. They have a complex character, woven from contradictions, but this is very interesting people– those around them are drawn to them, it’s never boring with them.

People of the 4th lunar day are verbal magicians, capable of programming reality and using words to influence other people and change the flow of time. They should be very careful with their statements - every word they say carries a powerful charge.

And sometimes it’s really better for them to remain silent, since their words can turn against them.

The life task of such people is to discover the cosmic secret through internal self-awareness.

A person was born in the first quarter of the lunar cycle. Morning of the month – “Artemis”. I came to explore this world, get acquainted with it, solve tactical problems and build tactical plans, make up my mind, look around and launch all life processes, affairs of relationship.

Those born in the 1st quarter are “small children” preschool age and their life task, the purpose with which they were born is the same as that of babies - to get acquainted with this world, learn to communicate, take care of themselves and “behave among people.”

Those born in the first quarter of the Lunar cycle are eternal “pre-school children”, people of a virgin soul that has not yet acquired great experience. They, like children under three years old, know little, but they learn and absorb information easier than others. They sleep a lot and physically and spiritually it is difficult for them to wake up; they need rest more than others. Because every day they, like small children, receive more impressions from life than “adults.”

It’s as if everything is new to them, they take everything at face value, it’s easier for them to open up to the world and other people.

They draw strength from the Earth, like babies from their mother; like babies, they need physical care, comfort, and warmth. Having become adults, our “kids” continue to be nourished by the Earth, trips to nature give them strength, and all sorts of rituals like “lean against a birch tree” help them more than others. In a word, remember the kids, and everything will become clear to you.

Those born in the 1st phase are allowed a lot and are forgiven more than others, because they have not yet reached that degree of “adulthood”, which imposes great responsibility.

The quality of life of those born in the first quarter, as well as the quality of life of children, depends in almost everything on the “parents” - on the environment in which they live. If their loved ones take good care of them, then their whole life can turn out to be a continuous “happy and carefree childhood.”

If they are unlucky with their surroundings, they have the hardest time coping with difficulties - life in the “childhood of a street child” mode is perhaps the most difficult of all possible options. To improve the quality of your life.

Those born in the first quarter just need to find good, caring “parents”.

The best partners and life companions for people of the first phase of the Moon are people born in the third lunar phase. Those same “caring parents” are most often found among those born in the 3rd quarter, born “adults”, whose task is precisely to live an adult life, work, raise children, take care of their parents, etc.

Which famous people were born on the 4th lunar day? On this day such famous people were born as:

  • Nikolai Yudenich - military leader (birthday July 30, 1862) Moon in Virgo;
  • Svetlana Savitskaya - cosmonaut (birthday August 8, 1948) Moon in Virgo;
  • Anatoly Sobchak - politician (birthday August 10, 1937) Moon in Libra;
  • Muammar Gaddafi - ruler (birthday September 13, 1942) Moon in Libra;
  • Jimmy Carter - Ruler (birthday October 1, 1924) Moon in Scorpio;
  • Nicolaas Tinberg - founder (birthday April 15, 1907) Moon in Taurus;
  • Alexy I - clergyman (Scorpio birthday October 8, 1877) Moon in Sagittarius;
  • Georgy Gladyshev - chemist (Virgo birthday September 19, 1936) Moon in Scorpio;
  • James Maxwell - physicist (Gemini birthday June 13, 1831) Moon in Cancer;
  • Dragunsky Victor – writer (Sagittarius birthday December 1, 1913) Moon in Capricorn;
  • Erich-Maria Remarque - writer (Cancer birthday June 22, 1898) Moon in Leo;
  • Edgar Poe - writer (Capricorn birthday January 19, 1809) Moon in Pisces;
  • Hans Christian Andersen - writer (Aries birthday April 2, 1805) Moon in Taurus;
  • JK Rowling - writer (Leo birthday July 31, 1965) Moon in Virgo;

Meditate on this topic for your own pleasure and benefit


characteristic 4 – 6 lunar days

Name– “The Tree of Knowledge”, “The Day of Choice between Good and Evil”, “Aum”. It is considered the first of the unfavorable ones, since it carries a dual characteristic: positive and negative at the same time.

It is better to spend this day in solitude, spend it well at home, doing household chores. Before doing something, you need to think 10 times, and then make a decision. You need to do everything that contributes to the correct choice between good and evil (at the level of thought, word, action).

Help make right choice can pronounce prayers, mantras, sing divine praises and sacred texts, to calm and enlighten the mind (Club body), for which the singing of the sounds “Aum” is beneficial, this will have a beneficial effect on the entire human condition.

If on this day you remember the events of your life and learn lessons from them, a person will be transformed and receive the help of his spiritual and ancestral egregor in untying karmic knots. It’s good to spin, unravel threads, and walk through the forest on this day. Businesses related to water structures are favorable.

The second half of the day is more favorable and allows you to gain the support of new acquaintances, bosses, and friends. Sexual powers increase, this day is favorable for marital relationships. It is good on this day to look for missing things and lost people.

It is beneficial to be in a family, to communicate with all the elements of Nature (fire, air, water, earth, heaven).

On this day you can’t pick flowers or cut down trees; gatherings and joint work. It is bad to rebel against your neighbor. The first half of this day is especially unfavorable, as confusion and indecision increase, and self-confidence decreases.

If there was a quarrel the night before or bad news and signs were received, they can affect a person's plans. Therefore, greater awareness and ability to resist such influences is required. Communication with bosses, friends and loved ones can be difficult in the first half of the day.

Avoid making decisions that are poorly thought out.

Health– illnesses on this day are dangerous if you do not pay attention to them immediately. The larynx and throat center Vishuddha are associated with this day. If a person uses the power (energy) of this day for other purposes, he will suffer from osteochondrosis. This means that he has not yet made his choice in life and is wavering between enlightenment and ignorance.

Nutrition– on this day it is favorable to bake bread and pies. Round bread (loaf) – personification of the Sun. Personally baked bread is an image of goodness and unification of people. You can also bake pancakes and cheesecakes - which are also signs of the Sun.

A pancakes are baked in honor of the goddess Lada. Kneading dough, especially for bread, has always been considered a special, ritual action that must be performed only with clean hands, but also with pure thoughts and soul. Homemade round bread is a blessing to everyone who eats it.

Be sure to treat the Brownie.

Conception- this is the day of procreation, one of the Ancestors will return to your family. The day of love, about which they say: “Bathe yourself in each other!” A gentle child of home and family will be incarnated. But if the parents take his upbringing lightly, the child will turn into a lazy person and a self-lover, rejecting spiritual work on his own thoughts and feelings.

Birth– people born on this day may be bearers of some kind of cosmic secret. It is advisable for each person to figure it out in himself (this is his personal life task, a karmic horoscope can help with this). People 4 yrs. d. – carriers of a certain cosmic energy and great vitality.

Every word they say is significant and causes certain actions and consequences. If a person of this day has poor command of words, it is better for him to learn to remain silent. A child, in the absence of proper upbringing, can grow up malicious and selfish.

It will take a lot of effort from parents to set him on the right path; but their love, patience and understanding for such a child are a gift from God and the help of Heaven.

Dreams– good dreams come true, bad dreams don’t. If you see your parents on this day, it is a sign to think about what unresolved issues you have inherited from them. Start solving them! Dreams tell us how prosperous our Family is. Can be prophetic dreams and dreams warning of danger.

Stones– sardonyx (Virgo), green jade (Virgo, Libra), amazonite (brings joy to the house; Taurus).

5th lunar day

Name– “Unicorn”, “Day of the Pure Virgin”. It is considered a day of fidelity to one's duty. It is believed that people with complex characters born on the fifth day of the moon are pacified by “pure virgins.” First sextile.

The day of refusal from temptations, when we are made to understand what corresponds to our development and what slows it down. You need to follow the information and signs you receive that can indicate what is useful and what is harmful to a person. On this day, there is a selection of people who you need and who interfere with you.

The day is favorable for a person to demonstrate his abilities in a variety of fields. Luck and the ability to realize your thoughts and plans increase; Opportunities arise for expanding communication, new thoughts and undertakings that allow you to make favorable changes in your destiny.

Intuition, premonitions and the gift of foresight, social and scientific activities are intensified. On this day, they protect foundations and laws, honor and dignity (both their own and others), and protect someone.

It’s good to be on the road or hit the road on this day, to cry (in a dream and in reality) - tears on this day have a cleansing effect (but you should pay attention to their cause). Tears, in general, are good at clearing toxins from the brain. It is good to deal with herbs (collect, dry or infuse), collect roots and root vegetables.

Any crime on this day will be solved. At creative approach and determination, everything succeeds. The second half of these lunar days is especially favorable.

However, you should be restrained in communication, because excessive pressure or tactlessness can nullify your activity. Any offense on this day will be punished, and the missing will not be found. In the first half of the day, the influence of the previous lunar day will still be felt.

Health– you should pay attention to the esophagus. The Ajna chakra (the center of clairvoyance) is associated with the fifth lunar day; concentrating on it gives a person strengthening his own “core”.

Nausea and vomiting on this day means misuse its energies (“astral poisoning”). This can lead to gastrointestinal diseases.

Nutrition– the day is favorable for the transformation of food and great attention should be paid to it at this time. Eat to your heart's content what you want! This is the only day in the lunar month when food and its energy component are completely transformed into the tissues of the human body.

Therefore, you can be guided by your instincts and eat on this day those foods that you are drawn to. This is what many yogis do - they little by little consume what they want. You need to be satisfied, but it is important not to overeat. By consuming foods correctly on this day, you can stock up on useful vitality for the whole month.

To fully absorb the energy of foods, they must be chewed thoroughly: “He who chews for a long time lives long.” The preferred basis of nutrition on this day is milk and cottage cheese, since dairy products contribute to the spiritual development of a person and have a beneficial effect on meditative practices.

On this day it is bad to go hungry, animal (“kill”) food is contraindicated, sauerkraut and mushrooms are difficult to digest.

Conception- a dual day. One can incarnate a highly developed soul capable of experiencing great trials. A child conceived on this day can be pursued throughout his life by strong and dangerous enemies, he will be punished for all misdeeds and evil thoughts. All his evil will turn against him as retribution.

The fate of conceived people on this day will change for good or bad 2-3 times in one life. Strong-willed people will emerge from these trials purified and renewed, weak people will emerge embittered or sick.

If you decide to conceive on this day, try not to get sick, not to drink alcohol (it is generally advisable not to drink it, not only on this day) and not to starve - be pure and bright in your thoughts.

Birth– on this day people are born who easily convert food into their vitality. What is important to them is not the quantity, but the quality of food, since they can transform any quantity.

Such people usually remain slim; they are advised to avoid sauerkraut, pickles and foods containing the germs of putrefaction, as this will affect their physical and spiritual health. It is useful for them to monitor the information and various signs that come to them.

On this day, in best case scenario, heroes and lights may be born, full of physical or spiritual strength. But if a person is born weak in spirit, he distinctive feature he may become fussy, he may waste himself in small things in life.

He needs the help of parents or teachers in his upbringing and education, he needs to be taught the sciences of self-education, self-education and organizing space. If a born child is physically weak, then without outside help he may not live long.

Dreams- can be predictive, but doubtful, often false and unfulfillable. Crying in a dream– cleansing. It’s good if you dream about travel, roads, business. This indicates good health and good vitality. If something is unpleasant, listen to your body, something is wrong in it.

Stones– amber (Leo), turquoise (Taurus Sagittarius), marble, pink chalcedony (Sagittarius).

6th lunar laziness

Name– “Clouds”, “Crane” (the image of a calm feminine principle), “Bird”. The Greeks have the day of things of the bird Ivik. Day of absorption and assimilation of the energies of the Cosmos. Precedes the first quarter of the Moon.

The day of finding grace, love, reminds us of forgiveness. A day of solitude and humility. Go about your daily routine calmly, noting what is most important to you. Favorable for prophecy and transmission of thoughts.

On this day, cosmic energy passes through sounds and combines with special power with spoken words, which is why reading prayers, mantras, and sacred chants out loud is so favorable. In the 6th ld.

daily, it is recommended to practice incense with spices, the smells of flowers and other things, aromatherapy - because in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, the transformation of cosmic energy - prana - into human vitality occurs.

It is beneficial to look at the clouds and hear the melodic ringing. A day of joy and passion. Favorable for scientific and research works, spiritual quests, and academic success. Missing people on this day are quickly found.

The first half of the day is more favorable and allows you to implement the plans that appeared the day before. The ability to complete things increases, and the trust of others increases. New patrons and acquaintances appear, support from relatives and friends is felt. Learn to trust your gut.

The second half of the day is more fussy and requires a person to be more responsible and able to organize what is happening. You should be attentive to everything that happens.

Otherwise, the good undertakings of the first half of the day may not come true. In ancient times, on this day they used to tell fortunes by looking at the clouds: when the sky is clear or completely covered with clouds, the world is devoid of perfection and balance.

It is bad to show dissatisfaction with something.

Health– you should pay attention to the bronchi and upper respiratory tract, you can begin to cleanse and treat them. This is the day when you should pay attention to the composition of the blood, especially plasma. Practicing with words and breathing exercises (pranayama) will have a beneficial effect on your physical and spiritual health.

It is useful to practice sound therapy, as it will fill all the organs of the body with vitality. The day is good for rejuvenation (especially with the Moon in the signs of Pisces or Virgo). When the Moon is in Libra, you can get rid of excess weight. People who get sick on this day recover quickly. If you use the energy of the 6th hp incorrectly. d.

This can lead to blood diseases and asthma.

Conception– it’s better if it happens in nature. Then the born child will have a good connection with Nature and will feel its elements well. On this day, dreamers and wanderers are conceived - freedom-loving people living in an eternal search for perfection. Or - vagabonds, outcasts and cosmopolitans.

Birth– a child born on this day will live long. In the best case, conductors of cosmic energies can be born: people who know how to transform these forces in words. They can become good speakers, storytellers, and teachers.

But people of the 6th ld. must, in turn, always be attentive to what is said and what is said to them. If a person has a low spiritual level of development, he needs to be helped to realize the connection between words and cosmic energies.

First of all, parents and teachers who raise the child in childhood are responsible for this.

Dreams– you need to be careful and keep secret everything you see in your dreams on this day (for various reasons). If you see your friend in a dream, then maybe you are his debtor. In dreams you often see things that were not done, unfinished. You dream about people to whom you are indebted.

Stones– hyacinth, golden-red zircon (Aries), citrine (Gemini).


Lunar days: 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 28-30

Updated (03/24/2012 15:06)


4 Lunar Day (Description of 4 Lunar Day)

The 4th lunar day is a period when you will have access to information not only about the world around you, but also about yourself. Everything hidden becomes clear and understandable. This is a day of knowledge, revelation of secrets and important decisions. It was on this lunar day that our ancestors Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and were expelled from Eden. On these days, a person should be especially careful...

Description of the 4th lunar day

August 15, Wednesday, 4th lunar day (until 10:09, later focus on the 5th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

The main characteristic of the 4th lunar day is the receipt of important and previously hidden information. It is important to be able to adequately perceive it, analyze and draw conclusions. It is necessary to understand the flow of news that “suddenly” becomes available. The best time for introspection.

Features and properties of 4 lunar days

Talismans and symbols:

  • the symbol of this period is the Tree of Knowledge;
  • green jades, amazonites, and sardonyx are considered talisman stones;
  • element - tree;
  • The main colors of this day are all shades of green.

On this day, the veil hiding the inner “I” is lifted. You will be able to understand what drives your actions, desires, and aspirations. This is the day of self-awareness. And it’s up to you whether to try to deceive yourself or to really assess your position in this world.

This is probably why this day evokes positive emotions and a thirst for knowledge in some, while it plunges others into despondency. It all depends on the person, on what lifestyle he has chosen for himself, what his attitude is to the world around him, to his friends and loved ones.

This lunar day is a turning point. What to choose? Self-improvement or self-destruction? All these questions, one way or another, will haunt you during this period.

The previous lunar day was full of vigorous activity, this one was given to consolidate the results obtained. We need to continue to move forward, while carefully studying the upcoming prospects and analyzing our actions. If a mistake was made, it can still be easily corrected. The information that is literally floating around will help you find the right solution.

Esotericists believe that on this day the Universe will help you adjust to its rhythms and make it clear whether you are able to maintain its unity and harmony. You may suddenly see the path along which you should move further, understand which solution will be the most successful to resolve a particular problem.

In the mystical teachings of the East, it was believed that on this day it was possible to transmit secret knowledge and sacred experience. Those who use spiritual practices believe that on the 4th lunar day you can connect to the information channels of the universe.

Lunar relations on the fourth day

Prince Gofus is considered the guardian angel of this day. It helps lovers, gives spouses a chance to respect each other and revive love. This patron of the day gives his “wards” a special sexuality and attractiveness, which helps to “refresh” fading feelings, revive the intensity of passion and the flame of love.

Despite the favor and protection of Gofus, the fourth lunar day is a bad time for marriage. Those who decide to take such a step will constantly feel an ambivalent and uncertain state. The spouses will not find agreement among themselves, they will argue and sort things out.

Considering that on this day everything hidden becomes obvious, with a high degree of probability adultery will lead to a scandal and a break in relations. Even an ordinary “affair” can be fatal for a marriage.

If it is not possible to postpone the wedding, it is necessary to take “insurance” measures. Perform a special ritual and make an agreement with the Moon.

Bring it up heavenly body gifts. It doesn't have to be things and offerings. Try to give up a bad habit or promise to do something or achieve something. It goes without saying that what was promised must be fulfilled in the future, so weigh your words and actions.

Sex on this lunar day should not be aggressive or too violent. Arrange a romantic date for your other half, spend the day together, enjoy each other's company.

Conceiving a child

The best day for conception is considered to be the 4th lunar day, which is called the day of birth. Children conceived on this day will continue the traditions of their family, respect its foundations, and take care of elderly relatives. Mystics believe that the soul of a distant or close ancestor can inhabit a child.

The baby who begins his journey to life on this day will become the support and pride of the family. He will attract the love and affection of others. His calm and affectionate disposition will earn him the respect of his classmates and teachers. It will not be difficult for such a child to make many friends.

Parents must make an effort to develop hard work, perseverance, and determination in their child. You can send your child to a sports section, theater or music studio. The main thing is to eliminate passivity. The most dangerous enemies for children born on the 4th day of the lunar cycle are laziness, lack of will, and fear.

Work on this lunar day

The 4th lunar day is well suited for analyzing work that has been started, identifying errors in the developed strategy, and processing the information received. Good time for financial transactions. The only condition is that before you start, carefully consider and weigh everything to eliminate possible risks.

The day is especially good for trade workers and large businessmen. The first is guaranteed good income, the second - promising and successful projects.

It is not recommended to take a new job on the fourth day of the lunar cycle. You may “not fit into the team,” your superiors may not like you, or you may be disappointed in choosing a new type of activity.

This day is also not suitable for either quitting or changing jobs. On the 4th lunar day it is better not to take any decisive action in this direction. It will be good to go out into nature on this day.

Health on a lunar day

On the fourth lunar day, pay increased attention to your neck and throat. Do a neck massage or muscle relaxation exercises. This is especially true for those people who spend most of their working time at the computer. If possible, spend a few hours in a park, forest, or garden.

  1. On the 4th lunar day, listen to how you feel - today is a very useful and important day for your health. If you have the opportunity to undergo an examination, do it, the diagnosis will be the most accurate.
  2. Refrain from overeating, excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods. It is also useful to limit yourself from eating foods that are too high in calories. Avoid mayonnaise, spreads and sauces.
  3. If possible, carry out a mono diet on this day - eat only vegetables or only fruits. You can completely refuse food for a day.
  4. It is not advisable to drink alcohol.

On this day it is good to start replanting flowers, bushes or trees. Caring for plants will bring peace and positive emotions, and this is one of the components of good health.


Will bad decision start cutting your hair on the fourth lunar day; today it can lead to troubles in the family, disagreements and quarrels.

Cutting your hair will have a positive effect on its growth and thickness, but will negatively affect your relationship with your significant other. If you want to save your family and not destroy the established love relationship- The 4th lunar day is a bad time for cutting hair.

It may happen that going to the hairdresser on the fourth day will harm your health - you will feel a sore throat or a “jammed” neck.

To avoid financial losses, do not visit the hairdresser and refuse to have your hair done on this lunar day. A haircut on the 4th day of the lunar cycle can negatively affect the wealth of the family.

Characteristics of people born on the fourth lunar day

Children born on the 4th lunar day are noticeably different from their peers. They are calm, do not demand anything, do not become hysterical, but remember the insult well. “Fours” are not vindictive, they just have an overly keen sense of justice.

Those born on the fourth day of the lunar calendar have some mystical secret. They are able to attract attention and easily charm the opposite sex. In family life, these people are almost always happy. Sometimes they can be overly demanding of their significant other.

People born on the fourth lunar day are persistent and stubborn. They are firmly moving towards their goal. They make excellent bosses and businessmen. And:

  • writers;
  • scientists;
  • researchers;
  • programmers;
  • politicians;
  • archaeologists;
  • historians;
  • analysts.

If your child’s birthday falls on the fourth lunar day, be prepared for the fact that his future life directly depends on your upbringing. To prevent your child from growing into an inveterate egoist or slacker, teach him independence, discipline and responsibility, and instill hard work.

What do dreams mean on the 4th lunar day

At night during these lunar days, you can see prophetic dreams that will definitely come true. However, don't take them too seriously. Sometimes dreams on the 4th lunar day can come in the form of a difficult riddle or puzzle. The interpretation of such dreams may not be unambiguous. In this case, it is better to seek advice from specialists.

Sometimes a dream can quite clearly indicate an event:

  • the flame of a candle or fire - a long-awaited meeting with your soulmate;
  • a walk through a flower meadow - success in business awaits ahead;
  • a nightmare seen in a dream warns of imminent unpleasant events.

Do not despair if you think that the dream promises only terrible troubles and misfortunes. Sometimes the Moon tries to warn and push you to make the right choice.

Rituals of the fourth lunar day

The symbol of this time is the Tree of Knowledge. Therefore, rituals aimed at obtaining information will be most appropriate during this period.

To gain knowledge

If you want to receive some information important to you, contact the patroness of the night, the Moon, for it.

To carry out the ritual of the fourth lunar day, you need to stay alone, light a yellow candle and draw an even and large circle on a blank sheet of paper. In this circle, write down briefly what you want to know about. You cannot write verbosely or ask many questions. This will only create confusion. Then speak the written text three times.

Place the request sheet in a secluded place. Ask Luna to send you within three days necessary information and thank her in advance. In the following days, carefully monitor all the information you receive. It could be news on TV, a song you accidentally heard, or a book you came across. The main thing is to be alert and carefully analyze what is happening around you.

How to make the right choice

Sometimes people are faced with a choice, and it causes them almost physical suffering. The fourth day of the lunar cycle has a special magic. Rituals today will help you gain confidence and make your choice. During this period, secret knowledge literally envelops us. You just need to manage this moment correctly and take from the information flows what is needed.

Go outside before bed. Try to find the new month in the sky and turn to it for help. Ask him to give you advice on what to do in a difficult situation. difficult situation. Be sure to thank Luna in advance. When you return home, go straight to bed. If you were sincere in your desire, then you will definitely receive a hint on how best to do it in your dream.

Horoscope for 2019 is a professional personal horoscope for this year by date of birth. You yourself can choose one of three semantic text interpretations, in accordance with your interests - business, health or love - family. When forming a horoscope, not only descriptive texts are generated, but also a table of aspects of the planets, where the aspects themselves are shown with colored lines. The color of the lines corresponds to the nature of the aspect: red - tense, green - harmonious. At the same time, tense aspects bring problematic situations and stimulate action, while harmonious aspects bring easy situations and luck. Blue color - describes planetary connections, which can be both tense and harmonious (read the text of the aspects). To view the horoscope for the year for past or future periods, you can use the paid Forecast Horoscope.

Tarot Horoscope- This zodiac horoscope, combining the accuracy of modern astrology and the centuries-old wisdom of Tarot cards. For a long time it was believed that the images on the cards have a complex interpretation from an astrological point of view, but after analyzing life path many great and famous people, astrologers were able to uncover the mystery of the Tarot cards and draw a parallel between their meaning and the position of the Sun in a person’s birth horoscope. Compose a free Tarot horoscope and the “secret knowledge” will be revealed: you will find out under the sign of which Tarot card you were born, and which sacred meaning has your life path.

Love horoscope allows you to answer how suitable people are for each other in matters of love and intimacy. Like the compatibility horoscope, the spiritual aspects of human relationships are also considered here. Aspects of sexual compatibility of partners may appear in the texts, or there may be no information at all - such aspects are not present in all horoscopes. There are three planets that determine sexual compatibility partners are Venus, Mars, and Pluto. If a couple has connections between these planets, then the couple has what we call "Sexual Aspects", and this is a very reliable indicator of whether this man and woman are suitable for each other. Only one in a thousand couples has three or more of these aspects.

Horoscope by date of birth- it's free accurate horoscope With psychological portrait, astrological description human personality, from the point of view of the location at the moment of birth of our planets solar system. The planets, being in different Zodiac Signs, endow you with certain character traits and thereby lay the foundation of your destiny. More full version– An individual horoscope will also tell you which zodiac houses the planets were in at the time of your birth and what connections (aspects) they formed with each other, thereby creating a unique star pattern of your personality. This drawing, which has the astrological name “natal chart,” is the key to understanding your destiny and purpose.

general characteristics
Day of active contacts, good for trading activities. Diplomacy and risk-taking are increasing. However, you should try not to make hasty decisions. There is a danger of falling victim to the machinations of your rivals. It's good to spend this day in nature.


Pay attention to the condition of the esophagus. You can't starve, but you should limit your consumption of animal foods.

Born on the 4th Lunar day.
Born on this day highly dependent on upbringing and heredity. Their main drawback is selfishness, which arises primarily in this case from a sense of security. People born on this day are the bearers of some kind of cosmic secret: it is desirable that everyone unravel this secret within themselves on an intuitive level.
Effect on conception. Family birthday. A gentle child will be born, but may grow up to be lazy.
Hair care.
A haircut will bring discomfort, attract melancholy and fear of losing loved ones. Will cause throat diseases and oral diseases.

First phase of the moon. Young (growing) Moon

At the time of the monthly presence of the Moon in the First Quarter phase, people’s mood quickly changes, internal contradictions intensify, and internal confrontation intensifies. arise various kinds obstacles, trials, mainly related to emotional instability and impatience with the opponent’s opinion. People become vulnerable and emotionally unstable. Emotional outbursts cause increased activity, a desire to immediately do something, change something, a person doesn’t like everything. As a result, all this leads to resentment, misunderstandings, conflicts and quarrels. At this time, exacerbations of chronic diseases are possible.

From the point of view of its influence on physiology, with a young Moon, energy is aimed at maintaining certain intentions, preventive and therapeutic measures, but there are also types of activities that the young Moon has an impact on. bad influence.
New Moon indicates the path, accepts, builds, creates, accumulates energy, prevents the earth from accepting moisture, accumulates strength, has a positive effect on everything that can be saved, and helps to relax.
Anything you want to put into your body that strengthens and builds it is doubly effective during these 14 days. You will need a little more self-discipline, but even now you will not have to starve (unless your physical hunger is compensation for mental hunger).
You should eat less than usual because your body can process and store food better. If at this time you have to work a lot and hard, then drink assorted herbal tea: the young Moon supports all activities aimed at strengthening the body. Try to stop eating 5 minutes before you feel full, and drink as much as possible between 3 and 5 pm. Last time You can eat 2 hours earlier than usual, but no later than 18.00.
It is easier to eliminate deficiencies with a young Moon than with a flawed one; it is especially useful at this time to make up for the deficiency minerals and vitamins. Magnesium, calcium, and iron preparations work much better.
The body is very susceptible, and if portion sizes remain unchanged, the person becomes slightly fatter. But it should be borne in mind that the body perceives better useful material, if you first remove harmful substances from it. Otherwise, it may turn out that you are “pouring new engine oil onto the old one.”
As the crescent of the Moon increases, the likelihood of a successful outcome of any operation decreases, wounds and injuries begin to heal worse. Many scars remain. The closer we get to the full moon, the stronger the influence of the Moon.
When the Moon is young, more fluid accumulates in the body and, in particular, in the legs; it is difficult to remove it even with diuretics. Any poisoning from a wasp sting to mushroom poisoning turns out to be very strong. But the body also perceives medicinal ointments much better during the young moon.
By the way: the influence of the young moon extends to household. For example, washing requires much more powder than with a debilitated Moon.

First phase of the Moon - from new moon to first quarter

For all days of the quarter: 1st - 7th Lunar days

The moon goes through its monthly cycle in 29.6 days from new moon to the next new moon. This cycle is divided into four phases approximately 7.5 days each.

During the period from the new moon to the first quarter there is a hidden internal process of formation, so during this period you should plan, weigh, count resources, but you should not take on too actively practical implementation ideas. People born in the first week after the New Moon are unique in both character and behavior. They express a love of philosophy and mysticism.

The level of vital energy increases with the growth of the Moon.

The influence of the Moon on birth on the 4th Lunar day

Birth on the 4th Lunar day means that in the future it will be easier for a person to study various knowledge, which remains a secret for many. Those laws of existence that few pay attention to.

Naturally, this feature will be noticed by those around the person. He will even be endowed with a certain mystical aura. The priority for those born on the 4th lunar day will be self-knowledge. However, this interest will not affect their ability to understand other people. And also on understanding life.

Simply, if possible, they will replenish their knowledge base, giving preference to sources that many people simply do not pay attention to. At the same time, it will be difficult for them to complete their plans.

Relations with relatives will have for them special meaning. And, in particular, with the older generation. It should also be noted that the words they spoke do not simply dissolve. They almost always materialize. So self-control is also a priority for them. In particular, swearing will not lead to anything good.

These people try to spend their leisure time outside the city. Ideally, retiring in nature and restoring your peace of mind.

1 — Lunar day. Symbol of the day: Lamp.

The energy of the first lunar day gives those born on this day a rich imagination and daydreaming. Such people retain childish character traits until the end of their lives. They are characterized by indecisiveness. They can spend their whole lives in dreams and fantasies about great deeds and accomplishments. But they are also capable of sudden, bright and very active actions. It happens that after long period contemplation, unexpectedly for those around them, in a short period of time they achieve unprecedented success. They have good vitality potential, but it is still worth monitoring their health, then longevity is guaranteed. If something is imagined in detail on a new moon or full moon, it will most likely come true.

Top tip— learn to control your emotions, which are often very strong and stormy, and structure a huge flow of thoughts, then success is guaranteed.

2 - Lunar day. Symbols of the day: Horn of plenty.

The main features of those born on the second lunar day are practicality and rationality, which manifests itself both in work and in personal relationships. They are also curious and smart. They have developed intuition, which helps them understand not only own desires, but also to easily determine who is worth dealing with and which contacts are better to refuse. Those born on the second lunar day have good health.

Advice- from childhood, learn generosity, kindness and responsiveness, since initially they may have a tendency towards opposite character traits. The manifestation of greed and greed affects health and can lead to diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys.

3 - Lunar day. Symbols of the day: Leopard.

The main feature of those born on the third lunar day is enormous energy. They are active, assertive and resilient. Easily cope with a large number of tasks. From childhood, you need to look for ways to direct the flow of energy in the right direction. Any sports section is perfect. They also have creative potential and are able to learn several types of art. They are implemented in professions that require activity, endurance, physical and mental strength.

Advice— you should take care of your health, strengthen your will and spirit, learn to concentrate and manage your energy.

4 - Lunar birthday. Symbol: Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The fourth lunar day gives the world mysterious, ambiguous people. They are little understood by others and themselves, but if they can answer an internal question, they will discover the amazing things inherent in them. . The peculiarity of these people is manifested by the symbol and energy of the day. Their entire life path is built on duality and choice. Their fate depends on their own choice, since they have equal chances for both good and evil. On the one hand, this can be exhausting, on the other hand, it is a special freedom granted to those born on this day. Another feature of them is a strong energetic attachment to traditions, clan, family and roots - this is a place where they can always draw unlimited energy.

Advice— from childhood, learn awareness, responsibility, and develop clear principles.

5 - Lunar day. Symbols: Unicorn.

The energy of the fifth lunar day rewards a person with a special ability to understand spiritual world. This part of life is the main one for them; harmony and balance on a subtle level gives happiness and success. Easily learn new things and implement creatively fresh ideas. Such people have subtle sensitivity and vulnerability. Dramatic changes often occur in their lives, as in fairy tales.
From here basic advice— learn to understand what is happening, notice patterns, not give in to emotions in order to find your own path.

6 - Lunar day. Symbols: Crane.

The sixth lunar day gives the world people who are distinguished by a pronounced sense of personal freedom and do not tolerate being pressured and limited. Their inner world is very rich, and their intuition is developed. They perceive reality very clearly and have a great understanding of people. When working on themselves they can develop psychic abilities. They make acquaintances easily. They need to work with people and communication.

Advice— learn to deal with your desire for independence, find a compromise between it and those around you, so as not to be left completely alone.

7 - Lunar day. Symbols: wind rose.

Being born on the seventh lunar day gives a person a strong character. Their special talent is their voice and everything connected with it. They can both successfully practice vocals and use their talent in communication. They make great public figures, announcers, speakers and presenters. But there is also back side this gift - in the absence of proper discipline, they can become gossips and intriguers. They easily learn and absorb information, and then find application for it.

Advice— develop will and nobility. In their absence, it is easy to succumb to laziness and idleness, which, in the case of those born on the seventh lunar day, lead to losses and defeats.

8 - Lunar day. Symbol: Phoenix.

The eighth lunar day gives the world original, inquisitive people. They usually have good artistic abilities and a strong character. They are very smart, easy to learn and adapt to new environments. Like the symbol of their Lunar birthday, they are capable of being “reborn” even after the most difficult trials and shocks. Their life consists of separate development cycles, only after completing one can they begin a new one. It is very important for them to engage in self-development.

Advice- choose an activity only at the behest of your heart, and spend your whole life improving in it. Then you will never remain stagnant, and development will proceed smoothly and naturally.

9 - Lunar day. Symbol: Bat.

The energy of the ninth lunar day is considered heavy and dark. But this does not mean that everyone born on this day is doomed to misfortune or bad character. Instead, such influence gives people very a strong character, unbending will and the ability to overcome any difficulties. They are often born in poor health, and this is where inner strength should help them deal with it. The desire for spiritual and physical resilience, self-improvement - this is the way to unlock the potential of those born on the ninth lunar day.

Advice— find hidden internal reserves of positive energy and learn to manage it, because your reserves are truly enormous.

10 - Lunar birthday. Symbol: Secret source.

Being born on the tenth lunar day makes people inquisitive and talented in learning. But their main talent is considered to be the ability to please. They are popular and respected. This brings them both benefit and can turn into negative. After all, some seek to use them as energy donors or for their own unseemly purposes. Also, those born on this day have very strong ties with family and ancestors. Traditions and maintaining connections with family are very important to them.

Advice- cultivate the spiritual side in yourself in order to use your attractiveness only for good purposes. Otherwise, fate will bring a lot of disappointments and troubles.

11 - Lunar day. Symbol: Crown.

A feature of those born on the eleventh lunar day is inconstancy of character; sometimes they succumb to their own impulses and act unexpectedly even for themselves. Endowed with very strong energy from birth, they need a place to realize it. Sports or creativity are especially good for this. But you need to choose solely based on your own desires and the dictates of your heart, otherwise the matter will not bring results. Those born on this day are liked by others, sociable and able to influence others.

Advice - stop at one area and put all possible effort into it. Don't allow yourself to stray from your chosen path.

12 - Lunar day. Symbol: Holy Grail

The twelfth lunar day gives the world kind, gentle and merciful people. They are open and trusting, have a special craving for the spiritual, and are religious. Endowed with the gift of subtly feeling and understanding things hidden from the eyes of others. Their task is to bring love, light and forgiveness to the world. Although they are distinguished by a modest and shy character, they have enormous inner strength and the ability to overcome any difficulties, maintaining spiritual purity and not becoming embittered.

Advice - It is very important for you to express your feelings, do not deny yourself this under any pretext. Otherwise it will end in indifference and depression. And for a person born to feel, this is like death during life.

13 - Lunar day. Symbol: Ouroboros, snake.

One of the most striking features and unique talent of those born on the thirteenth lunar day is the ability to learn. By nature they are very curious, constantly in search of something new and unknown. But the main thing is that no matter what they undertake, they always bring something original, new both to the process and to the result. This is also their feature - an unusual look at things, from an original angle. Thanks to their special sensitivity and observation, they notice subtleties that are not noticeable to others.

Advice - do not hide your views, do not choose routine activities, or those whose results are not visible to anyone - your task is to open the eyes of the world, help notice new things, discover the other side.

14 - Lunar birthday. Symbol: Trumpet.

The fourteenth lunar day marks the birth of a person with a pronounced will. This is the talent born on this day. They are independent, self-sufficient, capable of bearing enormous responsibility and being responsible not only for themselves, but also for others. They have excellent leadership skills, the gift of leading and inspiring. Usually from an early age they know their calling and confidently follow their chosen path.

Advice - do not give in to the opinion of the crowd, learn to rely only on your own principles, make your own decisions, and do not look for support and tips from others. Then nothing will allow you to take a wrong turn.

15 - Lunar day. The symbol is a snake.

A feature of those born on the fifteenth lunar day is strong emotionality and a tendency to sensual experiences. With a developed natural intelligence and excellent creative abilities, they have difficulty in the area of ​​social contacts. All due to the inability to obey someone else's will. They need complete freedom and independence. This is the only way they can realize their talents. The best choice is creativity. They are very susceptible to temptations and vices, from which they can suffer greatly.

Basic advice— learn asceticism, develop spiritual resilience, calmness and independence. Independence and peace of mind are what will bring true happiness.

16 - Lunar birthday. The symbol is a butterfly.

The sixteenth lunar day gives the world people of the contemplative type. They are cheerful, calm, tolerant and kind, bringing peace to others. Their main calling is to be peacemakers. Concerned with self-improvement and spiritual search. With the purposeful development of this side of the individual, they easily achieve success and happiness, especially in creativity. It is very important for them to maintain contact with nature, it gives additional energy.

Advice- Do not be influenced public opinion. Look for your own answers to all questions and make your own judgments, do not judge or blame.

17 - Lunar day. Bell symbol.

The energy of the seventeenth lunar day gives a person a special talent for emotional sensitivity. Those born at this time are capable of experiences that are not available to most other people. They are also very talented, and must definitely engage in creative work. They easily gather people around them, igniting and inspiring, sharing their bright feelings. For these people, the main task in life is to find loved one. Once they acquire one, they become stronger and wiser.

Advice- don’t give up, learn to realize your talents, don’t succumb to apathy - indifference is not your path. Be careful when choosing a partner, as it determines your life.

18 - Lunar birthday. Mirror symbol.

Those born on the eighteenth lunar day have psychological flexibility, easily tolerate changes and have a good sense of situations that require quick adaptation. They have a talent for acting and impersonation. But also a tendency towards vanity and arrogance. Often they need a person who will support them not only in achieving their goals, but also in spiritual development. Despite all its peculiarities, it is very difficult to tolerate emotional turmoil. Can feel negative emotions surrounding people as physical pain.

Advice- take care of yourself from evil, cruel people, even without harming you directly, they are capable of destroying you. Choose only bright, balanced and kind people.

19 - Lunar birthday. Spider symbol.

The talent of those born on the nineteenth lunar day is the ability for hidden control. They know how to organize and guide others without appearing from the shadows. Intellectually developed, can find the simplest and effective solutions due to his rationalism. They strive to keep everything under control and manage what is happening. But the dark energy of the nineteenth lunar day also intensifies the craving for lawsuit sheniyam, weakness in the face of vices. Such people are not afraid of loneliness, and this increases the likelihood of turning into a cruel manipulator.

Advice— learn to control your negative emotions and desires. Develop awareness and rationality - they are your salvation from oblivion and self-destruction.

20 - Lunar day. Eagle symbol.

Those born on the twentieth lunar day are characterized by a change in phases of ups and downs. They have a deep understanding of life, and with due effort they can realize its meaning. They are capable of transformation. Which is experienced less painfully than many others. That is why they are able to improve themselves and improve the world around them. They are noble and prone to self-sacrifice, which attracts people to them. Don't be afraid to show your individuality.

Advice- pay attention to all aspects of life, both good and bad. Do not ignore the negative manifestations of the world. Be truthful and seek truthfulness from others and from the world.

21 — Lunar day . The symbol is a horse.

Those born on the twenty-first lunar day are distinguished by strong will and high intelligence. They learn quickly and are able to master any field. Initiative, assertive, sometimes stubborn. People of the twenty-first lunar day are capable of becoming leaders, defenders, fighters for justice and leaders, as they are distinguished by inner strength and know how to take on enormous responsibility.

Advice: develop the spiritual side of the personality, abandoning pride and vanity. Otherwise, there is no way to become a tyrant, destroying any disobedient person.

22 – Lunar birthday . The symbol is an elephant.

A feature of those born on the twenty-second lunar day is a special intellectual sensitivity. Their thinking is open to the facets of reality that are not always noticeable to others. This makes them comprehensively developed and easy to learn. They literally grab everything on the fly. Very insightful, they literally see through everything. In general, the sphere of reason and knowledge occupies a central place in their world system. Which is why they often show some cynicism.

Advice: develop patience and attentiveness to other people's opinions. Otherwise, self-confidence will close all the doors to something new, and you simply need it.

23-Lunar day. Symbol of turtle, crocodile.

The twenty-third lunar day gives a person the talent to bring everything to the end, to the highest point. They not only finish everything they take on, but also lead to better result. This also manifests itself in the ability to achieve your goal, complete the most difficult tasks, and achieve success where others cannot. They develop in their chosen activity to a perfect level, becoming recognized specialists. They do not retreat and do not give up positions. They have a “death grip”. Naturally endowed great energy, for which the main thing is to find the right application.

Advice: choose the bright path of creation and learn to direct your strength in this direction, otherwise there is a high probability of bringing a lot of evil.

24 - Lunar day . The symbol is a bear.

The twenty-fourth lunar day gives the world very confident people. This is their distinctive feature. No matter what they do, they always believe in themselves. This makes it easy to organize and gather other people around you. Those born on this day are also distinguished by physical strength, a restless, inquisitive character, high innate potential, and are often talented in different areas. They strive to approach everything creatively, they need the opportunity to express themselves, to contribute to everything they do.

Advice: pay close attention to the point of application of your strength and talent. You need to choose jobs where you will show your individuality, and then a successful and vibrant life awaits you.

25 - Lunar day.The symbol is a shell.

Those born on the twenty-fifth lunar day are thinkers. Their main activity is aimed at internal work, to analyze what is happening. They are distinguished by a very developed mind and are naturally endowed with wisdom. They do not show high activity outside, since they do not strive to influence the world. Although this personality trait may seem strange to some, it can be invaluable in research activities. These people are able to live through an infinite number of hypothetical situations due to their highly developed imagination. From birth they have a craving for searching for answers and spiritual development.

Advice: Don’t waste time on empty thoughts, find an area of ​​activity where your gift can bring real benefits, teaming up with people who have the ability to implement everything you tell them.

26 - Lunar day. Frog symbol.

Those born on this day are naturally gifted with many talents and abilities. Their distinguishing feature is duality. Outwardly, they are usually reserved, calm, but can be cold, indifferent and even arrogant. At the same time, their inner life is always in motion, at high speed, constantly seething and boiling. They make good analysts, are able to work with a large amount of information, and need activities in which they will not be pushed. They can remain idle for a long time, and in the end produce a completely finished result.

Advice: narcissism and pride, which are constantly with you, are contraindicated for you. Try to prevent these feelings from entering your life and success is guaranteed.

27 - Lunar day. The symbol is a trident.

Those born on the twenty-seventh lunar day have very developed intuition. They are able to take information as if from nowhere. Endowed with innate wisdom. Therefore, sometimes their actions are not always clear to others. Due to the ability to understand the world, they can reach new levels of development. They can learn to completely control their destiny, directing it in the right direction.

Advice: Developing awareness and responsibility for your life is the most direct way to learn how to manage it.

28 - Lunar birthday. Lotus symbol.

Advice: do not succumb to despondency and melancholy, fight your own isolation - loneliness and unsociability are not your way.

29 - Lunar day. The symbol is an octopus.

Those born on the twenty-ninth lunar day are given very great energy. But it's chaotic. This manifests itself in very strong passions and emotions, and a craving for the dark side of life. But with a conscious choice of the righteous path, kindness, honesty and decency, they are capable of a lot. Since this behavior allows you to adjust the energy balance and release positive energy at a higher level. This helps you live a happy and successful life.

Advice: choose to serve good and stick to this choice based solely on cold reason, not trusting emotions and instincts to decide.

30 - Lunar birthday. The symbol is a swan.

A special quality of those born on the thirtieth lunar day is internal and external harmony. These are people who understand themselves and the world with which they seem to sound in unison. This makes it easy to find happiness. When making choices, they follow the natural flows of energy. They quickly find their life’s work and love, they are faithful, honest and are able to preserve their feelings for life. They strive for knowledge and are contemplative by nature.

Advice: Don’t give in to fuss and outside pressure. Don't let someone disturb your harmony, otherwise you can deviate from the true path.


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