Numeral seven. Types of numerals - simple, compound and complex

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  • In which column do the highlighted words mean:
    1. number of objects and answer the question how many?,
    2. number and also answer the question how many?,
    3. order of objects when counting and answer the question what?
  • Determine the case of the highlighted words.

Highlighted words are names numerals. Numerals that answer the question how many? - quantitative.

Numerals that answer the question what? (which? which? which?), - ordinal.

Some scientists consider ordinal numbers to be ordinal adjectives due to the fact that they do not denote quantity and number and answer the question which? (which one? which one? which ones?).

Numerals can be different parts of a sentence:

Two Yes two - four.

Divide six on three.

We live on second floor.

A numeral denoting quantity, in combination with nouns, is one member of a sentence:

Two boys approached the school. Classes start at nine o'clock.

  • What do numerals mean and what questions do they answer?
  • What parts of a sentence can numerals be?

Applying this definition, reason like this: Four books are on the table. How many books? Four. This is a cardinal number. With the noun of the book, it forms a phrase, which is one member of the sentence - the subject. Look at the picture on page eight. On what page? On the eighth. The word eighth is an ordinal number. In a sentence it is a definition.

345 . Write it off. Write the letter above the cardinal numbers To., above the ordinal ones - a letter n. Underline the highlighted words as parts of the sentence.

Indicate the conditions for choosing spellings in place of gaps.

1. Input..t seven heroes, seven ruddy 3 mustaches. 2. C first pop jumped to the ceiling; with second slap..slap l..pop of the tongue, and with third The snap knocked the old man out of his wits. 3. Three girls They were spinning poses under the window... but in the evening. 4. B third Once he threw a net, a net came with one lever. (A. Pushkin.) 5. Three- odd number. 6. Seven And four - eleven.

In addition to numerals, other parts of speech can also have numerical meaning. Numerals can be written in words and numbers, but other parts of speech can only be written in words.

346 . Complete each row with these words. Make two sentences with homogeneous members, using any cardinal and any ordinal numbers.

Troika(for answer), three(comrade), triple(ship "Vostok"), triple(efforts); hundredth(by the list), one hundred(trees), centennial(oak); (new) nickel, (became) fifth grader, (huge) fives, five(seconds), fifth(day), five-story(house).

347 . Numerals are often written in numbers rather than in words. When reading a text with digital notation of numerals, mistakes are often made: numerals are used in the wrong case. Check yourself whether you are using numerals correctly. There are two forms of numerals written in brackets. Choose the one that meets the standards literary language. Read it out loud.

The tallest plants are Australian eucalyptus trees. They reach 150 (one hundred and fifty, one hundred and fifty) meters. Spruce grows up to 60 (sixty, sixty) meters, pine - up to 48 (forty-eight, forty-eight) meters. Birch can be about 36 (thirty-six, thirty-six) meters high, and oak can be up to 25 (twenty-five, twenty-five) meters. The world of living nature is rich and diverse, and people must take care of it.

348 . In what style is the text written? Name the ordinal numbers in it. Make and write a receipt, for example, about skis and skates taken from school.


I, Viktor Ivanov, a student of grade 6A, received 27 (twenty-seven) books from the library of school No. 6 for an exhibition in the classroom of new children's literature.

Denoting quantity or a quantitative attribute, the order of an object when counting, answers the questions “which?”, “how much?”.

A numeral is an independent part of speech that denotes quantity and expresses this meaning in the morphological categories of case (consistently) and gender (inconsistently) (for numerals that have the morphological meaning of gender, see below). Numerals are divided into two lexico-grammatical categories: quantitative ( two, five, twenty, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one) and collective ( both, two, five). The composition of cardinal numerals includes definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The first ones denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, one and a half hundred, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include words few, a lot, a lot of, A little, as well as pronominal numerals some, How many, for some time, how much, so many, so much.

Cardinal number

Cardinal number- a numeral that answers the question “how much?”, “how many?” etc.

Cardinal numbers have two meanings.

  1. Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have a quantitative-numerical meaning, represented by two particular values ​​-
    • quantitative (quantity as a sign of an object: five goals, three chairs, ten days, some years) And
    • numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divisible by two without a remainder, three times ten - thirty; some- this is not any indefinite quantity: it can be three, five, ten, not much at all; oral speech).
  2. Only definite cardinal numerals have a countable ordinal meaning: they name the ordinal place of an object, which, when counting stops, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when counting is stopped, limited to the number of three); car eight, place thirty-five(place, last in a row, when counting is stopped, limited to 35 places).

Spelling cardinal numbers in Russian

  • Complex (consisting of two stems) cardinal numbers are written together, for example: eighteen (18), eighty (80), eight hundred (800).
  • Compound (consisting of several words) cardinal numbers are written separately: eighty eight thousand eight hundred eighty eight (88888).

Declension of cardinal numerals in Russian

In complex numerals denoting tens and hundreds, both parts are declined:

  • 80 - eighty, genus. eighty, TV eighty And eighty.
  • 800 - eight hundred, genus. eight hundred, date eight hundred, TV eight hundred And eight hundred, etc. about eight hundred.

Other types of numerals

Declension of numerals



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Numeral- this is a part of speech that denotes the number of objects, number, as well as the order of objects when counting. Numerals answer the questions: How many? or Which?

Numerals are divided into cardinal and , vary according to and can be different members of a sentence (). In the scientific linguistic literature there is no single point of view in determining the volume of words related to numerals, nor is there consensus in highlighting semantics.

Vinogradov V.V. emphasizes that in modern Russian the category of numerals has not yet reached the degree of abstraction that is characteristic of Western European languages. By origin, numerals are in different parts speech.

Some well-known domestic linguists do not consider the numeral to be an independent part of speech. For example, A. M. Peshkovsky classified the words four, five, six as countable; fourth, fifth - to counting; twice, three times - to counting.

Vinogradov V.V., Gvozdev A.N., Rosenthal D.E. refer to numerals such words as many, little, little, as much as, several, etc. Therefore, we can talk about a broad and narrow understanding of numerals as parts of speech .

Narrow understanding of numerals as parts of speech in Galkina-Fedoruk E.M.: “Only cardinal numerals are considered as numerals, ordinal numerals are excluded.” In "Grammar - 80" and are excluded.

With a broad understanding, numerals include:

  1. cardinal numbers (3 groups, as with the narrow understanding);
  2. ordinal numbers: second, tenth, fifteenth;
  3. indefinite-quantitative words: a lot, a little, as much as.

There is another problem: where do ordinal numbers belong?

I point of view:

Vostokov A. Kh., Peshkovsky A. M., Vinogradov V. V., authors of “Grammar - 70, 80”, Shansky N. M. and Tikhonov A. N. believe that ordinal numbers are: by meaning they express a relationship to number, have inflectional and case just like adjectives. The sentences are consistent definitions. In addition, some ordinal numbers can acquire a qualitative meaning: first grade, second grade, on the sidelines.

II point of view:

Ovsyanniko-Kulikovsky D.N., Shakhmatov A.A., Gvozdev A.N. consider ordinal numbers as a category of numerals.

Signs that allow us to consider ordinal numbers as a special category of numerals:

  1. have a numerical value;
  2. have the structure (just as cardinal numbers can be compound): forty-fifth, eight hundred and twelve;
  3. tendency to use cardinal numbers in the meaning of ordinal numbers: house twenty six - house twenty-six.
Categorical meaning of a numeral:
  1. designation of an abstract number: twenty, thirty;
  2. number of items: three windows, six lamps;
  3. counting order: first, second, fifth.

A numeral is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that denote numbers, the number of objects or the order of objects when counting and answer the question how many? or which one?.

The numeral is a part of speech into which words are combined based on the commonality of their meaning - their relationship to number. Grammatical features numerals are heterogeneous and depend on which category of meaning the numeral belongs to.

Places of numerals by meaning

There are cardinal and ordinal numbers.

Cardinal numerals denote abstract numbers (five) and the number of objects (five tables) and answer the question how many?.

Cardinal numbers are integer (five), fractional (five-sevenths) and collective (five).

Integer cardinal numbers denote whole numbers or quantities. Whole cardinal numbers are combined with counting nouns, that is, with nouns that denote objects that can be counted in pieces.

Fractional cardinal numbers denote fractional numbers or quantities and combine with both countable nouns (two-thirds candy) and uncountable nouns (two-thirds water), but cannot combine with animate nouns.

Collective numbers denote the number of objects as a whole. Collective numerals include the words both, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Collective numerals have limited combinability; they do not combine with all nouns, but only with some:

1) with nouns that name male persons (two men); the numeral both is also combined with nouns denoting female persons (both women),

2) with the nouns person, person, child (five people, persons, children),

3) with the names of baby animals (seven kids),

4) with nouns that have forms only plural(two sleighs); These nouns are combined mainly with the numerals two, three and four,

5) with nouns naming paired objects (two socks); two socks are two socks, and two socks are four socks, i.e. two pairs of socks,

6) with personal pronouns we, you, they (there weren’t two of them).

Ordinal numbers indicate the order of objects when counting (first, second, fifth, one hundred and twenty-fifth) and answer the question which?.

Digits of numerals by structure

Based on their structure, numerals are divided into simple and compound.

Simple numbers have one component (two, two, second).

Compound numerals are not single-component, that is, they are written with spaces (fifty-five, five tenths, five thousand fifty-five).

Complexes 2 and 3 also highlight complex numerals, which are one-component, but have two or more roots (five-hundred, five-and-hundred-thousandth). In complex 2, for some reason, this group also included numerals ending in -eleven (fifteen), in which the element -elven is not the second root, but a suffix.

The identification of complex numerals in these educational complexes is associated with methodological goals - teaching the declension of complex numerals with second roots -ten and -hundred (five-and-ten-and, five-and-hundred-Ø).

Nevertheless, it is more logical to divide numerals into two groups - simple (single-component) and compound (multiple-component). In this case, both non-derivative numerals (five) and derivatives (fifteen, fifty) must be combined into the group of simple numerals.

Grammatical features of cardinal numbers

The only “full-fledged” morphological feature of cardinal numerals is the case sign. Numerals do not have the morphological sign of number (about the words one, thousand, million, billion, see below). The morphological sign of gender is represented only in the numerals two, both, one and a half, and they contrast two generic forms, one for the masculine and neuter gender (two tables, windows), the other for the feminine gender (two desks):

As we see, in the words two and one and a half gender differences appear only in I. p. and V. p., in the word both gender differences can be traced in all cases, and in I. p. and V. p. they are expressed by the ending, and in other cases - in the stem (if we accept the division into morphemes that is given in the table).

Changing numerals by case is called declension. The numerals are represented special types declensions (called numeric in linguistics) and substantive types of declension.

The numerals two, three, four, forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half, one and a half hundred are declined in a special way:

As we see, the numerals three and four are declined in the same way, and for the words forty-ninety, one hundred, one and a half and one and a half hundred, only two forms differ - one for I. p. and V. p., the other for R. p., D. p., T.p. and P.p.

The numerals five - twenty and thirty are declined according to the third substantive declension, i.e., like the word night, and the numeral eight has variable forms of T. p. - eight and eight.

In the numerals fifty - eighty and two hundred - nine hundred (i.e., the names of tens by -ten and hundreds by -hundred) both parts are declined: the first as the corresponding simple numeral, the second - according to the substantive declension.

Cardinal numbers are characterized by special compatibility with nouns.

Whole and collective numbers are combined with nouns as follows: in I. p. (and V. p. when inanimate nouns) the numeral is the main word and controls the noun, requiring its placement in the R. p. singular (for numerals two, three, four) or plural (for numerals five and beyond). In other cases, the main noun is the noun, and the numeral agrees with it, for example:

two (I. p.) tables (R. p. units)

two (R. p.) tables (R. p. plural)

two (D. p.) tables (D. p. plural)

two (T.p.) tables (T.p. plural)

(about) two (P. p.) tables (P. p. plural)

Fractional cardinal numerals always control the R. of a noun, and the number of this noun depends on the meaning of the construction, cf.: one second candy - one second candy.

In grammatical terms, among cardinal numerals, the words one, thousand, million, billion, trillion and other names of large numbers stand out.

The word one changes according to gender, number and cases, in which it agrees with the noun (one table, one desk, one window, one sleigh). In the quantitative sense, the plural form of the word one is combined with nouns that have only a plural form. The word one is declined according to the mixed declension: in I. (V.) p. it has substantive endings (odn-Ø, odn-a, odn-o, odn-i), in other cases it has adjective endings. In other words, the numeral one behaves grammatically as a relative adjective.

The words thousand, million, billion, etc. have a constant morphological feature gender (first thousand - female gender, first million - masculine gender), change by numbers and by cases (first thousand-i, first thousand-Ø). These words are declined according to substantive declinations (thousand - I declension, million, etc. - II declension). When combined with nouns, these words always control the noun, requiring it to be put in the form of R. p. plural. numbers:

I. p. thousand tons

R.p. thousand tons

D. p. thousand tons

V.p. thousand tons

etc. thousand tons

P. p. (about) thousand tons.

In other words, these words behave grammatically like nouns. They are classified as numerals only on the basis of their meaning.

In a sentence, the cardinal number, together with the noun to which it refers, is one member of the sentence:

I bought five books.

Grammatical features of ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers are grammatically similar to relative adjectives. Ordinal numbers vary by gender, number and case and in all forms agree with the nouns they refer to. Ordinal numbers are declined according to the adjectival declension (the word third is mixed: third-Ø, third-his, third-im, third-im, third-em). In compound ordinal numbers, only the last part is declined:

I. p. two thousand and second year

R. p. two thousand and two

D. p. two thousand second year

V. p. two thousand and second year

etc. two thousand in the second year

P. p. (o) two thousand and second year.

Numbers in Everyday life play important role, with their help, people determine the number of objects, count time, determine mass, cost and order when counting. Words that can be designated in writing by writing letters and numbers are called numerals. Another definition is: numerals are words that mean serial number item or quantity.

Grammatical signs of numerals

All lexemes denoting integer and fractional numbers, as well as the number of people, animals or objects, are a special group of words, the composition of which is fully formed and does not change.

Such units are one of the important, or, as they also say, significant parts of speech and can have several designations:

The concept of number as such: five, ten, fifteen and so on;

Number of specific items: two cars, six houses;

The cumulative value of several items that were counted.

Accordingly, the questions to them sound like this: what is the count? which? How many? Depending on the meaning and the question that the numeral name answers, they are divided into several types (we will talk about this a little later).

For example: Thirty (subject) is divisible by ten. Six six - thirty six(nominal part of the predicate). Speaking about the place of numerals in a sentence, it should be noted that they can be both main and secondary members. Another feature is that the numeral as a part of speech is a non-replenishable group of words. All forms used orally and writing, are formed solely from the names of the numbers. IN syntactic construction a numeral as a part of speech can be either part of the main or part of a secondary member of a sentence.

Note! The numeral denoting quantity and the noun associated with it always act as one inseparable member of the sentence. For example: We walked until six in the morning. Swimming pool classes start at five o'clock. The girls collected twenty-five daisies.

Types of numerals

Next, you should highlight the initial form of the word being analyzed, what category it belongs to (ordinal or cardinal), structure (simple or compound) and features of its declension by case.

Next step is definition inconsistent symptoms. These are case, gender and number, if these can be recognized.

At the end of the analysis they describe syntactic function words in a sentence, what part of speech it is associated with and whether it is consistent with it. And although such an analysis of the numeral is unlikely to be useful to anyone in life (except perhaps to future philologists), for the correct use of words in speech and writing, it is simply necessary to be able to produce it.


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