Read "liberation" online. Deir (further energy-information development) Dmitry Vereshchagin formation read

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Verishchagin D.S. - about the author

"Starting in 2001, my books about DEIR. I will not retell the contents of each book here. I will only say that in these books, well-structured phrases give ignorant people the opportunity to touch the secret of the energetic essence of man; to believe the promises that they can be made into a developed, integral nature, capable of managing themselves and the people around them; apply your knowledge exclusively for the benefit of yourself and to the detriment of others." Verishchagin D.S.

Verishchagin D.S. - books for free:

Egregors are energy-informational structures of incredible complexity and strength that can influence an unprotected person, suppressing their natural personality. Invisible managers of the human masses, and at the same time a wonderful and powerful tool for...

DEIR (Further Energy and Information Development) skill system - unique techniques and technologies for using hidden human abilities...

We live in a world, all parts of which are closely interconnected. Understand and understand the laws...

The word “karma” is familiar to many. They are confused, our failures and misfortunes, illnesses and financial troubles are explained to them. But is it really that complicated? It turns out not! In their manual, Dmitry Verishchagin and Kirill Titov present methods for complete and...

The DEIR (Further Energy Information Development) system proposed by the author of the book is a holistic system for achieving harmony and health. Developed within the framework of secret programs by special order of the top party leadership...

The DEIR (Further Energy and Information Development) skill system, widely known in Russia and abroad, is a holistic practical system for achieving harmony and health, based on time-tested methods of conscious...

The DEIR (Further Energy Information Development) system proposed by the author of the book is a holistic system for achieving harmony and health, based on methods of conscious management of energy flows. In the new book...

Dmitry Verishchagin

Liberation: System of skills for further energy-informational development, stage I

DEIR - a system of skills for further energy-informational development of a person - is a consistent system of teaching a person the skills of energy-informational interaction with the world.

We ourselves are fundamentally made up of energy and information that direct signals in our brains and the movement of matter in our bodies...

The entire movement of the world at its very core is energy and information.

We, like fish in the ocean, are constantly surrounded by a single energy-information field of the Universe and are in a state of continuous energy exchange with it.

By directing energy exchange, you direct your life.

And so it is and has been since the beginning of time.

Manifesto of energy information development

Man is, first of all, spirit, soul and mind merged into a single living essence.

Information in us directs our energy, our energy reveals new information to us.

Man is an energy-informational being.

All our limitless possibilities begin with the conscious direction of our energy.

Each new awareness, recognition, discovery gives birth within us to a new way of more advanced energy-informational action.

Each time we take a new step forward, we can tell ourselves that we are moving along the path of further energy-informational development of ourselves.

And it depends only on us how far we will go, who we will turn into and in what spaces we will live, as long as time exists in the universe, because energy is indestructible, and information is omnipresent.

We are a free part of the free spirit of our world.

First stage. Introduction to the problem

A person in society. Energy-informational being in an energy-informational environment

D. S. Verishchagin

The text has been corrected from the 1995 manuscript.

General parting words from D. S. Verishchagin

By opening this book, you get a chance to change your life forever by entering a new stage of evolution. The true causes of health, illness, actions and human destiny will be revealed to you.

Things will be available to you that are unthinkable for ordinary people. Do not waste your energy in vain in pursuit of vain achievements. You have a great goal - discovering a new world and finding your place in it.

You will gain the ability to heal, and this gift will come to everyone in its own way. Use it for good. Help selflessly.

Your soul will undergo a process of strengthening, and you will be able to lead other people. Bring them light and joy, not darkness and pain.

You will stop depending on karma and karmic diseases. Help others achieve the same.

You will wield the true tool for changing the world - faith. May your faith bring good not only to you.

You may need help to get all the way to the end. Find it in travelers like you. Recognize each other in the crowd. Learn from each other. Remember each other.

Having ascended to a new stage of development, you will be part of a new energetic unity, the unity of free people. Give each other support. Remember each other and share energy with each other, because the price of freedom is great and sometimes beyond the power of one person.

Remember us, who were the first to enter the new world. We are focusing new energetic unity for you. Contact us in difficult times, and we will come to the rescue. Contact us in a moment of prosperity, and we can come to the aid of millions of others. There is no death. We will respond from abroad too.

Add your rays to the light of new energetic unity.

Create a new free humanity. You deserve it.


Now DEIR skill system(further energy information development) is widely known throughout the world and is openly taught in dozens of countries. To one degree or another, the School’s technologies have been mastered by millions of people: readers and course participants. Millions have embarked on the path of developing their deepest abilities, on the path of evolution of the human mind. Their achievements resemble miracles. But this is now...

And the history of the DEIR skill system itself began back in 1982, when the psychic Pyotr Keldorovsky, my old friend, looked into my office, located in the administrative building of the psychological research complex near Yekaterinburg, then Sverdlovsk, and mysteriously began to find out if I had a desire leave the project that my group was working on. I just had my own reasons to think about his proposal.

Now it is much easier to talk about this than in those years, but then all research related to bioenergy languished under the shadow of the political trends of the USSR. And all of them, one way or another, came down to purely utilitarian things. How can a person feel better? More confident? How can he develop his influence? Improve memory? Develop attention? Become an amazing performer? Hear others' thoughts?

This is the kind of development my group was working on when Keldorovsky came to me. I was already starting to get tired of the project that I had been selflessly dragging along for several years. And not because bioenergetic techniques cannot achieve the assigned tasks. On the contrary, it can be done with great success. No, I was tired of something else: firstly, working with extremely unbalanced people - natural psychics (you should have seen the hysterics that a group of painfully sensitive telepaths threw every day!), secondly, the continuous proposal from the authorities to improve here, correct here, endlessly redo the methods , so that they can be used by people with increasingly primitive training, even to the point of outright profanation.

I am convinced that you need to study bioenergy either deeply and professionally, making its possibilities a part of your life, or not study it at all. And the project itself has stalled in development. For those simple results, normal systematic research was still required, and the atmosphere of haste harmed the work. In short, Peter already knew my answer. I wanted to do something truly important.

I accepted the offer to head the administrative part of the new project. After completing the tasks, sending the containers to a new place, the allotted vacation, which was extremely enjoyable - of course: no problems at work! – I started taking business in a village near Novosibirsk.

The new project aimed to form a leader - a person who sees more than others, understands more than others, is responsible for others - a person who has developed harmoniously and revealed his natural abilities.

Our task was to develop a system of techniques with the help of which a person could become different - the way he wanted. More productive, healthier, influential, charismatic. This task precisely required the exploration of the very foundations of human beings, the creation of an alloy from precious grains of ancient knowledge and the brilliant discoveries of the latest achievements of science. It was really interesting and I looked forward to years of exciting work.

In principle, the task was quite doable. Almost anyone from my previous project was able to put such techniques into practice (except for pure clairvoyants, of course). But now our task was to create a system of techniques that would be accessible to anyone, even a completely undeveloped person with average or weak energy. This seemed difficult, but still not impossible.

DEIR today is, first of all, an organization with a hierarchical structure that collects money from gullible people for what is declared but not actually carried out. Her seminars are designed for people with a low level of worldview and therefore unable to assess the reliability of the “arguments” of DEIR theorists and resist tempting promises. In the course of immersion in unfounded and, therefore, designed for unconditional faith ideas, the rational is replaced by esoteric beliefs, leading to inappropriate behavior in all cases when in practice the discrepancy between these beliefs and reality manifests itself.


Read also on the topic:

  • Occult sect "School of Skills for Further Energy-Information Development" (DEIR) by Dmitry Vereshchagin- Vitaly Pitanov
  • Soul hunters. Occult sects DEIR and the International Academy of Kabbalah by M. Laitman- Olga Skalman
  • Followers of the DEIR sect hold etheric legs with etheric hands and kill babies- Tatiana Karpacheva


Servants of DEIR, as always happens in such organizations, react sharply and aggressively to any criticism and attempts to understand the validity of their statements, and when a situation of such aggressive confrontation is created in society, when the faith of people inclined to this is exploited in contrast to other ideas in given culture, then there is a cross-section of culture, a split in society in this regard, and then we are talking about a sect.

The fact that the organization has the characteristics of a sect and, accordingly, falls under the classification of sects, is included in the list of the most famous destructive totalitarian sects, also causes aggressive disagreement, which is expressed unreasonably, at the level of everyday belief. Thus, the website, dedicated to exposing DEIR, was hacked with a mocking, smug afterword by the hacker, who left links to “his website” and even his email address. Then it was savored on the DEIR forum (mercilessly moderated) with the following comments: “Give them back the site? No need. This... shouldn’t live. Respect for the excellent work. Where did you find the bug? ;).”

And this is how they “officially” responded on the DEIR website on the Anatomy of Moral Pathology page (see the original text at the link provided with comments, only a selection is given here):

An inquisitive researcher may find it interesting to dissect the personality of a liar - and the product of the functioning of his body in the form of nauseating lies is, to put it mildly, unattractive. Thus, dissecting the unclean insides of a cockroach can captivate you at least for a short time only if you are familiar with the anatomy of insectoid insects in general.

But why am I really writing so much about the wretched... However, God is with them, with these next specific scoundrels... There is an in-the-res-most peculiarity in the text of these scum.... There is nothing in you except anger, narrow-mindedness and envy. Your heart is barren... If DEIR does not like such animal abomination, then DEIR has already justified its existence.

There is nothing substantive in the rebuke other than an attempt to instill in the reader a feeling of disgust towards DEIR’s critics. All specific examples are not significant, secondary. But the main thing, about the fact that people are being fooled and people do not receive what was promised to them, but simply begin to believe their illusions, is not said.

It’s interesting that the hacker (who hangs out under the nickname Ya_ne_angel) himself came to the DEIR forum on March 29, 2007 with a cry for help that he was losing his girlfriend because of DEIR:

"7 months ago, my girlfriend began to actively engage in energy techniques. At the beginning, she said that it was impossible to have sex, then she said that she generally wanted to be alone, any relationship with men only interferes. She really doesn’t date anyone, she doesn’t lie. She has there was a strange rejection of me (“let’s be friends”), all about work. Before that, everything was fine for many years. For me, on the contrary, all my thoughts are only about her, I can’t eat, sleep, work. I’m drawn to her so much that I can’t breathe I can’t imagine life without her. Maybe they had some kind of influence on me and her?

I don’t really believe in all kinds of love spells, I trust your civilized methods more, but I agree to believe in any devilry just to bring the person back and restore the relationship. Help me please. Last hope..."

In his diary he writes:

"I have big problems. The woman I was with for 10 years left me.

I don’t know how people get out of this situation, but I’ve been in terrible depression for half a year now. I, a physically and mentally healthy man, begin to have cowardly thoughts about leaving this life. If someone had told me this a couple of years ago, I would have laughed in his face.

DEIR deservedly gained many opponents, some of them even formed the community On this site you can also see traces of military actions by DEIR members:

Now, a couple of years later, from the creation of the site, my opinion about the DEIR school has radically changed. And for those who do not consider all this nonsense, self-deception and illusion, the information below is provided.

I created a website, made a bunch of mirrors, and posted these manuals there. After some time, I had an order of magnitude more information. As soon as I posted it on the site, I immediately received a warning letter from the DEIR school administration. The mirrors began to fall one after another, and I did not have time to restore it all. After a while I simply got tired of this “battle”.

Instead of the declared ability to influence a person, the Deirovoites use primitive website hacking (which is ethically no different from the action of a thief picking into someone else's pocket). As usual, in cases of aggressive disagreement, “powerful” apologists of mystical ideas do not use their “superpowers” ​​at all, but primitive, legal, and even outright gangster methods.

Deir’s very goals are essentially inhumane: to learn to influence a person against his will and his interests. But those who believed the promises do not learn this either. Personally, I know of examples where the “advanced” ascetics of Deir were unable to influence people no matter how much they wanted to. Thus, one man’s beloved woman, with whom he had lived for almost a year, left for a “friend” only because he had much better money. And the Daerovite couldn’t do anything either in relation to his “friend” or in trying to influence a woman who was of a rather low level, but at the same time quite capable of resisting any influence simply because she knew well what she wanted and the significance of her desire was difficult to exceed. then from the outside (see motivation mechanisms).

Failure to understand the mechanisms of motivation by derschiki, the use of purely empirical methods of influence taken for some narrow conditions, but applicable to all, leads to too frequent and unexpected failures. Teaching such techniques is pure profanation.

DEIR shrouds purely practical methods of psychological influence in the fog of mystical theories.

In order to show the complete groundlessness of the statements of the main theorist of DEIR, the book of the founder of DEIR D. Vereshchagin DEIR Course 1 - Liberation, one of the basic theoretical backgrounds of the organization, is commented on. The complete inconsistency of the stated statements, outright fraud, deception and manipulation of people's gullibility are shown.

Below are negative opinions about DEIR found on the Internet (positive, except for demonstrating that a person has fallen under the influence of illusions and now attributes all his successes to advancement, do not demonstrate anything essentially conclusive).

In the School of Further Energy-Information Destruction?:

A superbly built business with branches spread across the globe. A business, and a very profitable one, in which professionals who speak NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) work, dragging it further and further.

I made inquiries and found out the cost of passing one level in different countries.

On average, the amount reaches $100 per person. Let's do a basic calculation.

Let's take the minimum: 30 students * $100 = $3000 - for one level. How many steps are involved when a teacher comes to a branch? At least 3. Add to this also seminars and club activities. In general, it comes out to about $12,000. At a minimum.

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have figured out that DEIR school is a business.

In my opinion, this is an illusion, again self-deception. A story that happened to me:

After installing the shell, I came to a friend of mine and asked what he saw. There was no shell. And this happened again with several people.

Well, even if the shell was standing, it could just be opened and removed...

Imagine, they say, here the shell is there, and a moment later it’s gone. After I was taught, so to speak, to “look” at the aura, which is also self-deception, I looked at the friend who was working with me. If you want, there is a shell, if you want, there is no. What you want is what you see. Self-deception.

The programs work with 50%/50% accuracy. If the program worked, then everything was installed correctly. And if the program does not work, the teacher says that he made a mistake. And this happens all the time. Have you been taught probability theory?

Do you know what the “silver thread” is?

So, when we were given the configuration of the fourth stage, the teacher told us that by doing so we were cutting this silver thread. Not nonsense?

This is how all 30 people on the fourth stage died...

Q How much does happiness cost? (Vladimir BOTANOV, physicist):

Based on the books I read by D. Verishchagin and my personal negative experience of being in this kind of system, I stated the pseudoscientific, occult nature of the DEIR system, a system that is destructive to the psyche, does not give anything positive for the individual and brings only troubles. The research allowed me to classify DEIR as a mini-totalitarian sect of an occult nature.

After the publication of the article, a parent meeting of 4th grade (future 5th grade) was held at school No. 48, where the DEIR group rented premises. The parents, together with the class teacher, discussed the problem raised: the presence of a sect within the walls of a comprehensive school. Interest in this issue was caused by the fact that the children of this class in the next school year will study in an office rented by Deirovo residents. This was a legitimate concern for parents. They expressed their disagreement about the presence of the sect in the school and addressed the director V. Zorin with a request to “refuse to rent premises” to the followers of D. Verishchagin. The statement was signed by 13 people - all those present at the meeting.

I was able to visit the education department and school No. 48. A detailed and interesting conversation took place. In particular, the person in charge reported that when drawing up a lease agreement for premises at school No. 48, the teacher of the local DEIR group, E. Kolmakova, spoke about holding lectures on the books of D. Verishchagin, which would supposedly allow listeners to improve their health. But the education department did not imagine that the lectures would turn into an occult practice. That is, the most ordinary deception took place.

It is also interesting that in order to familiarize themselves with DEIR, E. Kolmakova handed over several books to the heads of the education department, and only the first stage, the most harmless and not showing the true nature of the system, capable of influencing people, programming and zombifying. This is a typically sectarian technique: withholding information about the true nature of the activities.

...fraudulently, bypassing the rector of the institute, without drawing up a lease agreement for the premises, the sect enters the educational building of MEPhI-2. Noteworthy is the persistent desire of the Deirovites to merge with the educational institution and their tactics of action - the end justifies the means.

When the article “A Train Going Nowhere” was written and the conclusion was made about the sectarian nature of DEIR, I did not expect that this conclusion would be confirmed so quickly. Any sect is very sensitive to any criticism addressed to it. As soon as an opposite opinion is expressed, an immediate reaction follows - an attack on the “offender”.

The attack followed immediately: the editors of Neiva were notified from the headquarters of the DEIR sect about the possibility of filing a statement of claim, the author was accused of slander, they demanded a refutation of the article and asked for the author’s data to file a statement of claim against him in court.

It is interesting that neither D. Vereshchagin nor other leaders of the DEIR system tried to find out the sources of my information, and the literature indicated in the article was probably not studied, since this took time, and a fax from St. Petersburg was received immediately after release of the article. The head of the parent organization DEIR, K. Titov, threatened to sue and stated that “an investigation has already been launched.” This suggests that what really worries him is not the article itself and the point of view expressed in it, but my activities, the purpose of which is to give people truthful information about DEIR. Apparently, my article shows the real, and not the ostentatious, activity of the DEIR system. This is what the people of Verishchagin and their defenders fear most.

Although in the article “A Train Going to Nowhere” I criticized D. Verishchagin’s system, there was no reaction from the creator of DEIR himself. It is also unclear whether the latter authorized Mr. Titov to defend his interests in the media and in court. All this leads one to think: “Is there really a person who calls himself Dmitry Verishchagin, or is this a successfully constructed myth?”

The latest actions of the sectarians have further strengthened my confidence that in Novouralsk we are dealing with a new totalitarian sect.

At a meeting with the leader of the local Deirovites, I was asked to give a refutation and a newspaper - I refused. E. Kolmakova stated that my response would be transmitted to St. Petersburg to the parent organization DEIR. Thus, I was actually convinced of the existence of a rigid hierarchical structure in the sect: DEIR turned out to be not a mini-totalitarian sect of local significance, as I initially assumed, but a branched organization built on the principle of a pyramid, with a strong top in St. Petersburg and strictly subordinate clubs in places. The top sends down specific instructions to the bottom, which are carried out unquestioningly.

Why are people in St. Petersburg so worried? Can one article with an opposing opinion really harm the reputation of DEIR nationwide? The answer is simple: apparently, the criticism of Verishchagin’s system was quite serious and his followers are not so confident in their infallibility.

And one more observation: K. Titov in his interview talks about “honesty, openness, correctness”, but in fact stoops to directly insulting the objectionable author with words like: “lies”, “pillory”, “cowardice”, “delirium”, “Botanov, who slanders the school, always uses codes for listeners” (and why not “readers”), etc. That is, the price of “correctness” is shown to us. Of course, it would be possible to discuss with the head of the St. Petersburg branch of DEIR if he gave a specific argument. But, apart from advertising exalted statements and cock attacks on me, in his speech there is no serious understanding of the publication. His statements are very emotional, without a single specific reference to my articles, without evidence, without reasoned reasoning, without references to serious, authoritative authors or scientists. It was difficult to expect any other reaction. etc.

This time Olesya’s mother did not regret it (Alexey UGAROV):

After killing her three-year-old daughter with a hammer, a 32-year-old woman jumped from a ninth-floor balcony. And she remained alive. He lies in a separate room at the emergency hospital and blames his teacher, a psychic, for what happened.

According to operatives, Yuri, a simple hard worker and an exemplary family man, tried to control himself. And in his testimony he mentioned that his wife a couple of months ago visited the Kazan branch of the St. Petersburg school of psychics "DEIR", located in the Vakhitovsky district. And I also remembered that after these classes I began to notice some oddities in my wife’s behavior. They say she became some kind of zombie, started talking about suicide...

Call Leningrad, please, was the first thing we heard when we crossed the threshold of her room. Afimina wants the management of the DEIR school of psychics to know about what happened. The woman, in a dull, lifeless voice, says that she became interested in extrasensory perception a couple of years ago.

My aunt treated me unfairly, and I decided that magic could protect me from enemies. By chance I came across Dmitry Vereshchagin’s book “Liberation”, and I realized that this was my salvation. Vereshchagin has many different books; they describe the path to becoming a psychic and say that it consists of five steps. I couldn’t pass them on my own and entered the DEIR school... A psychic can use his knowledge both for the benefit and harm of others. For some reason, our mentor didn’t like me, he put some terrible experiments on me with other students. And I began to be haunted by a panic fear that did not go away for weeks. It seemed that I was already dead, that I was between heaven and earth. For the first time I wanted to take my own life last summer, I wanted to take my child with me. I hung the girl on the balcony, she began to convulse, and I took pity on her - I took her off the rope.

The question of why she killed her daughter makes Afimina hysterical.

“I know that I had no right to take her life,” the woman sobs. - After all, this is my child, I gave birth to him with such difficulty. During childbirth I received complications and can no longer have children... I was scared, scared for my daughter, I couldn’t leave her alone!

In The Sinister Charm of DEIR (Yulia Kholodova):

Recently, being late for an important meeting, I asked a friend to give me a ride to the metro. However, two elderly ladies who blocked the path of our car prevented us from moving. Without flinching under my indignant gaze, the ladies immediately invited me to familiarize myself with some literature. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the author’s last name - Vereshchagin. Anyone who has ever encountered such distributors knows that it is not easy to get rid of them. While the car was warming up, I managed to find out that the books offered would help me become invulnerable to diseases, teach me how to control my destiny, and at the same time program (or zombie?) other people. On their own behalf, the ladies added that after reading these smart books, I would painlessly survive the American tragedy.

Three days have passed. On duty, she was at the House of Journalists at a press conference, the topic of which was: “Mental security and personal stability: self-help skills as the most effective means of overcoming stress and social adaptation of Russians.” The leaders of the mysterious school DEIR (Further Energy and Information Development) took part in the press conference. Imagine my surprise when, from the first words of the scientific secretary of this school, I realized that the founder of the DEIR teaching was Dmitry Vereshchagin, whose books they recently tried to give to me.

You don’t have to be a psychologist not to feel that the Daerovites smack not of scientific developments, as they try to present it, but of real occultism with an admixture of sectarianism. Undoubtedly, they have the appearance of being scientific: they, for example, refer to such a science as bioenergy, although internationally recognized scientists believe that such a scientific discipline does not exist. In addition, they never disclose the structure of their organization, which is quite typical for a sect. But they enthusiastically talk about a certain “shamanic path to happiness.”

Despite the absence of an official office, Deirovites feel very at ease in Moscow. I would not be surprised if I learn that the director of some metropolitan school, succumbing to the “modest charm” of DEIR, will allow “Odessa residents” to visit the children. But this is quite possible, and the law, alas, is not a hindrance to sectarians. Because if, according to the law, a sect does not call itself religious, then it automatically falls out of the scope of the legislation on religious organizations. This means that there are simply no obstacles for organizations like DEIR to widely disseminate their views. This is a glaring gap in the law, which our legislators would do well to urgently close.

On the website The Truth about DEIR:

After manuals for some steps fell into my hands, I thought: “Why not put this information into general use?”

Now, a couple of years later, from the creation of the site, my opinion about the DEIR school has radically changed. And for those who do not consider all this nonsense, self-deception and illusion, the information below is provided. and on the original page there is a list of links on the topic...

In some minibuses in Zaporozhye, you can recently see beautiful colored leaflets inviting everyone to “train” at the School of Further Energy Information Development (DEIR). The leaflets do not explain what kind of organization this is or what its status is. They only promise a person numerous benefits and superpowers.

Meanwhile, experts in the field of sect studies characterize the “school” of Dmitry Vereshchagin (the founder of the sect) as a very tough, occult sect of the New Age movement, which is based on methods of manipulating human consciousness, and this is not even hidden by the developers of the new “scientific system” . The DEIR sect promises training in superpowers for free, and this issue may be of interest to the tax inspectorate.

On the ANTI-DEIR website:

Dmitry Sergeevich Verishchagin is an artificially created mythical character, the nominal founder and head of the school. According to legend, the main developer of a special top-secret project of the CPSU Central Committee for research in the field of control over the human psyche, after leaving the project, was exposed to “psychotronic weapons.” Out of fear for his life and because of some esoteric considerations, he “withdrew from communication with people” and is hiding from everyone except his “student and successor” Titov K.V., periodically publishing new books on the DEIR system (the author of all fundamental books of the DEIR school). The surname “Verishchagin” and the initials were created in accordance with the NLP technique of “embedded words” - this is when inside an outwardly ordinary word or phrase, taking into account the peculiarities of human perception, special commands (code) are located - in order to introduce a subconscious desire, for example, to evoke increased interest in an idea or induce unmotivated action. “Zombie” codes: BELIEVE SEEKING, BELIEVE AND WALK; in D.Verishchagin's writing the code is added: DOOR LOOKING, DOOR LOOKING STEP. This technique has the greatest effect in combination with graphic means of increasing hypnotizability (“mandalas”) - concentric colored blurry figures that put the person looking at them into a state of trance. These drawings are depicted on the covers of all DEIR school books along with coding words.

Peter Keldorovsky is the main of the four “apostles”, a Russified version of the name of the esoteric writer Peter Kelder (for more information, see the section Origin of the “DEIR School”). Colonel psychic. Killed by the special services of the USSR (Russia) using psychotronic weapons. Currently, on the subtle planes (astral, etc.) he is busy ensuring the functioning of the DEIR school.

Sergey Desmentsov, Another mythical creator of DEIR. According to legend, he was engaged in practical telekinesis. For a change, he was not killed, but emigrated to the distant country of the USA.

Alexey Gryshchak Invented in order to supplement the team of pseudo-authors to the “quartet” for magical reasons. Also killed by the special services of the USSR (Russia) using psychotronic weapons. On subtle planes, he is busy ensuring the functioning of the DEIR school, and also oversees the afterlife immortality of the organization’s adherents.

Titov Kirill Valentinovich, born 1964(?) a real founder and leader, distinguished by special cynicism and contempt for modern society. In conversations he repeatedly supported the ideas of eco-fascism. Before the creation of the "DEIR School", he was in close contact with another organization of a "pedagogical" orientation, "Novosibirsk Academy of Yoga named after Guru Sotidanandana" - the initiators of the creation of the notorious "White Brotherhood" of Maria Devi Christos. Conducts advanced training for teachers. When his authority, based solely on the exclusivity of communication with “father” Verishchagin (Titov has some knowledge of NLP and the basics of suggestion, but does not have any real psychic abilities) began to fall among his followers, in order to raise it, he published the book “co-authored” with Verishchagin. Therapy of true karma." An independent linguistic examination (research on the generality of speech style and statistical frequency - individual for each person - of the use of words) of the books of the DEIR school (6 books on the levels +2 on the Theory of Animation of Objects +1 on the therapy of true karma) reported:

The book "True Karma Therapy" is the result of the work of one(!) author

A pairwise comparative analysis of all three groups of books (Levels, TO, Karma) showed a high degree of correlation between these texts.

It follows that all 9 books have one author, presumably K.V. Titov himself. Additional analysis of messages from a person under the nickname “Titov Kirill Valentinovich, the Most Important” on the forum of the DEIR School website, due to the insufficient volume of text, did not allow us to give an affirmative answer about Titov’s authorship (although the result of the examination is more positive than negative, it is not sufficient for final conclusions).

Levinger Vladimir Andorovich, “scientific secretary of the Great Methodological Council of the DEIR School”, as well as the “right hand” of K.V. Titov, co-author of secondary manuals. We will not go into According to rumors from the environment, Levinger is prone to pedophilia, in connection with which he was in operational development in the case of molestation of a boy. He is in a state of conflict with one of the school leaders named Kondakov.

Sep 24, 2002

There is such a sect - DEIR (school of long-range energy-information development). The guys very competently created their own little world, the main rule of which is to renounce everything else, not ours (DEIR's), not correct (that is, the REAL world) and filled it with their books , their faith, their bible, and even their god (Dmitry Vereshchagin) they “cook” unfortunate people there, and charge $250 for each course of study. Moreover, in order to achieve something, you need (as it were) a lot of time... money... and strength... (about ten courses = $2500) What people are shown at the beginning is built on pure suggestion/self-hypnosis, and the pressure of the opinions of many people with the roof of fanatics/dolshiks completely moved. Next, people BELIEVE that they can do something. Others are afraid to admit that nothing is working out, because EVERYONE around them is discussing WHAT they are doing and how great it is! We opened a lot of branches, representative offices...

But, a problem, as they say, becomes a PROBLEM only when it concerns you PERSONALLY.

Recently I met a person who became close to me. I’ve been communicating with her for half a year now... The girl lived in the world of DEIR... I set myself the goal of getting her out of there, no matter what... (I’m a novice psychologist myself) I’ve read a lot of CRAZY books, There’s a bunch of websites, a lot of work has been done to study the structure of the school, methods of influence, and some techniques that influence the consciousness of people who have fallen there.
Gently, unobtrusively, after consultation with more serious specialists than me, I pull her out of there. This is a disease that needs to be treated. It's worse than drug addiction.

There are more than 100,000 patients at the DEIR school...

I have created a small group of seriously minded people.

Can someone tell me HOW TO FIGHT THEM?!

12/26/2006 [email protected]/

DEIR is an excellent example of the esoteric developments of law enforcement agencies. Vereshchagin is a fictional author. One of the participants in this project, Titov, currently lives in the USA and is the owner of a large restaurant in New York. If in past years those in power shed their karmic responsibility through religious rituals, now, despite the supposedly obvious prosperity of the church, this process became difficult. The churchmen themselves admit that the number of flocks is sharply declining. The DEIR methodology in a number of its provisions implies violent influence on people. Thus, the adherents of this direction gave the go-ahead for a reciprocal karmic reset. Those who have completed these courses and felt a deterioration in their well-being come to us for correction. Many began to experience mental deviations, voices began to sound in their heads. When carrying out correction of the “third eye”, such patients initially see a black and blue color, which means the implementation of the DEIR program. So draw your own conclusions: is it worth doing?

Observable distinctive features of Deirovites:

Detachment, insensitivity. It looks like the person was given anesthesia. Does not react to external stimuli, is unemotional.

The desire to control, suppress, subjugate, impose one’s will.

About the elusiveness of Vereshchagin’s character:


They decided to cover up the experiment and destroy the entire group, but Comrade Vereshchagin remained alive and decided to rework the system for mass use, for the good. His closest associate is Titov. Nobody saw Comrade Vereshchagin, the founder of the system, in person, Titov was everywhere. Therefore, it is possible that Vereshchagin does not exist, and it is Titov who is the founder of this system.


Dreamneer 9.12.2005 - 19:40

Why is he so elusive? Or simply no one has seen him live???

MahaGuru 9.12.2005 - 20:00

No one has ever seen him. According to legend, this is a type of mentor Titov - the head of the school, who was (or is being hunted) by the special services. I do not remember exactly! According to legend, he is also the author of books. How in reality - the devil knows... And does anyone need it?

In order to somehow justify the fictitiousness of the character Vereshchagin in the book DEIR Course 1 - Liberation it is written:

Sergei Desmentsov, taking advantage of the confusion and wars on the territory of the former Soviet Union, was able to leave for America... But I stayed because I cannot live in a place other than my native country. But I hardly ever meet people anymore. In addition, I have another task ahead of me. One day, when we realized the depth of the DEIR system we had developed and realized that this knowledge was too important to lose, we exchanged powers of attorney, allowing any of us to act on behalf of the others.

I, Dmitry Verishchagin, hand over this manuscript for publication to my confidant, co-author and student Kirill Titov. I act on my own behalf and on behalf of my colleagues, the pioneers of the DEIR system - Pyotr Keldorovsky, Alexei Gryshchak and Sergei Desmentsov.

In the book DEIR Course 1 - Liberation it is written:

The world in which we live - the material world - is only a temporary stage that everyone must go through, but from which it is impossible to expect real complete happiness and in which it is impossible to find the true meaning of life. A person who wants to find all this in the material world is very similar to a moth that fights and hits the glass, only breaking its wings, and does not see that the window is open nearby.

So, we don’t care about our bastard world, we just need to wait until we finally get to another world!

It is highly recommended to read the comments to the fundamental DEIR book by D. Vereshchagin DEIR Course 1 - Liberation, showing the complete failure, deception and true goals of the creators.

In a letter to the Fornit website about how you can get into a sect:

After reading the book of this “Bible from DEIR”, this “like” disappeared somewhere. There was a feeling that the main goal of its authors was to hammer into the reader’s head the idea that a person is dependent on other people closest to him: (especially on the family): children “vampire” parents, parents “vampire” children, etc. . A person allegedly receives “liberation” from all this by creating a shell around himself of certain “chakra energy flows.” This shell seems to help a person overcome the “barriers of society.”

In general, “complete amber”. Judging by the “philosophy of DEIR”, everyone around you is only trying to cause you some harm - to inflict energy-informational defeat (damage, or the evil eye, or, even worse, to “vampire” you). Especially, as it turned out, this applies to your closest relatives - mom, dad or children, if you have them. I even came up with the following message: “Dear citizens! Beware of having families and children! They will definitely vampirize you, drain vitality and energy from you!” And you shouldn’t travel on public transport: what if the conductor spoils you! There’s nothing to say about the grandmothers at the entrance - they’ll definitely jinx them!

I even managed to attend the first stage of this “school”. Everything is word for word according to the book, complete occultism. Chakras, the etheric body (if you can’t touch it, then at least let me see!), a certain “reference state” (very similar to a fragment from NLP, which real psychologists use with great caution), energy flows and other “nonsense”. In my opinion, it’s just a cross between Buddhism, occultism and some kind of “pseudo-scientific” discipline – bioenergy.

There is nothing to say about the third book - manipulation of other people to achieve those very “own” goals. Active control of people (in the book they are called “puppets” - doesn’t that name bother you?) is carried out by force using one’s own energy. Obviously, we are talking about the complete suppression of the will of another person, his freedom of choice. Like in a concentration camp - one has the right to everything, the other has only submission, and forced one at that.

Only one conclusion can be drawn - in books, explicitly or implicitly, the cult of personal well-being, human freedom, first of all, from moral standards is inculcated. From a professional’s point of view, this is exactly how the atomization of society occurs, division, and separation of a person from other people. That’s why families fall apart, friends are lost, social circles change.

I am a very calm person... But rudeness and hypocrisy makes me nervous.

This is fine. When something or someone violates faith, i.e. something that is no higher in importance for a person, then the person begins to perceive it as aggression, he sees everything as a danger to his favorite ideas and, accordingly, begins to defend the faith. At the same time, he does not perceive his own truly aggressive responses as rudeness, because this is a righteous rebuke :)

It’s like coming to visit, disagreeing with the owner’s opinion, and he will throw mud at you and kick you out. How adequate is this owner?

You, RomanZP, came to “visit” and declared from the doorway: “..what’s your name, I couldn’t find it anywhere. Probably this is your honesty and openness.. You chose the dirtiest - congratulations, good job... You show your complete blinkeredness... If you are ready to say something smarter." And the further, the more, starting to laugh homerically at what they answered and declare: “What further discussion if a priori all here are idiots and zombified sectarians who cannot be trusted... I read your delusional comments.”

I'm glad I added some fuel to your fire of verbiage. Are you a normal person or a parrot? Among your statements, only great narcissism shines through. What kind of nonsense are you writing? Your goal is to try to write more nasty things. Cheap demagoguery. You are an angry and touchy person, apart from this site and, in your opinion, thoughtful statements, you can’t be proud of anything else, absolutely NOTHING in this life. Hence the anger and narrow-mindedness. You, my friend NAN, are a coward. I really regret that I wrote on a site whose owner is such a narrow-minded and vile person, incapable of adequately understanding other people’s opinions. Communication is sometimes on You, sometimes on You :) and it is full of hypocrisy: sometimes gratitude and “Dear”, sometimes almost swearing :)

Moreover, in a hysterical style, which is completely natural: after all, hysteria is a specific reaction when self-esteem does not correspond to the assessment of others. This hysterical aggression is an example of how a sect dissects a culture, giving rise to hostility and division.

Confusion and superficiality accompany almost all statements: In general, it will be interesting, you should still read the first book. And if there is no money for it, these are your karmic problems

The DEIR school is not created to promise or give people any advantages to some people over others.... This is a school of skills. Personally, I turned them into money... According to the descriptions of NAN, DEIRovets is the person who walks the earth and only thinks about his supernatural abilities, trying to control others. Where does this opinion come from?

From the DEIR Bible: “Things that are unthinkable for ordinary people will be available to you... You will gain the ability to heal... you will be able to lead other people.” And the further, the more this develops, and in the direction of precisely the violent control of people.

Where does such hypocrisy in the question come from, such superficial thinking? From faith, it justifies everything and blinds the eyes. The DEIR sect, which instills such faith, declares the listed opportunities, but people do not receive them, but try to justify themselves even to themselves, going so far as to claim that nothing of the kind was promised.

No, I don’t set out to humiliate RomanZP, to show what a bastard he is. He's not a creep. I know for sure that he wants the best for people. There are no bad people at all. But there are those whose initial tempting idea has reached the level of faith, i.e. ideas of maximum significance (dominant fixed idea). By the way, here is the answer to his bewilderment: “You understand the psyche of DEIR members so deeply that one might think that you are a psychotherapist.” Unlike psychotherapists, I know the mechanisms of mental phenomena, I know your motivations and why you think this way (an urge for Homeric laughter). You can find out this too if you take at least a couple of years to understand the materials available on the site.

I consider it ignorant to discuss a person’s personal qualities behind his back.

Actually, ignorance is something completely different. For example, to take seriously what is written in the DEIR Bible means to show your ignorance of natural science, your inability to see fraud, exactly the same as what the Tikhoplavs committed in the Physics of Faith. When a person is unable to see this, he can only say: “I read your delusional comments.” It must be said that in general the level of presentation in Deir’s book is very primitive, like a children’s fairy tale, aimed specifically at those ignoramuses who are inclined to take everything on faith because they want to get an easy way to “attract money.” There is no need to think, compare, or try to figure something out. Everything is already presented as a ready-made simple chewing gum, all that remains is to swallow. Understanding scientific books on natural science, even the popular presentation, is something such people are unable to cope with. Not knowing what generations of scientists have already achieved in understanding the world, they immediately try to jump somewhere into the unknowable.

Again, you, RomanZP, have the opportunity to correct your distorted worldview with the help of a guide

I asked you last time what DEIR is - a totalitarian sect?...

It was shown in detail why DEIR falls under the classification of sects:

  1. Mandatory unconditional faith
  2. Enticement by deception, promises of something that cannot really be obtained with the help of faith (by deceiving gullible people)
  3. Morality, which in many ways alienates the members of the sect from the rest of the culture, causing a split in the general culture.
  4. The main goal of the organizers (who are well aware that they are not giving anything real to the deceived) is money and power.

The Christian Church falls under the first two points, but, however, is itself an integral part of the general culture for most people. It also brings a considerable split into society, but no more than other subcultures present in society.

By its characteristics, DEIR is no different from the DRUGG Grabovoi sect. He was also defended by fans with foam in the discussion of the article on his actions.

To the question that RomanZP can’t really demonstrate anything at all and generally considers it absurd.

"School of skills for further energy-informational human development." Skills gentlemen! Just because you were taught how to use a chisel and a hammer does not mean that you will become a great sculptor. If you were unable to put a skill into practice, this is not a disadvantage of the school, it is a disadvantage for you. ... Is higher education an advantage?

So, if you really can’t demonstrate anything, you can assume that you didn’t study well? :) After all, after sculpting school, even a person who has studied poorly can show a lot and do something that someone who has not studied can’t.

Any education in a specific subject area uses not just a few books that talk about everything in the world, but at least 50 (usually much more, so when studying chemistry I had to leaf through at least 300 books on many sections of chemistry and a bunch of books on that section, in which I specialized) and only in narrow subject areas. As a result, a person acquires many general and specialized skills that he can demonstrate in completely real-life applications, in addition, he has ideas about how to access the techniques of an immeasurably larger number of skills.

You didn’t even dare to list what exactly the “skills” acquired in DEIR are. Your example with the chisel and higher education is a frame-up and a transparent lie.

“You chose only negative opinions and formed your own based only on them.”

And there is NOTHING positive about DEIR. In general... There is only self-deception built on illusions.

Here's a short summary. Not at all in order to continue to butt heads here with a person who is unable to step out of the boundaries of his faith. And in the hope that, no matter how painful it is, he will find the strength to comprehend what was said, not taking it as aggression towards his idea, but as simply something worth thinking about, so as not to deceive himself.

If you, RomanZP, can speak correctly (not in the sense of politeness, I don’t care what anyone calls me, it won’t make me different), but in the sense of validity, then please. If not, just quietly leave this site :)

In the future, strictly, all statements based on simple faith, and not in correct attempts to discuss the topic, will be thrown into the trash.

irl/ 08.26.2019 I ask those who have mastered the Deir techniques to share their skills and impressions. I read the book Liberation, but with practice so far... alas... although I want to learn how to eat. write whate app viber: 7 926 898 17 19. Thank you in advance for your response.

ALEXANDER/ 02/10/2019 In order to engage in DEIR, you need someone who can SHOW, that is, INTRODUCING THE CONDITION, show a person WHAT ENERGY INFORMATION FLOWS ARE!!! I only read DEIR but was dedicated to it before DEIR appeared on the shelves, or rather in 1989--91. And when I explain to my “mentees” the simplest techniques from the book “Liberation”, by laying on hands I put them into a state of trance and they begin to FEEL FLOWS... Well, if we carry out the KARMA CLEANING technique where the ward focuses on the negativity that is pursuing him and in a trance state on my command, with energy support, it goes into the past... Finds a source that recodes it into positive! He begins to understand WHY DEIR IS NEEDED and along the way he experiences SATORI --- AN IDEAL CONDITION!!! And then I recommend that they familiarize themselves with DEIR. Some people just read and some even took courses...

Lana/ 01/13/2019 Once I passed 4 stages. Depends on the teacher (at the 1st stage I had an amazing teacher, I felt everything as if it were reality! But already at the second third stage the teacher was so-so and everything went down the drain. And the second stage is the MOST IMPORTANT after the shell - there is work with karma. On The 4th level teacher was great - but it didn’t work for me because of the cracks with the second level - and it’s very difficult to work completely independently. In general, DEIR techniques are not given to everyone, NLP will forgive even that, by God! Moreover, I write honestly - if not doing DEIR all the time would be a waste of time. So, think about it. And of course, glasses are a little expensive for Russians, club glasses are also not cheap....

That/ 10/15/2018 Yes, I can tell you why this won’t work. Even when I was just starting to study, such a suspicion arose. And this was about 6 years ago, it was one of the very first systems I became acquainted with the cortex. So, all this won’t work for the reason that the whole system is built on entering the original “best” condition. I don’t remember exactly what it’s called in Deir. But the thing is that a person SIMPLY CANNOT create this state, he cannot imagine it. That’s actually why he started training because his state is far from ideal. And then they immediately tell him to imagine himself in the best state. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. and all this is a dead end. The fact is that in order to achieve such a state, you may have to go through a LOT of different techniques, installations, working with the past, energies, etc. etc. And here they say right away, let’s get into an optimal state, THIS will NEVER be possible to do with the amount of garbage that can be in a person. It’s the same as if a person has little strength, he hasn’t worked out and they immediately tell him, lift a barbell weighing 100 kilos .Or a person is tied with many threads to heavy loads, and they tell him to jump to that branch and hang on it. And no matter how much he jumps, he will not succeed. The only thing he can succeed in is not to jump to the branch, but to IMAGINE that he did it with his mind. But in reality, he will still be in the same position, engaged in self-deception. That is. in fact, no progress has occurred one iota, and the person simply engaged in mental masturbation. And the whole system is pushed away from this, and in the end, naturally, no results occur, since the person cannot be in the state that is required of him, but instead will be in the same position all this time as at the very beginning, as I said due to the inability to fulfill the required “initial” state of happiness or whatever it is called

Galina/ 09/1/2018 I read 4 books by Dmitry Vereshchagin. Feelings of ascending and descending energy flows are difficult, but the feeling

Charcot/ 06.28.2018 Unfortunately, this is a dead-end direction that, apart from self-deception, does not produce any fruit.

KEK/ 06/09/2018 I can’t boast that I’ve gone through all the steps, but I can definitely say that these books are at least worth reading. There is a lot of information expressed from a rather interesting angle. If you don’t take everything literally, but using reason, understand how to adapt this information to your life, to your situations, then it turns out great - from being a follower, you suddenly begin to understand how to become a leader; you were used, but you suddenly begin to understand that you are not a victim, but a predator. Definitely, all the information given in books should be adapted. If you don’t understand how to do this, then the time has not come. Only 3 years after reading the first stage, I began to understand and apply that knowledge in my life. With the right mentor, this can probably be done 3 times faster.

ndrudark/ 06/09/2018 People, come to your senses!!! Firstly, this system is officially recognized by the scientific commission as a totalitarian Sect, and secondly, since 2003, I myself have not only known each other and gone through all the stages and other additional trainings, but I know how it all ends, All the people at the helm of this sect Immoral monsters (especially the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions) who, for the sake of money, will not only drive you crazy, but will also frame you and put you in prison...

Lyudmila/ 03/28/2018 “charlatans”, “dropouts”. How much poison. Go through all the steps, live with this for ten years, and then we’ll talk. The technicians are excellent. It is difficult to get information from books; you need to undergo full-time training. I have been living outside of school for six years and using the knowledge I acquired 100%. If you want to change your life for the better, learn.

Valery/ 12/26/2017 Dear administrators and readers!
Does anyone have Vereshchagin's "Psychic as a psychic. Non-magical magic."
Please post it. I'd really like to read it.
Thank you in advance.

Nika/ 11/24/2017 Good luck to everyone in your development! I also downloaded the books, we'll see. Nika, I wish you special success on your path. You are my namesake!!

Nika/ 11/24/2017 Oh, my namesake is here! Very interesting. Nika Dair, thank you for sharing your experience. Good luck in your development!

Alicia/ 11/12/2017 I became acquainted with the DEIR system in 1999 - if you study seriously and combine theory with practice - it gives excellent results - the main thing is not to be lazy!

Yasana/ 10.3.2017 Several years ago, one of my casual acquaintances advised me to read books about deir. But I forgot about it. So I started reading other books. And today the taxi driver advised me to read about deir. When I opened it I immediately remembered. Accidents are not accidental.

Refers to "Mystical Worlds"

Deir (Further energy-information development)

DEIR today is, first of all, an organization with a hierarchical structure that collects money from gullible people for what is declared but not actually carried out. Her seminars are designed for people with a low level of worldview and therefore unable to assess the reliability of the “arguments” of DEIR theorists and resist tempting promises. In the course of immersion in unfounded and, therefore, designed for unconditional faith ideas, the rational is replaced by esoteric beliefs, leading to inappropriate behavior in all cases when in practice the discrepancy between these beliefs and reality manifests itself.
Servants of Deir, as always happens in such organizations, react sharply and aggressively to any criticism and attempts to understand the validity of their statements, and when a situation of such aggressive confrontation is created in society, when the faith of people inclined to this is exploited in contrast to other ideas in given culture, then there is a cross-section of cultures, a split in society in this regard, and then we are talking about a sect.
The fact that the organization has the characteristics of a sect and, accordingly, falls under the classification of sects, is included in the list of the Most Famous Destructive Totalitarian Sects, also causes aggressive disagreement, which is expressed unreasonably, at the level of everyday belief. Thus, the website, dedicated to exposing Deir, was hacked with a mocking, smug afterword from the hacker, who left links to “his website” and even his email address. Then it was savored on the Deir forum (mercilessly moderated) with the following comments: “Give them back the site? No need. Such crap should not live. Respect for the excellent work. Where did you find the bug? ;).”
And this is how they “officially” responded on the DEIR website on the Anatomy of Moral Pathology page (see the original text at the link provided with comments, only a selection is given here):
An inquisitive researcher may find it interesting to dissect the personality of a liar - and the product of the functioning of his body in the form of nauseating lies is, to put it mildly, unattractive. Thus, dissecting the unclean insides of a cockroach can captivate you at least for a short time only if you are familiar with the anatomy of insectoid insects in general.

But why am I really writing so much about the wretched... However, God is with them, with these next specific scoundrels... There is an in-the-res-most peculiarity in the text of these scum.... There is nothing in you except anger, narrow-mindedness and envy. Your heart is barren... If DEIR does not like such animal abomination, then DEIR has already justified its existence.

There is nothing substantive in the rebuke other than an attempt to instill in the reader a feeling of disgust towards DEIR’s critics. All specific examples are not significant, secondary. But the main thing, about the fact that people are being fooled and people do not receive what was promised to them, but simply begin to believe their illusions, is not said.

It’s interesting that the hacker (who hangs out under the nickname Ya_ne_angel) himself came to the DEIR forum on March 29, 2007 with a cry for help that he was losing his girlfriend because of DEIR:
7 months ago, my girlfriend began to actively engage in energy techniques. At the beginning, she stated that it was impossible to have sex, then she stated that she generally wanted to be alone, any relationship with men would only interfere. He doesn’t really date anyone, he doesn’t lie.
She developed a strange rejection of me (“let’s be friends”), all about work. Before that, everything was fine for many years.
It’s the opposite for me - all my thoughts are only about her, I can’t eat, sleep, or work.
He is drawn to her so much that there is no urine. I can't imagine life without her.
Maybe they had some effect on me and her?
I don’t really believe in all kinds of love spells, I trust your civilized methods more, but I agree to believe in any devilry just to bring the person back and restore the relationship.
Help me please. Last hope...

In his diary he writes:
I have big problems. The woman I was with for 10 years left me.
I don’t know how people get out of this situation, but I’ve been in terrible depression for half a year now. I, a physically and mentally healthy man, begin to have cowardly thoughts about leaving this life. If someone had told me this a couple of years ago, I would have laughed in his face.

DEIR deservedly gained many opponents, some of them even formed the community On this site you can also see traces of military actions by DEIR members:
Now, a couple of years later, from the creation of the site, my opinion about the DEIR school has radically changed. And for those who do not consider all this nonsense, self-deception and illusion, the information below is provided.
I created a website, made a bunch of mirrors, and posted these manuals there. After some time, I had an order of magnitude more information. As soon as I posted it on the site, I immediately received a warning letter from the DEIR school administration. The mirrors began to fall one after another, and I did not have time to restore it all. After a while I simply got tired of this “battle”.

Instead of the declared ability to influence a person, the Deirovoites use primitive website hacking (which is ethically no different from the action of a thief picking into someone else's pocket). As usual, in cases of aggressive disagreement, “powerful” apologists of mystical ideas do not use their “superpowers” ​​at all, but primitive, legal, and even outright gangster methods.
Deir’s very goals are essentially inhumane: to learn to influence a person against his will and his interests. But those who believed the promises do not learn this either. Personally, I know of examples where the “advanced” ascetics of Deir were unable to influence people no matter how much they wanted to. Thus, one man’s beloved woman, with whom he had lived for almost a year, left for a “friend” only because he had much better money. And the Daerovite could not do anything either in relation to his “friend” or in attempts to influence a woman who was of a rather low level, but at the same time quite capable of resisting any influence simply because she knew well what she wanted and the significance of her desire was difficult to exceed than something from the outside (see mechanisms of motivation).
Failure to understand the mechanisms of motivation by dealers, their use of purely empirical ones, taken for some narrow conditions, but applicable to all methods of influence, leads to too frequent and unexpected failures. Teaching such techniques is pure profanation.
DEIR shrouds purely practical methods of psychological influence in the fog of mystical theories.

In order to show the complete groundlessness of the statements of the main theorist DEIR, commented on the book by the founder of DEIR D. Vereshchagin DEIR Course 1 - Liberation, one of the basic theoretical backgrounds of the organization. The complete inconsistency of the stated statements, outright fraud, deception and manipulation of people's gullibility are shown.

Below are negative opinions about DEIR found on the Internet.(positive, except for demonstrating that a person fell under the influence of illusions and now attributes all his successes to advancement, do not demonstrate anything essentially conclusive).

I consider it ignorant to discuss a person’s personal qualities behind his back.
Actually, ignorance is something completely different. For example, to take seriously what is written in the DEIR Bible means to show your ignorance of natural science, your inability to see fraud, exactly the same as what Tikhoplav committed in the Physics of Faith. When a person is unable to see this, he can only say: “I read your delusional comments.” It must be said that in general the level of presentation in Deir’s book is very primitive, like a children’s fairy tale, aimed specifically at those ignoramuses who are inclined to take everything on faith because they want to get an easy way to “attract money.” There is no need to think, compare, or try to figure something out. Everything is already presented as a ready-made simple chewing gum, all that remains is to swallow. Understanding scientific books on natural science, even the popular presentation, is something such people are unable to cope with. Not knowing what generations of scientists have already achieved in understanding the world, they immediately try to jump somewhere into the unknowable.
Again, you, RomanZP, have the opportunity to correct your distorted worldview with the help of a guidebook

I asked you last time what DEIR is - a totalitarian sect?...
It was shown in detail why DEIR falls under the classification of sects: 1. Mandatory unconditional faith
2. Enticement by deception, promises of something that cannot really be obtained with the help of faith (by deceiving gullible people)
3. Morality, which in many ways alienates the members of the sect from the rest of the culture, causing a split in the general culture.
4. The main goal of the organizers (who are well aware that they are not giving anything real to the deceived) is money and power.
The Christian Church falls under the first two points, but, however, is itself an integral part of the general culture for most people. It also brings a considerable split into society, but no more than other subcultures present in society.
By its characteristics, DEIR is no different from the DRUGG sect of Grabovoi. He was also defended by fans with foam in the discussion of the article on his actions.

To the question that RomanZP can’t really demonstrate anything at all and generally considers it absurd.
"School of skills for further energy-informational human development." Skills gentlemen! Just because you were taught how to use a chisel and a hammer does not mean that you will become a great sculptor. If you were unable to put a skill into practice, this is not a disadvantage of the school, it is a disadvantage for you. ... Is higher education an advantage?
So, if you really can’t demonstrate anything, you can assume that you didn’t study well? :) After all, after sculpting school, even a person who has studied poorly can show a lot and do something that someone who has not studied can’t.
Any education in a specific subject area uses not just a few books that talk about everything in the world, but at least 50 (usually much more, so when studying chemistry I had to leaf through at least 300 books on many sections of chemistry and a bunch of books on that section, in which I specialized) and only in narrow subject areas. As a result, a person acquires many general and specialized skills that he can demonstrate in completely real-life applications, in addition, he has ideas about how to access the techniques of an immeasurably larger number of skills.
You didn’t even dare to list what exactly the “skills” acquired in DEIR are. Your example with the chisel and higher education is a frame-up and a transparent lie.

“You chose only negative opinions and formed your own based only on them.”
And there is NOTHING positive about DEIR. In general... There is only self-deception built on illusions.

Here's a short summary. Not at all in order to continue to butt heads here with a person who is unable to step out of the boundaries of his faith. And in the hope that, no matter how painful it is, he will find the strength to comprehend what was said, not taking it as aggression towards his idea, but as simply something worth thinking about, so as not to deceive himself.
If you, RomanZP, can speak correctly (not in the sense of politeness, I don’t care what anyone calls me, it won’t make me different), but in the sense of validity, then please. If not, just quietly leave this site :)
In the future, strictly, all statements based on simple faith, and not in correct attempts to discuss the topic, will be thrown into the trash.
Naturally, I and those who can really help me with this will evaluate this correctness on this site :)


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