What do people like to do while traveling? Why do people love to travel? What travel can teach you

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"Ha! Tour trips to space have not yet been invented, otherwise they would have already flown there. People can’t sit still, they’re always being carried somewhere. Europe, Thailand, Egypt - it seems that there is no place on earth where they have not visited. What do they find so interesting and educational for themselves on these trips? I don't understand. Why do people love to travel? What drives them to the ends of the earth, from a warm, cozy home?”- Makar Ivanovich muttered quietly under his breath, sipping his morning linden tea on the balcony and watching with squinted eyes as a couple of housemates “packed” together with their suitcases into an approaching taxi.

Why people want to travel: the reason is desire

Why do many people love to travel so much? Some people want bright, unforgettable impressions, some like new acquaintances, some like gastronomic tours, and some have only one hope for travel - to get rid of the heavy thoughts that plague home, to escape from themselves, from people in general.

Discovering the reason why some people are irresistibly drawn to new places several times a year, while others cannot be lured out of the house, lies in the various mental properties of a person and his desires. Groups of properties and desires are called vectors. An absolute understanding of the properties of each vector is given at the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan. In this article we will reveal some properties of the human psyche that will reveal the true reason why people like to travel.

Who loves to travel to "see Paris and die"

People with a visual vector have the greatest emotional amplitude. Traveling for them is therapy for a heart that craves new experiences. Frequent changes in the picture of the surrounding world, filled with new tastes, smells, emotions, feelings, and acquaintances, are the reason for their unbridled love of travel.

For example, a visual woman - an extrovert by nature - will get wild delight from traveling and visiting foreign boutiques in Europe, as well as from shopping for exclusive and beautiful things in oriental bazaars. The whole world is incredibly interesting to her! Along the way, taking selfies in exotic places and posting her photos on social networks, she gets real pleasure and joy from the process. After all, one of her values ​​in life is to please others and receive compliments.

Who likes to travel with benefit?

Having innate mental flexibility, people with the skin vector, who love various changes in life, easily and quickly adapt to new places. From the desire to travel to the real action - buying tickets, for example - little time passes. Why? The answer lies in a systemic understanding of desires. Leather workers are extroverts by nature. Their credo is “Movement is life!” Such people have a special value - to be the first, the best. They try to choose a cooler vacation spot. In this way they emphasize their status and prove their worth.

Often the leather worker goes traveling, combining rest with work. Conferences, business exhibitions, business projects. After all, benefit is important to him in everything. Returning with an accumulated store of new knowledge, he immediately puts it into practice, introducing something new and advanced at work, which ultimately qualitatively improves his financial level and the standard of living of his subordinates. As a result, he receives enormous satisfaction, and travel becomes an integral part of his life, bringing him pleasure and the desired result.

For whom travel is a replenishment of the knowledge base

People with anal-visual ligament vectors also love to travel, especially studying the history and culture of different countries, collecting entire collections of beautiful and rare things brought from travel. The gaze of a person with an anal vector is turned to the past, so studying history, culture, visiting ancient temples and excavations gives him real pleasure. Although he enjoys life more at home, in his homeland, visiting museums and exhibitions.

His comfort zone is not living for everyone to see, but collecting information and things for himself. Having returned, such a person will spend a long time sorting through his home, putting on shelves all the wonders he brought, and additionally studying from books the history of the country he visited.

Having absorbed, sorted and assimilated the new information received about the country where he has visited, a person with an anal-visual ligament of vectors with great pleasure will invite old, faithful friends to his house. Over a cup of tea, he will start a conversation for many hours, giving a thoroughly accurate visual and verbal tour of his journey. It is important and valuable for him to tell, and most importantly, to correctly convey all the information received to his friends.

For whom and why is one’s home and wife better than someone else’s?

A person who has only an anal vector without upper vectors (sound and visual) is extremely rarely drawn to travel away from home. He is a connoisseur of traditions and loves an established way of life. The best vacation for him is his native place. The best travel companions are true friends, with whom a two-day fishing trip outshines any foreign “mirages”.

However, he, too, can agree to a long trip abroad, succumbing to the persuasion of his beloved skin-visual wife, of course, out of deep respect for her. For him, his wife is sacred. Thus, giving his wife his attention on a joint vacation, pleasing her, he ultimately receives his portion of pleasure and the grateful eyes of his wife, “burning” with happiness.

Who likes to search for themselves and the meaning of life far from their homeland

Standing apart from the background of the above people are people with a sound vector. For some reason, it often seems to others that they don’t like to travel at all. However, people with a sound vector also love to travel. Only more often - alone. The sound vector makes its owner an introvert. Mass gatherings of people are unbearable for him. The hum, din, and bustle irritate him. Why is that?

He needs to focus on his thoughts away from home, think about what is important and global, from his point of view. If he does not go on a journey alone, then more often in a small company of like-minded people who share with him the same views on the world, who understand him perfectly. So he can travel for months on end. One day he may even move to live in another country. The favorite places to travel for such people are the countries of East and Southeast Asia. There they often move from one island to another in search of peace, solitude, and answers to their internal questions.

Depending on the mixing of vectors, the manifestation of a person’s desire to travel and his behavior while traveling also changes. A person is determined by his desires.

What travel gives people and why it’s worth trying at least once

Travel allows us to open up in a new way. Our perception changes, all our senses become sharper, our inner potential is revealed, and additional desires are “unpacked.” Often on vacation new thoughts and ideas come to mind, which upon arrival we begin to implement with joy. The feeling of freedom, joy, and enjoyment of life is clearly manifested in travel.

What do you think drives a person through life? My opinion is interest. It is the thirst to learn something new that is the main impetus for personal development. The smallest intelligent creatures on earth, infants, develop through cognitive activity. Traveling is also an educational activity.

Why does everyone travel?

You can name a lot reasons on which a person plans a trip. I highlight the following:

  1. Traveling for relaxation. Tired of work, a person plans a trip on his well-deserved vacation to distract himself and gain fresh strength.
  2. Travel is like love. Many people travel because they simply enjoy it and enjoy traveling. It's like a hobby.
  3. Travel as self-development. There are people who go on a trip and, first of all, set themselves the goal not to have fun, but to learn something new for themselves. They explore previously unexplored places and are interested in their history. These people are intellectuals, they are chasing new knowledge.
  4. A journey in search of communication. Some of us plan to make new friends on our trip. We are looking for communication with people from different cultures, to exchange experiences and to learn something from each other.
  5. Travel as collecting. There are travelers who keep records of their trips and count them. They take many different photos for the collection and share them on social networks.
  6. Travel is like life. But there are also people for whom traveling means living. They spend most of their time on the road having adventures. Most of them do not work and do not have a permanent place of residence. These are eternal wanderers.

Tourist places at the peak of popularity

We choose different destinations for travel. Some people like stunning sea and mountain landscapes, others are fascinated by the spirit of historically significant places on our planet, and still others are looking for adventure in modern cities of the world.

Over the past year, the most visited countries in the world were: France(1 place), USA(2nd place), Spain(3rd place); Next in popularity are China, Italy, Turkey, Germany, England, Russia, Mexico. And the most visited attractions in the world are: the Taj Mahal, the London Eye, the Pyramids of Giza, the Sydney Opera House, the Coliseum, the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, Disneyland in Paris, Orlando and California, the Great Wall of China, Notre Dame Cathedral, etc.

Traveler Gene

Did you know: psychologists have proven that a person striving for constant travel is controlled by "traveler gene" It really exists and is closely related to the restlessness and curiosity of a person. The gene is not common to everyone, only 20% of the population Earth.

Studying this gene, scientists claim that people are characterized not only by curiosity and restlessness, but also passion for travel. It is expressed in the willingness to take risks and explore something new. The carrier of the gene is always active, he loves movement.

So, a real traveler is driven by love for his work, interest, and also genetics.

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Friends, you often ask, so we remind you! 😉

Flights- you can compare prices from all airlines and agencies!

Hotels- don’t forget to check prices from booking sites! Don't overpay. This !

Rent a Car- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!

You could call me a little strange. Yes, I am completely and irrevocably addicted to travel. There is no empty space at home from souvenirs from trips, the refrigerator will soon fall to the neighbors on the floor below under the weight of magnets. And it’s not enough for me! I won’t answer for others, but I can tell you What motivates me to travel?

Why travel

Our life tends to be cyclical. Every day we wake up and fall asleep, go to work and study. If not bring something new into life, it will turn into a vicious circle.

And how good it is that there is trips– a great way to break out of your usual life and plunge into a new world. There are others causes:

  • Gaining experience.
  • Immersion in the culture of other countries.
  • Exploring your home country.
  • Searching for new acquaintances.
  • Language practice.

My first trip abroad was just to learn English better. I experienced so many emotions that I fell in love with travel!

Why traveling as a savage is healthier than buying tours

I've traveled in different ways. And buy regular tours, with a pre-booked hotel, and go to other cities and countries just with a backpack and a tent. And participate in the exchange program.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

When booking a tour, practically you don't think about anything anymoreb. You know that they will meet you, take you to your hotel and feed you there. For the first trip, maybe not bad - less headaches and worries, but, at the same time, You gain almost no experience.

When you go in exchange, As a rule, you don’t have too much free time. After all, such trips are taken for educational purposes. This means that the trip will also take place according to a pre-planned schedule. But there are huge advantages - as a rule, you communicate a lot- Means, upgrade your knowledge another language. And the immersion into the culture and life of other countries is simply amazing!

You get a lot of experience when traveling "savage" So this is the type of travel I prefer. Or, if another chance comes up to go on an exchange program, I wouldn’t refuse either.

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A single answer to the question of why do people travel, No. As you know, how many people there are, so many opinions. For example, I travel in order to look at life from different, albeit sometimes not very pleasant, angles, and so that later I can tell cool stories. But other people often think very differently.

Why do people travel

You can try to classify the reasons for traveling into several groups:

  • Satisfying the thirst for knowledge. Many people strive to learn everything throughout their lives, and travel is the best tool for this.
  • The desire to simply relax. Some prefer traveling in the form of shuttles between the beach and the hotel. Accompanied by first-class service, of course.
  • Likes and popularity. I think this is absurd, but it also happens - people travel only because photos from their trips get a lot of likes on social networks.
  • For check. Another strange point, but sometimes people come, for example, to Paris or Tokyo solely for the “I was here” point in their heads.
  • Work trips. You can call travel the lifestyle of those people who work around the globe, for example, stars or politicians.

The list of reasons is truly endless. I know a man who has set a goal for himself try all cuisines of the world in their “natural environment”, and another friend of mine wants to visit each country to personally bring back magnet on the refrigerator.

Travel fashion epidemic

Active users of social networks may have noticed that recently travel has become something of a cult. Live for travel, spend money only on it. A person who does not travel is inferior. Any reason you can't travel is an excuse and should be ridiculed.

This really irritates me. It turns out that many people travel simply because they don’t want to be ridiculed, because Thisfashionable, such as a certain type of haircut or brand of phone. I consider this a “travel surrogate”, but what can you do - everyone has their own tastes and aspirations.

But still, traveling is very good. I love the same thing a traveling mood, love that one adrenalin, that you get when something goes wrong, that fatigue that you experience when you return home. Travel and dream!

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I don't know what happened to me. I didn’t notice how I became heavy on the rise and passive. Imagine, she didn’t even agree to her husband’s offer to go to a restaurant or just take a walk. I was advised to urgently go on vacation. But don’t just lock yourself at home, but go abroad. It turns out that the best remedy for apathy and bad mood is a change of scenery. Then roads and travel are just a balm. Today I will explain why you need to travel far from home as often as possible.

Travel and people: eternal mysteries

At the genetic level, it is inherent in us that we need to leave the place where it is bad. Because our ancestors once upon a time led nomadic lifestyle. As soon as the weather changed or food and water reserves ran out, they took everything they had and left. A similar instinct (to escape from problems) and self-preservation remains with modern man. If the job doesn't suit you, you'll want to quit. If you are afraid to be in the park, you will leave. Moving is the solution to the problem. But you don't have to leave forever. Enough brighten up the gray everyday life flights and hotels with sea views.

The desire to travel does not just arise. This may be a signal that the person is tired of close attention. You need to relax and just become happier. It is not necessary to travel thousands of kilometers and overcome phobias. You can go to a neighboring city where you have never been.

Traveler's Code

Do you want your trip to be a real success and not have to regret spending money? Then follow the unofficial tourist code:

  • Complete all documents(cross the border legally).
  • Find familiar companion(it's more fun together).
  • Make a plan where do you want to go, what will you do.
  • Take it with you camera or video.
  • Do not forget buy a first aid kit.
  • Don't communicate with suspicious people.
  • Avoid criminal areas of the city.

The most important thing: you must resolve the issue of overnight stay. It's better to make a reservation in advance. I wouldn't recommend it couchsurfing(staying for free with strangers). Because you don’t know definitively for what purpose the owner agreed to accept you. Robbery and violence do not need to be ruled out.

Don't forget about your desires, secret places at the end of the world. Happy travels to you.

If I had sufficient financial resources, I would spend my whole life traveling to distant countries, islands and little-known states. But each person has certain responsibilities, a job, or the eternal problem of most people - a banal lack of money... But even with all these problems, you can, if you try, find time and money for at least a small trip, for example, to another city. It will be a small journey, but still a journey...

How it all began

Since ancient times, life has constantly forced people move from one place to another for various objective reasons. Typically, our ancestors traveled to:

  • survive under certain conditions;
  • find new lands and conquer new territories;
  • find new sources of food;
  • find additional sources of resources(energy);
  • gain valuable knowledge and skills from other nationalities;
  • assimilate with other nations;
  • other factors.

As history shows, travel often became a powerful impetus for the development of a particular people or state. The first thing that comes to mind is around-the-world expeditions, often initiated by the state itself. It is worth remembering at least the expedition of H. Columbus, who discovered new lands with rich natural resources...

Why do people travel

People began to travel most actively from the middle of the 20th century, thanks to the development of the transport system. More and more modern people give preference when traveling air transport and use rail transport less and less. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, Air travel has become more affordable. Secondly, it's huge time saving. For example, if previously traveling to one country took several days, now you can fly to it in just a few hours! In my opinion, this is colossal progress for humanity.

Nowadays, people are still actively traveling. True, for slightly different reasons than several centuries ago. Of course, the work of many people is inextricably linked with constant business trips and travel, the purpose of which is close to the goals of our ancestors (searching for new suppliers, buyers, conquering new territories and developing new lands). But now, travel is increasingly associated with a long-awaited vacation!

Modern people travel to:

  • relax from work or city bustle;
  • see the sights another country;
  • get a quality education;
  • find a high paying job;
  • gain new knowledge and experience;
  • enrich yourself spiritually;
  • make new acquaintances;
  • visit unique places, which are only available in this place.

As you can see, there are many reasons to travel! So why don’t we take advantage of this, because it is not only exciting, but also useful for our own development!

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It’s worth going on a trip during your next vacation not only because our body needs rest, but the sea has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Traveling can also be an exciting adventure that will give you a lot of emotions and energy to achieve your goals, as well as a boost of energy until your next vacation.

When a positive mood is replaced by fatigue and apathy, it means it’s time to change the situation and go to another city or country. Such a voyage will be something like a reboot, because the journey includes 7 factors that influence our development.

1. Broadening your horizons.

Even if you don't plan excursions during your trip, you will somehow gain information about the history, traditions and culture of the country you are visiting. It is enough to ride on a bus with a transfer guide to the hotel, who usually entertains you with stories about your place of stay along the way.

2. Development of communication skills.

One way or another, you will have to communicate with locals to find out the information you are interested in, which means you will actively develop your communication skills.

3. Expanding your social circle.

While on vacation in another country or city, you will definitely meet new people, compatriots, vacationing in the same hotel with you, or foreigners, local residents.

4. Inspiration.

Visiting a country with a different culture, nature, delicious food, stunning sunsets and views gives us a lot of positive emotions and inspires us to look at familiar things in a new way. Having rested, we begin to solve work issues with new strength and a creative approach.

5. Cultural development.

A trip to another country, especially one with a richer cultural heritage and level of development in terms of technical progress, service and maintenance, gives impetus to one's own development. Visiting museums, galleries, and getting to know the architecture of European cities contribute to cultural enrichment.

6. Self-knowledge

Visiting Asian countries is a great way to promote self-discovery. If there has come a time in life when you need to make an important decision or choose a path, a trip to the east, which many associate with wisdom and philosophy, the peacefulness of the locals, peaceful landscapes and the sound of the sea or ocean, will help you let go of the situation and feel harmony.

7. Unforgettable memories

Photos brought from vacation will again and again send you back to where you received so many positive emotions. Pleasant memories lift your spirits and motivate you to travel again.

It is impossible to measure the value of what travel gives to a person. Traveling has great benefits for every person. Let's find out in the article.

What does traveling really do for a person?

People always ask me – why do I travel? Why travel at all? Why do I want to leave home so much? Why spend money on travel when you can buy a car or something equivalent? Do I miss anything or anyone? Do I feel lonely? What does travel give to a person?

There are many reasons to travel - wanderlust, love of culture, the desire to just leave it all behind, the desire to forget, or the need to meet new people. Traveling becomes a way for people to cope with different situations, experience new experiences, and find themselves. This is why people love to travel.

For every person, traveling has a certain charm. St. Augustine is famous for his quote, “The world is a book, and he who does not travel reads but one page.” I keep this quote and another one by Mark Twain about the lack of regret in my head all the time.

In the book of the world, all the pages are different. Everything is new, everything is changing. It doesn’t matter if you’re going to see the pyramids or experience a new culture, it doesn’t matter if you want to escape from something or learn something, whether you’re going for a month or a year, we all travel because we’re looking for change. We are looking for something new, a change in daily routine or impressions of another culture, change - that’s what traveling gives a person.

Why do people travel?

Recently, people have begun to travel more and here's why - in the modern world of 9 to 5 employment, mortgages, loans and constant bills, our days become like an eternal race, almost indistinguishable from each other and very boring. Under the weight of such a life, a person often forgets about what is really important to him and what he would like from life. We become hostages, sandwiched between the journey to work and back, and the need to take the children to the school, that we forget what the sky looks like and how to breathe in general.

When people ask me why I want to travel so much, I talk about how I live at home and can plan my life months in advance. Ask why? Because all days are similar to each other - traffic jams, work, gym, sleep, repeat. While on a journey every moment promises a new beginning. Not a single day is like the previous one. You cannot plan in advance what will happen to you today, because it is simply impossible. No traffic jams, no errands, no business meetings. Just you and your whim. Travel gives freedom. That's why people travel.

Over the past few years, my life has been constantly changing. Places, cultures, cities, countries are all different from each other. Not a single day was similar to the previous one. In fact, every day is so different from the others that sometimes it seems to me that I have already lived 3 lives instead of one, my days are so busy. Your life will seem longer to you - that's why travel is needed.

People may have many reasons to travel, but everyone is looking for some kind of change. We want to see the world, to see something different, something changeable. Travel brings changes to a person's life and adds spice to it. Exciting, completely different and full of adventure - that’s what traveling provides. Your day will not be subject to working hours, only to the dictates of your heart.

In the ocean of freedom, without a compass to show us the direction, without anything that forces us to do anything, we all float forward.

We want something different from our everyday routine, something that challenges us. We always strive for something new, different, different from what we already have (whatever one may say, this is the spice of our life), this is an integral part of any person. No one jumps up in the morning with joy and gratitude that he has to sit in a stuffy office for 8 hours today. No. We're just talking about how we can get out of this. Break through the walls of everyday life and experience something different. This is why you need to travel.

A person is always looking for something new, something previously unseen - the next page in the book of the world, even if it is temporary. This makes travel so interesting, intriguing and desirable for all of us. This calls us to go towards new places and experiences. Allows us to take a break from office routine and touch the mysterious chaos. Shows us new places, people and cultures. Travel always gives us new experiences - not necessarily outside, but inside us.

This is the benefit of travel for humans.

I live my life as a traveler and don’t know what awaits me ahead, but I can only read one sign that says “Changes are ahead” - and I have no choice but to smile. Looking around at other travelers, I see that they are smiling too. We smile all together, knowing that a new experience awaits us just around the corner - an unexpected adventure, a rewarding experience, a daring challenge, a true friend or the love of our life.

Why do people travel? Is it really just to take a 2-week break from work, spend the money accumulated over six months and create the illusion that “they can afford it”?

You've been planning for a long time. But work-home-family-responsibilities-loans and other excuses don’t even allow you to breathe out to understand what changes you need. You continue to run at the usual crazy pace of life, without doing anything.


Think, look at your life from a different angle, decide what you lack now and what prevents you from living in harmony with yourself. Does not work? Then here’s some working advice for you: leave the house and go a little further than the usual home-work-shop-home route.

By leaving your usual environment, even for a short period of time, turn your life into a journey full of uncertainty, and you will be able to get to know yourself from the most unexpected sides.

Why travel if it's good at home?

Does the unknown scare you? This is fine. Fear of the new is a common occurrence in the life of every person. But weigh all the benefits of travel and your fear – are they on the same scale? Let's figure out what travel teaches us and whether we should actively look for excuses to defend our fears.

What travel can teach you

1. You will look up from the couch.

Thinking about the upcoming voyage, we begin to worry about the difficulties that await tourists. We are worried that we will not find a place to stay for the night, that we will not be able to communicate with the residents of another country in our broken English. What do travel teach? Because all the fears listed above are in vain. Gather your courage, focus on your goal and hit the road. It is a mistake to think that traveling is either a “round the world” trip, where you burn all your bridges, or a package holiday that limits you to an all-inclusive system. How much do you know about the surrounding areas of your city? About the life of residents of neighboring villages? Surely there are a lot of interesting things near you. Start discovering the world small.

2. Travel changes your worldview.

The first thing he learns after visiting different countries is that exotic places are not as dangerous as they seem. You can feel comfortable in any city. This rule also applies to wildlife: by following basic safety rules, you are guaranteed to avoid trouble. Moreover, in a metropolis a person is more likely to die (for example, by being hit by a car) than in a desert or forest.

3. You will constantly expand your horizons.

What are travels for? To get to know the world and get acquainted with the culture of other peoples. Don't worry about the friendliness of the people: the locals always treat travelers politely and try to help them. If you are not one of the “Tagil” fans, don’t spoil their heritage and don’t laugh at the culture of the country in which you are a guest, then traveling will definitely bring you new acquaintances and faith in people. Many people will be happy to provide you with an overnight stay, show you the way, and tell you about the interesting sights of their country.

4. You don’t have to be a millionaire to see the world.

Travel more and you will realize that you don't need to spend millions to do it. Big money is necessary only for those who dream of a sea cruise to exotic islands. Although, if you make friends with the locals, you can easily avoid these expenses. When organizing your travels yourself, you only need to have a small amount of cash to buy food, pay for transport and hotel rooms or places in hostels. Living in the latter, by the way, despite its cheapness, can give you a huge amount of experience and impressions.

What kind of travel should I do if I have a modest budget?

Vacation on a grand scale, which the Russian soul requires, in fact turns out to be completely unnecessary: ​​without wasting money, you will spend time much more interesting than buying and ordering everything you want. And the main trophy will be the emotions and discoveries that you make for yourself. A two-day hike with backpacks in the forest will bring more benefits than you won’t get by relaxing in a five-star hotel with “all-inclusive” for two weeks.

5. Things are just things.

First-time tourists consider it their duty to take 10 suitcases on the road with outfits for all occasions and full equipment in case of the end of the world. But over time, travel teaches that an abundance of luggage only gets in the way. A person on the road (as in life) needs a minimum of clothing, two pairs of shoes, hygiene products, money and documents.

You can’t decide which of the two T-shirts you have is better to take with you, but you end up putting both in your backpack. Why do you voluntarily complicate your life? Learn to make choices, starting with little things like this.

Once you start traveling, you will realize that you absolutely do not need most of the things you have, and you can painlessly get rid of them by freeing up space in your closet. The same applies to unnecessary emotions, unnecessary worries, uninteresting people and habitual obligations - by getting rid of such “junk”, you will make room for new things.

6. Find out how a tourist differs from a traveler.

Travelers and tourists are not the same thing. The first ones communicate with local residents, get acquainted with traditions, make new acquaintances, change their worldview and improve their lives. The latter fearfully glance at everything that is happening from the windows of the bus. Locals scam tourists out of money, and share food and shelter with travelers. Travel changes people and teaches them that they need to be simpler and not be afraid to learn new things, teach them to be open with others and appreciate every person who comes into life.

7. Travel is not a vacation.

You've probably heard more than once how traveling changes many people, making them stronger and more resilient. And you actively travel to Cyprus and Turkey, but you don’t notice any changes... And this is not because hiking in the mountains or tundra with a heavy backpack is a workout for the body. Not because in the most harmless resort city you can be left without money or find yourself in a difficult situation. It’s just that when traveling, you don’t set the goal of “lying down” under a palm tree, relieving stress from work or family. You change your lifestyle from the usual to an improved version of it. Traveling can be physically difficult, but it also relieves the mind. Therefore, they are not looking for physical relief; they provide much more than relaxed muscles.

8. You are your best friend and travel companion.

Can't find travel companions to go on the road with a fun group? This will only benefit you. There is no better way to understand yourself, the world, and cultivate fortitude than solo travel. Traveling alone is an incomparable experience. By relying only on your own strengths, you will begin to believe in yourself more and learn to make responsible decisions on your own. This will make it easier for you to meet new people, try unusual things and take on unfamiliar roles, since you won’t have to look up to anyone and won’t be afraid of anyone’s judgement.

The heroine Reese Witherspoon went on a similar journey in the film “Wild” after upheavals in her life: overcoming the difficulties of the route on a solo trip, she was able to save herself from mental suffering. If you can't figure it out, maybe solo travel is what will help you now?

9. It's a small world.

Long journeys have changed the opinion of millions of people that our planet is vast. It only seems like this when you watch about other countries on TV. In reality, it is possible that you will meet your friends when you go to Cambodia, India or Kamchatka. Or, in a quiet, remote corner of the world, meet someone from your hometown.

Travel more and don't be afraid to communicate with people, search. Perhaps one of the billions of people who will change your life will meet you in a place you never thought possible.

10. The joy of returning.

No matter how good it is along the way, returning home is a joyful moment for every person. Arriving in your hometown, you will be glad to meet your loved ones and work colleagues. And the changes that happen to you on your journey will certainly affect your life. And if you want to change your life now, try to start with at least a short trip to an unfamiliar place.


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