What can hurt on the right side of the back? Pain below the lower back: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods

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Pain in the right side of the back, arising for an unknown reason, is a symptom of many diseases and pathological conditions, some with severe consequences (even fatal). Any pain signal is a way of feedback from the body to the brain, insistently demanding attention to a specific area of ​​the body.

The right side of the back hides important nodal points and vulnerable organs. Even a shadow of doubt about the origin of pain in the right side of the back requires immediate consultation with a doctor. Timely detection of a problem saves the patient’s health, becoming the first step towards recovery.

Along with pain caused by directly located organs, in medicine there is the concept of radiating pain.

Referring pain is characterized by unexpected spread and localization in unexpected places, even far from the direct source.

The subjective perception of pain on the right side of the back can be characterized in detail by the following characteristics:

  • Stabbing– usually occurs when moving. Acute pancreatitis can be an example of the alarming consequences of why the right side behind the back hurts with injections while standing still;
  • Sharp, burning, cutting– are equally likely to be caused by injuries to the spine, lateral or spinal muscles, and by pathologies in the functioning of internal organs;
  • Pulling– run in a continuous background and are signs of severe pathological processes;
  • Shooting– characteristic of vertebral injuries, radiculitis, rheumatism, and other neurological disorders. Usually this is pain in the lower back and lower back.

Mild pain and muscle stiffness are a natural consequence of incorrect posture and conditions: lack of optimal furniture, choice of a sleeping position that is inappropriate for the body. If the intensity of pain gradually increases, inflammation most likely occurs.

Sharp pain in the right side of the back, gradually transforming into aching, serves as one of the criteria for determining muscle tension, vertebrae, and blocks.

Where does it hurt?

You can recognize or at least specify back pain on the right, guided by the basic principles that are characteristic (but not mandatory; it is necessary to take into account hundreds of nuances) for certain diseases.

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Between the shoulder blades

In the area of ​​the scapula, pain is characteristic of both pulmonary and neurological diseases. The difference is revealed by the presence of additional factors: temperature, vomiting, swelling, cough, difficulty breathing.

Under the ribs

From the back, under the last rib - in the area on the back right - there are four vital organs at once: the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen (not directly, but can shoot through). The disease of each of them is extremely dangerous and requires immediate hospital treatment.

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A sharp stabbing accentuates problems with the gallbladder (cholecystitis, associated with feverish heat of 39 and above), if the pain on the right side is aching and continuously radiates to the back - the problem is in the liver.

On the right side

The back area in the right center is an acute penetrating pain, which most likely means a problem with the kidneys (especially if the right side hurts from the back, shooting down to the bladder and urinary ducts). Less commonly, an acute form of appendicitis (due to the genetic characteristics of the structure, an anomaly in the placement of the appendix, in which it is located closer to the back, is regularly encountered).

In the lower back

If the lower back hurts unbearably, shooting in the right side or below, this is a sign of both pathologies in the spine (coccyx hernia) and the urinary system. The difference is that in the first case the pain depends on the posture of the body and rises from below, in the second it is constant and radiates to the perineum.

Possible reasons

The concentration of organs and systems in the lumbar region makes accurate diagnosis difficult - too many vital nodes are concentrated here. Back pain appears on the right side as a manifestation of a wide range of problems:

  • Respiratory system;
  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • Urinary and reproductive system;
  • Spine;
  • Nervous system.

When the right back hurts, it is important to determine a clear description of the characteristic features, intensity and location of the pain - this will simplify the diagnosis and speed up adequate counteraction to the causes.

Respiratory system

  • Dry pleurisy, pneumonia, emphysema - the consequences of various inflammations of the lung tissue are sometimes accompanied by acute pain in the right side of the back;
  • Pneumothorax (difficulty breathing due to the accumulation of fluid or gases in the cavity inside the pulmonary pleura) - strong, paralyzing breathing that reverberates throughout the body;
  • Cancers, sarcomas - often the main symptoms are hidden and the progression of metastases is determined by sharp pain in the right side from the back, such as intercostal pain.

Digestive tract

  • Colic in various parts of the intestines. Wave-like pulsating contractions, in a certain localization of the outbreak, spread from this area;
  • Cholecystitis is an extensive inflammation of the gallbladder, caused by blockage of the bile duct with a stone. A piercing burning pain on the right side of the back just below the ribs;
  • Appendicitis is an inflamed worm-like lower appendix of the intestine. A characteristic feature is that the sensation covers the entire abdomen, then migrates and hurts a little on the right side of the back. Continuous aches with sharp outbreaks during movements.

Urinary system

  • Renal colic - unbearable pain in waves in the right side of the lower back, shooting into the groin area;
  • Hydronephrosis - resembles the previous version with a greater emphasis on wave-like sensations;
  • Pyelonephritis and nephritis of general types - severe pain in the right back in an acute form is accompanied by similar symptoms of colic with fever and additional pain in the joints and muscles;
  • Cyst - aching periodic pain in attacks, increasing in severity, swelling, problems with urination.


They are divided into diseases themselves (osteochondrosis,) and consequences of injuries (intervertebral hernia). The latter, which causes nagging pain with flares in the right side of the back, can also include a fracture of the ribs or pelvic bone in the appropriate places. The criteria for an increased risk of spinal pain in the back and lower back are:

  • Constant sitting position, leading to the accumulation of degenerative processes in the spine (driving, working in an office, at a computer);
  • High physical stress on the body (work as a loader, builder, excessive strength training);
  • Pregnancy and childbirth significantly change both lower posture and metabolism, making the young mother’s body more susceptible to back pathologies;
  • Excess weight (doubly true for those who have lost a lot of weight).

Nervous system

  • Pinching of the spinal nerves and dorsalgia (nerve pain) are characterized by a dull aching manifestation with acute outbreaks when the body takes a particularly unfortunate position;
  • Neuralgia of the ribs in severe form radiates to the shoulder blade and lower back.

In some cases, the patient feels pain in the lower back only or mainly on the right side. Understanding the possible causes of lower back pain on the right, as well as its typical characteristics, can help in making an accurate diagnosis and, as a result, prescribing the most effective treatment.

The main causes of lower back pain on the right

Lower back pain on the right is usually caused by the following reasons:

  • damage to the muscles, ligaments and/or tendons surrounding and supporting the spine (in a word - soft tissue);
  • problems with spinal structures, such as the facet joints or intervertebral discs;
  • conditions or diseases affecting the internal organs of the mid-back, abdominal and pelvic areas.

It is recommended to consult a doctor if lower back pain on the right side does not go away or gets worse after a few days after it started, if the pain appears suddenly and severely, or if it is accompanied by alarming symptoms.

In most cases, lower back pain is the result of minor injuries to the muscles and/or ligaments of the lower back, and our body usually has sufficient resources to deal with this type of injury on its own. If the pain does not subside within three days, you should consult a doctor.

Right lower back pain is usually caused by damage or injury to vertebral structures, such as the muscles of the lower right back, the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine, or the facet joints. Although many problems with these structures are more likely to cause pain in the center of the back, it is also likely that the pain will be felt mainly or entirely on one side of the lower back.

Right lower back pain and muscle strain

Muscle strains are the most common cause of lower back pain and can cause pain felt primarily on the right side.

Typical symptoms of a muscle strain include:

  • limited mobility (movements such as bending forward or turning to the side may be painful or impossible);
  • tenderness and/or swelling in the right lower back;
  • spasm of the lower back muscles;
  • pain that is relieved by rest, such as sitting with your legs elevated and knees slightly bent with support - for example, in a reclining chair, in a bed with properly propped up pillows;
  • pain that subsides with the use of cold and hot compresses;
  • pain that responds at least somewhat to over-the-counter pain medications
  • pain that gets worse when getting out of bed or from a sitting position.

In most cases, muscle strains are the result of relatively minor injuries, such as turning sharply while lifting a heavy bag of groceries. A muscle strain can also result from a sports injury or car accident.

Most often, the pain from a muscle strain subsides after a few days and does not require attention from doctors.

Spinal problems

The cause of pain in the lumbar spine can be any problem with the vertebral structures, for example, the facet joints, intervertebral discs in any motion segment, or the nerve roots that exit the spine in each segment on the right side.

Common spinal problems that can cause right lower back pain include:

Hernia in the lumbar spine

An intervertebral disc, located between adjacent vertebrae, may bulge on the right side of the spine. can cause dull, aching pain in the lower back due to pinching of the spinal root in the narrow foramen. Pain in the lower back on the right can be combined with pain in the buttock and right leg to the foot.

Problems with t joints ()

Stiffness, discomfort, and tenderness in certain areas of the lower right side of the back are likely symptoms of osteoarthritis of the facet joints of the spine. In some cases, the nerves on the right side of the spine become pinched by a bony growth at the joint, which can lead to right lower back pain and local tenderness;

The lumen of the spinal canal may narrow due to herniated discs, bone spurs and other problems, leading to pain in the lower back on the right, as well as radicular pain and/or weakness in the right buttock and leg;

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction

The sacroiliac joint connects the pelvic bones to the base of the spine. If the sacroiliac joint moves too much or, conversely, too little, pain may be felt in the lower back on the right side and/or in the right hip;

Ankylosing spondylitis

This inflammatory disease may originate in the lower sacroiliac joint, and early symptoms of the disease may include right-sided low back pain and/or right hip pain. In the long term, ankylosing spondylitis can lead to fusion of the facet joints and vertebrae, which will limit the mobility of the spine.

Treatment for spinal problems varies depending on the condition and severity of the patient's symptoms. We believe that the most effective is an integrated approach to the treatment of osteochondrosis and its complications. Thus, non-load-bearing spinal traction has the greatest clinical effect, with the help of which you can increase the distances between the vertebrae, reduce pain and improve the nutrition of all intervertebral discs. Special gymnastics, various massage techniques, hirudotherapy in combination with spinal traction give very good treatment results.

Less common causes of right lower back pain

Certain spinal problems and painful conditions with potentially serious consequences can also cause right lower back pain. Such conditions include:

Degenerative spondylolisthesis

Degenerative is a condition in which, due to age-related changes in the spine, the upper vertebra moves forward in relation to the lower one. This condition can create additional stress on the back muscles, as well as compress the nerve roots, which will lead to pain in the lower back on the right, and also, as a rule, to pain along the sciatic nerve - through the buttock and/or thigh into the right leg;

Chronic pain syndromes

Fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome are chronic pain conditions that can cause musculoskeletal pain throughout the body, as well as pain concentrated in the lower back on the right side. Other symptoms include tenderness in specific areas (trigger points) and chronic fatigue;

Tumor in the spine

Cancerous tumors rarely develop directly in the spine; in most cases, they spread to the spine from other parts of the body. If the tumor presses on the right side of the spine or compresses a nerve root on the right, the result may be right-sided lower back pain.

Some conditions are more difficult to diagnose than others. If the patient has chronic symptoms that occur intermittently or become progressively worse, an attempt may be made to provide a detailed written description of when the symptoms occur and how severe they are. This can help the doctor quickly make the correct diagnosis and begin appropriate treatment.

Right lower back pain caused by internal organ problems

There are many problems with the internal organs located in the mid-back, abdominal and pelvic areas that can potentially cause right-sided lower back pain. Pain can result from inflammation or irritation of internal organs, or be a sign of infection. In such conditions, as a rule, in addition to lower back pain on the right side, there are other symptoms that can significantly reduce the scope of searches at the stage of diagnosis.

Below are a few common causes of right lower back pain:

Kidney problems

The symptoms of kidney stones and kidney infections can be very similar. Both conditions can cause back pain on one side, as well as pain when urinating and nausea and/or vomiting. Difficulty urinating usually occurs when a stone moves inside the kidney, enters the ureters and then into the bladder and urinary tract. In this case, the patient may notice blood in his urine. Infection of the right kidney causes fever, local inflammation and pain in the lower back on the right, where the kidney is located;

Ulcerative colitis

This inflammatory bowel disease is characterized by persistent inflammation of the colon. Frequent abdominal cramps with ulcerative colitis can cause right-sided lower back pain. Other symptoms include chronic digestive problems such as diarrhea, rectal pain, weight loss and general weakness;


The appendix is ​​located in the lower right side of the abdomen. If the appendix becomes inflamed, leaks, or ruptures, it can cause symptoms including lower back pain on the right side. In general, symptoms of appendicitis vary and include sudden pain in the right lower abdomen, which may be accompanied by additional symptoms such as fever, nausea and vomiting, and/or right lower back pain;

Gynecological problems

Problems with various reproductive organs in women located in the pelvic region can lead to lower back pain on the right side. For example, endometriosis is a common disease that can cause sporadic, sharp pain in the pelvic area, radiating to the lower back on the right side. Fibromatosis, or the appearance of tissue growths in or around the uterus, can cause right-sided lower back pain along with abnormal menstruation, increased urination, and pain during sex;


Right lower back pain and lower back pain in general often appears during pregnancy and is associated with fetal development. Many women in this situation find methods such as rest, exercise and complementary therapy helpful.

Inflammation of the gallbladder

Inflammation or dysfunction of the gallbladder is usually accompanied by severe digestive upset, especially after eating. Gallbladder dysfunction usually causes pain in the upper right side of the abdomen and right side of the back;

Liver problems

Pain associated with liver problems can result from inflammation (hepatitis), abscess, scarring (cirrhosis), and liver enlargement and failure. Symptoms of liver problems include pain in the upper right side of the abdomen and/or back, fatigue, nausea or lack of appetite, and jaundice. Liver problems are quite rare in people who are not at risk of developing them.

If you suspect that the conditions described above may be the cause of right-sided lower back pain, it is recommended that you quickly seek medical help.

Obviously, there are a large number of diseases and conditions of the internal organs that can also lead to right-sided lower back pain, so it is important to very clearly describe your symptoms when visiting your doctor so that he can quickly make a correct diagnosis and create an effective treatment plan.

Right lower back pain and emergency conditions

In some cases, lower back pain on the right side may be a sign of a serious condition that needs quick and qualified help. For example, lower back pain on the right is often a symptom of the following conditions:


This condition occurs when the appendix, located in the lower right side of the abdomen, becomes inflamed and/or ruptured. This may cause sharp, severe pain in the right lower back and/or pain in the right lower abdomen. Symptoms vary and may include nausea, vomiting or high fever. Symptoms may appear suddenly or develop gradually;

One of the most severe complications of a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. Occurs with large intervertebral hernia or with a medium-sized hernia against the background of a narrow spinal canal. Symptoms may begin suddenly or develop gradually, but eventually there is permanent dysfunction of the pelvic organs and/or dysfunction of the lower extremities, most often paresis of the foot. The condition requires immediate, mostly surgical, treatment for a limited time. Cauda equina syndrome can be caused by other reasons, for example, the presence of a tumor in the lumen of the spinal canal, spinal tuberculosis, and so on.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

An abdominal aortic aneurysm manifests itself in its enlargement or rupture. Symptoms usually include very severe, sudden pain in the abdomen or lower back, as well as symptoms associated with low blood pressure, such as loss of consciousness and/or nausea;


Osteomyelitis is an infection of the spine. It usually manifests itself as severe back pain along with a high fever. Other symptoms may include unexplained weight loss, as well as inflammation, redness, or tenderness of the soft tissue near the spine.

Patients need to understand when to seek medical help. Rule of thumb: See your doctor if your back pain is so severe that it prevents you from doing normal activities, such as walking, standing, or sleeping, or if your severe back pain comes on suddenly and does not improve with rest or taking pain medications.

Back pain on the right may be evidence of diseases of various internal organs (kidneys, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, intestines, genitourinary system), as well as the musculoskeletal system. In case of acute pain, a person is usually bothered by other symptoms that can more accurately indicate the cause of their occurrence, these include: fever, chills, constipation or diarrhea, change in urine consistency, menstrual cycle failure, etc.

If pain on the right side of the back bothers you for more than two or three days, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo an examination. The examination is carried out extensively. Women should definitely see a gynecologist, and men should see a urologist; they also take urine and blood tests, do an ultrasound of internal organs, an ECG, a CT scan, and more.

What kind of pain can there be in the back right below the lower back?

The nature of the pain may indicate its causes and type of pathology. Painful sensations can be either temporary or periodic.

Temporary pain usually occurs with sudden movements or being in an uncomfortable position (usually sitting). Acute pain may occur when trying to stand up completely or bend over.

Aching pain usually indicates the development of a number of degenerative diseases of the spine.

Acute ones usually appear after injuries. Pulling may be evidence of the development of hepatitis or hepatomegaly.

If pain manifests itself in the lower back and groin when lying on the stomach, most likely we are talking about damage to the upper parts of the spine.

If the discomfort intensifies when running or walking, this may be evidence of inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Common causes for women and men

Nagging pain in women most often indicates that a certain gynecological disease is developing. In men, this usually indicates the onset of prostatitis.

Aching pain often indicates that osteomyelitis is developing - a dangerous pathology that requires immediate treatment.

Also, the most likely causes of lower back pain on the right side include:

  • (the pain will intensify when sneezing, coughing or an uncomfortable position. When you try to strain, lumbago will appear - acute pain that stops any movement);
  • and (sharp pain that partially radiates to the legs);
  • lumbar spondylosis (the pain is severe and constant, goes away if you bend forward or lie on the left side curled up. Also often accompanied by numbness of the leg and lameness);
  • spinal injuries;
  • neoplasms of various nature, etc.

During pregnancy, many women complain of lower back pain. They can be caused either by poor positioning of the fetus or by overstrain of certain muscles. Women are advised to rest more, use special bandages, and exercise within the limits.

Back pain that occurs on the right side in the lumbar region can be a sign of a large number of diseases: from diseases of the musculoskeletal system to inflammatory processes in the lungs. It is quite difficult to determine the origin of pain on your own, so if you experience recurring symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Timely consultation with a specialist and professional diagnostics will allow you to most accurately determine the cause of pain, begin appropriate treatment on time, and therefore avoid various kinds of complications.

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    Causes of pain in the lumbar region

    Similar symptoms are typical for a number of diseases:

    • lower respiratory tract;
    • (spine, back muscle tissue);
    • Gastrointestinal tract (pancreas, liver, gallbladder, intestines);
    • urinary and reproductive systems (right kidney, right ovary).

    To determine which organ requires additional attention, you need to analyze the nature of the pain and the characteristics of its manifestation:

    • determine as accurately as possible the location of the occurrence of this symptom;
    • describe the pain (stabbing, cutting, aching, pulling, burning, sharp, lumbago, weak, wavy, feeling of heaviness);
    • understand where it goes (to the leg, arm, shoulder, etc.);
    • identify whether additional symptoms are present (dizziness, nausea, vomiting, bowel movements, fever, cough, general weakness).

    This will help you prepare for your doctor's visit. After all, the accuracy of the patient’s answers at the initial appointment determines what tests will be prescribed and how quickly a diagnosis will be made.

    In addition, it is important to remember when pain first appeared and what events preceded it. Perhaps the pain that arises is situational and appeared after serious physical exertion or an uncomfortable body position, and inflammatory processes in the body have nothing to do with it. This can happen during heavy sports activities, a long bus ride, or a long plane flight.

    But if the pain does not go away or even intensifies, this indicates that the body has been struck by a serious disease.

    Kidney diseases

    If it hurts on the right under the ribs, from behind the back you feel constant dull, aching twitching, which intensifies when you lightly tap the lower rib with your fingertips on the side of the diseased kidney - this is a clear sign of acute pyelonephritis. In this case, the pain does not radiate anywhere, but is accompanied by a high temperature, often even chills, and a frequent urge to urinate. Against the background of a general loss of strength, nausea occurs, sometimes vomiting, and swelling appears.

    With chronic right-sided pyelonephritis, the pain in the right side from the back in the lumbar region is also aching, but rather weak. It increases significantly in case of hypothermia. Additional symptoms accompanying this disease are almost no different from those of its acute form: low-grade fever, frequent urination. But it happens that at the very beginning of the disease there are no accompanying signs, except pain symptoms.

    When, at the beginning of the disease, an intermittent dull pain is periodically felt in the right side at waist level from the back , which often appears after exercise or coughing, suggest nephroptosis (kidney displacement). The peculiarity of the disease is that pain symptoms appear when a person is in an upright position, and gradually disappear if he lies down. During the development of the disease, if left untreated , the pain in the side will only intensify, and colic may even occur.

    If the right side from the back hurts badly, the attacks are similar to contractions, during which the pain radiates to the lower abdomen right up to the pubis, then spreads to the lower back, this most often indicates renal colic. This disease may be accompanied by fever and vomiting, and less commonly, bloating. With such symptoms, it would be best to call an ambulance and immediately take an antispasmodic. If there are no additional signs of illness, it is good to use a warm heating pad as a remedy for pain. It is better to take it half-sitting so that the urinary tract is lower than the kidney.

    Aching pain in the back on the right side, independent of body position, sometimes reaching colic, indicates hydronephrosis (enlargement of the renal pelvis). With this disease, weakness and nausea may be felt, the urine darkens and acquires a reddish tint, which indicates the presence of blood in it. The presence of the disease can only be determined using ultrasound and x-rays.

    When a sharp, piercing pain in the back on the right occurs, accompanied by symptoms similar to signs of pyelonephritis and urolithiasis, as well as very high fever, chills, thirst and dry mouth, this is a kidney abscess (purulent inflammation). In this case, all that is required is to call an ambulance and prepare for the operation.

    A dull pain of varying intensity in the right side behind the lumbar region, which increases with running, fast walking and traveling in transport, as well as from drinking a large amount of liquid, indicates the presence of urolithiasis. Difficulty urinating usually accompanies the disease.. WithThe degree of pain depends on the size of the stone in the urinary tract.

    If the right side of the back hurts, and these sensations are long-lasting and aching in nature, intensify during physical activity, eating fatty and spicy foods, as well as after drinking alcoholic beverages, and weaken at rest, then liver disease is evident. Additional symptoms: nausea, possibly heartburn, bitter taste in the mouth, fatigue, yellow skin.

    Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

    Very severe pain in the right side under the ribs occurs due to a lumbar intervertebral hernia. Pain may descend lower: into the popliteal region, lower leg, or onto the back of the thigh. Often, with the disease, people complain of numbness in certain areas of the lower extremities, tingling and burning in the toes, and paresis. The pain intensifies when walking, and becomes more tolerable in a lying position. Intervertebral hernias of the lumbar region are treated by an orthopedic surgeon.

    The right side of the back in the hypochondrium area hurts with varying intensity for two days after the fall. This indicates a spinal column injury. In this case, you should definitely see a surgeon. In some cases, a person's internal organs may be damaged as a result of the incident. Depending on this, additional symptoms arise: pain, nausea, vomiting, headache. They must also be reported to your doctor.

    If a dull, intermittent pain that occurs in the right side of the back, radiates to the shoulder, arm or leg, and prevents movement (bending over, straightening the back) - this is a (dystrophic change in the cartilage of the joints). The disease is one of the most common: it manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent in every fifth Russian. Its occurrence is provoked by a sedentary lifestyle. Pain in the back occurs during physical exertion, sudden movement, and also during prolonged stay in one position. At the same time, in a state of rest, the painful sensations subside.

    One-sided dull aching pain in the lower back, which is annoying, regardless of the mobility of the body and its position, and sharply turns into an acute lumbago when pressing with the fingertips on the disturbing part of the back, often indicates the occurrence of spondylosis (deformation of the vertebrae due to the growth of bone tissue). Sometimes this disease causes numbness in the legs. The presence of spondylosis can be determined using a comprehensive examination (MRI and X-ray). The disease is treated with anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

    If you constantly feel a nagging, aching pain in the lower back, which intensifies during the day and with sudden movements (turns, bends) gives a lumbago, most likely it is an intervertebral hernia. Acute pain subsides when lying down. To alleviate the condition, they take painkillers, visit a physical therapy room, and take a course of therapeutic massage.

    Severe pain radiating to all parts of the spine, characterized by loss of sensitivity, numbness and tingling of the lumbar muscles, indicates radiculitis. With this disease, the roots of the spinal cord are affected. Sometimes the process is accompanied by a burning sensation in the affected area. To alleviate the condition, they take painkillers and massage sessions.

    Lung diseases

    Characteristic stabbing or cutting pain, intensifying with deep breathing, as well as with sudden movements, suggests pleurisy. When the pleura is inflamed, the pain usually goes away if you lie on the affected side. Additional symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath. The disease can be diagnosed by ultrasound or x-ray.

    If the pain is felt under the shoulder blade or under the ribs, and worsens with deep breathing or coughing, then this may be the beginning of pneumonia. Subsequently, the temperature rises, a cough appears, sputum is produced, and a feeling of weakness occurs.

    If the pain is very strong, sharp, stabbing, radiates to the arm, shoulder, and intensifies with breathing and coughing, this is pneumothorax (accumulation of gases in the pleura of the lungs). A person wants to sit or take a reclining position, shortness of breath, cold sweat, and panic appear. Diagnosed by radiography and pulmonary puncture.

    Unbearable and constant severe pain occurs only in the last stages of cancer, if the tumor grows into the pleura.

    The pain is very strong, sharp, cutting on the right side under the shoulder blade, indicating a pulmonary infarction. Additional symptoms: shortness of breath, tachycardia, expectoration of blood.

    Digestive system diseases

    Usually accompanied by additional symptoms : abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.

    Flatulence is the accumulation of gases in the intestines. The pain is dull, nagging, accompanied by bloating. Appears after taking certain foods (legumes, soda, etc.), as a result of intestinal diseases or neurosis. Painful symptoms are removed by antispasmodics, sorbents and defoamers.

    Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix. If the appendix is ​​located behind the cecum, then painful sensations do not occur in the abdomen, as happens in most cases, but in the lower right lower back. The pain is acute, constant, radiating to the leg, groin, and pelvic area. If you lie on your left side, it will intensify. Additional symptoms: nausea, weakness, sometimes temperature above 38 degrees. Urgent surgery required!

    Intestinal colic is a spasm of the intestinal muscles. The pain in the lower back is burning, cramping: it intensifies and then decreases. After some time it moves to the abdominal area. Additional symptoms: weakness, frequent urination, nausea, diarrhea. Possible causes: poisoning, stress, intestinal diseases, gastritis. For intestinal colic, take antispasmodics and apply a heating pad.

    Acute cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. Pain in the right side of the abdomen in the hypochondrium, radiating to the area below the right shoulder blade. It may go away on its own after some time (half an hour to an hour). Occurs more often at night or in the morning, after eating fatty foods or alcohol. Additional symptoms: bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting bile, white coating on the tongue. Diagnosed by blood, urine, stool tests, and ultrasound of the gallbladder. It can be treated surgically or with medications; diet must be followed.

    Acute pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Pain in the side of the abdomen, radiating to the lower back on the right. In rare cases, there is no sensation from the abdomen and is felt only in the back in the central part on the right. The pain is dull, cramping: it intensifies and then weakens. Additional symptoms: nausea, vomiting without relief, the face acquires a grayish tint, bloating. If the pain intensifies, call an ambulance! While waiting for the doctor, you can take an antispasmodic. In chronic pancreatitis, a dull pain occurs in the right side of the back after overeating or drinking alcohol.

    Other reasons

    Acute or nagging pain with tingling under the right rib may appear as a result of psychosomatic diseases. It usually occurs periodically and does not last long. In this case, a neurologist or psychiatrist will help the person get rid of pain.

    Discomfort in the lower right part of the back may be caused by diseases of the urinary system. With them, the unpleasant sensations do not go away and do not decrease, even if the person is motionless. Representatives of the fairer sex should take into account that pain concentrated under the right rib is a sign of a number of gynecological diseases. To diagnose them, you need to contact an antenatal clinic.

    Pain in the right side, felt in the back area, is a symptom that can appear with the following diseases. Pain in the right side of the abdomen can be caused by diseases of the pancreas. Yes, aching pain on the right side closer to the ovaries can occur before menstruation.

    But nagging pain in the lower back does not always indicate health problems. If it occurs after a night and then disappears without a trace, then its cause is an uncomfortable bed. In this case, the person just needs to change the mattress

    If it hurts on the right side of the abdomen

    Abdominal pain can be caused by a wide variety of reasons. In order to be able to guess what caused the pain, it is necessary to understand such indicators as localization, nature, duration, and provoking factors.

    Various diseases of the digestive, genitourinary and retroperitoneal tissues can lead to pain in the right side under the ribs and lower abdomen. The right side hurts during pregnancy when the growing uterus puts pressure on the pelvic and abdominal organs.

    To find out the cause of back pain on the right or left, you should not be guided by symptoms alone; it is very important to visit a doctor in a timely manner and conduct additional laboratory and instrumental examinations.


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