What's new in cancer treatment. New in cancer treatment Individual cancer treatment programs are effective

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A glass of red wine for women with breast cancer can be a real salvation, because it increases the effectiveness of therapy significantly. The secret lies in an ingredient called resveratrol. It enhances the effect of anti-cancer drugs. Laboratory tests have shown that the ingredient can prevent cancer cells from developing resistance to rapamycin. Indeed, previous research has shown that rapamycin works, but […]

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Scientists have created a virus that, when it enters the human blood, can infect cancer cells. Doctors believe that this method can seriously change the practice of fighting cancer. Tests conducted on 23 volunteers with different types of cancer showed that the virus can only infect tumors without affecting healthy tissue. Oncologists call the results of the experiment promising, despite the fact that […]

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A new scientific study has found that those who eat a varied diet and consume plenty of fruits and vegetables are less likely to develop laryngeal cancer. Doctors examined patients who had been diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the larynx a year earlier. A group of healthy people was invited for comparison. All participants followed dietary guidelines for 2 years. Using these data, researchers […]

Scientists suggest that cabbage extract could become the basis for drugs to treat cancer. Tests have shown that different varieties of cabbage contain substances that help reduce malignant tumors. Scientists have discovered a pattern that if cabbage extract is used in combination with selenium, which is often used in the treatment of various malignant tumors, the effectiveness of the drug increases. In laboratory conditions it was possible to prove that [...]

The risk of many types of cancer in developed countries can be reduced by more than 40% just through proper diet and exercise. By switching from a car to a bicycle or replacing fatty foods with fruits and vegetables, you can protect yourself from cancer of the breast, intestines and other organs, experts say. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, […]

Cancer experts believe new dietary guidelines issued by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) could significantly reduce cancer risk. Currently in the United States, more than two-thirds of adults and one-third of children are obese or overweight. New recommendations place greater emphasis on reducing dietary energy intake and increasing physical activity, and recommend increasing […]

People who have had non-melanoma skin cancer have a doubled risk of developing other types of cancer, according to American scientists. Experts believe that the highest risk of other types of cancer is in young people. Results from a previous study showed that people with non-melanoma skin cancer have a high risk of developing melanoma, which can be fatal, […]

WHO experts believe that a third of all neoplasms can be prevented. Therefore, modern doctors pay increased attention not only to diagnosis and therapy, but also to preventive measures. Only in certain situations do they need

Every year the number of cancer patients is growing more and more. This trend is largely due to the demographic aging of the population. Some experts argue that the main cause of this serious disease is an unfavorable environmental situation. But in combination with genetic predisposition and work in chemical production, the risk of getting cancer increases. New in cancer treatment– an increasingly relevant topic today, since traditional methods used to destroy cancer cells are not always effective.

For many years, scientists have been working to develop new methods that could eliminate this terrible disease or at least stop its progression. The experimental results give impressive hope that. Let's consider modern methods for treating cancer that have proven themselves to be positive.

New cancer treatments

Thanks to medical progress and innovative technologies, new methods of treating cancer are in many ways superior to traditional methods of treating oncology: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy. The latter are inferior in their effectiveness, treatment period, duration of rehabilitation or general toxicity.


This method is based on the effect of ultra-low temperature (down to -198°C) on cancer cells. Cryosurgery is used both to destroy cancer cells of internal organs and superficial tumor formations. Using a cryoprobe or surface application, liquid nitrogen forms ice crystals within the cancer tissue, resulting in tumor destruction and necrotic cells being sloughed off or absorbed into other tissues.


Can be used to treat precancerous and certain types of cancer, namely:

  1. Oncology of the skin (basal, squamous cell carcinoma), osteoarticular system, liver, prostate, retina, lungs, oral cavity, .
  2. Keratosis.
  3. Cervical dysplasia.

The possibility of using cryosurgery to treat oncology of the kidneys, breasts, and intestines, as well as its compatibility with traditional methods of treatment, is currently being studied.

If you use this method in the early stages of the disease, with a low degree of malignancy and small tumor size, the effect of treatment will give the most favorable results.


  • cryofibrinogenemia;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • cryoglobulinemia;
  • cold urticaria.

Advantages :

  • tissue damage is minimal, so no suturing is required after the procedure, which makes the treatment method less traumatic;
  • local effect on the tumor leaves healthy cells unharmed;
  • the duration of the procedure itself takes a short period of time;
  • Compared to traditional treatment methods, this method has a short recovery period, because pain, bleeding and other complications are minimized.

Flaws :

The consequences that await the patient after the procedure are not as serious and severe as with other treatment methods, but still, the patient should be aware of the possible side effects of cryosurgery:

  1. The appearance of pain, bleeding, spasms in the area of ​​the removed tumor.
  2. Loss of sensation.
  3. The appearance of scars, pigmentation on the skin, its thickening, swelling,...
  4. When treating the liver, damage to the bile duct is possible.
  5. When treating the prostate, disruption of the urinary system and impotence may occur.
  6. If the tumor has metastasized, then cryosurgery will not be able to affect the relapse.
  7. When treating bone cancer, cracks may appear in them.

Since the method is quite new and its prevalence is not as widespread as traditional oncology treatment, doctors cannot clearly name all the possible consequences of the procedure. But the effectiveness of the treatment is beyond doubt - the tumors disappear, which makes cryosurgery increasingly in demand in our time.

Price :

The cost of the procedure depends on the location and extent of tumor spread. The average price abroad can be about 5 thousand dollars, in Russia – 2 thousand dollars.

Cyber ​​Knife

Translated - “cyber knife”. This method is an excellent alternative to traditional surgery. The principle of action is the radiological effect on the tumor. The radiation beam irradiates the tumor from different angles, which causes radiation to accumulate in the cancer cell and destroy it. Healthy cells regenerate safely. The course of treatment is from 1 to 5 sessions (the duration of the procedure is up to 90 minutes). At stages 1 and 2 of the disease, recovery is effective in 98% of cases.


  1. Places inaccessible for surgical intervention.
  2. Recurrence of malignancy.
  3. Malignant and benign tumors of any location.
  4. Inability for any reason to use traditional cancer treatment methods.


There are practically no contraindications, with the exception of particularly severe stages of cancer, when the tumor exceeds 5 cm.

Advantages :

  • the tumor is treatable regardless of its type and location;
  • no anesthesia or incisions are required. The patient is not at risk of bleeding, pain, or cosmetic defects. The procedure is absolutely painless;
  • there is no rehabilitation period;
  • the method is compatible with traditional methods of treatment;
  • healthy tissues are not damaged, since the ultra-precise direction of the rays at different angles has a cumulative effect on cancer cells;
  • the possibility of treating several pathological foci simultaneously.

Flaws :

Recovery may not occur after the first session. As the tumor shrinks (or shrinks), the result will be noticeable, and this often takes more than one procedure.

If the formation is larger than 3.5 cm, then the use of this method will be ineffective. In addition, there is neoplasm, but it is significantly lower than the risk after using traditional cancer treatments.

Price :

The price of treatment using this method in Russia can vary between 150-350 thousand rubles.

New drugs for cancer


This is an antitumor cytostatic drug whose active ingredient is chlorambucil. The principle of action is cell alkylation. The active component disrupts the DNA replication of cancerous formations.


The medication is taken in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Hodgkin's disease;
  • chronic lymphocytic leukemia;
  • malignant lymphoma;


Pregnant and lactating women should not take the medicine. Also, you should not take the medicine if you are individually intolerant to any component of the drug; for severe kidney or liver diseases.

Advantages :

The medicine stops the development of cancer cells 2-3 weeks after use. The drug has a toxic effect on both non-dividing and dividing malignant cells. Rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

Flaws :

May cause irreversible suppression of bone marrow function, decreased production of leukocytes, decreased hemoglobin, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reaction in the form of rashes, tremors, convulsions, hallucinations, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, weakness, anxiety.

Price :

Sold by prescription and the average cost is 3,300 rubles.


The medicine belongs to the PD-1 receptor blocker drugs. The principle of action is based on the inhibition of cellular immunity. The small size of the active substance penetrates the cancer cell, binds to PD-1 receptors, which subsequently reduce and block the activity of lymphocytes. The use is effective in the most aggressive malignant forms.


  1. Progressive lung cancer.
  2. Inoperable melanoma (when it is impossible to remove it or medications do not work).


Pregnant and lactating women, young people under 18 years of age, patients with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and liver diseases are contraindicated to take the medication.

Advantages :

The drug prevents the development and growth of malignant tumors, and also prevents the appearance and development of metastases. With proper treatment and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, the patient’s condition will be noticeably improved and life expectancy will be increased.

Flaws :

The medicine may exhibit side effects of varying intensity: allergic rash, nausea, vomiting, itching, diarrhea, swelling of the arms and legs, problems with kidney function.

Price :

The drug has a high cost - for 40 mg, the patient will have to pay almost 1000 USD.

New technologies in cancer treatment, which include innovative antitumor drugs and methods of targeting the tumor, are an excellent alternative to traditional treatment. Clinical studies confirm the effectiveness of the above methods and medications. With a competent approach to treatment and following all the doctor’s recommendations, even severe stages can be treated, this gives great hope for recovery.

The death rate from cancer has fallen by 23% since its peak in 1991. Currently, America's biopharmaceutical companies are working on more than 800 anti-cancer drugs.

Reader's Digest is partnering with Stand Up to Cancer, an organization that funds innovative research projects that will help bring new treatments faster.

Conduct genetic screening

“One of my ovarian cancer patients told me that her mother and grandmother died of the same disease,” recalls Elizabeth Swisher, MD, an oncologist at the University of Washington. “By the time she came to me, it was already too late. I tested her to determine the mutation that caused the cancer pathology. I then suggested that her daughter undergo a genetic test and have her ovaries removed as a preventative measure. She will probably be the first person in four generations of women in her family not to die of cancer.”

Individual cancer treatment programs are effective

By deciphering thousands of genes, scientists can find out which mutations they carry, and then, based on the type of mutations, select the right drugs. Today, targeted therapies are used for many types of disease, including lung, breast, colorectal and melanoma cancers.

Study of cancer cell type

“We had an 11-year-old patient with a rare form of leukemia who had received chemotherapy four times, but her cancer kept coming back,” says Arul Chinnaiyan, MD, a pathologist at the University of Michigan. “Finally, we examined her tumor cells and discovered a genetic mutation that was sensitive to a certain compound. We gave her this drug, and the disease was in remission for 18 months.”

Blood test will replace needle biopsy

Scientists have developed a blood test that can identify biomarkers of stage 1 cancers in the bloodstream. Cancer centers are already exploring the use of the tests, but scientists hope that one day a routine blood test will help detect cancer.

It is possible to help the immune system fight tumors

Cancer cells use a type of "brake" to turn off your immune system's response. Immunomodulators relieve this brake, allowing the immune system's T cells to attack cancer cells.

The test results were stunning. Three immunotherapy drugs were offered to 5,000 patients with stage IV melanoma. Three years later, 20% of them were still alive. “Many patients lived more than ten years without signs of disease,” says Tak Wak Mak, PhD, an immunologist and molecular biologist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Center in Toronto, Ontario.

A combination of drugs may be the best treatment

“If we take only one drug, the cancer may mutate or become resistant,” says Dr. Chinnaiyan. “But we are finding that using a cocktail of drugs may be more effective.”

Viruses are our most secret weapon

“When a virus invades a tumor, it tricks the cancer cells into thinking they are infected, so they begin to self-destruct or produce new antigens that can also fight them,” says Peter Jones, Ph.D., chief scientist at the Van Andel Research Institute at Grand -Rapids, Michigan. The FDA recently approved a genetically modified form of the herpes virus for the treatment of melanoma. And at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, scientists are treating brain cancer by injecting tumors with a genetically modified polio virus.

Pap smear, which can detect ovarian cancer

“A test has been developed that can detect genetic markers for ovarian and endometrial cancer in cervical fluid collected during a routine cancer test,” says Dr. Nelson. The research is in its early stages, but it is important because the disease kills 14,000 women a year because it is diagnosed too late.

Creating a chip that can detect escaped tumor cells

Malignant cancer tumors send free cells into the bloodstream. They provoke the appearance of new tumors in other parts of the body. But because there is one such cell for every one billion blood cells, scientists have not yet been able to detect them. Finding them is important because the reason people die from cancer is because the cells spread to other places.

Visit an oncologist as well as a surgeon

Over the past decade, surgical treatment of oncology has come to the fore, while moderate treatments such as lumpectomy have faded into the background.

An oncologist can talk with you about the advantages and disadvantages of surgery and may suggest alternative treatments.

Watch your diet

Many researchers believe that eating too much sugar and quick-release carbohydrates is especially dangerous. Sugar increases insulin levels, and insulin activates P13K, an enzyme implicated in the development of many cancers.

For many of us it's personal.

“I decided to become an oncologist when I was 16 years old after losing both of my parents to cancer,” says Patricia LoRusso, director of innovative medicine at Yale Cancer Center in Connecticut. “I wanted to understand thoroughly what destroyed my childhood.”

Clinical trials are the best way to access the latest treatments

If you are not in the placebo group, you get the standard treatment plus whatever is currently being tested. And when doctors find that a therapy is particularly effective, they often move on to a trial that allows every patient to receive the drug being studied.

Naturopathic remedies do not cure

Evidence shows that naturopathic remedies do not cure cancer. Doctors warn against purchasing such drugs, as they can only aggravate an already too difficult situation.

Look for a cancer center

“It's important to have access to the latest technologies, treatments, trials and medications, and cancer centers are where you can find those things,” Dr. Cantlie says. - Look for an institute that has extensive experience working with a particular type of cancer or, better yet, one that is conducting research on the subject.

Cancer is no longer a death sentence

“My father had lymphoma when he was 76 years old,” says Daniel von Hoff, MD, chief medical officer and director of translational research at the Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. The father said: “I know that most people with this diagnosis die.” Daniel von Hoff replied that this was not so, but his father did not want to listen to him. The oncologist exclaimed, “Dad, I’m a cancer researcher. If you die, I'll look bad." My father underwent treatment, and this stopped the disease. He is now 94 years old and doing well.

Little money is spent on fighting cancer

“Federal investment in cancer research (adjusted for inflation) has stagnated for decades. At the same time, the cost of conducting research has increased,” says Dr. Haber. So many good projects don't get funded.

Cancer has many varieties

“In fact, there are more than 100 unique diseases, each with dozens of genetic subsets,” says Dr. Chinnaiyan. “Even cancers that occur in the same part of the body may have different genetic backgrounds.”

Knowing your family's cancer history is important, especially if you have more than one relative with cancer

“Genetic tests can show you every known inherited cancer gene,” says Dr. Swisher. “Finding out whether you have a mutation is not a death sentence, but a call to action.”

Too little attention paid to prevention

The vast majority of available research funds are spent on developing treatments, with only a portion focused on prevention. However, at least 21% of cancer deaths in the United States can be attributed to preventable causes such as smoking and obesity. This is evidenced by a CDC study. Other studies put the figure closer to 50%.

The fight against cancer is everyone's business

Stand Up To Cancer asks the public for donations for cutting-edge cancer research. Stand Up To Cancer partners with scientific partner the prestigious American Association for Cancer Research to present the latest scientific information.

Created by Bradley Couded, the program includes the famous telephone and multimedia banks. One hundred percent of donations received from the general public go towards supporting cancer centers.

It will be moderately stressful for them. Perhaps in the coming year you will have to experience a strong moral shock, which will require you to mobilize all available forces to confront these rebellious circumstances.

We want to assure you that you will bravely cope with the impending storm, in addition, you will acquire an invaluable amount of experience and knowledge that will allow you to cope with similar situations in the future without excessive emotionality. According to astrologers, you are most likely to encounter “pitfalls” at work or in the field of professional training.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer says that this period will be a significant period when they will be able to show only their best side. Over the course of several months, you will be able to accomplish something important for yourself and those around you. This is especially true for those things that you have been putting off for so long: quit smoking, start eating right, or talk to a person with whom you have had unresolved issues for a long time.

In addition, in 2017 you will have the chance to meet relatives who live far from you. The most stressful moments will occur in the first half of the year, but since you will enter the era of the Rooster full of strength, you will be able to overcome all these obstacles without difficulty. Those Cancers who will feel some kind of relaxation at the beginning of the year should not try to cheer themselves up.

Such artificial attempts will only lead you to complete exhaustion, and the time spent on raising your spirits will be wasted. But you will need strength in those moments when you need to recover after a difficult and productive period.

During the period under review, Cancers should not show excessive loyalty to those around them, otherwise they will begin to take advantage of your kindness and peacefulness for their own purposes. Try to learn to say no, even to those closest to you. Without a doubt, you need to be kind and understanding, but don't let others get on your neck. You've always been nice to everyone, it's time to be a little selfish this time.

In 2017, you should also rest and relax more: go out of town, to the sea or to the ocean. If you don’t have this opportunity, try to relax at home - take a hot bath, read your favorite book, watch a movie.


The professional sphere promises to exude calm and stability. The main thing is to join the work process in time, pick up the right pace and not be distracted by various little things. As soon as your superiors notice your zeal, they will definitely appreciate these efforts, perhaps even financially. The stars assure you that you won’t need to exert much effort at work, everything will go on a smooth, well-trodden road. But in the middle of the year, according to , old unresolved matters may appear on the horizon and require your attention.

It is also likely that Cancers at work at the end of autumn will reap the fruits of past mistakes that they have completely forgotten about. However, you will easily get out of the situation and end all long-standing problems - this is a period of stability, which means that Cancers will survive the well-forgotten old things without shocks. Particular attention should be paid to relationships with colleagues.

There is a good chance that you will learn something interesting from your colleagues, even from those whom you previously considered not professionals. Listen to the opinions of people trying to help you, because they really do it from the bottom of their hearts. In general, 2017 is an ideal period to “build bridges” with work colleagues and firmly strengthen existing ties.

You will be surprised, but among the people with whom you spend most of your time there will be true friends, although before you would not even think about friendship at work. If you have been thinking about advanced training courses for a long time, then you need to do this in the approaching Year of the Rooster.

All the knowledge gained in these courses will be stored in your memory for a very long time, and you will not feel any discomfort. Cancers will perform all operations clearly and “automatically”.


Throughout 2017, Cancers will be trying to cope with their debt obligations. It is likely that you have long borrowed money from someone you know, and the Year of the Rooster will be an excellent opportunity to pay the bills. If you have several unpaid loans or installments, then you need to clearly plan your income to include the payment of all these debts without making any delays.

In the case where they owe you, it is better to remind the borrower that the debt is repayable. I would like to note that Cancers will receive an affirmative answer to such a request and will sooner receive their money. In general, the financial situation of representatives of this sign promises to stabilize in the second half of the year. Try to settle all your money issues and unfinished financial matters before the end of the year so that you can enter the new year debt-free.

As for the preparation of financial documents, some difficulties may arise. As expected, various bureaucratic obstacles and formalities will appear on your way from time to time. Towards the end of the year, Cancers can still count on an increase in their cash reserves: you may receive a bonus or increase your salary.

Love horoscope for Cancers for 2017

This horoscope evokes somewhat contradictory feelings. At first, Cancers' relationships will develop quite rapidly, especially in the first half of the year. Sometimes love hurricanes will start to “tear off” the roof of the representatives of the Cancer sign. At the same time, some people born under this star will begin to show excessive jealousy towards their significant other, and completely groundless jealousy.

If you want to avoid loud scandals and breakups, we advise you to postpone such a manifestation of love and behave a little more restrained and more reasonable. Try to listen to your soulmate, and Ottelo’s style has never made anyone happy. It is possible that jealousy will be shown in your direction.

Again, in order not to run into trouble, try to have a calm and reasonable conversation with your loved one, explain the reasons for all your actions. Despite all this, 2017 will still be full of pleasant moments and unexpected surprises from your partner. Most Cancers will encounter tender and romantic confessions, pleasant dates and other positive events characteristic of this area. Try to enjoy every minute and remember these rosy days well.

Already starting from the second half of the year, Cancers will be able to feel dramatic changes in their personal lives. Real long-awaited harmony will begin in the relationship; all the quarrels and misunderstandings that happened earlier will be settled at one fine moment. This will allow Cancers to finally understand themselves and their feelings. Even everyday problems will cease to worry you, and you will not react to them so sharply.

Married couples who have long been planning to make some kind of major purchase for their home (furniture, household appliances, plumbing fixtures) should definitely make such valuable acquisitions. Renovating an apartment or changing the design will be very successful. Don’t worry about doing something wrong, because the likelihood of making a mistake in this matter is extremely small.

However, if you are planning to buy and sell real estate, then it is better not to do it in 2017. The stars recommend that Cancers pay special attention to the safety of their apartment or house.

Carefully examines the suitability of wiring, sewer pipes, and the serviceability of electrical and gas appliances. If you notice a problem, try to fix it as soon as possible or purchase new equipment. An excellent option would be to insure all your property against accidents.

In 2017, Cancers should show maximum attention to their loved ones and relatives. Be prepared for the fact that they can turn to you for help at any time, and you should give practical advice. It is possible that you will throw all your strength into helping your family and sacrifice personal time, but this sacrifice will not cause you discomfort; on the contrary, inexhaustible optimism will only cheer up your relative or friend.

Throughout 2017, Cancers who have children will begin to actively participate in their lives and upbringing. They will devote all their free time to their children, in particular, helping with homework. Probably, at the beginning of the year you will have a desire to send your child to some kind of developmental courses or section to reveal his talents. Be sure to listen to what your child wants, and only then make the final decision - this year you will be able to easily get along with each other.


The first half of 2017 will be an excellent period to engage in some useful procedures and activities that you have dreamed of for so long. This could be yoga, Pilates, bodyflex and other healing courses that will certainly benefit your body. Even during the period under review, it is advisable to begin to engage in sanatorium-resort treatment, because it is during this period that it will have the maximum effect.

But even if you cannot afford this kind of trip in the near future, try to visit specialized health centers at least on weekends - the effect will be almost the same.

Cancers will have to devote the entire second half of the year to cleansing their body of waste and toxins. This can be done with a not very strict diet. Another important point in 2017 for Cancers regarding health is strengthening the immune system.

For these purposes, start going to the gym, take a contrast shower, and eat right. In 2017, try to pay attention not only to your health, but also to the well-being of those close to you.

Video horoscope

According to WHO, the number of people diagnosed with cancer increases every year around the world. Cancer has become the leading cause of death in Western countries. In turn, it is encouraging that thanks to early diagnosis, more and more patients are cured of cancer. However, even those who beat cancer are still at risk of developing a recurrence in the future.

Therefore, along with screening to detect early signs of cancer, the medical community is constantly trying to develop innovative methods that will improve patients' chances of recovery. The past year has seen a number of significant advances in clinical cancer research.

CAR-T cell therapy

Genetic tests

Genetic tests are screening tests that look at up to several thousand genes found in tumor cells. Identification of mutations in tumor cells is necessary in order to prescribe personalized treatment with biological drugs to the patient. In some cases, genetic tests allow the use of a drug against a mutation that has proven effective in treating another type of cancer.

Thus, genetic tests can expand the therapeutic window by allowing drugs to be tailored to the genetic code of the tumor. The development of personalized medicine allows us to escape the limitations of conservative treatment methods.

Genetic tests have gained regulatory approval in recent years, but by the end of 2017 there was another revolution in the field. FDA approves genomic test for cancer: FoundationOne's study, called FoundationOnexx, scans 324 genes and two genetic signatures for tumor growth and mutations in tumors that can be targeted with specific drug therapies. The FoundationOnexx test is designed for a variety of cancer types, and is specifically approved for patients with metastatic cancer, diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer, skin and melanoma cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer and. Today, all cancer patients need to take genomic tests very seriously, especially in the following cases:

  • In case the patient does not respond to the standard treatment protocol (adjusted according to the type of cancer and stage of the disease).
  • In case a patient is diagnosed with a cancer that has a low chance of cure, especially in patients with metastatic cancer.
  • If the pathological analysis of the tumor is indeterminate or unambiguous.
  • If a patient is diagnosed with a cancer of unknown origin.

Liquid biopsy ctDNA

In 2017, the study of freely circulating tumor DNA fragments began. It is called liquid biopsy or ctDNA. This test can detect mutations in cancer cells in those patients whose biopsy cells cannot be obtained additionally. For example, in some tumors it is not possible to isolate large numbers of cells. The advantage of this method is the possibility of repeated blood tests, which make it possible to monitor the development of the tumor and its response to therapy. Thus, without resorting to an invasive biopsy, it is possible to study the genomic changes of a cancer tumor and the mutation profile. And based on the data obtained, revise the treatment protocol.

An example of this is the FDA's 2017 approval of Keytruda to treat adults and children with all types of cancer. But only on condition - if their genomic tests detect a certain biomarker or genomic instability index (MSI index - MicroSatellite) at a high level: MSI-H. This is a score that assesses the stability of the genetic load and assesses whether the patient will respond well to immunotherapy. The drug has also been approved for cancer patients by detecting defective DNA mechanisms through a test called dMMR (abbreviated dNA MisMatch Repair).

Keytruda is approved for the vast majority of patients with solid tumor cancers, but only if their condition has worsened after previous treatment or all existing therapies have been exhausted. The treatment is also aimed at treating patients with colorectal cancer that has progressed after treatment with multiple types of chemotherapy drugs. Cancers with defects confirmed by the dMMR test and high genomic instability (MSI-H) include cancers of the colon, uterus and stomach. Genomic abnormalities are also present in malignant tumors of the breast, prostate, bladder and thyroid gland.

At the June meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago, it was reported that among 86 patients with cancer of various etiologies, more than half responded positively to immunotherapy with Keytruda.

Combinations of drugs

Another trend that is gaining momentum in immunotherapy is the use of combinations of drugs that were previously prescribed to cancer patients as monotherapy. Thanks to the combinatorial approach, patients' chances of recovery increase. In October 2015, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first combination drug regimen for the treatment of metastatic skin cancer.

We are talking about two drugs - and. The mechanism of action of these drugs is not identical, but their use in the form of a combination significantly increases the rate of positive response of patients to treatment - up to 60%. This is an unparalleled success rate compared to the results of monotherapy.

In 2017, the trend for combination treatments intensified. The FDA has approved another protocol for patients diagnosed with non-small cell cancer (NSCLC) with the V600E mutation in the BRAF gene. We are talking about a combination of biological drugs Tafinlar and Mekinist. These drugs are currently approved for the treatment of melanoma. After three years of follow-up, the combination treatment resulted in a positive response (survival) in 61% of patients, compared with 27% in patients receiving only one drug.

Cancer and the microbiome

The results of medical research in the field of the human microbiome have become a new source for the development of innovative treatments. The microbiome consists of trillions of microorganisms that inhabit the human body. These include bacteria, viruses and ancient bacteria. Numerous studies have found that the microbiome-human symbiosis plays a dramatic role in protecting people from disease.

Until now, microbiology has been concerned primarily with the mechanism of diseases that affect the digestive system, including Crohn's disease. Additionally, an imbalance in the microbiome, called dysbiosis, has a strong link to various diseases and conditions, including multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, allergies, asthma, and even autism.

Last year it became clear that the composition of these bacteria may also play a role in the development of various types of cancer. These findings opened the door to a new generation of cancer drugs. Currently, this area is being studied in many medical centers around the world, as well as in Israel, at the Institute. Weizmann.

The work of American and Israeli researchers, published in the journal Science, suggests that bacteria localized in pancreatic tumors can lead to a decrease in the effect of chemotherapy drugs. Therefore, prescribing antibiotics to patients can protect the pancreas from bacterial attack and optimize the treatment process.

Specialists from the American M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center conducted an interesting study among patients with metastatic melanoma. It turned out that the intestinal microbiome activates the natural immune system of patients and enhances the body's response to immunotherapy drugs.

In 2016, American researchers reported in the British Medical Journal that an oral microbiome containing the microorganism Porphyromonas gingivalis is associated with 59% of pancreatic cancer cases. Japanese researchers reported to the journal Clinical Cancer Research that the microorganism Fusobacterium nucleatum was found in patients diagnosed with esophageal cancer. In 2017, British researchers from the journal PLoS ONE reported a link between microbial composition and the risk of developing stomach cancer.

Based on the findings, a probiotic diet that enriches the body with beneficial bacteria may have anti-cancer properties. A study conducted by a joint team from Finland and China, completed last year, found that mice given probiotics had a 40% reduction in tumor size compared to mice that were given tumors without pre-treatment with probiotic drugs.

Today, many researchers argue that the microbial composition of cancer patients differs from the microbial composition of healthy people. New research will help to better understand the mechanisms that lead to the development of malignant tumors, as well as improve the ability to identify tumors. The goal of further studying the microbiome in cancer patients requires extensive testing analysis.


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